From 0bf2175f1aed5d493a9a2bef52c5cde87c1e693e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Simon Scholz <> Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 13:34:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] [doxygen] fix typos in modules.txt --- doc/doxygen/modules.txt | 107 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) diff --git a/doc/doxygen/modules.txt b/doc/doxygen/modules.txt index fbf82ca190..a8fa865096 100644 --- a/doc/doxygen/modules.txt +++ b/doc/doxygen/modules.txt @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup OnePModel 1p - * \brief single-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow + * \brief Single-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/1p/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup OnePModel * \defgroup SequentialOnePModel Sequential + * \brief Sequential single-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow + * * # Pressure * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/1p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressure.hh * @@ -28,24 +30,26 @@ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup OnePNCModel 1pnc - * \brief single-phase, multi-component Darcy flow + * \brief Single-phase, multi-component Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/1pnc/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup OnePNCMinModel 1pncmin - * \brief single-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization + * \brief Single-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/1pncmin/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TwoPModel 2p - * \brief two-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow + * \brief Two-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup TwoPModel * \defgroup SequentialTwoPModel Sequential + * \brief Sequential two-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow + * * # Pressure * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2p/sequential/diffusion/cellcentered/pressure.hh * @@ -55,19 +59,20 @@ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TwoPOneCModel 2p1c - * \brief two-phase, one-component Darcy flow - * + * \brief Two-phase, one-component Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2p1c/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TwoPTwoCModel 2p2c - * \brief two-phase, two-component Darcy flow + * \brief Two-phase, two-component Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2p2c/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup TwoPTwoCModel * \defgroup SequentialTwoPTwoCModel Sequential + * \brief Sequential two-phase, two-component Darcy flow + * * # Pressure * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2p2c/sequential/fvpressure.hh * @@ -78,71 +83,68 @@ * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TwoPNCModel 2pnc * \brief two-phase, multi-component Darcy flow - * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TwoPNCMinModel 2pncmin - * \brief two-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization + * \brief Two-phase, multi-component Darcy flow with mineralization * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/2pncmin/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup ThreePModel 3p - * \brief three-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow + * \brief Three-phase (immiscible) Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/3p/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup ThreePThreeCModel 3p3c - * \brief three-phase, three-component Darcy flow - * + * \brief Three-phase, three-component Darcy flow * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/3p3c/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup ThreePWaterOilModel 3pwateroil - * \brief three-phase, two-component Darcy flow with water (liquid & gas) and oil - * + * \brief Three-phase, two-component Darcy flow with water (liquid & gas) and oil * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup CO2Model CO2 - * \brief two-phase, two-component Darcy flow specialized for supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> storage + * \brief Two-phase, two-component Darcy flow specialized for supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> storage * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/co2/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup MineralizationModel mineralization - * \brief model adding components that can precipitate as a solid phase to a standard Darcy flow model + * \brief Model adding components that can precipitate as a solid phase to a standard Darcy flow model * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/mineralization/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup MPNCModel mpnc - * \brief generalized multi-phase, multi-component Darcy flow + * \brief Generalized multi-phase, multi-component Darcy flow * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/mpnc/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup PorousmediumNonEquilibriumModel NonEquilibrium - * \brief model that adds nonequilibrium equations to another porous medium flow model (only used in MPNCModel currently) + * \brief Model that adds nonequilibrium equations to another porous medium flow model (only used in MPNCModel currently) * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumNonEquilibriumModel * \defgroup PorousmediumThermalNonEquilibriumModel ThermalNonEquilibrium - * \brief model that adapts the energy localresidual to thermal nonequilibrium + * \brief Model that adapts the energy localresidual to thermal nonequilibrium * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/thermal/localresidual.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup NIModel nonisothermal - * \brief model that adds an energy equation (thermal equilibrium) to another porous medium flow model + * \brief Model that adds an energy equation (thermal equilibrium) to another porous medium flow model * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/model.hh */ @@ -150,21 +152,18 @@ * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup RichardsModel Richards * \brief Richards flow - * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup RichardsNCModel Richards nc * \brief Richards multi-component flow - * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup PorousmediumflowModels * \defgroup TracerModel Tracer * \brief Multi-component advection-diffusion-reaction model with given velocity field - * * \copydetails ./porousmediumflow/tracer/model.hh */ @@ -176,19 +175,19 @@ /*! * \ingroup FreeflowModels * \defgroup NavierStokesModel NavierStokes - * \brief single-phase Navier Stokes flow + * \brief Single-phase Navier Stokes flow * \copydetails ./freeflow/navierstokes/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup FreeflowModels * \defgroup NavierStokesNCModel NavierStokes nc - * \brief single-phase multi-component Navier Stokes flow + * \brief Single-phase multi-component Navier Stokes flow * \copydetails ./freeflow/navierstokesnc/model.hh */ /*! * \ingroup FreeflowModels * \defgroup NavierStokesNIModel nonisothermal - * \brief an energy equation adaptor for isothermal Navier Stokes models + * \brief An energy