diff --git a/dumux/common/properties.hh b/dumux/common/properties.hh
index d08dbebf076c75ff58771433f6184cae2fc3ba79..aee63d335e022d3bfee25089bbc6b30891132c7c 100644
--- a/dumux/common/properties.hh
+++ b/dumux/common/properties.hh
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ NEW_PROP_TAG(EvaluatePermeabilityAtScvfIP);
 // Additional properties used by the 2pnc and 2pncmin models:
 NEW_PROP_TAG(Chemistry);                           //!< The chemistry class with which solves equlibrium reactions
-NEW_PROP_TAG(SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase);     //!< Set the mole fraction in the wetting or non-wetting phase
+NEW_PROP_TAG(SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase);       //!< Set the mole fraction in the wetting or non-wetting phase
 // Additional properties used by the richards model
diff --git a/dumux/io/plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh b/dumux/io/plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh
index a1681d5d1e4b316666f211950418bdec6e8c60cd..f759379a4b95364312dd56d0a2bb8acd084abbb8 100644
--- a/dumux/io/plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/plotthermalconductivitymodel.hh
@@ -41,9 +41,12 @@ template<class Scalar, class ThermalConductivityModel, class FluidSystem>
 class PlotThermalConductivityModel
     using FluidState = CompositionalFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
-    enum {
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx
+    // phase indices
+    enum
+    {
+        phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx
@@ -61,10 +64,10 @@ public:
         FluidState fluidstate;
-        fluidstate.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, pressure);
-        fluidstate.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, pressure);
-        lambdaW_ = FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(fluidstate, wPhaseIdx);
-        lambdaN_ = FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(fluidstate, nPhaseIdx);
+        fluidstate.setPressure(phase0Idx, pressure);
+        fluidstate.setPressure(phase1Idx, pressure);
+        lambdaW_ = FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(fluidstate, phase0Idx);
+        lambdaN_ = FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(fluidstate, phase1Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistry.hh b/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistry.hh
index 37d09fc5b1cf988420357185bc39629019634c50..26dcca48ed3d9bfb2feed6c68ba362646f35e710 100644
--- a/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistry.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistry.hh
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include <cmath>
-#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
 #include <dumux/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dumux/discretization/methods.hh>
@@ -46,37 +45,36 @@ enum ElectroChemistryModel { Ochs, Acosta };
  * \brief This class calculates source terms and current densities for fuel cells
  * with the electrochemical models suggested by Ochs (2008) \cite ochs2008 or Acosta et al. (2006) \cite A3:acosta:2006
  * \todo TODO: Scalar type should be extracted from VolumeVariables!
+ * \todo TODO: This shouldn't depend on grid and discretization!!
 template <class Scalar, class Indices, class FluidSystem, class FVGridGeometry, ElectroChemistryModel electroChemistryModel>
 class ElectroChemistry
-    using FVElementGeometry = typename FVGridGeometry::LocalView;
-    using GridView = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView;
-    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
     using Constant = Dumux::Constants<Scalar>;
-    enum {
-        //indices of the components
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx, //major component of the liquid phase
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx, //major component of the gas phase
-        O2Idx = wCompIdx + 2
-    };
-    enum {
+    enum
+    {
         //indices of the primary variables
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx, //gas-phase pressure
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx, //liquid saturation or mole fraction
+        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx, // gas-phase pressure
+        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,     // liquid saturation or mole fraction
-    enum {
+    enum
+    {
         //equation indices
-        conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx,
-        contiH2OEqIdx = conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx,
-        contiO2EqIdx = conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx + 2,
+        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        contiO2EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::O2Idx,
-    static constexpr bool isBox = FVGridGeometry::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
-    enum { dofCodim = isBox ? GridView::dimension : 0 };
+    enum
+    {
+        // phase indices
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
+        gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx
+    };
+    using GridView = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView;
+    static constexpr bool isBox = FVGridGeometry::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
     using GlobalPosition = typename Dune::FieldVector<typename GridView::ctype, GridView::dimensionworld>;
@@ -92,9 +90,9 @@ public:
     static void reactionSource(SourceValues &values, Scalar currentDensity,
                                const std::string& paramGroup = "")
-        //correction to account for actually relevant reaction area
-        //current density has to be devided by the half length of the box
-        //\todo Do we have multiply with the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) here instead?
+        // correction to account for actually relevant reaction area
+        // current density has to be devided by the half length of the box
+        // \todo Do we have multiply with the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) here instead?
         static Scalar gridYMax = getParamFromGroup<GlobalPosition>(paramGroup, "Grid.UpperRight")[1];
         static Scalar nCellsY = getParamFromGroup<GlobalPosition>(paramGroup, "Grid.Cells")[1];
@@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ public:
             Scalar activationLossesNext    = calculateActivationLosses_(volVars, currentDensity+deltaCurrentDensity);
             Scalar concentrationLosses     = calculateConcentrationLosses_(volVars);
             Scalar activationLossesDiff    = activationLossesNext - activationLosses;
-            Scalar sw                      = volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+            Scalar sw                      = volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx);
             if(electroChemistryModel == ElectroChemistryModel::Acosta)
@@ -198,11 +196,11 @@ private:
         static Scalar transferCoefficient = getParam<Scalar>("ElectroChemistry.TransferCoefficient");
         //Saturation sw for Acosta calculation
-        Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx);
         //Calculate prefactor
         Scalar preFactor = Constant::R*volVars.fluidState().temperature()/transferCoefficient/Constant::F/numElectrons;
         //Get partial pressure of O2 in the gas phase
-        Scalar pO2 = volVars.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx) * volVars.fluidState().moleFraction(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, O2Idx);
+        Scalar pO2 = volVars.pressure(gasPhaseIdx) * volVars.fluidState().moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::O2Idx);
         Scalar losses = 0.0;
         //Calculate activation losses
@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@ private:
         //Calculate preFactor
         Scalar preFactor = Constant::R*volVars.temperature()/transferCoefficient/Constant::F/numElectrons;
         //Get partial pressure of O2 in the gas phase
-        Scalar pO2 = volVars.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx) * volVars.fluidState().moleFraction(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, O2Idx);
+        Scalar pO2 = volVars.pressure(gasPhaseIdx) * volVars.fluidState().moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::O2Idx);
         Scalar losses = 0.0;
         //Calculate concentration losses
diff --git a/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistryni.hh b/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistryni.hh
index 4b9de9329357a19e47700c875b41c527c468bdde..a1a0eae0f5ad4c31fcc3f9a1b3f5ce94eae53298 100644
--- a/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistryni.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistryni.hh
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
-#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/constants.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/chemistry/electrochemistry/electrochemistry.hh>
@@ -36,30 +35,23 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * with the electrochemical models suggested by Ochs (2008) \cite ochs2008 or Acosta (2006) \cite A3:acosta:2006
  * for the non-isothermal case.
  * \todo TODO: Scalar type should be extracted from VolumeVariables!
+ * \todo TODO: This shouldn't depend on discretization and grid!!
 template <class Scalar, class Indices, class FVGridGeometry, ElectroChemistryModel electroChemistryModel>
 class ElectroChemistryNI : public ElectroChemistry<Scalar, Indices, FVGridGeometry, electroChemistryModel>
     using ParentType = ElectroChemistry<Scalar, Indices, FVGridGeometry, electroChemistryModel>;
-    using GridView = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView;
     using Constant = Constants<Scalar>;
     enum {
-        //indices of the components
-        wCompIdx = Indices::wCompIdx, //major component of the liquid phase
-        nCompIdx = Indices::nCompIdx, //major component of the gas phase
-        O2Idx = wCompIdx + 2
-    };
-    enum { //equation indices
-            conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx,
-            contiH2OEqIdx = conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx,
-            contiO2EqIdx = conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx + 2,
-            energyEqIdx = Indices::energyEqIdx, //energy equation
+        //equation indices
+        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        contiO2EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::O2Idx,
+        energyEqIdx = Indices::energyEqIdx, //energy equation
+    using GridView = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView;
     static constexpr bool isBox = FVGridGeometry::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
-    enum { dofCodim = isBox ? GridView::dimension : 0 };
     using GlobalPosition = typename Dune::FieldVector<typename GridView::ctype, GridView::dimensionworld>;
     using CellVector = typename Dune::FieldVector<typename GridView::ctype, GridView::dimension>;
diff --git a/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/compositionalflash.hh b/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/compositionalflash.hh
index 834ec781fb061d43d7a4791d8147b28c9c7bd482..a49d22970d5bf8fb2d77366daa991716276355a3 100644
--- a/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/compositionalflash.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/compositionalflash.hh
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ class CompositionalFlash
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx
+        phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx,
+        comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx,
+        comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx
@@ -82,93 +82,93 @@ public:
         // set the temperature, pressure
-        fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, phasePressure[wPhaseIdx]);
-        fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, phasePressure[nPhaseIdx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, phasePressure[phase0Idx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, phasePressure[phase1Idx]);
         //mole equilibrium ratios K for in case wPhase is reference phase
-        double k1 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);    // = p^wComp_vap
-        double k2 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);    // = H^nComp_w
+        double k1 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp0Idx);    // = p^wComp_vap
+        double k2 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp1Idx);    // = H^nComp_w
         // get mole fraction from equilibrium konstants
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, ((1. - k2) / (k1 -k2)));
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, (fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * k1));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx, ((1. - k2) / (k1 -k2)));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, (fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * k1));
         // transform mole to mass fractions
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx,
-                (fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) )));
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx,
-                (fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) )));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx,
+                (fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) )));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx,
+                (fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) )));
         //mass equilibrium ratios
         Scalar equilRatio_[numPhases][numComponents];
-        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)
-                / fluidState.massFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);     // = Xn1 / Xw1 = K1
-        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = (1.-fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx))
-                / (1.-fluidState.massFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)); // =(1.-Xn1) / (1.-Xw1)     = K2
-        equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = 1.;
+        equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp0Idx] = fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx)
+                / fluidState.massFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx);     // = Xn1 / Xw1 = K1
+        equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp1Idx] = (1.-fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx))
+                / (1.-fluidState.massFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx)); // =(1.-Xn1) / (1.-Xw1)     = K2
+        equilRatio_[phase0Idx][comp1Idx] = equilRatio_[phase0Idx][comp0Idx] = 1.;
         // phase fraction of nPhase [mass/totalmass]
-        fluidState.setNu(nPhaseIdx, 0.);
+        fluidState.setNu(phase1Idx, 0.);
         // check if there is enough of component 1 to form a phase
-        if (Z1 > fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)
-                             && Z1 < fluidState.massFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx))
-            fluidState.setNu(nPhaseIdx, -((equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]-1)*Z1 + (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx]-1)*(1-Z1))
-                                / (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]-1) / (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] -1));
-        else if (Z1 <= fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)) // too little wComp to form a phase
+        if (Z1 > fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx)
+                             && Z1 < fluidState.massFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx))
+            fluidState.setNu(phase1Idx, -((equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp0Idx]-1)*Z1 + (equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp1Idx]-1)*(1-Z1))
+                                / (equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp0Idx]-1) / (equilRatio_[phase1Idx][comp1Idx] -1));
+        else if (Z1 <= fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx)) // too little wComp to form a phase
-            fluidState.setNu(nPhaseIdx, 1.); // only nPhase
-            fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, Z1); // hence, assign complete mass dissolved into nPhase
+            fluidState.setNu(phase1Idx, 1.); // only nPhase
+            fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, Z1); // hence, assign complete mass dissolved into nPhase
             // store as moleFractions
-            Scalar xw_n = Z1 /*=Xw_n*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx);  // = moles of compIdx
-            xw_n /= ( Z1 /*=Xw_n*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    +(1- Z1 /*=Xn_n*/) / FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) ); // /= total moles in phase
+            Scalar xw_n = Z1 /*=Xw_n*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx);  // = moles of compIdx
+            xw_n /= ( Z1 /*=Xw_n*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    +(1- Z1 /*=Xn_n*/) / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) ); // /= total moles in phase
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, xw_n);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, xw_n);
 //            // opposing non-present phase is already set to equilibrium mass fraction
-//            fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, 1.); // non present phase is set to be pure
-//            fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, 1.); // non present phase is set to be pure
+//            fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx, 1.); // non present phase is set to be pure
+//            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx, 1.); // non present phase is set to be pure
         else    // (Z1 >= Xw1) => no nPhase
-            fluidState.setNu(nPhaseIdx, 0.); // no second phase
-            fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, Z1);
+            fluidState.setNu(phase1Idx, 0.); // no second phase
+            fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, Z1);
             // store as moleFractions
-            Scalar xw_w = Z1 /*=Xw_w*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx);  // = moles of compIdx
-            xw_w /= ( Z1 /*=Xw_w*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    +(1- Z1 /*=Xn_w*/) / FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) ); // /= total moles in phase
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xw_w);
+            Scalar xw_w = Z1 /*=Xw_w*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx);  // = moles of compIdx
+            xw_w /= ( Z1 /*=Xw_w*/ / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    +(1- Z1 /*=Xn_w*/) / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) ); // /= total moles in phase
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xw_w);
 //            // opposing non-present phase is already set to equilibrium mass fraction
-//            fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, 0.); // non present phase is set to be pure
-//            fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, 0.); // non present phase is set to be pure
+//            fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, 0.); // non present phase is set to be pure
+//            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, 0.); // non present phase is set to be pure
         // complete array of mass fractions
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx));
         // complete array of mole fractions
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx));
         // complete phase mass fractions
-        fluidState.setNu(wPhaseIdx, 1. - fluidState.phaseMassFraction(nPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setNu(phase0Idx, 1. - fluidState.phaseMassFraction(phase1Idx));
         // get densities with correct composition
-        fluidState.setDensity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, wPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setDensity(nPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, nPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(phase0Idx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, phase0Idx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(phase1Idx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, phase1Idx));
-        Scalar sw = fluidState.phaseMassFraction(wPhaseIdx) / fluidState.density(wPhaseIdx);
-        sw /= (fluidState.phaseMassFraction(wPhaseIdx)/fluidState.density(wPhaseIdx)
-                    + fluidState.phaseMassFraction(nPhaseIdx)/fluidState.density(nPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, sw);
+        Scalar sw = fluidState.phaseMassFraction(phase0Idx) / fluidState.density(phase0Idx);
+        sw /= (fluidState.phaseMassFraction(phase0Idx)/fluidState.density(phase0Idx)
+                    + fluidState.phaseMassFraction(phase1Idx)/fluidState.density(phase1Idx));
+        fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, sw);
     /*! The simplest possible update routine for 1p2c "flash" calculations
@@ -188,51 +188,51 @@ public:
         // set the temperature, pressure
-        fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, phasePressure[wPhaseIdx]);
-        fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, phasePressure[nPhaseIdx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, phasePressure[phase0Idx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, phasePressure[phase1Idx]);
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(presentPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, Z1);
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(presentPhaseIdx,comp0Idx, Z1);
         // calculate mole fraction and average molar mass
-        Scalar xw_alpha= Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx);
-        xw_alpha /= ( Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                + (1.-Z1) / FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx));
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(presentPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xw_alpha);
+        Scalar xw_alpha= Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx);
+        xw_alpha /= ( Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                + (1.-Z1) / FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(presentPhaseIdx, comp0Idx, xw_alpha);
-//        if (presentPhaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+//        if (presentPhaseIdx == phase0Idx)
 //        {
-////            fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, 0.;
+////            fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx, 0.;
-////            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[nPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+////            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[phase1Idx] = 0.;
 //            fluidState.setPresentPhaseIdx(presentPhaseIdx);
 //        }
-//        else if (presentPhaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+//        else if (presentPhaseIdx == phase1Idx)
 //        {
-//            fluidState.setMassFraction[wPhaseIdx] = 0.;
-//            fluidState.setMassFraction[nPhaseIdx] = Z1;
+//            fluidState.setMassFraction[phase0Idx] = 0.;
+//            fluidState.setMassFraction[phase1Idx] = Z1;
 //            // interested in nComp => 1-X1
-//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[nPhaseIdx] = ( Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(0) );   // = moles of compIdx
-//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[nPhaseIdx] /= (Z1/ FluidSystem::molarMass(0)
+//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[phase1Idx] = ( Z1 / FluidSystem::molarMass(0) );   // = moles of compIdx
+//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[phase1Idx] /= (Z1/ FluidSystem::molarMass(0)
 //                           + (1.-Z1) / FluidSystem::molarMass(1) );    // /= total moles in phase
-//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[nPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+//            fluidState.moleFractionWater_[phase1Idx] = 0.;
-//            fluidState.presentPhaseIdx_ = nPhaseIdx;
+//            fluidState.presentPhaseIdx_ = phase1Idx;
 //        }
 //        else
 //            Dune::dgrave << __FILE__ <<": Twophase conditions in single-phase flash!"
 //                << " Z1 is "<<Z1<< std::endl;
-                fluidState.massFraction(presentPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                +fluidState.massFraction(presentPhaseIdx, nCompIdx)*FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx));
+                fluidState.massFraction(presentPhaseIdx, comp0Idx)*FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                +fluidState.massFraction(presentPhaseIdx, comp1Idx)*FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx));
         fluidState.setDensity(presentPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, presentPhaseIdx));
@@ -263,44 +263,44 @@ public:
         // set the temperature, pressure
-        fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, phasePressure[wPhaseIdx]);
-        fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, phasePressure[nPhaseIdx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, phasePressure[phase0Idx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, phasePressure[phase1Idx]);
         //in contrast to the standard update() method, satflash() does not calculate nu.
-        fluidState.setNu(wPhaseIdx, NAN);
-        fluidState.setNu(nPhaseIdx, NAN);
+        fluidState.setNu(phase0Idx, NAN);
+        fluidState.setNu(phase1Idx, NAN);
         //mole equilibrium ratios K for in case wPhase is reference phase
-        double k1 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);    // = p^wComp_vap
-        double k2 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);    // = H^nComp_w
+        double k1 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp0Idx);    // = p^wComp_vap
+        double k2 = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp1Idx);    // = H^nComp_w
         // get mole fraction from equilibrium konstants
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, ((1. - k2) / (k1 -k2)));
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx, (fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * k1));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx, ((1. - k2) / (k1 -k2)));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx, (fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * k1));
         // transform mole to mass fractions
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx,
-                (fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) )));
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx,
-                (fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) )));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx,
+                (fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) )));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx,
+                (fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                / ( fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp0Idx)
+                    + (1.-fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx)) * FluidSystem::molarMass(comp1Idx) )));
         // complete array of mass fractions
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
-        fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx));
+        fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx));
         // complete array of mole fractions
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,wCompIdx));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx,comp0Idx));
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1. - fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx,comp0Idx));
         // get densities with correct composition
-        fluidState.setDensity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, wPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setDensity(nPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, nPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(phase0Idx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, phase0Idx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(phase1Idx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, phase1Idx));
         // set saturation
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, saturation);
+        fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, saturation);
diff --git a/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/misciblemultiphasecomposition.hh b/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/misciblemultiphasecomposition.hh
index de0c8d64056cf6eac4b79b3e774f55e1428f99f1..a51839547045b147003e7953dee6bb820713f29e 100644
--- a/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/misciblemultiphasecomposition.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/constraintsolvers/misciblemultiphasecomposition.hh
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * - if the setViscosity parameter is true, also dynamic viscosities of *all* phases
  * - if the setEnthalpy parameter is true, also specific enthalpies of *all* phases
-template <class Scalar, class FluidSystem, bool useKelvinEquation = false>
+template <class Scalar, class FluidSystem>
 class MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition
     static constexpr int numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases;
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ public:
-        //set the additional equations for the numComponents-numMajorComponents
+        // set the additional equations for the numComponents-numMajorComponents
         // this is only relevant if numphases != numcomponents e.g. in a 2pnc system
-        //Components, of which the molefractions are known, set to molefraction(knownCompIdx)=xKnown
+        // Components, of which the molefractions are known, set to molefraction(knownCompIdx)=xKnown
         for(int knownCompIdx = 0; knownCompIdx < numComponents-numMajorComponents; ++knownCompIdx)
             int rowIdx = numComponents + numPhases + knownCompIdx;
@@ -156,70 +156,31 @@ public:
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
             int col1Idx = compIdx;
-            Scalar entryPhase0 = 0.0;
-            for (unsigned int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
-            {
-                Scalar entry = fluidState.fugacityCoefficient(phaseIdx, compIdx)
-                               * fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-                // modify the saturation vapor pressure of the wetting component by the Kelvin equation
-                if (compIdx == FluidSystem::wCompIdx
-                    && phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx
-                    && useKelvinEquation)
-                {
-                    // a new fluidState is needed, because mole fractions are unknown
-                    FluidState purePhaseFluidState;
-                    // assign all phase pressures, needed for capillary pressure
-                    for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < numPhases; ++idx)
-                    {
-                        purePhaseFluidState.setPressure(idx, fluidState.pressure(idx));
-                    }
-                    purePhaseFluidState.setTemperature(fluidState.temperature());
-                    purePhaseFluidState.setMoleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx, 1.0);
-                    entry = FluidSystem::kelvinVaporPressure(purePhaseFluidState, phaseIdx, compIdx);
-                }
+            const auto entryPhase0 = fluidState.fugacityCoefficient(0, compIdx)*fluidState.pressure(0);
-                if (phaseIdx == 0)
-                {
-                    entryPhase0 = entry;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    int rowIdx = (phaseIdx - 1)*numComponents + compIdx;
-                    int col2Idx = phaseIdx*numComponents + compIdx;
-                    M[rowIdx][col1Idx] = entryPhase0;
-                    M[rowIdx][col2Idx] = -entry;
-                }
+            for (unsigned int phaseIdx = 1; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
+            {
+                int rowIdx = (phaseIdx - 1)*numComponents + compIdx;
+                int col2Idx = phaseIdx*numComponents + compIdx;
+                M[rowIdx][col1Idx] = entryPhase0;
+                M[rowIdx][col2Idx] = -fluidState.fugacityCoefficient(phaseIdx, compIdx)*fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        //preconditioning of M to reduce condition number
-        //prevents matrix meeting dune's singularity criteria
+        // preconditioning of M to reduce condition number
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; compIdx++)
+            // Multiply row of main component (Raoult's Law) with 10e-5 (order of magn. of pressure)
             if (compIdx < numMajorComponents)
-            {
-                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < numPhases*numComponents; colIdx++)
-                {
-                    //Multiply row of main component (Raoult's Law) with 10e-5 (order of magn. of pressure)
-                    M[compIdx][colIdx] *= 10e-5;
-                }
-            } else {
-                for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < numPhases*numComponents; colIdx++)
-                {
-                    //Multiply row of sec. components (Henry's Law) with 10e-9 (order of magn. of Henry constant)
-                    M[compIdx][colIdx] *= 10e-9;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+                M[compIdx] *= 10e-5;
+            // Multiply row of sec. components (Henry's Law) with 10e-9 (order of magn. of Henry constant)
+            else
+                M[compIdx] *= 10e-9;
+        }
         // solve for all mole fractions
-        try
-        {
-            M.solve(x, b);
-        }
+        try { M.solve(x, b); }
         catch (Dune::FMatrixError & e) {
                     "Matrix for composition of phases could not be solved. \n"
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysimplefluidlumping.hh b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysimplefluidlumping.hh
index ff33343b16df2a4a1027175262e4062d105c955b..5f09f7b147b7ccc7d26f4be2bd16ecd323fe57f2 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysimplefluidlumping.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysimplefluidlumping.hh
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
      * \param element element (to be passed to spatialParams)
      * \param fvGeometry fvGeometry (to be passed to spatialParams)
      * \param scv the sub-control volume
-     *
+     * \todo TODO: Fix this law for changing wettability
      * \return effective thermal conductivity \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
     template<class VolumeVariables, class SpatialParams, class Element, class FVGeometry, class SubControlVolume>
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ public:
                                                SubControlVolume& scv)
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar lambdaW = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar lambdaN = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
+        Scalar lambdaW = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
+        Scalar lambdaN = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::phase1Idx);
         Scalar lambdaSolid = volVars.solidThermalConductivity();
         Scalar porosity = volVars.porosity();
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh
index 0072d19247d37a1e68314d6c16988bbb6c6efbfb..7fb5c8773119feeb91b0028a0ebb75448bf18847 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/thermalconductivitysomerton.hh
@@ -84,31 +84,36 @@ public:
                                                const typename FVGeometry::SubControlVolume& scv)
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2, "ThermalConductivitySomerton only works for two-phase fluid systems!");
+        static_assert(!FluidSystem::isLiquid(0) || !FluidSystem::isLiquid(1), "ThermalConductivitySomerton only works if one phase is gaseous and one is liquid!");
-        const Scalar sw = volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar lambdaW = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar lambdaN = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx);
+        constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::isLiquid(0) ? 0 : 1;
+        constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::isLiquid(0) ? 1 : 0;
+        const Scalar satLiquid = volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar lambdaLiquid = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(liquidPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar lambdaGas = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(gasPhaseIdx);
         const Scalar lambdaSolid = volVars.solidThermalConductivity();
         const Scalar porosity = volVars.porosity();
-        return effectiveThermalConductivity(sw, lambdaW, lambdaN, lambdaSolid, porosity);
+        return effectiveThermalConductivity(satLiquid, lambdaLiquid, lambdaGas, lambdaSolid, porosity);
      * \brief effective thermal conductivity \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$ after Somerton (1974) \cite somerton1974 <BR>
-     * \param sw The saturation of the wetting phase
-     * \param lambdaW The thermal conductivity of the wetting phase in \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
-     * \param lambdaN The thermal conductivity of the non-wetting phase in \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
+     * \param satLiquid The saturation of the liquid phase
+     * \param lambdaLiquid The thermal conductivity of the liquid phase in \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
+     * \param lambdaGas The thermal conductivity of the gas phase in \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
      * \param lambdaSolid The thermal conductivity of the solid phase in \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$
      * \param porosity The porosity
      * \param rhoSolid The density of solid phase in \f$\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\f$
      * \return effective thermal conductivity \f$\mathrm{[W/(m K)]}\f$ after Somerton (1974) \cite somerton1974
-    static Scalar effectiveThermalConductivity(const Scalar sw,
-                                               const Scalar lambdaW,
-                                               const Scalar lambdaN,
+    static Scalar effectiveThermalConductivity(const Scalar satLiquid,
+                                               const Scalar lambdaLiquid,
+                                               const Scalar lambdaGas,
                                                const Scalar lambdaSolid,
                                                const Scalar porosity,
                                                const Scalar rhoSolid = 0.0 /*unused*/)
@@ -116,13 +121,15 @@ public:
         using std::max;
         using std::pow;
         using std::sqrt;
-        const Scalar satW = max<Scalar>(0.0, sw);
+        const Scalar satLiquidPhysical = max<Scalar>(0.0, satLiquid);
         // geometric mean, using ls^(1-p)*l^p = ls*(l/ls)^p
-        const Scalar lSat = lambdaSolid * pow(lambdaW / lambdaSolid, porosity);
-        const Scalar lDry = lambdaSolid * pow(lambdaN / lambdaSolid, porosity);
+        const Scalar lSat = lambdaSolid * pow(lambdaLiquid / lambdaSolid, porosity);
+        const Scalar lDry = lambdaSolid * pow(lambdaGas / lambdaSolid, porosity);
-        return lDry + sqrt(satW) * (lSat - lDry);
+        return lDry + sqrt(satLiquidPhysical) * (lSat - lDry);
+} // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidstates/2p2c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidstates/2p2c.hh
index f69efa52319bcbbda4bee0ffd73c275644aad265..91d746422ef8cf8636d1c9c5c9a2b916c4768288 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidstates/2p2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidstates/2p2c.hh
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ class TwoPTwoCFluidState
     enum {
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx,
     enum {  numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases,
@@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ public:
     using PhaseVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases>;
+    // comply with new style 2p2c models
+    int wettingPhase() const
+    {
+        return phase0Idx;
+    }
      * \name access functions
      * \todo doc me!
@@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ public:
     Scalar saturation(int phaseIdx) const
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return sw_;
@@ -124,7 +131,7 @@ public:
     Scalar partialPressure(int compIdx) const
-        return partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, compIdx);
+        return partialPressure(phase1Idx, compIdx);
@@ -146,7 +153,7 @@ public:
      * \brief Returns the capillary pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
-    { return phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx] - phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx]; }
+    { return phasePressure_[phase1Idx] - phasePressure_[phase0Idx]; }
      * \brief The temperature within the domain \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
@@ -181,8 +188,8 @@ public:
       using std::isnan;
         if (isnan(nu_[phaseIdx]))  //in contrast to the standard update() method, satflash() does not calculate nu.
-            nu_[wPhaseIdx] = sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx] / (sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx] + (1. - sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
-            nu_[nPhaseIdx] = 1. - nu_[wPhaseIdx];
+            nu_[phase0Idx] = sw_ * density_[phase0Idx] / (sw_ * density_[phase0Idx] + (1. - sw_) * density_[phase1Idx]);
+            nu_[phase1Idx] = 1. - nu_[phase0Idx];
             return nu_[phaseIdx];
         return nu_[phaseIdx];
@@ -247,7 +254,7 @@ public:
     void setSaturation(int phaseIdx, Scalar value)
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             sw_ = value;
             sw_ = 1.-value;
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidstates/compositional.hh b/dumux/material/fluidstates/compositional.hh
index 79d5198363b3bcfcdaf8e461d01cb0faaf5db213..2e065d34d191425cd8061f9d26d2ed559c3c6458 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidstates/compositional.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidstates/compositional.hh
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ public:
      * Generic access to fluid properties (No assumptions
      * on thermodynamic equilibrium required)
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the index of the wetting phase in the
+     *        fluid-solid configuration (for porous medium systems).
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     */
+    int wettingPhase() const { return wPhaseIdx_; }
      * \brief Returns the saturation \f$S_\alpha\f$ of a fluid phase \f$\alpha\f$ in \f$\mathrm{[-]}\f$.
@@ -293,6 +301,7 @@ public:
             viscosity_[phaseIdx] = fs.viscosity(phaseIdx);
         temperature_ = fs.temperature(0);
+        wPhaseIdx_ = fs.wettingPhase();
@@ -427,6 +436,12 @@ public:
     void setViscosity(int phaseIdx, Scalar value)
     { viscosity_[phaseIdx] = value; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Set the index of the wetting phase
+     */
+    void setWettingPhase(int phaseIdx)
+    { wPhaseIdx_ = phaseIdx; }
      * \brief Make sure that all attributes are defined.
@@ -467,6 +482,10 @@ protected:
     Scalar enthalpy_[numPhases];
     Scalar viscosity_[numPhases];
     Scalar temperature_;
+    // For porous medium flow models, here we ... the index of the wetting
+    // phase (needed for vapor pressure evaluation if kelvin equation is used)
+    int wPhaseIdx_{0};
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidstates/pseudo1p2c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidstates/pseudo1p2c.hh
index 97f2549fe5c81938310fe32973ffb53a94a469fb..6a6b716867a73378ae5e2dca5b59c1894d1b920a 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidstates/pseudo1p2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidstates/pseudo1p2c.hh
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ public:
            numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents
     enum {
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx
+        comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx,
+        comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public:
     Scalar partialPressure(int compIdx) const
-        return partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, compIdx);
+        return partialPressure(phase1Idx, compIdx);
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public:
-        if (compIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (compIdx == phase0Idx)
             return massFractionWater_;
             return 1.-massFractionWater_;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public:
                 return 0.;
-        if (compIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (compIdx == phase0Idx)
             return moleFractionWater_;
             return 1.-moleFractionWater_;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public:
     void setMassFraction(int phaseIdx, int compIdx, Scalar value)
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
             massFractionWater_ = value;
             massFractionWater_ = 1- value;
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ public:
     void setMoleFraction(int phaseIdx, int compIdx, Scalar value)
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
             moleFractionWater_ = value;
             moleFractionWater_ = 1-value;
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
index 57425a911109529f4653a1d5cae0bd48182a7cdd..1fec25b2523952da3027207a2ab37e5e73111308 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
@@ -32,11 +32,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/componenttraits.hh>
-namespace Dumux
-namespace FluidSystems
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace FluidSystems {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
@@ -55,11 +52,11 @@ public:
     using Component = ComponentT;
     using ParameterCache = NullParameterCache;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 1;
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 1;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 1;  //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 1; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only component
      * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
@@ -67,6 +64,9 @@ public:
     static void init()
     { }
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
index 96fa18d53ddaaa353246360143bd0b369b17930b..fce0b62962ffed276b308c1236d9b85d75abec07 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
@@ -32,10 +32,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/componenttraits.hh>
-namespace Dumux
-namespace FluidSystems
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace FluidSystems {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
@@ -54,11 +52,11 @@ public:
     using Component = ComponentT;
     using ParameterCache = NullParameterCache;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 1;
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 1;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 1;  //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 1; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only component
      * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
@@ -66,6 +64,9 @@ public:
     static void init()
     { }
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
index 2dbda768b069ea59c9599a6799ad804e9a9be3a0..1bdba48a6e4c9a4f7f343efb7b077f64058afda2 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@
 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
-#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh>
-#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh>
-#include <dumux/material/fluidstates/compositional.hh>
 #include "base.hh"
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -51,17 +47,19 @@ class TwoPOneC
     using Component = ComponentType;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
-    //! Number of phases in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 1; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = 0; //!< index of the liquid phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1; //!< index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = liquidPhaseIdx; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only component
+    /****************************************
+    * Fluid phase related static parameters
+    ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -89,10 +87,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx;
@@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // we assume Henry's and Raoult's laws for the water phase and
@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // gases are always compressible
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             return true;
         // the component decides for the liquid phase...
         return Component::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -143,11 +141,11 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             // let the components decide
             return Component::gasIsIdeal();
         return false; // not a gas
@@ -157,12 +155,6 @@ public:
      * Component related static parameters
-    //! Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 1;
-    static constexpr int ComponentIdx = 0;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -291,10 +283,10 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
                 return Component::liquidDensity(T, p);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)// gas phase
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)// gas phase
             return Component::gasDensity(T, p);
@@ -319,10 +311,10 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
                 return Component::liquidViscosity(T, p);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) // gas phase
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx) // gas phase
             return Component::gasViscosity(T, p) ;
@@ -341,7 +333,7 @@ public:
                                    const unsigned int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx) ;
+        Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx) ;
         return Component::vaporTemperature(pressure) ;
@@ -386,7 +378,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
            return Component::vaporPressure(T)/p;
         // for the gas phase, assume an ideal gas when it comes to
@@ -449,11 +441,11 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             return Component::liquidEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) // gas phase
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx) // gas phase
             return Component::gasEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -477,11 +469,11 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
                  return Component::liquidThermalConductivity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
                                                         fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)); //0.68 ;
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) // gas phase
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx) // gas phase
             return Component::gasThermalConductivity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
                                                         fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)); //0.0248;
@@ -504,11 +496,11 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
                  return Component::liquidHeatCapacity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
                                            fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));//4.217e3 ;
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) // gas phase
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx) // gas phase
             return Component::gasHeatCapacity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
index 5b66a4eadd86b9576f986671fba0d2551fb38aec..db9c3cf2e7b93b35201b766871689cdf7787ebfd 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
@@ -45,38 +45,38 @@ namespace FluidSystems {
  * The fluid phases are completely specified by means of their
  * constituting components.
- * The wetting and the non-wetting fluids can be defined individually
- * via FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> and
- * FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>. These fluids consist of one pure
- * component.
+ * The fluids can be defined individually via FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> and
+ * FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>. These fluids consist of one component.
  * \tparam Scalar the scalar type
- * \tparam WettingFluid the wetting phase fluid system (use FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> / FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>)
- * \tparam NonwettingFluid the wetting phase fluid system (use FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> / FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>)
+ * \tparam Fluid0 a one-phase fluid system (use FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> / FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>)
+ * \tparam Fluid1 a one-phase fluid system (use FluidSystem::OnePLiquid<Scalar, Component> / FluidSystem::OnePGas<Scalar, Component>)
-template <class Scalar, class WettingFluid, class NonwettingFluid>
+template <class Scalar, class Fluid0, class Fluid1>
 class TwoPImmiscible
-: public BaseFluidSystem<Scalar, TwoPImmiscible<Scalar, WettingFluid, NonwettingFluid> >
+: public BaseFluidSystem<Scalar, TwoPImmiscible<Scalar, Fluid0, Fluid1> >
-    static_assert((WettingFluid::numPhases == 1), "WettingFluid has more than one phase");
-    static_assert((NonwettingFluid::numPhases == 1), "NonwettingFluid has more than one phase");
-    static_assert((WettingFluid::numComponents == 1), "WettingFluid has more than one component");
-    static_assert((NonwettingFluid::numComponents == 1), "NonwettingFluid has more than one component");
-    using ThisType = TwoPImmiscible<Scalar, WettingFluid, NonwettingFluid>;
+    static_assert((Fluid0::numPhases == 1), "Fluid0 has more than one phase");
+    static_assert((Fluid1::numPhases == 1), "Fluid1 has more than one phase");
+    static_assert((Fluid0::numComponents == 1), "Fluid0 has more than one component");
+    static_assert((Fluid1::numComponents == 1), "Fluid1 has more than one component");
+    // two gaseous phases at once do not make sense physically! (but two liquids are fine)
+    static_assert(Fluid0::isLiquid() || Fluid1::isLiquid(), "One phase has to be a liquid!");
+    using ThisType = TwoPImmiscible<Scalar, Fluid0, Fluid1>;
     using Base = BaseFluidSystem<Scalar, ThisType>;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = 1; //!< index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; //!< index of the frist component
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = 1; //!< index of the second component
      * Fluid phase related static parameters
-    //! Number of phases in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
-    //! Index of the wetting phase
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0;
-    //! Index of the non-wetting phase
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
@@ -85,11 +85,10 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        static std::string name[] = {
-            std::string("w"),
-            std::string("n")
-        };
-        return name[phaseIdx];
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::phaseName();
+        else
+            return Fluid1::phaseName();
@@ -102,13 +101,13 @@ public:
      * \brief Return whether a phase is liquid
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::isLiquid();
-        return NonwettingFluid::isLiquid();
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::isLiquid();
+        return Fluid1::isLiquid();
@@ -132,6 +131,22 @@ public:
         return true;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns true if and only if a fluid phase is assumed to
+     *        be an ideal gas.
