diff --git a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
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--- a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
+++ b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Exercise #5 (DuMuX course)
+# Exercise Coupling free flow/porous medium flow
 The aim of this exercise is to get familiar with setting up coupled free flow/porous medium flow problems.
@@ -203,16 +203,19 @@ Above the porous medium, a dry gas flows and by diffusion, the porous medium dri
 __Task A: Change the model__:
 In the first task, the porous-medium model will be changed from a 1p2c system to a 2p2c system.
-Although a 2p2c system is plugged in, we still want to simulate the same situation as before.
+Although a 2p2c system is plugged in, we still want to simulate the same situation as before, i.e., air with water vapor in both domains.
 The following changes have to be made in the porous-medium model (`ex_models_pmproblem.hh`):
 * Include the 2pnc model: include the respective headers and inherit from the new model `TwoPNC`
 * Exchange the spatial parameters for the 1-phase system by those for a 2-phase system (hint: two occurrences).
+* Since two phases are involved now, we do not need to use the OnePAdapter anymore. Change to property of the FluidSystem such that `H2OAir` is used directly.  
+  Afterwards, set the `transportCompIdx` to `Indices::switchIdx`.
 One big difference between the 1p and 2p model is, that the primary variables for which
 the problem is solved, are not fixed.
 It is possible to use different formulations, e.g. with the gas pressure and the
 liquid saturation as primary variables (p_g-S_l -> `p1s0`) or vice versa.
 * Set the property
 SET_PROP(DarcyTypeTag, Formulation)
 { static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p1s0; };
@@ -227,10 +230,8 @@ In this case, the chosen formulation will set the given value as the mole fracti
 * To tell to program which phases are present in which parts of the domain at the beginning of the simulation,
   you have to call `values.setState(MY_PHASE_PRESENCE);` in `initialAtPos()`. Have a look at the `indices.hh`
   in the `2p2c` model to figure out which is the correct value of `MY_PHASE_PRESENCE` for the presence of
-  a gas-phase only (hint: the numbering of phase indices begins with 0, the numbering of the phases begins
+  a gas-phase only (hint: the numbering of phase indices begins with 0, the numbering of the phase presence states begins
   with 1. Take a look at your formulation to find out which phase index to use for the gas phase.)
-* Since two phases are involved now, the index `fluidSystemPhaseIdx` does not make sense any more and needs to be removed
-  from the problem file. Do so, and set the `transportCompIdx` to `Indices::switchIdx`.
 Compile and run the new simulation.
 (Don't mind the compiler warning, we will deal with it in the next task.)
@@ -243,9 +244,7 @@ Therefore, we evaluate the storage term of the water component.
 * Have a look at the function `evaluateWaterMassStorageTerm()` in the porous medium subproblem.
   Then implement a calculation of the total water mass:
   $`\sum_{\alpha \in \textrm{g,l}} \left( \phi S_\alpha X^\text{w}_\alpha \varrho_\alpha V_\textrm{scv} \right)`$.
-  Afterwards, call the method from `init()` and save the result in the respective private variable needed
-  by the `evaluateWaterMassStorageTerm` method. In addition, you need to set an initial value for
-  another variable used in the same method.
+  Afterwards, adapt the method `init()` such that the variable `initialWaterContent_` is initialized correctly using the `evaluateWaterMassStorageTerm()` method and assign that value also to the variable `lastWaterMass_`.
 We also want to investigate the temporal evolution of the water mass.
 The following steps need to be done to do so.
@@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ Finally we want to know the distribution of the water mass fluxes across the int
 * Have a look at the function `evaluateInterfaceFluxes()` in the porous medium problem.
   Use the facilities therein to return the values of ...massCouplingCondition... from the `couplingManager`
   for each coupling scvf. Then the fluxes are visualized with gnuplot, when setting `Problem.PlotFluxes = true`.
-  If the simulation is to fast, you can have a look at the flux*.png files after the simulation.
+  If the simulation is too fast, you can have a look at the flux*.png files after the simulation.
 * You can use the property `Problem.PlotStorage = true` to see the temporal evolution of the evaporation rate
   and the cumulative water mass loss.