From 1592b7a9c8b7832871be111c0fde774359a8f050 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kilian Weishaupt <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 14:37:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [staggered][elemVolVars] Fix for caching off

 .../freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh        | 51 ++++++++++++-------
 .../staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh |  9 ++++
 .../subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh b/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh
index 0ebac58850..808853aec6 100644
--- a/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/elementvolumevariables.hh
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dumux/discretization/staggered/elementsolution.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/typetraits/vector.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ private:
 template<class GVV>
 class StaggeredElementVolumeVariables<GVV, /*cachingEnabled*/false>
-    using Indices = typename GVV::Indices; //TODO: get them out of the volvars
+    using PrimaryVariables = typename GVV::VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables;
     //! export type of the grid volume variables
@@ -116,9 +117,20 @@ public:
     StaggeredElementVolumeVariables(const GridVolumeVariables& gridVolVars)
     : gridVolVarsPtr_(&gridVolVars) {}
+    //! Binding of an element, prepares the volume variables within the element stencil
+    //! called by the local jacobian to prepare element assembly. Specialization callable with MultiTypeBlockVector.
+    template<class FVElementGeometry, class ...Args>
+    void bind(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
+              const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+              const Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<Args...>& sol)
+    {
+        // forward to the actual method
+        bind(element, fvGeometry, sol[FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::cellCenterIdx()]);
+    }
     //! Binding of an element, prepares the volume variables within the element stencil
     //! called by the local jacobian to prepare element assembly
-    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
+    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector, typename std::enable_if_t<!isMultiTypeBlockVector<SolutionVector>(), int> = 0>
     void bind(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
               const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
               const SolutionVector& sol)
@@ -128,7 +140,7 @@ public:
         const auto& problem = gridVolVars().problem();
         const auto& fvGridGeometry = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry();
         const auto globalI = fvGridGeometry.elementMapper().index(element);
-        const auto map = fvGridGeometry.connectivityMap();
+        const auto& map = fvGridGeometry.connectivityMap();
         constexpr auto cellCenterIdx = FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::cellCenterIdx();
         const auto& connectivityMapI = map(cellCenterIdx, cellCenterIdx, globalI);
         const auto numDofs = connectivityMapI.size();
@@ -140,16 +152,13 @@ public:
         int localIdx = 0;
-        using CellCenterPrimaryVariables = typename SolutionVector::value_type;
         // Update the volume variables of the element at hand and the neighboring elements
         for (auto globalJ : connectivityMapI)
             const auto& elementJ = fvGridGeometry.element(globalJ);
             auto&& scvJ = fvGeometry.scv(globalJ);
-            CellCenterPrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-            priVars = sol[cellCenterIdx][globalJ];
-            auto elemSol = elementSolution<FVElementGeometry>(std::move(priVars));
+            const auto elemSol = makeElementSolutionFromCellCenterPrivars<PrimaryVariables>(sol[globalJ]);
@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@ public:
-            auto boundaryPriVars = GVV::Traits::getBoundaryPriVars(problem, sol, element, scvf);
+            auto boundaryPriVars = gridVolVars().getBoundaryPriVars(problem, sol, element, scvf);
             auto elemSol = elementSolution<FVElementGeometry>(std::move(boundaryPriVars));
@@ -179,26 +188,34 @@ public:
+    //! Binding of an element, prepares the volume variables within the element stencil
+    //! called by the local jacobian to prepare element assembly. Specialization callable with MultiTypeBlockVector.
+    template<class FVElementGeometry, class ...Args>
+    void bindElement(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
+                     const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                     const Dune::MultiTypeBlockVector<Args...>& sol)
+    {
+        // forward to the actual method
+        bindElement(element, fvGeometry, sol[FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::cellCenterIdx()]);
+    }
     //! Binding of an element, prepares only the volume variables of the element.
     //! Specialization for Staggered models
-    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector>
+    template<class FVElementGeometry, class SolutionVector, typename std::enable_if_t<!isMultiTypeBlockVector<SolutionVector>(), int> = 0>
     void bindElement(const typename FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
                      const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
                      const SolutionVector& sol)
-        const auto eIdx = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
+        const auto globalI = fvGeometry.fvGridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
         // update the volume variables of the element
-        auto&& scv = fvGeometry.scv(eIdx);
-        using CellCenterPrimaryVariables = typename SolutionVector::value_type;
-        CellCenterPrimaryVariables priVars(0.0);
-        constexpr auto cellCenterIdx = FVElementGeometry::FVGridGeometry::cellCenterIdx();
-        priVars = sol[cellCenterIdx][eIdx];
-        auto elemSol = elementSolution<FVElementGeometry>(std::move(priVars));
+        auto&& scv = fvGeometry.scv(globalI);
+        const auto elemSol = makeElementSolutionFromCellCenterPrivars<PrimaryVariables>(sol[globalI]);
diff --git a/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh b/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh
index 2d0a37f1b7..1c3505c960 100644
--- a/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/discretization/staggered/freeflow/gridvolumevariables.hh
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ class StaggeredGridVolumeVariables<Traits, /*cachingEnabled*/false>
     using ThisType = StaggeredGridVolumeVariables<Traits, false>;
     using Problem = typename Traits::Problem;
+    using PrimaryVariables = typename Traits::VolumeVariables::PrimaryVariables;
     //! export the type of the VolumeVariables
@@ -246,6 +247,14 @@ public:
     const Problem& problem() const
     { return *problemPtr_;}
+    //! Returns the primary  variales used for the boundary volVars and checks for admissable
+    //! combinations for boundary conditions.
+    template<class... Args>
+    PrimaryVariables getBoundaryPriVars(Args&&... args) const
+    {
+        return Traits::getBoundaryPriVars(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+    }
     const Problem* problemPtr_;
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh b/dumux/multidomain/subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh
index 15d1033a89..bb02474141 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/subdomainstaggeredlocalassembler.hh
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ public:
         // get some references for convenience
         auto& couplingManager = this->couplingManager();
         const auto& element = this->element();
-        const auto& curSol = this->curSol()[domainId];
+        const auto& curSol = this->curSol();
         auto&& fvGeometry = this->fvGeometry();
         auto&& curElemVolVars = this->curElemVolVars();
         auto&& curElemFaceVars = this->curElemFaceVars();