diff --git a/slides/problem.md b/slides/problem.md
index e971ea87f4873e0ee929d35e7683078e148fae81..01bfb01842cdaa81bf22adff39f7a52d24a6dff5 100644
--- a/slides/problem.md
+++ b/slides/problem.md
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-title: Setting up a test problem / application and using the build system (CMake)
+title: Setting up a problem / using cmake
-# Test Problems / Applications
 ## Test Problems / Applications
 A test problem / application consists of:
 * A property file (properties.hh)
@@ -14,13 +13,15 @@ A test problem / application consists of:
 * a main file (often main.cc)
 * a build system file (CMakeLists.txt)
-## Example for an immiscible two phase injection test case
+## Example: gas injection / immiscible two phase flow
 Mass balance:
 \phi \frac{\partial \varrho_\alpha S_\alpha}{\partial t}
- \text{div} \left\{ \boldsymbol{v}_\alpha \right\}
+ \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol{v}_\alpha
  q_\alpha = 0
@@ -28,85 +29,108 @@ $\begin{equation}
 Momentum balance:
-\boldsymbol{v}_\alpha = \varrho_\alpha \frac{k_{r\alpha}}{\mu_\alpha} \mathbf{K} \left(\textbf{grad}\, p_\alpha - \varrho_{\alpha} \mathbf{g} \right)
+\boldsymbol{v}_\alpha = \varrho_\alpha \frac{k_{r\alpha}}{\mu_\alpha} \mathbf{K} \left(\nabla\, p_\alpha - \varrho_{\alpha} \mathbf{g} \right)
-# The properties file (properties.hh)
+# Properties <small>(`properties.hh`)</small>
 ## The properties file
-Lists all the properties and dependencies of the current problem. The injection test case inherits from the 2p model:
+Sets all properties of the current problem. The injection test case inherits from the 2p model:
 namespace Dumux::Properties {
-// define the TypeTag for this problem with a cell-centered two-point flux approximation spatial discretization.
-// Create new type tags
+// define the TypeTag for this problem
 namespace TTag {
 struct Injection2p { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<TwoP>; };
 } // end namespace TTag
-// Include all necessary properties within the namespace Dumux::Properties
+// Set/Overwrite properties within the namespace Dumux::Properties
 } // end namespace Dumux::Properties
 ## The properties file
 Often specifies the discretization method:
 namespace Dumux::Properties {
-// define the TypeTag for this problem with a cell-centered two-point flux approximation spatial discretization.
-// Create new type tags
+// define the TypeTag for this problem with a cell-centered two-point
+// flux approximation spatial discretization.
 namespace TTag {
 struct Injection2p { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<TwoP>; };
-struct Injection2pCC { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<Injection2p, CCTpfaModel>; };
+struct Injection2pCC {
+    using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<Injection2p, CCTpfaModel>;
 } // end namespace TTag
 } // end namespace Dumux::Properties
 ## The properties file
-The grid type:
+Setting the `Grid` type:
-// Set the grid type
 template<class TypeTag>
-struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
+struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p>
+{ using type = Dune::YaspGrid<2>; };
 ## The properties file
-The problem type:
+Setting our `Problem` type:
-// Set the problem property
 template<class TypeTag>
-struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = InjectionProblem2P<TypeTag>; };
+struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p>
+{ using type = InjectionProblem2P<TypeTag>; };
 ## The properties file
-The spatial parameters:
+Setting our `SpatialParams` type:
 // Set the spatial parameters
 template<class TypeTag>
-struct SpatialParams<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> {
+struct SpatialParams<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p>
-    using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag,
+                                       Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
     using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
-    using type = InjectionSpatialParams<FVGridGeometry, Scalar>; };
+    using type = InjectionSpatialParams<FVGridGeometry, Scalar>;
 ## The properties file
-The fluidsystem:
+Setting the `FluidSystem` type:
 // Set fluid configuration
 template<class TypeTag>
-struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p> { using type = FluidSystems::H2ON2<GetPropType
-                    <TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>, FluidSystems::H2ON2DefaultPolicy</*fastButSimplifiedRelations=*/true>>; };
+struct FluidSystem<TypeTag, TTag::Injection2p>
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using Policy = FluidSystems::H2ON2DefaultPolicy<
+        /*fastButSimplifiedRelations=*/true
+    >;
+    using type = FluidSystems::H2ON2<Scalar, Policy>;
-## The properties file
-The property file can also incorporate many more properties depending on the utilized model and test case.