equation adaptor for isothermal Navier Stokes models * \copydetails ./freeflow/nonisothermal/model.hh */ @@ -199,67 +198,67 @@ */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup OnePTests 1p (one phase) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a OnePModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a OnePModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup OnePNCTests 1pnc (one phase, multi-component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a OneNCPModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a OnePNCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup OnePNCMinTests 1pncmin (one phase, multi-component mineralization) benchmarks and tests - * \brief Various tests using the OnePNCMinModel. + * \brief Various tests using the OnePNCMinModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TwoPTests 2p (two phase) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a TwoPModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a TwoPModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TwoPOneCTests 2p1c (two phase, one component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using the TwoPOneCModel + * \brief Various tests using the TwoPOneCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TwoPTwoCTests 2p2c (two phase, two component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a TwoPTwoCModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a TwoPTwoCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TwoPNCTests 2pnc (two phase, multi-component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief a fuel cell test problem using the TwoPNCModel. The files are listed below. + * \brief A fuel cell test problem using the TwoPNCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TwoPNCMinTests 2pncmin (two phase, multi-component mineralization) benchmarks and tests - * \brief a salt dissolution test problem using the TwoPNCMinModel. The files are listed below. + * \brief A salt dissolution test problem using the TwoPNCMinModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup ThreePTests 3p (three phase) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a ThreePModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a ThreePModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup ThreePThreeCTests 3p3c (three phase, three component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a ThreePThreeCModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a ThreePThreeCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup ThreePWaterOilTests 3pwateroil (three phase, water oil) benchmarks and tests - * \brief a SAGD test problem using the ThreePWaterOilModel. The files are listed below. + * \brief A SAGD test problem using the ThreePWaterOilModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup CO2Tests CO2 (two phase, two component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief a CO2 injection test problem using the TwoPTwoCModel and heterogeneous spatial parameters. The files are listed below. + * \brief A CO2 injection test problem using the TwoPTwoCModel and heterogeneous spatial parameters. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup MPNCTests MPNC (multi-phase, multi-component) benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using the MPNCModel + * \brief Various tests using the MPNCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup RichardsTests Richards benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a RichardsModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a RichardsModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup RichardsNCTests Richards multi-component benchmarks and tests - * \brief a multi-component transport problem in the unsaturated zone using the RichardsNCModel. The files are listed below. + * \brief A multi-component transport problem in the unsaturated zone using the RichardsNCModel. The files are listed below. */ /*! \ingroup BenchmarksAndTests * \defgroup TracerTests Tracer benchmarks and tests - * \brief various tests using a TracerModel. The files are listed below, with hopefully self-explanatory names. + * \brief Various tests using a TracerModel. The files are listed below. */ /* ***************** Discretization ******************/ @@ -270,31 +269,27 @@ /*! * \ingroup Discretization * \defgroup BoxDiscretization Box FV scheme - * - * \brief The box method is a collocated finite volume scheme with control volumes centered at grid nodes + * \brief The box method is a collocated finite volume scheme with control volumes centered at grid nodes. */ /*! * \ingroup Discretization * \defgroup CCDiscretization Cell-centered FV scheme - * \brief Finite volume schemes with degrees of freedom located at grid cell centers + * \brief Finite volume schemes with degrees of freedom located at grid cell centers. */ /*! * \ingroup CCDiscretization * \defgroup CCTpfaDiscretization Two-point flux approximation (Tpfa) - * - * \brief A cell-centered finite volume scheme with two-point flux approximation + * \brief A cell-centered finite volume scheme with two-point flux approximation. */ /*! * \ingroup CCDiscretization * \defgroup CCMpfaDiscretization Multi-point flux approximation (Mpfa) - * - * \brief A cell-centered finite volume scheme with multi-point flux approximation + * \brief A cell-centered finite volume scheme with multi-point flux approximation. */ /*! * \ingroup Discretization * \defgroup StaggeredDiscretization Staggered FV scheme - * - * \brief A staggered finite volume scheme with degrees of freedom at cell-centers and facets + * \brief A staggered finite volume scheme with degrees of freedom at cell-centers and facets. */ /* ***************** Material ******************/ @@ -317,7 +312,7 @@ /*! * \ingroup Material * \defgroup Binarycoefficients Binary Coefficients - * \brief binary coefficients + * \brief Binary coefficients * * Binary coefficients describe the relations * of a mixture of two components. Typical binary coefficients are @@ -328,7 +323,7 @@ /*! * \ingroup Material * \defgroup Chemistry Chemistry - * \brief chemical reactions + * \brief Chemical reactions * * Chemical reactions can be relevant for all thermodynamic relations * for the liquid and gas phase of multiple chemical species @@ -338,7 +333,7 @@ /*! * \ingroup Material * \defgroup Components Components - * \brief components: building blocks for fluid systems + * \brief Components: building blocks for fluid systems * * Components are fluid systems which provide the * thermodynamic relations for the liquid and gas phase of a single @@ -355,7 +350,7 @@ /*! * \ingroup Material * \defgroup ConstraintSolver Constraint Solver - * \brief constraint solvers converting primary to secondary variables + * \brief Constraint solvers converting primary to secondary variables * * Constraint solvers are auxiliary tools to * make sure that a fluid state is consistent with some thermodynamic @@ -371,7 +366,7 @@ /*! * \ingroup Material * \defgroup EOS Equation of State - * \brief equations of state + * \brief Equations of state * * Equations of state (EOS) are auxiliary * classes which provide relations between a fluid phase's temperature, -- GitLab