From ad573a24bbb1495361832862948b13e7201d696a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Jaust <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:06:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [WIP] initial commit for solver using monolithic flux

 .../1pspatialparams.hh                        |  91 +++
 .../CMakeLists.txt                            |  37 +
 .../ffproblem-reversed.hh                     | 414 ++++++++++++
 .../                       | 584 ++++++++++++++++
 .../                       | 637 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../monolithicdata.hh                         |  55 ++
 .../params.input                              |  41 ++
 .../pmproblem-reversed.hh                     | 320 +++++++++
 8 files changed, 2179 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/1pspatialparams.hh
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ffproblem-reversed.hh
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/monolithicdata.hh
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/params.input
 create mode 100644 appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/pmproblem-reversed.hh

diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/1pspatialparams.hh b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/1pspatialparams.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a042388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/1pspatialparams.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \ingroup OnePTests
+ * \brief The spatial parameters class for the test problem using the 1p cc model
+ */
+#include <dumux/material/spatialparams/fv1p.hh>
+namespace Dumux {
+ * \ingroup OnePModel
+ *
+ * \brief The spatial parameters class for the test problem using the
+ *        1p cc model
+ */
+template<class FVGridGeometry, class Scalar>
+class OnePSpatialParams
+: public FVSpatialParamsOneP<FVGridGeometry, Scalar, OnePSpatialParams<FVGridGeometry, Scalar>>
+    using GridView = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView;
+    using ParentType = FVSpatialParamsOneP<FVGridGeometry, Scalar, OnePSpatialParams<FVGridGeometry, Scalar>>;
+    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
+    // export permeability type
+    using PermeabilityType = Scalar;
+    OnePSpatialParams(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
+    : ParentType(fvGridGeometry)
+    {
+        permeability_ = getParam<Scalar>("Darcy.SpatialParams.Permeability");
+        porosity_ = getParam<Scalar>("Darcy.SpatialParams.Porosity");
+        alphaBJ_ = getParam<Scalar>("Darcy.SpatialParams.AlphaBeaversJoseph");
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining the (intrinsic) permeability \f$[m^2]\f$.
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     * \return the intrinsic permeability
+     */
+    PermeabilityType permeabilityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return permeability_; }
+    /*! \brief Define the porosity in [-].
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    Scalar porosityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return porosity_; }
+    /*! \brief Define the Beavers-Joseph coefficient in [-].
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    Scalar beaversJosephCoeffAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return alphaBJ_; }
+    Scalar permeability_;
+    Scalar porosity_;
+    Scalar alphaBJ_;
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/CMakeLists.txt b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e92710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# executables for the iterative case
+find_library(PRECICE_LIB NAMES precice HINTS ${LIBRARY_DIRS})
+find_package(Boost 1.65.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS log system) #Require same version as preCICE
+#dune_add_test(NAME test_ff_reversed_mono_flux
+#              SOURCES ../precice/ ../precice/
+#dune_add_test(NAME test_pm_reversed_mono_flux
+#              SOURCES ../precice/ ../precice/
+add_executable(test_ff_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ../../precice-adapter/src/ ../../precice-adapter/src/
+add_executable(test_pm_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ../../precice-adapter/src/ ../../precice-adapter/src/
+target_compile_definitions(test_ff_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice PUBLIC "ENABLEMONOLITHIC=0")
+target_compile_definitions(test_pm_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PUBLIC "ENABLEMONOLITHIC=0")
+target_compile_definitions(test_ff_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK)
+target_link_libraries(test_ff_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${PRECICE_LIB})
+target_include_directories(test_ff_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+target_compile_definitions(test_pm_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK)
+target_link_libraries(test_pm_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${PRECICE_LIB})
+target_include_directories(test_pm_reversed_mono_flux-no-precice  PRIVATE ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+# add a symlink for each input file
+  FILE(GLOB precice_files *.xml)
+  foreach(VAR ${input_files})
+    get_filename_component(file_name ${VAR} NAME)
+    dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES ${file_name})
+  endforeach()
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ffproblem-reversed.hh b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ffproblem-reversed.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9ef2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ffproblem-reversed.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \brief The free flow sub problem
+ */
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/components/simpleh2o.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh>
+#include <dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/model.hh>
+#include "../../precice-adapter/include/preciceadapter.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+template <class TypeTag>
+class StokesSubProblem;
+namespace Properties
+// Create new type tags
+namespace TTag {
+struct FreeFlowModel { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<NavierStokes, StaggeredFreeFlowModel>; };
+} // end namespace TTag
+// the fluid system
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel>
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using type = FluidSystems::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Dumux::Components::SimpleH2O<Scalar> > ;
+// Set the grid type
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel>
+    static constexpr auto dim = 2;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using TensorGrid = Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<Scalar, dim> >;
+//****** comment out for the last exercise *****//
+    using type = TensorGrid;
+//****** uncomment for the last exercise *****//
+    // using HostGrid = TensorGrid;
+    // using type = Dune::SubGrid<dim, HostGrid>;
+// Set the problem property
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel> { using type = Dumux::StokesSubProblem<TypeTag> ; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct EnableFVGridGeometryCache<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct EnableGridFluxVariablesCache<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache<TypeTag, TTag::FreeFlowModel> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
+ * \brief The free flow sub problem
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class StokesSubProblem : public NavierStokesProblem<TypeTag>
+    using ParentType = NavierStokesProblem<TypeTag>;
+    using GridView = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
+    using BoundaryTypes = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BoundaryTypes>;
+    using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename FVGridGeometry::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolumeFace = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolumeFace;
+    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
+    using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
+    using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
+    using FluidSystem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FluidSystem>;
+    using CouplingManager = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::CouplingManager>;
+    StokesSubProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry, std::shared_ptr<CouplingManager> couplingManager)
+    : ParentType(fvGridGeometry, "Stokes"), eps_(1e-6), couplingManager_(couplingManager)
+    StokesSubProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
+      : ParentType(fvGridGeometry, "FreeFlow"),
+        eps_(1e-6),
+        couplingInterface_(precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance() ),
+        pressureId_(0),
+        velocityId_(0),
+        dataIdsWereSet_(false)
+    {
+        deltaP_ = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(this->paramGroup(), "Problem.PressureDifference");
+//        pressureId_ =  couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Pressure" );
+//        velocityId_ = couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Velocity" );
+    }
+   /*!
+     * \name Problem parameters
+     */
+    // \{
+   /*!
+     * \brief Return the temperature within the domain in [K].
+     *
+     * This problem assumes a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
+     */
+    Scalar temperature() const
+    { return 273.15 + 10; } // 10°C
+   /*!
+     * \brief Return the sources within the domain.
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    NumEqVector sourceAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return NumEqVector(0.0); }
+    // \}
+   /*!
+     * \name Boundary conditions
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+     * \brief Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be
+     *        used for which equation on a given boundary segment.
+     *
+     * \param element The finite element
+     * \param scvf The sub control volume face
+     */
+    BoundaryTypes boundaryTypes(const Element& element,
+                                const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        BoundaryTypes values;
+        const auto& globalPos = scvf.dofPosition();
+        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+        // left/right wall
+        if (onRightBoundary_(globalPos) || (onLeftBoundary_(globalPos)))
+        {
+          values.setDirichlet(Indices::pressureIdx);
+        }
+        // coupling interface
+        else if(couplingManager().isCoupledEntity(CouplingManager::stokesIdx, scvf))
+        {
+            values.setCouplingNeumann(Indices::conti0EqIdx);
+            values.setCouplingNeumann(Indices::momentumYBalanceIdx);
+            values.setBJS(Indices::momentumXBalanceIdx);
+        }
+        else if ( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity(faceId) )
+        {
+        // // TODO do preCICE stuff in analogy to heat transfer
+            assert( dataIdsWereSet_ );
+          //TODO What do I want to do here?