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
+     */
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    {
+        assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
+        // let the fluids decide
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::isIdealGas();
+        return Fluid1::isIdealGas();
+    }
      * \brief Returns true if and only if a fluid phase is assumed to
      *        be compressible.
@@ -146,9 +161,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // let the fluids decide
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::isCompressible();
-        return NonwettingFluid::isCompressible();
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::isCompressible();
+        return Fluid1::isCompressible();
@@ -161,9 +176,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // let the fluids decide
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::viscosityIsConstant();
-        return NonwettingFluid::viscosityIsConstant();
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::viscosityIsConstant();
+        return Fluid1::viscosityIsConstant();
@@ -172,28 +187,19 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static bool isIdealFluid1(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // let the fluids decide
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::isIdealGas();
-        return NonwettingFluid::isIdealGas();
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::isIdealFluid1();
+        return Fluid1::isIdealFluid1();
      * Component related static parameters
-    //! Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
-    //! Index of the wetting phase's component
-    static constexpr int wCompIdx = 0;
-    //! Index of the non-wetting phase's component
-    static constexpr int nCompIdx = 1;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -203,9 +209,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::name();
-        return NonwettingFluid::name();
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::name();
+        return Fluid1::name();
@@ -216,9 +222,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::molarMass();
-        return NonwettingFluid::molarMass();
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::molarMass();
+        return Fluid1::molarMass();
@@ -229,9 +235,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::criticalTemperature();
-        return NonwettingFluid::criticalTemperature();
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::criticalTemperature();
+        return Fluid1::criticalTemperature();
@@ -242,9 +248,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::criticalPressure();
-        return NonwettingFluid::criticalPressure();
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::criticalPressure();
+        return Fluid1::criticalPressure();
@@ -255,9 +261,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (compIdx == wCompIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::acentricFactor();
-        return NonwettingFluid::acentricFactor();
+        if (compIdx == comp0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::acentricFactor();
+        return Fluid1::acentricFactor();
@@ -268,11 +274,7 @@ public:
      * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters
     static void init()
-    {
-        // two gaseous phases at once do not make sense physically!
-        // (But two liquids are fine)
-        assert(WettingFluid::isLiquid() || NonwettingFluid::isLiquid());
-    }
+    {}
     using Base::density;
@@ -287,9 +289,9 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::density(temperature, pressure);
-        return NonwettingFluid::density(temperature, pressure);
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::density(temperature, pressure);
+        return Fluid1::density(temperature, pressure);
     using Base::viscosity;
@@ -306,9 +308,9 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::viscosity(temperature, pressure);
-        return NonwettingFluid::viscosity(temperature, pressure);
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::viscosity(temperature, pressure);
+        return Fluid1::viscosity(temperature, pressure);
     using Base::fugacityCoefficient;
@@ -414,9 +416,9 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::enthalpy(temperature, pressure);
-        return NonwettingFluid::enthalpy(temperature, pressure);
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::enthalpy(temperature, pressure);
+        return Fluid1::enthalpy(temperature, pressure);
     using Base::thermalConductivity;
@@ -433,9 +435,9 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::thermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
-        return NonwettingFluid::thermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::thermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
+        return Fluid1::thermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
     using Base::heatCapacity;
@@ -458,9 +460,9 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-            return WettingFluid::heatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
-        return NonwettingFluid::heatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
+            return Fluid0::heatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
+        return Fluid1::heatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
index 7597e2ec6c5d9de2ab4700954614c344fd4426bd..ca54b4ba99799ceaff055fb9e6f062a38f5ded47 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
@@ -60,13 +60,12 @@ class BrineAir
     using IdealGas = Dumux::IdealGas<Scalar>;
     using H2O = H2Otype;
+    using Air = Components::Air<Scalar>;
+    using Brine = Components::Brine<Scalar, H2Otype>;
+    using NaCl = Components::NaCl<Scalar>;
     using H2O_Air = BinaryCoeff::H2O_Air;
-    using Air = Dumux::Components::Air<Scalar>;
     using Brine_Air = BinaryCoeff::Brine_Air<Scalar, Air>;
-    using Brine = Dumux::Components::Brine<Scalar,H2Otype>;
-    using NaCl = Dumux::Components::NaCl<Scalar>;
     // the type of parameter cache objects. this fluid system does not
     using ParameterCache = NullParameterCache;
@@ -74,19 +73,25 @@ public:
      * Fluid phase related static parameters
-    static const int numPhases = 2; // liquid and gas phases
-    static const int numSPhases = 1;// precipitated solid phases
-    static const int lPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the liquid phase
-    static const int gPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the gas phase
-    static const int sPhaseIdx = 2; // index of the precipitated salt
-    static const int wPhaseIdx = lPhaseIdx; // index of the wetting phase
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = gPhaseIdx; // index of the non-wetting phase
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; // liquid and gas phases
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 3; // H2O, Air, NaCl
+    static constexpr int numSPhases = 1;// precipitated solid phases // TODO: remove
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the liquid phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int solidPhaseIdx = 2; // index of the precipitated salt // TODO: remove
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = liquidPhaseIdx; // index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = gasPhaseIdx; // index of the second phase
     // export component indices to indicate the main component
     // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
     // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;
+    static constexpr int AirIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = AirIdx;
+    static constexpr int NaClIdx  = 2; // TODO: remove
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -96,9 +101,9 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case wPhaseIdx: return "liquid";
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "gas";
-        case sPhaseIdx: return "NaCl";
+        case phase0Idx: return "liquid";
+        case phase1Idx: return "gas";
+        case solidPhaseIdx: return "NaCl";
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx != nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx != phase1Idx;
@@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // ideal gases are always compressible
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return true;
         // the water component decides for the liquid phase...
         return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -175,7 +180,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // let the fluids decide
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && Air::gasIsIdeal();
         return false; // not a gas
@@ -183,12 +188,6 @@ public:
      * Component related static parameters
-    static const int numComponents = 3; // H2O, Air, NaCl
-    static const int H2OIdx = wCompIdx;//0
-    static const int AirIdx = nCompIdx;//1
-    static const int NaClIdx  = 2;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -228,8 +227,8 @@ public:
     static Scalar precipitateDensity(int phaseIdx)
-        if(phaseIdx != sPhaseIdx)
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid solid phase index " << sPhaseIdx);
+        if(phaseIdx != solidPhaseIdx)
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid solid phase index " << solidPhaseIdx);
         return NaCl::density();
@@ -336,14 +335,14 @@ public:
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-            case lPhaseIdx:
+            case liquidPhaseIdx:
                 return Brine::liquidDensity(temperature,
-                              fluidState.massFraction(lPhaseIdx, NaClIdx));
-            case gPhaseIdx:
+                              fluidState.massFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, NaClIdx));
+            case gasPhaseIdx:
                 return gasDensity_(temperature,
-                            fluidState.moleFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
+                            fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
                 DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -372,12 +371,12 @@ public:
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         Scalar result = 0;
-        if (phaseIdx == lPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
-            Scalar XNaCl = fluidState.massFraction(lPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
+            Scalar XNaCl = fluidState.massFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
             result = Brine::liquidViscosity(temperature, pressure, XNaCl);
-        else if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             result = Air::gasViscosity(temperature, pressure);
@@ -423,10 +422,10 @@ public:
         assert(T > 0);
         assert(p > 0);
-        if (phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             return 1.0;
-        else if (phaseIdx == lPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
         if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
             return Brine::vaporPressure(T)/p;
@@ -439,15 +438,6 @@ public:
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
-    template <class FluidState>
-    static Scalar kelvinVaporPressure(const FluidState &fluidState,
-                                      const int phaseIdx,
-                                      const int compIdx)
-    {
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "FluidSystems::BrineAir::kelvinVaporPressure()");
-    }
     using Base::diffusionCoefficient;
     template <class FluidState>
     static Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const FluidState &fluidState,
@@ -481,7 +471,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == lPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             Scalar result = 0.0;
             if(compJIdx == AirIdx)
                 result = Brine_Air::liquidDiffCoeff(temperature, pressure);
@@ -495,7 +485,7 @@ public:
             return result;
         else {
-            assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
+            assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
             if (compIIdx != AirIdx)
@@ -546,7 +536,7 @@ public:
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == lPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
             Scalar XlNaCl = fluidState.massFraction(phaseIdx, NaClIdx);
             Scalar result = Brine::liquidEnthalpy(T, p, XlNaCl);
@@ -555,8 +545,8 @@ public:
-            Scalar XAir = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
-            Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+            Scalar XAir = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
+            Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
             Scalar result = 0;
             result += XH2O * H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
@@ -577,16 +567,16 @@ public:
                                     int phaseIdx,
                                     int componentIdx)
-        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(nPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phase1Idx);
+        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phase1Idx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpies in the liquid phase are not implemented.");
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             if (componentIdx ==  H2OIdx)
@@ -616,7 +606,7 @@ public:
     static Scalar thermalConductivity(const FluidState &fluidState,
                                       int phaseIdx)
-        if (phaseIdx == lPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
         else // gas phase
@@ -641,14 +631,14 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
-            return Air::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
-                   + H2O::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+            return Air::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, AirIdx)
+                   + H2O::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, H2OIdx);
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
index 81d2be0181d109480363b36efa0356a0a8a78270..c63188902bab4ba31a2824efc0e466c1bc534e1b 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
@@ -66,17 +66,20 @@ public:
     using Brine = Brinetype;
     using CO2 = Dumux::Components::CO2<Scalar, CO2Table>;
-    static const int numComponents = 2;
-    static const int numPhases = 2;
-    static const int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the liquid phase
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the gas phase
-    static const int wCompIdx = 0;
-    static const int nCompIdx = 1;
-    static const int lCompIdx = wCompIdx;
-    static const int gCompIdx = nCompIdx;
-    static const int BrineIdx = wCompIdx;
-    static const int CO2Idx = nCompIdx;
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; // index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = 1; // index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = 1;
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = phase0Idx;
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = phase1Idx;
+    static constexpr int BrineIdx = comp0Idx;
+    static constexpr int CO2Idx = comp1Idx;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -105,11 +108,11 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx != nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx != phase1Idx;
@@ -262,14 +265,14 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             // use normalized composition for to calculate the density
             // (the relations don't seem to take non-normalized
             // compositions too well...)
             using std::min;
             using std::max;
-            Scalar xlBrine = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, BrineIdx)));
-            Scalar xlCO2 = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, CO2Idx)));
+            Scalar xlBrine = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, BrineIdx)));
+            Scalar xlCO2 = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, CO2Idx)));
             Scalar sumx = xlBrine + xlCO2;
             xlBrine /= sumx;
             xlCO2 /= sumx;
@@ -283,15 +286,15 @@ public:
             return result;
         else {
-            assert(phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx);
+            assert(phaseIdx == phase1Idx);
             // use normalized composition for to calculate the density
             // (the relations don't seem to take non-normalized
             // compositions too well...)
             using std::min;
             using std::max;
-            Scalar xgBrine = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, BrineIdx)));
-            Scalar xgCO2 = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, CO2Idx)));
+            Scalar xgBrine = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, BrineIdx)));
+            Scalar xgCO2 = min(1.0, max(0.0, fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, CO2Idx)));
             Scalar sumx = xgBrine + xgCO2;
             xgBrine /= sumx;
             xgCO2 /= sumx;
@@ -326,7 +329,7 @@ public:
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         Scalar result = 0;
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             result = Brine::liquidViscosity(temperature, pressure);
             result = CO2::gasViscosity(temperature, pressure);
@@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         assert(0 <= compIdx && compIdx < numComponents);
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             // use the fugacity coefficients of an ideal gas. the
             // actual value of the fugacity is not relevant, as long
             // as the relative fluid compositions are observed,
@@ -388,7 +391,7 @@ public:
-                                          /*knownPhaseIdx=*/-1,
+                                          /*knowphase1Idx=*/-1,
@@ -439,11 +442,11 @@ public:
-                                                  /*knownPhaseIdx=*/-1,
+                                                  /*knowphase1Idx=*/-1,
-        if(phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if(phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return xgH2O;
@@ -515,7 +518,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             assert(compIIdx == BrineIdx);
             assert(compJIdx == CO2Idx);
@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@ public:
             return result;
         else {
-            assert(phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx);
+            assert(phaseIdx == phase1Idx);
             assert(compIIdx == BrineIdx);
             assert(compJIdx == CO2Idx);
@@ -550,7 +553,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             Scalar XlCO2 = fluidState.massFraction(phaseIdx, CO2Idx);
             Scalar result = liquidEnthalpyBrineCO2_(temperature,
@@ -564,10 +567,10 @@ public:
             Scalar result = 0;
             result +=
                 Brine::gasEnthalpy(temperature, pressure) *
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, BrineIdx);
+                fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx, BrineIdx);
             result +=
                 CO2::gasEnthalpy(temperature, pressure) *
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, CO2Idx);
+                fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx, CO2Idx);
             return result;
@@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ public:
     static Scalar thermalConductivity(const FluidState &fluidState,
                                       int phaseIdx)
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -612,7 +615,7 @@ public:
     static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState,
                                int phaseIdx)
-        if(phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if(phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
index 2fad865ceda666fd6395268fa635edd0c126972e..77d5b173610f1fdce75a7088c5720f618540873e 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ namespace FluidSystems {
 template <class Scalar,
           class H2Otype = Components::TabulatedComponent<Components::H2O<Scalar> >,
-          bool useComplexRelations = true>
+          bool useComplexRelations = true,
+          bool useKelvinVaporPressure = false>
 class H2OAir
 : public BaseFluidSystem<Scalar, H2OAir<Scalar, H2Otype, useComplexRelations> >
@@ -66,16 +67,20 @@ public:
     using H2O = H2Otype;
     using Air = Dumux::Components::Air<Scalar>;
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the water phase
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the air phase
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = 0; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1; //!< index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = liquidPhaseIdx; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the second phase
-    // export component indices to indicate the main component
-    // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
-    // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0; //!< index of the frist component
+    static constexpr int AirIdx = 1; //!< index of the second component
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx; //!< index of the frist component
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = AirIdx; //!< index of the second component
+    static constexpr int liquidCompIdx = H2OIdx; //!< index of the liquid component
+    static constexpr int gasCompIdx = AirIdx; //!< index of the gas component
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a phase
@@ -85,8 +90,8 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case wPhaseIdx: return "liquid";
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+        case phase0Idx: return "liquid";
+        case phase1Idx: return "gas";
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -102,10 +107,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx != nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx != phase1Idx;
@@ -113,10 +118,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isGas(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx == phase1Idx;
@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // we assume Henry's and Raoult's laws for the water phase and
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // ideal gases are always compressible
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return true;
         // the water component decides for the liquid phase...
         return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -167,12 +172,12 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // let the fluids decide
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && Air::gasIsIdeal();
         return false; // not a gas
@@ -180,13 +185,6 @@ public:
      * Component related static parameters
-    //! Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
-    static constexpr int H2OIdx = wCompIdx;
-    static constexpr int AirIdx = nCompIdx;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -260,36 +258,25 @@ public:
     static Scalar vaporPressure(const FluidState &fluidState, int compIdx)
         if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
-            return H2O::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature());
+        {
+            const auto t = fluidState.temperature(H2OIdx);
+            if (!useKelvinVaporPressure)
+                return H2O::vaporPressure(t);
+            else
+            {
+                const auto pc = (fluidState.wettingPhase() == H2OIdx)
+                                 ? fluidState.pressure(AirIdx)-fluidState.pressure(H2OIdx)
+                                 : fluidState.pressure(H2OIdx)-fluidState.pressure(AirIdx);
+                return H2O::vaporPressure(t)*exp( -pc * molarMass(H2OIdx)
+                                                      / density(fluidState, H2OIdx)
+                                                      / (Dumux::Constants<Scalar>::R*t) );
+            }
+        }
         else if (compIdx == AirIdx)
-            return Air::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature());
+            // return Air::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature(AirIdx));
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Air::vaporPressure(t)");
-             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Invalid component index " << compIdx);
-    }
-    /*!
-     * \brief Vapor pressure including the Kelvin equation in \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     *
-     * Calculate the decreased vapor pressure due to capillarity
-     *
-     * \param fluidState An abitrary fluid state
-     * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-     * \param compIdx The index of the component to consider
-     */
-    template <class FluidState>
-    static Scalar kelvinVaporPressure(const FluidState &fluidState,
-                                      const int phaseIdx,
-                                      const int compIdx)
-    {
-        assert(compIdx == wCompIdx && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx);
-        using std::exp;
-        return fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phaseIdx, compIdx)
-               * fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)
-               * exp(-(fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx)-fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx))
-                          / density(fluidState, phaseIdx)
-                          / (Dumux::Constants<Scalar>::R / molarMass(compIdx))
-                          / fluidState.temperature());
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Invalid component index " << compIdx);
@@ -396,7 +383,7 @@ public:
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
             sumMoleFrac += fluidState.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             if (!useComplexRelations)
                 // assume pure water
@@ -409,25 +396,25 @@ public:
-                    * (H2O::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+                    * (H2O::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, H2OIdx)
-                           Air::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, AirIdx))
+                           Air::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, AirIdx))
                    / sumMoleFrac;
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             using std::max;
             if (!useComplexRelations)
                 // for the gas phase assume an ideal gas
                     IdealGas::molarDensity(T, p)
-                    * fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx)
+                    * fluidState.averageMolarMass(phase1Idx)
                     / max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
-                H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)) +
-                Air::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, AirIdx));
+                H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(phase1Idx, H2OIdx)) +
+                Air::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(phase1Idx, AirIdx));
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -455,12 +442,12 @@ public:
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             // assume pure water for the liquid phase
             return H2O::liquidViscosity(T, p);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
                 return Air::gasViscosity(T, p);
@@ -530,9 +517,9 @@ public:
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
-                return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
+                return vaporPressure(fluidState, compIdx)/p;
             return BinaryCoeff::H2O_Air::henry(T)/p;
@@ -550,8 +537,8 @@ public:
     template <class FluidState>
     static Scalar relativeHumidity(const FluidState &fluidState)
-        return fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)
-               / H2O::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature(nPhaseIdx));
+        return fluidState.partialPressure(phase1Idx, comp0Idx)
+               / H2O::vaporPressure(fluidState.temperature(phase1Idx));
     using Base::diffusionCoefficient;
@@ -603,7 +590,7 @@ public:
         switch (phaseIdx)
-        case wPhaseIdx:
+        case phase0Idx:
             switch (compIIdx) {
             case H2OIdx:
                 switch (compJIdx) {
@@ -616,7 +603,7 @@ public:
                            "Binary diffusion coefficients of trace "
                            "substances in liquid phase is undefined!\n");
-        case nPhaseIdx:
+        case phase1Idx:
             switch (compIIdx){
             case H2OIdx:
                 switch (compJIdx){
@@ -660,21 +647,21 @@ public:
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             Scalar result = 0.0;
             result +=
                 H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p) *
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+                fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx, H2OIdx);
             result +=
                 Air::gasEnthalpy(T, p) *
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, AirIdx);
+                fluidState.massFraction(phase1Idx, AirIdx);
             return result;
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -697,11 +684,11 @@ public:
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The component enthalpies in the liquid phase are not implemented.");
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             if (componentIdx == H2OIdx)
@@ -734,11 +721,11 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
             return Air::gasThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
@@ -763,15 +750,15 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             // influence of air is neglected
             return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure);
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx)
-            return Air::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, AirIdx)
-                   + H2O::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+            return Air::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, AirIdx)
+                   + H2O::gasHeatCapacity(temperature, pressure) * fluidState.moleFraction(phase1Idx, H2OIdx);
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
index 250a4d63b93fb143cfd4ce8d14dfc22648fa1e9d..c84572b622fa49d23a5ea74bc64ba753740a100c 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
@@ -38,10 +38,8 @@
 #include "base.hh"
-namespace Dumux
-namespace FluidSystems
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace FluidSystems {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
@@ -62,22 +60,27 @@ class H2ON2
     using SimpleN2 = Dumux::Components::N2<Scalar>;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
+    using H2O = TabulatedH2O; //!< The components for pure water
+    using N2 = SimpleN2; //!< The components for pure nitrogen
-    //! Number of phases in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = 0; //!< index of the liquid phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1; //!< index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = liquidPhaseIdx; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the second phase
-    // export component indices to indicate the main component
-    // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
-    // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;
+    static constexpr int N2Idx = 1;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx; //!< index of the first component
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = N2Idx; //!< index of the second component
+    static constexpr int liquidCompIdx = H2OIdx; //!< index of the liquid component
+    static constexpr int gasCompIdx = N2Idx; //!< index of the gas component
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -101,10 +104,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx != nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx != gasPhaseIdx;
@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // gases are always compressible
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             return true;
         // the water component decides for the liquid phase...
         return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -159,7 +162,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             // let the components decide
             return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && N2::gasIsIdeal();
         return false; // not a gas
@@ -168,19 +171,6 @@ public:
      * Component related static parameters
-    //! Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
-    static constexpr int H2OIdx = wCompIdx;
-    static constexpr int N2Idx = nCompIdx;
-    //! The components for pure water
-    using H2O = TabulatedH2O;
-    //! The components for pure nitrogen
-    using N2 = SimpleN2;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -259,12 +249,12 @@ public:
                                       const int phaseIdx,
                                       const int compIdx)
-        assert(compIdx == wCompIdx && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx);
+        assert(compIdx == wCompIdx && phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx);
         using std::exp;
         return fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phaseIdx, compIdx)
                * fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)
-               * exp(-(fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx)-fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx))
+               * exp(-(fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx)-fluidState.pressure(liquidPhaseIdx))
                           / density(fluidState, phaseIdx)
                           / (Dumux::Constants<Scalar>::R / molarMass(compIdx))
                           / fluidState.temperature());
@@ -373,7 +363,7 @@ public:
             sumMoleFrac += fluidState.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             if (!useComplexRelations)
                 // assume pure water
                 return H2O::liquidDensity(T, p);
@@ -387,9 +377,9 @@ public:
                 // water molecule in the liquid
-                    * (H2O::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+                    * (H2O::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
-                       N2::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, N2Idx))
+                       N2::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, N2Idx))
                     / sumMoleFrac;
@@ -400,12 +390,12 @@ public:
             // for the gas phase assume an ideal gas
                 IdealGas::molarDensity(T, p)
-                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx)
+                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(gasPhaseIdx)
                 / max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
         // assume ideal mixture: steam and nitrogen don't "see" each other
-        Scalar rho_gH2O = H2O::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
-        Scalar rho_gN2 = N2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx));
+        Scalar rho_gH2O = H2O::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
+        Scalar rho_gN2 = N2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx));
         return (rho_gH2O + rho_gN2) / max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
@@ -432,7 +422,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             // assume pure water for the liquid phase
             return H2O::liquidViscosity(T, p);
@@ -514,7 +504,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
                 return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
             return BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2::henry(T)/p;
@@ -600,7 +590,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             if (compIIdx == H2OIdx && compJIdx == N2Idx)
                 return BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2::liquidDiffCoeff(T, p);
             return undefined;
@@ -635,7 +625,7 @@ public:
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
         // gas phase
@@ -644,10 +634,10 @@ public:
             // that the total specific enthalpy is the sum of the
             // "partial specific enthalpies" of the components.
             Scalar hH2O =
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+                fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
                 * H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
             Scalar hN2 =
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
+                fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
                 * N2::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
             return hH2O + hN2;
@@ -670,7 +660,7 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
@@ -703,7 +693,7 @@ public:
     static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState,
                                int phaseIdx)
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -736,8 +726,8 @@ public:
         // mangle both components together
-            c_pH2O*fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
-            + c_pN2*fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
+            c_pH2O*fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+            + c_pN2*fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2kinetic.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2kinetic.hh
index a84dd2100a5679db0b5ed0c2baa0d3582258ffd1..12bff8ba1bf1ad9e7d2449a9fcbaacde4188cf4a 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2kinetic.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2kinetic.hh
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ namespace FluidSystems
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
  * \brief A two-phase fluid system with two components water \f$(\mathrm{H_2O})\f$
- *        Nitrogen \f$(\mathrm{N_2})\f$ for non-equilibrium models.
+ *        Nitrogen \f$(\mathrm{N_2})\f$ for non-equilibrium models. TODO: Is this fluid system necessary??
 template <class Scalar, bool useComplexRelations = true>
 class H2ON2Kinetic :
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public:
         switch (phaseIdx){
-            case ParentType::wPhaseIdx:
+            case ParentType::liquidPhaseIdx:
                 case ParentType::H2OIdx:
                     return ParentType::H2O::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public:
                 }// end switch compIdx
-            case ParentType::nPhaseIdx:
+            case ParentType::gasPhaseIdx:
                 case ParentType::H2OIdx:
                     return ParentType::H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ public:
                                                     const unsigned int referencePhaseIdx,
                                                     const unsigned int calcCompIdx)
-        const unsigned int nPhaseIdx   = ParentType::nPhaseIdx;
-        const unsigned int wPhaseIdx   = ParentType::wPhaseIdx;
-        const unsigned int nCompIdx    = ParentType::nCompIdx;
-        const unsigned int wCompIdx    = ParentType::wCompIdx;
+        const unsigned int nPhaseIdx   = ParentType::gasPhaseIdx;
+        const unsigned int wPhaseIdx   = ParentType::liquidPhaseIdx;
+        const unsigned int nCompIdx    = ParentType::N2Idx;
+        const unsigned int wCompIdx    = ParentType::H2OIdx;
         assert(0 <= referencePhaseIdx && referencePhaseIdx < ParentType::numPhases);
         assert(0 <= calcCompIdx && calcCompIdx < ParentType::numComponents);
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ public:
     static void calculateEquilibriumMoleFractions(FluidState & fluidState,
                                                   const ParameterCache & paramCache)
-        const unsigned int nPhaseIdx    = ParentType::nPhaseIdx;
-        const unsigned int wPhaseIdx    = ParentType::wPhaseIdx;
-        const unsigned int nCompIdx     = ParentType::nCompIdx;
-        const unsigned int wCompIdx     = ParentType::wCompIdx;
+        const unsigned int nPhaseIdx    = ParentType::gasPhaseIdx;
+        const unsigned int wPhaseIdx    = ParentType::liquidPhaseIdx;
+        const unsigned int nCompIdx     = ParentType::N2Idx;
+        const unsigned int wCompIdx     = ParentType::H2OIdx;
         const unsigned int numPhases    = ParentType::numPhases;
         const unsigned int numComponents= ParentType::numComponents;
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
index bdbc2d81ef4ba8d215903259f33688ba60082644..24c5ca61643e5ba5ae9c8be5a372f6492e78695f 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
@@ -43,10 +43,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_o2.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/n2_o2.hh>
-namespace Dumux
-namespace FluidSystems
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace FluidSystems {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
@@ -78,18 +76,30 @@ class H2ON2O2
     using N2 = SimpleN2;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 3; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numSPhases = 0; // TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = 0; //!< index of the liquid phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1; //!< index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = liquidPhaseIdx; //!< index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;
+    static constexpr int N2Idx = 1;
+    static constexpr int O2Idx = 2;
-    //! Number of phases in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
-    //! Number of solid phases besides the solid matrix
-    static constexpr int numSPhases = 0;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx; // first major component
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = N2Idx; // second major component
+    static constexpr int comp2Idx = O2Idx; // secondary component
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
+    // main component at 20°C and 1 bar
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseMainCompIdx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseMainCompIdx = N2Idx;
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -114,7 +124,7 @@ public:
     static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx != nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx != gasPhaseIdx;
@@ -153,7 +163,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // gases are always compressible
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             return true;
         // the water component decides for the liquid phase...
         return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -168,7 +178,7 @@ public:
     static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             // let the components decide
             return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && N2::gasIsIdeal() && O2::gasIsIdeal();
         return false; // not a gas
@@ -177,20 +187,6 @@ public:
      * Component related static parameters
-    //! Number of components in the fluid system
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 3;
-    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;//first major component
-    static constexpr int N2Idx = 1;//second major component
-    static constexpr int O2Idx = 2;//secondary component
-    // export component indices to indicate the main component
-    // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
-    // and room temperature 20C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx; //=0 -> H2OIdx
-    static const int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx; //=1 -> N2Idx
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -304,8 +300,8 @@ public:
                                       const int compIdx,
                                       const Scalar radius)
-        assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx);
-        assert(0 <= compIdx  && compIdx == wCompIdx);
+        assert(0 <= phaseIdx  && phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx);
+        assert(0 <= compIdx  && compIdx == liquidPhaseMainCompIdx);
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
@@ -332,12 +328,12 @@ public:
                                       const int phaseIdx,
                                       const int compIdx)
-        assert(compIdx == wCompIdx && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx);
+        assert(compIdx == liquidPhaseMainCompIdx && phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx);
         using std::exp;
         return fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phaseIdx, compIdx)
                * fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx)
-               * exp(-(fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx)-fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx))
+               * exp(-(fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx)-fluidState.pressure(liquidPhaseIdx))
                           / density(fluidState, phaseIdx)
                           / (Dumux::Constants<Scalar>::R / molarMass(compIdx))
                           / fluidState.temperature());
@@ -439,7 +435,7 @@ public:
             sumMoleFrac += fluidState.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             if (!useComplexRelations)
                 // assume pure water
                 return H2O::liquidDensity(T, p);
@@ -453,11 +449,11 @@ public:
                 // water molecule in the liquid
-                    (fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)*H2O::molarMass()
+                    (fluidState.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)*H2O::molarMass()
-                    fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, N2Idx)*N2::molarMass()
+                    fluidState.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, N2Idx)*N2::molarMass()
-                    fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, O2Idx)*O2::molarMass())
+                    fluidState.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, O2Idx)*O2::molarMass())
                     / sumMoleFrac;
@@ -468,14 +464,14 @@ public:
             // for the gas phase assume an ideal gas
                 IdealGas::molarDensity(T, p)
-                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx)
+                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(gasPhaseIdx)
                 / max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
         // assume ideal mixture: steam, nitrogen and oxygen don't "see" each
         // other
-        Scalar rho_gH2O = H2O::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
-        Scalar rho_gN2 = N2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx));
-        Scalar rho_gO2 = O2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, O2Idx));
+        Scalar rho_gH2O = H2O::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx));
+        Scalar rho_gN2 = N2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx));
+        Scalar rho_gO2 = O2::gasDensity(T, p*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, O2Idx));
         return (rho_gH2O + rho_gN2 + rho_gO2 ) / max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
@@ -502,7 +498,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             // assume pure water for the liquid phase
             return H2O::liquidViscosity(T, p);
@@ -576,7 +572,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
             case H2OIdx: return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
@@ -662,7 +658,7 @@ public:
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             if (compIIdx == H2OIdx && compJIdx == N2Idx)
                 return BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2::liquidDiffCoeff(T, p);
             if (compIIdx == H2OIdx && compJIdx == O2Idx)
@@ -673,7 +669,7 @@ public:
                        << " in phase " << phaseIdx << " is undefined!\n");
         // gas phase
-        if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx) {
             if (compIIdx == H2OIdx && compJIdx == N2Idx)
                 return BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2::gasDiffCoeff(T, p);
             if (compIIdx == H2OIdx && compJIdx == O2Idx)
@@ -715,23 +711,23 @@ public:
         // liquid phase
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(T, p);
         // gas phase
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx)
             // assume ideal mixture: which means
             // that the total specific enthalpy is the sum of the
             // "partial specific enthalpies" of the components.
             Scalar hH2O =
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+                fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
                 * H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
             Scalar hN2 =
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
+                fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
                 * N2::gasEnthalpy(T,p);
             Scalar hO2 =
-                fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, O2Idx)
+                fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, O2Idx)
                 * O2::gasEnthalpy(T,p);
             return hH2O + hN2 + hO2;
@@ -767,7 +763,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
@@ -803,7 +799,7 @@ public:
     static Scalar heatCapacity(const FluidState &fluidState,
                                int phaseIdx)
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx) {
             return H2O::liquidHeatCapacity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -844,9 +840,9 @@ public:
         // mangle all components together
-            c_pH2O*fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
-            + c_pN2*fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
-            + c_pO2*fluidState.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, O2Idx);
+            c_pH2O*fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)
+            + c_pN2*fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx)
+            + c_pO2*fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, O2Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
index 259dc2c2f48082452501036359add78d877da33b..4cfd409d0c9ccae811aaf8d7461ca0e09a67f9b5 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
@@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_constant.hh>
-namespace Dumux
-namespace FluidSystems
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace FluidSystems {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
@@ -52,21 +50,25 @@ class LiquidPhaseTwoC
     using ParameterCache = NullParameterCache;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
-    static constexpr int mainCompIdx = 0;
-    static constexpr int secondCompIdx = 1;
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0;
-    static constexpr int numPhases = 1;
-    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2; //!< Number of phases in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; //!< Number of components in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; //!< index of the only phase
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; //!< index of the frist component
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = 1; //!< index of the second component
+    static constexpr int mainCompIdx = comp0Idx; //!< index of the main component
+    static constexpr int secondCompIdx = comp1Idx; //!< index of the secondary component
-     * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
-     */
+    * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
+    */
     static void init()
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ public:
         const Scalar densityMain = MainComponent::liquidDensity(T, p);
         const Scalar molarDensity = densityMain/MainComponent::molarMass();
-        return molarDensity * (MainComponent::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, mainCompIdx)
-                               + SecondComponent::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, secondCompIdx));
+        return molarDensity * (MainComponent::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, mainCompIdx)
+                               + SecondComponent::molarMass()*fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, secondCompIdx));
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/nullparametercache.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/nullparametercache.hh
index a056632b89c0b8420dd9ee85461bf0cb9bfe754a..d140b381c5e9f226a38f4114fd7199eca222e99d 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/nullparametercache.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/nullparametercache.hh
@@ -26,18 +26,12 @@
 #include "parametercachebase.hh"
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup Fluidsystems
  * \brief The a parameter cache which does nothing
-class NullParameterCache : public ParameterCacheBase<NullParameterCache>
-    NullParameterCache()
-    {};
+class NullParameterCache : public ParameterCacheBase<NullParameterCache> {};
 } // end namespace
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/steamn2cao2h2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/steamn2cao2h2.hh
index d59540ef166ffc8de8e667702fd05bd14677a8e9..ee8f743160df9ac38b96914bd2339aa16949395b 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/steamn2cao2h2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/steamn2cao2h2.hh
@@ -76,21 +76,29 @@ public:
     // the type of parameter cache objects. this fluid system does not
     using ParameterCache = Dumux::NullParameterCache;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
     //! Number of phases in the fluid system
     static constexpr int numPhases = 1; //gas phase: N2 and steam
-    static const int numSPhases = 2;//  solid phases CaO and CaO2H2
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; // H2O, Air
+    static constexpr int numSPhases = 2;//  solid phases CaO and CaO2H2 TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int numSComponents = 2;// CaO2H2, CaO TODO: Remove
-    static constexpr int gPhaseIdx = 0;
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = gPhaseIdx; // index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 0;  //!< index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the only phase
-    static constexpr int cPhaseIdx = 1; // CaO-phaseIdx
-    static constexpr int hPhaseIdx = 2; // CaO2H2-phaseIdx
+    static constexpr int cPhaseIdx = 1; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int hPhaseIdx = 2; // CaO2H2-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int N2Idx = 0;
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = N2Idx;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int CaOIdx  = 2; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int CaO2H2Idx  = 3; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -99,7 +107,7 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+        case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
         case cPhaseIdx : return "CaO";
         case hPhaseIdx : return "CaOH2";
@@ -117,10 +125,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isGas (int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isGas (int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx;
@@ -137,7 +145,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         // we assume no interaction between gas molecules of different
@@ -154,7 +162,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
@@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
@@ -178,17 +186,6 @@ public:
     * Component related static parameters
-    static const int numComponents = 2; // H2O, Air
-    static const int numSComponents = 2;// CaO2H2, CaO
-    static const int N2Idx = 0;
-    static const int H2OIdx = 1;
-    static const int CaOIdx  = 2;
-    static const int CaO2H2Idx  = 3;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -353,13 +350,13 @@ public:
             // for the gas phase assume an ideal gas
                 IdealGas::molarDensity(T, p)
-                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx)
+                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(gasPhaseIdx)
                 / std::max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
-                (H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)) +
-                N2::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx)));
+                (H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)) +
+                N2::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx)));
@@ -438,7 +435,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
+        assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
         if (compIIdx != N2Idx)
             std::swap(compIIdx, compJIdx);
@@ -474,13 +471,13 @@ public:
     static Scalar enthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState,
                            int phaseIdx)
-        assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
+        assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        Scalar XN2 = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
-        Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+        Scalar XN2 = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
+        Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
         Scalar result = 0;
         result += XH2O * H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
@@ -501,8 +498,8 @@ public:
                                     int phaseIdx,
                                     int componentIdx)
-        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(nPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(gasPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
@@ -523,7 +520,7 @@ public:
                                     int componentIdx)
         Scalar T = 573.15;
-        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
@@ -607,7 +604,7 @@ public:
                                     * fluidState.moleFraction(phaseIdx, H2OIdx));
-        return c_pH2O*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx) + c_pN2*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
+        return c_pH2O*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx) + c_pN2*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/spatialparams/fv.hh b/dumux/material/spatialparams/fv.hh
index d95952de6b35b6e59880f57e534526a25601394e..2263814954b7e01163789e45ae6702847c691631 100644
--- a/dumux/material/spatialparams/fv.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/spatialparams/fv.hh
@@ -84,6 +84,36 @@ public:
                    "The spatial parameters do not provide "
                    "a materialLawParamsAtPos() method.");
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \param element The current element
+     * \param scv The sub-control volume inside the element.
+     * \param elemSol The solution at the dofs connected to the element.
