diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 8929970f41bd685cc591108a8fae11ed79098b8a..f92dc7366a16b4c0eccd3e567787b09c1f7738d9 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([dumux.pc
-    dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/fv/Makefile 
+    dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/fv/Makefile
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([dumux.pc
+    test/decoupled/2p2c/Makefile
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a75294ee741cf911b558854b895df5c3a7e8ecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 2010 by Benjamin Faigle, Markus Wolff                     *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \brief Base class for sequential 2p2c compositional problems
+ */
+#include "boundaryconditions2p2c.hh"
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/impet.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/impetproblem.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/variableclass2p2c.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup IMPEC
+ * \defgroup IMPECproblems IMPEC problems
+ */
+ * \ingroup IMPECproblems
+ * \brief  Base class for all compositional 2-phase problems which use an impet algorithm
+ *
+ * Differs from .../2p/impes/impesproblem2p.hh only in the includes:
+ * Usage of the compositional properties and variableclass.
+ */
+template<class TypeTag, class Implementation>
+class IMPETProblem2P2C : public IMPETProblem<TypeTag, Implementation>
+    typedef IMPETProblem<TypeTag, Implementation> ParentType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GridView::Grid                         Grid;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))   Scalar;
+    // material properties
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem))			FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(SpatialParameters))	SpatialParameters;
+    enum {
+        dim = Grid::dimension,
+        dimWorld = Grid::dimensionworld
+    };
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>      GlobalPosition;
+    /*!
+     * \brief The constructor
+     *
+     * \param gridView The grid view
+     * \param verbose Output flag for the time manager.
+     */
+    IMPETProblem2P2C(const GridView &gridView, bool verbose = true)
+        : ParentType(gridView, verbose),
+        gravity_(0)
+    {
+        newSpatialParams_ = true;
+        spatialParameters_ = new SpatialParameters(gridView);
+        gravity_ = 0;
+        if (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableGravity)))
+            gravity_[dim - 1] = - 9.81;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief The constructor
+     *
+     * \param gridView The grid view
+     * \param SpatialParameters SpatialParameters instantiation
+     * \param verbose Output flag for the time manager.
+     */
+    IMPETProblem2P2C(const GridView &gridView, SpatialParameters &spatialParameters, bool verbose = true)
+        : ParentType(gridView, verbose),
+        gravity_(0),spatialParameters_(&spatialParameters)
+    {
+        newSpatialParams_ = false;
+        gravity_ = 0;
+        if (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableGravity)))
+            gravity_[dim - 1] = - 9.81;
+    }
+    virtual ~IMPETProblem2P2C()
+    {
+        if (newSpatialParams_)
+        {
+        delete spatialParameters_;
+        }
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \name Problem parameters
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+     * \copydoc Dumux::IMPESProblem2P::temperature()
+     */
+    Scalar temperature() const
+    { return this->asImp_()->temperature(); };
+    /*!
+     * \copydoc Dumux::IMPESProblem2P::gravity()
+     */
+    const GlobalPosition &gravity() const
+    { return gravity_; }
+    /*!
+     * \copydoc Dumux::IMPESProblem2P::spatialParameters()
+     */
+    SpatialParameters &spatialParameters()
+    { return *spatialParameters_; }
+    /*!
+     * \copydoc Dumux::IMPESProblem2P::spatialParameters()
+     */
+    const SpatialParameters &spatialParameters() const
+    { return *spatialParameters_; }
+    // \}
+    GlobalPosition  gravity_;
+    // fluids and material properties
+    SpatialParameters*  spatialParameters_;
+    bool newSpatialParams_;
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1b5b42e7bd03ae69c348d767cfb13eaa76391d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 20010 by Benjamin Faigle                                  *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \ingroup IMPET
+ * \defgroup IMPEC Miscible IMPEC
+ */
+ * \ingroup IMPEC
+ * \defgroup multiphase Multiphase Compositional Models
+ */
+ * \ingroup IMPEC
+ * \defgroup multiphysics Multiphysics Compositional Models
+ */
+ * \ingroup IMPEC
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief Defines the properties required for the decoupled 2p2c models.
+ */
+#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
+//DUMUX includes
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/impetproperties.hh>
+namespace Dumux
+// forward declarations
+template<class TypeTag>
+class VariableClass2P2C;
+template<class TypeTag>
+class DecTwoPTwoCFluidState;
+template <class TypeTag>
+struct TwoPCommonIndices;
+// properties
+namespace Properties
+// Type tags
+//! The type tag for the two-phase problems
+// Property tags
+NEW_PROP_TAG ( TwoPIndices );
+NEW_PROP_TAG( SpatialParameters ); //!< The type of the soil properties object
+NEW_PROP_TAG( EnableGravity); //!< Returns whether gravity is considered in the problem
+NEW_PROP_TAG( PressureFormulation); //!< The formulation of the model
+NEW_PROP_TAG( SaturationFormulation); //!< The formulation of the model
+NEW_PROP_TAG( VelocityFormulation); //!< The formulation of the model
+NEW_PROP_TAG( EnableCompressibility);// ! Returns whether compressibility is allowed
+NEW_PROP_TAG(EnableCapillarity); //!< Returns whether capillarity is regarded
+NEW_PROP_TAG( BoundaryMobility );
+NEW_PROP_TAG( FluidSystem );
+NEW_PROP_TAG( FluidState );
+//Properties for linear solvers
+NEW_PROP_TAG( PressurePreconditioner );
+NEW_PROP_TAG( PressureSolver );
+NEW_PROP_TAG( SolverParameters );
+// Properties
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, TwoPIndices)
+  typedef TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag> type;
+// set fluid/component information
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, NumPhases) //!< The number of phases in the 2p model is 2
+	// the property is created in decoupledproperties.hh
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    static const int value = FluidSystem::numPhases;
+    static_assert(value == 2,
+                  "Only fluid systems with 2 phases are supported by the 2p2c model!");
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, NumComponents) //!< The number of components in the 2p2c model is 2
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    static const int value = FluidSystem::numComponents;
+    static_assert(value == 2,
+                  "Only fluid systems with 2 components are supported by the 2p2c model!");
+//! Set the default formulation
+        PressureFormulation,
+        TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::pressureW);
+        SaturationFormulation,
+        TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::saturationW);
+        VelocityFormulation,
+        TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::velocityTotal);
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, TransportSolutionType)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename Dune::BlockVector<Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,1> > > type;//!<type for vector of vector (of scalars)
+SET_BOOL_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, EnableCompressibility, true);
+SET_BOOL_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, EnableCapillarity, false);
+    static const int value = TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::satDependent;
+SET_TYPE_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, Variables, VariableClass2P2C<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, FluidState, DecTwoPTwoCFluidState<TypeTag>);
+// solver stuff
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressureCoefficientMatrix)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, 1, 1> MB;
+    typedef Dune::BCRSMatrix<MB> type;
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressureRHSVector)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > type;
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressurePreconditioner)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureCoefficientMatrix)) Matrix;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureRHSVector)) Vector;
+    typedef Dune::SeqILUn<Matrix, Vector, Vector> type;
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressureSolver)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureCoefficientMatrix)) Matrix;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureRHSVector)) Vector;
+    typedef Dune::BiCGSTABSolver<Vector> type;
+//SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressurePreconditioner, SolverIndices::seqILU0);
+//SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, PressureSolver, SolverIndices::biCGSTAB);
+SET_SCALAR_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, ReductionSolver, 1E-12);
+SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, MaxIterationNumberSolver, 10000);
+SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, IterationNumberPreconditioner, 0);
+SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, VerboseLevelSolver, 1);
+SET_SCALAR_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, RelaxationPreconditioner, 1.0);
+SET_PROP(DecoupledTwoPTwoC, SolverParameters)
+    //solver parameters
+    static const double reductionSolver = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(ReductionSolver));
+    static const int maxIterationNumberSolver = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(MaxIterationNumberSolver));
+    static const int iterationNumberPreconditioner = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(IterationNumberPreconditioner));
+    static const int verboseLevelSolver = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(VerboseLevelSolver));
+    static const double relaxationPreconditioner = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(RelaxationPreconditioner));
+ * \brief The common indices for the 2p2c are the same as for the two-phase model.
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+struct TwoPCommonIndices
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    // Formulations
+    //saturation flags
+    static const int saturationW = 0;
+    static const int saturationNW = 1;
+    //pressure flags
+    static const int pressureW = 0;
+    static const int pressureNW = 1;
+    static const int pressureGlobal = 2;
+    //velocity flags
+    static const int velocityW = 0;
+    static const int velocityNW = 1;
+    static const int velocityTotal = 2;
+    // Phase indices
+    static const int wPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx; //!< Index of the wetting phase in a phase vector
+    static const int nPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx; //!< Index of the non-wetting phase in a phase vector
+    // BoundaryCondition flags
+    static const int satDependent = 0;
+    static const int permDependent = 1;
+// \}
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/boundaryconditions2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/boundaryconditions2p2c.hh
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34affed587933f51d2858a6196816c94215c0bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/boundaryconditions2p2c.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// $Id: boundaryconditions2p2c.hh 3357 2010-03-25 13:02:05Z lauser $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Jochen Fritz                                 *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+namespace Dumux
+/** \ingroup IMPEC
+ * \brief Defines type of boundary conditions for 2p2c processes
+ *
+ *  This is to distinguish BC types for 2p2c processes similar to
+ * the class Dumux::BoundaryConditions which distinguishes between
+ * dirichlet, process and neumann.
+ * BoundaryConditions for compositional transport can either be
+ * defined as saturations or as total concentrations (decoupled method).
+ * Each leads via pressure and constitutive relationships to the other
+ * and to the phase concentrations.
+ */
+struct BoundaryConditions2p2c
+    enum Flags
+        {
+            saturation=1,
+            concentration=2,
+        };
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/dec2p2cfluidstate.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/dec2p2cfluidstate.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..65498170bf3f8e65862d7a6e3671036e56334f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/dec2p2cfluidstate.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+ *   Copyright (C) 2009 by Benjamin Faigle                                   *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file 
+ *
+ * \brief Calculates the 2p2c phase state for compositional models.
+ */
+#include <dumux/material/fluidstate.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup multiphysics multiphase
+ * \brief Calculates the phase state from the primary variables in the
+ *        sequential 2p2c model.
+ *
+ *        This boils down to so-called "flash calculation", in this case isothermal and isobaric.
+ *
+ *  \tparam TypeTag The property Type Tag
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class DecTwoPTwoCFluidState : public FluidState<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)),
+                                           DecTwoPTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> >
+    typedef DecTwoPTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> ThisType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))      Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    static const int pressureType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation)); //!< gives kind of pressure used (\f$ 0 = p_w\f$, \f$ 1 = p_n\f$, \f$ 2 = p_{global}\f$)
+    enum {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
+        nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+        wCompIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
+        nCompIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+    };
+    enum { 	numPhases = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(NumPhases)),
+			numComponents = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(NumComponents)),};
+    /*!
+     * \name flash calculation routines
+     * Routines to determine the phase composition after the transport step.
+     */
+    //@{
+    //! the update routine equals the 2p2c - concentration flash for constant p & t.
+    /*!
+     * Routine goes as follows:
+     * - determination of the equilibrium constants from the fluid system
+     * - determination of maximum solubilities (mole fractions) according to phase pressures
+     * - comparison with Z1 to determine phase presence => phase mass fractions
+     * - round off fluid properties
+     * \param Z1 Feed mass fraction [-]
+     * \param phasePressure Vector holding the pressure of the phases [Pa]
+     * \param poro Porosity [-]
+     * \param temperature Temperature [K]
+     */
+    void update(Scalar Z1, Scalar pw, Scalar poro, Scalar temperature)
+    {
+        if (pressureType == Indices::pressureGlobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported in fluidState!");
+        }
+        else
+        phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx] = pw;
+        phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx] = pw;		// as long as capillary pressure is neglected
+        temperature_=temperature;
+    	//mole equilibrium ratios K for in case wPhase is reference phase
+        double k1 = FluidSystem::activityCoeff(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, temperature_, phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx], *this)
+                    / phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx];    // = p^wComp_vap / p_n
+        double k2 = FluidSystem::activityCoeff(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, temperature_, phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx], *this)
+                    / phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx];    // = H^nComp_w / p_n
+        // get mole fraction from equilibrium konstants
+        Scalar xw1 = (1. - k2) / (k1 -k2);
+		Scalar xn1 = xw1 * k1;
+		// transform mole to mass fractions
+		massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = xw1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
+            / ( xw1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx) + (1.-xw1) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) );
+		massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = xn1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
+            / ( xn1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx) + (1.-xn1) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) );
+        //mass equilibrium ratios
+        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] / massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]; 	// = Xn1 / Xw1 = K1
+        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = (1.-massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx])/ (1.-massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]); // =(1.-Xn1) / (1.-Xw1)	 = K2
+		equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = 1.;
+		// phase fraction of nPhase [mass/totalmass]
+		nu_[nPhaseIdx] = 0;
+        // check if there is enough of component 1 to form a phase
+        if (Z1 > massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] && Z1 < massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx])
+            nu_[nPhaseIdx] = -((equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]-1)*Z1 + (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx]-1)*(1-Z1)) / (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]-1) / (equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] -1);
+        else if (Z1 <= massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]) // too little wComp to form a phase
+        {
+            nu_[nPhaseIdx] = 1; // only nPhase
+            massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = Z1; // hence, assign complete mass soluted into nPhase
+        }
+        else 	// (Z1 >= Xw1) => no nPhase
+        {
+            nu_[nPhaseIdx] = 0; // no second phase
+            massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = Z1;
+        }
+        // complete array of mass fractions
+		massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = 1. - massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
+		massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = 1. - massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
+		// complete phase mass fractions
+		nu_[wPhaseIdx] = 1. - nu_[nPhaseIdx];
+//		// let FluidSystem compute partial pressures
+//		FluidSystem::computePartialPressures(temperature_, phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx], *this);
+		// get densities with correct composition
+        density_[wPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                        temperature,
+                                                        phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx],
+                                                        *this);
+        density_[nPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                        temperature,
+                                                        phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx],
+                                                        *this);
+        Sw_ = (nu_[wPhaseIdx]) / density_[wPhaseIdx];
+        Sw_ /= (nu_[wPhaseIdx]/density_[wPhaseIdx] + nu_[nPhaseIdx]/density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+        massConcentration_[wCompIdx] =
+        		poro * (massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] * Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx]
+        		        + massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] * (1.-Sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+        massConcentration_[nCompIdx] =
+        		poro * (massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] * Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx]
+        		        + massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] * (1-Sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+    }
+    //! a flash routine for 2p2c if the saturation instead of total concentration is known.
+    /*!
+     * Routine goes as follows:
+     * - determination of the equilibrium constants from the fluid system
+     * - determination of maximum solubilities (mole fractions) according to phase pressures
+     * - round off fluid properties
+     * \param sat saturation of phase 1 [-]
+     * \param phasePressure Vector holding the pressure of the phases [Pa]
+     * \param poro Porosity [-]
+     * \param temperature Temperature [K]
+     */
+    void satFlash(Scalar sat, Scalar pw, Scalar poro, Scalar temperature)
+    {
+        if (pressureType == Indices::pressureGlobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported in fluidState!");
+        }
+//        else  if (sat <= 0 || sat >= 1)
+//            DUNE_THROW(Dune::RangeError,
+//                       "Decoupled2p2c :: saturation initial and boundary conditions may not equal zero or one!");
+        // assign values
+        Sw_ = sat;
+        phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx] = pw;
+        phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx] = pw;		// as long as capillary pressure is neglected
+        temperature_=temperature;
+        nu_[nPhaseIdx] = nu_[wPhaseIdx] = NAN;	//in contrast to the standard update() method, satflash() does not calculate nu.
+    	//mole equilibrium ratios K for in case wPhase is reference phase
+        double k1 = FluidSystem::activityCoeff(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx, temperature_, phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx], *this)
+					/ phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx];
+        double k2 = FluidSystem::activityCoeff(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx, temperature_, phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx], *this)
+					/ phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx];
+        if (Sw_==1.)    //only wPhase present
+            k1 = 1.;
+        if (Sw_==0.)    //only nPhase present
+            k2 = 0.;
+        // get mole fraction from equilibrium konstants
+        Scalar xw1 = (1. - k2) / (k1 -k2);
+		Scalar xn1 = xw1 * k1;
+		// transform mole to mass fractions
+		massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = xw1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
+            / ( xw1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx) + (1.-xw1) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) );
+		massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = xn1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
+            / ( xn1 * FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx) + (1.-xn1) * FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) );
+        // complete array of mass fractions
+        massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = 1. - massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
+        massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = 1. - massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx];
+        //mass equilibrium ratios
+        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] / massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]; 	// = Xn1 / Xw1 = K1
+        equilRatio_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = (1.-massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx])/ (1.-massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx]); // =(1.-Xn1) / (1.-Xw1)	 = K2
+		equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] = equilRatio_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] = 1.;
+		// get densities with correct composition
+        density_[wPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                        temperature,
+                                                        phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx],
+                                                        *this);
+        density_[nPhaseIdx] = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                        temperature,
+                                                        phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx],
+                                                        *this);
+        massConcentration_[wCompIdx] =
+        		poro * (massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] * Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx]
+        		        + massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][wCompIdx] * (1.-Sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+        massConcentration_[nCompIdx] =
+        		poro * (massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] * Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx]
+        		        + massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][nCompIdx] * (1-Sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+    }
+    //@}
+    /*!