+        //  values.setCouplingNeumann(Indices::conti0EqIdx);
+        //  values.setCouplingNeumann(Indices::momentumYBalanceIdx);
+          values.setDirichlet(Indices::velocityYIdx);
+//          values.setNeumann(Indices::conti0EqIdx);
+//          values.setNeumann(Indices::momentumYBalanceIdx);
+          values.setBJS(Indices::momentumXBalanceIdx);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            values.setDirichlet(Indices::velocityXIdx);
+            values.setDirichlet(Indices::velocityYIdx);
+        }
+        return values;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the boundary conditions for a Dirichlet control volume.
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    using ParentType::dirichlet;
+    PrimaryVariables dirichlet(const Element& element, const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
+        values = initialAtPos(;
+        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+        if( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity( faceId ) )
+        {
+          values[Indices::velocityYIdx] =
+              couplingInterface_.getScalarQuantityOnFace( velocityId_, faceId );
+        }
+        return values;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the boundary conditions for a Neumann control volume.
+     *
+     * \param element The element for which the Neumann boundary condition is set
+     * \param fvGeomentry The fvGeometry
+     * \param elemVolVars The element volume variables
+     * \param elemFaceVars The element face variables
+     * \param scvf The boundary sub control volume face
+     */
+    template<class ElementVolumeVariables, class ElementFaceVariables>
+    NumEqVector neumann(const Element& element,
+                        const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                        const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                        const ElementFaceVariables& elemFaceVars,
+                        const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        NumEqVector values(0.0);
+        if(couplingManager().isCoupledEntity(CouplingManager::stokesIdx, scvf))
+        {
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx] = couplingManager().couplingData().massCouplingCondition(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, elemFaceVars, scvf);
+            values[Indices::momentumYBalanceIdx] = couplingManager().couplingData().momentumCouplingCondition(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, elemFaceVars, scvf);
+        }
+        assert( dataIdsWereSet_ );
+        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+        if( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity( faceId ) )
+        {
+          const Scalar density = 1000; // TODO how to handle compressible fluids?
+          const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
+          const Scalar density_ = volVars.density();
+          values[Indices::conti0EqIdx] = density * elemFaceVars[scvf].velocitySelf() * scvf.directionSign();
+          values[Indices::momentumYBalanceIdx] = scvf.directionSign() * (couplingInterface_.getScalarQuantityOnFace( pressureId_, faceId ) - initialAtPos([Indices::pressureIdx]) ;
+        }
+        return values;
+    }
+    // \}
+    //! Get the coupling manager
+    const CouplingManager& couplingManager() const
+    { return *couplingManager_; }
+   /*!
+     * \name Volume terms
+     */
+    // \{
+   /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the initial value for a control volume.
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    {
+        PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
+        //values[Indices::velocityYIdx] = -1e-6 * globalPos[0] * (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - globalPos[0]);
+        if(onLeftBoundary_(globalPos))
+          values[Indices::pressureIdx] = deltaP_;
+        if(onRightBoundary_(globalPos))
+          values[Indices::pressureIdx] = 0.0;
+        return values;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the intrinsic permeability of required as input parameter for the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman boundary condition
+     */
+    Scalar permeability(const Element& element, const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        return couplingManager().couplingData().darcyPermeability(element, scvf);
+        return 1e-10; // TODO transfer information or just use constant value
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the alpha value required as input parameter for the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman boundary condition
+     */
+    Scalar alphaBJ(const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        return couplingManager().problem(CouplingManager::darcyIdx).spatialParams().beaversJosephCoeffAtPos(;
+        return 1.0; // TODO transfer information or just use constant value
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief calculate the analytical velocity in x direction based on Beavers & Joseph (1967)
+     */
+    void calculateAnalyticalVelocityX() const
+    {
+        analyticalVelocityX_.resize(this->fvGridGeometry().gridView().size(0));
+        using std::sqrt;
+        const Scalar dPdX = -deltaP_ / (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0]);
+        static const Scalar mu = FluidSystem::viscosity(temperature(), 1e5);
+        static const Scalar alpha = getParam<Scalar>("Darcy.SpatialParams.AlphaBeaversJoseph");
+        static const Scalar K = getParam<Scalar>("Darcy.SpatialParams.Permeability");
+        static const Scalar sqrtK = sqrt(K);
+        const Scalar sigma = (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1])/sqrtK;
+        const Scalar uB =  -K/(2.0*mu) * ((sigma*sigma + 2.0*alpha*sigma) / (1.0 + alpha*sigma)) * dPdX;
+        for (const auto& element : elements(this->fvGridGeometry().gridView()))
+        {
+            const auto eIdx = this->fvGridGeometry().gridView().indexSet().index(element);
+            const Scalar y = element.geometry().center()[1] - this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1];
+            const Scalar u = uB*(1.0 + alpha/sqrtK*y) + 1.0/(2.0*mu) * (y*y + 2*alpha*y*sqrtK) * dPdX;
+            analyticalVelocityX_[eIdx] = u;
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get the analytical velocity in x direction
+     */
+    const std::vector<Scalar>& getAnalyticalVelocityX() const
+    {
+        if(analyticalVelocityX_.empty())
+            calculateAnalyticalVelocityX();
+        return analyticalVelocityX_;
+    }
+    void updatePreciceDataIds()
+    {
+      pressureId_ = couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Pressure" );
+      velocityId_ = couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Velocity" );
+      dataIdsWereSet_ = true;
+    }
+    // \}
+    bool onLeftBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[0] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + eps_; }
+    bool onRightBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[0] > this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - eps_; }
+    bool onLowerBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[1] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1] + eps_; }
+    bool onUpperBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[1] > this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - eps_; }
+    Scalar eps_;
+    Scalar deltaP_;
+    std::shared_ptr<CouplingManager> couplingManager_;
+   precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter& couplingInterface_;
+   size_t pressureId_;
+   size_t velocityId_;
+   bool dataIdsWereSet_;
+    mutable std::vector<Scalar> analyticalVelocityX_;
+} //end namespace
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847c08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief A test problem for the coupled Stokes/Darcy problem (1p)
+ */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <ctime>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
+ #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
+ #include <dune/istl/io.hh>
+ #include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
+ #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+ #include <dumux/common/partial.hh>
+ #include <dumux/common/dumuxmessage.hh>
+ #include <dumux/linear/seqsolverbackend.hh>
+ #include <dumux/assembly/fvassembler.hh>
+ #include <dumux/assembly/diffmethod.hh>
+ #include <dumux/discretization/method.hh>
+ #include <dumux/io/vtkoutputmodule.hh>
+ #include <dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh>
+ #include <dumux/io/grid/gridmanager.hh>
+ #include <dumux/assembly/staggeredfvassembler.hh>
+ #include <dumux/nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh>
+#include "ffproblem-reversed.hh"
+#include "monolithicdata.hh"
+template<class ElementFaceVariables, class SubControlVolumeFace>
+auto velocityAtInterface(const ElementFaceVariables& elemFaceVars,
+                         const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf)
+    const double scalarVelocity = elemFaceVars[scvf].velocitySelf();
+    auto velocity = scvf.unitOuterNormal();
+    velocity[scvf.directionIndex()] = scalarVelocity;
+    return velocity;
+ }
+template<class FluxVariables,
+         class Problem,
+         class Element,
+         class SubControlVolumeFace,
+         class FVElementGeometry,
+         class ElementVolumeVariables,
+         class ElementFaceVariables,
+         class ElementFluxVariablesCache>
+auto pressureAtInterface(const Problem& problem,
+                         const Element& element,
+                         const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
+                         const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                         const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                         const ElementFaceVariables& elemFaceVars,
+                         const ElementFluxVariablesCache& elemFluxVarsCache)
+  FluxVariables fluxVars;
+  return fluxVars.computeMomentumFlux(problem, element, scvf, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, elemFaceVars, elemFluxVarsCache.gridFluxVarsCache()) /scvf.area();
+template<class FluxVariables, class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+void setInterfacePressures(const Problem& problem,
+                            const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                            const SolutionVector& sol)
+  const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+  auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+  auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+  auto elemFaceVars = localView(gridVars.curGridFaceVars());
+  auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridVars.gridFluxVarsCache());
+  auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+  const auto pressureId = couplingInterface.getIdFromName( "Pressure" );
+  size_t i = 0;
+  for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+  {
+    fvGeometry.bind(element);
+    elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFaceVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFluxVarsCache.bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);
+    for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+    {
+      if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+      {
+        //TODO: What to do here?