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem, class ElementSolution>
+    int wettingPhase(const Element& element,
+                     const SubControlVolume& scv,
+                     const ElementSolution& elemSol) const
+    {
+        return this->asImp_().template wettingPhaseAtPos<FluidSystem>(scv.center());
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    {
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException,
+                   "The spatial parameters do not provide "
+                   "a wettingPhaseAtPos() method.");
+    }
 } // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/volumevariables.hh
index 4a0f69c79adc050b277e06adc2bc08096dfba45d..c0312d5fea9809e154be2059276ad345b6eb926d 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/volumevariables.hh
@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ class OnePNCVolumeVariables
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
-    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    using Idx = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
     static constexpr int numComp = ParentType::numComponents();
-        fluidSystemPhaseIdx = Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx,
+        fluidSystemPhaseIdx = Idx::fluidSystemPhaseIdx,
         // pressure primary variable index
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
+        pressureIdx = Idx::pressureIdx,
         // main component index
         mainCompMoleOrMassFracIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ public:
     using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
     //! export fluid system type
     using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
+    //! export indices
+    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -182,7 +184,6 @@ public:
     Scalar density(int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         return fluidState_.density(fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
@@ -194,7 +195,6 @@ public:
     Scalar molarDensity(int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         return fluidState_.molarDensity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ public:
      Scalar moleFraction(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
          // make sure this is only called with admissible indices
-         assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
          assert(compIdx < numComp);
          return fluidState_.moleFraction(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, compIdx);
@@ -236,7 +235,6 @@ public:
      Scalar massFraction(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
          // make sure this is only called with admissible indices
-         assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
          assert(compIdx < numComp);
          return fluidState_.massFraction(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, compIdx);
@@ -252,7 +250,6 @@ public:
     Scalar pressure(int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         return fluidState_.pressure(fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
@@ -277,7 +274,6 @@ public:
     Scalar mobility(int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         return 1.0/fluidState_.viscosity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
@@ -290,7 +286,6 @@ public:
     Scalar viscosity(int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         return fluidState_.viscosity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
@@ -305,7 +300,6 @@ public:
     Scalar diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
-        assert(phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
         assert(compIdx < numComp);
         return diffCoeff_[compIdx];
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
index 2b0ce0267ec3c843f830abc57c5aa57fc7bd30c8..94d4d092142e4e0325b8391d750dbb1a4256f11c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -38,18 +38,19 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(); }, "pressure");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.density(); }, "rho");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.viscosity(); }, "mu");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure() - 1e5; }, "delp");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx); }, "pressure");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.density(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx); }, "rho");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.viscosity(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx); }, "mu");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx) - 1e5; }, "delp");
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++i)
-           vtk.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.moleFraction(0, i); },
+           vtk.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.moleFraction(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx, i); },
                                      "x_" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(i)));
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++i)
-           vtk.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.massFraction(0,i); },
+           vtk.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.massFraction(Indices::fluidSystemPhaseIdx, i); },
                                      "X_" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(i)));
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh
index 602ed456acf92ea43835b19939ea838404e540a9..f484bc3c833b97bc67a9a416cf4c1b578c1ac284 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(OnePNCMin, VtkOutputFields, MineralizationVtkOutputFields<OnePNCVt
 //! non-isothermal vtk output
-SET_PROP(OnePNCMinNI, VtkOutputFields, EnergyVtkOutputFields<MineralizationVtkOutputFields<OnePNCVtkOutputFields>>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(OnePNCMinNI, VtkOutputFields, EnergyVtkOutputFields<MineralizationVtkOutputFields<OnePNCVtkOutputFields>>);
 //! The non-isothermal model traits
 SET_PROP(OnePNCMinNI, ModelTraits)
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/formulation.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/formulation.hh
index 9ad0e328e2e7e4d401df6bc4f4fe9b78008d1877..681324e06031737157a3d47a6eafeff91f1e87de 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/formulation.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/formulation.hh
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup TwoPModel
  * \brief Enumerates the formulations which the two-phase model accepts.
 enum class TwoPFormulation
-    pwsn, //!< pw and sn as primary variables
-    pnsw  //!< pn and sw as primary variables
+    p0s1, //!< first phase pressure and second phase saturation as primary variables
+    p1s0  //!< first phase saturation and second phase pressure as primary variables
 } // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh
index e163baf4c1c36b79c746bc40c92c7cf8c2f83d63..748ffedeb9808c56e6523f13a45ba17bdb27f356 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/griddatatransfer.hh
@@ -84,24 +84,24 @@ class TwoPGridDataTransfer : public GridDataTransfer
     // phase indices
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx,
     // formulations
-    static constexpr auto pwsn = TwoPFormulation::pwsn;
-    static constexpr auto pnsw = TwoPFormulation::pnsw;
+    static constexpr auto p0s1 = TwoPFormulation::p0s1;
+    static constexpr auto p1s0 = TwoPFormulation::p1s0;
     // the formulation that is actually used
     static constexpr auto formulation = ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
     // This won't work (mass conservative) for compressible fluids
-    static_assert(!FluidSystem::isCompressible(wPhaseIdx)
-                  && !FluidSystem::isCompressible(nPhaseIdx),
+    static_assert(!FluidSystem::isCompressible(phase0Idx)
+                  && !FluidSystem::isCompressible(phase1Idx),
                   "This adaption helper is only mass conservative for incompressible fluids!");
     // check if the used formulation is implemented here
-    static_assert(formulation == pwsn || formulation == pnsw, "Chosen formulation not known to the TwoPGridDataTransfer");
+    static_assert(formulation == p0s1 || formulation == p1s0, "Chosen formulation not known to the TwoPGridDataTransfer");
     /*! \brief Constructor
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ public:
                         volVars.update(adaptedValues.u, *problem_, element, scv);
                         const auto poreVolume = scv.volume()*volVars.porosity();
-                        adaptedValues.associatedMass[nPhaseIdx] += poreVolume * volVars.density(nPhaseIdx) * volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx);
-                        adaptedValues.associatedMass[wPhaseIdx] += poreVolume * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+                        adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase1Idx] += poreVolume * volVars.density(phase1Idx) * volVars.saturation(phase1Idx);
+                        adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase0Idx] += poreVolume * volVars.density(phase0Idx) * volVars.saturation(phase0Idx);
                     // leaf elements always start with count = 1
@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@ public:
                         // only recalculate the saturations if element hasn't been leaf before adaptation
                         if (!adaptedValues.wasLeaf)
-                            if (formulation == pwsn)
+                            if (formulation == p0s1)
-                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] = adaptedValues.associatedMass[nPhaseIdx];
-                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] /= elementVolume * volVars.density(nPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
+                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] = adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase1Idx];
+                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] /= elementVolume * volVars.density(phase1Idx) * volVars.porosity();
-                            else if (formulation == pnsw)
+                            else if (formulation == p1s0)
-                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] = adaptedValues.associatedMass[wPhaseIdx];
-                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] /= elementVolume * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
+                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] = adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase0Idx];
+                                sol_[dofIdxGlobal][saturationIdx] /= elementVolume * volVars.density(phase0Idx) * volVars.porosity();
@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@ public:
                         const auto scvVolume = scv.volume();
-                        if (formulation == pwsn)
+                        if (formulation == p0s1)
-                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(nPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
-                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / elementVolume * adaptedValues.associatedMass[nPhaseIdx];
+                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(phase1Idx) * volVars.porosity();
+                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / elementVolume * adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase1Idx];
-                        else if (formulation == pnsw)
+                        else if (formulation == p1s0)
-                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
-                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / elementVolume * adaptedValues.associatedMass[wPhaseIdx];
+                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(phase0Idx) * volVars.porosity();
+                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / elementVolume * adaptedValues.associatedMass[phase0Idx];
@@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ public:
                     // obtain the mass contained in father
                     Scalar massFather = 0.0;
-                    if (formulation == pwsn)
-                        massFather = adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[nPhaseIdx];
-                    else if (formulation == pnsw)
-                        massFather = adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[wPhaseIdx];
+                    if (formulation == p0s1)
+                        massFather = adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[phase1Idx];
+                    else if (formulation == p1s0)
+                        massFather = adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[phase0Idx];
                     // obtain the element solution through the father
                     auto elemSolSon = adaptedValuesFather.u;
@@ -311,10 +311,10 @@ public:
                         // overwrite the saturation by a mass conservative one here
                         Scalar massCoeffSon = 0.0;
-                        if (formulation == pwsn)
-                            massCoeffSon = scv.volume() * volVars.density(nPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
-                        else if (formulation == pnsw)
-                            massCoeffSon = scv.volume() * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
+                        if (formulation == p0s1)
+                            massCoeffSon = scv.volume() * volVars.density(phase1Idx) * volVars.porosity();
+                        else if (formulation == p1s0)
+                            massCoeffSon = scv.volume() * volVars.density(phase0Idx) * volVars.porosity();
                         sol_[scv.dofIndex()][saturationIdx] = (scv.volume() / fatherElement.geometry().volume() * massFather)/massCoeffSon;
@@ -343,15 +343,15 @@ public:
                         const auto dofIdxGlobal = scv.dofIndex();
                         const auto scvVolume = scv.volume();
-                        if (formulation == pwsn)
+                        if (formulation == p0s1)
-                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(nPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
-                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / fatherElementVolume * adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[nPhaseIdx];
+                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(phase1Idx) * volVars.porosity();
+                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / fatherElementVolume * adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[phase1Idx];
-                        else if (formulation == pnsw)
+                        else if (formulation == p1s0)
-                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity();
-                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / fatherElementVolume * adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[wPhaseIdx];
+                            massCoeff[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume * volVars.density(phase0Idx) * volVars.porosity();
+                            associatedMass[dofIdxGlobal] += scvVolume / fatherElementVolume * adaptedValuesFather.associatedMass[phase0Idx];
                         // store constructed (pressure) values of son in the current solution (saturation comes later)
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh
index 23c2480cb7ad9aa12593e6eb60e235427293794e..421b5ce7af25fdc5018db0e6b7f4730f930d9b31 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ public:
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only incompressible fluids are allowed!");
         static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2,
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only two-phase models are allowed!");
-        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::pwsn,
-                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for pn-sw formulation!");
+        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::p0s1,
+                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for p1-s0 formulation!");
         // we know that these values are constant throughout the simulation
         const auto poreVolume = scv.volume()*curVolVars.porosity();
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ public:
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only fluids with constant viscosities are allowed!");
         static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2,
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only two-phase models are allowed!");
-        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::pwsn,
-                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for pn-sw formulation!");
+        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::p0s1,
+                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for p1-s0 formulation!");
         using MaterialLaw = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw);
         using AdvectionType = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, AdvectionType);
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ public:
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only fluids with constant viscosities are allowed!");
         static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2,
                       "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Only two-phase models are allowed!");
-        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::pwsn,
-                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for pn-sw formulation!");
+        static_assert(ModelTraits::priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::p0s1,
+                      "2p/incompressiblelocalresidual.hh: Analytic differentiation has to be checked for p0-s1 formulation!");
         using MaterialLaw = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, MaterialLaw);
         using AdvectionType = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, AdvectionType);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh
index 8eed8d8dc7c6267ffc412e9a3dd4d8b3ace56a88..057dcacc5ef7e7f68f8b9b5c025dd18bfad70fca 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/indices.hh
@@ -33,43 +33,14 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup TwoPModel
  * \brief Defines the indices required for the two-phase fully implicit model.
-struct TwoPCommonIndices
+struct TwoPIndices
     // Primary variable indices
-    static const int pressureIdx = 0; //!< index for wetting/non-wetting phase pressure (depending on formulation) in a solution vector
-    static const int saturationIdx = 1; //!< index of the saturation of the non-wetting/wetting phase
+    static constexpr int pressureIdx = 0; //!< index for first/second phase pressure (depending on formulation) in a solution vector
+    static constexpr int saturationIdx = 1; //!< index of the saturation of the first/second phase
     // indices of the equations
-    static const int conti0EqIdx = 0; //!< index of the first continuity equation
- * \ingroup TwoPModel
- * \brief The indices for the \f$p_w-S_n\f$ formulation of the
- *        isothermal two-phase model.
- *
- * \tparam formulation The formulation, either pwsn or pnsw
- */
-template <TwoPFormulation formulation = TwoPFormulation::pwsn>
-struct TwoPIndices : public TwoPCommonIndices
-    // indices of the primary variables
-    static constexpr int pwIdx = 0; //!< index of the wetting phase pressure
-    static constexpr int snIdx = 1; //!< index of the nonwetting phase saturation
- * \ingroup TwoPModel
- * \brief The indices for the \f$p_n-S_w\f$ formulation of the
- *        isothermal two-phase model.
- */
-template <>
-struct TwoPIndices<TwoPFormulation::pnsw>
-: public TwoPCommonIndices
-    // indices of the primary variables
-    static constexpr int pnIdx = 0; //!< index of the nonwetting phase pressure
-    static constexpr int swIdx = 1; //!< index of the wetting phase saturation
+    static constexpr int conti0EqIdx = 0; //!< index of the first continuity equation
 } // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
index 139b57000a6ee4c9e0cbabc2c4932baf555e7f44..1aacdb680e02b1c7f0269bbb7d5ca5e21d2d9426 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ namespace Dumux
 template<TwoPFormulation formulation>
 struct TwoPModelTraits
-    using Indices = TwoPIndices<formulation>;
+    using Indices = TwoPIndices;
     static constexpr TwoPFormulation priVarFormulation()
     { return formulation; }
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoPNI, INHERITS_FROM(TwoP));
  //!< Set the default formulation to pwsn
 SET_PROP(TwoP, Formulation)
-{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::pwsn; };
+{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p0s1; };
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoP, LocalResidual, ImmiscibleLocalResidual<TypeTag>);         //!< Use the immiscible local residual operator for the 2p model
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoP, SpatialParams, FVSpatialParams<TypeTag>);                 //!< The spatial parameters. Use FVSpatialParams by default.
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh
index 4fd91bb01b3491a2319ea7575974a141424dd3dd..2675a44511882cf48f51703e0dfd3ca6cb60987c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/volumevariables.hh
@@ -46,14 +46,15 @@ class TwoPVolumeVariables
     using Indices = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
     static constexpr auto formulation = ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+    using FS = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
         saturationIdx = Indices::saturationIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases()
+        phase0Idx = FS::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FS::phase1Idx
@@ -82,9 +83,12 @@ public:
         completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_);
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int nPhaseIdx = 1 - wPhaseIdx;
         mobility_[wPhaseIdx] =
             MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, fluidState_.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
             / fluidState_.viscosity(wPhaseIdx);
@@ -111,44 +115,49 @@ public:
      * Set temperature, saturations, capillary pressures, viscosities, densities and enthalpies.
     template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
-    static void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
-                                   const Problem& problem,
-                                   const Element& element,
-                                   const Scv& scv,
-                                   FluidState& fluidState)
+    void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
+                            const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const Scv& scv,
+                            FluidState& fluidState)
         Scalar t =  ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
         const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
-        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn) {
-            Scalar sn = priVars[saturationIdx];
-            fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, sn);
-            fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1 - sn);
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, priVars[saturationIdx]);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1 - priVars[saturationIdx]);
+        }
+        else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, priVars[saturationIdx]);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1 - priVars[saturationIdx]);
+        }
-            Scalar pw = priVars[pressureIdx];
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, pw);
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx,
-                                   pw + MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 1 - sn));
+        pc_ = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_);
-        else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw) {
-            Scalar sw = priVars[saturationIdx];
-            fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, sw);
-            fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1 - sw);
-            Scalar pn = priVars[pressureIdx];
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, pn);
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx,
-                                   pn - MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, sw));
+        else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_);
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx) {
             // compute and set the viscosity
             Scalar mu = FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, phaseIdx);
             fluidState.setViscosity(phaseIdx, mu);
@@ -201,7 +210,7 @@ public:
      * in \f$[kg/(m*s^2)=N/m^2=Pa]\f$.
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
-    { return fluidState_.pressure(nPhaseIdx) - fluidState_.pressure(wPhaseIdx); }
+    { return pc_; }
      * \brief Returns temperature inside the sub-control volume
@@ -248,9 +257,10 @@ protected:
     FluidState fluidState_;
+    Scalar pc_;
     Scalar porosity_;
     PermeabilityType permeability_;
-    Scalar mobility_[numPhases];
+    Scalar mobility_[ModelTraits::numPhases()];
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/vtkoutputfields.hh
index e3dc83685a713f797464f1119c31dc55ccfc1f3c..fea024af3354a45691583e913bb70bdaece70b0c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -37,18 +37,20 @@ public:
     static void init(VtkOutputModule& vtk)
         using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
-        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        using FS = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "rhoW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "rhoN");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "mobW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "mobN");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase0Idx); }, "Sw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase0Idx); }, "pw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.density(FS::phase0Idx); }, "rhoW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase0Idx); }, "mobW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase1Idx); }, "Sn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase1Idx); }, "pn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.density(FS::phase1Idx); }, "rhoN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase1Idx); }, "mobN");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/darcyslaw.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/darcyslaw.hh
index 826e365d197d888c647251a40292dbfb9568c1fc..15ee9a6d56aef8d241cd8ca929d64e06e5f37a51 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/darcyslaw.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/darcyslaw.hh
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ class TwoPOneCDarcysLaw : public DarcysLaw<TypeTag>
     // copy some indices for convenience
     enum {
         // phase indices
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
+        gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
     using DimWorldMatrix = Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dimWorld, dimWorld>;
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public:
         const Scalar flux = ParentType::flux(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf, phaseIdx, elemFluxVarCache);
         // only block wetting-phase (i.e. liquid water) fluxes
-        if((!GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow)) || phaseIdx != wPhaseIdx)
+        if((!GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow)) || phaseIdx != liquidPhaseIdx)
             return flux;
         const auto& insideVolVars = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ private:
         const Scalar tDn = dn.temperature(); //temperature of the downstream SCV (where the cold water is potentially intruding into a steam zone)
         const Scalar tUp = up.temperature(); //temperature of the upstream SCV
-        const Scalar sgDn = dn.saturation(nPhaseIdx); //gas phase saturation of the downstream SCV
-        const Scalar sgUp = up.saturation(nPhaseIdx); //gas phase saturation of the upstream SCV
+        const Scalar sgDn = dn.saturation(gasPhaseIdx); //gas phase saturation of the downstream SCV
+        const Scalar sgUp = up.saturation(gasPhaseIdx); //gas phase saturation of the upstream SCV
         bool upIsNotSteam = false;
         bool downIsSteam = false;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ private:
         if(sgDn > 1e-5)
             downIsSteam = true;
-        if(upIsNotSteam && downIsSteam  && tDn > tUp && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if(upIsNotSteam && downIsSteam  && tDn > tUp && phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx)
           spuriousFlow = true;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/indices.hh
index 3f0d6ed029478ea708e55f3b0519febc49630fc8..15d5959f23e3422a484941ebb5b273e7b5e8840b 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/indices.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/indices.hh
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ class TwoPOneCIndices
     // Present phases (-> 'pseudo' primary variable)
-    static const int twoPhases = 1; //!< Both wetting and non-wetting phase are present.
-    static const int wPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the wetting phase is present.
-    static const int nPhaseOnly = 3; //!< Only non-wetting phase is present.
+    static const int twoPhases = 1; //!< Both liquid and gas phase are present.
+    static const int liquidPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the liquid phase is present.
+    static const int gasPhaseOnly = 3; //!< Only gas phase is present.
     // Primary variable indices
     static const int pressureIdx = 0; //!< Index for phase pressure in a solution vector.
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh
index c74930eb90d8567f64d33d0a0fdc50bae532ccc5..281a0a28e7312451995a8a8f760a2ec9eefbef66 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public:
 //! The primary variable switch for the 2p1cni model.
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPOneCNI, PrimaryVariableSwitch, TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPOneCNI, PrimaryVariableSwitch, TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch);
 //! The primary variables vector for the 2p1cni model.
 SET_PROP(TwoPOneCNI, PrimaryVariables)
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/primaryvariableswitch.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
index 3b37e48a93e13cb340d9fcdd3e1a50f83a3395a4..04034051326c225dba40439307f620531c4131a3 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
-#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/compositional/primaryvariableswitch.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -33,36 +32,12 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup TwoPOneCModel
  * \brief The primary variable switch for the two-phase one-component model
-template<class TypeTag>
 class TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch
-: public PrimaryVariableSwitch<TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>>
+: public PrimaryVariableSwitch<TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch>
-    using ParentType = PrimaryVariableSwitch<TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>>;
+    using ParentType = PrimaryVariableSwitch<TwoPOneCPrimaryVariableSwitch>;
     friend ParentType;
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
-    using IndexType = typename GridView::IndexSet::IndexType;
-    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GridView::dimensionworld>;
-    using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
-    using VolumeVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
-    using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    enum {
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        twoPhases = Indices::twoPhases,
-        wPhaseOnly  = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly  = Indices::nPhaseOnly
-    };
     using ParentType::ParentType;
@@ -76,48 +51,54 @@ protected:
      * \param dofIdxGlobal The respective dof index.
      * \param globalPos The global position of the dof.
-    bool update_(PrimaryVariables& priVars,
+    template<class VolumeVariables, class GlobalPosition>
+    bool update_(typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables& priVars,
                  const VolumeVariables& volVars,
-                 IndexType dofIdxGlobal,
+                 std::size_t dofIdxGlobal,
                  const GlobalPosition& globalPos)
+        using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
         // evaluate primary variable switch
         bool wouldSwitch = false;
         int phasePresence =  priVars.state();
         int newPhasePresence = phasePresence;
         // check if a primary var switch is necessary
-        if (phasePresence == twoPhases)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::twoPhases)
             Scalar Smin = 0;
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 Smin = -0.01;
-            if (volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            if (volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // gas phase disappears
                 std::cout << "Gas phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sg: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = wPhaseOnly;
+                          << volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::liquidPhaseOnly;
-                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
+                priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
-            else if (volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            else if (volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // water phase disappears
-                std::cout << "Wetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                std::cout << "Liquid phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sw: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = nPhaseOnly;
+                          << volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::gasPhaseOnly;
-                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
+                priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::liquidPhaseOnly)
             const Scalar temp = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
             const Scalar tempVap = volVars.vaporTemperature();
@@ -131,13 +112,13 @@ protected:
                 std::cout << "gas phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos  << std::endl;
-               newPhasePresence = twoPhases;
-               priVars[switchIdx] = 0.9999; //wetting phase saturation
+               newPhasePresence = Indices::twoPhases;
+               priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.9999; // liquid phase saturation
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::gasPhaseOnly)
             const Scalar temp = volVars.fluidState().temperature();
@@ -146,13 +127,13 @@ protected:
             if (temp < tempVap)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
-                // wetting phase appears
-                std::cout << "wetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                // liquid phase appears
+                std::cout << "Liquid phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos  << std::endl;
-               newPhasePresence = twoPhases;
-               priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0001; //arbitrary small value
+               newPhasePresence = Indices::twoPhases;
+               priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.0001; //arbitrary small value
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/volumevariables.hh
index de6659db9ce059adcd8579f3c41d87014a3fd794..13583f6b3fbd0fac2b802a164fddca72b6529391 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/volumevariables.hh
@@ -40,23 +40,19 @@ class TwoPOneCVolumeVariables
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
     using FS = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
-    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    using Idx = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
     enum {
         numPhases = Traits::ModelTraits::numPhases(),
-        wPhaseIdx = FS::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FS::nPhaseIdx,
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx
+        switchIdx = Idx::switchIdx,
+        pressureIdx = Idx::pressureIdx
     // present phases
     enum {
-        twoPhases = Indices::twoPhases,
-        wPhaseOnly  = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly  = Indices::nPhaseOnly,
+        twoPhases = Idx::twoPhases,
+        liquidPhaseOnly  = Idx::liquidPhaseOnly,
+        gasPhaseOnly  = Idx::gasPhaseOnly,
@@ -64,6 +60,13 @@ public:
     using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
     //! The type of the fluid system
     using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
+    //! The type of the indices
+    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    // set liquid phase as wetting phase: TODO make this more flexible
+    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx;
+    // set gas phase as non-wetting phase: TODO make this more flexible
+    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -136,12 +139,12 @@ public:
             sw = priVars[switchIdx];
             sg = 1.0 - sw;
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == liquidPhaseOnly)
             sw = 1.0;
             sg = 0.0;
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == gasPhaseOnly)
             sw = 0.0;
             sg = 1.0;
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ public:
         // get temperature
         Scalar temperature;
-        if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly || phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        if (phasePresence == liquidPhaseOnly || phasePresence == gasPhaseOnly)
             temperature = priVars[switchIdx];
         else if (phasePresence == twoPhases)
             temperature = FluidSystem::vaporTemperature(fluidState, wPhaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/indices.hh
index 9f04c8de237e82c2642dd86b57beb91bec911c5c..ae353161751e532ec391b0be43c35f74fdb67278 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/indices.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/indices.hh
@@ -29,31 +29,20 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \brief The indices for the isothermal two-phase two-component model.
  * \ingroup TwoPTwoCModel
- *
- * \tparam wCompIdx index of the wetting component
- * \tparam nCompIdx index of the non-wetting component
-template<int wCompIdx, int nCompIdx>
 struct TwoPTwoCIndices
     // present phases (-> 'pseudo' primary variable)
-    static constexpr int wPhaseOnly = 1; //!< Only the non-wetting phase is present
-    static constexpr int nPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the wetting phase is present
-    static constexpr int bothPhases = 3; //!< Both phases are present
+    static constexpr int firstPhaseOnly = 1;  //!< Only the first phase (in fluid system) is present
+    static constexpr int secondPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the second phase (in fluid system) is present
+    static constexpr int bothPhases = 3;      //!< Both phases are present
     // Primary variable indices
-    //! index for wetting/non-wetting phase pressure (depending on the formulation) in a solution vector
-    static constexpr int pressureIdx = 0;
-    //! index of either the saturation or the mass fraction of the non-wetting/wetting phase
-    static constexpr int switchIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int pressureIdx = 0; //! index for first/second phase pressure (depending on formulation) in privar vector
+    static constexpr int switchIdx = 1;   //! index of either the saturation or the mass/mole fraction of the first/second component
     // equation indices
-    //! index of the mass conservation equation for the first component
-    static constexpr int conti0EqIdx = 0;
-    //! index of the mass conservation equation for the primary component of the wetting phase
-    static constexpr int contiWEqIdx = conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx;
-    //! index of the mass conservation equation for the primary component of the non-wetting phase
-    static constexpr int contiNEqIdx = conti0EqIdx + nCompIdx;
+    static constexpr int conti0EqIdx = 0; //! index of the conservation equation for the first component
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh
index 24829936c3397824cf0ad4dadb110d522ebf210e..2bd9e7c2916c96f6356267229cc704b2ea837a97 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh
@@ -106,14 +106,12 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \brief Specifies a number properties of two-phase two-component models.
  * \tparam f The two-phase formulation used
- * \tparam wCompIdx The index of the wetting component
- * \tparam nCompIdx The index of the non-wetting component
  * \tparam useM Boolean to specify if moles or masses are balanced
-template<TwoPFormulation f, int wCompIdx, int nCompIdx, bool useM>
+template<TwoPFormulation f, bool useM>
 struct TwoPTwoCModelTraits
-    using Indices = TwoPTwoCIndices<wCompIdx, nCompIdx>;
+    using Indices = TwoPTwoCIndices;
     static constexpr int numEq() { return 2; }
     static constexpr int numPhases() { return 2; }
@@ -176,8 +174,6 @@ private:
     using type = TwoPTwoCModelTraits< GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation),
-                                      FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-                                      FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
                                       GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles) >;
@@ -201,10 +197,7 @@ public:
 //! Set the default formulation to pw-sn
 SET_PROP(TwoPTwoC, Formulation)
-    static const TwoPFormulation value = TwoPFormulation::pwsn;
+{ static constexpr TwoPFormulation value = TwoPFormulation::p0s1; };
 //! Set as default that no component mass balance is replaced by the total mass balance
 SET_INT_PROP(TwoPTwoC, ReplaceCompEqIdx, GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numComponents());
@@ -280,8 +273,6 @@ private:
     static_assert(FluidSystem::numComponents == 2, "Only fluid systems with 2 components are supported by the 2p-2c model!");
     static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2, "Only fluid systems with 2 phases are supported by the 2p-2c model!");
     using Traits = TwoPTwoCModelTraits< GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation),
-                                        FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-                                        FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
                                         GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles) >;
     using type = PorousMediumFlowNIModelTraits< Traits >;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/primaryvariableswitch.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
index eedbec306d2ee96626ef12eded63b16da7980f10..339d15a74fe3868f6eef70be2dd2d14532274d86 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/primaryvariableswitch.hh
@@ -51,13 +51,15 @@ protected:
         using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-        static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx;
-        static constexpr int wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx;
-        static constexpr int nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx;
+        static constexpr int phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+        static constexpr int phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx;
         static constexpr bool useMoles = VolumeVariables::useMoles();
         static constexpr auto formulation = VolumeVariables::priVarFormulation();
+        static_assert( (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0),
+                        "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
         using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
         static constexpr int switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx;
@@ -68,11 +70,11 @@ protected:
         int newPhasePresence = phasePresence;
         // check if a primary var switch is necessary
-        if (phasePresence == Indices::nPhaseOnly)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::secondPhaseOnly)
-            // calculate mole fraction in the hypothetic wetting phase
-            Scalar xww = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-            Scalar xwn = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+            // calculate mole fraction in the hypothetic first phase
+            Scalar xww = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx);
+            Scalar xwn = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
             Scalar xwMax = 1.0;
             if (xww + xwn > xwMax)
@@ -81,26 +83,26 @@ protected:
                 xwMax *= 1.02;
             // if the sum of the mole fractions is larger than
-            // 100%, wetting phase appears
+            // 100%, first phase appears
             if (xww + xwn > xwMax)
                 // wetting phase appears
-                std::cout << "wetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", xww + xwn: "
+                std::cout << "first phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", x00 + x01: "
                           << xww + xwn << std::endl;
                 newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0001;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
+                else
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.9999;
-        else if (phasePresence == Indices::wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::firstPhaseOnly)
             // calculate fractions of the partial pressures in the
             // hypothetic nonwetting phase
-            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-            Scalar xnn = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
+            Scalar xnn = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx);
             Scalar xgMax = 1.0;
             if (xnw + xnn > xgMax)
@@ -113,13 +115,13 @@ protected:
             if (xnw + xnn > xgMax)
                 // nonwetting phase appears
-                std::cout << "nonwetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", xnw + xnn: "
+                std::cout << "second phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", x10 + x11: "
                           << xnw + xnn << std::endl;
                 newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.9999;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
+                else
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0001;
@@ -129,33 +131,33 @@ protected:
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 Smin = -0.01;
-            if (volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            if (volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // nonwetting phase disappears
-                std::cout << "Nonwetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sn: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = Indices::wPhaseOnly;
+                std::cout << "second phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", s1: "
+                          << volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::firstPhaseOnly;
                 if(useMoles) // mole-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
                 else // mass-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
-            else if (volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            else if (volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // wetting phase disappears
-                std::cout << "Wetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sw: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = Indices::nPhaseOnly;
+                std::cout << "first phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", s0: "
+                          << volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::secondPhaseOnly;
                 if(useMoles) // mole-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
                 else // mass-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh
index 4d05a5af1aa95af650bc329a0816e8c554f401b5..f6a2cb3c66a38a3c7bee0eeae5c4ce512ab7470b 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/properties.hh
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ private:
     // Component indices
-    static const int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx;
+    static const int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+    static const int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
     // Component indices
     static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx; //!< Component index equals phase index
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh
index 041f54af2b5c0e22083578a3b97d057db3ba5acd..649b6fb68549865fb2fabd11010bac87580028aa 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/volumevariables.hh
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ class TwoPTwoCVolumeVariables
     // component indices
-        wCompIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx
+        comp0Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::comp0Idx,
+        comp1Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
+        phase0Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase1Idx
     // phase presence indices
-        wPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::nPhaseOnly,
+        firstPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::firstPhaseOnly,
+        secondPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::secondPhaseOnly,
         bothPhases = ModelTraits::Indices::bothPhases
@@ -75,18 +75,13 @@ class TwoPTwoCVolumeVariables
     // formulations
     static constexpr auto formulation = ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
-    static constexpr auto pwsn = TwoPFormulation::pwsn;
-    static constexpr auto pnsw = TwoPFormulation::pnsw;
     // further specifications on the variables update
-    static constexpr bool useKelvinEquation = Traits::useKelvinEquation;
     static constexpr bool useConstraintSolver = Traits::useConstraintSolver;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
     using ComputeFromReferencePhase = Dumux::ComputeFromReferencePhase<Scalar, typename Traits::FluidSystem>;
-    using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition< Scalar,
-                                                                                typename Traits::FluidSystem,
-                                                                                useKelvinEquation>;
+    using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition< Scalar, typename Traits::FluidSystem >;
     //! The type of the object returned by the fluidState() method
     using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
@@ -102,6 +97,12 @@ public:
     static_assert(useMoles() || (!useMoles() && useConstraintSolver), "if !UseMoles, UseConstraintSolver has to be set to true");
     static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2, "NumPhases set in the model is not two!");
     static_assert(ModelTraits::numComponents() == 2, "NumComponents set in the model is not two!");
+    static_assert((formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0), "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
+    // The computations in the explicit composition update most probably assume a liquid-gas interface with
+    // liquid as first phase. TODO: is this really needed? The constraint solver does the job anyway, doesn't it?
+    static_assert(useConstraintSolver || (FluidSystem::isLiquid(phase0Idx) && !FluidSystem::isLiquid(phase1Idx)),
+                   "Explicit composition calculation has to be re-checked for NON-liquid-gas equilibria");
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -125,14 +126,17 @@ public:
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const auto& matParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
-        {
-            // relative permeabilities -> require wetting phase saturation as parameter!
-            relativePermeability_[phaseIdx] = (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) ? MaterialLaw::krw(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx))
-                                                                      : MaterialLaw::krn(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
-            // binary diffusion coefficients
-            diffCoeff_[phaseIdx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phaseIdx, wCompIdx, nCompIdx);
-        }
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int nPhaseIdx = 1 - wPhaseIdx;
+        // relative permeabilities -> require wetting phase saturation as parameter!
+        relativePermeability_[wPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krw(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        relativePermeability_[nPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krn(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        // binary diffusion coefficients
+        diffCoeff_[phase0Idx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phase0Idx, comp0Idx, comp1Idx);
+        diffCoeff_[phase1Idx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phase1Idx, comp0Idx, comp1Idx);
         // porosity & permeabilty
         porosity_ = problem.spatialParams().porosity(element, scv, elemSol);
@@ -151,11 +155,11 @@ public:
      * Set temperature, saturations, capillary pressures, viscosities, densities and enthalpies.
     template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
-    static void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
-                                   const Problem& problem,
-                                   const Element& element,
-                                   const Scv& scv,
-                                   FluidState& fluidState)
+    void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
+                            const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const Scv& scv,
+                            FluidState& fluidState)
         const auto t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
@@ -163,59 +167,59 @@ public:
         const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
         const auto phasePresence = priVars.state();
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
+        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        fluidState.setWettingPhase(wPhaseIdx);
         // set the saturations
-        Scalar sn;
-        if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
-            sn = 1.0;
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
-            sn = 0.0;
+        if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 0.0);
+        }
+        else if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 0.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1.0);
+        }
         else if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
-            if (formulation == pwsn)
-                sn = priVars[switchIdx];
-            else if (formulation == pnsw)
-                sn = 1.0 - priVars[switchIdx];
+            if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
-                DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported by the TwoPTwoCVolumeVariables.");
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase presence.");
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1 - sn);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, sn);
-        // calculate capillary pressure
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
-        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        Scalar pc = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 1 - sn);
-        // set the pressures of the fluid phases
-        if (formulation == pwsn) {
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] + pc);
+        // set pressures of the fluid phases
+        pc_ = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_);
-        else if (formulation == pnsw) {
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] - pc);
+        else
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_);
-        else DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported by the TwoPTwoCVolumeVariables.");
         // calculate the phase compositions
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
         // If constraint solver is not used, get the phase pressures and set the fugacity coefficients here
-        Scalar pn = 0;
-        Scalar pw = 0;
-            if (formulation == pwsn) {
-                pw = priVars[pressureIdx];
-                pn = pw + pc;
-            }
-            else {
-                pn = priVars[pressureIdx];
-                pw = pn - pc;
-            }
             for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++ phaseIdx)
@@ -227,12 +231,13 @@ public:
         // now comes the tricky part: calculate phase compositions
+        const Scalar p0 = fluidState.pressure(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar p1 = fluidState.pressure(phase1Idx);
         if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
-            // both phases are present, phase compositions are a
-            // result of the nonwetting <-> wetting equilibrium. This is
-            // the job of the "MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition"
-            // constraint solver
+            // both phases are present, phase compositions are a result
+            // of the equilibrium between the phases. This is the job
+            // of the "MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition" constraint solver
@@ -241,49 +246,42 @@ public:
             // ... or calculated explicitly this way ...
-                // get the partial pressure of the main component of the the wetting phase ("H20") within the
-                // nonwetting (gas) phase == vapor pressure due to equilibrium. Note that in this case the
-                // fugacityCoefficient * pw is the vapor pressure (see implementation in respective fluidsystem)
-                Scalar partPressH2O;
-                if (useKelvinEquation)
-                    partPressH2O = FluidSystem::kelvinVaporPressure(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-                else
-                    partPressH2O = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*pw;
-                // get the partial pressure of the main component of the the nonwetting (gas) phase ("Air")
-                Scalar partPressAir = pn - partPressH2O;
+                // get the partial pressure of the main component of the first phase within the
+                // second phase == vapor pressure due to equilibrium. Note that in this case the
+                // fugacityCoefficient * p is the vapor pressure (see implementation in respective fluidsystem)
+                const Scalar partPressLiquid = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp0Idx)*p0;
+                // get the partial pressure of the main component of the gas phase
+                const Scalar partPressGas = p1 - partPressLiquid;
                 // calculate the mole fractions of the components within the nonwetting phase
-                Scalar xnn = partPressAir/pn;
-                Scalar xnw = partPressH2O/pn;
+                const Scalar xnn = partPressGas / p1;
+                const Scalar xnw = partPressLiquid / p1;
                 // calculate the mole fractions of the components within the wetting phase
-                // note that in this case the fugacityCoefficient * pw is the Henry Coefficient
+                // note that in this case the fugacityCoefficient * p is the Henry Coefficient
                 // (see implementation in respective fluidsystem)
-                Scalar xwn = partPressAir/( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx)*pw );
-                Scalar xww = 1.0 -xwn;
+                const Scalar xwn = partPressGas / (FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp1Idx)*p0);
+                const Scalar xww = 1.0 - xwn;
                 // set all mole fractions
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xww);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xwn);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xnw);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xnn);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xww);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, xwn);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, xnw);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, xnn);
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
-            // only the nonwetting phase is present, i.e. nonwetting phase
-            // composition is stored explicitly.
