From 75070fbf0e3ae8e0bdfc0cc491c89b871766b1f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ivar Stefansson <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 18:28:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Replace combine_faces.m

 scripts/combine_faces.m | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/combine_faces.m b/scripts/combine_faces.m
index c77bd9d..70b4a75 100644
--- a/scripts/combine_faces.m
+++ b/scripts/combine_faces.m
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-function [cell_vertices_on, vertices_p] = combine_faces(cell_vertices_on, vertices_p,isvertical)
-%UNTITLED2 calculates the average of the two pressure values for the faces
-% which coincide with the line
-if isvertical
-    cell_xory = sort([cell_vertices_on(:,2),cell_vertices_on(:,4),],2);
-    cell_xory = sort([cell_vertices_on(:,1),cell_vertices_on(:,3),],2);
-for i = 1:length(vertices_p)/2 % two values for each face
-    ind = ismember(cell_xory(:,1),cell_xory(i,1));
-    r = find(ind);
-    n = length(ind);
-    % remove the second cell
-    cell_vertices_on = [cell_vertices_on(1:r(2)-1,:);cell_vertices_on(r(2)+1:n,:)];
-    cell_xory = [cell_xory(1:r(2)-1,:); cell_xory(r(2)+1:n, :)];
-    % replace the first pressure by the mean of the two
-    vertices_p(r(1)) = mean(vertices_p(ind));
-    % and remove the second one
-    vertices_p = [vertices_p(1:r(2)-1);vertices_p(r(2)+1:n)];
+function [cellVerticesOn, verticesP] = combine_faces(cellVerticesOn, verticesP,isVertical)
+%combine_faces calculates the average of the two pressure values for the faces
+% which coincide with the line
+if isVertical
+    cellXOrY = sort([cellVerticesOn(:,2),cellVerticesOn(:,4),],2);
+    cellXOrY = sort([cellVerticesOn(:,1),cellVerticesOn(:,3),],2);
+for i = 1:length(verticesP)/2 % two values for each face
+    ind = ismember(cellXOrY(:,1),cellXOrY(i,1));
+    r = find(ind);
+    n = length(ind);
+    % remove the second cell
+    cellVerticesOn = [cellVerticesOn(1:r(2)-1,:);cellVerticesOn(r(2)+1:n,:)];
+    cellXOrY = [cellXOrY(1:r(2)-1,:); cellXOrY(r(2)+1:n, :)];
+    % replace the first pressure by the mean of the two
+    verticesP(r(1)) = mean(verticesP(ind));
+    % and remove the second one
+    verticesP = [verticesP(1:r(2)-1);verticesP(r(2)+1:n)];