+//        const auto p = pressureAtInterface<FluxVariables>(problem, element, scvf, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, elemFaceVars, elemFluxVarsCache);
+        const auto p = MonolithicSolution::pressure[i];
+        ++i;
+        couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityOnFace( pressureId, scvf.index(), p );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+template<class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+void setInterfaceVelocities(const Problem& problem,
+                            const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                            const SolutionVector& sol)
+  const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+  auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+  auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+  auto elemFaceVars = localView(gridVars.curGridFaceVars());
+  auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+  const auto velocityId = couplingInterface.getIdFromName( "Velocity" );
+  for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+  {
+    fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
+    elemVolVars.bindElement(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFaceVars.bindElement(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+    {
+      if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+      {
+        //TODO: What to do here?
+        const auto v = velocityAtInterface(elemFaceVars, scvf)[scvf.directionIndex()];
+        couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityOnFace( velocityId, scvf.index(), v );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+template<class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+std::tuple<double,double,double> writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile( const std::string& filename,
+                                       const Problem& problem,
+                                       const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                                       const SolutionVector& sol)
+  const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+  auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+  auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+  auto elemFaceVars = localView(gridVars.curGridFaceVars());
+  const auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+  std::ofstream ofs( filename+".csv", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+  ofs << "x,y,";
+  if ( couplingInterface.getDimensions() == 3 )
+    ofs << "z,";
+  ofs << "velocityY" << "\n";
+  double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+  double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+  double sum = 0.;
+  for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+  {
+    fvGeometry.bind(element);
+    elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFaceVars.bindElement(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+    {
+      if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+      {
+        const auto& pos =;
+        for (int i = 0; i < couplingInterface.getDimensions(); ++i )
+        {
+          ofs << pos[i] << ",";
+        }
+        const double v = problem.dirichlet( element, scvf )[1];
+        max = std::max( v, max );
+        min = std::min( v, min );
+        sum += v;
+            //velocityAtInterface(elemFaceVars, scvf)[scvf.directionIndex()];
+        const int prec = ofs.precision();
+        ofs << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1) << v << "\n";
+        ofs.precision( prec );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ofs.close();
+  return std::make_tuple(min, max, sum);
+template<class FluxVariables, class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+void writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile( const std::string& filename,
+                                      const Problem& problem,
+                                      const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                                      const SolutionVector& sol)
+  const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+  auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+  auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+  auto elemFaceVars = localView(gridVars.curGridFaceVars());
+  auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridVars.gridFluxVarsCache());
+  const auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+  std::ofstream ofs( filename+".csv", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+  ofs << "x,y,";
+  if ( couplingInterface.getDimensions() == 3 )
+    ofs << "z,";
+  ofs << "pressure" << "\n";
+  for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+  {
+    fvGeometry.bind(element);
+    elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFaceVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+    elemFluxVarsCache.bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);
+    for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+    {
+      if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+      {
+        const auto& pos =;
+        for (int i = 0; i < couplingInterface.getDimensions(); ++i )
+        {
+          ofs << pos[i] << ",";
+        }
+        const double p = pressureAtInterface<FluxVariables>(problem, element, scvf, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, elemFaceVars, elemFluxVarsCache);
+        ofs << p << "\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ofs.close();
+int main(int argc, char** argv) try
+    using namespace Dumux;
+    // initialize MPI, finalize is done automatically on exit
+    const auto& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+    // print dumux start message
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+        DumuxMessage::print(/*firstCall=*/true);
+    // parse command line arguments and input file
+    Parameters::init(argc, argv);
+    // Define the sub problem type tags
+    using FreeFlowTypeTag = Properties::TTag::FreeFlowModel;
+    // try to create a grid (from the given grid file or the input file)
+    using FreeFlowGridManager = Dumux::GridManager<GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::Grid>>;
+    FreeFlowGridManager freeFlowGridManager;
+    freeFlowGridManager.init("FreeFlow"); // pass parameter group
+    // we compute on the leaf grid view
+    const auto& freeFlowGridView = freeFlowGridManager.grid().leafGridView();
+    // create the finite volume grid geometry
+    using FreeFlowFVGridGeometry = GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    auto freeFlowFvGridGeometry = std::make_shared<FreeFlowFVGridGeometry>(freeFlowGridView);
+    freeFlowFvGridGeometry->update();
+    // the problem (initial and boundary conditions)
+    using FreeFlowProblem = GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::Problem>;
+    auto freeFlowProblem = std::make_shared<FreeFlowProblem>(freeFlowFvGridGeometry);
+    // the solution vector
+    GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector> sol;
+    sol[FreeFlowFVGridGeometry::cellCenterIdx()].resize(freeFlowFvGridGeometry->numCellCenterDofs());
+    sol[FreeFlowFVGridGeometry::faceIdx()].resize(freeFlowFvGridGeometry->numFaceDofs());
+    // Initialize preCICE.Tell preCICE about:
+    // - Name of solver
+    // - What rank of how many ranks this instance is
+    // Configure preCICE. For now the config file is hardcoded.