+            // only the second phase is present, composition is stored explicitly.
             if( useMoles() )
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+            // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
-            {
-                // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
-                fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
-            }
+                fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
             // calculate the composition of the remaining phases (as
             // well as the densities of all phases). This is the job
@@ -291,7 +289,7 @@ public:
             if (useConstraintSolver)
-                                                 nPhaseIdx,
+                                                 phase1Idx,
             // ... or calculated explicitly this way ...
@@ -299,8 +297,8 @@ public:
                 // note that the water phase is actually not existing!
                 // thus, this is used as phase switch criterion
-                Scalar xnw = priVars[switchIdx];
-                Scalar xnn = 1.0 -xnw;
+                const Scalar xnw = priVars[switchIdx];
+                const Scalar xnn = 1.0 - xnw;
                 // first, xww:
                 // xnw * pn = "actual" (hypothetical) vapor pressure
@@ -309,33 +307,31 @@ public:
                 // xww is only the ratio of "actual" vapor pressure / "thermodynamic" vapor pressure
                 // If xww > 1 : gas is over-saturated with water vapor,
                 // condensation takes place (see switch criterion in model)
-                Scalar xww = xnw*pn/( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*pw );
+                const Scalar xww = xnw*p1/( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp0Idx)*p0 );
                 // second, xwn:
                 // partialPressure / xwn = Henry
                 // partialPressure = xnn * pn
                 // xwn = xnn * pn / Henry
                 // Henry = fugacityCoefficient * pw
-                Scalar xwn = xnn*pn/( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx)*pw );
+                const Scalar xwn = xnn*p1/( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp1Idx)*p0 );
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xww);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xwn);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xww);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, xwn);
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
             // only the wetting phase is present, i.e. wetting phase
             // composition is stored explicitly.
             if( useMoles() ) // mole-fraction formulation
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+            // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
             else // mass-fraction formulation
-            {
-                // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
-                fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
-            }
+                fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
             // calculate the composition of the remaining phases (as
             // well as the densities of all phases). This is the job
@@ -343,7 +339,7 @@ public:
             if (useConstraintSolver)
-                                                 wPhaseIdx,
+                                                 phase0Idx,
             // ... or calculated explicitly this way ...
@@ -351,12 +347,12 @@ public:
                 // note that the gas phase is actually not existing!
                 // thus, this is used as phase switch criterion
-                Scalar xwn = priVars[switchIdx];
+                const Scalar xwn = priVars[switchIdx];
                 // first, xnw:
                 // psteam = xnw * pn = partial pressure of water in gas phase
                 // psteam = fugacityCoefficient * pw
-                Scalar xnw = ( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*pw )/pn;
+                const Scalar xnw = ( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp0Idx)*p0 )/p1;
                 // second, xnn:
                 // xwn = partialPressure / Henry
@@ -364,10 +360,10 @@ public:
                 // xwn = pn * xnn / Henry
                 // xnn = xwn * Henry / pn
                 // Henry = fugacityCoefficient * pw
-                Scalar xnn = xwn*( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx)*pw )/pn;
+                const Scalar xnn = xwn*( FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState, phase0Idx, comp1Idx)*p0 )/p1;
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xnn);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xnw);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, xnn);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, xnw);
@@ -493,7 +489,7 @@ public:
      *        in \f$[kg/(m*s^2)=N/m^2=Pa]\f$.
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
-    { return fluidState_.pressure(nPhaseIdx) - fluidState_.pressure(wPhaseIdx); }
+    { return pc_; }
      * \brief Returns the average porosity within the control volume in \f$[-]\f$.
@@ -520,6 +516,7 @@ public:
     FluidState fluidState_;
+    Scalar pc_;                     //!< The capillary pressure
     Scalar porosity_;               //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!< Effective permeability within the control volume
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/vtkoutputfields.hh
index aa287063b23e6a3a1fd85aa6f631bf40cc26629a..c947f2a3f968d05d10d4b7ef9f7c7cd2d959e9d3 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ public:
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
         // register standardized vtk output fields
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "Sn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "Sw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "pn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "pw");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "rhoW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "rhoN");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "mobW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "mobN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "rhoW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "rhoN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "mobW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "mobN");
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
             for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/CMakeLists.txt b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/CMakeLists.txt
index 5e3c930c89509e68756c958178cff2e748398917..81352b781a2ad3666225b9df58ad757b10e5e3a1 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #install headers
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/indices.hh
deleted file mode 100644
index a0c4f9b88af5e24e8a10204b42ade442f5c953d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/indices.hh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
-// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
- *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
- *                                                                           *
- *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
- *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                           *
- *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                           *
- *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
- *****************************************************************************/
- * \file
- * \ingroup TwoPNCModel
- * \brief Defines the indices required for the two-phase n-component
- *        fully implicit model.
- */
-namespace Dumux {
- * \ingroup TwoPNCModel
- * \brief The indices for the isothermal two-phase n-component model.
- */
-class TwoPNCIndices
-    // present phases (-> 'pseudo' primary variable)
-    static const int wPhaseOnly = 1; //!< Only the non-wetting phase is present
-    static const int nPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the wetting phase is present
-    static const int bothPhases = 3; //!< Both phases are present
-    // Primary variable indices
-    static const int pressureIdx = 0;    //!< index for wetting/non-wetting phase pressure (depending on formulation) in a solution vector
-    static const int switchIdx = 1;      //!< index of the either the saturation or the mass fraction of the non-wetting/wetting phase
-    // equation indices
-    static const int conti0EqIdx = 0;                        //!< Reference index for mass conservation equations.
-} // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
index d277875f9f66e613943bc2d032f711d8ca82e3f8..88acab3dabd478ed0c622be5dcb691b0fdc091a3 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/indices.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/vtkoutputfields.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/formulation.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/indices.hh>
-#include "indices.hh"
 #include "volumevariables.hh"
 #include "primaryvariableswitch.hh"
 #include "vtkoutputfields.hh"
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \tparam nComp the number of components to be considered.
  * \tparam useMol whether to use molar or mass balances
- * \tparam setMoleFractionForWP whether to set mole fractions for wetting or non-wetting phase
+ * \tparam setMoleFractionForFP whether to set mole fractions for first or second phase
-template<int nComp, bool useMol, bool setMoleFractionForWP, TwoPFormulation formulation>
+template<int nComp, bool useMol, bool setMoleFractionForFP, TwoPFormulation formulation>
 struct TwoPNCModelTraits
-    using Indices = TwoPNCIndices;
+    using Indices = TwoPTwoCIndices;
     static constexpr int numEq() { return nComp; }
     static constexpr int numPhases() { return 2; }
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct TwoPNCModelTraits
     static constexpr bool enableEnergyBalance() { return false; }
     static constexpr bool useMoles() { return useMol; }
-    static constexpr bool setMoleFractionsForWettingPhase() { return setMoleFractionForWP; }
+    static constexpr bool setMoleFractionsForFirstPhase() { return setMoleFractionForFP; }
     static constexpr TwoPFormulation priVarFormulation() { return formulation; }
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ private:
     using type = TwoPNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents,
                                    GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles),
-                                   GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase),
+                                   GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase),
                                    GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation)>;
@@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ SET_INT_PROP(TwoPNC, ReplaceCompEqIdx, GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::numC
 //! Default formulation is pw-Sn, overwrite if necessary
 SET_PROP(TwoPNC, Formulation)
-{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::pwsn; };
+{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p0s1; };
-SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPNC, SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase, true);  //!< Set the primary variables mole fractions for the wetting or non-wetting phase
+SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPNC, SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase, true);  //!< Set the primary variables mole fractions for the wetting or non-wetting phase
 SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPNC, UseMoles, true);                         //!< Use mole fractions in the balance equations by default
 //! Use the model after Millington (1961) for the effective diffusivity
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ private:
     static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2, "Only fluid systems with 2 fluid phases are supported by the 2p-nc model!");
     using IsothermalTraits = TwoPNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents,
                                                GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles),
-                                               GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase),
+                                               GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase),
                                                GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation)>;
     using type = PorousMediumFlowNIModelTraits<IsothermalTraits>;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/primaryvariableswitch.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/primaryvariableswitch.hh
index babad58faeab26c3f5107e5ea64a6286a85c33b9..db9ccb342548a21d21c5010ef9a5e73f4dabd39e 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/primaryvariableswitch.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/primaryvariableswitch.hh
@@ -39,153 +39,139 @@ class TwoPNCPrimaryVariableSwitch
     using ParentType = PrimaryVariableSwitch<TwoPNCPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>>;
     friend ParentType;
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
-    using IndexType = typename GridView::IndexSet::IndexType;
-    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GridView::dimensionworld>;
-    using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
-    using VolumeVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
-    using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    static const int numComponents = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numComponents();
-    static const int numMajorComponents = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numPhases();
-    enum {
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly = Indices::nPhaseOnly,
-        bothPhases = Indices::bothPhases
-    };
-    static constexpr auto formulation = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::priVarFormulation();
     using ParentType::ParentType;
     // perform variable switch at a degree of freedom location
-    bool update_(PrimaryVariables& priVars,
+    template<class VolumeVariables, class IndexType, class GlobalPosition>
+    bool update_(typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables& priVars,
                  const VolumeVariables& volVars,
                  IndexType dofIdxGlobal,
                  const GlobalPosition& globalPos)
+        using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        static constexpr int phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+        static constexpr int phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx;
+        static constexpr auto numComponents = VolumeVariables::numComponents();
+        static constexpr auto numMajorComponents = VolumeVariables::numPhases();
+        static constexpr auto formulation = VolumeVariables::priVarFormulation();
+        static_assert( (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0),
+                        "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
+        using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
+        static constexpr int switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx;
         // evaluate primary variable switch
         bool wouldSwitch = false;
         int phasePresence = priVars.state();
         int newPhasePresence = phasePresence;
         //check if a primary variable switch is necessary
-        if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::bothPhases)
             Scalar Smin = 0; //saturation threshold
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 Smin = -0.01;
-            //if saturation of wetting phase is smaller 0 switch
-            if (volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            // if saturation of first phase is smaller 0: switch
+            if (volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
-                //wetting phase has to disappear
-                std::cout << "Wetting Phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                            << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", Sw: "
-                            << volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = nPhaseOnly;
-                //switch not depending on formulation
-                //switch "Sw" to "xn20"
-                priVars[switchIdx]
-                        = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx /*H2O*/);
-                //switch all secondary components to mole fraction in non-wetting phase
-                for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
-                    priVars[compIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx,compIdx);
+                // first phase has to disappear
+                std::cout << "First Phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                            << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", s0: "
+                            << volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::secondPhaseOnly;
+                // switch not depending on formulation, switch "S0" to "x10"
+                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
+                // switch all secondary components to mole fraction in non-wetting phase
+                for (int compIdx = numMajorComponents; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
+                    priVars[compIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, compIdx);
-            //if saturation of non-wetting phase is smaller than 0 switch
-            else if (volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            // if saturation of second phase is smaller than 0: switch
+            else if (volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
-                //non-wetting phase has to disappear
-                std::cout << "Non-wetting Phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                            << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", Sn: "
-                            << volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = wPhaseOnly;
-                //switch "Sn" to "xwN2"
-                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx /*N2*/);
+                // second phase has to disappear
+                std::cout << "Second Phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                            << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", s1: "
+                            << volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::firstPhaseOnly;
+                // switch "S1" to "x01"
+                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::secondPhaseOnly)
             Scalar xwmax = 1;
             Scalar sumxw = 0;
-            //Calculate sum of mole fractions in the hypothetical wetting phase
+            // Calculate sum of mole fractions in the hypothetical first phase
             for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; compIdx++)
-            {
-                sumxw += volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx);
-            }
+                sumxw += volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, compIdx);
             if (sumxw > xwmax)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
-                xwmax *=1.02;
-            //wetting phase appears if sum is larger than one
+                xwmax *= 1.02;
+            // first phase appears if sum is larger than one
             if (sumxw/*sum of mole fractions*/ > xwmax/*1*/)
-                std::cout << "Wetting Phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                        << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", sumxw: "
+                std::cout << "First Phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                        << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", sumx0: "
                         << sumxw << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = bothPhases;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
-                //saturation of the wetting phase set to 0.0001 (if formulation TwoPFormulation::pnsw and vice versa)
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                // saturation of the first phase set to 0.0001 (if formulation TwoPFormulation::p1s0 and vice versa)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0001;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
+                else
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.9999;
-                //switch all secondary components back to wetting mole fraction
-                for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
-                    priVars[compIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx,compIdx);
+                // switch all secondary components back to first component mole fraction
+                for (int compIdx = numMajorComponents; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
+                    priVars[compIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx,compIdx);
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::firstPhaseOnly)
             Scalar xnmax = 1;
             Scalar sumxn = 0;
-            //Calculate sum of mole fractions in the hypothetical wetting phase
+            // Calculate sum of mole fractions in the hypothetical wetting phase
             for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; compIdx++)
-            {
-                sumxn += volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, compIdx);
-            }
+                sumxn += volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, compIdx);
             if (sumxn > xnmax)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
-                xnmax *=1.02;
-            //wetting phase appears if sum is larger than one
+                xnmax *= 1.02;
+            // wetting phase appears if sum is larger than one
             if (sumxn > xnmax)
-                std::cout << "Non-wetting Phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                std::cout << "Second Phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                         << ", coordinated: " << globalPos << ", sumxn: "
                         << sumxn << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = bothPhases;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
                 //saturation of the wetting phase set to 0.9999 (if formulation TwoPFormulation::pnsw and vice versa)
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.9999;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
+                else
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0001;
         this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal] = wouldSwitch;
         return phasePresence != newPhasePresence;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/volumevariables.hh
index 870553d9e9db7cfbe19ae3f4498f4fa80ea2946a..589067bf5a945369f7d78039457278ba584af30a 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/volumevariables.hh
@@ -54,33 +54,32 @@ class TwoPNCVolumeVariables
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
     using FS = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
-    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
-        numPhases = Traits::ModelTraits::numPhases(),
-        numComponents = Traits::ModelTraits::numComponents(),
-        numMajorComponents = Traits::ModelTraits::numPhases(),
+        numMajorComponents = ModelTraits::numPhases(),
         // phase indices
-        wPhaseIdx = FS::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FS::nPhaseIdx,
+        phase0Idx = FS::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = FS::phase1Idx,
         // component indices
-        wCompIdx = FS::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FS::nCompIdx,
+        comp0Idx = FS::comp0Idx,
+        comp1Idx = FS::comp1Idx,
         // phase presence enums
-        nPhaseOnly = Indices::nPhaseOnly,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        bothPhases = Indices::bothPhases,
+        secondPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::secondPhaseOnly,
+        firstPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::firstPhaseOnly,
+        bothPhases = ModelTraits::Indices::bothPhases,
         // primary variable indices
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
+        pressureIdx = ModelTraits::Indices::pressureIdx,
+        switchIdx = ModelTraits::Indices::switchIdx
-    static constexpr auto formulation = Traits::ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
+    static constexpr auto formulation = ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
+    static constexpr bool setFirstPhaseMoleFractions = ModelTraits::setMoleFractionsForFirstPhase();
     using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FS>;
     using ComputeFromReferencePhase = Dumux::ComputeFromReferencePhase<Scalar, FS>;
@@ -91,10 +90,15 @@ public:
     //! export fluid system type
     using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
-    static constexpr bool useMoles()
-    { return Traits::ModelTraits::useMoles(); }
+    //! return whether moles or masses are balanced
+    static constexpr bool useMoles() { return Traits::ModelTraits::useMoles(); }
+    //! return the two-phase formulation used here
+    static constexpr TwoPFormulation priVarFormulation() { return formulation; }
+    // check for permissive specifications
     static_assert(useMoles(), "use moles has to be set true in the 2pnc model");
+    static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2, "NumPhases set in the model is not two!");
+    static_assert((formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0), "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -112,45 +116,44 @@ public:
                 const Scv& scv)
         ParentType::update(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
         completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_);
         // calculate the remaining quantities
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
-        const auto &materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
         // Second instance of a parameter cache.
         // Could be avoided if diffusion coefficients also
         // became part of the fluid state.
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
-        {
-            // relative permeabilities
-            Scalar kr;
-            if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-                kr = MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
-            else // ATTENTION: krn requires the wetting-phase saturation as parameter!
-                kr = MaterialLaw::krn(materialParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
-            mobility_[phaseIdx] = kr / fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx);
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
+        const auto& matParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-            int compIIdx = phaseIdx;
-            for (unsigned int compJIdx = 0; compJIdx < numComponents; ++compJIdx)
-            {
-                // binary diffusion coefficients
-                if(compIIdx!= compJIdx)
-                {
-                    setDiffusionCoefficient_(phaseIdx, compJIdx,
-                                             FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_,
-                                                                                     paramCache,
-                                                                                     phaseIdx,
-                                                                                     compIIdx,
-                                                                                     compJIdx));
-                }
-            }
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int nPhaseIdx = 1 - wPhaseIdx;
+        // mobilities -> require wetting phase saturation as parameter!
+        mobility_[wPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krw(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx))/fluidState_.viscosity(wPhaseIdx);
+        mobility_[nPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krn(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx))/fluidState_.viscosity(nPhaseIdx);
+        // binary diffusion coefficients
+        for (unsigned int compJIdx = 0; compJIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compJIdx)
+        {
+            if(compJIdx != comp0Idx)
+                setDiffusionCoefficient_( phase0Idx, compJIdx,
+                                          FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_,
+                                                                                  paramCache,
+                                                                                  phase0Idx,
+                                                                                  comp0Idx,
+                                                                                  compJIdx) );
+            if(compJIdx != comp1Idx)
+                setDiffusionCoefficient_( phase1Idx, compJIdx,
+                                          FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_,
+                                                                                  paramCache,
+                                                                                  phase1Idx,
+                                                                                  comp1Idx,
+                                                                                  compJIdx) );
         // porosity & permeability
@@ -170,179 +173,146 @@ public:
      * Set temperature, saturations, capillary pressures, viscosities, densities and enthalpies.
     template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
-    static void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
-                                   const Problem& problem,
-                                   const Element& element,
-                                   const Scv& scv,
-                                   FluidState& fluidState)
+    void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
+                            const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const Scv& scv,
+                            FluidState& fluidState)
-        Scalar t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
+        const auto t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
-        auto&& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
+        const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
         const auto phasePresence = priVars.state();
-        /////////////
-        // set the saturations
-        /////////////
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
+        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        fluidState.setWettingPhase(wPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar Sn;
-        if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        // set the saturations
+        if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
-            Sn = 1.0;
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 0.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1.0);
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
-            Sn = 0.0;
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 0.0);
         else if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
-            if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
-                Sn = priVars[switchIdx];
-            else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
-                Sn = 1.0 - priVars[switchIdx];
+            if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
-                DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Formulation is invalid.");
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
-        {
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "phasePresence: " << phasePresence << " is invalid.");
-        }
-        fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, Sn);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1.0 - Sn);
-        /////////////
-        // set the pressures of the fluid phases
-        /////////////
-        // calculate capillary pressure
-        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
-        auto pc = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 1 - Sn);
-        // extract the pressures
-        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
+        // set pressures of the fluid phases
+        pc_ = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            if (priVars[pressureIdx] + pc < 0.0)
-                 DUNE_THROW(NumericalProblem,"Capillary pressure is too low");
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] + pc);
-        }
-        else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
-        {
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            // Here we check for (p_g - pc) in order to ensure that (p_l > 0)
-            if (priVars[pressureIdx] - pc < 0.0)
-            {
-                std::cout<< "p_n: "<< priVars[pressureIdx]<<" Cap_press: "<< pc << std::endl;
-                DUNE_THROW(NumericalProblem,"Capillary pressure is too high");
-            }
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] - pc);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_);
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Formulation is invalid.");
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_);
-        /////////////
         // calculate the phase compositions
-        /////////////
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
         // now comes the tricky part: calculate phase composition
         if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
             // both phases are present, phase composition results from
-            // the nonwetting <-> wetting equilibrium. This is
-            // the job of the "MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition"
-            // constraint solver
+            // the first <-> second phase equilibrium. This is the job
+            // of the "MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition" constraint solver
             // set the known mole fractions in the fluidState so that they
             // can be used by the MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition constraint solver
-            unsigned int knownPhaseIdx = nPhaseIdx;
-            if (Traits::ModelTraits::setMoleFractionsForWettingPhase())
-            {
-                knownPhaseIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-            }
-            for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
-            {
+            const int knownPhaseIdx = setFirstPhaseMoleFractions ? phase0Idx : phase1Idx;
+            for (int compIdx = numMajorComponents; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
                 fluidState.setMoleFraction(knownPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
-            }
-                                           paramCache,
-                                           /*setViscosity=*/true,
-                                           /*setEnthalpy=*/false,
-                                           knownPhaseIdx);
+                                                 paramCache,
+                                                 /*setViscosity=*/true,
+                                                 /*setEnthalpy=*/false,
+                                                 knownPhaseIdx);
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
-            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numComponents> moleFrac;
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, ModelTraits::numComponents()> moleFrac;
-            moleFrac[wCompIdx] = priVars[switchIdx];
+            moleFrac[comp0Idx] = priVars[switchIdx];
+            Scalar sumMoleFracOtherComponents = moleFrac[comp0Idx];
-            for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
+            for (int compIdx = numMajorComponents; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+            {
                 moleFrac[compIdx] = priVars[compIdx];
-            Scalar sumMoleFracOtherComponents = 0;
-            for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
                 sumMoleFracOtherComponents += moleFrac[compIdx];
+            }
-            sumMoleFracOtherComponents += moleFrac[wCompIdx];
-            moleFrac[nCompIdx] = 1 - sumMoleFracOtherComponents;
+            moleFrac[comp1Idx] = 1 - sumMoleFracOtherComponents;
             // Set fluid state mole fractions
-            for (int compIdx=0; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, compIdx, moleFrac[compIdx]);
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, compIdx, moleFrac[compIdx]);
             // calculate the composition of the remaining phases (as
             // well as the densities of all phases). this is the job
             // of the "ComputeFromReferencePhase" constraint solver
-                                             nPhaseIdx,
+                                             phase1Idx,
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
-        // only the wetting phase is present, i.e. wetting phase
-        // composition is stored explicitly.
-        // extract _mass_ fractions in the non-wetting phase
-            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numComponents> moleFrac;
-            moleFrac[nCompIdx] = priVars[switchIdx];
+            // only the first phase is present, i.e. first phase composition
+            // is stored explicitly. extract _mass_ fractions in the second phase
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, ModelTraits::numComponents()> moleFrac;
-            for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
+            moleFrac[comp1Idx] = priVars[switchIdx];
+            Scalar sumMoleFracOtherComponents = moleFrac[comp1Idx];
+            for (int compIdx = numMajorComponents; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+            {
                 moleFrac[compIdx] = priVars[compIdx];
-            Scalar sumMoleFracOtherComponents = 0;
-            for (int compIdx=numMajorComponents; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
                 sumMoleFracOtherComponents += moleFrac[compIdx];
+            }
-            sumMoleFracOtherComponents += moleFrac[nCompIdx];
-            moleFrac[wCompIdx] = 1 - sumMoleFracOtherComponents;
+            moleFrac[comp0Idx] = 1 - sumMoleFracOtherComponents;
             // convert mass to mole fractions and set the fluid state
-            for (int compIdx=0; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
-            {
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx, moleFrac[compIdx]);
-            }
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, compIdx, moleFrac[compIdx]);
             // calculate the composition of the remaining phases (as
             // well as the densities of all phases). this is the job
             // of the "ComputeFromReferencePhase" constraint solver
-                                             wPhaseIdx,
+                                             phase0Idx,
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
             Scalar rho = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, phaseIdx);
             Scalar mu = FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, phaseIdx);
@@ -376,12 +346,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The phase index
     Scalar density(int phaseIdx) const
-    {
-        if (phaseIdx < numPhases)
-            return fluidState_.density(phaseIdx);
-        else
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
-    }
+    { return fluidState_.density(phaseIdx); }
      * \brief Returns the kinematic viscosity of a given phase within the
@@ -390,12 +355,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The phase index
     Scalar viscosity(int phaseIdx) const
-    {
-        if (phaseIdx < numPhases)
-            return fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx);
-        else
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
-    }
+    { return fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx); }
      * \brief Returns the mass density of a given phase within the
@@ -404,12 +364,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The phase index
     Scalar molarDensity(int phaseIdx) const
-    {
-        if (phaseIdx < numPhases)
-            return fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx);
-        else
-            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
-    }
+    { return fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx); }
      * \brief Returns the effective pressure of a given phase within
@@ -444,7 +399,7 @@ public:
      *        in \f$[kg/(m*s^2)=N/m^2=Pa]\f$.
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
-    { return fluidState_.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx) - fluidState_.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }
+    { return pc_; }
      * \brief Returns the average porosity within the control volume.
@@ -513,10 +468,11 @@ private:
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Diffusion coefficient for phaseIdx = compIdx doesn't exist");
+    Scalar pc_;                     //!< The capillary pressure
     Scalar porosity_;               //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!> Effective permeability within the control volume
-    Scalar mobility_[numPhases];    //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
-    std::array<std::array<Scalar, numComponents-1>, numPhases> diffCoefficient_;
+    Scalar mobility_[ModelTraits::numPhases()]; //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
+    std::array<std::array<Scalar, ModelTraits::numComponents()-1>, ModelTraits::numPhases()> diffCoefficient_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
index 13e711bb51cd2c0a10808bf8489d1d1e033d8f04..da45474989d602f3892e4c77d0c9d06435a67cac 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ public:
                                       "x_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i) + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(j));
         for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-            vtk.addVolumeVariable([j](const auto& v){ return v.molarity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,j); },
-                                  "m_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(j));
+            vtk.addVolumeVariable([j](const auto& v){ return v.molarity(FluidSystem::phase0Idx,j); },
+                                  "m_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx) + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(j));
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); }, "phasePresence");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh
index 2a77226cf3cd8d7d5a25265c344fcdf2ee352c0d..a5ccef76cdb23d4bb0afe6dd16bdb99c66f587ac 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ private:
     static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2, "Only fluid systems with 2 fluid phases are supported by the 2p-nc model!");
     using NonMineralizationTraits = TwoPNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents,
                                                       GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles),
-                                                      GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase),
+                                                      GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase),
                                                       GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation)>;
     using type = MineralizationModelTraits<NonMineralizationTraits, FluidSystem::numSPhases>;
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ private:
     static_assert(FluidSystem::numPhases == 2, "Only fluid systems with 2 fluid phases are supported by the 2p-nc model!");
     using TwoPNCTraits = TwoPNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents,
                                            GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles),
-                                           GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForWettingPhase),
+                                           GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, SetMoleFractionsForFirstPhase),
                                            GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, Formulation)>;
     using IsothermalTraits = MineralizationModelTraits<TwoPNCTraits, FluidSystem::numSPhases>;
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public:
 //! non-isothermal vtkoutput
-SET_PROP(TwoPNCMinNI, VtkOutputFields, EnergyVtkOutputFields<MineralizationVtkOutputFields<TwoPNCVtkOutputFields>>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPNCMinNI, VtkOutputFields, EnergyVtkOutputFields<MineralizationVtkOutputFields<TwoPNCVtkOutputFields>>);
 } // end namespace Properties
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/volumevariables.hh
index b005609995a68d0dd1eab2498c0d7b6be355758b..b89ca04a2005763e61a7968384ac73ae89290677 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/volumevariables.hh
@@ -54,9 +54,6 @@ class ThreePThreeCVolumeVariables
     using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
     using Idx = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
     enum {
-        numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases(),
-        numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents(),
         wCompIdx = FS::wCompIdx,
         gCompIdx = FS::gCompIdx,
         nCompIdx = FS::nCompIdx,
@@ -187,10 +184,10 @@ public:
         // depend on composition!
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
         // assert(FluidSystem::isIdealGas(gPhaseIdx));
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++ phaseIdx) {
-            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++ compIdx) {
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < ModelTraits::numComponents(); ++ compIdx) {
                 Scalar phi = FluidSystem::fugacityCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phaseIdx, compIdx);
                 fluidState_.setFugacityCoefficient(phaseIdx, compIdx, phi);
@@ -508,7 +505,7 @@ public:
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "phasePresence: " << phasePresence << " is invalid.");
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx) {
             // Mobilities
             const Scalar mu =
@@ -549,7 +546,7 @@ public:
         permeability_ = problem.spatialParams().permeability(element, scv, elemSol);
         // compute and set the enthalpy
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
             Scalar h = ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, phaseIdx);
             fluidState_.setEnthalpy(phaseIdx, h);
@@ -682,12 +679,12 @@ protected:
     Scalar sw_, sg_, sn_, pg_, pw_, pn_;
-    Scalar moleFrac_[numPhases][numComponents];
-    Scalar massFrac_[numPhases][numComponents];
+    Scalar moleFrac_[ModelTraits::numPhases()][ModelTraits::numComponents()];
+    Scalar massFrac_[ModelTraits::numPhases()][ModelTraits::numComponents()];
     Scalar porosity_;        //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!< Effective permeability within the control volume
-    Scalar mobility_[numPhases];  //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
+    Scalar mobility_[ModelTraits::numPhases()];  //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
     Scalar bulkDensTimesAdsorpCoeff_; //!< the basis for calculating adsorbed NAPL
     void setDiffusionCoefficient_(int phaseIdx, int compIdx, Scalar d)
@@ -702,7 +699,7 @@ private:
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Diffusion coefficient for phaseIdx = compIdx doesn't exist");
-    std::array<std::array<Scalar, numComponents-1>, numPhases> diffCoefficient_;
+    std::array<std::array<Scalar, ModelTraits::numComponents()-1>, ModelTraits::numPhases()> diffCoefficient_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/volumevariables.hh
index 4c0ee79aa3d5d4b3d9bbaca522daf243acbcc967..4af2eadc3652b89078d88497d36159a900d5a83f 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/volumevariables.hh
@@ -54,12 +54,13 @@ class ThreePWaterOilVolumeVariables
     using ParentType = PorousMediumFlowVolumeVariables<Traits, ThreePWaterOilVolumeVariables<Traits>>;
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
-    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
+    using Indices = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
     using FS = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
     enum {
-        numPhases = Traits::ModelTraits::numPhases(),
-        numComponents = Traits::ModelTraits::numComponents(),
+        numPs = ParentType::numPhases(),
+        numComps = ParentType::numComponents(),
         wCompIdx = FS::wCompIdx,
         nCompIdx = FS::nCompIdx,
@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ public:
             else DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "phasePresence: " << phasePresence << " is invalid.");
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPs; ++phaseIdx) {
             // Mobilities
             const Scalar mu =
@@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ public:
 //         fluidState_.setTemperature(temp_);
         // the enthalpies (internal energies are directly calculated in the fluidstate
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPs; ++phaseIdx) {
             Scalar h = FluidSystem::enthalpy(fluidState_, phaseIdx);
             fluidState_.setEnthalpy(phaseIdx, h);
@@ -778,7 +779,7 @@ public:
      * \brief Returns the diffusivity coefficient matrix
     DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("diffusionCoefficient() is deprecated. Use diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx) instead.")
-    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases> diffusionCoefficient() const
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPs> diffusionCoefficient() const
         return diffusionCoefficient_;
@@ -821,17 +822,17 @@ protected:
     Scalar sw_, sg_, sn_, pg_, pw_, pn_, temp_;
-    Scalar moleFrac_[numPhases][numComponents];
-    Scalar massFrac_[numPhases][numComponents];
+    Scalar moleFrac_[numPs][numComps];
+    Scalar massFrac_[numPs][numComps];
     Scalar porosity_;        //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
     Scalar permeability_;        //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
-    Scalar mobility_[numPhases];  //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
+    Scalar mobility_[numPs];  //!< Effective mobility within the control volume
     Scalar bulkDensTimesAdsorpCoeff_; //!< the basis for calculating adsorbed NAPL
     /* We need a tensor here !! */
     //!< Binary diffusion coefficients of the 3 components in the phases
-    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases> diffusionCoefficient_;
-    std::array<std::array<Scalar, numComponents-1>, numPhases> diffCoefficient_;
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPs> diffusionCoefficient_;
+    std::array<std::array<Scalar, numComps-1>, numPs> diffCoefficient_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/primaryvariableswitch.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/primaryvariableswitch.hh
index 84bf612c4a4ffd2a4b123cfdb85ee633ad33c46f..30307aea246227596220e506a145ea06f7412f14 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/primaryvariableswitch.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/primaryvariableswitch.hh
@@ -56,13 +56,15 @@ protected:
         using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-        static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx;
-        static constexpr int wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx;
-        static constexpr int nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx;
+        static constexpr int phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+        static constexpr int phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx;
+        static constexpr int comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx;
         static constexpr bool useMoles = VolumeVariables::useMoles();
         static constexpr auto formulation = VolumeVariables::priVarFormulation();
+        static_assert( (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0),
+                        "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
         using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
         static constexpr int switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx;
@@ -76,11 +78,11 @@ protected:
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
         // check if a primary var switch is necessary
-        if (phasePresence == Indices::nPhaseOnly)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::secondPhaseOnly)
-            // calculate wetting component mole fraction in the non-wetting phase
-            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-            Scalar xnwMax = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(volVars.fluidState(), paramCache, nPhaseIdx);
+            // calculate wetting component mole fraction in the second phase
+            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
+            Scalar xnwMax = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(volVars.fluidState(), paramCache, phase1Idx);
             // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch
             if(xnw > xnwMax)
@@ -89,27 +91,25 @@ protected:
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 xnwMax *= 1.02;
-            // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch wetting phase appears
+            // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch: first phase appears
             if (xnw > xnwMax)
                 // wetting phase appears
-                std::cout << "wetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", xnw > xnwMax: "
+                std::cout << "First phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", x10 > x10_max: "
                           << xnw << " > " << xnwMax << std::endl;
                 newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = 1.0;
-                    DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported");
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = 1.0;
-        else if (phasePresence == Indices::wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::firstPhaseOnly)
-            // calculate non-wetting component mole fraction in the wetting phase
-            Scalar xwn = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
-            Scalar xwnMax = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(volVars.fluidState(), paramCache, wPhaseIdx);
+            // calculate second component mole fraction in the wetting phase
+            Scalar xwn = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
+            Scalar xwnMax = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(volVars.fluidState(), paramCache, phase0Idx);
             // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch
             if(xwn > xwnMax)
@@ -118,20 +118,18 @@ protected:
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 xwnMax *= 1.02;
-            // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch non-wetting phase appears
+            // if it is larger than the equilibirum mole fraction switch second phase appears
             if(xwn > xwnMax)
-                // nonwetting phase appears
-                std::cout << "nonwetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", xwn > xwnMax: "
+                // Second phase appears
+                std::cout << "Second phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", x01 > x01_max: "
                           << xwn << " > " << xwnMax << std::endl;
                 newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
-                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pnsw)
+                if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0)
                     priVars[switchIdx] = 0.999;
-                else if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::pwsn)
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = 0.001;
-                    DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported");
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = 0.001;
         // TODO: this is the same as for the 2p2c model maybe factor out
@@ -141,33 +139,33 @@ protected:
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 Smin = -0.01;
-            if (volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            if (volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // nonwetting phase disappears
-                std::cout << "Nonwetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sn: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = Indices::wPhaseOnly;
+                std::cout << "Second phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", s1: "
+                          << volVars.saturation(phase1Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::firstPhaseOnly;
                 if(useMoles) // mole-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
                 else // mass-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx);
-            else if (volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            else if (volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // wetting phase disappears
-                std::cout << "Wetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
-                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sw: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = Indices::nPhaseOnly;
+                std::cout << "First phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
+                          << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", s0: "
+                          << volVars.saturation(phase0Idx) << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::secondPhaseOnly;
                 if(useMoles) // mole-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
                 else // mass-fraction formulation
-                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.massFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/volumevariables.hh
index 21480c4678ef127bcd7c9676b2e761e1c1219d45..e53dfe04bc471704d143b7226258174987f60121 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/co2/volumevariables.hh
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@ class TwoPTwoCCO2VolumeVariables
     // component indices
-        wCompIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = Traits::FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx
+        comp0Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::comp0Idx,
+        comp1Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
+        phase0Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        phase1Idx = Traits::FluidSystem::phase1Idx
     // phase presence indices
-        wPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::nPhaseOnly,
+        firstPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::firstPhaseOnly,
+        secondPhaseOnly = ModelTraits::Indices::secondPhaseOnly,
         bothPhases = ModelTraits::Indices::bothPhases
@@ -68,11 +68,10 @@ class TwoPTwoCCO2VolumeVariables
         pressureIdx = ModelTraits::Indices::pressureIdx
-    // formulations
+    // formulation
     static constexpr auto formulation = ModelTraits::priVarFormulation();
-    static constexpr auto pwsn = TwoPFormulation::pwsn;
-    static constexpr auto pnsw = TwoPFormulation::pnsw;
+    // type used for the permeability
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
     //! The type of the object returned by the fluidState() method
@@ -88,6 +87,7 @@ public:
     // check for permissive combinations
     static_assert(ModelTraits::numPhases() == 2, "NumPhases set in the model is not two!");
     static_assert(ModelTraits::numComponents() == 2, "NumComponents set in the model is not two!");
+    static_assert((formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1 || formulation == TwoPFormulation::p1s0), "Chosen TwoPFormulation not supported!");
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -111,14 +111,17 @@ public:
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const auto& matParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
-        {
-            // relative permeabilities -> require wetting phase saturation as parameter!