+     * \name acess functions
+     */
+    //@{
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the saturation of a phase.
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar saturation(int phaseIdx) const
+    {
+        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+            return Sw_;
+        else
+            return Scalar(1.0) - Sw_;
+    };
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the mass fraction of a component in a phase.
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     * \param compIdx the index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar massFrac(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
+    {
+        return massfrac_[phaseIdx][compIdx];
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the molar fraction of a component in a fluid phase.
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     * \param compIdx the index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar moleFrac(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
+    {
+		// as the moass fractions are calculated, it is used to determine the mole fractions
+		double moleFrac_ = ( massfrac_[phaseIdx][compIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(compIdx) );	// = moles of compIdx
+		moleFrac_ /= ( massfrac_[phaseIdx][wCompIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(wCompIdx)
+					   + massfrac_[phaseIdx][nCompIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(nCompIdx) );	// /= total moles in phase
+		return moleFrac_;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the total mass concentration of a component [kg / m^3].
+     *
+     * This is equivalent to the sum of the component concentrations for all
+     * phases multiplied with the phase density.
+     *
+     * \param compIdx the index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar massConcentration(int compIdx) const
+    {
+        return massConcentration_[compIdx];
+    };
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the density of a phase [kg / m^3].
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar density(int phaseIdx) const
+    { return density_[phaseIdx]; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return the partial pressure of a component in the gas phase.
+     *
+     * For an ideal gas, this means R*T*c.
+     * Unit: [Pa] = [N/m^2]
+     *
+     * \param compIdx the index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar partialPressure(int componentIdx) const
+    {
+    	if(componentIdx==nCompIdx)
+    		return phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx]*moleFrac(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx);
+		if(componentIdx == wCompIdx)
+	    	return phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx]*moleFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+		else
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "component not found in fluidState!");
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the pressure of a fluid phase [Pa].
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar phasePressure(int phaseIdx) const
+    { return phasePressure_[phaseIdx]; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the capillary pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    Scalar capillaryPressure() const
+    { return phasePressure_[nPhaseIdx] - phasePressure_[wPhaseIdx]; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the temperature of the fluids [K].
+     *
+     * Note that we assume thermodynamic equilibrium, so all fluids
+     * and the rock matrix exhibit the same temperature.
+     */
+    Scalar temperature() const
+    { return temperature_; };
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the phase mass fraction. phase mass per total mass [kg/kg].
+     *
+     * \param phaseIdx the index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar phaseMassFraction(int phaseIdx)
+    {
+        if (std::isnan(nu_[phaseIdx]))  //in contrast to the standard update() method, satflash() does not calculate nu.
+        {
+            nu_[wPhaseIdx] = Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx] / (Sw_ * density_[wPhaseIdx] + (1. - Sw_) * density_[nPhaseIdx]);
+            nu_[nPhaseIdx] = 1. - nu_[wPhaseIdx];
+            return nu_[phaseIdx];
+        }
+        else
+            return nu_[phaseIdx];
+    }
+    //@}
+    Scalar density_[numPhases];
+    Scalar massConcentration_[numComponents];
+    Scalar massfrac_[numPhases][numComponents];
+    Scalar equilRatio_[numPhases][numComponents];
+    Scalar phasePressure_[numPhases];
+    Scalar temperature_;
+    Scalar Sw_;
+    Scalar nu_[numPhases]; //phase mass fraction
+} // end namepace
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..427dbd449cccfda84257c72e37344de115212dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,1350 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Jochen Fritz                                 *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Markus Wolff                                 *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// dune environent:
+#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
+// dumux environment
+#include "dumux/common/pardiso.hh"
+#include "dumux/common/math.hh"
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Finite Volume Diffusion Model
+ * @author Bernd Flemisch, Jochen Fritz, Markus Wolff
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+//! The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation
+/*! \ingroup multiphase
+ *  Provides a Finite Volume implementation for the pressure equation of a gas-liquid
+ *  system with two components. An IMPES-like method is used for the sequential
+ *  solution of the problem.  Capillary forces and diffusion are
+ *  neglected. Isothermal conditions and local thermodynamic
+ *  equilibrium are assumed.  Gravity is included.
+ *  \f[
+         c_{total}\frac{\partial p}{\partial t} + \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right)
+          = \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} q^{\kappa},
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$\bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right)\f$.
+ *  \f$ c_{total} \f$ represents the total compressibility, for constant porosity this yields \f$ - \frac{\partial V_{total}}{\partial p_{\alpha}}\f$,
+ *  \f$p_{\alpha} \f$ denotes the phase pressure, \f$ \bf{K} \f$ the absolute permeability, \f$ \lambda_{\alpha} \f$ the phase mobility,
+ *  \f$ \rho_{\alpha} \f$ the phase density and \f$ \bf{g} \f$ the gravity constant and \f$ C^{\kappa} \f$ the total Component concentration.
+ * See paper SPE 99619 or "Analysis of a Compositional Model for Fluid
+ * Flow in Porous Media" by Chen, Qin and Ewing for derivation.
+ *
+ *  The partial derivatives of the actual fluid volume \f$ v_{total} \f$ are gained by using a secant method.
+ *
+ * \tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ */
+template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure2P2C
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(SolutionTypes)) SolutionTypes;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(ReferenceElements)) ReferenceElements;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::Container ReferenceElementContainer;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::ContainerFaces ReferenceElementFaceContainer;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(SpatialParameters)) SpatialParameters;
+    typedef typename SpatialParameters::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        pw = Indices::pressureW,
+        pn = Indices::pressureNW,
+        pglobal = Indices::pressureGlobal,
+        Sw = Indices::saturationW,
+        Sn = Indices::saturationNW,
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+        wCompIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+    };
+    // typedefs to abbreviate several dune classes...
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    // convenience shortcuts for Vectors/Matrices
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dim, dim> FieldMatrix;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> PhaseVector;
+    // the typenames used for the stiffness matrix and solution vector
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureCoefficientMatrix)) Matrix;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureRHSVector)) RHSVector;
+    //initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
+    void initializeMatrix();
+    //function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
+    void assemble(bool first);
+    //solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
+    void solve();
+    Problem& problem()
+    {
+        return problem_;
+    }
+    const Problem& problem() const
+    {
+        return problem_;
+    }
+    //the variables object is initialized, non-compositional before and compositional after first pressure calculation
+    void initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional);
+    //constitutive functions are initialized and stored in the variables object
+    void updateMaterialLaws();
+    //initialization routine to prepare first timestep
+    void initialize(bool solveTwice = false);
+    //pressure solution routine: update estimate for secants, assemble, solve.
+    void pressure(bool solveTwice = true)
+    {
+    	//pre-transport to estimate update vector
+    	Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
+    	Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+    	problem_.transportModel().update(-1, dt_estimate, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);
+    	//last argument false in update() makes shure that this is estimate and no "real" transport step
+        problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    	assemble(false);           Dune::dinfo << "pressure calculation"<< std::endl;
+        solve();
+        return;
+    }
+    void calculateVelocity()
+    {
+    	// TODO: do this if we use a total velocity description. else, its just a vaste of time.
+        return;
+    }
+    //numerical volume derivatives wrt changes in mass, pressure
+    void volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, ElementPointer ep, Scalar& dv_dC1, Scalar& dv_dC2, Scalar& dV_dp);
+    /*! \name general methods for serialization, output */
+    //@{
+    // serialization methods
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void serialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void deserialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    //! \brief Write data files
+     /*  \param name file name */
+    template<class MultiWriter>
+    void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
+    {
+        problem().variables().addOutputVtkFields(writer);
+        // add debug stuff
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *errorCorrPtr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *errorCorrPtr = errorCorrection;
+//        int size = subdomainPtr.size();
+        writer.addCellData(errorCorrPtr, "Error Correction");
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dpPtr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *dV_dpPtr = dV_dp;
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dpPtr, "dV_dP");
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dC1Ptr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dC2Ptr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *dV_dC1Ptr = dV_[0];
+        *dV_dC2Ptr = dV_[1];
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dC1Ptr, "dV_dC1");
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dC2Ptr, "dV_dC2");
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *updEstimate1 = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *updEstimate2 = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *updEstimate1 = problem_.variables().updateEstimate()[0];
+        *updEstimate2 = problem_.variables().updateEstimate()[1];
+        writer.addCellData(updEstimate1, "updEstimate comp 1");
+        writer.addCellData(updEstimate2, "updEstimate comp 2");
+        return;
+    }
+    //! \brief Write additional debug info in a special writer
+    void debugOutput(double pseudoTS = 0.)
+    {
+        std::cout << "Writing debug for current time step\n";
+        debugWriter_.beginTimestep(problem_.timeManager().time() + pseudoTS,
+                                    problem_.gridView());
+        problem().variables().addOutputVtkFields(debugWriter_);
+        debugWriter_.endTimestep();
+        return;
+    }
+    //@}
+    //! Constructs a FVPressure2P2C object
+    /**
+     * \param problem a problem class object
+     */
+    FVPressure2P2C(Problem& problem) :
+        problem_(problem), A_(problem.variables().gridSize(), problem.variables().gridSize(), (2 * dim + 1)
+                * problem.variables().gridSize(), Matrix::random), f_(problem.variables().gridSize()),
+                debugWriter_("debugOutput2p2c"), gravity(problem.gravity())
+    {
+        if (pressureType != pw && pressureType != pn && pressureType != pglobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (saturationType != Sw && saturationType != Sn)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Saturation type not supported!");
+        }
+        //rezise block vectors
+        dV_[wPhaseIdx].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        dV_[nPhaseIdx].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        dV_dp.resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        errorCorrection.resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        //prepare stiffness Matrix and Vectors
+        initializeMatrix();
+    }
+    Problem& problem_;
+    Matrix A_;
+    RHSVector f_;
+    std::string solverName_;
+    std::string preconditionerName_;
+    //vectors for partial derivatives
+    typename SolutionTypes::PhaseProperty dV_;
+    typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution dV_dp;
+    // debug
+    Dumux::VtkMultiWriter<GridView> debugWriter_;
+    typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution errorCorrection;  //debug output
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>& gravity; //!< vector including the gravity constant
+    static const Scalar cFLFactor_ = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(CFLFactor)); //!< determines the CFLfactor
+    static const int pressureType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation)); //!< gives kind of pressure used (\f$ 0 = p_w \f$, \f$ 1 = p_n \f$, \f$ 2 = p_{global} \f$)
+    static const int saturationType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(SaturationFormulation));     //!< gives kind of saturation used (\f$ 0 = S_w \f$, \f$ 1 = S_n \f$)
+//! initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initializeMatrix()
+    // determine matrix row sizes
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // initialize row size
+        int rowSize = 1;
+        // run through all intersections with neighbors
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+                rowSize++;
+        A_.setrowsize(globalIdxI, rowSize);
+    }
+    A_.endrowsizes();
+    // determine position of matrix entries
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // add diagonal index
+        A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxI);
+        // run through all intersections with neighbors
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+            {
+                // access neighbor
+                ElementPointer outside = isIt->outside();
+                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*outside);
+                // add off diagonal index
+                A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxJ);
+            }
+    }
+    A_.endindices();
+    return;
+//! initializes the simulation run
+ * Initializes the simulation to gain the initial pressure field.
+ *
+ * \param solveTwice flag to determine possible iterations of the initialization process
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initialize(bool solveTwice)
+    // initialguess: set saturations, determine visco and mobility for initial pressure equation
+    // at this moment, the pressure is unknown. Hence, dont regard compositional effects.
+    initialMaterialLaws(false);     Dune::dinfo << "first saturation guess"<<std::endl; //=J: initialGuess()
+            #if DUNE_MINIMAL_DEBUG_LEVEL <= 3
+                debugOutput();
+            #endif
+    assemble(true);                 Dune::dinfo << "first pressure guess"<<std::endl;
+    solve();
+            #if DUNE_MINIMAL_DEBUG_LEVEL <= 3
+                debugOutput(1e-6);
+            #endif
+    // update the compositional variables (hence true)
+    initialMaterialLaws(true);      Dune::dinfo << "first guess for mass fractions"<<std::endl;//= J: transportInitial()
+    // perform concentration update to determine secants
+    Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
+    problem_.transportModel().update(0., dt_estimate, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);   Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+    dt_estimate = std::min ( problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize(), dt_estimate);
+    problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= dt_estimate;
+            #if DUNE_MINIMAL_DEBUG_LEVEL <= 3
+                debugOutput(2e-6);
+            #endif
+    // pressure calculation
+    assemble(false);                 Dune::dinfo << "second pressure guess"<<std::endl;
+    solve();
+    // update the compositional variables
+    initialMaterialLaws(true);
+    if (solveTwice)
+    {
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > pressureOld(this->problem().variables().pressure());
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > pressureDiff;
+        Scalar pressureNorm = 1.;   //dummy initialization to perform at least 1 iteration
+        int numIter = 1;
+        while (pressureNorm > 1e-5 && numIter < 10)
+        {
+            Scalar dt_dummy=0.;    // without this dummy, it will never converge!
+            // update for secants
+            problem_.transportModel().update(0., dt_dummy, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);   Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+            problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= dt_estimate;
+            // pressure calculation
+            assemble(false);                 Dune::dinfo << "pressure guess number "<< numIter <<std::endl;
+            solve();
+            // update the compositional variables
+            initialMaterialLaws(true);
+            pressureDiff = pressureOld;
+            pressureDiff -= this->problem().variables().pressure();
+            pressureNorm = pressureDiff.infinity_norm();
+            pressureOld = this->problem().variables().pressure();
+            pressureNorm /= pressureOld.infinity_norm();
+            numIter++;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+//! function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
+/** for first == true, this function assembles the matrix and right hand side for
+ * the solution of the pressure field in the same way as in the class FVPressure2P.
+ * for first == false, the approach is changed to \f[-\frac{\partial V}{\partial p}
+ * \frac{\partial p}{\partial t}+\sum_{\kappa}\frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}\nabla\cdot
+ * \left(\sum_{\alpha}C_{\alpha}^{\kappa}\mathbf{v}_{\alpha}\right)
+ * =\sum_{\kappa}\frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}q^{\kappa} \f]. See Paper SPE 99619.
+ * This is done to account for the volume effects which appear when gas and liquid are dissolved in each other.