+    //couplingInterface.createInstance( "FreeFlow", mpiHelper.rank(), mpiHelper.size() );
+    std::string preciceConfigFilename = "precice-config.xml";
+//    if (argc == 3)
+//      preciceConfigFilename = argv[2];
+    if (argc > 2)
+      preciceConfigFilename = argv[argc-1];
+    auto& couplingInterface =
+        precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+    couplingInterface.announceSolver( "FreeFlow", preciceConfigFilename,
+                                      mpiHelper.rank(), mpiHelper.size() );
+    const int dim = couplingInterface.getDimensions();
+    std::cout << dim << "  " << int(FreeFlowFVGridGeometry::GridView::dimension) << std::endl;
+    if (dim != int(FreeFlowFVGridGeometry::GridView::dimension))
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Dimensions do not match");
+    // GET mesh corodinates
+    const double xMin = getParamFromGroup<std::vector<double>>("Darcy", "Grid.Positions0")[0];
+    const double xMax = getParamFromGroup<std::vector<double>>("Darcy", "Grid.Positions0").back();
+    std::vector<double> coords; //( dim * vertexSize );
+    std::vector<int> coupledScvfIndices;
+    for (const auto& element : elements(freeFlowGridView))
+    {
+        auto fvGeometry = localView(*freeFlowFvGridGeometry);
+        fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
+        for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+        {
+            static constexpr auto eps = 1e-7;
+            const auto& pos =;
+            if (pos[1] < freeFlowFvGridGeometry->bBoxMin()[1] + eps)
+            {
+                if (pos[0] > xMin - eps && pos[0] < xMax + eps)
+                {
+                  coupledScvfIndices.push_back(scvf.index());
+                    for (const auto p : pos)
+                        coords.push_back(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    const auto numberOfPoints = coords.size() / dim;
+    const double preciceDt = couplingInterface.setMeshAndInitialize( "FreeFlowMesh",
+                                                                     numberOfPoints,
+                                                                     coords);
+    couplingInterface.createIndexMapping( coupledScvfIndices );
+    const auto velocityId = couplingInterface.announceQuantity( "Velocity" );
+    const auto pressureId = couplingInterface.announceQuantity( "Pressure" );
+    freeFlowProblem->updatePreciceDataIds();
+    // apply initial solution for instationary problems
+    freeFlowProblem->applyInitialSolution(sol);
+    // the grid variables
+    using FreeFlowGridVariables = GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
+    auto freeFlowGridVariables = std::make_shared<FreeFlowGridVariables>(freeFlowProblem, freeFlowFvGridGeometry);
+    freeFlowGridVariables->init(sol);
+    // intialize the vtk output module
+    StaggeredVtkOutputModule<FreeFlowGridVariables, decltype(sol)> freeFlowVtkWriter(*freeFlowGridVariables, sol, freeFlowProblem->name());
+    GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::IOFields>::initOutputModule(freeFlowVtkWriter);
+    freeFlowVtkWriter.addField(freeFlowProblem->getAnalyticalVelocityX(), "analyticalV_x");
+    freeFlowVtkWriter.write(0.0);
+     using FluxVariables = GetPropType<FreeFlowTypeTag, Properties::FluxVariables>;
+    if ( couplingInterface.hasToWriteInitialData() )
+    {
+      //TODO
+//      couplingInterface.writeQuantityVector( pressureId );
+      setInterfacePressures<FluxVariables>( *freeFlowProblem, *freeFlowGridVariables, sol );
+      //For testing
+//      {
+//        std::cout << "Pressures to be sent to pm" << std::endl;
+//        const auto p = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( pressureId );
+//        for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
+//          std::cout << "p[" << i << "]=" <<p[i] << std::endl;
+//        }
+//      }
+      couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityToOtherSolver( pressureId );
+      couplingInterface.announceInitialDataWritten();
+    }
+    couplingInterface.initializeData();
+    // the assembler for a stationary problem
+    using Assembler = StaggeredFVAssembler<FreeFlowTypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
+    auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(freeFlowProblem, freeFlowFvGridGeometry, freeFlowGridVariables);
+    // the linear solver
+    using LinearSolver = UMFPackBackend;
+    auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>();
+    // the non-linear solver
+    using NewtonSolver = NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
+    NewtonSolver nonLinearSolver(assembler, linearSolver);
+    auto dt = preciceDt;
+    auto sol_checkpoint = sol;
+    double vtkTime = 1.0;
+    size_t iter = 0;
+    while ( couplingInterface.isCouplingOngoing() )
+    {
+        if ( couplingInterface.hasToWriteIterationCheckpoint() )
+        {
+            //DO CHECKPOINTING
+            sol_checkpoint = sol;
+            couplingInterface.announceIterationCheckpointWritten();
+        }
+        // TODO
+        couplingInterface.readScalarQuantityFromOtherSolver( velocityId );
+//        // For testing
+//        {
+//          const auto v = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( velocityId );
+//          const double sum = std::accumulate( v.begin(), v.end(), 0. );
+//          std::cout << "Sum of velocities over boundary to pm: \n" << sum << std::endl;
+//        }
+        // solve the non-linear system
+        nonLinearSolver.solve(sol);
+        // TODO
+        setInterfacePressures<FluxVariables>( *freeFlowProblem, *freeFlowGridVariables, sol );
+        // For testing
+//        {
+//          const auto p = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( pressureId );
+//          const double sum = std::accumulate( p.begin(), p.end(), 0. );
+//          std::cout << "Pressures to be sent to pm" << std::endl;
+////          for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
+////            std::cout << "p[" << i << "]=" << p[i] << std::endl;
+////          }
+//          std::cout << "Sum of pressures over boundary to pm: \n" << sum << std::endl;
+//        }
+        couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityToOtherSolver( pressureId );
+        //Read checkpoint
+        freeFlowVtkWriter.write(vtkTime);
+        vtkTime += 1.;
+        const double preciceDt = couplingInterface.advance( dt );
+        dt = std::min( preciceDt, dt );
+        //
+        {
+          double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+          double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+          double sum = 0.;
+          const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + freeFlowProblem->name() + "-interface-velocity-" + std::to_string(iter);
+          std::tie(min, max, sum) = writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile( filename,
+                                                                     *freeFlowProblem,
+                                                                     *freeFlowGridVariables,
+                                                                     sol );
+          const int prec = std::cout.precision();
+          std::cout << "Velocity statistics:" << std::endl
+                    << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                    << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                    << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                    << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+          std::cout.precision( prec );
+          {
+            const std::string filenameFlow="free-flow-statistics-" + std::to_string(iter);
+            std::ofstream ofs( filenameFlow+".txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+            const auto prec = ofs.precision();
+            ofs << "Velocity statistics (free flow):" << std::endl
+                << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+            ofs.precision( prec );
+            ofs.close();
+          }
+        }
+        {
+          const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + freeFlowProblem->name() + "-interface-pressure-" + std::to_string(iter);
+          writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile<FluxVariables>( filename,
+                                                         *freeFlowProblem,
+                                                         *freeFlowGridVariables,
+                                                         sol );
+        }
+        ++iter;
+        if ( couplingInterface.hasToReadIterationCheckpoint() )
+        {
+//            //Read checkpoint
+//            freeFlowVtkWriter.write(vtkTime);
+//            vtkTime += 1.;
+            sol = sol_checkpoint;
+            freeFlowGridVariables->update(sol);
+            freeFlowGridVariables->advanceTimeStep();
+            //freeFlowGridVariables->init(sol);
+            couplingInterface.announceIterationCheckpointRead();
+        }
+        else // coupling successful
+        {
+          // write vtk output
+          freeFlowVtkWriter.write(vtkTime);
+        }
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // finalize, print dumux message to say goodbye
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    {
+      double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+      double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+      double sum = 0.;
+      const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + freeFlowProblem->name() + "-interface-velocity";
+      std::tie(min, max, sum) = writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile( filename,
+                                        *freeFlowProblem,
+                                        *freeFlowGridVariables,
+                                        sol );
+      const int prec = std::cout.precision();
+      std::cout << "Velocity statistics:" << std::endl
+                << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+      std::cout.precision( prec );
+      {
+        const std::string filenameFlow="free-flow-statistics";
+        std::ofstream ofs( filenameFlow+".txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+        const auto prec = ofs.precision();
+        ofs << "Velocity statistics (free flow):" << std::endl
+            << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+            << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+            << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+            << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+        ofs.precision( prec );
+        ofs.close();
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + freeFlowProblem->name() + "-interface-pressure";
+      writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile<FluxVariables>( filename,
+                                                      *freeFlowProblem,
+                                                      *freeFlowGridVariables,
+                                                      sol );
+    }
+    couplingInterface.finalize();
+    // print dumux end message
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+    {
+        Parameters::print();
+        DumuxMessage::print(/*firstCall=*/false);
+    }
+    return 0;
+} // end main
+catch (Dumux::ParameterException &e)
+    std::cerr << std::endl << e << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+catch (Dune::DGFException & e)
+    std::cerr << "DGF exception thrown (" << e <<
+                 "). Most likely, the DGF file name is wrong "
+                 "or the DGF file is corrupted, "
+                 "e.g. missing hash at end of file or wrong number (dimensions) of entries."