-            relativePermeability_[phaseIdx] = (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) ? MaterialLaw::krw(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx))
-                                                                      : MaterialLaw::krn(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
-            // binary diffusion coefficients
-            diffCoeff_[phaseIdx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phaseIdx, wCompIdx, nCompIdx);
-        }
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int nPhaseIdx = 1 - wPhaseIdx;
+        // relative permeabilities -> require wetting phase saturation as parameter!
+        relativePermeability_[wPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krw(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        relativePermeability_[nPhaseIdx] = MaterialLaw::krn(matParams, saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        // binary diffusion coefficients
+        diffCoeff_[phase0Idx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phase0Idx, comp0Idx, comp1Idx);
+        diffCoeff_[phase1Idx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, phase1Idx, comp0Idx, comp1Idx);
         // porosity & permeabilty
         porosity_ = problem.spatialParams().porosity(element, scv, elemSol);
@@ -138,57 +141,66 @@ public:
      * Set temperature, saturations, capillary pressures, viscosities, densities and enthalpies.
     template<class ElemSol, class Problem, class Element, class Scv>
-    static void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
-                                   const Problem& problem,
-                                   const Element& element,
-                                   const Scv& scv,
-                                   FluidState& fluidState)
+    void completeFluidState(const ElemSol& elemSol,
+                            const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const Scv& scv,
+                            FluidState& fluidState)
-        const Scalar t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
+        const auto t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
         const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
         const auto phasePresence = priVars.state();
+        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
+        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
+        const int wPhaseIdx = problem.spatialParams().template wettingPhase<FluidSystem>(element, scv, elemSol);
+        fluidState.setWettingPhase(wPhaseIdx);
         // set the saturations
-        Scalar sn;
-        if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
-            sn = 1.0;
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
-            sn = 0.0;
+        if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 0.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1.0);
+        }
+        else if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
+        {
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1.0);
+            fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 0.0);
+        }
         else if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
-            if (formulation == pwsn)
-                sn = priVars[switchIdx];
-            else if (formulation == pnsw)
-                sn = 1.0 - priVars[switchIdx];
+            if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
-                DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation is invalid.");
+            {
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setSaturation(phase1Idx, 1 - priVars[switchIdx]);
+            }
-        else DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase presence.");
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1 - sn);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, sn);
-        // capillary pressure parameters
-        using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
-        const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        Scalar pc = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 1 - sn);
+        else
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase presence.");
-        if (formulation == pwsn) {
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] + pc);
+        // set pressures of the fluid phases
+        pc_ = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        if (formulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_);
-        else if (formulation == pnsw) {
-            fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-            fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx] - pc);
+        else
+        {
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase1Idx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+            fluidState.setPressure(phase0Idx, (wPhaseIdx == phase0Idx) ? priVars[pressureIdx] - pc_
+                                                                       : priVars[pressureIdx] + pc_);
-        else DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Chosen TwoPFormulation is invalid.");
-        /////////////
         // calculate the phase compositions
-        /////////////
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
         // both phases are present
         if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
@@ -196,67 +208,67 @@ public:
             //Get the equilibrium mole fractions from the FluidSystem and set them in the fluidState
             //xCO2 = equilibrium mole fraction of CO2 in the liquid phase
             //yH2O = equilibrium mole fraction of H2O in the gas phase
-            const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx);
-            const auto xgH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, nPhaseIdx);
+            const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase0Idx);
+            const auto xgH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase1Idx);
             const auto xwH2O = 1 - xwCO2;
             const auto xgCO2 = 1 - xgH2O;
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xwH2O);
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xwCO2);
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xgH2O);
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xgCO2);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xwH2O);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, xwCO2);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, xgH2O);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, xgCO2);
         // only the nonwetting phase is present, i.e. nonwetting phase
         // composition is stored explicitly.
-        else if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == secondPhaseOnly)
             if( useMoles() ) // mole-fraction formulation
                 // set the fluid state
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
                 // TODO give values for non-existing wetting phase
-                const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx);
+                const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase0Idx);
                 const auto xwH2O = 1 - xwCO2;
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xwCO2);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xwH2O);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, xwCO2);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xwH2O);
             else // mass-fraction formulation
                 // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
-                fluidState.setMassFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMassFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
                 // TODO give values for non-existing wetting phase
-                const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx);
+                const auto xwCO2 = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase0Idx);
                 const auto xwH2O = 1 - xwCO2;
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xwCO2);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xwH2O);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, xwCO2);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, xwH2O);
         // only the wetting phase is present, i.e. wetting phase
         // composition is stored explicitly.
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == firstPhaseOnly)
             if( useMoles() ) // mole-fraction formulation
                 // convert mass to mole fractions and set the fluid state
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp0Idx, 1-priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
                 //  TODO give values for non-existing nonwetting phase
-                Scalar xnH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, nPhaseIdx);
+                Scalar xnH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase1Idx);
                 Scalar xnCO2 = 1 - xnH2O;
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xnCO2);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xnH2O);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, xnCO2);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, xnH2O);
             else // mass-fraction formulation
                 // setMassFraction() has only to be called 1-numComponents times
-                fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, priVars[switchIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMassFraction(phase0Idx, comp1Idx, priVars[switchIdx]);
                 //  TODO give values for non-existing nonwetting phase
-                Scalar xnH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, nPhaseIdx);
+                Scalar xnH2O = FluidSystem::equilibriumMoleFraction(fluidState, paramCache, phase1Idx);
                 Scalar xnCO2 = 1 - xnH2O;
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, xnCO2);
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, xnH2O);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp1Idx, xnCO2);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(phase1Idx, comp0Idx, xnH2O);
@@ -379,7 +391,7 @@ public:
      *        in \f$[kg/(m*s^2)=N/m^2=Pa]\f$.
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
-    { return fluidState_.pressure(nPhaseIdx) - fluidState_.pressure(wPhaseIdx); }
+    { return fluidState_.pressure(phase1Idx) - fluidState_.pressure(phase0Idx); }
      * \brief Returns the average porosity within the control volume in \f$[-]\f$.
@@ -406,6 +418,7 @@ public:
     FluidState fluidState_;
+    Scalar pc_;                     //!< The capillary pressure
     Scalar porosity_;               //!< Effective porosity within the control volume
     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!< Effective permeability within the control volume
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/volumevariables.hh
index 82bc3386c94b30a291364a79922af5a5649930b8..1855d728961dedc0f39e7e9c25dc6c12522adc5a 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/volumevariables.hh
@@ -38,12 +38,6 @@ class MineralizationVolumeVariables : public NonMineralizationVolVars
     using ParentType = NonMineralizationVolVars;
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
-    enum
-    {
-        numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases(),
-        numSPhases =  ModelTraits::numSPhases(),
-        numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents()
-    };
     //! export the type of the fluid state
@@ -65,9 +59,9 @@ public:
         auto&& priVars = elemSol[scv.indexInElement()];
         sumPrecipitates_ = 0.0;
-        for(int sPhaseIdx = 0; sPhaseIdx < numSPhases; ++sPhaseIdx)
+        for(int sPhaseIdx = 0; sPhaseIdx < ModelTraits::numSPhases(); ++sPhaseIdx)
-           precipitateVolumeFraction_[sPhaseIdx] = priVars[numComponents + sPhaseIdx];
+           precipitateVolumeFraction_[sPhaseIdx] = priVars[ModelTraits::numComponents() + sPhaseIdx];
            sumPrecipitates_+= precipitateVolumeFraction_[sPhaseIdx];
@@ -79,16 +73,17 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx the index of the solid phase
     Scalar precipitateVolumeFraction(int phaseIdx) const
-    { return precipitateVolumeFraction_[phaseIdx - numPhases]; }
+    { return precipitateVolumeFraction_[phaseIdx - ModelTraits::numPhases()]; }
      * \brief Returns the density of the phase for all fluid and solid phases
      * \param phaseIdx the index of the fluid phase
+     * \todo TODO: This fails for 1pnc if fluidSystemPhaseIdx is not 0
     Scalar density(int phaseIdx) const
-        if (phaseIdx < numPhases)
+        if (phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases())
             return this->fluidState_.density(phaseIdx);
             return FluidSystem::precipitateDensity(phaseIdx);
@@ -99,10 +94,11 @@ public:
      *        control volume.
      * \param phaseIdx The phase index
+     * \todo TODO: This fails for 1pnc if fluidSystemPhaseIdx is not 0
     Scalar molarDensity(int phaseIdx) const
-        if (phaseIdx < numPhases)
+        if (phaseIdx < ModelTraits::numPhases())
             return this->fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx);
             return FluidSystem::precipitateMolarDensity(phaseIdx);
@@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ public:
-    Scalar precipitateVolumeFraction_[numSPhases];
+    Scalar precipitateVolumeFraction_[ModelTraits::numSPhases()];
     Scalar sumPrecipitates_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh
index e5a2623501da87765c36561f4bc39520ede6a8d6..5ac069eeec690471443d6922376762e10d351599 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/localresidual.hh
@@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ class NonEquilibriumLocalResidualImplementation<TypeTag, true, true>: public GET
     using ComponentVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numComponents>;
     enum { conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx };
-    enum { nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx } ;
-    enum { wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx } ;
-    enum { wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx} ;
-    enum { nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx} ;
+    enum { comp1Idx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx } ;
+    enum { comp0Idx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx } ;
+    enum { phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx} ;
+    enum { phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx} ;
     enum { sPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::sPhaseIdx} ;
@@ -286,11 +286,11 @@ public:
         ComponentVector componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[numPhases];
-        const Scalar mu_nPhaseNCompEquil = volVars.chemicalPotentialEquil(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx) ;   // very 2p2c
-        const Scalar mu_wPhaseWCompEquil = volVars.chemicalPotentialEquil(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);    // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar mu_nPhaseNCompEquil = volVars.chemicalPotentialEquil(phase1Idx, comp1Idx) ;   // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar mu_wPhaseWCompEquil = volVars.chemicalPotentialEquil(phase0Idx, comp0Idx);    // very 2p2c
-        const Scalar mu_wPhaseNComp = volVars.chemicalPotential(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx) ;   // very 2p2c
-        const Scalar mu_nPhaseWComp = volVars.chemicalPotential(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);    // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar mu_wPhaseNComp = volVars.chemicalPotential(phase0Idx, comp1Idx) ;   // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar mu_nPhaseWComp = volVars.chemicalPotential(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);    // very 2p2c
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ public:
         const Scalar characteristicLength   = volVars.characteristicLength()  ;
-        const Scalar temperature            = volVars.temperature(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar pn                     = volVars.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar temperature            = volVars.temperature(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar pn                     = volVars.pressure(phase1Idx);
         const Scalar henry                  = FluidSystem::henry(temperature) ;
         const Scalar gradNinWApprox  = ( mu_wPhaseNComp - mu_nPhaseNCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c // 1. / henry *
         const Scalar gradWinNApprox  = ( mu_nPhaseWComp - mu_wPhaseWCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c // 1. / pn *
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@ public:
 //      "equilibrium" values: calculated in volume variables
-        const Scalar x_wPhaseNCompEquil = volVars.xEquil(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx) ;   // very 2p2c
-        const Scalar x_nPhaseWCompEquil = volVars.xEquil(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);    // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar x_wPhaseNCompEquil = volVars.xEquil(phase0Idx, comp1Idx) ;   // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar x_nPhaseWCompEquil = volVars.xEquil(phase1Idx, comp0Idx);    // very 2p2c
         const Scalar characteristicLength   = volVars.characteristicLength()  ;
-        const Scalar gradNinWApprox  =  (x[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] - x_wPhaseNCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c
-        const Scalar gradWinNApprox  =  (x[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] - x_nPhaseWCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar gradNinWApprox  =  (x[phase0Idx][comp1Idx] - x_wPhaseNCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c
+        const Scalar gradWinNApprox  =  (x[phase1Idx][comp0Idx] - x_nPhaseWCompEquil) / characteristicLength;    // very 2p2c
         Scalar phaseDensity[numPhases];
         for(int phaseIdx=0; phaseIdx<numPhases; ++phaseIdx){
@@ -328,31 +328,31 @@ public:
         // diffusion coefficients in wetting phase
-        const Scalar diffCoeffNinW = volVars.diffusionCoefficient(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx) ;
+        const Scalar diffCoeffNinW = volVars.diffusionCoefficient(phase0Idx, comp1Idx) ;
         // diffusion coefficients in non-wetting phase
-        const Scalar diffCoeffWinN = volVars.diffusionCoefficient(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) ;
+        const Scalar diffCoeffWinN = volVars.diffusionCoefficient(phase1Idx, comp0Idx) ;
         const Scalar factorMassTransfer     = volVars.factorMassTransfer()  ;
-        const Scalar awn = volVars.interfacialArea(wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar awn = volVars.interfacialArea(phase0Idx, phase1Idx);
-        const Scalar sherwoodWPhase  = volVars.sherwoodNumber(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar sherwoodNPhase  = volVars.sherwoodNumber(nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar sherwoodWPhase  = volVars.sherwoodNumber(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar sherwoodNPhase  = volVars.sherwoodNumber(phase1Idx);
         //      actual diffusion is always calculated for eq's 2,3
         //      Eq's 1,4 have to be the same with different sign, because no mass is accumulated in the interface
         //      i.e. automatically conserving mass that mvoes across the interface
-        const Scalar nCompIntoWPhase  = - factorMassTransfer * gradNinWApprox * awn * phaseDensity[wPhaseIdx] * diffCoeffNinW * sherwoodWPhase;
+        const Scalar nCompIntoWPhase  = - factorMassTransfer * gradNinWApprox * awn * phaseDensity[phase0Idx] * diffCoeffNinW * sherwoodWPhase;
         const Scalar nCompIntoNPhase  = - nCompIntoWPhase ;
-        const Scalar wCompIntoNPhase  = - factorMassTransfer * gradWinNApprox * awn * phaseDensity[nPhaseIdx] * diffCoeffWinN * sherwoodNPhase;
+        const Scalar wCompIntoNPhase  = - factorMassTransfer * gradWinNApprox * awn * phaseDensity[phase1Idx] * diffCoeffWinN * sherwoodNPhase;
         const Scalar wCompIntoWPhase  = - wCompIntoNPhase ;
-        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = nCompIntoWPhase;
-        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = nCompIntoNPhase;
-        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = wCompIntoNPhase;
-        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = wCompIntoWPhase;
+        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[phase0Idx][comp1Idx] = nCompIntoWPhase;
+        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[phase1Idx][comp1Idx] = nCompIntoNPhase;
+        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[phase1Idx][comp0Idx] = wCompIntoNPhase;
+        componentIntoPhaseMassTransfer[phase0Idx][comp0Idx] = wCompIntoWPhase;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh
index 54e2f429356651d1b026a99e54a833f861a94672..6a4fff355eb393ae46aef8c8bfbd204db3479a40 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class EnergyLocalResidualNonEquilibrium<TypeTag, 1/*numEnergyEqFluid*/>
     enum { energyEqSolidIdx = Indices::energyEqSolidIdx};
     enum { numComponents    = ModelTraits::numComponents() };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
-    enum { nPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx};
+    enum { phase0Idx        = FluidSystem::phase0Idx};
+    enum { phase1Idx        = FluidSystem::phase1Idx};
     enum { sPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::sPhaseIdx};
@@ -177,17 +177,17 @@ public:
         const Scalar TFluid     = volVars.temperature(0);
         const Scalar TSolid     = volVars.temperatureSolid();
-        const Scalar satW       = fs.saturation(wPhaseIdx) ;
-        const Scalar satN       = fs.saturation(nPhaseIdx) ;
+        const Scalar satW       = fs.saturation(phase0Idx) ;
+        const Scalar satN       = fs.saturation(phase1Idx) ;
         const Scalar eps = 1e-6 ;
         Scalar solidToFluidEnergyExchange ;
         Scalar fluidConductivity ;
             if (satW < 1.0 - eps)
-                fluidConductivity = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(nPhaseIdx) ;
+                fluidConductivity = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(phase1Idx) ;
             else if (satW >= 1.0 - eps)
-                fluidConductivity = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(wPhaseIdx) ;
+                fluidConductivity = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(phase0Idx) ;
                         "wrong range");
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ public:
         if (satW < (0 + eps) )
-                solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  volVars.nusseltNumber(nPhaseIdx) ;
+                solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  volVars.nusseltNumber(phase1Idx) ;
         else if ( (satW >= 0 + eps) and (satW < 1.0-eps) )
-            solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  (volVars.nusseltNumber(nPhaseIdx) * satN );
+            solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  (volVars.nusseltNumber(phase1Idx) * satN );
             Scalar qBoil ;
             if (satW<=epsRegul)
             {// regularize
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public:
         else if (satW >= 1.0-eps)
-            solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  volVars.nusseltNumber(wPhaseIdx) ;
+            solidToFluidEnergyExchange *=  volVars.nusseltNumber(phase0Idx) ;
@@ -278,17 +278,17 @@ public:
         const Scalar characteristicLength   = volVars.characteristicLength()  ;
         using std::pow;
         const Scalar as = 6.0 * (1.0-volVars.porosity()) / characteristicLength ;
-        const Scalar mul = fs.viscosity(wPhaseIdx) ;
-        const Scalar deltahv = fs.enthalpy(nPhaseIdx) - fs.enthalpy(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar deltaRho = fs.density(wPhaseIdx) - fs.density(nPhaseIdx) ;
+        const Scalar mul = fs.viscosity(phase0Idx) ;
+        const Scalar deltahv = fs.enthalpy(phase1Idx) - fs.enthalpy(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar deltaRho = fs.density(phase0Idx) - fs.density(phase1Idx) ;
         const Scalar firstBracket = pow(g * deltaRho / gamma, 0.5);
-        const Scalar cp = FluidSystem::heatCapacity(fs, wPhaseIdx) ;
+        const Scalar cp = FluidSystem::heatCapacity(fs, phase0Idx) ;
         // This use of Tsat is only justified if the fluid is always boiling (tsat equals boiling conditions)
         // If a different state is to be simulated, please use the actual fluid temperature instead.
-        const Scalar Tsat = FluidSystem::vaporTemperature(fs, nPhaseIdx ) ;
+        const Scalar Tsat = FluidSystem::vaporTemperature(fs, phase1Idx ) ;
         const Scalar deltaT = TSolid - Tsat ;
         const Scalar secondBracket = pow( (cp *deltaT / (0.006 * deltahv)  ) , 3.0 ) ;
-        const Scalar Prl = volVars.prandtlNumber(wPhaseIdx) ;
+        const Scalar Prl = volVars.prandtlNumber(phase0Idx) ;
         const Scalar thirdBracket = pow( 1/Prl , (1.7/0.33) );
         const Scalar QBoil = satW * as * mul * deltahv * firstBracket * secondBracket * thirdBracket ;
             return QBoil;
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ class EnergyLocalResidualNonEquilibrium<TypeTag, 2 /*numEnergyEqFluid*/>
     enum { conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx };
     enum { numComponents    = ModelTraits::numComponents() };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
-    enum { nPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx};
+    enum { phase0Idx        = FluidSystem::phase0Idx};
+    enum { phase1Idx        = FluidSystem::phase1Idx};
     enum { sPhaseIdx        = FluidSystem::sPhaseIdx};
     static constexpr bool enableChemicalNonEquilibrium = ModelTraits::enableChemicalNonEquilibrium();
@@ -418,16 +418,16 @@ public:
         const auto &localScvIdx = scv.indexInElement();
         const auto &volVars = elemVolVars[localScvIdx];
-        const Scalar awn = volVars.interfacialArea(wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar aws = volVars.interfacialArea(wPhaseIdx, sPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar ans = volVars.interfacialArea(nPhaseIdx, sPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar awn = volVars.interfacialArea(phase0Idx, phase1Idx);
+        const Scalar aws = volVars.interfacialArea(phase0Idx, sPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar ans = volVars.interfacialArea(phase1Idx, sPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar Tw = volVars.temperature(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar Tn = volVars.temperature(nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar Tw = volVars.temperature(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar Tn = volVars.temperature(phase1Idx);
         const Scalar Ts = volVars.temperatureSolid();
-        const  Scalar lambdaWetting     = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(wPhaseIdx);
-        const  Scalar lambdaNonWetting  = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(nPhaseIdx);
+        const  Scalar lambdaWetting     = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(phase0Idx);
+        const  Scalar lambdaNonWetting  = volVars.fluidThermalConductivity(phase1Idx);
         const  Scalar lambdaSolid       = volVars.solidThermalConductivity();
         const Scalar lambdaWN      = harmonicMean(lambdaWetting, lambdaNonWetting);
@@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ public:
         const Scalar characteristicLength   = volVars.characteristicLength()  ;
         const Scalar factorEnergyTransfer   = volVars.factorEnergyTransfer()  ;
-        const Scalar nusseltWN      = harmonicMean(volVars.nusseltNumber(wPhaseIdx), volVars.nusseltNumber(nPhaseIdx));
-        const Scalar nusseltWS      = volVars.nusseltNumber(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar nusseltNS      = volVars.nusseltNumber(nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar nusseltWN      = harmonicMean(volVars.nusseltNumber(phase0Idx), volVars.nusseltNumber(phase1Idx));
+        const Scalar nusseltWS      = volVars.nusseltNumber(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar nusseltNS      = volVars.nusseltNumber(phase1Idx);
         const Scalar wettingToNonWettingEnergyExchange = factorEnergyTransfer * (Tw - Tn) / characteristicLength * awn * lambdaWN * nusseltWN  ;
         const Scalar wettingToSolidEnergyExchange      = factorEnergyTransfer * (Tw - Ts) / characteristicLength * aws * lambdaWS * nusseltWS  ;
@@ -448,10 +448,10 @@ public:
         for(int phaseIdx =0; phaseIdx<numEnergyEqFluid+numEnergyEqSolid; ++phaseIdx){
             switch (phaseIdx)
-            case wPhaseIdx:
+            case phase0Idx:
                 source[energyEq0Idx + phaseIdx] +=  ( - wettingToNonWettingEnergyExchange - wettingToSolidEnergyExchange);
-            case nPhaseIdx:
+            case phase1Idx:
                 source[energyEq0Idx + phaseIdx] +=  (+ wettingToNonWettingEnergyExchange - nonWettingToSolidEnergyExchange);
             case sPhaseIdx:
@@ -489,24 +489,24 @@ public:
                 switch (phaseIdx)
-                case wPhaseIdx:
+                case phase0Idx:
                 //sum up the transfered energy by the components into the wetting phase
                     for(int compIdx =0; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
                         const unsigned int eqIdx = conti0EqIdx + compIdx + phaseIdx*numComponents;
                         source[energyEq0Idx + phaseIdx] += (source[eqIdx]
                                                             * FluidSystem::molarMass(compIdx)
-                                                            * FluidSystem::componentEnthalpy(fluidState, nPhaseIdx, compIdx) );
+                                                            * FluidSystem::componentEnthalpy(fluidState, phase1Idx, compIdx) );
-                case nPhaseIdx:
+                case phase1Idx:
                 //sum up the transfered energy by the components into the nonwetting phase
                     for(int compIdx =0; compIdx<numComponents; ++compIdx)
                         const unsigned int eqIdx = conti0EqIdx + compIdx + phaseIdx*numComponents;
                         source[energyEq0Idx + phaseIdx] += (source[eqIdx]
                                                             * FluidSystem::molarMass(compIdx)
-                                                            *FluidSystem::componentEnthalpy(fluidState, wPhaseIdx, compIdx));
+                                                            *FluidSystem::componentEnthalpy(fluidState, phase0Idx, compIdx));
                 case sPhaseIdx:
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh
index e30d0b14cf79aeac1fddf2cca816849467fd8d73..b1c113862f4c235d72316bcae0adcceebf1b3d4c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/volumevariables.hh
@@ -248,8 +248,10 @@ class NonEquilibriumVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits,
     static constexpr auto numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases();
     static constexpr auto numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents();
-    static constexpr auto wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-    static constexpr auto nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr auto phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+    static constexpr auto phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
+    static constexpr auto wCompIdx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx;
+    static constexpr auto nCompIdx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx;
     using DimLessNum = DimensionlessNumbers<Scalar>;
     using ConstraintSolver = MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
@@ -277,8 +279,8 @@ public:
         const auto& awnSurfaceParams = problem.spatialParams().aWettingNonWettingSurfaceParams(element, scv, elemSol) ;
         const auto& materialParams  = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol) ;
-        const auto Sw = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx) ;
-        const auto pc = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx) - fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx);
+        const auto Sw = fluidState.saturation(phase0Idx) ;
+        const auto pc = fluidState.pressure(phase1Idx) - fluidState.pressure(phase0Idx);
         // so far there is only a model for kinetic mass transfer between fluid phases
         using AwnSurface = typename Problem::SpatialParams::AwnSurface;
@@ -300,8 +302,8 @@ public:
             const auto diffCoeff = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState,
-                                                                           FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-                                                                           FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
+                                                                           wCompIdx,
+                                                                           nCompIdx);
             reynoldsNumber_[phaseIdx] = DimLessNum::reynoldsNumber(darcyMagVelocity, characteristicLength_, kinematicViscosity);
             schmidtNumber_[phaseIdx]  = DimLessNum::schmidtNumber(dynamicViscosity, density, diffCoeff);
@@ -369,8 +371,8 @@ public:
     const Scalar interfacialArea(const unsigned int phaseIIdx, const unsigned int phaseJIdx) const
         // so far there is only a model for kinetic mass transfer between fluid phases
-        assert( (phaseIIdx == nPhaseIdx && phaseJIdx == wPhaseIdx)
-                || (phaseIIdx == wPhaseIdx && phaseJIdx == nPhaseIdx) );
+        assert( (phaseIIdx == phase1Idx && phaseJIdx == phase0Idx)
+                || (phaseIIdx == phase0Idx && phaseJIdx == phase1Idx) );
         return interfacialArea_;
@@ -414,9 +416,11 @@ class NonEquilibriumVolumeVariablesImplementation< Traits,
     static constexpr auto numEnergyEqFluid = ModelTraits::numEnergyEqFluid();
     static constexpr auto numEnergyEqSolid = ModelTraits::numEnergyEqSolid();
-    static constexpr auto wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-    static constexpr auto nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr auto phase0Idx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
+    static constexpr auto phase1Idx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
     static constexpr auto sPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::sPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr auto wCompIdx = FluidSystem::comp0Idx;
+    static constexpr auto nCompIdx = FluidSystem::comp1Idx;
     using DimLessNum = DimensionlessNumbers<Scalar>;
     using ConstraintSolver = MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
@@ -448,8 +452,8 @@ public:
         const auto& aWettingNonWettingSurfaceParams = problem.spatialParams().aWettingNonWettingSurfaceParams(element, scv, elemSol);
         const auto& aNonWettingSolidSurfaceParams = problem.spatialParams().aNonWettingSolidSurfaceParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        const Scalar pc = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx) - fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx);
-        const Scalar Sw = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar pc = fluidState.pressure(phase1Idx) - fluidState.pressure(phase0Idx);
+        const Scalar Sw = fluidState.saturation(phase0Idx);
         Scalar awn;
@@ -473,9 +477,9 @@ public:
         using AwnSurface = typename Problem::SpatialParams::AwnSurface;
         awn = AwnSurface::interfacialArea(aWettingNonWettingSurfaceParams, materialParams, Sw, pc );
-        interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][nPhaseIdx] = awn;
-        interfacialArea_[nPhaseIdx][wPhaseIdx] = interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][nPhaseIdx];
-        interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][wPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+        interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][phase1Idx] = awn;
+        interfacialArea_[phase1Idx][phase0Idx] = interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][phase1Idx];
+        interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][phase0Idx] = 0.;
         using AnsSurface = typename Problem::SpatialParams::AnsSurface;
         Scalar ans = AnsSurface::interfacialArea(aNonWettingSolidSurfaceParams, materialParams,Sw, pc);
@@ -489,21 +493,21 @@ public:
         solidSurface_ = AnsSurface::interfacialArea(aNonWettingSolidSurfaceParams, materialParams, /*Sw=*/0., pcMax);
         const Scalar aws = solidSurface_ - ans;
-        interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx] = aws;
-        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][wPhaseIdx] = interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx];
+        interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][sPhaseIdx] = aws;
+        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][phase0Idx] = interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][sPhaseIdx];
         interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx] = 0.;
         using AwsSurface = typename Problem::SpatialParams::AwsSurface;
         const auto& aWettingSolidSurfaceParams = problem.spatialParams().aWettingSolidSurfaceParams();
         const auto aws = AwsSurface::interfacialArea(aWettingSolidSurfaceParams,materialParams, Sw, pc );
-        interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx] = aws ;
-        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][wPhaseIdx] = interfacialArea_[wPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx];
+        interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][sPhaseIdx] = aws ;
+        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][phase0Idx] = interfacialArea_[phase0Idx][sPhaseIdx];
         interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx] = 0.;
-        interfacialArea_[nPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx] = ans;
-        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][nPhaseIdx] = interfacialArea_[nPhaseIdx][sPhaseIdx];
-        interfacialArea_[nPhaseIdx][nPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+        interfacialArea_[phase1Idx][sPhaseIdx] = ans;
+        interfacialArea_[sPhaseIdx][phase1Idx] = interfacialArea_[phase1Idx][sPhaseIdx];
+        interfacialArea_[phase1Idx][phase1Idx] = 0.;
         factorMassTransfer_ = problem.spatialParams().factorMassTransfer(element, scv, elemSol);
         factorEnergyTransfer_ = problem.spatialParams().factorEnergyTransfer(element, scv, elemSol);
@@ -524,8 +528,8 @@ public:
             const auto diffCoeff = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState,
-                                                                           FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-                                                                           FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
+                                                                           wCompIdx,
+                                                                           nCompIdx);
             reynoldsNumber_[phaseIdx] = DimLessNum::reynoldsNumber(darcyMagVelocity, characteristicLength_, kinematicViscosity);
             prandtlNumber_[phaseIdx]  = DimLessNum::prandtlNumber(dynamicViscosity, heatCapacity, thermalConductivity);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/indices.hh
index 0bd2cb78ed2412c32f9d2dd0703b566a65e13dc6..fbe3eed8d81ef668dc0e027b184fd16e5cdf9658 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/indices.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/indices.hh
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@
-namespace Dumux
-// \{
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup RichardsModel
@@ -35,32 +33,18 @@ namespace Dumux
 struct RichardsIndices
-    //////////
-    // primary variable indices
-    //////////
     //! Primary variable index for the wetting phase pressure
     static constexpr int pressureIdx = 0;
     static constexpr int switchIdx = 0;
-    //////////
-    // equation indices
-    //////////
     //! Equation index for the mass conservation of the wetting phase
     static constexpr int conti0EqIdx = 0;
-    //////////
-    // phase indices
-    //////////
-    static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; //!< Index of the wetting phase;
-    static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; //!< Index of the non-wetting phase;
     // present phases (-> 'pseudo' primary variable)
-    static constexpr int wPhaseOnly = 1; //!< Only the non-wetting phase is present
-    static constexpr int nPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the wetting phase is present
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseOnly = 1; //!< Only the liquid phase is present
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseOnly = 2; //!< Only the gas phase is present
     static constexpr int bothPhases = 3; //!< Both phases are present
-// \}
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/localresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/localresidual.hh
index 3294e0991fafe8dbe0a3ba43a0ed70616471938c..3927d4716d7a366525eeb86dd6152eb314e8db5b 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/localresidual.hh
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ class RichardsLocalResidual : public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseLocalResidual)
     // phase indices
     enum {
-           wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-           nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-           wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx
+           liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
+           gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
+           liquidCompIdx = FluidSystem::liquidCompIdx
     static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ public:
         // partial time derivative of the phase mass
         NumEqVector storage(0.0);
         storage[conti0EqIdx] = volVars.porosity()
-                               * volVars.density(wPhaseIdx)
-                               * volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+                               * volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx)
+                               * volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx);
         // for extended Richards we consider water in air
         if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
             storage[conti0EqIdx] += volVars.porosity()
-                                    * volVars.molarDensity(nPhaseIdx)
-                                    * volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)
-                                    * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
-                                    * volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx);
+                                    * volVars.molarDensity(gasPhaseIdx)
+                                    * volVars.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, liquidCompIdx)
+                                    * FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidCompIdx)
+                                    * volVars.saturation(gasPhaseIdx);
         //! The energy storage in the water, air and solid phase
-        EnergyLocalResidual::fluidPhaseStorage(storage, scv, volVars, wPhaseIdx);
-        EnergyLocalResidual::fluidPhaseStorage(storage, scv, volVars, nPhaseIdx);
+        EnergyLocalResidual::fluidPhaseStorage(storage, scv, volVars, liquidPhaseIdx);
+        EnergyLocalResidual::fluidPhaseStorage(storage, scv, volVars, gasPhaseIdx);
         EnergyLocalResidual::solidPhaseStorage(storage, scv, volVars);
         return storage;
@@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ public:
         NumEqVector flux(0.0);
         // the physical quantities for which we perform upwinding
         auto upwindTerm = [](const auto& volVars)
-                          { return volVars.density(wPhaseIdx)*volVars.mobility(wPhaseIdx); };
+                          { return volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx)*volVars.mobility(liquidPhaseIdx); };
-        flux[conti0EqIdx] = fluxVars.advectiveFlux(wPhaseIdx, upwindTerm);
+        flux[conti0EqIdx] = fluxVars.advectiveFlux(liquidPhaseIdx, upwindTerm);
         // for extended Richards we consider water vapor diffusion in air
         if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
-            flux[conti0EqIdx] += fluxVars.molecularDiffusionFlux(nPhaseIdx)[wCompIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx);
+            flux[conti0EqIdx] += fluxVars.molecularDiffusionFlux(gasPhaseIdx)[liquidCompIdx]*FluidSystem::molarMass(liquidCompIdx);
         //! Add advective phase energy fluxes for the water phase only. For isothermal model the contribution is zero.
-        EnergyLocalResidual::heatConvectionFlux(flux, fluxVars, wPhaseIdx);
+        EnergyLocalResidual::heatConvectionFlux(flux, fluxVars, liquidPhaseIdx);
         //! Add diffusive energy fluxes. For isothermal model the contribution is zero.
         //! The effective lambda is averaged over both fluid phases and the solid phase
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
index 9c571d00a591af6b7705ca6ead73824e749031bf..d8bed2a2264be6f9d20cab21da7859b2bc60b9a2 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public:
 //! The primary variable switch for the richards model
-SET_TYPE_PROP(Richards, PrimaryVariableSwitch, ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(Richards, PrimaryVariableSwitch, ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch);
 //! The primary variable switch for the richards model
 // SET_BOOL_PROP(Richards, ProblemUsePrimaryVariableSwitch, false);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh
index 9546cfcd6560562cb58dcedb56743b52039fa54a..5c07d13a1a428422533b5722b6d8d4f80d14c4dd 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/primaryvariableswitch.hh
@@ -36,81 +36,50 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup RichardsModel
  * \brief The primary variable switch controlling the phase presence state variable.
