diff --git a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
index 6066ca60bd888009cd9d1e7a370e75cf6825f7a0..50756d140e289f8860026a2d608fc64c001806c1 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
+++ b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/README.md
@@ -382,11 +382,14 @@ freeflowProblem->updateDynamicWallProperties(freeflowSol);
 In addition to designating the locations of walls,
 additional boundary conditions and initial conditions need to be set for the two new primary variables $k$ and $\omega$.
 In the `boundaryTypes` function, set both variables on all walls to be dirichlet, except for the right boundary, which should have outflow conditions.
 For the initial conditions, Reynolds number specific base conditions should be applied everywhere.
 In the problem constructor, uncomment the code calculating these terms,
-then apply the `turbulentKineticEnergy_`and `dissipation_` variables to their primary variables in all locations,
-except for the wall boundaries, where these values can be set to zero.
-In addition, dirichlet constraints for the dissipation or $\omega$ variable will be set for all wall adjacent cells.
+then apply the `turbulentKineticEnergy_`and `dissipation_` variables to their primary variables in all locations.
+Within the dirichlet function for cell faces (`dirichlet(element, scvf)`),
+we also need to specify that these variables should be fixed to 0 at the wall.
+In addition, dirichlet cell constraints for the dissipation or $\omega$ variable will be set for all wall adjacent cells.
 This is done in the `isDirichletCell` function, as well as the `dirichlet` function already, and requires no further changes.
 Compile and run your new coupled problem and take a look at the results in Paraview.
@@ -405,7 +408,7 @@ you can use symmetric boundary conditions at the top boundary of your free flow
-In addition, you have to remove the condition `onUpperBoundary_(globalPos)` from the `initialAtPos(globalPos)` method.
+In addition, you have to remove the condition `onUpperBoundary_(globalPos)` from the `initialAtPos(globalPos)` method and the `dirichlet(element, scvf)` method.
 __Task C__:
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
index 07c1b7fb708b304a80a8d9eb6292dbe06b9985bc..6859b9c661a999743db4a8fc4245d994505e69ca 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
+++ b/exercises/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
@@ -181,6 +181,18 @@ public:
         const auto globalPos = scvf.ipGlobal();
         PrimaryVariables values(initialAtPos(globalPos));
+        // TODO: dumux-course-task 3.A
+        // Add dirichlet conditions setting TKE and Dissipation to zero on the upper and lower walls.
+        // TODO: dumux-course-task 3.B
+        // Remove the condition `onUpperBoundary_(globalPos)` here.
+        // if (onUpperBoundary_(globalPos) || onLowerBoundary_(globalPos))
+        // {
+        //     values[Indices::turbulentKineticEnergyIdx] = 0.0;
+        //     values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = 0.0;
+        // }
+    }
         return values;
diff --git a/exercises/solution/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh b/exercises/solution/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
index daf89074bcf5a0f48e4b9a5106167ba661cc2458..11042b533bd30eee26438880cc87db821bbc9773 100644
--- a/exercises/solution/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
+++ b/exercises/solution/exercise-coupling-ff-pm/turbulence/freeflowsubproblem.hh
@@ -216,6 +216,20 @@ public:
         const auto globalPos = scvf.ipGlobal();
         PrimaryVariables values(initialAtPos(globalPos));
+#if EXNUMBER == 1
+        if (onUpperBoundary_(globalPos) || onLowerBoundary_(globalPos))
+        {
+            values[Indices::turbulentKineticEnergyIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = 0.0;
+        }
+#elif EXNUMBER  >= 2
+        if (onLowerBoundary_(globalPos))
+        {
+            values[Indices::turbulentKineticEnergyIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = 0.0;
+        }
         return values;
@@ -327,20 +341,6 @@ public:
         values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = dissipation_;
-#if EXNUMBER == 1
-        if (onLowerBoundary_(globalPos) || onUpperBoundary_(globalPos))
-        {
-            values[Indices::turbulentKineticEnergyIdx] = 0.0;
-            values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = 0.0;
-        }
-#elif EXNUMBER >= 2
-        if (onLowerBoundary_(globalPos) || onUpperBoundary_(globalPos))
-        {
-            values[Indices::turbulentKineticEnergyIdx] = 0.0;
-            values[Indices::dissipationIdx] = 0.0;
-        }
 #if EXNUMBER >= 2
             values[Indices::velocityXIdx] = 0.0;