+                 << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 2;
+catch (Dune::Exception &e)
+    std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 3;
+catch (...)
+    std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown! ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 4;
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e383d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief A test problem for the coupled Stokes/Darcy problem (1p)
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+bool printstuff = false;
+#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
+#include <dune/common/timer.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser/dgfexception.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/io.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/math.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/valgrind.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/dumuxmessage.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/defaultusagemessage.hh>
+#include <dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh>
+#include <dumux/nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh>
+#include <dumux/assembly/fvassembler.hh>
+#include <dumux/assembly/diffmethod.hh>
+#include <dumux/discretization/method.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/vtkoutputmodule.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/grid/gridmanager.hh>
+#include "pmproblem-reversed.hh"
+#include "../../precice-adapter/include/preciceadapter.hh"
+#include "monolithicdata.hh"
+ /*!
+  * \brief Returns the pressure at the interface using Darcy's law for reconstruction
+  */
+ template<class Problem, class Element, class FVElementGeometry, class ElementVolumeVariables, class SubControlVolumeFace>
+ auto pressureAtInterface(const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                            const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                            const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf)
+ {
+     using Scalar = typename ElementVolumeVariables::VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+     const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
+     const Scalar boundaryFlux = problem.neumann(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
+     const auto K = volVars.permeability();
+     const Scalar ccPressure = volVars.pressure();
+     const Scalar mobility = volVars.mobility();
+     const Scalar density = volVars.density();
+     // v = -K/mu * (gradP + rho*g)
+     auto velocity = scvf.unitOuterNormal();
+     velocity *= boundaryFlux; // TODO check sign
+     velocity /= density;
+    // v = -kr/mu*K * (gradP + rho*g) = -mobility*K * (gradP + rho*g)
+    const auto alpha = Dumux::vtmv( scvf.unitOuterNormal(), K, problem.gravity() );
+    auto distanceVector = - element.geometry().center();
+    distanceVector /= distanceVector.two_norm2();
+    const Scalar ti = Dumux::vtmv(distanceVector, K, scvf.unitOuterNormal());
+//    return (1/mobility * (scvf.unitOuterNormal() * velocity) + density * alpha)/ti
+//           + ccPressure;
+    const Scalar p = problem.dirichlet( element, scvf );
+    return p;
+ }
+ template<class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+ void setInterfacePressures(const Problem& problem,
+                            const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                            const SolutionVector& sol)
+ {
+   const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+   auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+   auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+   auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+   const auto pressureId = couplingInterface.getIdFromName( "Pressure" );
+   for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+   {
+     fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
+     elemVolVars.bindElement(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+     //sstd::cout << "Pressure by reconstruction" << std::endl;
+     for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+     {
+       if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+       {
+         //TODO: What to do here?
+         const double p = pressureAtInterface(problem, element, fvGridGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
+         couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityOnFace( pressureId, scvf.index(), p );
+       }
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ /*!
+  * \brief Returns the velocity at the interface using Darcy's law for reconstruction
+  */
+ template<class FluxVariables, class Problem, class Element, class FVElementGeometry,
+          class ElementVolumeVariables, class SubControlVolumeFace,
+          class ElementFluxVariablesCache>
+ auto velocityAtInterface(const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                            const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                            const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
+                            const ElementFluxVariablesCache& elemFluxVarsCache)
+ {
+   const int phaseIdx = 0;
+   FluxVariables fluxVars;
+   fluxVars.init(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf, elemFluxVarsCache);
+   auto upwindTerm = [phaseIdx](const auto& volVars) { return volVars.mobility(phaseIdx); };
+   const auto scalarVelocity = fluxVars.advectiveFlux(phaseIdx, upwindTerm)/scvf.area();
+   return scalarVelocity;
+ }
+ template<class FluxVariables, class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+ void setInterfaceVelocities(const Problem& problem,
+                            const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                            const SolutionVector& sol)
+ {
+   const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+   auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+   auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+   auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridVars.gridFluxVarsCache());
+   auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+   const auto velocityId = couplingInterface.getIdFromName( "Velocity" );
+   size_t i = 0;
+   for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+   {
+     fvGeometry.bind(element);
+     elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+     elemFluxVarsCache.bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);
+     for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+     {
+       if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+       {
+         //TODO: What to do here?
