diff --git a/.patches/exercise-grids/exercise-grids.patch b/.patches/exercise-grids/exercise-grids.patch
index 5978d19863c313b8518d747f532fc97f5b6931f6..ece7717c365c8bbdaa0e32c601cd074e4418d691 100644
--- a/.patches/exercise-grids/exercise-grids.patch
+++ b/.patches/exercise-grids/exercise-grids.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt exercises/solution/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt
---- exercises/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt	2024-07-08 09:06:59.617159848 +0200
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt	2024-02-08 11:19:46.419932806 +0100
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt	2024-02-08 11:19:46.449932806 +0100
 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  # the grid exercise simulation program
 -dumux_add_test(NAME exercise_grids
@@ -8,164 +8,8 @@ diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/CMakeLists.txt exercises/solution/exercise-gr
                 SOURCES main.cc)
  # add a symlink for each input file
-diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf
---- exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
--0 0   % first corner
--60 40   % second corner
--30 20   % cells in x and y direction
-diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo
---- exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--X = 60;
--Y = 40;
--Res = 1;
--Point(1) = {0,0,0,Res};
--Point(2) = {X,0,0,Res};
--Point(3) = {X,Y,0,Res};
--Point(4) = {0,Y,0,Res};
--Line(5) = {1,2};
--Line(6) = {2,3};
--Line(7) = {3,4};
--Line(8) = {4,1};
--Line Loop(9) = {5,6,7,8};
--Plane Surface(10) = 9;
--numCellsX = 24;
--numCellsY = 16;
--Transfinite Line{5} = numCellsX + 1;
--Transfinite Line{6} = numCellsY + 1;
--Transfinite Line{7} = numCellsX + 1;
--Transfinite Line{8} = numCellsY + 1;
--Transfinite Surface "*";
--Recombine Surface "*";
--Transfinite Volume "*";
-diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/main.cc exercises/solution/exercise-grids/main.cc
---- exercises/exercise-grids/main.cc	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/main.cc	2024-07-08 09:06:59.617159848 +0200
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-  *****************************************************************************/
- /*!
-  * \file
-- * \brief The main file for the two-phase porousmediumflow problem of exercise-Grids
-+ * \brief The main file for the two-phase porousmediumflow problem of exercise Grids
-  */
- #include <config.h>
-diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/params.input exercises/solution/exercise-grids/params.input
---- exercises/exercise-grids/params.input	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/params.input	2024-07-08 09:06:59.617159848 +0200
-@@ -3,13 +3,34 @@
- TEnd = 3.154e9 # in seconds, i.e ten years
- [Grid]
--UpperRight = 60 40
--Cells = 24 16
-+# UpperRight = 60 40
-+# Cells = 24 16
- # TODO: Task 1: Globally refine your grid
-+# Refinement = 2
- # TODO: Task 2: Develop even grid input parameters that can be split into zones
-+# Positions0 = 0 60
-+# Positions1 = 0 40
-+# Cells0 = 24
-+# Cells1 = 16
-+# Grading0 = 1.0
-+# Grading1 = 1.0
- # TODO: Task 3: Using the zoning and grading parameters, redevelop your grid to optimize your refinement in the areas that matter.
-+Positions0 = 0 40 60
-+Positions1 = 0 25 30 35 40
-+Cells0 = 10 14
-+Cells1 = 10 6 6 1
-+Grading0 = 1.0 -1.25
-+Grading1 = 1.0 -1.2 1.2 1.0
- # TODO: Task 4: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_structured.msh
-+# File = ./grids/grid_structured.msh
-+# File = ./grids/grid_structured.dgf
- # TODO: Task 5: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
-+#File = ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
- [Problem]
- Name = grid_exercise
-@@ -27,4 +48,4 @@
- Aquifer.BrooksCoreyPcEntry = 1e4 # Pa
- Aquifer.BrooksCoreyLambda = 2.0
- Aquifer.Swr = 0.2
--Aquifer.Snr = 0.0
-\ Kein Zeilenumbruch am Dateiende.
-+Aquifer.Snr = 0.0
-diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/properties.hh exercises/solution/exercise-grids/properties.hh
---- exercises/exercise-grids/properties.hh	2024-07-08 09:06:59.589159960 +0200
-+++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/properties.hh	2024-07-08 09:06:59.617159848 +0200
-@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
-  *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
-  *****************************************************************************/
- /*!
-- * \file
-+  * \file
-  *
-- * \brief The properties file for exercise-grids
-+ * \brief The two-phase porousmediumflow properties file for exercise-grids
-  */
-@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
- #include "problem.hh"
- namespace Dumux::Properties {
- // define the TypeTag for this problem with a cell-centered two-point flux approximation spatial discretization.