+ * \param first Flag if pressure field is unknown
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
+    // initialization: set matrix A_ to zero
+    A_ = 0;
+    f_ = 0;
+    // initialization: set the fluid volume derivatives to zero
+    Scalar dv_dC1(0.), dv_dC2(0.);
+    for (int i = 0; i < problem_.variables().gridSize(); i++)
+    {
+        dV_[wPhaseIdx][i] = 0;     // dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+        dV_[nPhaseIdx][i] = 0;     // dv / dC2
+        dV_dp[i] = 0;      // dv / dp
+    }
+    // determine maximum error to scale error-term
+    Scalar timestep_ = problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    Scalar maxErr = fabs(problem_.variables().volErr().infinity_norm()) / timestep_;
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // number of Faces of current element
+        int numberOfFaces = ReferenceElementContainer::general(gt).size(1);
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // cell volume, assume linear map here
+        Scalar volume = eIt->geometry().volume();
+        Scalar densityWI = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar densityNWI = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+        /****************implement sources and sinks************************/
+        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> source(problem_.source(globalPos, *eIt));
+        if(first)
+        {
+                source[wPhaseIdx] /= densityWI;
+                source[nPhaseIdx] /= densityNWI;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+		        // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
+				if (dV_[0][globalIdxI] == 0)
+					volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt, dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI][0], dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI][0], dV_dp[globalIdxI][0]);
+				source[wPhaseIdx] *= dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];		// note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+				source[nPhaseIdx] *= dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+        }
+		f_[globalIdxI] = volume * (source[wPhaseIdx] + source[nPhaseIdx]);
+        /***********************************/
+		// get absolute permeability
+        FieldMatrix permeabilityI(problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPos, *eIt));
+        // get mobilities and fractional flow factors
+        Scalar lambdaWI = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar lambdaNWI = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar fractionalWI=0, fractionalNWI=0;
+        if (first)
+        {
+            fractionalWI = lambdaWI / (lambdaWI+ lambdaNWI);
+            fractionalNWI = lambdaNWI / (lambdaWI+ lambdaNWI);
+        }
+        Scalar pcI = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+        // prepare meatrix entries
+        Scalar entry=0.;
+        Scalar rightEntry=0.;
+        // iterate over all faces of the cell
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+        {
+            // get geometry type of face
+            Dune::GeometryType faceGT = isIt->geometryInInside().type();
+            // center in face's reference element
+            const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim - 1>& faceLocal = ReferenceElementFaceContainer::general(faceGT).position(0,0);
+            int isIndex = isIt->indexInInside();
+            // center of face inside volume reference element
+            const LocalPosition localPosFace(0);
+            // get normal vector
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitOuterNormal = isIt->unitOuterNormal(faceLocal);
+            // get face volume
+            Scalar faceArea = isIt->geometry().volume();
+            /************* handle interior face *****************/
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+            {
+                // access neighbor
+                ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
+                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+                // gemotry info of neighbor
+                Dune::GeometryType neighborGT = neighborPointer->geometry().type();
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                // distance vector between barycenters
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                // compute distance between cell centers
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                FieldMatrix permeabilityJ
+                    = problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor,
+                                                                            *neighborPointer);
+                // compute vectorized permeabilities
+                FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+                Dumux::harmonicMeanMatrix(meanPermeability, permeabilityI, permeabilityJ);
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                meanPermeability.mv(unitDistVec, permeability);
+                // get mobilities in neighbor
+                Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                // phase densities in cell in neighbor
+                Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ);
+                Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ);
+                // reset potential gradients, density
+                Scalar potentialW = 0;
+                Scalar potentialNW = 0;
+                Scalar densityW = 0;
+                Scalar densityNW = 0;
+                if (first)     // if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
+                {
+                	// get fractional flow factors in neigbor
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = lambdaWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = lambdaNWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
+                	// perform central weighting
+                    Scalar lambda = (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * 0.5 + (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * 0.5;
+                    entry = fabs(lambda*faceArea*(permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist));
+                    Scalar factor = (fractionalWI + fractionalWJ) * (rhoMeanW) * 0.5 + (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWJ) * (rhoMeanNW) * 0.5;
+                    rightEntry = factor * lambda * faceArea * (permeability * gravity) * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                	// determine volume derivatives
+                    if (dV_[0][globalIdxJ] == 0)
+                    	volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer, dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ][0], dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ][0], dV_dp[globalIdxJ][0]);
+                    dv_dC1 = (dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI] + dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ]) / 2; // dV/dm1= dV/dC^1
+                    dv_dC2 = (dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI] + dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ]) / 2;
+                    Scalar graddv_dC1 = (dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ] - dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI]) / dist;
+                    Scalar graddv_dC2 = (dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ] - dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI]) / dist;
+//                    potentialW = problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                    potentialNW = problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                    densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+//                    densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+//                    densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
+//                    densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
+                    //jochen: central weighting for gravity term
+                    densityW = rhoMeanW; densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
+                    switch (pressureType)	//Markus: hab (unitOuterNormal * distVec)/dist hinzugefuegt
+                    {
+                    case pw:
+                    {
+                        potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / (dist*dist);
+                        potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + pcI - pcJ) / (dist*dist);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pn:
+                    {
+                        potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - pcI + pcJ) / (dist*dist);
+                        potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / (dist*dist);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pglobal:
+                    {
+                    	DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Global pressure not yet implemented for 2p2c");
+//                        potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+//                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - fMeanNW * (pcI - pcJ)) / dist;
+//                        potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+//                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + fMeanW * (pcI - pcJ)) / dist;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    }
+                    potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                    potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+									//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+									problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+									problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+					// initialize convenience shortcuts
+					Scalar lambdaW, lambdaN;
+					Scalar dV_w(0.), dV_n(0.);		// dV_a = \sum_k \rho_a * dv/dC^k * X^k_a
+					Scalar gV_w(0.), gV_n(0.);		// multipaper eq(3.3) zeile 3 analogon dV_w
+					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+					if (potentialW >= 0.)
+					{
+						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+						gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						dV_w *= densityWI; gV_w *= densityWI;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+						gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						dV_w *= densityWJ; gV_w *= densityWJ;
+					}
+					if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+					{
+						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+						gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						dV_n *= densityNWI; gV_n *= densityNWI;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+						gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						dV_n *= densityNWJ; gV_n *= densityNWJ;
+					}
+	                //calculate current matrix entry
+                    entry = faceArea * (lambdaW * dV_w + lambdaN * dV_n)
+                            - volume / numberOfFaces * (lambdaW * gV_w + lambdaN * gV_n); 	// randintegral - gebietsintegral
+                    entry *= fabs((permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist)); // TODO: markus nimmt hier statt fabs() ein  unitDistVec * unitDistVec
+                    //calculate right hand side
+                    rightEntry = faceArea  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * (densityW * lambdaW * dV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * dV_n);
+                	rightEntry -= volume / numberOfFaces * (densityW * lambdaW * gV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * gV_n);
+                    rightEntry *= (permeability * gravity); 		// = multipaper eq(3.3) zeile 2+3 ohne (p-p_k)
+                }   // end !first
+                //set right hand side
+                f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
+                // set diagonal entry
+                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                // set off-diagonal entry
+                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] = -entry;
+            }   // end neighbor
+            /****************************************************/
+            /************* boundary face ************************/
+            else
+            {
+            	// get volume derivatives inside the cell
+                dv_dC1 = dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+                dv_dC2 = dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+                // center of face in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().global(faceLocal);
+                // geometrical information
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec(globalPosFace - globalPos);
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                //get boundary condition for boundary face center
+                BoundaryConditions::Flags bctype = problem_.bcTypePress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                /**********         Dirichlet Boundary        *************/
+                if (bctype == BoundaryConditions::dirichlet)
+                {
+                    //permeability vector at boundary
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                    permeabilityI.mv(unitDistVec, permeability);
+                	// create a fluid state for the boundary
+                	FluidState BCfluidState;
+                    Scalar temperatureBC = problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt);
+                    //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
+                    Scalar pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                    Scalar pressBC = 0.;
+                    Scalar pcBound = 0.;
+                    if(pressureType==pw)
+                    {
+                        pressBC = pressBound;
+                    }
+                    else if(pressureType==pn)
+                    {
+                    	//TODO: take pC from variables or from MaterialLaw?
+                    	// if the latter, one needs Sw
+                        pcBound = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+                        pressBC = pressBound - pcBound;
+                    }
+                    if (first)
+                    {
+                    	Scalar lambda = lambdaWI+lambdaNWI;
+                        A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
+                        Scalar pressBC = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        f_[globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * pressBC * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
+                        Scalar rightentry = (fractionalWI * densityWI
+                                             + fractionalNWI * densityNWI)
+                                             * lambda * faceArea * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) *(permeability*gravity);
+                        f_[globalIdxI] -= rightentry;
+                    }
+                    else    //not first
+                    {
+                        //get boundary condition type for compositional transport
+                        BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bcform = problem_.bcFormulation(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        if (bcform == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation) // saturation given
+                        {
+                            Scalar satBound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            BCfluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                        }
+                        else if (bcform == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // mass fraction given
+                        {
+                            Scalar Z1Bound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            BCfluidState.update(Z1Bound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                        }
+                        else    // nothing declared at boundary
+                        {
+                            Scalar satBound = problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdxI];
+               				BCfluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                            Dune::dwarn << "no boundary saturation/concentration specified on boundary pos " << globalPosFace << std::endl;
+                        }
+                        // determine fluid properties at the boundary
+                        Scalar lambdaWBound = 0.;
+                        Scalar lambdaNWBound = 0.;
+                        Scalar densityWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar densityNWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC+pcBound, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityNWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC+pcBound, BCfluidState);
+                        // mobility at the boundary
+                        switch (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility)))
+                        {
+                        case Indices::satDependent:
+                            {
+                            lambdaWBound = BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx)
+                                    / viscosityWBound;
+                            lambdaNWBound = BCfluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx)
+                                    / viscosityNWBound;
+                            break;
+                            }
+                        case Indices::permDependent:
+                            {
+                            lambdaWBound = MaterialLaw::krw(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityWBound;
+                            lambdaNWBound = MaterialLaw::krn(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityNWBound;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWBound);
+                        Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWBound);
+                        Scalar potentialW = 0;
+                        Scalar potentialNW = 0;
+                        Scalar densityW = 0;
+                        Scalar densityNW = 0;
+                        if (!first)
+                        {
+//                            potentialW = problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                            potentialNW = problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                            // do potential upwinding according to last potGradient vs Jochen: central weighting
+//                            densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWBound;
+//                            densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWBound;
+//                            densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
+//                            densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
+                            densityW=rhoMeanW; densityNW=rhoMeanNW;
+                            //calculate potential gradient
+                            switch (pressureType)
+                            {
+                                case pw:
+                                {
+                                    potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                                    potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] + pcI - pressBound - pcBound)
+                                            / (dist * dist);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                case pn:
+                                {
+                                    potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pcI - pressBound + pcBound)
+                                            / (dist * dist);
+                                    potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                case pglobal:
+                                {
+                                    Scalar fractionalWBound = lambdaWBound / (lambdaWBound + lambdaNWBound);
+                                    Scalar fractionalNWBound = lambdaNWBound / (lambdaWBound + lambdaNWBound);
+                                    Scalar fMeanW = 0.5 * (fractionalWI + fractionalWBound);
+                                    Scalar fMeanNW = 0.5 * (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWBound);
+                                    potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound - fMeanNW * (pcI
+                                            - pcBound)) / (dist * dist);
+                                    potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound + fMeanW * (pcI
+                                            - pcBound)) / (dist * dist);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                            potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                            //store potential gradients for further calculations
+                            problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+                            problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+                        }   //end !first
+                        //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                        Scalar lambdaW, lambdaNW;
+                        Scalar dV_w, dV_n; 	// gV_a weglassen, da dV/dc am Rand ortsunabhängig angenommen -> am rand nicht bestimmbar -> nur Randintegral ohne Gebietsintegral
+                        if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                        {
+                            densityW = (potentialW == 0) ? rhoMeanW : densityWI;
+                            dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)
+                                               + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                            dV_w *= densityW;
+                            lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWBound) : lambdaWI;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            densityW = densityWBound;
+                            dV_w = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)
+                            		 + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                            dV_w *= densityW;
+                            lambdaW = lambdaWBound;
+                        }
+                        if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                        {
+                            densityNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNWI;
+                            dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                            dV_n *= densityNW;
+                            lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWBound) : lambdaNWI;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            densityNW = densityNWBound;
+                            dV_n = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) 
+                            		+ dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                            dV_n *= densityNW;
+                            lambdaNW = lambdaNWBound;
+                        }
+                        //calculate current matrix entry
+                        Scalar entry = (lambdaW * dV_w + lambdaNW * dV_n) * ((permeability * unitDistVec) / dist) * faceArea
+                                * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                        //calculate right hand side
+                        Scalar rightEntry = (lambdaW * densityW * dV_w + lambdaNW * densityNW * dV_n) * (permeability * gravity)
+                                * faceArea ;
+                        // set diagonal entry and right hand side entry
+                        A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                        f_[globalIdxI] += entry * pressBound;
+                        f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                    }	//end of if(first) ... else{...
+                }   // end dirichlet
+                /**********************************
+                 * set neumann boundary condition
+                 **********************************/
+                else
+                {
+                	Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> J = problem_.neumann(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+					if (first)
+					{
+						J[wPhaseIdx] /= densityWI;
+						J[nPhaseIdx] /= densityNWI;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						J[wPhaseIdx] *= dv_dC1;
+						J[nPhaseIdx] *= dv_dC2;
+					}
+                    f_[globalIdxI] -= (J[wPhaseIdx] + J[nPhaseIdx]) * faceArea;
+                    //Assumes that the phases flow in the same direction at the neumann boundary, which is the direction of the total flux!!!
+                    //needed to determine the upwind direction in the saturation equation
+                    problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = J[wPhaseIdx];
+                    problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = J[nPhaseIdx];
+                }
+            }
+        } // end all intersections
+        // compressibility term
+        if (!first && timestep_ != 0)
+        {
+            Scalar compress_term = dV_dp[globalIdxI] / timestep_;
+            A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] -= compress_term*volume;
+            f_[globalIdxI] -= problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] * compress_term * volume;
+            if (isnan(compress_term) || isinf(compress_term))
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Compressibility term leads to NAN matrix entry at index " << globalIdxI);
+            if(!GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCompressibility)))
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Compressibility is switched off???");
+        }
+        // error reduction routine: volumetric error is damped and inserted to right hand side
+        // if damping is not done, the solution method gets unstable!
+        problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] /= timestep_;
+        Scalar erri = fabs(problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI]);
+        Scalar x_lo = 0.6;
+        Scalar x_mi = 0.9;
+        Scalar fac  = 0.05;
+        Scalar lofac = 0.;
+        Scalar hifac = 0.;
+        hifac /= fac;
+        if (erri*timestep_ > 5e-5)
+            if (erri > x_lo * maxErr)
+            {
+                if (erri <= x_mi * maxErr)
+                    f_[globalIdxI] += errorCorrection[globalIdxI]= fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac/fac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac/fac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
+										* problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
+                else
+                    f_[globalIdxI] += errorCorrection[globalIdxI]= fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
+										* problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
+            }
+    } // end grid traversal
+    return;
+//! solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::solve()
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(SolverParameters)) SolverParameters;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressurePreconditioner)) Preconditioner;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureSolver)) Solver;
+//    printmatrix(std::cout, A_, "global stiffness matrix", "row", 11, 3);
+//    printvector(std::cout, f_, "right hand side", "row", 200, 1, 3);
+    Dune::MatrixAdapter<Matrix, RHSVector, RHSVector> op(A_); // make linear operator from A_
+    Dune::InverseOperatorResult result;
+    Scalar reduction = SolverParameters::reductionSolver;
+    int maxItSolver = SolverParameters::maxIterationNumberSolver;
+    int iterPreconditioner = SolverParameters::iterationNumberPreconditioner;
+    int verboseLevelSolver = SolverParameters::verboseLevelSolver;
+    Scalar relaxation = SolverParameters::relaxationPreconditioner;
+    if (verboseLevelSolver)
+        std::cout << "FVPressure2P: solve for pressure" << std::endl;
+    Preconditioner preconditioner(A_, iterPreconditioner, relaxation);
+    Solver solver(op, preconditioner, reduction, maxItSolver, verboseLevelSolver);
+    solver.apply(problem_.variables().pressure(), f_, result);
+    return;
+ *  \brief initializes the fluid distribution and hereby the variables container
+ *
+ *  This function equals the method initialguess() and transportInitial() in the old model.
+ *  It differs from updateMaterialLaws because there are two possible initial conditions:
+ *  saturations and concentration.
+ *  \param compositional flag that determines if compositional effects are regarded, i.e.
+ *      a reasonable pressure field is known.
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional)
+	// initialize the fluid system
+    FluidState fluidState;
+	// iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // get geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        // assign an Index for convenience
+        int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // get the temperature
+        Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt);
+        // initial conditions
+		Scalar pressW = 0;
+		Scalar pressNW = 0;
+		Scalar sat_0=0.;
+        BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags ictype = problem_.initFormulation(globalPos, *eIt);            // get type of initial condition
+        if(!compositional) //means that we do the first approximate guess without compositions
+        {
+			// phase pressures are unknown, so start with an exemplary
+        	Scalar exemplaryPressure = problem_.referencePressure(globalPos, *eIt);
+			pressW = pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] = exemplaryPressure;
+			if (ictype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+			{
+				sat_0 = problem_.initSat(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+			else if (ictype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+			{
+				Scalar Z1_0 = problem_.initConcentration(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+        }
+        else if(compositional)	//means we regard compositional effects since we know an estimate pressure field
+        {
+			//determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+			switch (pressureType)
+			{
+                case pw:
+                {
+                    pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                    pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] + problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case pn:
+                {
+                    pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+                    pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                    break;
+                }
+			}
+			if (ictype == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+			{
+				sat_0 = problem_.initSat(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+			else if (ictype == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+			{
+				Scalar Z1_0 = problem_.initConcentration(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+        }
+        // initialize densities
+        problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        // initialize mass fractions
+        problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        // initialize viscosities
+        problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        // initialize mobilities
+        problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) = MaterialLaw::krw(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                / problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
+        problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) = MaterialLaw::krn(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                / problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+        // initialize cell concentration
+        problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx) = fluidState.massConcentration(wCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx) = fluidState.massConcentration(nCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdx] = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    }
+    return;
+//! constitutive functions are updated once if new concentrations are calculated and stored in the variables container
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
+	// this method only completes the variables: = old postprocessupdate()
+	// instantiate a brandnew fluid state object
+    FluidState fluidState;
+    //get timestep for error term
+    Scalar dt = problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    // iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // get geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt);
+        // get the overall mass of component 1 Z1 = C^k / (C^1+C^2) [-]
+        Scalar Z1 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx) / (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx) + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx));
+        //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+        Scalar pressW(0.), pressNW(0.);
+        switch (pressureType)
+        {
+        case pw:
+        {
+            pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+            pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+            break;
+        }
+        case pn:
+        {
+            //todo: check this case for consistency throughout the model!