+         //const double v = velocityAtInterface<FluxVariables>(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf, elemFluxVarsCache);
+         const double v = MonolithicSolution::velocity[i];
+         ++i;
+         couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityOnFace( velocityId, scvf.index(), v );
+       }
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ template<class FluxVariables, class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+ std::tuple<double,double,double> writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile( const std::string& filename,
+                                        const Problem& problem,
+                                        const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                                        const SolutionVector& sol)
+ {
+   const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+   auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+   auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+   auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridVars.gridFluxVarsCache());
+   const auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+   std::ofstream ofs( filename+".csv", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+   ofs << "x,y,";
+   if ( couplingInterface.getDimensions() == 3 )
+     ofs << "z,";
+   ofs << "velocityY" << "\n";
+   double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+   double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+   double sum = 0.;
+   for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+   {
+     fvGeometry.bind(element);
+     elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+     elemFluxVarsCache.bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);
+     for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+     {
+       if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+       {
+         const auto& pos =;
+         for (int i = 0; i < couplingInterface.getDimensions(); ++i )
+         {
+           ofs << pos[i] << ",";
+         }
+         const double v = velocityAtInterface<FluxVariables>(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf, elemFluxVarsCache);
+         max = std::max( v, max );
+         min = std::min( v, min );
+         sum += v;
+         const int prec = ofs.precision();
+         ofs << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1) << v << "\n";
+         ofs.precision( prec );
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   ofs.close();
+   return std::make_tuple(min, max, sum);
+ }
+ template<class Problem, class GridVariables, class SolutionVector>
+ void writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile( const std::string& filename,
+                                       const Problem& problem,
+                                       const GridVariables& gridVars,
+                                       const SolutionVector& sol)
+ {
+   const auto& fvGridGeometry = problem.fvGridGeometry();
+   auto fvGeometry = localView(fvGridGeometry);
+   auto elemVolVars = localView(gridVars.curGridVolVars());
+   auto elemFluxVarsCache = localView(gridVars.gridFluxVarsCache());
+   const auto& couplingInterface = precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+   std::ofstream ofs( filename+".csv", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+   ofs << "x,y,";
+   if ( couplingInterface.getDimensions() == 3 )
+     ofs << "z,";
+   ofs << "pressure" << "\n";
+   for (const auto& element : elements(fvGridGeometry.gridView()))
+   {
+     fvGeometry.bind(element);
+     elemVolVars.bind(element, fvGeometry, sol);
+     elemFluxVarsCache.bind(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars);
+     for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+     {
+       if ( couplingInterface.isCoupledEntity( scvf.index() ) )
+       {
+         const auto& pos =;
+         for (int i = 0; i < couplingInterface.getDimensions(); ++i )
+         {
+           ofs << pos[i] << ",";
+         }
+         const double p = pressureAtInterface(problem, element, fvGridGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
+         const int prec = ofs.precision();
+         ofs << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1);
+         ofs << p << "\n";
+         ofs.precision( prec );
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   ofs.close();
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv) try
+    using namespace Dumux;
+    // initialize MPI, finalize is done automatically on exit
+    const auto& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+    // print dumux start message
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+        DumuxMessage::print(/*firstCall=*/true);
+    // parse command line arguments and input file
+    Parameters::init(argc, argv);
+    using DarcyTypeTag = Properties::TTag::DarcyOneP;
+    using DarcyGridManager = Dumux::GridManager<GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::Grid>>;
+    DarcyGridManager darcyGridManager;
+    darcyGridManager.init("Darcy"); // pass parameter group
+    // we compute on the leaf grid view
+    const auto& darcyGridView = darcyGridManager.grid().leafGridView();
+    // create the finite volume grid geometry
+    using DarcyFVGridGeometry = GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    auto darcyFvGridGeometry = std::make_shared<DarcyFVGridGeometry>(darcyGridView);
+    darcyFvGridGeometry->update();
+    using DarcyProblem = GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::Problem>;
+    auto darcyProblem = std::make_shared<DarcyProblem>(darcyFvGridGeometry);
+    // the solution vector
+    GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector> sol;
+    sol.resize(darcyFvGridGeometry->numDofs());
+    // Initialize preCICE.Tell preCICE about:
+    // - Name of solver
+    // - What rank of how many ranks this instance is
+    // Configure preCICE. For now the config file is hardcoded.
+    //couplingInterface.createInstance( "darcy", mpiHelper.rank(), mpiHelper.size() );
+    std::string preciceConfigFilename = "precice-config.xml";
+//    if (argc == 3)
+//      preciceConfigFilename = argv[2];
+    if (argc > 2)
+      preciceConfigFilename = argv[argc-1];
+    auto& couplingInterface =
+        precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance();
+    couplingInterface.announceSolver( "Darcy", preciceConfigFilename,
+                                      mpiHelper.rank(), mpiHelper.size() );
+    const int dim = couplingInterface.getDimensions();
+    std::cout << dim << "  " << int(DarcyFVGridGeometry::GridView::dimension) << std::endl;
+    if (dim != int(DarcyFVGridGeometry::GridView::dimension))
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Dimensions do not match");
+    // GET mesh corodinates
+    const double xMin = getParamFromGroup<std::vector<double>>("Darcy", "Grid.Positions0")[0];
+    const double xMax = getParamFromGroup<std::vector<double>>("Darcy", "Grid.Positions0").back();
+    std::vector<double> coords; //( dim * vertexSize );
+    std::vector<int> coupledScvfIndices;
+    for (const auto& element : elements(darcyGridView))
+    {
+        auto fvGeometry = localView(*darcyFvGridGeometry);
+        fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
+        for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+        {
+            static constexpr auto eps = 1e-7;
+            const auto& pos =;
+            if (pos[1] > darcyFvGridGeometry->bBoxMax()[1] - eps)
+            {
+                if (pos[0] > xMin - eps && pos[0] < xMax + eps)
+                {
+                  coupledScvfIndices.push_back(scvf.index());
+                    for (const auto p : pos)
+                        coords.push_back(p);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    const auto numberOfPoints = coords.size() / dim;
+    const double preciceDt = couplingInterface.setMeshAndInitialize( "DarcyMesh",
+                                                                     numberOfPoints,
+                                                                     coords);
+    couplingInterface.createIndexMapping( coupledScvfIndices );
+    const auto velocityId = couplingInterface.announceQuantity( "Velocity" );
+    const auto pressureId = couplingInterface.announceQuantity( "Pressure" );
+    darcyProblem->updatePreciceDataIds();
+    darcyProblem->applyInitialSolution(sol);
+    // the grid variables
+    using DarcyGridVariables = GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
+    auto darcyGridVariables = std::make_shared<DarcyGridVariables>(darcyProblem, darcyFvGridGeometry);
+    darcyGridVariables->init(sol);
+    // intialize the vtk output module
+    const auto darcyName = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "_" + darcyProblem->name();
+    VtkOutputModule<DarcyGridVariables, GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector>> darcyVtkWriter(*darcyGridVariables, sol, darcyProblem->name());
+    using DarcyVelocityOutput = GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::VelocityOutput>;
+    darcyVtkWriter.addVelocityOutput(std::make_shared<DarcyVelocityOutput>(*darcyGridVariables));
+    GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::IOFields>::initOutputModule(darcyVtkWriter);
+    darcyVtkWriter.write(0.0);
+    using FluxVariables = GetPropType<DarcyTypeTag, Properties::FluxVariables>;
+    if ( couplingInterface.hasToWriteInitialData() )
+    {
+      //TODO