-# The problem file (problem.hh)
+<h2>The properties file may set many more properties depending on the utilized model and test case.</h2>
+# The problem <small>(`problem.hh`)</small>
 ## The problem file
 A problem in DuMu$^\mathsf{x}$ implements a specific model scenario:
@@ -115,21 +139,25 @@ A problem in DuMu$^\mathsf{x}$ implements a specific model scenario:
 template<class TypeTag>
 class InjectionProblem2P : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
-// Details of the model scenario (BoundaryConditions, InitialConditions, etc.)
+    // Details of the model scenario
+    // - BoundaryConditions
+    // - InitialConditions
+    // - etc.
 ## The problem file
-Defines boundary conditions:
+Defining the types of boundary conditions:
 BoundaryTypes boundaryTypesAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
     BoundaryTypes bcTypes;
-    // set the left of the domain (with the global position in "0 = x" direction as a Dirichlet boundary
+    // Use Dirichlet boundary conditions on the left
     if (globalPos[0] < eps_)
-    // set all other as Neumann boundaries
+    // Use Neumann boundary conditions on the rest of the boundary
     return bcTypes;
@@ -138,99 +166,82 @@ BoundaryTypes boundaryTypesAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
 ## The problem file
-Evaluates boundary conditions:
+Evaluating boundary conditions:
-PrimaryVariables dirichletAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
-    return initialAtPos(globalPos);
+PrimaryVariables dirichletAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+{ return initialAtPos(globalPos); }
-## The problem file
-PrimaryVariables neumannAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+NumEqVector neumannAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
-    // initialize values to zero, i.e. no-flow Neumann boundary conditions
-    PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-    // using < boundary + eps_ or > boundary - eps_ is safer for floating point comparisons
-    // than using <= or >= as it is robust with regard to imprecision introduced by rounding errors.
-    if (time_ < injectionDuration_ && globalPos[1] < 15 + eps_ && globalPos[1] > 7 - eps_
-        && globalPos[0] > 0.9*this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0])
+    NumEqVector values(0.0);
+    if (injectionActive() && onInjectionBoundary(globalPos))
-        // inject nitrogen. Negative values mean injection
+        // inject nitrogen. negative values mean injection
         // units kg/(s*m^2)
         values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = -1e-4;
         values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = 0.0;
     return values;
 ## The problem file
-Defines initial conditions
+Defining initial conditions:
-PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-    // get the water density at atmospheric conditions
-    const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), 1.0e5);
-    // assume an initially hydrostatic liquid pressure profile
-    const Scalar pw = 1.0e5 - densityW*this->gravity()[dimWorld-1]*(aquiferDepth_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]);
+    const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(
+        temperature(), 1.0e5
+    );
+    const Scalar pw = 1.0e5 - densityW*this->gravity()[dimWorld-1]*(
+        aquiferDepth_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]
+    );
     values[Indices::pressureIdx] = pw;
-    values[Indices::saturationIdx] = 0.0;
     return values;
 ## The problem file
-Defines source/sink terms
+Defining source/sink terms:
 NumEqVector sourceAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
-    NumEqVector source(0.0)
-    // The units must be according to either using mole or mass fractions.
-    // (mole/(m^3*s) or kg/(m^3*s))
-    // extract nitrogen at specific point. Positive values mean extraction.
-    if (globalPos[0] < 5 + eps_ && globalPos[0] > 4 - eps_ && globalPos[1] < 5 + eps_ && globalPos[1] > 4 - eps_)
-        source[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = 1e-6;
-    return source;
+    return NumEqVector(0.0);
-# The spatial parameters (spatialparams.hh)
+# Spatial Parameters <small>(`spatialparams.hh`)</small>
 ## The spatial parameters
-The spatialparams define spatial parameters of the porous material.
-## The spatial parameters
+Defining the intrinsic permeability:
-PermeabilityType permeabilityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
-    // here, either aquitard or aquifer permeability are returned, depending on the global position
-    if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
-        return aquitardK_;
-    return aquiferK_;
-// provides a convenient way distinguishing whether a given location is inside the aquitard
-bool isInAquitard_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+template<class FVGridGeometry, class Scalar>
+class InjectionSpatialParams : ...