-template<class TypeTag>
 class ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch
-: public PrimaryVariableSwitch<ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>>
+: public PrimaryVariableSwitch<ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch>
-    using ParentType = PrimaryVariableSwitch<ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch<TypeTag>>;
+    using ParentType = PrimaryVariableSwitch<ExtendedRichardsPrimaryVariableSwitch>;
     friend ParentType;
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
-    using IndexType = typename GridView::IndexSet::IndexType;
-    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GridView::dimensionworld>;
-    using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
-    using VolumeVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
-    using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    enum {
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly = Indices::nPhaseOnly,
-        bothPhases = Indices::bothPhases
-    };
-    static constexpr bool useMoles = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles);
-    static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir
-        = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, EnableWaterDiffusionInAir);
-    static constexpr bool useKelvinVaporPressure
-        = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseKelvinEquation);
     using ParentType::ParentType;
     // perform variable switch at a degree of freedom location
-    bool update_(PrimaryVariables& priVars,
+    template<class VolumeVariables, class GlobalPosition>
+    bool update_(typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables& priVars,
                  const VolumeVariables& volVars,
-                 IndexType dofIdxGlobal,
+                 std::size_t dofIdxGlobal,
                  const GlobalPosition& globalPos)
-        static const bool usePriVarSwitch = getParamFromGroup<bool>(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, ModelParameterGroup), "Problem.UsePrimaryVariableSwitch");
+        using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+        using Indices = typename VolumeVariables::Indices;
+        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        static const bool usePriVarSwitch = getParam<bool>("Problem.UsePrimaryVariableSwitch");
         if (!usePriVarSwitch)
             return false;
-        if (!enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
+        if (!VolumeVariables::enableWaterDiffusionInAir())
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "The Richards primary variable switch only works with water diffusion in air enabled!");
+        static constexpr int liquidCompIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx;
         // evaluate primary variable switch
         bool wouldSwitch = false;
         int phasePresence = priVars.state();
         int newPhasePresence = phasePresence;
         // check if a primary var switch is necessary
-        if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::gasPhaseOnly)
             // if the mole fraction of water is larger than the one
             // predicted by a liquid-vapor equilibrium
-            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            Scalar xnw = volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, liquidCompIdx);
             Scalar xnwPredicted = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(volVars.temperature())
-                                  / volVars.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
-            if (useKelvinVaporPressure)
-            {
-                using std::exp;
-                xnwPredicted *= exp(-volVars.capillaryPressure()
-                                     * FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass() / volVars.density(wPhaseIdx)
-                                     / Constants<Scalar>::R / volVars.temperature());
-            }
+                                  / volVars.pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
             Scalar xwMax = 1.0;
             if (xnw / xnwPredicted > xwMax)
@@ -126,31 +95,31 @@ protected:
                 std::cout << "wetting phase appears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", xnw / xnwPredicted * 100: "
                           << xnw / xnwPredicted * 100 << "%"
-                          << ", at x_n^w: " << priVars[switchIdx] << std::endl;
-                newPhasePresence = bothPhases;
-                priVars[switchIdx] = 0.0;
+                          << ", at x_n^w: " << priVars[Indices::switchIdx] << std::endl;
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::bothPhases;
+                priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.0;
-        else if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::bothPhases)
             Scalar Smin = 0.0;
             if (this->wasSwitched_[dofIdxGlobal])
                 Smin = -0.01;
-            if (volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
+            if (volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) <= Smin)
                 wouldSwitch = true;
                 // wetting phase disappears
-                newPhasePresence = nPhaseOnly;
-                priVars[switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                newPhasePresence = Indices::gasPhaseOnly;
+                priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, liquidCompIdx);
                 std::cout << "Wetting phase disappears at vertex " << dofIdxGlobal
                           << ", coordinates: " << globalPos << ", sw: "
-                          << volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx)
-                          << ", x_n^w: " << priVars[switchIdx] << std::endl;
+                          << volVars.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx)
+                          << ", x_n^w: " << priVars[Indices::switchIdx] << std::endl;
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::liquidPhaseOnly)
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Water phase only phase presence!");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh
index d1bca0b3038136184adf9e0b6c87a9f78eb300b1..8f2169eefd1cbefb333549f33b04d2ffea986af5 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/volumevariables.hh
@@ -49,35 +49,16 @@ class RichardsVolumeVariables
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
     using ModelTraits = typename Traits::ModelTraits;
-    using Indices = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
-    using FS = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
-    enum{
-         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-         switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-         wPhaseIdx = FS::wPhaseIdx,
-         nPhaseIdx = FS::nPhaseIdx,
-         wCompIdx = FS::wCompIdx,
-         nCompIdx = FS::nCompIdx
-    };
-    // present phases
-    enum
-    {
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        nPhaseOnly = Indices::nPhaseOnly,
-        bothPhases = Indices::bothPhases
-    };
-    static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir = ModelTraits::enableMolecularDiffusion();
-    static constexpr bool useKelvinVaporPressure = ModelTraits::useKelvinVaporPressure();
-    static constexpr int numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases();
     //! export type of the fluid system
     using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
     //! export type of the fluid state
     using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
+    //! export type of the fluid state
+    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    //! if water diffusion in air is enabled
+    static constexpr bool enableWaterDiffusionInAir() { return ModelTraits::enableMolecularDiffusion(); };
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -94,7 +75,8 @@ public:
                 const Element &element,
                 const Scv& scv)
-        static_assert(!(!enableWaterDiffusionInAir && useKelvinVaporPressure),
+        // TODO check this is the fluid system now
+        static_assert(!(!enableWaterDiffusionInAir() && ModelTraits::useKelvinVaporPressure()),
           "Kevin vapor presssure only makes sense if water in air is considered!");
         ParentType::update(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
@@ -107,13 +89,13 @@ public:
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         minPc_ = MaterialLaw::endPointPc(materialParams);
-        if (phasePresence == nPhaseOnly)
+        if (phasePresence == Indices::gasPhaseOnly)
-            moleFraction_[wPhaseIdx] = 1.0;
-            moleFraction_[nPhaseIdx] = priVars[switchIdx];
+            moleFraction_[FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx] = 1.0;
+            moleFraction_[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = priVars[Indices::switchIdx];
-            fluidState_.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.0);
-            fluidState_.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+            fluidState_.setSaturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, 0.0);
+            fluidState_.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
             Scalar t = ParentType::temperature(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
@@ -122,51 +104,45 @@ public:
             const Scalar pc = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 0.0);
             // set the wetting pressure
-            fluidState_.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - pc);
-            fluidState_.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
+            fluidState_.setPressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - pc);
+            fluidState_.setPressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
             // set molar densities
-            molarDensity_[wPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(wPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
-            molarDensity_[nPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
+            molarDensity_[FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
+            molarDensity_[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
             // density and viscosity
             typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-            fluidState_.setDensity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState_, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
-            fluidState_.setDensity(nPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState_, paramCache, nPhaseIdx));
-            fluidState_.setViscosity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState_, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
+            fluidState_.setDensity(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
+            fluidState_.setDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
+            fluidState_.setViscosity(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
             // compute and set the enthalpy
-            fluidState_.setEnthalpy(wPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
-            fluidState_.setEnthalpy(nPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, nPhaseIdx));
+            fluidState_.setEnthalpy(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
+            fluidState_.setEnthalpy(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
-        else if (phasePresence == bothPhases)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::bothPhases)
             completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_);
             // if we want to account for diffusion in the air phase
             // use Raoult to compute the water mole fraction in air
-            if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
+            if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir())
-                molarDensity_[wPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(wPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
-                molarDensity_[nPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
-                moleFraction_[wPhaseIdx] = 1.0;
-                moleFraction_[nPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(temperature()) / problem.nonWettingReferencePressure();
-                if (useKelvinVaporPressure)
-                {
-                    using std::exp;
-                    moleFraction_[nPhaseIdx] *= exp(-capillaryPressure() * FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass()/density(wPhaseIdx)
-                                                     / Constants<Scalar>::R / temperature());
-                }
+                molarDensity_[FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx))/FluidSystem::H2O::molarMass();
+                molarDensity_[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = IdealGas<Scalar>::molarDensity(temperature(), problem.nonWettingReferencePressure());
+                moleFraction_[FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx] = 1.0;
+                moleFraction_[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(temperature()) / problem.nonWettingReferencePressure();
                 // binary diffusion coefficients
                 typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-                diffCoeff_ = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, nCompIdx);
+                diffCoeff_ = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(fluidState_, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::comp0Idx, FluidSystem::comp1Idx);
-        else if (phasePresence == wPhaseOnly)
+        else if (phasePresence == Indices::liquidPhaseOnly)
             completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState_);
@@ -174,7 +150,7 @@ public:
         // specify the other parameters
-        relativePermeabilityWetting_ = MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, fluidState_.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        relativePermeabilityWetting_ = MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, fluidState_.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
         porosity_ = problem.spatialParams().porosity(element, scv, elemSol);
         permeability_ = problem.spatialParams().permeability(element, scv, elemSol);
@@ -209,29 +185,29 @@ public:
         using std::max;
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         Scalar minPc = MaterialLaw::pc(materialParams, 1.0);
-        fluidState.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
-        fluidState.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, max(problem.nonWettingReferencePressure(), fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx) + minPc));
+        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, priVars[Indices::pressureIdx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, max(problem.nonWettingReferencePressure(), fluidState.pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) + minPc));
         // compute the capillary pressure to compute the saturation
         // make sure that we the capillary pressure is not smaller than the minimum pc
         // this would possibly return unphysical values from regularized material laws
         using std::max;
         const Scalar pc = max(MaterialLaw::endPointPc(materialParams),
-                              problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - fluidState.pressure(wPhaseIdx));
+                              problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - fluidState.pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
         const Scalar sw = MaterialLaw::sw(materialParams, pc);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, sw);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0-sw);
+        fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, sw);
+        fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, 1.0-sw);
         // density and viscosity
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-        fluidState.setDensity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setDensity(nPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, nPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setViscosity(wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setViscosity(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
         // compute and set the enthalpy
-        fluidState.setEnthalpy(wPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, wPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setEnthalpy(nPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, nPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setEnthalpy(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setEnthalpy(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx));
@@ -272,7 +248,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
     { return fluidState_.saturation(phaseIdx); }
@@ -281,7 +257,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar density(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar density(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
     { return fluidState_.density(phaseIdx); }
@@ -295,7 +271,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
     { return fluidState_.pressure(phaseIdx); }
@@ -309,7 +285,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
     { return relativePermeability(phaseIdx)/fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx); }
@@ -319,8 +295,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
      * \note The non-wetting phase is infinitely mobile
-    Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.viscosity(wPhaseIdx) : 0.0; }
+    Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.viscosity(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Returns relative permeability [-] of a given phase within
@@ -328,8 +304,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx ? relativePermeabilityWetting_ : 1.0; }
+    Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx ? relativePermeabilityWetting_ : 1.0; }
      * \brief Returns the effective capillary pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$ within the
@@ -345,7 +321,7 @@ public:
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
         using std::max;
-        return max(minPc_, pressure(nPhaseIdx) - pressure(wPhaseIdx));
+        return max(minPc_, pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) - pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx));
@@ -362,8 +338,8 @@ public:
      *       manually do a conversion. It is not correct if the density is not constant
      *       or the gravity different
-    Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return 100.0 *(pressure(phaseIdx) - pressure(nPhaseIdx))/density(phaseIdx)/9.81; }
+    Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
+    { return 100.0 *(pressure(phaseIdx) - pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx))/density(phaseIdx)/9.81; }
      * \brief Returns the water content
@@ -376,7 +352,7 @@ public:
      * \note this function is here as a convenience to the user to not have to
      *       manually do a conversion.
-    Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx = wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx) const
     { return saturation(phaseIdx) * porosity_; }
@@ -388,8 +364,8 @@ public:
     Scalar moleFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir);
-        if (compIdx != wCompIdx)
+        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir());
+        if (compIdx != FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "There is only one component for Richards!");
         return moleFraction_[phaseIdx];
@@ -402,7 +378,7 @@ public:
     Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx) const
-        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir);
+        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir());
         return molarDensity_[phaseIdx];
@@ -414,7 +390,7 @@ public:
     Scalar diffusionCoefficient(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
-        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir && phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx && compIdx == wCompIdx);
+        assert(enableWaterDiffusionInAir() && phaseIdx == FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx && compIdx == FluidSystem::comp0Idx);
         return diffCoeff_;
@@ -424,8 +400,8 @@ protected:
     Scalar porosity_; //!< the porosity
     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!< the instrinsic permeability
     Scalar minPc_; //!< the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
-    Scalar moleFraction_[numPhases]; //!< The water mole fractions in water and air
-    Scalar molarDensity_[numPhases]; //!< The molar density of water and air
+    Scalar moleFraction_[ParentType::numPhases()]; //!< The water mole fractions in water and air
+    Scalar molarDensity_[ParentType::numPhases()]; //!< The molar density of water and air
     Scalar diffCoeff_; //!< The binary diffusion coefficient of water in air
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/vtkoutputfields.hh
index e1da0d0b8e68dffeabc8a86438ae6243450ebfa8..baf1139d791672d174141a6ab3f14a535097c88f 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -41,23 +41,23 @@ public:
         using FluidSystem = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "density");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "mobility");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "density");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "mobility");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
         static const bool gravity = getParamFromGroup<bool>(vtk.paramGroup(), "Problem.EnableGravity");
-            vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
+            vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
         if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
             vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(1, 0); }, "x^w_air");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"water content");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx); },"water content");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); }, "phasePresence");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/indices.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/indices.hh
index 81ca17fb237a494db9f07ed02b3fa22ff8ffa21d..2cf18ab8cd88bb2aaaa90d577a8e8d4cb6a947d3 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/indices.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/indices.hh
@@ -31,20 +31,25 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup RichardsNCModel
  * \brief The indices for the isothermal Richards, n-component model.
+ * \tparam fluidSystemPhaseIdx The index of the fluid phase in the fluid system
+template<int phaseIdx>
 struct RichardsNCIndices
     //! Component indices
-    static const int compMainIdx = 0; //!< main component index
+    static constexpr int compMainIdx = 0; //!< main component index
     //! primary variable indices
-    static const int pressureIdx = 0; //!< pressure
+    static constexpr int pressureIdx = 0; //!< pressure
+    //! the index of the fluid phase in the fluid system
+    static constexpr int fluidSystemPhaseIdx = phaseIdx;
     //! \note These indices make sense if the first balance is replaced by the
     //!       total mass balance.
     //! Equation indices
-    static const int conti0EqIdx = 0; //!< continuity equation index
+    static constexpr int conti0EqIdx = 0; //!< continuity equation index
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
index d2e6e0ca41f1a4301b6376f31eef82e12514c0e4..9b0074b149adfffd29c9b33d6e2a15486ac27520 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
@@ -98,11 +98,12 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * \tparam nComp the number of components to be considered.
  * \tparam useMol whether to use mass or mole balances
+ * \tparam fluidSystemPhaseIdx The index of the fluid phase in the fluid system
-template<int nComp, bool useMol>
+template<int nComp, bool useMol, int fluidSystemPhaseIdx>
 struct RichardsNCModelTraits
-    using Indices = RichardsNCIndices;
+    using Indices = RichardsNCIndices<fluidSystemPhaseIdx>;
     static constexpr int numEq() { return nComp; }
     static constexpr int numPhases() { return 1; }
@@ -137,9 +138,12 @@ SET_PROP(RichardsNC, ModelTraits)
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    using type = RichardsNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles)>;
+    using type = RichardsNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles), GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PhaseIdx)>;
+ //! The default phase index to access the fluid system
+SET_INT_PROP(RichardsNC, PhaseIdx, 0);
 //! Define that per default mole fractions are used in the balance equations
 SET_BOOL_PROP(RichardsNC, UseMoles, true);
@@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ SET_PROP(RichardsNCNI, ModelTraits)
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    using IsothermalTraits = RichardsNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles)>;
+    using IsothermalTraits = RichardsNCModelTraits<FluidSystem::numComponents, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles), GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PhaseIdx)>;
     using type = PorousMediumFlowNIModelTraits<IsothermalTraits>;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/volumevariables.hh
index 2a388adefdbc13ff8bdc74163c06db62a042a38c..e3c05f0ce28f44a2456c7f129d0f8112f3ee3b45 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/volumevariables.hh
@@ -41,22 +41,21 @@ class RichardsNCVolumeVariables
     using ParentType = PorousMediumFlowVolumeVariables<Traits, RichardsNCVolumeVariables<Traits>>;
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     using PermeabilityType = typename Traits::PermeabilityType;
-    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
-    enum { pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx };
+    using Idx = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    static constexpr int fluidSystemPhaseIdx = Idx::fluidSystemPhaseIdx;
     static constexpr bool useMoles = Traits::ModelTraits::useMoles();
-    static constexpr int numComponents = Traits::ModelTraits::numComponents();
     //! export type of the fluid system
     using FluidSystem = typename Traits::FluidSystem;
     //! export type of the fluid state
     using FluidState = typename Traits::FluidState;
-    //! export phase access
-    enum {
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = 1 - FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx
-    };
+    //! export indices
+    using Indices = typename Traits::ModelTraits::Indices;
+    //! export phase acess indices
+    static constexpr int liquidPhaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 1 - liquidPhaseIdx;
      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ public:
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const auto& materialParams = problem.spatialParams().materialLawParams(element, scv, elemSol);
-        relativePermeabilityWetting_ = MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, fluidState_.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
+        relativePermeabilityWetting_ = MaterialLaw::krw(materialParams, fluidState_.saturation(fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
         // precompute the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
         // needed to make sure we don't compute unphysical capillary pressures and thus saturations
@@ -94,15 +93,15 @@ public:
         // Could be avoided if diffusion coefficients also
         // became part of the fluid state.
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-        paramCache.updatePhase(fluidState_, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        paramCache.updatePhase(fluidState_, fluidSystemPhaseIdx);
-        const int compIIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx;
-        for (unsigned int compJIdx = 0; compJIdx < numComponents; ++compJIdx)
+        const int compIIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx;
+        for (unsigned int compJIdx = 0; compJIdx < ParentType::numComponents(); ++compJIdx)
             if(compIIdx != compJIdx)
-                                                                                 FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
+                                                                                 fluidSystemPhaseIdx,
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ public:
         const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
         // set the wetting pressure
-        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, priVars[pressureIdx]);
+        fluidState.setPressure(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, priVars[Indices::pressureIdx]);
         // compute the capillary pressure to compute the saturation
         // make sure that we the capillary pressure is not smaller than the minimum pc
@@ -142,35 +141,35 @@ public:
         using std::max;
         using MaterialLaw = typename Problem::SpatialParams::MaterialLaw;
         const Scalar pc = max(MaterialLaw::endPointPc(materialParams),
-                              problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - fluidState.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
+                              problem.nonWettingReferencePressure() - fluidState.pressure(fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
         const Scalar sw = MaterialLaw::sw(materialParams, pc);
-        fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, sw);
+        fluidState.setSaturation(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, sw);
         // set the mole/mass fractions
             Scalar sumSecondaryFractions = 0.0;
-            for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
+            for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < ParentType::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
-                fluidState.setMoleFraction(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
+                fluidState.setMoleFraction(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
                 sumSecondaryFractions += priVars[compIdx];
-            fluidState.setMoleFraction(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, 0, 1.0 - sumSecondaryFractions);
+            fluidState.setMoleFraction(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, 0, 1.0 - sumSecondaryFractions);
-            for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
-                fluidState.setMassFraction(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
+            for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < ParentType::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+                fluidState.setMassFraction(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
         // density and viscosity
         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-        fluidState.setDensity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
-        fluidState.setViscosity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setDensity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::density(fluidState, paramCache, fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setViscosity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::viscosity(fluidState, paramCache, fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
         // compute and set the enthalpy
-        fluidState.setEnthalpy(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
+        fluidState.setEnthalpy(fluidSystemPhaseIdx, ParentType::enthalpy(fluidState, paramCache, fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
@@ -211,8 +210,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) : 1.0-fluidState_.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }
+    Scalar saturation(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.saturation(fluidSystemPhaseIdx) : 1.0-fluidState_.saturation(fluidSystemPhaseIdx); }
      * \brief Returns the average mass density \f$\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\f$ of a given
@@ -220,8 +219,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar density(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.density(phaseIdx) : 0.0; }
+    Scalar density(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.density(phaseIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Returns the effective pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$ of a given phase within
@@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.pressure(phaseIdx) : pn_; }
+    Scalar pressure(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.pressure(phaseIdx) : pn_; }
      * \brief Returns the effective mobility \f$\mathrm{[1/(Pa*s)]}\f$ of a given phase within
@@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar mobility(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
     { return relativePermeability(phaseIdx)/fluidState_.viscosity(phaseIdx); }
@@ -258,8 +257,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
      * \note The non-wetting phase is infinitely mobile
-    Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.viscosity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) : 0.0; }
+    Scalar viscosity(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? fluidState_.viscosity(fluidSystemPhaseIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Returns relative permeability [-] of a given phase within
@@ -267,8 +266,8 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-    Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? relativePermeabilityWetting_ : 1.0; }
+    Scalar relativePermeability(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? relativePermeabilityWetting_ : 1.0; }
      * \brief Returns the effective capillary pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$ within the
@@ -284,7 +283,7 @@ public:
     Scalar capillaryPressure() const
         using std::max;
-        return max(minPc_, pn_ - fluidState_.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx));
+        return max(minPc_, pn_ - fluidState_.pressure(fluidSystemPhaseIdx));
@@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ public:
      *       manually do a conversion. It is not correct if the density is not constant
      *       or the gravity different
-    Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar pressureHead(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
     { return 100.0 *(pressure(phaseIdx) - pn_)/density(phaseIdx)/9.81; }
@@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ public:
      * \note this function is here as a convenience to the user to not have to
      *       manually do a conversion.
-    Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
+    Scalar waterContent(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
     { return saturation(phaseIdx) * porosity_; }
@@ -323,8 +322,8 @@ public:
      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
-    Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx) : 0.0; }
+    Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx = fluidSystemPhaseIdx) const
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Return mole fraction \f$\mathrm{[mol/mol]}\f$ of a component in the phase.
@@ -335,7 +334,7 @@ public:
      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
     Scalar moleFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Return mass fraction \f$\mathrm{[kg/kg]}\f$ of a component in the phase.
@@ -346,7 +345,7 @@ public:
      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
     Scalar massFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.massFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.massFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Return concentration \f$\mathrm{[mol/m^3]}\f$  of a component in the phase.
@@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ public:
      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
     Scalar molarity(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-    { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarity(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
+    { return phaseIdx == fluidSystemPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarity(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
      * \brief Return the binary diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ in the fluid.
@@ -366,11 +365,7 @@ public:
      * \param compIdx The index of the component
     Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-    {
-        assert(phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        assert(compIdx > FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        return diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1];
-    }
+    { return diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1]; }
     FluidState fluidState_; //!< the fluid state
@@ -383,12 +378,9 @@ private:
      * \param compIdx The index of the component
     void setDiffusionCoefficient_(int compIdx, Scalar d)
-    {
-        assert(compIdx > FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1] = d;
-    }
+    { diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1] = d; }
-    std::array<Scalar, numComponents-1> diffCoefficient_;
+    std::array<Scalar, ParentType::numComponents()-1> diffCoefficient_;
     Scalar relativePermeabilityWetting_; //!< the relative permeability of the wetting phase
     Scalar porosity_; //!< the porosity
@@ -397,203 +389,6 @@ private:
     Scalar minPc_; //!< the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
-// /*!
-//  * \ingroup RichardsNCModel
-//  * \brief Contains the quantities which are constant within a
-//  *        finite volume in the Richards, n-component model.
-//  */
-// template <class TypeTag>
-// class RichardsNCVolumeVariables : public RichardsBaseVolumeVariables<TypeTag>
-// {
-//     using ParentType = RichardsBaseVolumeVariables<TypeTag>;
-//     using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-//     using Problem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem);
-//     using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
-//     using Implementation = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
-//     using FVElementGeometry = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVGridGeometry)::LocalView;
-//     using SubControlVolume = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolume;
-//     using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
-//     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-//     using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Indices);
-//     static_assert(!GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, EnableWaterDiffusionInAir), "Water diffusion in air is not implement for RichardsNC");
-//     enum
-//     {
-//         wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
-//         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx
-//     };
-//     static constexpr bool useMoles = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, UseMoles);
-//     static const int dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld;
-//     static const int numComponents = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numComponents();
-//     using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
-//     using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
-// public:
-//     using FluidState = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState);
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Update all quantities for a given control volume
-//      *
-//      * \param elemSol A vector containing all primary variables connected to the element
-//      * \param problem The object specifying the problem which ought to
-//      *                be simulated
-//      * \param element An element which contains part of the control volume
-//      * \param scv The sub-control volume
-//      */
-//     template<class ElementSolution>
-//     void update(const ElementSolution &elemSol,
-//                 const Problem &problem,
-//                 const Element &element,
-//                 const SubControlVolume &scv)
-//     {
-//         ParentType::update(elemSol, problem, element, scv);
-//         //calculate all secondary variables from the primary variables and store results in fluidstate
-//         Implementation::completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, this->fluidState_);
-//         // Second instance of a parameter cache.
-//         // Could be avoided if diffusion coefficients also
-//         // became part of the fluid state.
-//         typename FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
-//         paramCache.updatePhase(this->fluidState_, wPhaseIdx);
-//         const int compIIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-//         for (unsigned int compJIdx = 0; compJIdx < numComponents; ++compJIdx)
-//             if(compIIdx != compJIdx)
-//                 setDiffusionCoefficient_(compJIdx,
-//                                          FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(this->fluidState_,
-//                                                                                  paramCache,
-//                                                                                  wPhaseIdx,
-//                                                                                  compIIdx,
-//                                                                                  compJIdx));
-//     }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Fill the fluid state according to the primary variables.
-//      *
-//      * Taking the information from the primary variables,
-//      * the fluid state is filled with every information that is
-//      * necessary to evaluate the model's local residual.
-//      *
-//      * \param elemSol A vector containing all primary variables connected to the element.
-//      * \param problem The problem at hand.
-//      * \param element The current element.
-//      * \param scv The subcontrol volume.
-//      * \param fluidState The fluid state to fill.
-//      */
-//     template<class ElementSolution>
-//     static void completeFluidState(const ElementSolution &elemSol,
-//                                    const Problem& problem,
-//                                    const Element& element,
-//                                    const SubControlVolume &scv,
-//                                    FluidState& fluidState)
-//     {
-//         ParentType::completeFluidState(elemSol, problem, element, scv, fluidState);
-//         const auto& priVars = ParentType::extractDofPriVars(elemSol, scv);
-//         // set the mole/mass fractions
-//         if(useMoles)
-//         {
-//             Scalar sumSecondaryFractions = 0.0;
-//             for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
-//             {
-//                 fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
-//                 sumSecondaryFractions += priVars[compIdx];
-//             }
-//             fluidState.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, 0, 1.0 - sumSecondaryFractions);
-//         }
-//         else
-//         {
-//             for (int compIdx = 1; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
-//                 fluidState.setMassFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx, priVars[compIdx]);
-//         }
-//     }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Return molar density \f$\mathrm{[mol/m^3]}\f$ the of the fluid phase.
-//      *
-//      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
-//      */
-//     Scalar molarDensity(const int phaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) const
-//     { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarDensity(phaseIdx) : 0.0; }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Return mole fraction \f$\mathrm{[mol/mol]}\f$ of a component in the phase.
-//      *
-//      * \param phaseIdx The index of the phase.
-//      * \param compIdx The index of the component.
-//      *
-//      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
-//      */
-//     Scalar moleFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-//     { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Return mass fraction \f$\mathrm{[kg/kg]}\f$ of a component in the phase.
-//      *
-//      * \param phaseIdx The index of the phase.
-//      * \param compIdx The index of the component
-//      *
-//      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
-//      */
-//     Scalar massFraction(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-//     { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.massFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Return concentration \f$\mathrm{[mol/m^3]}\f$  of a component in the phase.
-//      *
-//      * \param phaseIdx The index of the phase.
-//      * \param compIdx The index of the component
-//      *
-//      * We always forward to the fluid state with the phaseIdx property (see class description).
-//      */
-//     Scalar molarity(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-//     { return phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx ? this->fluidState_.molarity(phaseIdx, compIdx) : 0.0; }
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief Return the binary diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ in the fluid.
-//      *
-//      * \param phaseIdx The index of the phase.
-//      * \param compIdx The index of the component
-//      */
-//     Scalar diffusionCoefficient(const int phaseIdx, const int compIdx) const
-//     {
-//         assert(phaseIdx == FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-//         assert(compIdx > FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-//         return diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1];
-//     }
-// protected:
-//     FluidState fluidState_; //!< the fluid state
-// private:
-//     /*!
-//      * \brief TODO docme!
-//      *
-//      * \param d TODO docme!
-//      * \param compIdx The index of the component
-//      */
-//     void setDiffusionCoefficient_(int compIdx, Scalar d)
-//     {
-//         assert(compIdx > FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-//         diffCoefficient_[compIdx-1] = d;
-//     }
-//     std::array<Scalar, numComponents-1> diffCoefficient_;
-//     Scalar relativePermeabilityWetting_; //!< the relative permeability of the wetting phase
-//     Scalar porosity_; //!< the porosity
-//     PermeabilityType permeability_; //!< the instrinsic permeability
-//     Scalar pn_; //!< the reference non-wetting pressure
-//     Scalar minPc_; //!< the minimum capillary pressure (entry pressure)
-// };
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/vtkoutputfields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
index 40b172046a194d8fae1977fcacf5e58a7214f498..8d760dfa8ec7e71f2e70f767f5afb56c495ccff3 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -39,25 +39,25 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::nPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::nPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "density");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "mobility");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "density");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "mobility");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.temperature(); }, "temperature");
         static const bool gravity = getParamFromGroup<bool>(vtk.paramGroup(), "Problem.EnableGravity");
-            vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx); },"water content");
+            vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },"water content");
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
-            vtk.addVolumeVariable([compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(VolumeVariables::wPhaseIdx, compIdx); },
-                                  "x^" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx) + "_" + FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx));
+            vtk.addVolumeVariable([compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx, compIdx); },
+                                  "x^" + FluidSystem::phaseName(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx) + "_" + FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx));
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/volumevariables.hh
index 2b85aa0b6dbf023671387248ea509f4da1bde4fd..12e9d1641beed83e52c30ae8a2b4d6283f251d46 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/volumevariables.hh
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ class TracerVolumeVariables
     using Scalar = typename Traits::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
     static constexpr bool useMoles = Traits::ModelTraits::useMoles();
-    static constexpr int numComponents = Traits::ModelTraits::numComponents();
     //! export fluid system type
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ public:
         fluidDensity_ = problem.spatialParams().fluidDensity(element, scv);
         fluidMolarMass_ = problem.spatialParams().fluidMolarMass(element, scv);
-        for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
+        for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < ParentType::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
             moleOrMassFraction_[compIdx] = this->priVars()[compIdx];
             diffCoeff_[compIdx] = FluidSystem::binaryDiffusionCoefficient(compIdx, problem, element, scv);
@@ -172,8 +171,8 @@ protected:
     Scalar porosity_;    // Effective porosity within the control volume
     Scalar fluidDensity_, fluidMolarMass_;
     // DispersivityType dispersivity_;
-    std::array<Scalar, numComponents> diffCoeff_;
-    std::array<Scalar, numComponents> moleOrMassFraction_;
+    std::array<Scalar, ParentType::numComponents()> diffCoeff_;
+    std::array<Scalar, ParentType::numComponents()> moleOrMassFraction_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/channeltestproblem.hh b/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/channeltestproblem.hh
index 87fe301e8f274f781e4efc4f938ab83ed98d4b22..f72f82451ecb8e691b651a182deefa2f2fb13c30 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/channeltestproblem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/channeltestproblem.hh
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)/*, SimpleH2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, true*/>);
 SET_INT_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, PhaseIdx,
-             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::wPhaseIdx);
+             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::phase0Idx);
 SET_INT_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, ReplaceCompEqIdx, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PhaseIdx));
diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/densityflowproblem.hh b/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/densityflowproblem.hh
index 5c9661b2d1f010493f56f5d9297c5af54bf82c60..2e0bfcd0e20c770c14eb56b9ff5852fbe410029e 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/densityflowproblem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokesnc/densityflowproblem.hh
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(DensityDrivenFlowTypeTag, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)/*, SimpleH2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, false*/>);
 SET_INT_PROP(DensityDrivenFlowTypeTag, PhaseIdx,
-             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::wPhaseIdx);
+             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::phase0Idx);
 SET_INT_PROP(DensityDrivenFlowTypeTag, ReplaceCompEqIdx, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PhaseIdx));
diff --git a/test/freeflow/ransnc/channeltestproblem.hh b/test/freeflow/ransnc/channeltestproblem.hh
index e5d3a6da51e968e41ad703cfdaf7b8c5cd562c82..3ad9efdad39df8c6ab409b01ff599c2f78cbfc44 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/ransnc/channeltestproblem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/ransnc/channeltestproblem.hh
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>);
 SET_INT_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, PhaseIdx,
-             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::nPhaseIdx);
+             GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem)::phase1Idx);
 SET_INT_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, ReplaceCompEqIdx, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PhaseIdx));
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ SET_BOOL_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache, true);
 // Enable gravity
 SET_BOOL_PROP(ChannelNCTestTypeTag, UseMoles, true);
+} // end namespace Properties
  * \ingroup RANSNCTests
diff --git a/test/material/fluidsystems/checkfluidsystem.hh b/test/material/fluidsystems/checkfluidsystem.hh
index 2914a7b75e46de3f06189f38d5cdc130bfaecd12..88f1e2e021a2598045136ee25506177754dc5a22 100644
--- a/test/material/fluidsystems/checkfluidsystem.hh
+++ b/test/material/fluidsystems/checkfluidsystem.hh
@@ -136,6 +136,12 @@ public:
         return BaseFluidState::temperature(phaseIdx);
+    Scalar wettingPhase() const
+    {
+        assert(allowComposition_);
+        return BaseFluidState::wettingPhase();
+    }
     Scalar partialPressure(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
diff --git a/test/material/immiscibleflash/test_immiscibleflash.cc b/test/material/immiscibleflash/test_immiscibleflash.cc
index a89a85e7d78c1196ec6201008dd60e97a8ea1c1e..958980b9371a676068f2f0aa6b992d382aa0e150 100644
--- a/test/material/immiscibleflash/test_immiscibleflash.cc
+++ b/test/material/immiscibleflash/test_immiscibleflash.cc
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ int main()
     enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
     enum { numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx };
-    enum { nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx };
+    enum { liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx };
+    enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
     using EffMaterialLaw = Dumux::RegularizedBrooksCorey<Scalar>;
     using TwoPMaterialLaw = Dumux::EffToAbsLaw<EffMaterialLaw>;
-    using MaterialLaw = Dumux::TwoPAdapter<wPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+    using MaterialLaw = Dumux::TwoPAdapter<liquidPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
     using MaterialLawParams = MaterialLaw::Params;
     Scalar T = 273.15 + 25;
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing single-phase liquid\n";
     // set liquid saturation and pressure
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1.0);
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // set the remaining parameters of the reference fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, wPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, liquidPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkImmiscibleFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams);
@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing single-phase gas\n";
     // set gas saturation and pressure
-    fsRef.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0);
-    fsRef.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+    fsRef.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // set the remaining parameters of the reference fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, nPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, gasPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkImmiscibleFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams);
@@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing two-phase\n";
     // set liquid saturation and pressure
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.5);
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // set the remaining parameters of the reference fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, wPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, liquidPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkImmiscibleFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams);
@@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ int main()
     // set liquid saturation
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.5);
     // set pressure of the liquid phase
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // set the remaining parameters of the reference fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams2, wPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams2, liquidPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkImmiscibleFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams2);
diff --git a/test/material/ncpflash/test_ncpflash.cc b/test/material/ncpflash/test_ncpflash.cc
index 20dbca2a2425206265296437e4d78739d65620a5..ff562c94ca857c8dd15f247d9bf7bc80a7920076 100644
--- a/test/material/ncpflash/test_ncpflash.cc
+++ b/test/material/ncpflash/test_ncpflash.cc
@@ -157,15 +157,15 @@ int main()
     enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
     enum { numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx };
-    enum { nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx };
+    enum { liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx };
+    enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
     enum { H2OIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx };
     enum { N2Idx = FluidSystem::N2Idx };
     using EffMaterialLaw = Dumux::RegularizedBrooksCorey<Scalar>;
     using TwoPMaterialLaw = Dumux::EffToAbsLaw<EffMaterialLaw>;
-    using MaterialLaw = Dumux::TwoPAdapter<wPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+    using MaterialLaw = Dumux::TwoPAdapter<liquidPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
     using MaterialLawParams = MaterialLaw::Params;
     Scalar T = 273.15 + 25;
@@ -201,17 +201,17 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing single-phase liquid\n";
     // set liquid saturation
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 1.0);
     // set pressure of the liquid phase
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 2e5);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 2e5);
     // set the liquid composition to pure water
-    fsRef.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.0);
-    fsRef.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 1.0);
+    fsRef.setMoleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.0);
+    fsRef.setMoleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 1.0);
     // "complete" the fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, wPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, liquidPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkNcpFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams);
@@ -221,17 +221,17 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing single-phase gas\n";
     // set gas saturation
-    fsRef.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
     // set pressure of the gas phase
-    fsRef.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // set the gas composition to 99.9% nitrogen and 0.1% water
-    fsRef.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.999);
-    fsRef.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 0.001);
+    fsRef.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.999);
+    fsRef.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 0.001);
     // "complete" the fluid state
-    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, nPhaseIdx);
+    completeReferenceFluidState<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams, gasPhaseIdx);
     // check the flash calculation
     checkNcpFlash<Scalar, FluidSystem, MaterialLaw>(fsRef, matParams);
@@ -242,12 +242,12 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "testing two-phase\n";
     // set saturations
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.5);
-    fsRef.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 0.5);
     // set pressures
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 1e6);
-    fsRef.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     FluidSystem::ParameterCache paramCache;
     using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
@@ -269,19 +269,19 @@ int main()
     // set gas saturation
-    fsRef.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 0.5);
-    fsRef.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 0.5);
+    fsRef.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.5);
     // set pressure of the liquid phase
-    fsRef.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 1e6);
+    fsRef.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 1e6);
     // calulate the capillary pressure
     using PhaseVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases>;
     PhaseVector pc;
     MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pc, matParams2, fsRef);
-    fsRef.setPressure(nPhaseIdx,
-                      fsRef.pressure(wPhaseIdx)
-                      + (pc[nPhaseIdx] - pc[wPhaseIdx]));
+    fsRef.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx,
+                      fsRef.pressure(liquidPhaseIdx)
+                      + (pc[gasPhaseIdx] - pc[liquidPhaseIdx]));
     using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
     MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition::solve(fsRef, paramCache,
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/modifiedsteamn2cao2h2.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/modifiedsteamn2cao2h2.hh
index e6d6ac40391c2c8a2bee27a56cb0b68db3d4163b..1753dd0c0e9fa5b1d545e783acf18846bfa36e6a 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/modifiedsteamn2cao2h2.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/modifiedsteamn2cao2h2.hh
@@ -79,20 +79,27 @@ public:
     // the type of parameter cache objects. this fluid system does not
     using ParameterCache = Dumux::NullParameterCache;
-    /****************************************
-     * Fluid phase related static parameters
-     ****************************************/
     //! Number of phases in the fluid system
     static constexpr int numPhases = 1; //gas phase: N2 and steam
-    static const int numSPhases = 2;//  solid phases CaO and CaO2H2
-    static constexpr int gPhaseIdx = 0;
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = gPhaseIdx; // index of the gas phase
-    static constexpr int cPhaseIdx = 1; // CaO-phaseIdx
-    static constexpr int hPhaseIdx = 2; // CaO2H2-phaseIdx
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2; // H2O, Air
+    static constexpr int numSPhases = 2;//  solid phases CaO and CaO2H2 TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int numSComponents = 2;// CaO2H2, CaO TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int gasPhaseIdx = 0;  //!< index of the gas phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = gasPhaseIdx; //!< index of the only phase
+    static constexpr int cPhaseIdx = 1; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int hPhaseIdx = 2; // CaO2H2-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int N2Idx = 0;
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = N2Idx;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int CaOIdx  = 2; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    static constexpr int CaO2H2Idx  = 3; // CaO-phaseIdx TODO: Remove
+    /****************************************
+     * Fluid phase related static parameters
+     ****************************************/
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
@@ -102,7 +109,7 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+        case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
         case cPhaseIdx : return "CaO";
         case hPhaseIdx : return "CaOH2";
@@ -117,7 +124,7 @@ public:
     static bool isGas (int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        return phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx;
+        return phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx;
@@ -175,17 +182,6 @@ public:
     * Component related static parameters
-    static const int numComponents = 2; // H2O, Air
-    static const int numSComponents = 2;// CaO2H2, CaO
-    static const int N2Idx = 0;
-    static const int H2OIdx = 1;
-    static const int CaOIdx  = 2;
-    static const int CaO2H2Idx  = 3;
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a component
@@ -350,13 +346,13 @@ public:
             // for the gas phase assume an ideal gas
                 IdealGas::molarDensity(T, p)
-                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx)
+                * fluidState.averageMolarMass(gasPhaseIdx)
                 / std::max(1e-5, sumMoleFrac);
-                (H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)) +
-                N2::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx)));
+                (H2O::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx)) +
+                N2::gasDensity(T, fluidState.partialPressure(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx)));
@@ -435,7 +431,7 @@ public:
         Scalar temperature = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
+        assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
         if (compIIdx != N2Idx)
             std::swap(compIIdx, compJIdx);
@@ -471,13 +467,13 @@ public:
     static Scalar enthalpy(const FluidState &fluidState,
                            int phaseIdx)
-        assert(phaseIdx == gPhaseIdx);
+        assert(phaseIdx == gasPhaseIdx);
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        Scalar XN2 = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
-        Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
+        Scalar XN2 = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
+        Scalar XH2O = fluidState.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
         Scalar result = 0;
         result += XH2O * H2O::gasEnthalpy(T, p);
@@ -498,8 +494,8 @@ public:
                                     int phaseIdx,
                                     int componentIdx)
-        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(nPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(gasPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
@@ -520,7 +516,7 @@ public:
                                     int componentIdx)
         Scalar T = 573.15;
-        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
@@ -604,7 +600,7 @@ public:
                                     * fluidState.moleFraction(phaseIdx, H2OIdx));
-        return c_pH2O*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, H2OIdx) + c_pN2*fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
+        return c_pH2O*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx) + c_pN2*fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx);
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemproblem.hh
index 8701b8a69fd734ee9f1720f280ce7f7c6403cf2c..dda4373600c342e74d67b0f8e52c7e0cc5c6194b 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemproblem.hh
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class ThermoChemProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using FVGridGeometry = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVGridGeometry);
     using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
     using SolutionVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SolutionVector);
-    using ReactionRate =ThermoChemReaction<TypeTag>;
+    using ReactionRate = ThermoChemReaction;
     enum { dim = GridView::dimension };
     enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class ThermoChemProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
         // Indices of the primary variables
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx, //gas-phase pressure
-        firstMoleFracIdx = Indices::firstMoleFracIdx, // mole fraction water
+        H2OIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx, // mole fraction water
         CaOIdx = FluidSystem::numComponents,
         CaO2H2Idx = FluidSystem::numComponents+1,
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public:
         // we don't set any BCs for the solid phases
-        values.setDirichlet(firstMoleFracIdx);
+        values.setDirichlet(H2OIdx);
         return values;
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
         priVars[pressureIdx] = boundaryPressure_;
-        priVars[firstMoleFracIdx] = boundaryVaporMoleFrac_;
+        priVars[H2OIdx] = boundaryVaporMoleFrac_;
         priVars[temperatureIdx] = boundaryTemperature_;
         priVars[CaO2H2Idx] = 0.0;
         priVars[CaOIdx] = 0.2;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public:
         CaO2H2Init = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.CaO2H2Initial");
         priVars[pressureIdx] = pInit;
-        priVars[firstMoleFracIdx]   = h2oInit;
+        priVars[H2OIdx]   = h2oInit;
         priVars[temperatureIdx] = tInit;
         // these values are not used, as we didn't set BCs
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ public:
         Scalar qMass = rrate_.thermoChemReaction(volVars);
         const auto elemSol = elementSolution(element, elemVolVars, fvGeometry);
-        Scalar qMole = qMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(firstMoleFracIdx)*(1-this->spatialParams().porosity(element, scv, elemSol));
+        Scalar qMole = qMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(H2OIdx)*(1-this->spatialParams().porosity(element, scv, elemSol));
         // make sure not more solid reacts than present
         // In this test, we only consider discharge. Therefore, we use the cPhaseIdx for CaO.