+            pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+            pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+            break;
+        }
+        }
+        //complete fluid state
+        fluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+        /*************************************
+         * 	update variables in variableclass
+         *************************************/
+        // initialize saturation
+        problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx) = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+        // initialize pC		todo: remove this dummy implementation
+        problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.0;
+        // initialize viscosities
+        problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx)
+        		= FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+        		= FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        // initialize mobilities
+        problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) =
+                MaterialLaw::krw(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                    / problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
+        problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) =
+                MaterialLaw::krn(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                    / problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+        // initialize mass fractions
+        problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        // initialize densities
+        problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+        		= FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+        		= FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        problem_.spatialParameters().update(fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx), *eIt);
+        // determine volume mismatch between actual fluid volume and pore volume
+        Scalar sumConc = (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
+                + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx));
+        Scalar massw = sumConc * fluidState.phaseMassFraction(wPhaseIdx);
+        Scalar massn = sumConc * fluidState.phaseMassFraction(nPhaseIdx);
+        if ((problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)*problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)) == 0)
+        	DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Decoupled2p2c::postProcessUpdate: try to divide by 0 density");
+        Scalar vol = massw / problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx) + massn / problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+        if (dt != 0)
+        {
+            problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdx] = (vol - problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt));
+            Scalar volErrI = problem_.variables().volErr(globalIdx);
+            if (std::isnan(volErrI))
+            {
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Decoupled2p2c::postProcessUpdate:\n"
+                        << "volErr[" << globalIdx << "] isnan: vol = " << vol
+                        << ", massw = " << massw << ", rho_l = " << problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+                        << ", massn = " << massn << ", rho_g = " << problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                        << ", poro = " << problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt) << ", dt = " << dt);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdx] = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+//! partial derivatives of the volumes w.r.t. changes in total concentration and pressure
+ * This method calculates the volume derivatives via a secant method, where the
+ * secants are gained in a pre-computational step via the transport equation and
+ * the last TS size.
+ * The partial derivatives w.r.t. mass are defined as
+ * \f$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial C^{\kappa}} = \frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}\f$
+ *
+ * \param globalPos The global position of the current element
+ * \param ep A pointer to the current element
+ * \param[out] dv_dC1 partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. mass of component 1 [m^3/kg]
+ * \param[out] dv_dC2 partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. mass of component 2 [m^3/kg]
+ * \param[out] dv_dp partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. pressure [1/Pa]
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, ElementPointer ep, Scalar& dv_dC1, Scalar& dv_dC2, Scalar& dV_dp)
+	// cell index
+    int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*ep);
+    // get cell temperature
+    Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *ep);
+    // initialize an Fluid state for the update
+    FluidState updFluidState;
+	/**********************************
+	 * a) get necessary variables
+	 **********************************/
+	//determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+    Scalar pressW=0.;
+	switch (pressureType)
+	{
+	case pw:
+	{
+		pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+		break;
+	}
+	case pn:
+	{
+		pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+		break;
+	}
+	}
+    Scalar v_w = 1. / problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx);
+    Scalar v_g = 1. / problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+    Scalar sati = problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdx];
+    // mass of components inside the cell
+    Scalar m1 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx);
+    Scalar m2 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx);
+    // mass fraction of wetting phase
+    Scalar nuw1 =  sati/ v_w / (sati/v_w + (1-sati)/v_g);
+    // actual fluid volume
+    Scalar volalt = (m1+m2) * (nuw1 * v_w + (1-nuw1) * v_g);
+	/**********************************
+	 * b) define increments
+	 **********************************/
+    // increments for numerical derivatives
+    Scalar inc1 = (fabs(problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, wCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_w) ?  problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,wCompIdx) : 1e-8/v_w;
+    Scalar inc2 =(fabs(problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, nCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_g) ?  problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,nCompIdx) : 1e-8 / v_g;
+    Scalar incp = 1e-2;
+	/**********************************
+	 * c) Secant method for derivatives
+	 **********************************/
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to pressure
+    Scalar p_ = pressW + incp;
+    Scalar Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+    updFluidState.update(Z1,
+            p_, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+    Scalar v_w_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, p_, updFluidState);
+    Scalar v_g_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, p_, updFluidState);
+    dV_dp = ((m1+m2) * (nuw1 * v_w_ + (1-nuw1) * v_g_) - volalt) /incp;
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 1
+    m1 +=  inc1;
+    Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+	Scalar satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+	Scalar nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
+    dv_dC1 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt) /inc1;
+    m1 -= inc1;
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 2
+    m2 += inc2;
+    Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+	satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
+    dv_dC2 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt)/ inc2;
+    m2 -= inc2;
+}//end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..102e3b08cffcab8bf1ddddd4c9f25feac78754fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,1594 @@
+// $Id: fvpressure2p.hh 3357 2010-03-25 13:02:05Z lauser $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Jochen Fritz                                 *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Markus Wolff                                 *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// dune environent:
+#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
+#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
+// dumux environment
+#include "dumux/common/pardiso.hh"
+#include "dumux/common/math.hh"
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/pseudo1p2cfluidstate.hh>
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Finite Volume Diffusion Model
+ * @author Bernd Flemisch, Jochen Fritz, Markus Wolff
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+//! The finite volume model for the solution of the compositional pressure equation
+/*! \ingroup multiphysics
+ *  Provides a Finite Volume implementation for the pressure equation of a gas-liquid
+ *  system with two components. An IMPES-like method is used for the sequential
+ *  solution of the problem.  Capillary forces and diffusion are
+ *  neglected. Isothermal conditions and local thermodynamic
+ *  equilibrium are assumed.  Gravity is included.
+ *  \f[
+         c_{total}\frac{\partial p}{\partial t} + \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right)
+          = \sum_{\kappa} \frac{\partial v_{total}}{\partial C^{\kappa}} q^{\kappa},
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$\bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right) \f$.
+ *  \f$ c_{total} \f$ represents the total compressibility, for constant porosity this yields \f$ - \frac{\partial V_{total}}{\partial p_{\alpha}} \f$,
+ *  \f$p_{\alpha} \f$ denotes the phase pressure, \f$ \bf{K} \f$ the absolute permeability, \f$ \lambda_{\alpha} \f$ the phase mobility,
+ *  \f$ \rho_{\alpha} \f$ the phase density and \f$ \bf{g} \f$ the gravity constant and \f$ C^{\kappa} \f$ the total Component concentration.
+ * See paper SPE 99619 or "Analysis of a Compositional Model for Fluid
+ * Flow in Porous Media" by Chen, Qin and Ewing for derivation.
+ *
+ *  The partial derivatives of the actual fluid volume \f$ v_{total} \f$ are gained by using a secant method.
+ *  
+ * The model domain is automatically divided
+ * in a single-phase and a two-phase domain. The full 2p2c model is only evaluated within the
+ * two-phase subdomain, whereas a single-phase transport model is computed in the rest of the
+ * domain.
+ * 
+ * \tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ */
+template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(SolutionTypes)) SolutionTypes;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(ReferenceElements)) ReferenceElements;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::Container ReferenceElementContainer;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::ContainerFaces ReferenceElementFaceContainer;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(SpatialParameters)) SpatialParameters;
+    typedef typename SpatialParameters::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        pw = Indices::pressureW,
+        pn = Indices::pressureNW,
+        pglobal = Indices::pressureGlobal,
+        Sw = Indices::saturationW,
+        Sn = Indices::saturationNW,
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+        wCompIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+    };
+    // typedefs to abbreviate several dune classes...
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    // convenience shortcuts for Vectors/Matrices
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dim, dim> FieldMatrix;
+    // the typenames used for the stiffness matrix and solution vector
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureCoefficientMatrix)) Matrix;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureRHSVector)) RHSVector;
+    //initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
+    void initializeMatrix();
+    //function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
+    void assemble(bool first);
+    //solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
+    void solve();
+    Problem& problem()
+    {
+        return problem_;
+    }
+    const Problem& problem() const
+    {
+        return problem_;
+    }
+    //the variables object is initialized, non-compositional before and compositional after first pressure calculation
+    void initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional);
+    //constitutive functions are initialized and stored in the variables object
+    void updateMaterialLaws();
+    //initialization routine to prepare first timestep
+    void initialize(bool solveTwice = false);
+    //pressure solution routine: update estimate for secants, assemble, solve.
+    void pressure(bool solveTwice = true)
+    {
+    	//pre-transport to estimate update vector
+    	Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
+    	Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+    	problem_.transportModel().update(-1, dt_estimate, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);
+    	//last argument false in update() makes shure that this is estimate and no "real" transport step
+        problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    	assemble(false);           Dune::dinfo << "pressure calculation"<< std::endl;
+        solve();
+        return;
+    }
+    void calculateVelocity()
+    {
+    	// TODO: do this if we use a total velocity description. else, its just a vaste of time.
+        return;
+    }
+    //numerical volume derivatives wrt changes in mass, pressure
+    void volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, ElementPointer ep, Scalar& dv_dC1, Scalar& dv_dC2, Scalar& dV_dp);
+    /*! \name general methods for serialization, output */
+    //@{
+    // serialization methods
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void serialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void deserialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    //! \brief Write data files
+     /*  \param name file name */
+    template<class MultiWriter>
+    void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
+    {
+        problem().variables().addOutputVtkFields(writer);
+        // add multiphysics stuff
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<int,1> > *subdomainPtr = writer.template createField<int, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *subdomainPtr = problem_.variables().subdomain();
+        writer.addCellData(subdomainPtr, "subdomain");
+        // add debug stuff
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *errorCorrPtr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *errorCorrPtr = errorCorrection;
+        writer.addCellData(errorCorrPtr, "Error Correction");
+        // add debug stuff
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dpPtr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *dV_dpPtr = dV_dp;
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dpPtr, "dV_dP");
+                Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dC1Ptr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *dV_dC2Ptr = writer.template createField<double, 1> (dV_dp.size());
+        *dV_dC1Ptr = dV_[0];
+        *dV_dC2Ptr = dV_[1];
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dC1Ptr, "dV_dC1");
+        writer.addCellData(dV_dC2Ptr, "dV_dC2");
+        return;
+    }
+    //! Constructs a FVPressure2P2C object
+    /**
+     * \param problem a problem class object
+     */
+    FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics(Problem& problem) :
+        problem_(problem), A_(problem.variables().gridSize(), problem.variables().gridSize(), (2 * dim + 1)
+                * problem.variables().gridSize(), Matrix::random), f_(problem.variables().gridSize()),
+                gravity(problem.gravity())
+    {
+        if (pressureType != pw && pressureType != pn && pressureType != pglobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (saturationType != Sw && saturationType != Sn)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Saturation type not supported!");
+        }
+        //rezise block vectors
+        dV_[wPhaseIdx].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        dV_[nPhaseIdx].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        dV_dp.resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        problem_.variables().subdomain().resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        nextSubdomain.resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        errorCorrection.resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        //prepare stiffness Matrix and Vectors
+        initializeMatrix();
+    }
+    Problem& problem_;
+    Matrix A_;
+    RHSVector f_;
+    std::string solverName_;
+    std::string preconditionerName_;
+    //vectors for partial derivatives
+    typename SolutionTypes::PhaseProperty dV_;
+    typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution dV_dp;
+    // subdomain map
+    Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<int,1> > nextSubdomain;  //! vector holding next subdomain
+    // debug
+    typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution errorCorrection;  //debug output
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>& gravity; //!< vector including the gravity constant
+    static const Scalar cFLFactor_ = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(CFLFactor));
+    static const int pressureType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation)); //!< gives kind of pressure used (\f$ 0 = p_w \f$, \f$ 1 = p_n \f$, \f$ 2 = p_{global} \f$)
+    static const int saturationType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(SaturationFormulation)); //!< gives kind of saturation used (\f$ 0 = S_w \f$, \f$ 1 = S_n \f$)
+//! initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::initializeMatrix()
+    // determine matrix row sizes
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // initialize row size
+        int rowSize = 1;
+        // run through all intersections with neighbors
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+                rowSize++;
+        A_.setrowsize(globalIdxI, rowSize);
+    }
+    A_.endrowsizes();
+    // determine position of matrix entries
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // add diagonal index
+        A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxI);
+        // run through all intersections with neighbors
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+            {
+                // access neighbor
+                ElementPointer outside = isIt->outside();
+                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*outside);
+                // add off diagonal index
+                A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxJ);
+            }
+    }
+    A_.endindices();
+    return;
+//! initializes the simulation run
+ * Initializes the simulation to gain the initial pressure field.
+ *
+ * \param solveTwice flag to determine possible iterations of the initialization process
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::initialize(bool solveTwice)
+    // assign whole domain to most complex subdomain, => 2p
+    problem_.variables().subdomain() = 2;
+    // initialguess: set saturations, determine visco and mobility for initial pressure equation
+    // at this moment, the pressure is unknown. Hence, dont regard compositional effects.
+    initialMaterialLaws(false);     Dune::dinfo << "first saturation guess"<<std::endl; //=J: initialGuess()
+    assemble(true);                 Dune::dinfo << "first pressure guess"<<std::endl;
+    solve();
+    // update the compositional variables (hence true)
+    initialMaterialLaws(true);      Dune::dinfo << "first guess for mass fractions"<<std::endl;//= J: transportInitial()
+    // perform concentration update to determine secants
+    Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
+    problem_.transportModel().update(0., dt_estimate, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);   Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+    dt_estimate = std::min ( problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize(), dt_estimate);
+    problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= dt_estimate;
+    // pressure calculation
+    assemble(false);                 Dune::dinfo << "second pressure guess"<<std::endl;
+    solve();
+    // update the compositional variables
+    initialMaterialLaws(true);
+    if (solveTwice)
+    {
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > pressureOld(this->problem().variables().pressure());
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > pressureDiff;
+        Scalar pressureNorm = 1.;   //dummy initialization to perform at least 1 iteration
+        int numIter = 1;
+        while (pressureNorm > 1e-5 && numIter < 10)
+        {
+            Scalar dt_dummy=0.;    // without this dummy, it will never converge!
+            // update for secants
+            problem_.transportModel().update(-1, dt_dummy, problem_.variables().updateEstimate(), false);   Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+            problem_.variables().updateEstimate() *= dt_estimate;
+            // pressure calculation
+            assemble(false);                 Dune::dinfo << "pressure guess number "<< numIter <<std::endl;
+            solve();
+            // update the compositional variables
+            initialMaterialLaws(true);
+            pressureDiff = pressureOld;
+            pressureDiff -= this->problem().variables().pressure();
+            pressureNorm = pressureDiff.infinity_norm();
+            pressureOld = this->problem().variables().pressure();
+            pressureNorm /= pressureOld.infinity_norm();
+            numIter++;
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+//! function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
+/** for first == true, this function assembles the matrix and right hand side for
+ * the solution of the pressure field in the same way as in the class FVPressure2P.
+ * for first == false, the approach is changed to \f[-\frac{\partial V}{\partial p}
+ * \frac{\partial p}{\partial t}+\sum_{\kappa}\frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}\nabla\cdot
+ * \left(\sum_{\alpha}C_{\alpha}^{\kappa}\mathbf{v}_{\alpha}\right)
+ * =\sum_{\kappa}\frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}q^{\kappa} \f]. See Paper SPE 99619.
+ * This is done to account for the volume effects which appear when gas and liquid are dissolved in each other.