-    // globalPos[dimWorld-1] is the y direction for 2D grids or the z direction for 3D grids
-    return globalPos[dimWorld-1] > aquiferHeightFromBottom_ + eps_;
+    auto permeabilityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    {
+        if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
+            return aquitardK_;
+        return aquiferK_;
+    }
 ## The spatial parameters
+Defining the porosity:
 Scalar porosityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
@@ -238,28 +249,28 @@ Scalar porosityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     // here, either aquitard or aquifer porosity are returned
     if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
         return aquitardPorosity_;
     return aquiferPorosity_;
 ## The spatial parameters
 Capillary pressure - saturation relationship:
 More information in a later lecture on the materialsystem!
-const auto fluidMatrixInteractionAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+auto fluidMatrixInteractionAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
         return makeFluidMatrixInteraction(aquitardPcKrSwCurve_);
     return makeFluidMatrixInteraction(aquiferPcKrSwCurve_);
 ## The spatial parameters
+Defining the temperature in the domain:
 Scalar temperatureAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
@@ -269,9 +280,10 @@ Scalar temperatureAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
-# The input file (*.input)
+# Runtime parameters <small>(`params.input`)</small>
 ## The input file
 DUNE INI syntax:
@@ -287,14 +299,19 @@ Input files are specified as arguments to the executable
 `./myexecutable params.input`
 ## The input file
 If no input file is given it defaults to the file `params.input` or `myexecutablename.input`
-Parameters can be overwritten through the command line like via:
+Parameters can be overwritten in the command line via:
-`./executable –Problem.Name myNewName`
+./executable params.input –Problem.Name myNewName
-# The main source file (*.cc)
+# The main file <small>(`2pmain.cc`)</small>
 ## The main source file
 * Each problem has a specific main file (`test_name.cc` or `main.cc`) which sets up the program structure and calls assembler and solvers to assemble and solve the PDEs.
@@ -302,11 +319,12 @@ Parameters can be overwritten through the command line like via:
 * The main file usually includes the problem, the solvers, the assembler, the VTK output module and the gridmanager.
 ## The main source file
-Common structure for most main files:
+Startup / parsing runtime parameters:
 // define the type tag for this problem
-using TypeTag = Properties::TTag::OnePIncompressible;
+using TypeTag = Properties::TTag::Injection2pCC;
 // maybe initialize MPI and/or multithreading backend
 const auto& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance();
@@ -320,6 +338,9 @@ Parameters::init(argc, argv);
 ## The main source file
+Grid creation:
 // try to create a grid (from the given grid file or the input file)
 GridManager<GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>> gridManager;
@@ -327,8 +348,15 @@ gridManager.init();
 // we compute on the leaf grid view
 const auto& leafGridView = gridManager.grid().leafGridView();
+## The main source file
+`GridGeometry` and `Problem` instantiation:
 // create the finite volume grid geometry
+// (represents the chosen discretization scheme)
 using GridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>;
 auto gridGeometry = std::make_shared<GridGeometry>(leafGridView);
@@ -337,7 +365,11 @@ using Problem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Problem>;
 auto problem = std::make_shared<Problem>(gridGeometry);
 ## The main source file
+Initial solution and secondary variables:
 // the solution vector
 using SolutionVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector>;
@@ -345,15 +377,29 @@ SolutionVector x(gridGeometry->numDofs());
 // the grid variables
 using GridVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
-auto gridVariables = std::make_shared<GridVariables>(problem, gridGeometry);
+auto gridVariables = std::make_shared<GridVariables>(
+    problem, gridGeometry
+## The main source file
+Setting up [VTK](https://vtk.org/) output:
 // initialize the vtk output module
-VtkOutputModule<GridVariables, SolutionVector> vtkWriter(*gridVariables, x, problem->name());
+VtkOutputModule<GridVariables, SolutionVector> vtkWriter(
+    *gridVariables, x, problem->name()
 using VelocityOutput = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::VelocityOutput>;
+    std::make_shared<VelocityOutput>(*gridVariables)
 using IOFields = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IOFields>;
-IOFields::initOutputModule(vtkWriter); //!< Add model specific output fields
