diff --git a/scripts/intersection_between_inclusive.m b/scripts/intersection_between_inclusive.m
index eb54930bf66c78be93eafd6faeaa970ea414e912..0820e1d38ab2efd94b459bf18362bcbd768e6312 100644
--- a/scripts/intersection_between_inclusive.m
+++ b/scripts/intersection_between_inclusive.m
@@ -1,59 +1,56 @@
-function [ intersection ] = intersection_between_inclusive( k, vk, l, vl, between)
-%UNTITLED2 Calculates intersections of two lines specified by two sets of
-%points. If between is true, an empty value is returned if the intersection
-%is outside the endpoints of either one of the lines
-%   lines in format [x1, y1; x2, y2]
-%                   [11, 12; 21, 22]
-% line k = ax + b,      l = cx + d
-% vk = true iff k vertical
-if vk
-    c = (l(2,2) - l(1,2)) / (l(2,1)-l(1,1));
-    d = l(1,2) - c*l(1,1);
-    y = c * k(1) + d;
-    if isnan(y)
-        if vl
-            intersection = [];
-        else
-            error('non-parallel lines did not intersect');
-        end
-    elseif between && (y > max(k(3:4)) || y < min(k(3:4)) || ...    
-                       y > max(l(3:4)) || y < min(l(3:4)))
-        intersection = [];
-    else
-        intersection = [k(1), y];
-    end
-elseif vl
-    a = (k(2,2) - k(1,2)) / (k(2,1)-k(1,1));
-    b = k(1,2) - a*k(1,1);
-    x = l(1);
-    y = a * x + b;
-    if isnan(y)
-        error('non-parallel lines did not intersect');
-    elseif between && (y > max(l(3:4)) || y < (min(l(3:4))) || ...
-                       y > max(k(3:4)) || y < (min(k(3:4))))
-        intersection = [];
-    else
-        intersection = [x, y];
-    end
-    a = (k(2,2) - k(1,2)) / (k(2,1)-k(1,1));
-    c = (l(2,2) - l(1,2)) / (l(2,1)-l(1,1));
-    b = k(1,2) - a*k(1,1);
-    d = l(1,2) - c*l(1,1);
-    x = (d-b)/(a-c);
-    %y = a * x + b;
-   if isnan(x)
-        intersection = [];
-    elseif between && (x > max(l(1:2)) || x < (min(l(1:2))) || ...
-                       x > max(k(1:2)) || x < (min(k(1:2))))
-        intersection = [];
-   else
-        intersection = [x, a * x + b];
-   end
+function [ intersection ] = intersection_between_inclusive( k, kIsVertical, l, lIsVertical, between)
+%intersection_between_inclusive Calculates intersections of two lines.
+% The lines are  specified by two sets of points. If between is true, an empty value is returned if the intersection
+%is outside the endpoints of either one of the lines
+%   lines in format [x1, y1; x2, y2]
+%                   [11, 12; 21, 22]
+% line k = ax + b,      l = cx + d
+% vk = true iff k vertical
+if kIsVertical
+    c = (l(2,2) - l(1,2)) / (l(2,1)-l(1,1));
+    d = l(1,2) - c*l(1,1);
+    y = c * k(1) + d;
+    if isnan(y)
+        if lIsVertical
+            intersection = [];
+        else
+            error('non-parallel lines did not intersect');
+        end
+    elseif between && (y > max(k(3:4)) || y < min(k(3:4)) || ...
+                       y > max(l(3:4)) || y < min(l(3:4)))
+        intersection = [];
+    else
+        intersection = [k(1), y];
+    end
+elseif lIsVertical
+    a = (k(2,2) - k(1,2)) / (k(2,1)-k(1,1));
+    b = k(1,2) - a*k(1,1);
+    x = l(1);
+    y = a * x + b;
+   if between && (y > max(l(3:4)) || y < min(l(3:4)) || ...
+                  y > max(k(3:4)) || y < min(k(3:4)))
+        intersection = [];
+    else
+        intersection = [x, y];
+    end
+    a = (k(2,2) - k(1,2)) / (k(2,1)-k(1,1));
+    c = (l(2,2) - l(1,2)) / (l(2,1)-l(1,1));
+    b = k(1,2) - a*k(1,1);
+    d = l(1,2) - c*l(1,1);
+    x = (d-b)/(a-c);
+    if between && (x > max(l(1:2)) || x < min(l(1:2)) || ...
+                   x > max(k(1:2)) || x < min(k(1:2)))
+        intersection = [];
+    else
+        intersection = [x, a * x + b];
+    end