+ * \param first Flag if pressure field is unknown
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
+    // initialization: set matrix A_ to zero
+    A_ = 0;
+    f_ = 0;
+    // initialization: set the fluid volume derivatives to zero
+    Scalar dv_dC1(0.), dv_dC2(0.);
+    for (int i = 0; i < problem_.variables().gridSize(); i++)
+    {
+        dV_[wPhaseIdx][i] = 0;     // dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+        dV_[nPhaseIdx][i] = 0;     // dv / dC2
+        dV_dp[i] = 0;      // dv / dp
+    }
+    // determine maximum error to scale error-term
+    Scalar timestep_ = problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    Scalar maxErr = fabs(problem_.variables().volErr().infinity_norm()) / timestep_;
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // number of Faces of current element
+        int numberOfFaces = ReferenceElementContainer::general(gt).size(1);
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // cell volume, assume linear map here
+        Scalar volume = eIt->geometry().volume();
+        Scalar densityWI = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar densityNWI = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+        /****************implement sources and sinks************************/
+        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> source(problem_.source(globalPos, *eIt));
+        if(first || problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI) == 1)
+        {
+                source[wPhaseIdx] /= densityWI;
+                source[nPhaseIdx] /= densityNWI;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+		        // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
+				if (dV_[0][globalIdxI] == 0)
+					volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt, dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI][0], dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI][0], dV_dp[globalIdxI][0]);
+				source[wPhaseIdx] *= dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];		// note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+				source[nPhaseIdx] *= dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+        }
+		f_[globalIdxI] = volume * (source[wPhaseIdx] + source[nPhaseIdx]);
+        /********************************************************************/
+		// get absolute permeability
+        FieldMatrix permeabilityI(problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPos, *eIt));
+        // get mobilities and fractional flow factors
+        Scalar lambdaWI = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar lambdaNWI = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar fractionalWI=0, fractionalNWI=0;
+        if (first)
+        {
+            fractionalWI = lambdaWI / (lambdaWI+ lambdaNWI);
+            fractionalNWI = lambdaNWI / (lambdaWI+ lambdaNWI);
+        }
+        Scalar pcI = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+        // prepare meatrix entries
+        Scalar entry=0.;
+        Scalar rightEntry=0.;
+        // iterate over all faces of the cell
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().template iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().template ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+        {
+            // get geometry type of face
+            Dune::GeometryType faceGT = isIt->geometryInInside().type();
+            // center in face's reference element
+            const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim - 1>& faceLocal = ReferenceElementFaceContainer::general(faceGT).position(0,0);
+            int isIndex = isIt->indexInInside();
+            // center of face inside volume reference element
+            const LocalPosition localPosFace(0);
+            // get normal vector
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitOuterNormal = isIt->unitOuterNormal(faceLocal);
+            // get face volume
+            Scalar faceArea = isIt->geometry().volume();
+            /************* handle interior face *****************/
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+            {
+                // access neighbor
+                ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
+                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+                // gemotry info of neighbor
+                Dune::GeometryType neighborGT = neighborPointer->geometry().type();
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                // distance vector between barycenters
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                // compute distance between cell centers
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                FieldMatrix permeabilityJ
+                    = problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor,
+                                                                            *neighborPointer);
+                // compute vectorized permeabilities
+                FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+                Dumux::harmonicMeanMatrix(meanPermeability, permeabilityI, permeabilityJ);
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                meanPermeability.mv(unitDistVec, permeability);
+                // get mobilities in neighbor
+                Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                // phase densities in cell in neighbor
+                Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ);
+                Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ);
+                // reset potential gradients, density
+                Scalar potentialW = 0;
+                Scalar potentialNW = 0;
+                Scalar densityW = 0;
+                Scalar densityNW = 0;
+                if (first)     // if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
+                {
+                	// get fractional flow factors in neigbor
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = lambdaWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = lambdaNWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
+                	// perform central weighting
+                    Scalar lambda = (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * 0.5 + (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * 0.5;
+                    entry = fabs(lambda*faceArea*(permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist));
+                    Scalar factor = (fractionalWI + fractionalWJ) * (rhoMeanW) * 0.5 + (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWJ) * (rhoMeanNW) * 0.5;
+                    rightEntry = factor * lambda * faceArea * (permeability * gravity) * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                }
+                else if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI) == 1) //the current cell in the 1p domain
+                {
+                    // 1p => no pC => only 1 pressure, potential
+                    Scalar potential = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                 - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / (dist*dist);
+                    potentialW = potentialNW = potential;
+                    potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                    potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                    double lambdaW, lambdaNW;
+                    if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                        {
+                        lambdaW = lambdaWI;
+                        densityW = densityWI;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        lambdaW = lambdaWJ;
+                        densityW = densityWJ;
+                        }
+                    if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                        {
+                        lambdaNW = lambdaNWI;
+                        densityNW = densityNWI;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        lambdaNW = lambdaNWJ;
+                        densityNW = densityNWJ;
+                        }
+                    entry  = (lambdaW + lambdaNW) * faceArea * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
+                    rightEntry = (densityW * lambdaW + densityNW * lambdaNW) * faceArea * (permeability * gravity) * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                }
+                else    //current cell is in the 2p domain
+                {
+                    Scalar graddv_dC1(0.), graddv_dC2(0.);
+                    //check neighboring cell
+                    if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)== 2)
+                    {
+                        // determine volume derivatives
+                        if (dV_[0][globalIdxJ] == 0)
+                            volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer, dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ][0], dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ][0], dV_dp[globalIdxJ][0]);
+                        dv_dC1 = (dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI] + dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ]) / 2; // dV/dm1= dV/dC^1
+                        dv_dC2 = (dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI] + dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ]) / 2;
+                        graddv_dC1 = (dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ] - dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI]) / dist;
+                        graddv_dC2 = (dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxJ] - dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI]) / dist;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        dv_dC1 = dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI]; //only regard volume changes in 2p area => no averageing
+                        dv_dC2 = dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+                    }
+//                    potentialW = problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                    potentialNW = problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                    densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+//                    densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+//                    densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
+//                    densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
+                    //jochen: central weighting for gravity term
+                    densityW = rhoMeanW; densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
+                    switch (pressureType)	//Markus: hab (unitOuterNormal * distVec)/dist hinzugefuegt
+                    {
+                    case pw:
+                    {
+                        potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / (dist*dist);
+                        potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + pcI - pcJ) / (dist*dist);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pn:
+                    {
+                        potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - pcI + pcJ) / (dist*dist);
+                        potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / (dist*dist);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pglobal:
+                    {
+                    	DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Global pressure not yet implemented for 2p2c");
+//                        potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+//                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - fMeanNW * (pcI - pcJ)) / dist;
+//                        potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
+//                                - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + fMeanW * (pcI - pcJ)) / dist;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    }
+                    potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                    potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+									//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+									problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+									problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+					// initialize convenience shortcuts
+					Scalar lambdaW, lambdaN;
+					Scalar dV_w(0.), dV_n(0.);		// dV_a = \sum_k \rho_a * dv/dC^k * X^k_a
+					Scalar gV_w(0.), gV_n(0.);		// multipaper eq(3.3) zeile 3 analogon dV_w
+					//do the upwinding of the mobility & density depending on the phase potentials
+					if (potentialW >= 0.)
+					{
+						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                        dV_w *= densityWI;
+						lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+						if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)== 2)
+	                    {
+						    gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						    gV_w *= densityWI;
+	                    }
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						dV_w *= densityWJ;
+						lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+	                    if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)== 2)
+	                    {
+	                        gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+	                        gV_w *= densityWJ;
+	                    }
+					}
+					if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+					{
+						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+						dV_n *= densityNWI;
+						lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+	                    if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)== 2)
+	                    {
+	                        gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+	                        gV_n *= densityNWI;
+	                    }
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+						dV_n *= densityNWJ;
+						lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+	                    if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)== 2)
+	                    {
+	                        gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+	                        gV_n *= densityNWJ;
+	                    }
+					}
+                    //calculate current matrix entry
+                    entry = faceArea * (lambdaW * dV_w + lambdaN * dV_n);
+                    //calculate right hand side
+                    rightEntry = faceArea  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * (densityW * lambdaW * dV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * dV_n);
+                    if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxJ)!= 1) // complex 2p subdomain
+                    {
+                        //subtract area integral
+                        entry -= volume / numberOfFaces * (lambdaW * gV_w + lambdaN * gV_n);
+                        rightEntry -= volume / numberOfFaces * (densityW * lambdaW * gV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * gV_n);
+                    }
+                    entry *= fabs((permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist)); // TODO: markus nimmt hier statt fabs() ein  unitDistVec * unitDistVec
+                    rightEntry *= (permeability * gravity);
+                    // TODO: implement a proper capillary pressure
+//	                switch (pressureType)
+//	                {
+//	                case pw:
+//						{
+//							// calculate capillary pressure gradient
+//							Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+//							pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+//							//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+//							rightEntry += 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+//							break;
+//						}
+//	                case pn:
+//						{
+//							// calculate capillary pressure gradient
+//							Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+//							pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+//							//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+//							rightEntry -= 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+//							break;
+//						}
+//	                }
+                }   // end !first
+                //set right hand side
+                f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
+                // set diagonal entry
+                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                // set off-diagonal entry
+                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] = -entry;
+            }   // end neighbor
+            /****************************************************/
+            /************* boundary face ************************/
+            else
+            {
+            	// get volume derivatives inside the cell
+                dv_dC1 = dV_[wPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+                dv_dC2 = dV_[nPhaseIdx][globalIdxI];
+                // center of face in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().global(faceLocal);
+                // geometrical information
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec(globalPosFace - globalPos);
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                //get boundary condition for boundary face center
+                BoundaryConditions::Flags bctype = problem_.bcTypePress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+//                BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypeSat = problem_.bctypeSat(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                /**********         Dirichlet Boundary        *************/
+                if (bctype == BoundaryConditions::dirichlet)
+                {
+                    //permeability vector at boundary
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                    permeabilityI.mv(unitDistVec, permeability);
+                	// create a fluid state for the boundary
+                	FluidState BCfluidState;
+                    Scalar temperatureBC = problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt);
+                    //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
+                    Scalar pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                    Scalar pressBC = 0.;
+                    Scalar pcBound = 0.;
+                    if(pressureType==pw)
+                    {
+                        pressBC = pressBound;
+                    }
+                    else if(pressureType==pn)
+                    {
+                    	//TODO: take pC from variables or from MaterialLaw?
+                    	// if the latter, one needs Sw
+                        pcBound = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+                        pressBC = pressBound - pcBound;
+                    }
+                    if (first)
+                    {
+                    	Scalar lambda = lambdaWI+lambdaNWI;
+                        A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
+                        pressBC = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        f_[globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * pressBC * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
+                        rightEntry = (fractionalWI * densityWI
+                                             + fractionalNWI * densityNWI)
+                                             * lambda * faceArea * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) *(permeability*gravity);
+                        f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
+                    }
+                    else    //not first
+                    {
+                        //get boundary condition type for compositional transport
+                        BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bcform = problem_.bcFormulation(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        if (bcform == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation) // saturation given
+                        {
+                            Scalar satBound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            BCfluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                        }
+                        else if (bcform == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // mass fraction given
+                        {
+                            Scalar Z1Bound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            BCfluidState.update(Z1Bound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                        }
+                        else    // nothing declared at boundary
+                        {
+                            Scalar satBound = problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdxI];
+               				BCfluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBC, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperatureBC);
+                            Dune::dwarn << "no boundary saturation/concentration specified on boundary pos " << globalPosFace << std::endl;
+                        }
+                        // determine fluid properties at the boundary
+                        Scalar lambdaWBound = 0.;
+                        Scalar lambdaNWBound = 0.;
+                        Scalar densityWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar densityNWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC+pcBound, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC, BCfluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityNWBound =
+                            FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperatureBC, pressBC+pcBound, BCfluidState);
+                        // mobility at the boundary
+                        switch (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility)))
+                        {
+                        case Indices::satDependent:
+                            {
+                            lambdaWBound = BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx)
+                                    / viscosityWBound;
+                            lambdaNWBound = BCfluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx)
+                                    / viscosityNWBound;
+                            break;
+                            }
+                        case Indices::permDependent:
+                            {
+                            lambdaWBound = MaterialLaw::krw(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityWBound;
+                            lambdaNWBound = MaterialLaw::krn(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityNWBound;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWBound);
+                        Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWBound);
+                        Scalar potentialW = 0, potentialNW = 0;
+//                            potentialW = problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                            potentialNW = problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+//                            // do potential upwinding according to last potGradient vs Jochen: central weighting
+//                            densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWBound;
+//                            densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWBound;
+//                            densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
+//                            densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
+                        Scalar densityW=rhoMeanW;
+                        Scalar densityNW=rhoMeanNW;
+                        //calculate potential gradient
+                        switch (pressureType)
+                        {
+                            case pw:
+                            {
+                                potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                                potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] + pcI - pressBound - pcBound)
+                                        / (dist * dist);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case pn:
+                            {
+                                potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pcI - pressBound + pcBound)
+                                        / (dist * dist);
+                                potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case pglobal:
+                            {
+                                Scalar fractionalWBound = lambdaWBound / (lambdaWBound + lambdaNWBound);
+                                Scalar fractionalNWBound = lambdaNWBound / (lambdaWBound + lambdaNWBound);
+                                Scalar fMeanW = 0.5 * (fractionalWI + fractionalWBound);
+                                Scalar fMeanNW = 0.5 * (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWBound);
+                                potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound - fMeanNW * (pcI
+                                        - pcBound)) / (dist * dist);
+                                potentialNW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - pressBound + fMeanW * (pcI
+                                        - pcBound)) / (dist * dist);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                        potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity);
+                            //store potential gradients for further calculations
+                            problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+                            problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+                        //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                        Scalar lambdaW, lambdaNW;
+                        Scalar dV_w, dV_n; 	// gV_a weglassen, da dV/dc am Rand ortsunabhängig angenommen -> am rand nicht bestimmbar -> nur Randintegral ohne Gebietsintegral
+                        if(problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI)==1)    // easy 1p subdomain
+                        {
+                            if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                            {
+                                densityW = (potentialW == 0) ? rhoMeanW : densityWI;
+                                lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWBound) : lambdaWI;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                densityW = densityWBound;
+                                lambdaW = lambdaWBound;
+                            }
+                            if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                            {
+                                densityNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNWI;
+                                lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWBound) : lambdaNWI;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                densityNW = densityNWBound;
+                                lambdaNW = lambdaNWBound;
+                            }
+                            //calculate current matrix entry
+                            entry = (lambdaW + lambdaNW) * ((permeability * unitDistVec) / dist) * faceArea
+                                    * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                            //calculate right hand side
+                            rightEntry = (lambdaW * densityW + lambdaNW * densityNW) * (permeability * gravity)
+                                    * faceArea ;
+                        }
+                        else    // 2p subdomain
+                        {
+                            if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                            {
+                                densityW = (potentialW == 0) ? rhoMeanW : densityWI;
+                                dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)
+                                         + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                                dV_w *= densityW;
+                                lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWBound) : lambdaWI;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                densityW = densityWBound;
+                                dV_w = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                                dV_w *= densityW;
+                                lambdaW = lambdaWBound;
+                            }
+                            if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                            {
+                                densityNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNWI;
+                                dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)
+                                        + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                                dV_n *= densityNW;
+                                lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWBound) : lambdaNWI;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                densityNW = densityNWBound;
+                                dV_n = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx) + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                                dV_n *= densityNW;
+                                lambdaNW = lambdaNWBound;
+                            }
+                            //calculate current matrix entry
+                            entry = (lambdaW * dV_w + lambdaNW * dV_n) * ((permeability * unitDistVec) / dist) * faceArea
+                                    * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                            //calculate right hand side
+                            rightEntry = (lambdaW * densityW * dV_w + lambdaNW * densityNW * dV_n) * (permeability * gravity)
+                                    * faceArea ;
+        //                    switch (pressureType)
+        //                    {
+        //                    case pw:
+        //                    {
+        //                        // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+        //                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+        //                        pCGradient *= (pcI - pcBound) / dist;
+        //
+        //                        //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+        //                        rightEntry += 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWBound) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+        //                        break;
+        //                    }
+        //                    case pn:
+        //                    {
+        //                        // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+        //                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+        //                        pCGradient *= (pcI - pcBound) / dist;
+        //
+        //                        //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+        //                        rightEntry -= 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWBound) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+        //                        break;
+        //                    }
+        //                    }
+                        }   //end 2p subdomain
+                        // set diagonal entry and right hand side entry
+                        A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                        f_[globalIdxI] += entry * pressBound;
+                        f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
+                    }	//end of if(first) ... else{...
+                }   // end dirichlet
+                /**********************************
+                 * set neumann boundary condition
+                 **********************************/
+                else
+                {
+                	Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> J = problem_.neumann(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+					if (first || problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI)==1)
+					{
+						J[wPhaseIdx] /= densityWI;
+						J[nPhaseIdx] /= densityNWI;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						J[wPhaseIdx] *= dv_dC1;
+						J[nPhaseIdx] *= dv_dC2;
+					}
+                    f_[globalIdxI] -= (J[wPhaseIdx] + J[nPhaseIdx]) * faceArea;
+                    //Assumes that the phases flow in the same direction at the neumann boundary, which is the direction of the total flux!!!
+                    //needed to determine the upwind direction in the saturation equation
+                    problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = J[wPhaseIdx];
+                    problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = J[nPhaseIdx];
+                }
+                /*************************************************/
+            }
+        } // end all intersections
+        // compressibility term
+        if (!first && timestep_ != 0.)
+        {
+            if (dV_dp[globalIdxI] == 0.)