 ## The main source file
@@ -366,17 +412,14 @@ Differences for various problem cases:
 ## The main source file
-A stationary linear problem:
+Assembling the system for a linear problem:
 // the assembler for stationary problems
 using Assembler = FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
-auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables);
-// the linear solver
-using LinearSolver = ILUBiCGSTABIstlSolver<LinearSolverTraits<GridGeometry>,
-                                           LinearAlgebraTraitsFromAssembler<Assembler>>;
-auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>(gridGeometry->gridView(), gridGeometry->dofMapper());
+auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(
+    problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables
 // the discretization matrices for stationary linear problems
 using JacobianMatrix = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::JacobianMatrix>;
@@ -387,7 +430,18 @@ assembler->assembleJacobianAndResidual(x);
 ## The main source file
+And solving it:
+using LinearSolver = ILUBiCGSTABIstlSolver<
+    LinearSolverTraits<GridGeometry>,
+    LinearAlgebraTraitsFromAssembler<Assembler>
+auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>(
+    gridGeometry->gridView(), gridGeometry->dofMapper()
 // we solve Ax = -r to save update and copy
 (*r) *= -1.0;
 linearSolver->solve(*A, x, *r);
@@ -396,45 +450,45 @@ gridVariables->update(x);
 ## The main source file
-A stationary non-linear problem:
+For non-linear problems, use the `NewtonSolver`:
-using Assembler = FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
-auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables);
-// the linear solver
-using LinearSolver = ILUBiCGSTABIstlSolver<LinearSolverTraits<GridGeometry>,
-                                           LinearAlgebraTraitsFromAssembler<Assembler>>;
-auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>(gridGeometry->gridView(), gridGeometry->dofMapper());
-// the non-linear solver
+auto assembler = ...;  // as before
+auto linearSolver = ...;  // as before
 using NewtonSolver = Dumux::NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
 NewtonSolver nonLinearSolver(assembler, linearSolver);
 // linearize & solve
 ## The main source file
-An instationary non-linear problem:
+For instationary problems, pass a `TimeLoop` and a solution vector
+carrying the solution on the previous time step to the assembler:
-// instantiate time loop
+SolutionVector xOld = x;
 auto timeLoop = std::make_shared<TimeLoop<Scalar>(0.0, dt, tEnd);
-using Assembler = FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
-auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables, timeLoop);
-// the linear solver
-using LinearSolver = ILUBiCGSTABIstlSolver<LinearSolverTraits<GridGeometry>,
-                                           LinearAlgebraTraitsFromAssembler<Assembler>>;
-auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>(gridGeometry->gridView(), gridGeometry->dofMapper());
+using Assembler = FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
+auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(
+    problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables, timeLoop, xOld
-// the non-linear solver
-using NewtonSolver = Dumux::NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
-NewtonSolver nonLinearSolver(assembler, linearSolver);
+// assemble linear/non-linear problem as before
+// ...
 ## The main source file
+The skeleton of a time loop:
-// time loop
 timeLoop->start(); do
     // Calculate solution within each time step
@@ -442,15 +496,13 @@ timeLoop->start(); do
 ## The main source file
-The timeloop for the instationary non-linear problem:
+Solving a time step:
 // time loop
 timeLoop->start(); do
-    // set previous solution for storage evaluations
-    assembler->setPreviousSolution(xOld);
     // linearize & solve
     nonLinearSolver.solve(x, *timeLoop);
@@ -460,18 +512,24 @@ timeLoop->start(); do
 ## The main source file
+Advancing the time loop to the next step:
     // advance to the time loop to the next step
     // report statistics of this time step
     // set new dt as suggested by the newton solver
-    timeLoop->setTimeStepSize(nonLinearSolver.suggestTimeStepSize(timeLoop->timeStepSize()));
+    timeLoop->setTimeStepSize(
+        nonLinearSolver.suggestTimeStepSize(timeLoop->timeStepSize())
+    );
 } while (!timeLoop->finished());
-# Build system (CMakeLists.txt)
+# Build system <small>(`CMakeLists.txt`)</small>
 ## Build system - what is CMake?
@@ -491,62 +549,74 @@ timeLoop->finalize(leafGridView.comm());
 * Build with the script `dune-common/bin/dunecontrol <options>` which takes care of all dependencies and modular dune structure.
 * Option `all`: build all libraries and executables.