+      //couplingInterface.writeQuantityVector(velocityId);
+      setInterfaceVelocities<FluxVariables>( *darcyProblem, *darcyGridVariables, sol );
+      // For testing
+      {
+        const auto v = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( velocityId );
+        std::cout << "velocities to be sent to ff" << std::endl;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
+          for (size_t d = 0; d < dim; ++d )
+          {
+            std::cout << coords[i*dim+d] << " ";
+          }
+          std::cout << "| v[" << i << "]=" << v[i] << std::endl;
+        }
+      }
+      couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityToOtherSolver( velocityId );
+      couplingInterface.announceInitialDataWritten();
+    }
+    couplingInterface.initializeData();
+    // the assembler for a stationary problem
+    using Assembler = FVAssembler<DarcyTypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
+    auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(darcyProblem, darcyFvGridGeometry, darcyGridVariables);
+    // the linear solver
+    using LinearSolver = UMFPackBackend;
+    auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>();
+    // the non-linear solver
+    using NewtonSolver = Dumux::NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
+    NewtonSolver nonLinearSolver(assembler, linearSolver);
+    auto dt = preciceDt;
+    auto sol_checkpoint = sol;
+    double vtkTime = 1.0;
+    size_t iter = 0;
+    while ( couplingInterface.isCouplingOngoing() )
+    {
+        if ( couplingInterface.hasToWriteIterationCheckpoint() )
+        {
+            //DO CHECKPOINTING
+            sol_checkpoint = sol;
+            couplingInterface.announceIterationCheckpointWritten();
+        }
+        // TODO
+        couplingInterface.readScalarQuantityFromOtherSolver( pressureId );
+        // For testing
+        {
+          const auto p = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( pressureId );
+          for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
+            for (size_t d = 0; d < dim; ++d )
+            {
+              std::cout << coords[i*dim+d] << " ";
+            }
+            std::cout << "| p[" << i << "]=" << p[i] << std::endl;
+          }
+          const double sum = std::accumulate( p.begin(), p.end(), 0. );
+          std::cout << "Sum of pressures over boundary to ff: \n" << sum << std::endl;
+          std::cout << "Pressure received from ff" << std::endl;
+//          for (size_t i = 0; i < p.size(); ++i) {
+//            std::cout << "p[" << i << "]=" << p[i] << std::endl;
+//          }
+        }
+        // solve the non-linear system
+        nonLinearSolver.solve(sol);
+        setInterfaceVelocities<FluxVariables>( *darcyProblem, *darcyGridVariables, sol );
+        // For testing
+        {
+          const auto v = couplingInterface.getQuantityVector( velocityId );
+          for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
+            for (size_t d = 0; d < dim; ++d )
+            {
+              std::cout << coords[i*dim+d] << " ";
+            }
+            std::cout << "| v[" << i << "]=" << v[i] << std::endl;
+          }
+          const double sum = std::accumulate( v.begin(), v.end(), 0. );
+          std::cout << "Velocities to be sent to ff" << std::endl;
+//          for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
+//            std::cout << "v[" << i << "]=" << v[i] << std::endl;
+//          }
+          std::cout << "Sum of velocities over boundary to ff: \n" << sum << std::endl;
+        }
+        couplingInterface.writeScalarQuantityToOtherSolver( velocityId );
+        const double preciceDt = couplingInterface.advance( dt );
+        dt = std::min( preciceDt, dt );
+        {
+          double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+          double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+          double sum = 0.;
+          const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + darcyProblem->name() + "-interface-velocity-" + std::to_string(iter);
+          std::tie(min, max, sum) = writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile<FluxVariables>( filename,
+                                                                                    *darcyProblem,
+                                                                                    *darcyGridVariables,
+                                                                                    sol );
+          const int prec = std::cout.precision();
+          std::cout << "Velocity statistics:" << std::endl
+                    << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                    << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                    << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                    << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+          std::cout.precision( prec );
+          {
+            const std::string filenameFlow="darcy-statistics-" + std::to_string(iter);
+            std::ofstream ofs( filenameFlow+".txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+            const auto prec = ofs.precision();
+            ofs << "Velocity statistics (free flow):" << std::endl
+                << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+            ofs.precision( prec );
+            ofs.close();
+          }
+        }
+        {
+          const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + darcyProblem->name() + "-interface-pressure-" + std::to_string(iter);
+          writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile( filename,
+                                          *darcyProblem,
+                                          *darcyGridVariables,
+                                          sol );
+        }
+        ++iter;
+        if ( couplingInterface.hasToReadIterationCheckpoint() )
+        {
+            //Read checkpoint
+            darcyVtkWriter.write(vtkTime);
+            vtkTime += 1.;
+            sol = sol_checkpoint;
+            darcyGridVariables->update(sol);
+            darcyGridVariables->advanceTimeStep();
+            //darcyGridVariables->init(sol);
+            couplingInterface.announceIterationCheckpointRead();
+        }
+        else // coupling successful
+        {
+          // write vtk output
+          darcyVtkWriter.write(vtkTime);
+        }
+    }
+    // write vtk output
+    darcyVtkWriter.write(1.0);
+    {
+      double min = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+      double max = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+      double sum = 0.;
+      const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + darcyProblem->name() + "-interface-velocity";
+      std::tie(min, max, sum) = writeVelocitiesOnInterfaceToFile<FluxVariables>( filename,
+                                                       *darcyProblem,
+                                                       *darcyGridVariables,
+                                                       sol );
+      const int prec = std::cout.precision();
+      std::cout << "Velocity statistics:" << std::endl
+                << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+                << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+                << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+                << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+      std::cout.precision( prec );
+      {
+        const std::string filenameFlow="darcy-statistics";
+        std::ofstream ofs( filenameFlow+".txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
+        const auto prec = ofs.precision();
+        ofs << "Velocity statistics (free flow):" << std::endl
+            << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 + 1)
+            << "  min: " << min << std::endl
+            << "  max: " << max << std::endl
+            << "  sum: " << sum << std::endl;
+        ofs.precision( prec );
+        ofs.close();
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      const std::string filename = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name") + "-" + darcyProblem->name() + "-interface-pressure";
+      writePressuresOnInterfaceToFile( filename,
+                                       *darcyProblem,
+                                       *darcyGridVariables,
+                                       sol );
+    }
+    couplingInterface.finalize();
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // finalize, print dumux message to say goodbye
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // print dumux end message
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+    {
+        Parameters::print();
+        DumuxMessage::print(/*firstCall=*/false);
+    }
+    return 0;
+} // end main
+catch (Dumux::ParameterException &e)
+    std::cerr << std::endl << e << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+catch (Dune::DGFException & e)
+    std::cerr << "DGF exception thrown (" << e <<
+                 "). Most likely, the DGF file name is wrong "
+                 "or the DGF file is corrupted, "
+                 "e.g. missing hash at end of file or wrong number (dimensions) of entries."
+                 << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 2;
+catch (Dune::Exception &e)
+    std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << " ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 3;
+catch (...)