- // Create new type tags
- namespace TTag {
-@@ -44,17 +43,20 @@
- struct Injection2pCC { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<Injection2p, CCTpfaModel>; };
- } // end namespace TTag
--// Set the grid type
-+//Set the grid type
-+// template<class TypeTag>
-+// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
-+// TODO: Task 2: Replace the above Grid Property definition with a more flexible grid (Use Dune::TensorProductCoordinates)
- template<class TypeTag>
--struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
--// TODO: dumux-course-task 2
--//Replace the above Grid Property definition with a more flexible grid (Use Dune::TensorProductCoordinates)
--// TODO: dumux-course-task 4
--// Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external structured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune:cube)
-+struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<double, 2> >; };
--// TODO: dumux-course-task 5
--// Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external unstructured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune::simplex)
-+// TODO: Task 4: Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external structured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune:cube)
-+// template<class TypeTag>
-+// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::ALUGrid<2, 2, Dune::cube, Dune::nonconforming>; };
-+// TODO: Task 5: Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external unstructured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune::simplex)
-+// template<class TypeTag>
-+// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::ALUGrid<2, 2, Dune::simplex, Dune::nonconforming>; };
- // Set the problem property
- template<class TypeTag>
 diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/README.md exercises/solution/exercise-grids/README.md
---- exercises/exercise-grids/README.md	2024-07-16 16:55:16.518073820 +0200
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/README.md	2024-07-17 09:15:52.940245274 +0200
 +++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/README.md	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
 -# Exercise Grids (DuMuX course)
@@ -320,10 +164,169 @@ diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/README.md exercises/solution/exercise-grids/R
 -* > __Task 4__: Edit the grid properties to set up an ALUGrid made of cubes. Call one of the structured meshes via the input file.
--## Task 5: Reading in a Unstructured Grid (*.dgf or *.msh grid files)
+-## Task 5: Reading in an Unstructured Grid (*.dgf or *.msh grid files)
 -An example of an unstructured grid is located in the `grid/` folder (`grid_unstructured.msh`)
 -This grid is made up of triangles (simplices of dimension 2). This element type can be set in the grid properties section.
 -* > __Task 5__: Change the grid property element type to include `Dune::simplex` instead of `Dune::cube`. Read in the unstructured grid via the input file and run the simulation.
+diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf	2024-02-08 11:19:46.419932806 +0100
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.dgf	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
+-0 0   % first corner
+-60 40   % second corner
+-30 20   % cells in x and y direction
+diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo	2024-02-08 11:19:46.419932806 +0100
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/grids/grid_structured.geo	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
+-X = 60;
+-Y = 40;
+-Res = 1;
+-Point(1) = {0,0,0,Res};
+-Point(2) = {X,0,0,Res};
+-Point(3) = {X,Y,0,Res};
+-Point(4) = {0,Y,0,Res};
+-Line(5) = {1,2};
+-Line(6) = {2,3};
+-Line(7) = {3,4};
+-Line(8) = {4,1};
+-Line Loop(9) = {5,6,7,8};
+-Plane Surface(10) = 9;
+-numCellsX = 24;
+-numCellsY = 16;
+-Transfinite Line{5} = numCellsX + 1;
+-Transfinite Line{6} = numCellsY + 1;
+-Transfinite Line{7} = numCellsX + 1;
+-Transfinite Line{8} = numCellsY + 1;
+-Transfinite Surface "*";
+-Recombine Surface "*";
+-Transfinite Volume "*";
+diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/main.cc exercises/solution/exercise-grids/main.cc
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/main.cc	2024-02-08 11:19:46.419932806 +0100
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/main.cc	2024-02-08 11:19:46.449932806 +0100
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*!
+  * \file
+- * \brief The main file for the two-phase porousmediumflow problem of exercise-Grids
++ * \brief The main file for the two-phase porousmediumflow problem of exercise Grids
+  */
+ #include <config.h>
+diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/params.input exercises/solution/exercise-grids/params.input
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/params.input	2024-07-17 09:15:52.940245274 +0200
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/params.input	2024-02-08 11:19:46.449932806 +0100
+@@ -3,13 +3,34 @@
+ TEnd = 3.154e9 # in seconds, i.e ten years
+ [Grid]
+-UpperRight = 60 40
+-Cells = 24 16
++# UpperRight = 60 40
++# Cells = 24 16
+ # TODO: Task 1: Globally refine your grid
+-# TODO: Task 2: Develop grid input parameters that can be split into zones
++# Refinement = 2
++# TODO: Task 2: Develop even grid input parameters that can be split into zones
++# Positions0 = 0 60
++# Positions1 = 0 40
++# Cells0 = 24
++# Cells1 = 16
++# Grading0 = 1.0
++# Grading1 = 1.0
+ # TODO: Task 3: Using the zoning and grading parameters, redevelop your grid to optimize your refinement in the areas that matter.
