From af4067a4dfb45aabbe4e71192e31d042618f68c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: seitz <>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2019 13:50:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [exercise-fluidsystem] naming conventions and remove line
 reference in

 exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt      |  4 ++--
 exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/           | 14 +++++++-------
 ...{exercise_fluidsystem_a.input => aparams.input} |  0
 ...{exercise_fluidsystem_b.input => bparams.input} |  0
 .../{ =>}            |  0
 .../solution/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt   |  4 ++--
 ..._fluidsystem_a_solution.input => aparams.input} |  0
 ..._fluidsystem_b_solution.input => bparams.input} |  0
 .../{ =>}            |  0
 9 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 rename exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/{exercise_fluidsystem_a.input => aparams.input} (100%)
 rename exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/{exercise_fluidsystem_b.input => bparams.input} (100%)
 rename exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/{ =>} (100%)
 rename exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/{exercise_fluidsystem_a_solution.input => aparams.input} (100%)
 rename exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/{exercise_fluidsystem_b_solution.input => bparams.input} (100%)
 rename exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/{ =>} (100%)

diff --git a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
index 3ee66daa..e4ed4f01 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # executables for exercise part a & b
 #part a: 2pproblem
 dune_add_test(NAME exercise_fluidsystem_a
-              SOURCES
+              SOURCES
               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TYPETAG=ExerciseFluidsystemTwoP
               COMPILE_ONLY) # for testing purposes, ignore for the exercise
 #part b: 2p2cproblem
 dune_add_test(NAME exercise_fluidsystem_b
-              SOURCES
+              SOURCES
               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TYPETAG=ExerciseFluidsystemTwoPTwoC
               COMPILE_ONLY) # for testing purposes, ignore for the exercise
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/ b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
index 9f4b8740..df8f82a0 100644
--- a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
+++ b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ The domain has a size of 60 x 60 m and contains two low-permeable lenses. Initia
 ### 1. Getting familiar with the code
 Locate all the files you will need for this exercise
-* The shared __main file__ : ``
-* The __input file__ for part a: `exercise_fluidsystem_a.input`
+* The shared __main file__ : ``
+* The __input file__ for part a: `aparams.input`
 * The __problem file__ for part a: `2pproblem.hh`
-* The __input file__ for part b: `exercise_fluidsystem_b.input`
+* The __input file__ for part b: `bparams.input`
 * The __problem file__ for part b: `2p2cproblem.hh`
 * The __spatial parameters file__: `spatialparams.hh`
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
 ### 2.1. Incompressible component
-Open the file `myincompressiblecomponent.hh`. You can see in line 42 that a component should always derive from the _Base_ class (see `dumux/material/components/base.hh`), which defines the interface of a _DuMuX_ component with possibly required functions to be overloaded by the actual implementation. Additionally it is required for liquids to derive from the _Liquid_ class (see `dumux/material/components/liquid.hh`), for gases to derive from the _Gas_ class (see `dumux/material/components/gas.hh`) and for solids to derive from the _Solid_ class (see `dumux/material/components/solid.hh`), with functions specific to liquid, gas or solid.
+Open the file `myincompressiblecomponent.hh`.  A component should always derive from the _Base_ class - thus we include `dumux/material/components/base.hh`-, which defines the interface of a _DuMuX_ component with possibly required functions to be overloaded by the actual implementation. Additionally it is required for liquids to derive from the _Liquid_ class (see `dumux/material/components/liquid.hh`), for gases to derive from the _Gas_ class (see `dumux/material/components/gas.hh`) and for solids to derive from the _Solid_ class (see `dumux/material/components/solid.hh`), with functions specific to liquid, gas or solid.
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ In order to execute the program, change to the build directory and compile and e
 cd build-cmake/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem
 make exercise_fluidsystem_a
-./exercise_fluidsystem_a exercise_fluidsystem_a.input
+./exercise_fluidsystem_a aparams.input
 The saturation distribution of the nonwetting phase S$`_n`$ (the phase consisting of our fictitious incompressible component) at the final simulation time should look like this:
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ where $`p`$ is the pressure and $`\rho_{min} = 1440 `$, $`\rho_{max} = 1480 `$ a
-You can plot the density of the phase consisting of your compressible component by setting `PlotDensity` in `exercise_fluidsystem_a.input` to `true` and starting the simulation again.
+You can plot the density of the phase consisting of your compressible component by setting `PlotDensity` in `aparams.input` to `true` and starting the simulation again.
 Compare the gnuplot output to the following plot of the density function from above:
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Implement this dependency in the `density()` method in the fluid system. In orde
 cd build-cmake/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem
 make exercise_fluidsystem_b
-./exercise_fluidsystem_b exercise_fluidsystem_b.input
+./exercise_fluidsystem_b bparams.input
 You will observe an error message and an abortion of the program. This is due to the fact that in order for the constraint solver and other mechanisms in the two-phase two-component model to work, an additional functionality in the component has to be implemented: the model has to know the vapour pressure. As in the previous exercise, check the `dumux/material/components/base.hh` file for this function and implement it into `mycompressiblecomponent.hh`. For the vapour pressure, use a value of $`3900`$  Pa.
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_a.input b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/aparams.input
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_a.input
rename to exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/aparams.input
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_b.input b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/bparams.input
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_b.input
rename to exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/bparams.input
diff --git a/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/ b/exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
rename to exercises/exercise-fluidsystem/
diff --git a/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt b/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
index 57b95d69..4381e36d 100644
--- a/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # executables for exercise part a & b
 #part a: 2pproblem
 dune_add_test(NAME exercise_fluidsystem_a_solution
-              SOURCES
+              SOURCES
               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TYPETAG=ExerciseFluidsystemTwoP)
 #part b: 2p2cproblem
 dune_add_test(NAME exercise_fluidsystem_b_solution
-              SOURCES
+              SOURCES
               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TYPETAG=ExerciseFluidsystemTwoPTwoC)
 # add exercises to the common target
diff --git a/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_a_solution.input b/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/aparams.input
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_a_solution.input
rename to exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/aparams.input
diff --git a/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_b_solution.input b/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/bparams.input
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/exercise_fluidsystem_b_solution.input
rename to exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/bparams.input
diff --git a/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/ b/exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/
similarity index 100%
rename from exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/
rename to exercises/solution/exercise-fluidsystem/