+            {
+                assert(problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI)==1);
+                // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to pressure
+                Scalar p_ = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] + 1e-2;
+                Scalar Z1 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, wCompIdx)
+                        / (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, wCompIdx)
+                                + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, nCompIdx));
+                PseudoOnePTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> pseudoFluidState;
+                pseudoFluidState.update(Z1, p_, problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI));
+                if(problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)==1)  //only w-phase
+                {
+                    Scalar v_w_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                        problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                                        p_, pseudoFluidState);
+                    dV_dp[globalIdxI] = (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, wCompIdx)
+                            + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, nCompIdx))
+                            * ( v_w_  - 1./densityWI) / 1e-2;
+                }
+                if(problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)==0.)  //only nw-phase
+                {
+                    Scalar v_n_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                        problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                                        p_, pseudoFluidState);
+                    dV_dp[globalIdxI] = (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, wCompIdx)
+                            + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdxI, nCompIdx))
+                            * ( v_n_  - 1./densityNWI) / 1e-2;
+                }
+            }    //end calculation of 1p compress_term
+            Scalar compress_term = dV_dp[globalIdxI] / timestep_;
+            A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] -= compress_term*volume;
+            f_[globalIdxI] -= problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] * compress_term * volume;
+            if (isnan(compress_term) || isinf(compress_term))
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Compressibility term leads to NAN matrix entry at index " << globalIdxI);
+            if(!GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCompressibility)))
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Compressibility is switched off???");
+        }
+        // error reduction routine: volumetric error is damped and inserted to right hand side
+        // if damping is not done, the solution method gets unstable!
+        problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] /= timestep_;
+        Scalar erri = fabs(problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI]);
+        Scalar x_lo = 0.6;
+        Scalar x_mi = 0.9;
+        Scalar fac  = 0.05;
+        Scalar lofac = 0.;
+        Scalar hifac = 0.;
+        hifac /= fac;
+        if ((erri*timestep_ > 5e-5) && (erri > x_lo * maxErr))
+        {
+            if (erri <= x_mi * maxErr)
+                f_[globalIdxI] += errorCorrection[globalIdxI] = fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac/fac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac/fac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
+                                    * problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
+            else
+                f_[globalIdxI] += errorCorrection[globalIdxI] = fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
+                                    * problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
+        }
+    } // end grid traversal
+    return;
+//! solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::solve()
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(SolverParameters)) SolverParameters;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressurePreconditioner)) Preconditioner;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureSolver)) Solver;
+//    printmatrix(std::cout, A_, "global stiffness matrix", "row", 11, 3);
+//    printvector(std::cout, f_, "right hand side", "row", 200, 1, 3);
+    Dune::MatrixAdapter<Matrix, RHSVector, RHSVector> op(A_); // make linear operator from A_
+    Dune::InverseOperatorResult result;
+    Scalar reduction = SolverParameters::reductionSolver;
+    int maxItSolver = SolverParameters::maxIterationNumberSolver;
+    int iterPreconditioner = SolverParameters::iterationNumberPreconditioner;
+    int verboseLevelSolver = SolverParameters::verboseLevelSolver;
+    Scalar relaxation = SolverParameters::relaxationPreconditioner;
+    if (verboseLevelSolver)
+        std::cout << "FVPressure2P: solve for pressure" << std::endl;
+    Preconditioner preconditioner(A_, iterPreconditioner, relaxation);
+    Solver solver(op, preconditioner, reduction, maxItSolver, verboseLevelSolver);
+    solver.apply(problem_.variables().pressure(), f_, result);
+    return;
+ *  \brief initializes the fluid distribution and hereby the variables container
+ *
+ *  This function equals the method initialguess() and transportInitial() in the old model.
+ *  It differs from updateMaterialLaws because there are two possible initial conditions:
+ *  saturations and concentration.
+ *  \param compositional flag that determines if compositional effects are regarded, i.e.
+ *      a reasonable pressure field is known.
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional)
+	// initialize the fluid system
+    FluidState fluidState;
+	// iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // get geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        // assign an Index for convenience
+        int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // get the temperature
+        Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt);
+        // initial conditions
+		Scalar pressW = 0;
+		Scalar pressNW = 0;
+		Scalar sat_0=0.;
+        BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags ictype = problem_.initFormulation(globalPos, *eIt);            // get type of initial condition
+        if(!compositional) //means that we do the first approximate guess without compositions
+        {
+			// phase pressures are unknown, so start with an exemplary
+        	Scalar exemplaryPressure = problem_.referencePressure(globalPos, *eIt);
+			pressW = pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] = exemplaryPressure;
+			if (ictype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+			{
+				sat_0 = problem_.initSat(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+			else if (ictype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+			{
+				Scalar Z1_0 = problem_.initConcentration(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+        }
+        else if(compositional)	//means we regard compositional effects since we know an estimate pressure field
+        {
+			//determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+			switch (pressureType)
+			{
+                case pw:
+                {
+                    pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                    pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] + problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+                    break;
+                }
+                case pn:
+                {
+                    pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+                    pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                    break;
+                }
+			}
+			if (ictype == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+			{
+				sat_0 = problem_.initSat(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+			else if (ictype == Dumux::BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+			{
+				Scalar Z1_0 = problem_.initConcentration(globalPos, *eIt);
+				fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+			}
+        }
+        // initialize densities
+        problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        // initialize mass fractions
+        problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        // initialize viscosities
+        problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+        problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx) = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+        // initialize mobilities
+        problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) = MaterialLaw::krw(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                / problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
+        problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) = MaterialLaw::krn(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                / problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+        // initialize cell concentration
+        problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx) = fluidState.massConcentration(wCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx) = fluidState.massConcentration(nCompIdx);
+        problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdx] = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    }
+    return;
+//! constitutive functions are updated once if new concentrations are calculated and stored in the variables container
+ * In contrast to the standard sequential 2p2c model, this method also holds routines
+ * to adapt the subdomain. The subdomain indicates weather we are in 1p domain (value = 1)
+ * or in the two phase subdomain (value = 2).
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
+	// this method only completes the variables: = old postprocessupdate()
+	// instantiate standard 2p2c and pseudo1p fluid state objects
+    FluidState fluidState;
+    PseudoOnePTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> pseudoFluidState;
+    //get timestep for error term
+    Scalar dt = problem_.timeManager().timeStepSize();
+    // next subdomain map
+    if (problem_.timeManager().time() == 0.)
+        nextSubdomain = 2;  // start with complicated sub in initialization
+    else
+        nextSubdomain = 1;  // reduce complexity after first TS
+    // iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // get geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // get global coordinate of cell center
+        GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *eIt);
+        // get the overall mass of component 1:  Z1 = C^k / (C^1+C^2) [-]
+        Scalar Z1 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
+                / (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
+                        + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx));
+        if (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdx)==2)   //=> 2p domain
+        {
+            //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+            Scalar pressW(0.), pressNW(0.);
+            switch (pressureType)
+            {
+            case pw:
+            {
+                pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                Scalar oldSatW = problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx);
+                pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx]
+                          + MaterialLaw::pC(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), oldSatW);
+                break;
+            }
+            case pn:
+            {
+                //todo: check this case for consistency throughout the model!
+                pressNW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                Scalar oldSatW = problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx);
+                pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx]
+                         - MaterialLaw::pC(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), oldSatW);
+                break;
+            }
+            }
+            //complete fluid state
+            fluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+            /******** update variables in variableclass **********/
+            // initialize saturation
+            problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx) = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+            // initialize pC		todo: remove this dummy implementation
+            problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.0;
+            // initialize viscosities
+            problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+            problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+            // initialize mobilities
+            problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) =
+                    MaterialLaw::krw(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                        / problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
+            problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) =
+                    MaterialLaw::krn(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                        / problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+            // initialize mass fractions
+            problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            // initialize densities
+            problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressW, fluidState);
+            problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressNW, fluidState);
+            problem_.spatialParameters().update(fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx), *eIt);
+            // determine volume mismatch between actual fluid volume and pore volume
+            Scalar sumConc = (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
+                    + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx));
+            Scalar massw = sumConc * fluidState.phaseMassFraction(wPhaseIdx);
+            Scalar massn = sumConc * fluidState.phaseMassFraction(nPhaseIdx);
+            Scalar vol = massw / problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+                       + massn / problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+            if (dt != 0)
+            {
+                problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdx] = (vol - problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt));
+                Scalar volErrI = problem_.variables().volErr(globalIdx);
+                if (std::isnan(volErrI))
+                {
+                    DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Decoupled2p2c::postProcessUpdate:\n"
+                            << "volErr[" << globalIdx << "] isnan: vol = " << vol
+                            << ", massw = " << massw << ", rho_l = " << problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+                            << ", massn = " << massn << ", rho_g = " << problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                            << ", poro = " << problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt) << ", dt = " << dt);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdx] = 0;
+            }
+            // check subdomain consistency
+            if (problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx) != (1. || 0.)) // cell still 2p
+            {
+                // mark this element
+                nextSubdomain[globalIdx] = 2;
+                // mark neighbors
+                IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
+                for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt!=isItEnd; ++isIt)
+                {
+                    if (isIt->neighbor())
+                    {
+                        int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*(isIt->outside()));
+                        // mark neighbor Element
+                        nextSubdomain[globalIdxJ] = 2;
+                    }
+                }
+                }
+            // end subdomain check
+        }
+        else    // simple
+        {
+            // Todo: update only variables of present phase!!
+            Scalar press1p = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+            pseudoFluidState.update(Z1, press1p, problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx));
+            // initialize viscosities
+            problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, press1p, pseudoFluidState);
+            problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, press1p, pseudoFluidState);
+            // initialize mobilities
+            problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) =
+                    MaterialLaw::krw(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), pseudoFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                        / problem_.variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
+            problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) =
+                    MaterialLaw::krn(problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), pseudoFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                        / problem_.variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+            // initialize mass fractions
+            problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = pseudoFluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = pseudoFluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+            // initialize densities
+            problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, press1p, pseudoFluidState);
+            problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                    = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, press1p, pseudoFluidState);
+            // error term handling
+            Scalar sumConc = (problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
+                    + problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx));
+            Scalar vol(0.);
+            if(problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdx) == 1.)    //only w-phase
+                vol = sumConc / problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx);
+            else    //only nw-phase
+                vol = sumConc / problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+            if (dt != 0)
+                problem_.variables().volErr()[globalIdx] = (vol - problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt));
+        }
+    }// end grid traversal
+    problem_.variables().subdomain() = nextSubdomain;
+    return;
+//! partial derivatives of the volumes w.r.t. changes in total concentration and pressure
+ * This method calculates the volume derivatives via a secant method, where the
+ * secants are gained in a pre-computational step via the transport equation and
+ * the last TS size.
+ * The partial derivatives w.r.t. mass are defined as
+ * \f$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial C^{\kappa}} = \frac{\partial V}{\partial m^{\kappa}}\f$
+ *
+ * \param globalPos The global position of the current element
+ * \param ep A pointer to the current element
+ * \param[out] dv_dC1 partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. mass of component 1 [m^3/kg]
+ * \param[out] dv_dC2 partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. mass of component 2 [m^3/kg]
+ * \param[out] dv_dp partial derivative of fluid volume w.r.t. pressure [1/Pa]
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, ElementPointer ep, Scalar& dv_dC1, Scalar& dv_dC2, Scalar& dV_dp)
+	// cell index
+    int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*ep);
+    // get cell temperature
+    Scalar temperature_ = problem_.temperature(globalPos, *ep);
+    // initialize an Fluid state for the update
+    FluidState updFluidState;
+	/**********************************
+	 * a) get necessary variables
+	 **********************************/
+	//determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+    Scalar pressW=0.;
+	switch (pressureType)
+	{
+	case pw:
+	{
+		pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+		break;
+	}
+	case pn:
+	{
+		pressW = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx);
+		break;
+	}
+	}
+    Scalar v_w = 1. / problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdx);
+    Scalar v_g = 1. / problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
+    Scalar sati = problem_.variables().saturation()[globalIdx];
+    // mass of components inside the cell
+    Scalar m1 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx);
+    Scalar m2 = problem_.variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, nCompIdx);
+    // mass fraction of wetting phase
+    Scalar nuw1 =  sati/ v_w / (sati/v_w + (1-sati)/v_g);
+    // actual fluid volume
+    Scalar volalt = (m1+m2) * (nuw1 * v_w + (1-nuw1) * v_g);
+	/**********************************
+	 * b) define increments
+	 **********************************/
+    // increments for numerical derivatives
+    Scalar inc1 = (fabs(problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, wCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_w) ?  problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,wCompIdx) : 1e-8/v_w;
+    Scalar inc2 =(fabs(problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, nCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_g) ?  problem_.variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,nCompIdx) : 1e-8 / v_g;
+    Scalar incp = 1e-2;
+	/**********************************
+	 * c) Secant method for derivatives
+	 **********************************/
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to pressure
+    Scalar p_ = pressW + incp;
+    Scalar Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+    updFluidState.update(Z1,
+            p_, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+    Scalar v_w_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, p_, updFluidState);
+    Scalar v_g_ = 1. / FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, p_, updFluidState);
+    dV_dp = ((m1+m2) * (nuw1 * v_w_ + (1-nuw1) * v_g_) - volalt) /incp;
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 1
+    m1 +=  inc1;
+    Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+	Scalar satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+	Scalar nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
+    dv_dC1 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt) /inc1;
+    m1 -= inc1;
+    // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 2
+    m2 += inc2;
+    Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
+	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressW, problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+	satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
+    dv_dC2 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt)/ inc2;
+    m2 -= inc2;
+}//end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..362dec0a40469a04a594e04637a578b6023f2391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 2010 by Markus Wolff, Benjamin Faigle                     *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/math.hh>
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Finite Volume discretization of the component transport equation
+ * @author Markus Wolff, Jochen Fritz, Benjamin Faigle
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+//! Miscible Transport step in a Finite Volume discretization
+/*! \ingroup multiphase
+ *  The finite volume model for the solution of the transport equation for compositional
+ *  two-phase flow.
+ *  \f[
+      \frac{\partial C^\kappa}{\partial t} = - \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right) + q^{\kappa},
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$ \bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right) \f$.
+ *  \f$ p_{\alpha} \f$ denotes the phase pressure, \f$ \bf{K} \f$ the absolute permeability, \f$ \lambda_{\alpha} \f$ the phase mobility,
+ *  \f$ \rho_{\alpha} \f$ the phase density and \f$ \bf{g} \f$ the gravity constant and \f$ C^{\kappa} \f$ the total Component concentration.
+ *
+ *  \tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+class FVTransport2P2C
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(ReferenceElements)) ReferenceElements;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::Container ReferenceElementContainer;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::ContainerFaces ReferenceElementFaceContainer;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(SpatialParameters)) SpatialParameters;
+    typedef typename SpatialParameters::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TransportSolutionType)) TransportSolutionType;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        pw = Indices::pressureW,
+        pn = Indices::pressureNW,
+        pglobal = Indices::pressureGlobal,
+        vw = Indices::velocityW,
+        vn = Indices::velocityNW,
+        vt = Indices::velocityTotal,
+        Sw = Indices::saturationW,
+        Sn = Indices::saturationNW,
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+        wCompIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+    };
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> PhaseVector;
+    virtual void update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolutionType& updateVec, bool impes);
+    //! Set the initial values before the first pressure equation
+    /*!
+     * This method is called before first pressure equation is solved from Dumux::IMPET.
+     */
+    void initialize()
+    {};
+    void evalBoundary(GlobalPosition globalPosFace, IntersectionIterator& isIt,
+                         ElementIterator& eIt, FluidState &BCfluidState, PhaseVector &pressure);
+    //! \brief Write data files
+     /*  \param writer applied VTK-writer */
+    template<class MultiWriter>
+    void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
+    {
+        // add debug stuff
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *potentialDifferenceW = writer.template createField<double, 1> (problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        *potentialDifferenceW = potential_[wPhaseIdx];
+        writer.addCellData(potentialDifferenceW, "potentialDifferenceW pre/post pressure");
+        Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,1> > *potentialDifferenceNW = writer.template createField<double, 1> (problem_.variables().gridSize());
+        *potentialDifferenceNW = potential_[nPhaseIdx];
+        writer.addCellData(potentialDifferenceNW, "potentialDifferenceNW pre/post pressure");
+        return;
+    }
+    //! Constructs a FVTransport2P2C object
+    /*!
+     * Currently, the miscible transport scheme can not be applied with a global pressure / total velocity
+     * formulation.