+-# TODO: Task 4: Run your simulation with the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_structured.msh
+-# TODO: Task 5: Run your simulation with the provided unstructured grid file ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
++Positions0 = 0 40 60
++Positions1 = 0 25 30 35 40
++Cells0 = 10 14
++Cells1 = 10 6 6 1
++Grading0 = 1.0 -1.25
++Grading1 = 1.0 -1.2 1.2 1.0
++# TODO: Task 4: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_structured.msh
++# File = ./grids/grid_structured.msh
++# File = ./grids/grid_structured.dgf
++# TODO: Task 5: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
++#File = ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
+ [Problem]
+ Name = grid_exercise
+@@ -27,4 +48,4 @@
+ Aquifer.BrooksCoreyPcEntry = 1e4 # Pa
+ Aquifer.BrooksCoreyLambda = 2.0
+ Aquifer.Swr = 0.2
+-Aquifer.Snr = 0.0
+\ No newline at end of file
++Aquifer.Snr = 0.0
+diff -ruN exercises/exercise-grids/properties.hh exercises/solution/exercise-grids/properties.hh
+--- exercises/exercise-grids/properties.hh	2024-07-17 09:02:33.000253948 +0200
++++ exercises/solution/exercise-grids/properties.hh	2024-02-08 11:19:46.449932806 +0100
+@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
+  *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+  *****************************************************************************/
+ /*!
+- * \file
++  * \file
+  *
+- * \brief The properties file for exercise-grids
++ * \brief The two-phase porousmediumflow properties file for exercise-grids
+  */
+@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
+ #include "problem.hh"
+ namespace Dumux::Properties {
+ // define the TypeTag for this problem with a cell-centered two-point flux approximation spatial discretization.
+ // Create new type tags
+ namespace TTag {
+@@ -44,17 +43,20 @@
+ struct Injection2pCC { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<Injection2p, CCTpfaModel>; };
+ } // end namespace TTag
+-// Set the grid type
++//Set the grid type
++// template<class TypeTag>
++// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
++// TODO: Task 2: Replace the above Grid Property definition with a more flexible grid (Use Dune::TensorProductCoordinates)
+ template<class TypeTag>
+-struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
+-// TODO: dumux-course-task 2
+-//Replace the above Grid Property definition with a more flexible grid (Use Dune::TensorProductCoordinates)
+-// TODO: dumux-course-task 4
+-// Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external structured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune:cube)
++struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<double, 2> >; };
+-// TODO: dumux-course-task 5
+-// Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external unstructured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune::simplex)
++// TODO: Task 4: Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external structured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune:cube)
++// template<class TypeTag>
++// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::ALUGrid<2, 2, Dune::cube, Dune::nonconforming>; };
++// TODO: Task 5: Replace the above Grid Property definition to read in a external unstructured grid via a .msh file (Use Dune::ALUGrid and Dune::simplex)
++// template<class TypeTag>
++// struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::ALUGrid<2, 2, Dune::simplex, Dune::nonconforming>; };
+ // Set the problem property
+ template<class TypeTag>
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-grids/README.md b/exercises/exercise-grids/README.md
index 1879326dc6cf169b756c852af71ae45f48076df9..ecedcd60270e00711421d01380b48a931af7fc6c 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-grids/README.md
+++ b/exercises/exercise-grids/README.md
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ There are two external structured grid files located in the `grid/` folder (`gri
 * > __Task 4__: Edit the grid properties to set up an ALUGrid made of cubes. Call one of the structured meshes via the input file.
-## Task 5: Reading in a Unstructured Grid (*.dgf or *.msh grid files)
+## Task 5: Reading in an Unstructured Grid (*.dgf or *.msh grid files)
 An example of an unstructured grid is located in the `grid/` folder (`grid_unstructured.msh`)
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-grids/params.input b/exercises/exercise-grids/params.input
index 21d4999784843bc618bdb2c8ec359dea756bc0bb..dfff01e289245c754815b432cd93f4b1cf7d9230 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-grids/params.input
+++ b/exercises/exercise-grids/params.input
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ TEnd = 3.154e9 # in seconds, i.e ten years
 UpperRight = 60 40
 Cells = 24 16
 # TODO: Task 1: Globally refine your grid
-# TODO: Task 2: Develop even grid input parameters that can be split into zones
+# TODO: Task 2: Develop grid input parameters that can be split into zones
 # TODO: Task 3: Using the zoning and grading parameters, redevelop your grid to optimize your refinement in the areas that matter.
-# TODO: Task 4: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_structured.msh
-# TODO: Task 5: Run your simulation the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
+# TODO: Task 4: Run your simulation with the provided structured grid file ./grids/grid_structured.msh
+# TODO: Task 5: Run your simulation with the provided unstructured grid file ./grids/grid_unstructured.msh
 Name = grid_exercise