<img src="https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/raw/master/doc/logo/dumux_logo_hires_whitebg.png?inline=false" alt="dumux logo" width="400"/> # DuMu<sup>x</sup> course material The material is organized as follows * __Exercises__: click [here](./exercises/README.md) to go to the exercise description * __Slides__: click [here](./slides/README.md) to download the slides * __Links__: click [here](./links/README.md) to go to a list of useful links ## Installation of the course To get started with the course, you have two options. Depending on whether you already have DuMu<sup>x</sup> installed or not, choose the one that fits your needs. ### Install DuMu<sup>x</sup> together with the course The easiest way to install everything you need is to use the install scripts provided in DuMu<sup>x</sup>, for instance, with this sequence of commands: ```bash wget https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/raw/master/bin/installdumux.py python3 installdumux.py --dumux-version master --dune-version 2.9 cd dumux python3 dumux/bin/installexternal.py dumux-course --dumux-branch master --dune-branch releases/2.9 ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol bexec rm -r CMakeFiles CMakeCache.txt ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=./dumux/cmake.opts all ``` If you don't have `wget` and don't want to install it, you can just manually download the `installdumux.py` script from the git repository. ### Install the course into your existing DuMu<sup>x</sup> project If you already have an installation of DuMu<sup>x</sup>, navigate to your DuMu<sup>x</sup> root directory and then run the following commands: ```bash python3 dumux/bin/installexternal.py dumux-course ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=./dumux/cmake.opts all ``` This will download and then configure the course repository using `dunecontrol`. After this, you can start with the [exercises](https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux-course/-/tree/master/exercises). ### Requirements For a successful installation and the execution of all exercises, the following software packages are needed: * gcc >= 7 * cmake >= 3.13 * git * pkg-config * paraview (to visualize the results) * gnuplot (to plot some curves) * wget (to download some config files during the installation) For some excercises you might need UMFPack. UMFPack can be installed via Suitesparse. For instance on Ubuntu use `apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev`. Last updated for: __DuMu<sup>x</sup> course 2023__.