+     *
+     * \param problem a problem class object
+     */
+    FVTransport2P2C(Problem& problem) :
+        problem_(problem), switchNormals(false)
+    {
+        const int velocityType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(VelocityFormulation));
+        if (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCompressibility)) && velocityType == vt)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
+                    "Total velocity - global pressure - model cannot be used with compressible fluids!");
+        }
+        const int saturationType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(SaturationFormulation));
+        if (saturationType != Sw && saturationType != Sn)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Saturation type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (pressureType != pw && pressureType != pn && pressureType != pglobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (velocityType != vw && velocityType != vn && velocityType != vt)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Velocity type not supported!");
+        }
+        potential_.resize(2);
+            potential_[0].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+            potential_[1].resize(problem_.variables().gridSize());
+    }
+    ~FVTransport2P2C()
+    {
+    }
+    Problem& problem_;
+    TransportSolutionType potential_;
+    static const int pressureType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation)); //!< gives kind of pressure used (\f$ 0 = p_w \f$, \f$ 1 = p_n \f$, \f$ 2 = p_{global} \f$)
+    bool switchNormals;
+//! \brief Calculate the update vector and determine timestep size
+ *  This method calculates the update vector \f$ u \f$ of the discretized equation
+ *  \f[
+       C^{\kappa , new} = C^{\kappa , old} + u,
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$ u = \sum_{element faces} \boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha} * \varrho_{\alpha} * X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} * \boldsymbol{n} * A_{element face} \f$,
+ *  \f$ \boldsymbol{n} \f$ is the face normal and \f$ A_{element face} \f$ is the face area.
+ *
+ *  In addition to the \a update vector, the recommended time step size \a dt is calculated
+ *  employing a CFL condition.
+ *  This method = old concentrationUpdate()
+ *
+ *  \param t Current simulation time [s]
+ *  \param[out] dt Time step size [s]
+ *  \param[out] updateVec Update vector, or update estimate for secants, resp. Here in [kg/m^3]
+ *  \param impes Flag that determines if it is a real impes step or an update estimate for volume derivatives
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolutionType& updateVec, bool impes = false)
+    // initialize dt very large
+    dt = 1E100;
+    // set update vector to zero
+    updateVec[wCompIdx] = 0;
+    updateVec[nCompIdx] = 0;
+    // Cell which restricts time step size
+    int restrictingCell = -1;
+    // some phase properties
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> gravity_ = problem_.gravity();
+    // compute update vector
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        // cell geometry type
+        Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+        // get position
+        GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        // cell volume, assume linear map here
+        Scalar volume = eIt->geometry().volume();
+        // get values of cell I
+        Scalar pressI = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI];
+        Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> K_I(problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPos, *eIt));
+        Scalar SwmobI = std::max((problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)
+                                - problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt).Swr())
+                                , 1e-2);
+        Scalar SnmobI = std::max((1. - problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)
+                                    - problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt).Snr())
+                                , 1e-2);
+        double Xw1_I = problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI);
+        double Xn1_I = problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar densityWI = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxI);
+        Scalar densityNWI = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+        // some variables for time step calculation
+        double sumfactorin = 0;
+        double sumfactorout = 0;
+        // run through all intersections with neighbors and boundary
+        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
+        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+        {
+            // get geometry type of face
+            Dune::GeometryType faceGT = isIt->geometryInInside().type();
+            // center in face's reference element
+            const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim - 1>& faceLocal =
+                    ReferenceElementFaceContainer::general(faceGT).position(0, 0);
+            // center of face inside volume reference element
+            const LocalPosition localPosFace(0);
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitOuterNormal = isIt->unitOuterNormal(faceLocal);
+            if (switchNormals)
+                unitOuterNormal *= -1.0;
+            Scalar faceArea = isIt->geometry().volume();
+            // create vector for timestep and for update
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> factor (0.);
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> updFactor (0.);
+            // handle interior face
+            if (isIt->neighbor())
+            {
+                // access neighbor
+                ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
+                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+                // compute factor in neighbor
+                Dune::GeometryType neighborGT = neighborPointer->geometry().type();
+                // cell center in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+                // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                // distance vector between barycenters
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                // compute distance between cell centers
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                // get saturation and concentration value at neighbor cell center
+                double Xw1_J = problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ);
+                double Xn1_J = problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ);
+                // phase densities in neighbor
+                Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                // average phase densities with central weighting
+                double densityW_mean = (densityWI + densityWJ) * 0.5;
+                double densityNW_mean = (densityNWI + densityNWJ) * 0.5;
+                double pressJ = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+                // compute mean permeability
+                Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> meanK_(0.);
+                Dumux::harmonicMeanMatrix(meanK_,
+                		K_I,
+						problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer));
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> K(0);
+                meanK_.umv(unitDistVec,K);
+                // velocities
+                double potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist * dist);
+                double potentialNW = potentialW + densityNW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                potentialW += densityW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                // upwind mobility
+                double lambdaW, lambdaN;
+                if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                    lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+                else
+                    lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                    lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+                else
+                    lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                double velocityW = lambdaW * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityW_mean);
+                double velocityN = lambdaN * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityNW_mean);
+                // standardized velocity
+                double velocityJIw = std::max(-velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                double velocityIJw = std::max( velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                double velocityJIn = std::max(-velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                double velocityIJn = std::max( velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                // for timestep control
+                factor[0] = velocityJIw + velocityJIn;
+                double foutw = velocityIJw/SwmobI;
+                double foutn = velocityIJn/SnmobI;
+                if (std::isnan(foutw) || std::isinf(foutw) || foutw < 0) foutw = 0;
+                if (std::isnan(foutn) || std::isinf(foutn) || foutn < 0) foutn = 0;
+                factor[1] = foutw + foutn;
+                updFactor[wCompIdx] =
+                    velocityJIw * Xw1_J * densityWJ
+                    - velocityIJw * Xw1_I * densityWI
+                    + velocityJIn * Xn1_J * densityNWJ
+                    - velocityIJn * Xn1_I * densityNWI;
+                updFactor[nCompIdx] =
+                    velocityJIw * (1. - Xw1_J) * densityWJ
+                    - velocityIJw * (1. - Xw1_I) * densityWI
+                    + velocityJIn * (1. - Xn1_J) * densityNWJ
+                    - velocityIJn * (1. - Xn1_I) * densityNWI;
+            }
+            /******************************************
+             * 	Boundary Face
+             ******************************************/
+            if (isIt->boundary())
+            {
+                // center of face in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().global(faceLocal);
+                // cell center in global coordinates
+                const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+                // distance vector between barycenters
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosFace - globalPos;
+                // compute distance between cell centers
+                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                unitDistVec /= dist;
+                //instantiate a fluid state
+                FluidState BCfluidState;
+                //get boundary type
+                BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypeTransport_ = problem_.bcTypeTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                /**********         Dirichlet Boundary        *************/
+                if (bcTypeTransport_ == BoundaryConditions::dirichlet)
+                {
+                    //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
+                    Scalar pressBound = 0.;
+                	//TODO: take pC from variables or from MaterialLaw?
+                	// if the latter, one needs Sw
+                    Scalar pcBound = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+                    switch (pressureType)
+                    {
+                    case pw:
+                    {
+                        pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pn:
+                    {
+                        pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt) - pcBound;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    }
+                    // read boundary values
+                    BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bctype = problem_.bcFormulation(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                    if (bctype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)
+                    {
+                        Scalar satBound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        BCfluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBound,
+											problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
+											problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt));
+                    }
+                    if (bctype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration)
+                    {
+                        // saturation and hence pc and hence corresponding pressure unknown
+						Scalar Z1Bound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+						BCfluidState.update(Z1Bound, pressBound,
+											problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
+											problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt));
+                    }
+                    // determine fluid properties at the boundary
+                    Scalar Xw1Bound = BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    Scalar Xn1Bound = BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                    Scalar densityWBound = BCfluidState.density(wPhaseIdx);
+					Scalar densityNWBound = BCfluidState.density(nPhaseIdx);
+					Scalar viscosityWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx,
+																		problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+																		pressBound, BCfluidState);
+					Scalar viscosityNWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx,
+																		problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+																		pressBound+pcBound, BCfluidState);
+                    // average
+                    double densityW_mean = (densityWI + densityWBound) / 2;
+                    double densityNW_mean = (densityNWI + densityNWBound) / 2;
+                    // velocities
+                    double potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (pressI - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                    double potentialNW = potentialW + densityNW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                    potentialW += densityW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                    potentialNW += densityNW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                    // do upwinding for lambdas
+                    double lambdaW, lambdaN;
+                    if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                        lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+                    else
+                        {
+                        if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility))==Indices::satDependent)
+                            lambdaW = BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx) / viscosityWBound;
+                        else
+                            lambdaW = MaterialLaw::krw(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityWBound;
+                        }
+                    if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                        lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+                    else
+                        {
+                        if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility))==Indices::satDependent)
+                            lambdaN = BCfluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx) / viscosityNWBound;
+                        else
+                            lambdaN = MaterialLaw::krn(
+                                    problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), BCfluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx))
+                                    / viscosityNWBound;
+                        }
+                    // prepare K
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> K(0);
+                    K_I.umv(unitDistVec,K);
+                    double velocityW = lambdaW * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressBound)
+                    		/ (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityW_mean);
+                    double velocityN = lambdaN * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressBound)
+                    		/ (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityNW_mean);
+                    // standardized velocity
+                    double velocityJIw = std::max(-velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityIJw = std::max( velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityJIn = std::max(-velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityIJn = std::max( velocityN* faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    // for timestep control
+                    factor[0] = velocityJIw + velocityJIn;
+                    double foutw = velocityIJw/SwmobI;
+                    double foutn = velocityIJn/SnmobI;
+                    if (std::isnan(foutw) || std::isinf(foutw) || foutw < 0) foutw = 0;
+                    if (std::isnan(foutn) || std::isinf(foutn) || foutn < 0) foutn = 0;
+                    factor[1] = foutw + foutn;
+                    updFactor[wCompIdx] =
+                        + velocityJIw * Xw1Bound * densityWBound
+                        - velocityIJw * Xw1_I * densityWI
+                        + velocityJIn * Xn1Bound * densityNWBound
+                        - velocityIJn * Xn1_I * densityNWI ;
+                    updFactor[nCompIdx] =
+                        velocityJIw * (1. - Xw1Bound) * densityWBound
+                        - velocityIJw * (1. - Xw1_I) * densityWI
+                        + velocityJIn * (1. - Xn1Bound) * densityNWBound
+                        - velocityIJn * (1. - Xn1_I) * densityNWI ;
+                }//end dirichlet boundary
+                if (bcTypeTransport_ == BoundaryConditions::neumann)
+                {
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> J = problem_.neumann(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                    updFactor[wCompIdx] = J[0] * faceArea / volume;
+                    updFactor[nCompIdx] = J[1] * faceArea / volume;
+                    // for timestep control
+					#define cflIgnoresNeumann
+					#ifdef cflIgnoresNeumann
+                    factor[0] = 0;
+                    factor[1] = 0;
+					#else
+                    double inflow = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;
+                    if (inflow>0)
+						{
+                    	factor[0] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;	// =factor in
+                    	factor[1] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI);	// =factor out
+						}
+                    else
+                    {
+                    	factor[0] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW);	// =factor in
+                    	factor[1] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI;	// =factor out
+                    }
+					#endif
+                }//end neumann boundary
+            }//end boundary
+            // add to update vector
+            updateVec[wCompIdx][globalIdxI] += updFactor[wCompIdx];
+            updateVec[nCompIdx][globalIdxI] += updFactor[nCompIdx];
+            // for time step calculation
+            sumfactorin += factor[0];
+            sumfactorout += factor[1];
+        }// end all intersections
+        /************************************
+         * 	Handle source term
+         ***********************************/
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,2> q = problem_.source(globalPos, *eIt);
+        updateVec[wCompIdx][globalIdxI] += q[wCompIdx];
+        updateVec[nCompIdx][globalIdxI] += q[nCompIdx];
+        // account for porosity
+        sumfactorin = std::max(sumfactorin,sumfactorout)
+						/ problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt);
+        if ( 1./sumfactorin < dt)
+        {
+            dt = 1./sumfactorin;
+            restrictingCell= globalIdxI;
+        }
+    } // end grid traversal
+    if(impes)
+        Dune::dinfo << "Timestep restricted by CellIdx " << restrictingCell << " leads to dt = "<<dt * GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(CFLFactor))<< std::endl;
+    return;
+    }
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2cmultiphysics.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2cmultiphysics.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4cd0b17b33dcd8013e0196d073119269ed02ff58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2cmultiphysics.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 2010 by Markus Wolff, Benjamin Faigle                     *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/math.hh>
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Finite Volume discretization of the component transport equation
+ * @author Markus Wolff, Jochen Fritz, Benjamin Faigle
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+//! Miscible Transport step in a Finite Volume discretization
+ * \ingroup multiphysics
+ *  The finite volume model for the solution of the transport equation for compositional
+ *  two-phase flow.
+ *  \f[
+      \frac{\partial C^\kappa}{\partial t} = - \nabla \cdot \left( \sum_{\alpha} X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} \varrho_{alpha} \bf{v}_{\alpha}\right) + q^{\kappa},
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$ \bf{v}_{\alpha} = - \lambda_{\alpha} \bf{K} \left(\nabla p_{\alpha} + \rho_{\alpha} \bf{g} \right) \f$.
+ *  \f$ p_{\alpha} \f$ denotes the phase pressure, \f$ \bf{K} \f$ the absolute permeability, \f$ \lambda_{\alpha} \f$ the phase mobility,
+ *  \f$ \rho_{\alpha} \f$ the phase density and \f$ \bf{g} \f$ the gravity constant and \f$ C^{\kappa} \f$ the total Component concentration.
+ *  
+ * The model domain is automatically divided
+ * in a single-phase and a two-phase domain. The full 2p2c model is only evaluated within the
+ * two-phase subdomain, whereas a single-phase transport model is computed in the rest of the
+ * domain.
+ *
+ *  \tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+class FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(ReferenceElements)) ReferenceElements;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::Container ReferenceElementContainer;
+    typedef typename ReferenceElements::ContainerFaces ReferenceElementFaceContainer;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(SpatialParameters)) SpatialParameters;
+    typedef typename SpatialParameters::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TransportSolutionType)) TransportSolutionType;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        pw = Indices::pressureW,
+        pn = Indices::pressureNW,
+        pglobal = Indices::pressureGlobal,
+        vw = Indices::velocityW,
+        vn = Indices::velocityNW,
+        vt = Indices::velocityTotal,
+        Sw = Indices::saturationW,
+        Sn = Indices::saturationNW,
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx,
+        wCompIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+    };
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    virtual void update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolutionType& updateVec, bool impes);
+    //! Set the initial values before the first pressure equation
+    /*!
+     * This method is called before first pressure equation is solved from Dumux::IMPET.
+     */
+    void initialize()
+    {};
+    //! \brief Write data files
+     /*  \param writer applied VTK-writer */
+    template<class MultiWriter>
+    void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    //! Constructs a FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics object
+    /**
+     * \param problem a problem class object
+     */
+    FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics(Problem& problem) :
+        problem_(problem), switchNormals(false)
+    {
+        const int velocityType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(VelocityFormulation));
+        if (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCompressibility)) && velocityType == vt)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
+                    "Total velocity - global pressure - model cannot be used with compressible fluids!");
+        }
+        const int saturationType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(SaturationFormulation));
+        if (saturationType != Sw && saturationType != Sn)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Saturation type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (pressureType != pw && pressureType != pn && pressureType != pglobal)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Pressure type not supported!");
+        }
+        if (velocityType != vw && velocityType != vn && velocityType != vt)
+        {
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Velocity type not supported!");
+        }
+    }
+    ~FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics()
+    {
+    }
+    Problem& problem_;
+    static const int pressureType = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation)); //!< gives kind of pressure used (\f$ 0 = p_w \f$, \f$ 1 = p_n \f$, \f$ 2 = p_{global} \f$)
+    bool switchNormals;
+//! \brief Calculate the update vector and determine timestep size
+ *  This method calculates the update vector \f$ u \f$ of the discretized equation
+ *  \f[
+       C^{\kappa , new} = C^{\kappa , old} + u,
+ *  \f]
+ *  where \f$ u = \sum_{element faces} \boldsymbol{v}_{\alpha} * \varrho_{\alpha} * X^{\kappa}_{\alpha} * \boldsymbol{n} * A_{element face} \f$,
+ *  \f$ \boldsymbol{n} \f$ is the face normal and \f$ A_{element face} \f$ is the face area.
+ *
+ *  In addition to the \a update vector, the recommended time step size \a dt is calculated
+ *  employing a CFL condition.