-* Option `--opts=<optionfile.opts>` specify e.g. compiler flags,  for DuMu$^\mathsf{x}$ the `optionfile` is `dumux/cmake.opts`.
-* Option `--build-dir=<build directory>` specify path for out-of-source build.
-* Default: every module contains its own build directory `build-cmake/`.
+* Option `--opts=<optionfile.opts>` specify e.g. compiler flags; For DuMu$^\mathsf{x}$, you may use `dumux/cmake.opts`.
+* Option `--build-dir=<build directory>` specify path for out-of-source build; Default: every module contains its own build directory `build-cmake/`.
 * You have to reconfigure (possibly deleting all build directories first) whenever a dependency changes or a Dune library is updated.
-`./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dumux/cmake.opts all`
+## Invoking `dunecontrol`
+./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dumux/cmake.opts all
 ## Build system - important basic commands
 * Use `add_subdirectory` for recursively adding subdirectories.
 * The subdirectory has to contain a `CMakeLists.txt` file (can be empty).
 * Executables are added via `add_executable(<name> source1 [source2 ...])`.
-* Tests are added via `dune_add_test(...)` which also add a test executable to the test suite.
+* Tests are added via `dumux_add_test(...)` which also add a test executable to the test suite.
 * Symlinks can be added via `dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES file1 [file2 ...])`.
 ## Build system
 Simplest incorporation of a test by defining name, source file and command line arguments:
-dune_add_test(NAME test_2p_incompressible_box
-SOURCES test_2p_fv.cc
-CMD_ARGS test_2p.input)
+    NAME test_2p_incompressible_box
+    SOURCES test_2p_fv.cc
+    CMD_ARGS test_2p.input
 ## Build system
 Add extra compile definitions and commands:
-dune_add_test(NAME test_2p_incompressible_box
-SOURCES test_2p_fv.cc
-COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
-CMD_ARGS --script fuzzy
-         --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/lensbox-reference.vtu
-                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/2p_box-00007.vtu
-         --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_2p_incompressible_box
-                   test_2p.input -Problem.Name 2p_box")
+    NAME test_2p_incompressible_box
+    SOURCES test_2p_fv.cc
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+    CMD_ARGS --script fuzzy
+        --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/lensbox-reference.vtu
+                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/2p_box-00007.vtu
+        --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_2p_incompressible_box
+                  test_2p.input -Problem.Name 2p_box"
 ## Build system
 Extra: Create linked parameter file in `build-cmake` folder, separately add executable and set compile defintions for an executable:
 dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES "params.input")
 # using tpfa
 add_executable(test_2p_incompressible_tpfa EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL main.cc)
-target_compile_definitions(test_2p_incompressible_tpfa PUBLIC TYPETAG=TwoPIncompressibleTpfa)
+    test_2p_incompressible_tpfa PUBLIC TYPETAG=TwoPIncompressibleTpfa
 ## Build system
 Instead of the box discretization use the tpfa discretization:
-dumux_add_test(NAME test_2p_incompressible_tpfa
-              TARGET test_2p_incompressible_tpfa
-              LABELS porousmediumflow 2p
-              COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
-              CMD_ARGS --script fuzzy
-                       --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/test_2p_incompressible_cc-reference.vtu
-                               ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_2p_incompressible_tpfa-00007.vtu
-                       --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_2p_incompressible_tpfa params.input -Problem.Name test_2p_incompressible_tpfa")
+    NAME test_2p_incompressible_tpfa
+    TARGET test_2p_incompressible_tpfa
+    LABELS porousmediumflow 2p
+    COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+    ...
 ## Build system
@@ -583,12 +653,17 @@ Handling results:
 * Is enabled when a multi-threading backend is found
 * Backend is selected by `CMAKE` during configuration and stored in `DUMUX_MULTITHREADING_BACKEND`
 * Possible examples are `OpenMP`, `TBB`, C++ parallel algorithms and `Kokkos`
-* Can be turned of in `params.input` with:
+## Switching off multi-threading
+Simply add the following to your input file:
 Multithreading = false
-* Important for working on clusters: Number of threads can also be restricted via manipulating the environment variable `DUMUX_NUM_THREADS=2 ./executable`
+Important for working on clusters: Number of threads can also be restricted via manipulating the environment variable `DUMUX_NUM_THREADS=2 ./executable`
 # Exercises