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public:
         source[conti0EqIdx+CaO2H2Idx] = qMole;
         source[conti0EqIdx+CaOIdx] = - qMole;
-        source[conti0EqIdx+firstMoleFracIdx] = - qMole;
+        source[conti0EqIdx+H2OIdx] = - qMole;
         Scalar deltaH = 108e3; // J/mol
         source[energyEqIdx] = qMole * deltaH;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemreaction.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemreaction.hh
index d332cca02669ed72ac5b4a652b210692bdc1f284..2881de870d9dac35183f0ead7da08994b5a78e78 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemreaction.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/1pncmin/implicit/thermochemreaction.hh
@@ -26,11 +26,7 @@
-#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup OnePNCMinTests
@@ -38,67 +34,50 @@ namespace Dumux
  * It contains simple and advanced reaction kinetics according to Nagel et al. (2014).
-template<class TypeTag>
 class ThermoChemReaction
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    using VolumeVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
-    using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    static const int numComponents = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numComponents();
-    static const int numSolidPhases = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numSPhases();
-    enum{
-        // Indices of the primary variables
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx, //gas-phase pressure
-        firstMoleFracIdx = Indices::firstMoleFracIdx, // mole fraction water
-        // Phase Indices
-        phaseIdx = FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx,
-        cPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx,
-        hPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx
-    };
      * \brief evaluates the reaction kinetics (see Nagel et al. 2014)
-    Scalar thermoChemReaction(const VolumeVariables &volVars) const
+    template<class VolumeVariables>
+    typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type
+    thermoChemReaction(const VolumeVariables &volVars) const
+        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
         // calculate the equilibrium temperature Teq
         Scalar T= volVars.temperature();
         Scalar Teq = 0;
         Scalar moleFractionVapor = 1e-3;
-        if(volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx) > 1e-3)
-            moleFractionVapor = volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx);
+        if(volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx) > 1e-3)
+            moleFractionVapor = volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx);
-        if(volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx) >= 1.0) moleFractionVapor = 1;
+        if(volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx) >= 1.0) moleFractionVapor = 1;
-        Scalar pV = volVars.pressure(phaseIdx) *moleFractionVapor;
+        Scalar pV = volVars.pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) *moleFractionVapor;
         Scalar vaporPressure = pV*1.0e-5;
         Scalar pFactor = log(vaporPressure);
         Teq = -12845;
         Teq /= (pFactor - 16.508); //the equilibrium temperature
-        Scalar realSolidDensityAverage = (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(hPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(hPhaseIdx)
-                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(cPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(cPhaseIdx))
-                                        / (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(hPhaseIdx)
-                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(cPhaseIdx));
+        Scalar realSolidDensityAverage = (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)
+                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx))
+                                        / (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)
+                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx));
-        if(realSolidDensityAverage <= volVars.density(cPhaseIdx))
+        if(realSolidDensityAverage <= volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx))
-            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(cPhaseIdx);
+            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx);
-        if(realSolidDensityAverage >= volVars.density(hPhaseIdx))
+        if(realSolidDensityAverage >= volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx))
-            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(hPhaseIdx);
+            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx);
         Scalar qMass = 0.0;
@@ -108,7 +87,7 @@ public:
             Scalar dXH_dt1 = 0.0;
             Scalar dXH_dt2 = 0.0;
-            Scalar xH = (realSolidDensityAverage-volVars.density(cPhaseIdx))/(volVars.density(hPhaseIdx)- volVars.density(cPhaseIdx));
+            Scalar xH = (realSolidDensityAverage-volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx))/(volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)- volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx));
             if(xH < 1.0e-5) {xH = 1.0e-5; }
             if(xH >=1 ) {xH = 1 - 1e-5; }
@@ -164,7 +143,7 @@ public:
             // no reaction at equilibrium
             if(Teq -T <= 0)
                 dXH_dt = 0;
-            Scalar deltaRhoS = volVars.density(hPhaseIdx) - volVars.density(cPhaseIdx);
+            Scalar deltaRhoS = volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx) - volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx);
             qMass = dXH_dt*deltaRhoS;
@@ -175,49 +154,54 @@ public:
      * \brief evaluates the simple chemical reaction kinetics (see Nagel et al. 2014)
-    Scalar thermoChemReactionSimple(const VolumeVariables &volVars) const
+    template<class VolumeVariables>
+    typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type
+    thermoChemReactionSimple(const VolumeVariables &volVars) const
+        using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
+        using Scalar = typename VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables::value_type;
         // calculate the equilibrium temperature Teq
         Scalar T= volVars.temperature();
         Scalar Teq = 0;
         Scalar moleFractionVapor = 1e-3;
-        if(volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx) > 1e-3)
-            moleFractionVapor = volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx);
+        if(volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx) > 1e-3)
+            moleFractionVapor = volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx);
-        if(volVars.moleFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx) >= 1.0) moleFractionVapor = 1;
+        if(volVars.moleFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx) >= 1.0) moleFractionVapor = 1;
-        Scalar pV = volVars.pressure(phaseIdx) *moleFractionVapor;
+        Scalar pV = volVars.pressure(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) *moleFractionVapor;
         Scalar vaporPressure = pV*1.0e-5;
         Scalar pFactor = log(vaporPressure);
         Teq = -12845;
         Teq /= (pFactor - 16.508); //the equilibrium temperature
-        Scalar realSolidDensityAverage = (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(hPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(hPhaseIdx)
-                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(cPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(cPhaseIdx))
-                                        / (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(hPhaseIdx)
-                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(cPhaseIdx));
+        Scalar realSolidDensityAverage = (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)
+                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx)*volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx))
+                                        / (volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)
+                                        + volVars.precipitateVolumeFraction(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx));
-        if(realSolidDensityAverage <= volVars.density(cPhaseIdx))
+        if(realSolidDensityAverage <= volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx))
-            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(cPhaseIdx);
+            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx);
-        if(realSolidDensityAverage >= volVars.density(hPhaseIdx))
+        if(realSolidDensityAverage >= volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx))
-            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(hPhaseIdx);
+            realSolidDensityAverage = volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx);
         Scalar qMass = 0.0;
          //discharge or hydration
         if (T < Teq){
-            Scalar massFracH2O_fPhase = volVars.massFraction(phaseIdx, firstMoleFracIdx);
+            Scalar massFracH2O_fPhase = volVars.massFraction(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::H2OIdx);
             Scalar krh = 0.2;
-            Scalar rHydration = - massFracH2O_fPhase* (volVars.density(hPhaseIdx)- realSolidDensityAverage)
+            Scalar rHydration = - massFracH2O_fPhase* (volVars.density(FluidSystem::hPhaseIdx)- realSolidDensityAverage)
                                                      * krh * (T-Teq)/ Teq;
             Scalar qMass =  rHydration;
@@ -228,7 +212,7 @@ public:
             Scalar krd = 0.05;
-            Scalar rDehydration = -(volVars.density(cPhaseIdx)- realSolidDensityAverage)
+            Scalar rDehydration = -(volVars.density(FluidSystem::cPhaseIdx)- realSolidDensityAverage)
                                                      * krd * (Teq-T)/ Teq;
             qMass =  rDehydration;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/problem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/problem.hh
index eb7b950c7e10389a02ccf0686d7911003d912115..4d9f46f896d75212166f7d400edab002518ee220 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/problem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/problem.hh
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ SET_BOOL_PROP(FractureTypeTag, EnableGridFluxVariablesCache, true);
 // permeablility is solution-independent
 SET_BOOL_PROP(FractureTypeTag, SolutionDependentAdvection, false);
+} // end namespace Properties
  * \ingroup TwoPTests
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ class FractureProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using BoundaryTypes = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryTypes);
     using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
-    enum {
+    enum
+    {
         // primary variable indices
-        pwIdx = Indices::pwIdx,
-        snIdx = Indices::snIdx,
+        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
+        saturationIdx = Indices::saturationIdx,
         // equation indices
-        contiNEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        contiTCEEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
         // world dimension
         dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ public:
         const auto g = this->gravityAtPos(globalPos)[dimWorld-1];
         PrimaryVariables values;
-        values[pwIdx] = 1e5 + 1000*g*depth;
-        values[snIdx] = 0.0;
+        values[pressureIdx] = 1e5 + 1000*g*depth;
+        values[saturationIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public:
         NumEqVector values(0.0);
         if (onInlet_(globalPos)) {
-            values[contiNEqIdx] = -0.04; // kg / (m * s)
+            values[contiTCEEqIdx] = -0.04; // kg / (m * s)
         return values;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/spatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/spatialparams.hh
index 6d5807dba411e148ec3da6defa598d3407edc503..b562d853be036fdcfa51dbcbba9bb8d2fd3607bd 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/spatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/fracture/spatialparams.hh
@@ -120,6 +120,16 @@ public:
     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return materialParams_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::phase0Idx; }
     MaterialLawParams materialParams_;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/problem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/problem.hh
index 655ea8d7e91dfdc3a1b2de4b283a06f5cb6d7dfb..26e44a4e4db8bc22b6e655d7bffab1b417e1eab6 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/problem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/problem.hh
@@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ class TwoPTestProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
     using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
     enum {
-        pwIdx = Indices::pwIdx,
-        snIdx = Indices::snIdx,
-        contiNEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx
+        pressureH2OIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
+        saturationDNAPLIdx = Indices::saturationIdx,
+        contiDNAPLEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::comp1Idx,
+        waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
+        dnaplPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase1Idx
@@ -132,10 +134,10 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables values;
         typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState) fluidState;
-        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
+        fluidState.setPressure(waterPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
+        fluidState.setPressure(dnaplPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, waterPhaseIdx);
         Scalar height = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1];
         Scalar depth = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
@@ -144,8 +146,8 @@ public:
         Scalar factor = (width*alpha + (1.0 - alpha)*globalPos[0])/width;
         // hydrostatic pressure scaled by alpha
-        values[pwIdx] = 1e5 - factor*densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
-        values[snIdx] = 0.0;
+        values[pressureH2OIdx] = 1e5 - factor*densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
+        values[saturationDNAPLIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ public:
         NumEqVector values(0.0);
         if (onInlet_(globalPos))
-            values[contiNEqIdx] = -0.04; // kg / (m * s)
+            values[contiDNAPLEqIdx] = -0.04; // kg / (m * s)
         return values;
@@ -181,16 +183,16 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables values;
         typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState) fluidState;
-        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
+        fluidState.setPressure(waterPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
+        fluidState.setPressure(dnaplPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, waterPhaseIdx);
         Scalar depth = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
         // hydrostatic pressure
-        values[pwIdx] = 1e5 - densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
-        values[snIdx] = 0.0;
+        values[pressureH2OIdx] = 1e5 - densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
+        values[saturationDNAPLIdx] = 0;
         return values;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/spatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/spatialparams.hh
index e89f0f8fa3c89ba23afea40591e6d8b76e8b5655..d13ad5538855c8e0596a6b643bb28fa65483db4f 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/spatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/incompressible/spatialparams.hh
@@ -148,6 +148,16 @@ public:
         return outerMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The global position
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::phase0Idx; }
     bool isInLens_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit/steaminjectionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit/steaminjectionproblem.hh
index af3f92bbfb94b14a647a9e0ff350b456a891c54b..e0944b388cb757f8a47516b09dc307540fa3d290 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit/steaminjectionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p1c/implicit/steaminjectionproblem.hh
@@ -37,13 +37,11 @@
 #include "steaminjectionspatialparams.hh"
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
 template <class TypeTag>
 class InjectionProblem;
-namespace Properties
+namespace Properties {
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(InjectionProblemTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(TwoPOneCNI, InjectionProblemSpatialParams));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoPOneCNIBoxTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(BoxModel, InjectionProblemTypeTag));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoPOneCNICCTpfaTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(CCTpfaModel, InjectionProblemTypeTag));
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ public:
 //Define whether spurious cold-water flow into the steam is blocked
 SET_BOOL_PROP(InjectionProblemTypeTag, UseBlockingOfSpuriousFlow, true);
+} // end namespace Properties
  * \ingroup TwoPOneCTests
@@ -104,7 +102,7 @@ class InjectionProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
         energyEqIdx = Indices::energyEqIdx,
         // phase state
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly
+        liquidPhaseOnly = Indices::liquidPhaseOnly
     static constexpr int dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld;
@@ -231,7 +229,7 @@ public:
         values[pressureIdx] = 101300.0 + (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1])*densityW*9.81; // hydrostatic pressure
         values[switchIdx] = 283.13;
-        values.setState(wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(liquidPhaseOnly);
         return values;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionproblem.hh
index 0b64b8bbc5fdc8efa7383b3cbeaa6b5a87e1611f..f2ca76aaf945cb23028d162cfe00c0856453b0ba 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionproblem.hh
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
 #include "injectionspatialparams.hh"
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
@@ -44,8 +43,7 @@ namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
 class InjectionProblem;
-namespace Properties
+namespace Properties {
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(InjectionTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(TwoPTwoC, InjectionSpatialParams));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(InjectionBoxTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(BoxModel, InjectionTypeTag));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(InjectionCCTpfaTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(CCTpfaModel, InjectionTypeTag));
@@ -69,8 +67,7 @@ SET_BOOL_PROP(InjectionTypeTag, UseMoles, true);
 SET_BOOL_PROP(InjectionTypeTag, EnableFVGridGeometryCache, ENABLECACHING);
 SET_BOOL_PROP(InjectionTypeTag, EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache, ENABLECACHING);
 SET_BOOL_PROP(InjectionTypeTag, EnableGridFluxVariablesCache, ENABLECACHING);
+} // end namespace Properties
  * \ingroup TwoPTwoCTests
@@ -114,21 +111,21 @@ class InjectionProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     // phase presence
-    enum { wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly };
+    enum { wPhaseOnly = Indices::firstPhaseOnly };
     // equation indices
-        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::contiWEqIdx,
-        contiN2EqIdx = Indices::contiNEqIdx
+        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        contiN2EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx,
     // phase indices
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx
+        gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::N2Idx,
+        H2OIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        N2Idx = FluidSystem::N2Idx
     using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
@@ -262,11 +259,11 @@ public:
         const auto& globalPos = scvf.ipGlobal();
         Scalar injectedPhaseMass = 1e-3;
-        Scalar moleFracW = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        Scalar moleFracW = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
         if (globalPos[1] < 14 - eps_ && globalPos[1] > 6.5 - eps_)
-            values[contiN2EqIdx] = -(1-moleFracW)*injectedPhaseMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx); //mole/(m^2*s) -> kg/(s*m^2)
-            values[contiH2OEqIdx] = -moleFracW*injectedPhaseMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx); //mole/(m^2*s) -> kg/(s*m^2)
+            values[contiN2EqIdx] = -(1-moleFracW)*injectedPhaseMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(N2Idx); //mole/(m^2*s) -> kg/(s*m^2)
+            values[contiH2OEqIdx] = -moleFracW*injectedPhaseMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(H2OIdx); //mole/(m^2*s) -> kg/(s*m^2)
         return values;
@@ -312,8 +309,8 @@ private:
         Scalar moleFracLiquidH2O = 1.0 - moleFracLiquidN2;
         Scalar meanM =
-            FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)*moleFracLiquidH2O +
-            FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx)*moleFracLiquidN2;
+            FluidSystem::molarMass(H2OIdx)*moleFracLiquidH2O +
+            FluidSystem::molarMass(N2Idx)*moleFracLiquidN2;
             //mole-fraction formulation
@@ -322,7 +319,7 @@ private:
             //mass fraction formulation
-            Scalar massFracLiquidN2 = moleFracLiquidN2*FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx)/meanM;
+            Scalar massFracLiquidN2 = moleFracLiquidN2*FluidSystem::molarMass(N2Idx)/meanM;
             priVars[switchIdx] = massFracLiquidN2;
         priVars[pressureIdx] = pl;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionspatialparams.hh
index c3f5d7082d71c342bad074de65e788eaa4a1ee5c..8e7a4e44efb6b3a0b2b88a242a51755bacb73ad5 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/injectionspatialparams.hh
@@ -180,6 +180,16 @@ public:
     Scalar solidThermalConductivityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return lambdaSolid_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
     bool isFineMaterial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
     { return globalPos[dimWorld-1] > layerBottom_; }
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_problem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_problem.hh
index be0c835ec25961334e76687af69dfbae757b39b3..04dc86ba0ca3ce3ea57621640219c50b203cca69 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_problem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_problem.hh
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCComparisonTypeTag, Scalar, double);
 SET_PROP(TwoPTwoCComparisonTypeTag, Formulation)
-    static const TwoPFormulation value = TwoPFormulation::pnsw;
+    static const TwoPFormulation value = TwoPFormulation::p1s0;
 SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPTwoCComparisonTypeTag, UseMoles, true);
@@ -105,23 +105,6 @@ class TwoPTwoCComparisonProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using ModelTraits = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits);
     using Indices = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
-    // world dimension
-    enum {numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases()};
-    enum {numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents()};
-    enum {nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx};
-    enum {nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx};
-    enum
-    {
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::contiWEqIdx,
-        contiN2EqIdx = Indices::contiNEqIdx
-    };
-    static constexpr bool isBox = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVGridGeometry)::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
      * \brief The constructor
@@ -218,11 +201,9 @@ public:
         NeumannFluxes values(0.0);
         const auto& globalPos = scvf.ipGlobal();
         Scalar injectedAirMass = -1e-3;
-        Scalar injectedAirMolarMass = injectedAirMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx);
+        Scalar injectedAirMolarMass = injectedAirMass/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::N2Idx);
         if (onInlet_(globalPos))
-        {
-          values[Indices::conti0EqIdx+1] = injectedAirMolarMass;
-        }
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = injectedAirMolarMass;
         return values;
@@ -249,8 +230,8 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values[pressureIdx] = 1e5;
-        values[switchIdx] = 0.8;
+        values[Indices::pressureIdx] = 1e5; // air pressure
+        values[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.8; // water saturation
         return values;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_spatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_spatialparams.hh
index 9573b1ac77f473072fb34175360b1ee20da92cd0..9800b5a6b210b7547b9da36bb07a0252b9d484df 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_spatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/2p2c_comparison_spatialparams.hh
@@ -154,6 +154,16 @@ public:
             return coarseMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
      * \brief Returns whether a given global position is in the
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/vtkoutputfields.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/vtkoutputfields.hh
index 697a8ed7f8f1a0e9495ebffabae91a81d24a192e..038c4b4a814f47291f9b84850da206a32b85ae16 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/vtkoutputfields.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/vtkoutputfields.hh
@@ -24,10 +24,7 @@
-#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup TwoPTwoCModel
@@ -44,15 +41,15 @@ public:
         // register standardized vtk output fields
         vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "Sn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "Sw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "pn");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "pw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "Sn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "Sw");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "pn");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "pw");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "rhoW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "rhoN");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "mobW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); }, "mobN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "rhoW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "rhoN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::phase0Idx); }, "mobW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::phase1Idx); }, "mobN");
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
             for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairproblem.hh
index b46df02fc42d82dc6a4f4a554c86fcd3307ea1d6..983fcd2e1a54faf2dc4c53fc3bd4d78fcdf9cd85 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairproblem.hh
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
 #include "waterairspatialparams.hh"
-namespace Dumux
+namespace Dumux {
  * \ingroup TwoPTwoCTests
  * \brief Non-isothermal gas injection problem where a gas (e.g. air)
@@ -46,8 +45,7 @@ namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
 class WaterAirProblem;
-namespace Properties
+namespace Properties {
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(WaterAirTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(TwoPTwoCNI, WaterAirSpatialParams));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(WaterAirBoxTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(BoxModel, WaterAirTypeTag));
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(WaterAirCCTpfaTypeTag, INHERITS_FROM(CCTpfaModel, WaterAirTypeTag));
@@ -63,8 +61,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(WaterAirTypeTag, FluidSystem, FluidSystems::H2ON2<typename GET_PRO
 // Define whether mole(true) or mass (false) fractions are used
 SET_BOOL_PROP(WaterAirTypeTag, UseMoles, true);
+} // end namespace Dumux
  * \ingroup TwoPTwoCModel
@@ -123,14 +120,14 @@ class WaterAirProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     // equation indices
-        conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx,
-        contiNEqIdx = Indices::contiNEqIdx
+        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        contiN2EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx
     // phase presence
-    enum { wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly };
+    enum { wPhaseOnly = Indices::firstPhaseOnly };
     // component index
-    enum { nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx };
+    enum { N2Idx = FluidSystem::N2Idx };
     using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
     using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
@@ -234,7 +231,7 @@ public:
         // we inject pure gasious nitrogen at the initial condition temperature and pressure  from the bottom (negative values mean injection)
         if (globalPos[0] > 14.8 - eps_ && globalPos[0] < 25.2 + eps_ && globalPos[1] < eps_)
-            values[contiNEqIdx] = useMoles ? -1e-3/FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) : -1e-3; // kg/(m^2*s) or mole/(m^2*s)
+            values[contiN2EqIdx] = useMoles ? -1e-3/FluidSystem::molarMass(N2Idx) : -1e-3; // kg/(m^2*s) or mole/(m^2*s)
             const auto initialValues = initial_(globalPos);
             const auto& mParams = this->spatialParams().materialLawParamsAtPos(globalPos);
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairspatialparams.hh
index 5f4057f04e7e33fb253a929dd6e9cf1222595b5c..cce22dd6d78ecb1550e810d99d9222fd38f7ef65 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/waterairspatialparams.hh
@@ -222,6 +222,16 @@ public:
     Scalar solidThermalConductivityAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return lambdaSolid_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
     bool isFineMaterial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
     { return globalPos[dimWorld-1] > layerBottom_; }
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionproblem.hh
index b5aeee0c8a93d24334544448a607c8fbb2824a15..aaf0a9653ea7b2ae97bf84019699874e0c6499f5 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionproblem.hh
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPNCDiffusionTypeTag, MolecularDiffusionType, DIFFUSIONTYPE);
 //! Set the default formulation to pw-Sn: This can be over written in the problem.
 SET_PROP(TwoPNCDiffusionTypeTag, Formulation)
-{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::pwsn; };
+{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p0s1; };
 } // end namespace Properties
@@ -90,24 +90,7 @@ class TwoPNCDiffusionProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
         dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
-    // copy some indices for convenience
     using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    enum {
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx,
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        contiH2OEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + wCompIdx,
-        contiN2EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + nCompIdx
-    };
     using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
     using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
     using BoundaryTypes = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryTypes);
@@ -194,12 +177,12 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables dirichletAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
          PrimaryVariables priVars;
-         priVars.setState(wPhaseOnly);
-         priVars[pressureIdx] = 1e5;
-         priVars[switchIdx] = 1e-5 ;
+         priVars.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
+         priVars[Indices::pressureIdx] = 1e5;
+         priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 1e-5 ;
          if (globalPos[0] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + eps_)
-             priVars[switchIdx] = 1e-3;
+             priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 1e-3;
         return priVars;
@@ -254,11 +237,11 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-        priVars.setState(wPhaseOnly);
+        priVars.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         //mole-fraction formulation
-        priVars[switchIdx] = 1e-5;
-        priVars[pressureIdx] = 1e5;
+        priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 1e-5;
+        priVars[Indices::pressureIdx] = 1e5;
         return priVars;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionspatialparams.hh
index 554dcfd07f795867d87bd361279d11b787ab345b..eb7a7abb6b2b8c26a2c3ec021ce817e59f716170 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/2pncdiffusionspatialparams.hh
@@ -136,6 +136,16 @@ public:
     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return materialParams_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
     DimWorldMatrix K_;
     Scalar porosity_;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellproblem.hh
index 4457ae325ef688e90843d30b8f49afe2d5d413a9..62d710d797b99781ff8bb85d5c4b1a77afd15580 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellproblem.hh
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(FuelCellTypeTag, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2>);
 SET_TYPE_PROP(FuelCellTypeTag, Problem, FuelCellProblem<TypeTag>);
 // Set the primary variable combination for the 2pnc model
 SET_PROP(FuelCellTypeTag, Formulation)
-{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::pnsw; };
+{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p1s0; };
 // Set fluid configuration
 SET_PROP(FuelCellTypeTag, FluidSystem)
@@ -98,19 +98,6 @@ class FuelCellProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     // Select the electrochemistry method
     using ElectroChemistry = typename Dumux::ElectroChemistry<Scalar, Indices, FluidSystem, FVGridGeometry, ElectroChemistryModel::Ochs>;
-    enum { numComponents = FluidSystem::numComponents };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx };
-    enum { bothPhases = Indices::bothPhases };
-    // privar indices
-    enum
-    {
-        pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx, //gas-phase pressure
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx //liquid saturation or mole fraction
-    };
     static constexpr int dim = GridView::dimension;
     static constexpr int dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld;
     static constexpr bool isBox = FVGridGeometry::discMethod == DiscretizationMethod::box;
@@ -223,9 +210,9 @@ public:
             Scalar pn = 1.0e5;
-            priVars[pressureIdx] = pn;
-            priVars[switchIdx] = 0.3;//Sw for bothPhases
-            priVars[switchIdx+1] = pO2Inlet_/4.315e9; //moleFraction xlO2 for bothPhases
+            priVars[Indices::pressureIdx] = pn;
+            priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.3;//Sw for bothPhases
+            priVars[Indices::switchIdx+1] = pO2Inlet_/4.315e9; //moleFraction xlO2 for bothPhases
         return priVars;
@@ -288,8 +275,8 @@ public:
                     auto i = ElectroChemistry::calculateCurrentDensity(volVars);
                     ElectroChemistry::reactionSource(source, i);
-                    reactionSourceH2O_[dofIdxGlobal] = source[wPhaseIdx];
-                    reactionSourceO2_[dofIdxGlobal] = source[numComponents-1];
+                    reactionSourceH2O_[dofIdxGlobal] = source[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx];
+                    reactionSourceO2_[dofIdxGlobal] = source[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::O2Idx];
                     //Current Output in A/cm^2
                     currentDensity_[dofIdxGlobal] = i/10000;
@@ -311,12 +298,12 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-        priVars.setState(bothPhases);
+        priVars.setState(Indices::bothPhases);
         Scalar pn = 1.0e5;
-        priVars[pressureIdx] = pn;
-        priVars[switchIdx] = 0.3;//Sw for bothPhases
-        priVars[switchIdx+1] = pO2Inlet_/4.315e9; //moleFraction xlO2 for bothPhases
+        priVars[Indices::pressureIdx] = pn;
+        priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.3;//Sw for bothPhases
+        priVars[Indices::switchIdx+1] = pO2Inlet_/4.315e9; //moleFraction xlO2 for bothPhases
         return priVars;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellspatialparams.hh
index 0651205102aaef5e321a27d0a27894e66fd82083..f12a2dddadd264c1235b350c4ecefdbe08640005 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pnc/implicit/fuelcellspatialparams.hh
@@ -147,6 +147,16 @@ public:
     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return materialParams_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
     DimWorldMatrix K_;
     Scalar porosity_;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionproblem.hh
index c27c4da772002c78f0f27487e6b2a9ace8bd1483..076d17a322a07b4b5df63e98bd883e70ef752dca 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionproblem.hh
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(DissolutionTypeTag, SpatialParams, DissolutionSpatialparams<TypeTa
 //Set properties here to override the default property settings
 SET_INT_PROP(DissolutionTypeTag, ReplaceCompEqIdx, 1); //!< Replace gas balance by total mass balance
 SET_PROP(DissolutionTypeTag, Formulation)
-{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::pnsw; };
+{ static constexpr auto value = TwoPFormulation::p1s0; };
 } // end namespace Properties
@@ -100,22 +100,30 @@ class DissolutionProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using VolumeVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VolumeVariables);
     using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
-    enum {
+    enum
+    {
+        // primary variable indices
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx, //Saturation
+        switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
+        // component indices
+        // TODO: using xwNaClIdx as privaridx works here, but
+        //       looks like magic. Can this be done differently??
         xwNaClIdx = FluidSystem::NaClIdx,
         precipNaClIdx = FluidSystem::numComponents,
-        //Indices of the components
-        wCompIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
+        // Indices of the components
+        H2OIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx,
         NaClIdx = FluidSystem::NaClIdx,
-        //Indices of the phases
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
-        sPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::sPhaseIdx,
+        // Indices of the phases
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
+        gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
+        // TODO: this shouldn't be in the fluid system
+        sPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::solidPhaseIdx,
-        //Index of the primary component of G and L phase
+        // Index of the primary component of G and L phase
         conti0EqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx,
         precipNaClEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::numComponents,
@@ -325,25 +333,25 @@ public:
         const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scv];
-        Scalar moleFracNaCl_wPhase = volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
-        Scalar moleFracNaCl_nPhase = volVars.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
+        Scalar moleFracNaCl_wPhase = volVars.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
+        Scalar moleFracNaCl_nPhase = volVars.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, NaClIdx);
         Scalar massFracNaCl_Max_wPhase = this->spatialParams().solubilityLimit();
         Scalar moleFracNaCl_Max_wPhase = massToMoleFrac_(massFracNaCl_Max_wPhase);
-        Scalar moleFracNaCl_Max_nPhase = moleFracNaCl_Max_wPhase / volVars.pressure(nPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar moleFracNaCl_Max_nPhase = moleFracNaCl_Max_wPhase / volVars.pressure(gasPhaseIdx);
         Scalar saltPorosity = this->spatialParams().minPorosity(element, scv);
         // liquid phase
         using std::abs;
-        Scalar precipSalt = volVars.porosity() * volVars.molarDensity(wPhaseIdx)
-                                               * volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx)
+        Scalar precipSalt = volVars.porosity() * volVars.molarDensity(liquidPhaseIdx)
+                                               * volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx)
                                                * abs(moleFracNaCl_wPhase - moleFracNaCl_Max_wPhase);
         if (moleFracNaCl_wPhase < moleFracNaCl_Max_wPhase)
             precipSalt *= -1;
         // gas phase
-        precipSalt += volVars.porosity() * volVars.molarDensity(nPhaseIdx)
-                                         * volVars.saturation(nPhaseIdx)
+        precipSalt += volVars.porosity() * volVars.molarDensity(gasPhaseIdx)
+                                         * volVars.saturation(gasPhaseIdx)
                                          * abs(moleFracNaCl_nPhase - moleFracNaCl_Max_nPhase);
         // make sure we don't dissolve more salt than previously precipitated
@@ -396,7 +404,7 @@ private:
     static Scalar massToMoleFrac_(Scalar XwNaCl)
-       const Scalar Mw = 18.015e-3; //FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx); /* molecular weight of water [kg/mol] */ //TODO use correct link to FluidSyswem later
+       const Scalar Mw = 18.015e-3; //FluidSystem::molarMass(H2OIdx); /* molecular weight of water [kg/mol] */ //TODO use correct link to FluidSyswem later
        const Scalar Ms = 58.44e-3;  //FluidSystem::molarMass(NaClIdx); /* molecular weight of NaCl  [kg/mol] */
        const Scalar X_NaCl = XwNaCl;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionspatialparams.hh
index 0cd4526dcddbc812e43cd09a43a57be926628907..4af312062de70898fcf77306de814c33930f9a21 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/dissolutionspatialparams.hh
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ public:
     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
     { return materialParams_; }
+    // define which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
     MaterialLawParams materialParams_;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousproblem.hh
index 2aa4e97a3125708aa97d997ac3b8a737b0c2b430..d37a1ed53d3f7b5462e416b14bccfa495b3ba75e 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousproblem.hh
@@ -136,14 +136,9 @@ class HeterogeneousProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
         switchIdx = Indices::switchIdx,
         // phase presence index
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        // phase indices
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
-        nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx,
+        firstPhaseOnly = Indices::firstPhaseOnly,
         // component indices
-        nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx,
         BrineIdx = FluidSystem::BrineIdx,
         CO2Idx = FluidSystem::CO2Idx,
@@ -250,8 +245,8 @@ public:
         vtk.addField(vtkBoxVolume_, "boxVolume");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.enthalpy(wPhaseIdx); }, "enthalpyW");
-        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.enthalpy(nPhaseIdx); }, "enthalpyN");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.enthalpy(BrineIdx); }, "enthalpyW");
+        vtk.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.enthalpy(CO2Idx); }, "enthalpyN");
         vtkTemperature_.resize(numDofs, 0.0);
         vtk.addField(vtkTemperature_, "temperature");
@@ -385,7 +380,7 @@ public:
          // kg/(m^2*s) or mole/(m^2*s) depending on useMoles
         if (boundaryId == injectionBottom_)
-            fluxes[contiCO2EqIdx] = useMoles ? -injectionRate_/FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) : -injectionRate_;
+            fluxes[contiCO2EqIdx] = useMoles ? -injectionRate_/FluidSystem::molarMass(CO2Idx) : -injectionRate_;
             // energy fluxes are always mass specific
             fluxes[energyEqIdx] = -injectionRate_/*kg/(m^2 s)*/*CO2::gasEnthalpy(
@@ -430,7 +425,7 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(firstPhaseOnly);
         const Scalar temp = initialTemperatureField_(globalPos);
         const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::Brine::liquidDensity(temp, 1e7);
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousspatialparameters.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousspatialparameters.hh
index 891d092475c63fd32723cd9621e377ff6a662815..17dc8457f139dd3a20b09cdd182a2d3d870660cd 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousspatialparameters.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/co2/implicit/heterogeneousspatialparameters.hh
@@ -219,6 +219,16 @@ public:
         return materialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::BrineIdx; }
      * \brief Returns the heat capacity \f$[J / (kg K)]\f$ of the rock matrix.