+    std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown! ---> Abort!" << std::endl;
+    return 4;
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/monolithicdata.hh b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/monolithicdata.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5653a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/monolithicdata.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include <array>
+namespace MonolithicSolution
+static const std::array<double, 20> velocity =
+    {
+        -2.14294737477106e-12,
+        -1.414265166923949e-12,
+        -1.04852776201853e-12,
+        -8.135033312884269e-13,
+        -6.37657086620555e-13,
+        -4.93766950668703e-13,
+        -3.690552916814545e-13,
+        -2.563759402825702e-13,
+        -1.511247369413653e-13,
+        -4.994226002810334e-14,
+        4.994226002813352e-14,
+        1.511247369413988e-13,
+        2.563759402826087e-13,
+        3.690552916815079e-13,
+        4.937669506687764e-13,
+        6.376570866206665e-13,
+        8.13503331288573e-13,
+        1.048527762018745e-12,
+        1.414265166924232e-12,
+        2.142947374771422e-12
+static const std::array<double, 20> pressure = {
+    9.749674884723169e-10,
+    9.249954142532818e-10,
+    8.749977731157065e-10,
+    8.24998517020602e-10,
+    7.749988528034125e-10,
+    7.249990852158898e-10,
+    6.749992924234883e-10,
+    6.249994944809285e-10,
+    5.749996962877403e-10,
+    5.249998986713713e-10,
+    4.750001013286287e-10,
+    4.250003037122596e-10,
+    3.750005055190715e-10,
+    3.250007075765118e-10,
+    2.750009147841103e-10,
+    2.250011471965874e-10,
+    1.750014829793979e-10,
+    1.250022268842933e-10,
+    7.500458574671815e-11,
+    2.503251152768306e-11 };
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/params.input b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/params.input
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a7880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/params.input
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Verbosity = true
+Positions0 = 0.0 1.0
+Positions1 = 1.0 2.0
+Cells0 = 20
+Cells1 = 20
+Grading1 = 1
+Verbosity = true
+Positions0 = 0.0 1.0
+Positions1 = 0.0 1.0
+Cells0 = 20
+Cells1 = 20
+Grading1 = 1
+Name = stokes-iterative
+EnableInertiaTerms = false
+#Name = navier-stokes-iterative
+#EnableInertiaTerms = true
+PressureDifference = 1e-9
+Name = darcy-iterative
+InitialP = 0.0e-9
+Permeability = 1e-6 # m^2
+Porosity = 0.4
+AlphaBeaversJoseph = 1.0
+Name = ex_ff-pm-interface
+EnableGravity = false
+AddVelocity = 1
diff --git a/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/pmproblem-reversed.hh b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/pmproblem-reversed.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef18304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appl/coupling-ff-pm/iterative-reversed-mono-flux-no-precice/pmproblem-reversed.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief The porous medium flow sub problem
+ */
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+//****** uncomment for the last exercise *****//
+// #include <dumux/io/grid/subgridgridcreator.hh>
+#include <dumux/discretization/cctpfa.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/1p/model.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/problem.hh>
+#include "1pspatialparams.hh"
+#include <dumux/material/components/simpleh2o.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh>
+#include "../../precice-adapter/include/preciceadapter.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+template <class TypeTag>
+class DarcySubProblem;
+namespace Properties
+// Create new type tags
+namespace TTag {
+struct DarcyOneP { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<OneP, CCTpfaModel>; };
+} // end namespace TTag
+// Set the problem property
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::DarcyOneP> { using type = Dumux::DarcySubProblem<TypeTag>; };
+// the fluid system
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::DarcyOneP>
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using type = FluidSystems::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Dumux::Components::SimpleH2O<Scalar> > ;
+// Set the grid type
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::DarcyOneP>
+    static constexpr auto dim = 2;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using TensorGrid = Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<Scalar, dim> >;
+//****** comment out for the last exercise *****//
+    using type = TensorGrid;
+//****** uncomment for the last exercise *****//
+    // using HostGrid = TensorGrid;
+    // using type = Dune::SubGrid<dim, HostGrid>;
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct SpatialParams<TypeTag, TTag::DarcyOneP> {
+    using type = OnePSpatialParams<GetPropType<TypeTag, FVGridGeometry>, GetPropType<TypeTag, Scalar>>;
+} // end namespace Properties
+ * \brief The porous medium flow sub problem
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class DarcySubProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
+    using ParentType = PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>;
+    using GridView = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
+    using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
+    using BoundaryTypes = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BoundaryTypes>;
+    using VolumeVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::VolumeVariables>;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolume = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolume;
+    using SubControlVolumeFace = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolumeFace;
+    using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
+    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
+    using CouplingManager = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::CouplingManager>;
+    DarcySubProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry,
+                   std::shared_ptr<CouplingManager> couplingManager)
+    : ParentType(fvGridGeometry, "Darcy"), eps_(1e-7), couplingManager_(couplingManager)
+DarcySubProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
+    : ParentType(fvGridGeometry, "Darcy"), eps_(1e-7),
+      couplingInterface_(precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter::getInstance() ),
+      pressureId_(0),
+      velocityId_(0),
+      dataIdsWereSet_(false)
+    {}
+    /*!
+     * \name Simulation steering
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return the temperature within the domain in [K].
+     *
+     */
+    Scalar temperature() const
+    { return 273.15 + 10; } // 10°C
+    // \}
+    /*!
+     * \name Boundary conditions
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+      * \brief Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be
+      *        used for which equation on a given boundary control volume.
+      *
+      * \param element The element
+      * \param scvf The boundary sub control volume face
+      */
+    BoundaryTypes boundaryTypes(const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
+    {
+        BoundaryTypes values;
+        // set Neumann BCs to all boundaries first
+        values.setAllNeumann();
+        // set the coupling boundary condition at the interface
+        if (couplingManager().isCoupledEntity(CouplingManager::darcyIdx, scvf))
+            values.setAllCouplingNeumann();
+        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+        if ( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity(faceId) )
+          values.setAllDirichlet();
+        return values;
+    }
+        /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the boundary conditions for a Dirichlet control volume.
+     *
+     * \param element The element for which the Dirichlet boundary condition is set
+     * \param scvf The boundary subcontrolvolumeface
+     *
+     * For this method, the \a values parameter stores primary variables.
+     */
+    PrimaryVariables dirichlet(const Element &element, const SubControlVolumeFace &scvf) const
+    {
+        // set p = 0 at the bottom
+        PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
+        values = initial(element);
+        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+        if ( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity(faceId) )
+          values = couplingInterface_.getScalarQuantityOnFace( pressureId_, faceId );
+        return values;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the boundary conditions for a Neumann control volume.
+     *
+     * \param element The element for which the Neumann boundary condition is set
+     * \param fvGeomentry The fvGeometry
+     * \param elemVolVars The element volume variables
+     * \param scvf The boundary sub control volume face
+     *
+     * For this method, the \a values variable stores primary variables.
+     */
+    template<class ElementVolumeVariables>
+    NumEqVector neumann(const Element& element,
+                        const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                        const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                        const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        // no-flow everywhere ...
+        NumEqVector values(0.0);
+        // ... except at the coupling interface
+        if (couplingManager().isCoupledEntity(CouplingManager::darcyIdx, scvf))
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx] = couplingManager().couplingData().massCouplingCondition(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
+//        assert( dataIdsWereSet_ );
+//        const auto faceId = scvf.index();
+//        if ( couplingInterface_.isCoupledEntity(faceId) )
+//        {
+//          const Scalar density = 1000.;
+//          values[Indices::conti0EqIdx] = density * couplingInterface_.getScalarQuantityOnFace( velocityId_, faceId );
+//          std::cout << "pm: values[Indices::conti0EqIdx] = " << values << std::endl;
+//        }
+        return values;
+    }
+    // \}
+    /*!
+     * \name Volume terms
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the source term for all phases within a given
+     *        sub-control-volume.
+     *
+     * \param element The element for which the source term is set
+     * \param fvGeomentry The fvGeometry
+     * \param elemVolVars The element volume variables
+     * \param scv The subcontrolvolume
+     */
+    template<class ElementVolumeVariables>
+    NumEqVector source(const Element &element,
+                       const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                       const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                       const SubControlVolume &scv) const
+    { return NumEqVector(0.0); }
+    // \}
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the initial value for a control volume.
+     *
+     * \param element The element
+     *
+     * For this method, the \a priVars parameter stores primary
+     * variables.
+     */
+    PrimaryVariables initial(const Element &element) const
+    {
+        static const Scalar p = getParamFromGroup<Scalar>(this->paramGroup(), "Problem.InitialP");
+        return PrimaryVariables(p);
+    }
+    // \}
+    void updatePreciceDataIds()
+    {
+      pressureId_ = couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Pressure" );
+      velocityId_ = couplingInterface_.getIdFromName( "Velocity" );
+      dataIdsWereSet_ = true;
+    }
+    //! Get the coupling manager
+    const CouplingManager& couplingManager() const
+    { return *couplingManager_; }
+    bool onLeftBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[0] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + eps_; }
+    bool onRightBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[0] > this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - eps_; }
+    bool onLowerBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[1] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1] + eps_; }
+    bool onUpperBoundary_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    { return globalPos[1] > this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - eps_; }
+    Scalar eps_;
+    std::shared_ptr<CouplingManager> couplingManager_;
+   precice_adapter::PreciceAdapter& couplingInterface_;
+   size_t pressureId_;
+   size_t velocityId_;
+   bool dataIdsWereSet_;
+} //end namespace