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_problem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_problem.hh
index 13853dda38b0166c49bdf8c89fecac81fba73a5b..b7af9bb6c4f58f4c4ab8c2738449e233c272113c 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_problem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_problem.hh
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ class MPNCComparisonProblem
     enum {dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld};
     enum {numPhases = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numPhases()};
     enum {numComponents = GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::numComponents()};
-    enum {nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx};
-    enum {nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx};
+    enum {gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx};
+    enum {liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx};
+    enum {wCompIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx};
+    enum {nCompIdx = FluidSystem::N2Idx};
     enum {fug0Idx = Indices::fug0Idx};
     enum {s0Idx = Indices::s0Idx};
     enum {p0Idx = Indices::p0Idx};
@@ -258,21 +258,21 @@ private:
         // set water saturation
-        fs.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 0.8);
-        fs.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0 - fs.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+        fs.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 0.8);
+        fs.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0 - fs.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx));
         // set pressure of the gas phase
-        fs.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, 1e5);
+        fs.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, 1e5);
         // calulate the capillary pressure
         const auto& matParams =
         PhaseVector pc;
         MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pc, matParams, fs);
-        fs.setPressure(wPhaseIdx,
-                       fs.pressure(nPhaseIdx) + pc[wPhaseIdx] - pc[nPhaseIdx]);
+        fs.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx,
+                       fs.pressure(gasPhaseIdx) + pc[liquidPhaseIdx] - pc[gasPhaseIdx]);
         // make the fluid state consistent with local thermodynamic
         // equilibrium
-         using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem, /*useKelvinEquation*/false>;
+         using MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition = Dumux::MiscibleMultiPhaseComposition<Scalar, FluidSystem>;
         ParameterCache paramCache;
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ private:
         // all N component fugacities
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; ++compIdx)
-            values[fug0Idx + compIdx] = fs.fugacity(nPhaseIdx, compIdx);
+            values[fug0Idx + compIdx] = fs.fugacity(gasPhaseIdx, compIdx);
         // first M - 1 saturations
         for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases - 1; ++phaseIdx)
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_spatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_spatialparams.hh
index 1312f86a1fb903b0f4a6caec6e6e711cc66f3408..01c7045e9ac87c995a19ca39d461d78484e57fde 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_spatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/2p2ccomparison/mpnc_comparison_spatialparams.hh
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ SET_PROP(MPNCComparisonSpatialParams, MaterialLaw)
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    enum {wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
+    enum {liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx};
     // define the material law
     using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
     using EffMaterialLaw = RegularizedBrooksCorey<Scalar>;
     using TwoPMaterialLaw = EffToAbsLaw<EffMaterialLaw>;
-    using type = TwoPAdapter<wPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+    using type = TwoPAdapter<liquidPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+} // end namespace Properties
  * \ingroup MPNCModel
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/combustionfluidsystem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/combustionfluidsystem.hh
index 0688a0e8580b1302dfebfd1f33740d688a84ef72..3fa8ba66b22d9bed9a61c21a52c55f8a56c22655 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/combustionfluidsystem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/combustionfluidsystem.hh
@@ -67,13 +67,17 @@ public:
     static constexpr int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
     static constexpr int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
     static constexpr int sPhaseIdx = 2; // index of the solid phase
     // export component indices to indicate the main component
     // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
     // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int wCompIdx = wPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int nCompIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = 0; // index of the wetting phase
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = 1; // index of the non-wetting phase
      * \brief Return the human readable name of a fluid phase
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmosphereproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmosphereproblem.hh
index 65b64db4bfd0cc45a795a3be0cb2cd5404ddac08..27892ae7002744c56770a933381c12552054b04e 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmosphereproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmosphereproblem.hh
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ class EvaporationAtmosphereProblem: public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum { p0Idx = Indices::p0Idx };
     enum { conti00EqIdx    = Indices::conti0EqIdx };
     enum { energyEq0Idx    = Indices::energyEqIdx };
-    enum { wPhaseIdx       = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx };
-    enum { nPhaseIdx       = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx };
+    enum { liquidPhaseIdx       = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx };
+    enum { gasPhaseIdx       = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
     enum { wCompIdx        = FluidSystem::H2OIdx };
     enum { nCompIdx        = FluidSystem::N2Idx };
     enum { numEnergyEqFluid = ModelTraits::numEnergyEqFluid() };
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ public:
             fluidState.setPressure(phaseIdx, pnInitial_);
-        fluidState.setTemperature(nPhaseIdx, TInject_ );
-        fluidState.setTemperature(wPhaseIdx, TInitial_ ); // this value is a good one, TInject does not work
+        fluidState.setTemperature(gasPhaseIdx, TInject_ );
+        fluidState.setTemperature(liquidPhaseIdx, TInitial_ ); // this value is a good one, TInject does not work
         // This solves the system of equations defining x=x(p,T)
@@ -278,14 +278,14 @@ public:
                                 /*setEnthalpy=*/false) ;
         // Now let's make the air phase less than fully saturated with water
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*percentOfEquil_ ) ;
-        fluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1.-fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) ) ;
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)*percentOfEquil_ ) ;
+        fluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1.-fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) ) ;
         // compute density of injection phase
         const Scalar density = FluidSystem::density(fluidState,
-                                                     nPhaseIdx);
-        fluidState.setDensity(nPhaseIdx, density);
+                                                     gasPhaseIdx);
+        fluidState.setDensity(gasPhaseIdx, density);
         for(int phaseIdx=0; phaseIdx<numPhases; phaseIdx++)
@@ -295,18 +295,18 @@ public:
                 fluidState.setEnthalpy(phaseIdx, h);
-        const Scalar molarFlux = massFluxInjectedPhase / fluidState.averageMolarMass(nPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar molarFlux = massFluxInjectedPhase / fluidState.averageMolarMass(gasPhaseIdx);
         // actually setting the fluxes
         if (onLeftBoundary_(globalPos) && this->spatialParams().inFF_(globalPos))
-            values[conti00EqIdx + nPhaseIdx * numComponents + wCompIdx]
-             = -molarFlux * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-            values[conti00EqIdx + nPhaseIdx * numComponents + nCompIdx]
-             = -molarFlux * fluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+            values[conti00EqIdx + gasPhaseIdx * numComponents + wCompIdx]
+             = -molarFlux * fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            values[conti00EqIdx + gasPhaseIdx * numComponents + nCompIdx]
+             = -molarFlux * fluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
             // energy equations are specified mass specifically
-            values[energyEq0Idx + nPhaseIdx] = - massFluxInjectedPhase
-                                                    * fluidState.enthalpy(nPhaseIdx) ;
+            values[energyEq0Idx + gasPhaseIdx] = - massFluxInjectedPhase
+                                                    * fluidState.enthalpy(gasPhaseIdx) ;
         return values;
@@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ private:
         Scalar S[numPhases];
         if (this->spatialParams().inPM_(globalPos)){
-            S[wPhaseIdx]    = SwPMInitial_;
-            S[nPhaseIdx]    = 1. - S[wPhaseIdx] ;
+            S[liquidPhaseIdx]    = SwPMInitial_;
+            S[gasPhaseIdx]    = 1. - S[liquidPhaseIdx] ;
         else if (this->spatialParams().inFF_(globalPos)){
-            S[wPhaseIdx]    = SwFFInitial_;
-            S[nPhaseIdx]    = 1. - S[wPhaseIdx] ;
+            S[liquidPhaseIdx]    = SwFFInitial_;
+            S[gasPhaseIdx]    = 1. - S[liquidPhaseIdx] ;
@@ -394,12 +394,12 @@ private:
         if (this->spatialParams().inPM_(globalPos)){
             // Use homogenous pressure in the domain and let the newton find the pressure distribution
             using std::abs;
-            p[wPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_  - abs(capPress[wPhaseIdx]);
-            p[nPhaseIdx] = p[wPhaseIdx] + abs(capPress[wPhaseIdx]);
+            p[liquidPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_  - abs(capPress[liquidPhaseIdx]);
+            p[gasPhaseIdx] = p[liquidPhaseIdx] + abs(capPress[liquidPhaseIdx]);
         else if (this->spatialParams().inFF_(globalPos)){
-            p[nPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_ ;
-            p[wPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_  ;
+            p[gasPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_ ;
+            p[liquidPhaseIdx] = pnInitial_  ;
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "You should not be here: x=" << globalPos[0] << " y= "<< globalPos[dimWorld-1]);
@@ -407,12 +407,12 @@ private:
         if(pressureFormulation == mostWettingFirst){
             // This means that the pressures are sorted from the most wetting to the least wetting-1 in the primary variables vector.
             // For two phases this means that there is one pressure as primary variable: pw
-            priVars[p0Idx] = p[wPhaseIdx];
+            priVars[p0Idx] = p[liquidPhaseIdx];
         else if(pressureFormulation == leastWettingFirst){
             // This means that the pressures are sorted from the least wetting to the most wetting-1 in the primary variables vector.
             // For two phases this means that there is one pressure as primary variable: pn
-            priVars[p0Idx] = p[nPhaseIdx];
+            priVars[p0Idx] = p[gasPhaseIdx];
         else DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "EvaporationAtmosphereProblem does not support the chosen pressure formulation.");
@@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ private:
         FluidState dryFluidState(equilibriumFluidState);
         // Now let's make the air phase less than fully saturated with vapor
-        dryFluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, dryFluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) * percentOfEquil_ ) ;
-        dryFluidState.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1.0-dryFluidState.moleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) ) ;
+        dryFluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, dryFluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) * percentOfEquil_ ) ;
+        dryFluidState.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 1.0-dryFluidState.moleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) ) ;
         /* Difference between kinetic and MPNC:
          * number of component related primVar and how they are calculated (mole fraction, fugacities, resp.)
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ private:
             // in the case I am using the "standard" mpnc model, the variables to be set are the "fugacities"
             const Scalar fugH2O = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(T) ;
-            const Scalar fugN2 = p[nPhaseIdx] - fugH2O ;
+            const Scalar fugN2 = p[gasPhaseIdx] - fugH2O ;
             priVars[conti00EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = fugN2 ;
             priVars[conti00EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = fugH2O ;
@@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ private:
             const Scalar Henry              = BinaryCoeff::H2O_N2::henry(TInitial_);
             const Scalar satVapPressure     = FluidSystem::H2O::vaporPressure(TInitial_);
-            xl[FluidSystem::H2OIdx]         = x_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
-            xl[FluidSystem::N2Idx]          = x_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx];
+            xl[FluidSystem::H2OIdx]         = x_[liquidPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
+            xl[FluidSystem::N2Idx]          = x_[liquidPhaseIdx][nCompIdx];
             beta[FluidSystem::H2OIdx]       = satVapPressure ;
             beta[FluidSystem::N2Idx]        = Henry ;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmospherespatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmospherespatialparams.hh
index ee2e2392b820f22f6929b013255eb0af9014364e..39700dcf967ba903fb29d12e677739eac1cf884f 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmospherespatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/evaporationatmospherespatialparams.hh
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(EvaporationAtmosphereSpatialParams, SpatialParams, EvaporationAtmo
 SET_PROP(EvaporationAtmosphereSpatialParams, MaterialLaw)
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    enum {wPhaseIdx   = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
+    enum {liquidPhaseIdx   = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx};
     // define the material law which is parameterized by effective
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ private:
     using TwoPMaterialLaw = EffToAbsLaw<EffectiveLaw>;
-        using type = TwoPAdapter<wPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+        using type = TwoPAdapter<liquidPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstacleproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstacleproblem.hh
index 7071f92ad51988b896fc92ca5143a5b5de2dbc03..b235977db2b0a0f4f3ddff51a474490006aff3cd 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstacleproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstacleproblem.hh
@@ -127,16 +127,16 @@ class ObstacleProblem
     using ModelTraits = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits);
     using Indices = typename ModelTraits::Indices;
-    enum {dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld};
-    enum {numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases()};
-    enum {numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents()};
-    enum {nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
-    enum {wCompIdx = FluidSystem::wCompIdx};
-    enum {nCompIdx = FluidSystem::nCompIdx};
-    enum {fug0Idx = Indices::fug0Idx};
-    enum {s0Idx = Indices::s0Idx};
-    enum {p0Idx = Indices::p0Idx};
+    enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
+    enum { numPhases = ModelTraits::numPhases() };
+    enum { numComponents = ModelTraits::numComponents() };
+    enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
+    enum { liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx };
+    enum { H2OIdx = FluidSystem::H2OIdx };
+    enum { N2Idx = FluidSystem::N2Idx };
+    enum { fug0Idx = Indices::fug0Idx };
+    enum { s0Idx = Indices::s0Idx };
+    enum { p0Idx = Indices::p0Idx };
     using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
     using PhaseVector = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numPhases>;
@@ -310,33 +310,33 @@ private:
         if (onInlet_(globalPos))
             // only liquid on inlet
-            refPhaseIdx = wPhaseIdx;
-            otherPhaseIdx = nPhaseIdx;
+            refPhaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx;
+            otherPhaseIdx = gasPhaseIdx;
             // set liquid saturation
-            fs.setSaturation(wPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+            fs.setSaturation(liquidPhaseIdx, 1.0);
             // set pressure of the liquid phase
-            fs.setPressure(wPhaseIdx, 2e5);
+            fs.setPressure(liquidPhaseIdx, 2e5);
             // set the liquid composition to pure water
-            fs.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 0.0);
-            fs.setMoleFraction(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 1.0);
+            fs.setMoleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.0);
+            fs.setMoleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 1.0);
         else {
             // elsewhere, only gas
-            refPhaseIdx = nPhaseIdx;
-            otherPhaseIdx = wPhaseIdx;
+            refPhaseIdx = gasPhaseIdx;
+            otherPhaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx;
             // set gas saturation
-            fs.setSaturation(nPhaseIdx, 1.0);
+            fs.setSaturation(gasPhaseIdx, 1.0);
             // set pressure of the gas phase
-            fs.setPressure(nPhaseIdx, 1e5);
+            fs.setPressure(gasPhaseIdx, 1e5);
             // set the gas composition to 99% nitrogen and 1% steam
-            fs.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, 0.99);
-            fs.setMoleFraction(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, 0.01);
+            fs.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, N2Idx, 0.99);
+            fs.setMoleFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx, 0.01);
         // set the other saturation
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstaclespatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstaclespatialparams.hh
index 2a363654ae42a7d660661e3ed439d8140b3b53be..f628bd11b9dee3387f731c5147efca0cb4f0e8bd 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstaclespatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/obstaclespatialparams.hh
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ SET_PROP(ObstacleSpatialParams, MaterialLaw)
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
-    enum {wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx};
+    enum { liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx };
     // define the material law
     using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
     using EffMaterialLaw = RegularizedLinearMaterial<Scalar>;
     using TwoPMaterialLaw = EffToAbsLaw<EffMaterialLaw>;
-    using type = TwoPAdapter<wPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
+    using type = TwoPAdapter<liquidPhaseIdx, TwoPMaterialLaw>;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconductionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconductionproblem.hh
index 9d8471f2a4f32f0d52429a249fbaa2f544645e9c..b4c032237583cb55866e271ed79709e46a5d6302 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconductionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconductionproblem.hh
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ class RichardsNIConductionProblem :public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum {
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
+        liquidPhaseOnly = Indices::liquidPhaseOnly,
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
         temperatureIdx = Indices::temperatureIdx
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public:
         volVars.update(someElemSol, *this, someElement, someScv);
         const auto porosity = this->spatialParams().porosity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
-        const auto densityW = volVars.density(wPhaseIdx);
+        const auto densityW = volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx);
         const auto heatCapacityW = IapwsH2O::liquidHeatCapacity(someInitSol[temperatureIdx], someInitSol[pressureIdx]);
         const auto densityS = this->spatialParams().solidDensity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
         const auto heatCapacityS = this->spatialParams().solidHeatCapacity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-        priVars.setState(wPhaseOnly);
+        priVars.setState(liquidPhaseOnly);
         priVars[pressureIdx] = 1e5; // initial condition for the pressure
         priVars[temperatureIdx] = 290.;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconvectionproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconvectionproblem.hh
index 5a36d9b1966179e23a4439b5dc97d140833df695..7721e0ad3086b63c40f451f247e2475a55aced1c 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconvectionproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsniconvectionproblem.hh
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class RichardsNIConvectionProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum {
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
-        wPhaseOnly = Indices::wPhaseOnly,
-        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
+        liquidPhaseOnly = Indices::liquidPhaseOnly,
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx,
         temperatureIdx = Indices::temperatureIdx
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public:
         volVars.update(someElemSol, *this, someElement, someScv);
         const auto porosity = this->spatialParams().porosity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
-        const auto densityW = volVars.density(wPhaseIdx);
+        const auto densityW = volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx);
         const auto heatCapacityW = IapwsH2O::liquidHeatCapacity(someInitSol[temperatureIdx], someInitSol[pressureIdx]);
         const auto densityS = this->spatialParams().solidDensity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
         const auto heatCapacityS = this->spatialParams().solidHeatCapacity(someElement, someScv, someElemSol);
@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@ public:
         if(globalPos[0] < eps_)
-            values[pressureIdx] = -darcyVelocity_*elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].density(wPhaseIdx);
-            values[temperatureIdx] = -darcyVelocity_*elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].density(wPhaseIdx)
-                                     *IapwsH2O::liquidEnthalpy(temperatureHigh_, elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].pressure(wPhaseIdx));
+            values[pressureIdx] = -darcyVelocity_*elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].density(liquidPhaseIdx);
+            values[temperatureIdx] = -darcyVelocity_*elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].density(liquidPhaseIdx)
+                                     *IapwsH2O::liquidEnthalpy(temperatureHigh_, elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()].pressure(liquidPhaseIdx));
         return values;
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ private:
     PrimaryVariables initial_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-        priVars.setState(wPhaseOnly);
+        priVars.setState(liquidPhaseOnly);
         priVars[pressureIdx] = pressureLow_; // initial condition for the pressure
         priVars[temperatureIdx] = temperatureLow_;
         return priVars;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsnievaporationproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsnievaporationproblem.hh
index 1d20119e5023b5f485f0427fdebf6ecd6faa7bda..fff94fdd65b1a26fc7f73d264c1a70d35f636e02 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsnievaporationproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/richards/implicit/richardsnievaporationproblem.hh
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ public:
         if(globalPos[1] > this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - eps_)
              values[conti0EqIdx] = 1e-3;
-             values[energyEqIdx] = FluidSystem::enthalpy( volVars.fluidState(),Indices::nPhaseIdx) * values[conti0EqIdx];
-             values[energyEqIdx] += FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(volVars.fluidState(), Indices::nPhaseIdx)
+             values[energyEqIdx] = FluidSystem::enthalpy( volVars.fluidState(), FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx) * values[conti0EqIdx];
+             values[energyEqIdx] += FluidSystem::thermalConductivity(volVars.fluidState(), FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx)
                                     * (volVars.temperature() - temperatureInitial_)/boundaryLayerThickness;
         return values;
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/implicit/richardswelltracerproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/implicit/richardswelltracerproblem.hh
index 406a6cb7ec6c1db1bf9eefa516c5cb349f312129..cfdddf7494aca241d751ae0ae413b1c4e6342ddf 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/implicit/richardswelltracerproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/implicit/richardswelltracerproblem.hh
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class RichardsWellTracerProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum {
         pressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
         compIdx = Indices::compMainIdx + 1,
-        wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx,
+        liquidPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::phase0Idx,
         dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ public:
             for (auto&& scv : scvs(fvGeometry))
                 const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scv];
-                tracerMass += volVars.massFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx)*volVars.density(wPhaseIdx)
-                              * scv.volume() * volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity() * volVars.extrusionFactor();
+                tracerMass += volVars.massFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, compIdx)*volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx)
+                              * scv.volume() * volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx) * volVars.porosity() * volVars.extrusionFactor();
                 accumulatedSource_ += this->scvPointSources(element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scv)[compIdx]
                                        * scv.volume() * volVars.extrusionFactor()
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ public:
                         const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scv];
                         //! convert pump rate from kg/s to mol/s
                         //! We assume we can't keep up the pump rate if the saturation sinks
-                        const Scalar value = pumpRate_*volVars.molarDensity(wPhaseIdx)/volVars.density(wPhaseIdx)*volVars.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
-                        return PrimaryVariables({-value, -value*volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx)});
+                        const Scalar value = pumpRate_*volVars.molarDensity(liquidPhaseIdx)/volVars.density(liquidPhaseIdx)*volVars.saturation(liquidPhaseIdx);
+                        return PrimaryVariables({-value, -value*volVars.moleFraction(liquidPhaseIdx, compIdx)});
diff --git a/tutorial/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh b/tutorial/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
index 603af566a59f8d1541c2cee8cd7568171d89ba50..a9331eb5e4ffedbdda739b2f80ca32b842484675 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ public:
             // inject nitrogen. negative values mean injection
             // convert from units kg/(s*m^2) to mole/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -1e-4/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = -1e-4/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::N2Idx);
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         // get the water density at atmospheric conditions
         const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), 1.0e5);
diff --git a/tutorial/ex1/injection2pproblem.hh b/tutorial/ex1/injection2pproblem.hh
index 4374492f1f0b1014a96a53e8e2ca025f1d5e7a54..5e0b2980d6095617d5d85e2c267c19d4fb75dc18 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex1/injection2pproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex1/injection2pproblem.hh
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ public:
             // inject nitrogen. negative values mean injection
             // units kg/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -1e-4;
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = -1e-4;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
diff --git a/tutorial/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh b/tutorial/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
index 8449b258539d80b5506ff5295ffd88ef1115d27b..411f22bd73a8d6537554a16518e4ca75591aae0d 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
@@ -153,6 +153,16 @@ public:
         return aquiferMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
      *  These parameters are only needed for nonisothermal models. Comment them in if you want to implement the 2pni model.
diff --git a/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh b/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
index 8a280cd3b01cd566e48be249e2ecbc6aa066ecc0..159466e91bb015a30185a1e1e90c3048aa568fc3 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ public:
             // set the Neumann values for the Nitrogen component balance
             // convert from units kg/(s*m^2) to mole/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = -totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::N2Idx);
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = 0.0;
         return values;
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         // get the water density at atmospheric conditions
         const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), 1.0e5);
diff --git a/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh b/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
index 1467c696beb4e974421e302c40a32a55b4ceed5a..0c0eb3137599faf72b90e44e871f05a7b2865a3c 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
@@ -162,13 +162,23 @@ public:
      * \return the material parameters object
-     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
         if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
             return aquitardMaterialParams_;
         return aquiferMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
      * \brief Creates a gnuplot output of the pc-Sw curve
diff --git a/tutorial/ex3/2p2cproblem.hh b/tutorial/ex3/2p2cproblem.hh
index ec08570f9a8e9e00e72542b3e33401a59ffd184d..a6225799182aacdb44a00457a44cd57cfefa2dae 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex3/2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex3/2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@ public:
       std::cout << "If you want to use simplices instead of cubes, install and use dune-ALUGrid or UGGrid." << std::endl;
 #endif // !(HAVE_DUNE_ALUGRID || HAVE_UG)
-      // initialize the fluid system
-      FluidSystem::init();
+        // initialize the fluid system
+        FluidSystem::init();
-      // set the depth of the bottom of the reservoir
-      depthBOR_ = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[dimWorld-1];
+        // set the depth of the bottom of the reservoir
+        depthBOR_ = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[dimWorld-1];
         // name of the problem and output file
         name_ = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name");
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables dirichletAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables priVars;
-        priVars.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        priVars.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         priVars[Indices::pressureIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]);
         priVars[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.0; // 0 % oil saturation on left boundary
        return priVars;
@@ -196,12 +196,12 @@ public:
         if (globalPos[dimWorld-1] > up - eps_ && globalPos[0] > 20 && globalPos[0] < 40) {
             // oil outflux of 30 g/(m * s) on the right boundary.
             // we solve for the mole balance, so we have to divide by the molar mass
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0;
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -3e-2/FluidSystem::MyCompressibleComponent::molarMass();
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = 0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::NAPLIdx] = -3e-2/FluidSystem::MyCompressibleComponent::molarMass();
         } else {
             // no-flow on the remaining Neumann-boundaries.
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0;
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = 0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx] = 0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::NAPLIdx] = 0;
         return values;
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         values[Indices::pressureIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]); // 200 kPa = 2 bar
         values[Indices::switchIdx] = 0.0;
diff --git a/tutorial/ex3/2pproblem.hh b/tutorial/ex3/2pproblem.hh
index 5e9cba0b0cdd192db812a15ecf4d2c1d46aa1dc5..0d79a848bfc5a2a15f04f479c8055e77e5761287 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex3/2pproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex3/2pproblem.hh
@@ -117,6 +117,13 @@ class ExerciseThreeProblemTwoP : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using FVElementGeometry = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVGridGeometry)::LocalView;
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
+    enum {
+        waterPressureIdx = Indices::pressureIdx,
+        naplSaturationIdx = Indices::saturationIdx,
+        contiWEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::comp0Idx, // water transport equation index
+        contiNEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::comp1Idx // napl transport equation index
+    };
     ExerciseThreeProblemTwoP(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
     : ParentType(fvGridGeometry)
@@ -196,8 +203,8 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables priVars;
-        priVars[Indices::pwIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]); // 200 kPa = 2 bar
-        priVars[Indices::snIdx] = 0.0; // 0 % oil saturation on left boundary
+        priVars[waterPressureIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]); // 200 kPa = 2 bar
+        priVars[naplSaturationIdx] = 0.0; // 0 % oil saturation on left boundary
        return priVars;
@@ -221,12 +228,12 @@ public:
         // extraction of oil on the right boundary for approx. 1.e6 seconds
         if (globalPos[dimWorld-1] > up - eps_ && globalPos[0] > 20 && globalPos[0] < 40) {
             // oil outflux of 30 g/(m * s) on the right boundary.
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0;
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -3e-2;
+            values[contiWEqIdx] = 0;
+            values[contiNEqIdx] = -3e-2;
         } else {
             // no-flow on the remaining Neumann-boundaries.
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0;
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = 0;
+            values[contiWEqIdx] = 0;
+            values[contiNEqIdx] = 0;
         return values;
@@ -252,8 +259,8 @@ public:
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values[Indices::pwIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]); // 200 kPa = 2 bar
-        values[Indices::snIdx] = 0.0;
+        values[waterPressureIdx] = 200.0e3 + 9.81*1000*(depthBOR_ - globalPos[dimWorld-1]); // 200 kPa = 2 bar (pw)
+        values[naplSaturationIdx] = 0.0; // (sn)
         return values;
diff --git a/tutorial/ex3/fluidsystems/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh b/tutorial/ex3/fluidsystems/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
index 43c84c8a0e6813ad1ae7df110253bcc27248c4a6..e98c1a011f39db1f15f39084de77035e5e975612 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex3/fluidsystems/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex3/fluidsystems/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
@@ -58,20 +58,19 @@ public:
     typedef Dumux::MyCompressibleComponent<Scalar> MyCompressibleComponent;
     typedef H2OType H2O;
-    static const int numPhases = 2;
-    static const int numComponents = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
-    static const int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the water phase
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the NAPL phase
-    static const int H2OIdx = 0;
-    static const int NAPLIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; // index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = 1; // index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;
+    static constexpr int NAPLIdx = 1;
     // export component indices to indicate the main component
     // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
     // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = H2OIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = NAPLIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = NAPLIdx;
      * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
@@ -119,13 +118,13 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         return true;
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
     { return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && MyCompressibleComponent::gasIsIdeal(); }
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         return true;
@@ -157,10 +156,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             // the water component decides for the water phase...
             return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -174,8 +173,8 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case wPhaseIdx: return "w";
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "n";
+        case phase0Idx: return "w";
+        case phase1Idx: return "n";
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -213,15 +212,15 @@ public:
     static Scalar density(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             // See: doctoral thesis of Steffen Ochs 2007
             // Steam injection into saturated porous media : process analysis including experimental and numerical investigations
             // http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/271/1/Diss_Ochs_OPUS.pdf
             // Scalar rholH2O = H2O::liquidDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
             // Scalar clH2O = rholH2O/H2O::molarMass();
-            // Scalar x_H2O = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
-            // Scalar x_myComp = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
+            // Scalar x_H2O = fluidState.moleFraction phase0Idx, H2OIdx);
+            // Scalar x_myComp = fluidState.moleFraction phase0Idx, NAPLIdx);
              * TODO: implement the composition-dependent water density from the exercise sheet.
@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ public:
                             int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             // assume pure water viscosity
             return H2O::liquidViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -303,10 +302,10 @@ public:
         const Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         const Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (compIdx == NAPLIdx && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (compIdx == NAPLIdx && phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return Dumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_MyCompressibleComponent::henryMyCompressibleComponentInWater(T)/p;
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx && compIdx == H2OIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx && compIdx == H2OIdx)
             return Dumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_MyCompressibleComponent::henryWaterInMyCompressibleComponent(T)/p;
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ public:
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
                 return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
             else if (compIdx == NAPLIdx)
@@ -432,7 +431,7 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);
diff --git a/tutorial/ex3/spatialparams.hh b/tutorial/ex3/spatialparams.hh
index 954385ae1a5daa9bdaf7b7e4b0e8dedbc337d65d..1bec0b8356e52e137cd8159a737b63bc59784a10 100644
--- a/tutorial/ex3/spatialparams.hh
+++ b/tutorial/ex3/spatialparams.hh
@@ -118,13 +118,23 @@ public:
      * \return the material parameters object
-     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
         if (isInLens(globalPos))
             return materialParamsLens_;
         return materialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::phase0Idx; }
      * \brief The constructor
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex1/CMakeLists.txt b/tutorial/solution/ex1/CMakeLists.txt
index 7e261939f9faf0795264e54dd70cb2401a9d88bc..1b245486c92a54041492238657595282b0f6f351 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex1/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex1/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ dune_add_test(NAME exercise1_2pni_solution
 # add tutorial to the common target
-add_dependencies(build_tutorials exercise1_2pni_solution)
+add_dependencies(build_tutorials exercise1_2p2c_solution exercise1_2pni_solution)
 # add a symlink for the input file
 dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES "exercise1.input")
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
index fe91d9352c135b7f978f1ce6168c071c9bcbcb4b..fad1fdf151ed88f4ed2bbf74d7d9a39658b21f2d 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ class Injection2p2cProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
     using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GridView::dimension>;
+    enum {
+        contiWEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx, // water transport equation index
+        contiNEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx, // nitrogen transport equation index
+    };
     Injection2p2cProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
     : ParentType(fvGridGeometry)
@@ -195,8 +200,8 @@ public:
             // inject nitrogen. negative values mean injection
             // convert from units kg/(s*m^2) to mole/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[contiNEqIdx] = totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::N2Idx);
+            values[contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
@@ -221,7 +226,7 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         // get the water density at atmospheric conditions
         const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), 1.0e5);
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pniproblem.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pniproblem.hh
index 90812e9925608a4d572e3bd1ca4ae5a166f0f81f..20fda3e097452508581184fb22f191af71393d45 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pniproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pniproblem.hh
@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ class InjectionProblem2PNI : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
     using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, GridView::dimension>;
+    enum {
+        contiWEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::H2OIdx, // water transport equation index
+        contiNEqIdx = Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx, // nitrogen transport equation index
+        energyEqIdx = Indices::energyEqIdx,
+    };
     InjectionProblem2PNI(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
     : ParentType(fvGridGeometry)
@@ -181,9 +187,9 @@ public:
             // inject nitrogen. negative values mean injection
             // units kg/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -1e-4;
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
-            values[Indices::energyEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[contiNEqIdx] = -1e-4;
+            values[contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[energyEqIdx] = 0.0;
         return values;
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
index 0741103053f0600a77e156125b59d2ef3e47face..3b087bafff89ec9655d51e8e4afa259385759f6b 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex1/injection2pspatialparams.hh
@@ -144,13 +144,23 @@ public:
      * \return the material parameters object
-     const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParamsAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
         if (isInAquitard_(globalPos))
             return aquitardMaterialParams_;
         return aquiferMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
      *  These parameters are only needed for nonisothermal models. Comment them in if you want to implement the 2pni model.
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
index ea8c5b1b170762b5b1eed9bceae22e959019a539..7ab57db74602f95f0001c8900d726f465b174fb1 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ class Injection2p2cProblem : public PorousMediumFlowProblem<TypeTag>
     using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
     using FluidSystem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem);
     using Indices = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ModelTraits)::Indices;
+    using NumEqVector = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NumEqVector);
     using PrimaryVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PrimaryVariables);
     using BoundaryTypes = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryTypes);
     using FVGridGeometry = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FVGridGeometry);
@@ -194,10 +195,10 @@ public:
      * For this method, the \a values parameter stores the mass flux
      * in normal direction of each phase. Negative values mean influx.
-    PrimaryVariables neumannAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    NumEqVector neumannAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         // initialize values to zero, i.e. no-flow Neumann boundary conditions
-        PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
+        NumEqVector values(0.0);
         //if we are inside the injection zone set inflow Neumann boundary conditions
         if (time_ < injectionDuration_
@@ -205,8 +206,7 @@ public:
             // set the Neumann values for the Nitrogen component balance
             // convert from units kg/(s*m^2) to mole/(s*m^2)
-            values[Indices::contiNEqIdx] = -totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::nCompIdx);
-            values[Indices::contiWEqIdx] = 0.0;
+            values[Indices::conti0EqIdx + FluidSystem::N2Idx] = -totalAreaSpecificInflow_/FluidSystem::molarMass(FluidSystem::N2Idx);
         return values;
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public:
     PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
-        values.setState(Indices::wPhaseOnly);
+        values.setState(Indices::firstPhaseOnly);
         // get the water density at atmospheric conditions
         const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temperature(), 1.0e5);
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
index 3c4d63d8ac54cc0501df2167b53b2be5fbb2f8a0..561d42ae42cbd1ae5df36c653d314fa66643d1f9 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex2/injection2p2cspatialparams.hh
@@ -167,6 +167,16 @@ public:
         return aquiferMaterialParams_;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Function for defining which phase is to be considered as the wetting phase.
+     *
+     * \return the wetting phase index
+     * \param globalPos The position of the center of the element
+     */
+    template<class FluidSystem>
+    int wettingPhaseAtPos(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return FluidSystem::H2OIdx; }
      * \brief Creates a gnuplot output of the pc-Sw curve
diff --git a/tutorial/solution/ex3/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh b/tutorial/solution/ex3/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
index e9ce1ed89bc80e3117beab375fb70acd53fbb499..80995530eba36be1ebe54ea3047eb731ad14b8f4 100644
--- a/tutorial/solution/ex3/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
+++ b/tutorial/solution/ex3/h2omycompressiblecomponent.hh
@@ -58,20 +58,19 @@ public:
     typedef Dumux::MyCompressibleComponent<Scalar> MyCompressibleComponent;
     typedef H2OType H2O;
-    static const int numPhases = 2;
-    static const int numComponents = 2;
+    static constexpr int numPhases = 2;
+    static constexpr int numComponents = 2;
-    static const int wPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the water phase
-    static const int nPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the NAPL phase
-    static const int H2OIdx = 0;
-    static const int NAPLIdx = 1;
+    static constexpr int phase0Idx = 0; // index of the first phase
+    static constexpr int phase1Idx = 1; // index of the second phase
+    static constexpr int H2OIdx = 0;
+    static constexpr int NAPLIdx = 1;
     // export component indices to indicate the main component
     // of the corresponding phase at atmospheric pressure 1 bar
     // and room temperature 20°C:
-    static const int wCompIdx = H2OIdx;
-    static const int nCompIdx = NAPLIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp0Idx = H2OIdx;
+    static constexpr int comp1Idx = NAPLIdx;
      * \brief Initialize the fluid system's static parameters generically
@@ -119,13 +118,13 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isLiquid(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         return true;
-    static bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealGas(int phaseIdx)
     { return H2O::gasIsIdeal() && MyCompressibleComponent::gasIsIdeal(); }
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isIdealMixture(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         return true;
@@ -157,10 +156,10 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
-    static bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
+    static constexpr bool isCompressible(int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             // the water component decides for the water phase...
             return H2O::liquidIsCompressible();
@@ -174,8 +173,8 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         switch (phaseIdx) {
-        case wPhaseIdx: return "w";
-        case nPhaseIdx: return "n";
+        case phase0Idx: return "w";
+        case phase1Idx: return "n";
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
@@ -213,14 +212,14 @@ public:
     static Scalar density(const FluidState &fluidState, int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             // See: doctoral thesis of Steffen Ochs 2007
             // Steam injection into saturated porous media : process analysis including experimental and numerical investigations
             // http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/271/1/Diss_Ochs_OPUS.pdf
             Scalar rholH2O = H2O::liquidDensity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
             Scalar clH2O = rholH2O/H2O::molarMass();
-            Scalar x_H2O = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
-            Scalar x_myComp = fluidState.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, NAPLIdx);
+            Scalar x_H2O = fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, H2OIdx);
+            Scalar x_myComp = fluidState.moleFraction(phase0Idx, NAPLIdx);
             // return composition-dependent water phase density
             return clH2O*(H2O::molarMass()*x_H2O + MyCompressibleComponent::molarMass()*x_myComp);
@@ -241,7 +240,7 @@ public:
                             int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             // assume pure water viscosity
             return H2O::liquidViscosity(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx),
@@ -300,10 +299,10 @@ public:
         const Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         const Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (compIdx == NAPLIdx && phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (compIdx == NAPLIdx && phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return Dumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_MyCompressibleComponent::henryMyCompressibleComponentInWater(T)/p;
-        else if (phaseIdx == nPhaseIdx && compIdx == H2OIdx)
+        else if (phaseIdx == phase1Idx && compIdx == H2OIdx)
             return Dumux::BinaryCoeff::H2O_MyCompressibleComponent::henryWaterInMyCompressibleComponent(T)/p;
@@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ public:
         Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
         Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             if (compIdx == H2OIdx)
                 return H2O::vaporPressure(T)/p;
             else if (compIdx == NAPLIdx)
@@ -410,7 +409,7 @@ public:
                            int phaseIdx)
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx) {
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx) {
             return H2O::liquidEnthalpy(fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx), fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx));
         else {
@@ -436,7 +435,7 @@ public:
         const Scalar temperature  = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar pressure = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
-        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+        if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
             return H2O::liquidThermalConductivity(temperature, pressure);