+ *  This method = old concentrationUpdate()
+ *
+ *  \param t Current simulation time [s]
+ *  \param[out] dt Time step size [s]
+ *  \param[out] updateVec Update vector, or update estimate for secants, resp. Here in [kg/m^3]
+ *  \param impes Flag that determines if it is a real impes step or an update estimate for volume derivatives
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolutionType& updateVec, bool impet = false)
+    // initialize dt very large
+    dt = 1E100;
+    // set update vector to zero
+    updateVec[wCompIdx] = 0;
+    updateVec[nCompIdx] = 0;
+    // Cell which restricts time step size
+    int restrictingCell = -1;
+    // some phase properties
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> gravity_ = problem_.gravity();
+    // compute update vector
+    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
+    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+    {
+        // cell index
+        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+        if(impet || (problem_.variables().subdomain(globalIdxI)==2))   // estimate only necessary in subdomain
+        {
+            // cell geometry type
+            Dune::GeometryType gt = eIt->geometry().type();
+            // get position
+            GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+            // cell volume, assume linear map here
+            Scalar volume = eIt->geometry().volume();
+            // get values of cell I
+            Scalar pressI = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI];
+    //        Scalar pcI = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+            Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> K_I(problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPos, *eIt));
+            Scalar SwmobI = std::max((problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)
+                                    - problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt).Swr())
+                                    , 1e-2);
+            Scalar SnmobI = std::max((1. - problem_.variables().saturation(globalIdxI)
+                                        - problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt).Snr())
+                                    , 1e-2);
+            double Xw1_I = problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI);
+            double Xn1_I = problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI);
+            Scalar densityWI = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxI);
+            Scalar densityNWI = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+            // some variables for time step calculation
+            double sumfactorin = 0;
+            double sumfactorout = 0;
+            // run through all intersections with neighbors and boundary
+            IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
+            for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
+            {
+                // get geometry type of face
+                Dune::GeometryType faceGT = isIt->geometryInInside().type();
+                // center in face's reference element
+                const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim - 1>& faceLocal =
+                        ReferenceElementFaceContainer::general(faceGT).position(0, 0);
+                // center of face inside volume reference element
+                const LocalPosition localPosFace(0);
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitOuterNormal = isIt->unitOuterNormal(faceLocal);
+                if (switchNormals)		// TODO: whats this??
+                    unitOuterNormal *= -1.0;
+                Scalar faceArea = isIt->geometry().volume();
+                // create vector for timestep and for update
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> factor (0.);
+                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2> updFactor (0.);
+                // handle interior face
+                if (isIt->neighbor())
+                {
+                    // access neighbor
+                    ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
+                    int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+                    // compute factor in neighbor
+                    Dune::GeometryType neighborGT = neighborPointer->geometry().type();
+                    // cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+                    // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                    // distance vector between barycenters
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                    // compute distance between cell centers
+                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                    unitDistVec /= dist;
+                    // get saturation and concentration value at neighbor cell center
+                    double Xw1_J = problem_.variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ);
+                    double Xn1_J = problem_.variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ);
+                    // phase densities in neighbor
+                    Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    // average phase densities with central weighting
+                    double densityW_mean = (densityWI + densityWJ) * 0.5;
+                    double densityNW_mean = (densityNWI + densityNWJ) * 0.5;
+                    double pressJ = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+                    // compute mean permeability
+                    Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> meanK_(0.);
+                    Dumux::harmonicMeanMatrix(meanK_,
+                            K_I,
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer));
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> K(0);
+                    meanK_.umv(unitDistVec,K);
+                    // velocities
+                    double potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist * dist);
+                    double potentialNW = potentialW + densityNW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                    potentialW += densityW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                    //                  lambda = 2 * lambdaI * lambdaJ / (lambdaI + lambdaJ);
+                    double lambdaW, lambdaN;
+                    if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                        lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+                    else
+                        lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                        lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+                    else
+                        lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    double velocityW = lambdaW * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityW_mean);
+                    double velocityN = lambdaN * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressJ) / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityNW_mean);
+                    // standardized velocity
+                    double velocityJIw = std::max(-velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityIJw = std::max( velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityJIn = std::max(-velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    double velocityIJn = std::max( velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                    // for timestep control
+                    factor[0] = velocityJIw + velocityJIn;
+                    double foutw = velocityIJw/SwmobI;
+                    double foutn = velocityIJn/SnmobI;
+                    if (std::isnan(foutw) || std::isinf(foutw) || foutw < 0) foutw = 0;
+                    if (std::isnan(foutn) || std::isinf(foutn) || foutn < 0) foutn = 0;
+                    factor[1] = foutw + foutn;
+                    updFactor[wCompIdx] =
+                        velocityJIw * Xw1_J * densityWJ
+                        - velocityIJw * Xw1_I * densityWI
+                        + velocityJIn * Xn1_J * densityNWJ
+                        - velocityIJn * Xn1_I * densityNWI;
+                    updFactor[nCompIdx] =
+                        velocityJIw * (1. - Xw1_J) * densityWJ
+                        - velocityIJw * (1. - Xw1_I) * densityWI
+                        + velocityJIn * (1. - Xn1_J) * densityNWJ
+                        - velocityIJn * (1. - Xn1_I) * densityNWI;
+                }
+                /******************************************
+                 * 	Boundary Face
+                 ******************************************/
+                if (isIt->boundary())
+                {
+                    // center of face in global coordinates
+                    GlobalPosition globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().global(faceLocal);
+                    // cell center in global coordinates
+                    GlobalPosition globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+                    // distance vector between barycenters
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVec = globalPosFace - globalPos;
+                    // compute distance between cell centers
+                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> unitDistVec(distVec);
+                    unitDistVec /= dist;
+                    //instantiate a fluid state
+                    FluidState fluidState;
+                    //get boundary type
+                    BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypeTransport_ = problem_.bcTypeTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                    if (bcTypeTransport_ == BoundaryConditions::dirichlet)
+                    {
+                        //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
+                        Scalar pressBound = 0.;
+                        //TODO: take pC from variables or from MaterialLaw?
+                        // if the latter, one needs Sw
+                        Scalar pcBound = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxI);
+                        switch (pressureType)
+                        {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            pressBound = problem_.dirichletPress(globalPosFace, *isIt) - pcBound;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        }
+                        // read boundary values
+                        BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bctype = problem_.bcFormulation(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        if (bctype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::saturation)
+                        {
+                            Scalar satBound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            fluidState.satFlash(satBound, pressBound,
+                                                problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                                problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt));
+                        }
+                        if (bctype == BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration)
+                        {
+                            Scalar Z1Bound = problem_.dirichletTransport(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                            fluidState.update(Z1Bound, pressBound,
+                                                problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                                problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt));
+                        }
+                        // determine fluid properties at the boundary
+                        Scalar Xw1Bound = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                        Scalar Xn1Bound = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+                        Scalar densityWBound = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                                    problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+                                                                    pressBound, fluidState);
+                        Scalar densityNWBound = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                                    problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+                                                                    pressBound+pcBound, fluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                                            problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+                                                                            pressBound, fluidState);
+                        Scalar viscosityNWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                                            problem_.temperature(globalPosFace, *eIt),
+                                                                            pressBound+pcBound, fluidState);
+                        // average
+                        double densityW_mean = (densityWI + densityWBound) / 2;
+                        double densityNW_mean = (densityNWI + densityNWBound) / 2;
+                        // velocities
+                        double potentialW = (unitOuterNormal * distVec) * (pressI - pressBound) / (dist * dist);
+                        double potentialNW = potentialW + densityNW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                        potentialW += densityW_mean * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
+                        double lambdaW, lambdaN;
+                        if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                            lambdaW = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+                        else
+                            {
+                            if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility))==Indices::satDependent)
+                                lambdaW = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx) / viscosityWBound;
+                            else
+                                lambdaW = MaterialLaw::krw(
+                                        problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
+                                        / viscosityWBound;
+                            }
+                        if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                            lambdaN = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+                        else
+                            {
+                            if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(BoundaryMobility))==Indices::satDependent)
+                                lambdaN = fluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx) / viscosityNWBound;
+                            else
+                                lambdaN = MaterialLaw::krn(
+                                        problem_.spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(nPhaseIdx))
+                                        / viscosityNWBound;
+                            }
+                        // prepare K
+                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> K(0);
+                        K_I.umv(unitDistVec,K);
+                        double velocityW = lambdaW * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressBound)
+                                / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityW_mean);
+                        double velocityN = lambdaN * ((K * unitOuterNormal) * (pressI - pressBound)
+                                / (dist) + (K * gravity_)  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * densityNW_mean);
+                        // standardized velocity
+                        double velocityJIw = std::max(-velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                        double velocityIJw = std::max( velocityW * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                        double velocityJIn = std::max(-velocityN * faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                        double velocityIJn = std::max( velocityN* faceArea / volume, 0.0);
+                        // for timestep control
+                        factor[0] = velocityJIw + velocityJIn;
+                        double foutw = velocityIJw/SwmobI;
+                        double foutn = velocityIJn/SnmobI;
+                        if (std::isnan(foutw) || std::isinf(foutw) || foutw < 0) foutw = 0;
+                        if (std::isnan(foutn) || std::isinf(foutn) || foutn < 0) foutn = 0;
+                        factor[1] = foutw + foutn;
+                        updFactor[wCompIdx] =
+                            + velocityJIw * Xw1Bound * densityWBound
+                            - velocityIJw * Xw1_I * densityWI
+                            + velocityJIn * Xn1Bound * densityNWBound
+                            - velocityIJn * Xn1_I * densityNWI ;
+                        updFactor[nCompIdx] =
+                            velocityJIw * (1. - Xw1Bound) * densityWBound
+                            - velocityIJw * (1. - Xw1_I) * densityWI
+                            + velocityJIn * (1. - Xn1Bound) * densityNWBound
+                            - velocityIJn * (1. - Xn1_I) * densityNWI ;
+                    }//end dirichlet boundary
+                    if (bcTypeTransport_ == BoundaryConditions::neumann)
+                    {
+                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> J = problem_.neumann(globalPosFace, *isIt);
+                        updFactor[wCompIdx] = J[0] * faceArea / volume;
+                        updFactor[nCompIdx] = J[1] * faceArea / volume;
+                        // for timestep control
+                        #define cflIgnoresNeumann
+                        #ifdef cflIgnoresNeumann
+                        factor[0] = 0;
+                        factor[1] = 0;
+                        #else
+                        double inflow = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;
+                        if (inflow>0)
+                            {
+                            factor[0] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;	// =factor in
+                            factor[1] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI);	// =factor out
+                            }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            factor[0] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW);	// =factor in
+                            factor[1] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI;	// =factor out
+                        }
+                        #endif
+                    }//end neumann boundary
+                }//end boundary
+                // add to update vector
+                updateVec[wCompIdx][globalIdxI] += updFactor[wCompIdx];
+                updateVec[nCompIdx][globalIdxI] += updFactor[nCompIdx];
+                // for time step calculation
+                sumfactorin += factor[0];
+                sumfactorout += factor[1];
+            }// end all intersections
+            /************************************
+             * 	Handle source term
+             ***********************************/
+            Dune::FieldVector<double,2> q = problem_.source(globalPos, *eIt);
+            updateVec[wCompIdx][globalIdxI] += q[wCompIdx];
+            updateVec[nCompIdx][globalIdxI] += q[nCompIdx];
+            // account for porosity
+            sumfactorin = std::max(sumfactorin,sumfactorout)
+                            / problem_.spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt);
+            if ( 1./sumfactorin < dt)
+            {
+                dt = 1./sumfactorin;
+                restrictingCell= globalIdxI;
+            }
+        }
+    } // end grid traversal
+    if(impet)
+        Dune::dinfo << "Timestep restricted by CellIdx " << restrictingCell << " leads to dt = "<<dt * GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(CFLFactor))<< std::endl;
+    return;
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/pseudo1p2cfluidstate.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/pseudo1p2cfluidstate.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9da2c2f82d2ff383333e56d0d74962bc0001e2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/pseudo1p2cfluidstate.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ *   Copyright (C) 2009 by Benjamin Faigle                                   *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file 
+ *
+ * \brief Calculates phase state for a single phase but two-component state.
+ */
+#include <dumux/material/fluidstate.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproperties.hh>
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup multiphysics
+ * \brief Container for compositional variables in a 1p2c situation
+ *
+ *  This class represents a pseudo flash calculation when only single-phase situations
+ *  occur. This is used in case of a multiphysics approach.
+ *  \tparam TypeTag The property Type Tag
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class PseudoOnePTwoCFluidState : public FluidState<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)),
+                                           PseudoOnePTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> >
+    typedef DecTwoPTwoCFluidState<TypeTag> ThisType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))      Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+    enum { 	numPhases = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(NumPhases)),
+			numComponents = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(NumComponents)),
+            wPhaseIdx = 0,
+            nPhaseIdx = 1,};
+    /*!
+     * \name flash calculation routines
+     * Routine to determine the phase composition after the transport step.
+     */
+    //@{
+    //! The simplest possible update routine for 1p2c "flash" calculations
+    /*!
+     * Routine goes as follows:
+     * - Check if we are in single phase condition
+     * - Assign total concentration to the present phase
+     *
+     * \param Z1 Feed mass fraction [-]
+     * \param press1p Pressure value for present phase [Pa]
+     * \param satW Saturation of the wetting phase [-]
+     */
+    void update(Scalar Z1,Scalar press1p, Scalar satW)
+    {
+        Sw_ = satW;
+        pressure1p_=press1p;
+        if (satW == 1.)
+        {
+            massfracX1_[wPhaseIdx] = Z1;
+            massfracX1_[nPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+        }
+        else if (satW == 0.)
+        {
+            massfracX1_[wPhaseIdx] = 0.;
+            massfracX1_[nPhaseIdx] = Z1;
+        }
+        else
+            Dune::dgrave << "Twophase conditions in simple-phase flash! Saturation is " << satW << std::endl;
+        return;
+    }
+    //@}
+    /*! \name Acess functions */
+    //@{
+    /*! \brief Returns the saturation of a phase.
+     *  \param phaseIdx Index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar saturation(int phaseIdx) const
+    {
+        if (phaseIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+            return Sw_;
+        else
+            return Scalar(1.0) - Sw_;
+    };
+    /*! \brief Returns the pressure of a fluid phase [Pa].
+     *  \param phaseIdx Index of the phase
+     */
+    Scalar phasePressure(int phaseIdx) const
+    { return pressure1p_; }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the mass fraction of a component in a phase.
+     *  \param phaseIdx Index of the phase
+     *  \param compIdx Index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar massFrac(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
+    {
+        if (compIdx == wPhaseIdx)
+            return massfracX1_[phaseIdx];
+        else
+            return 1.-massfracX1_[phaseIdx];
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the molar fraction of a component in a fluid phase.
+     *  \param phaseIdx Index of the phase
+     *  \param compIdx Index of the component
+     */
+    Scalar moleFrac(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) const
+    {
+        double moleFrac_(0.);
+        // as the mass fractions are calculated, these are used to determine the mole fractions
+        if (compIdx == wPhaseIdx)   //only interested in wComp => X1
+        {
+            moleFrac_ = ( massfracX1_[phaseIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(compIdx) );	// = moles of compIdx
+            moleFrac_ /= ( massfracX1_[phaseIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(0)
+                           + (1.-massfracX1_[phaseIdx]) / FluidSystem::molarMass(1) );	// /= total moles in phase
+        }
+        else    // interested in nComp => 1-X1
+        {
+            moleFrac_ = ( (1.-massfracX1_[phaseIdx]) / FluidSystem::molarMass(compIdx) );   // = moles of compIdx
+            moleFrac_ /= ((1.- massfracX1_[phaseIdx] )/ FluidSystem::molarMass(0)
+                           + massfracX1_[phaseIdx] / FluidSystem::molarMass(1) );    // /= total moles in phase
+        }
+		return moleFrac_;
+    }
+    //@}
+    Scalar massfracX1_[numPhases];
+    Scalar Sw_;
+    Scalar pressure1p_;
+} // end namepace
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/variableclass2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/variableclass2p2c.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81498d80a7e21ddf8138b5d0b7386a5cf3c6bcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/variableclass2p2c.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+// $Id: variableclass2p.hh 3357 2010-03-25 13:02:05Z lauser $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2009 by Markus Wolff                                      *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/variableclass.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/dec2p2cfluidstate.hh>
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations
+ * @author Markus Wolff, Benjamin Faigle
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup IMPEC
+ */
+//! Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations.
+/*! The variables of compositional two-phase flow, which are one pressure and one saturation are stored in this class.
+ *
+ * \tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+class VariableClass2P2C: public VariableClass<TypeTag>
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(SolutionTypes)) SolutionTypes;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TransportSolutionType)) TransportSolutionType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+    typedef VariableClass<TypeTag> ParentClass;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        pw = Indices::pressureW, pn = Indices::pressureNW, pglobal = Indices::pressureGlobal,
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+    };
+    static const int pressureType_ = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(PressureFormulation));
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    typedef typename GridView::IndexSet IndexSet;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution ScalarSolutionType;//!<type for vector of scalars
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::PhaseProperty PhasePropertyType;//!<type for vector of phase properties = FluidPropertyType
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::FluidProperty FluidPropertyType;//!<type for vector of fluid properties = PhasePropertyType -> decoupledproperties.hh
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::PhasePropertyElemFace PhasePropertyElemFaceType;//!<type for vector of vectors (of size 2 x dimension) of scalars
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::DimVecElemFace DimVecElemFaceType;//!<type for vector of vectors (of size 2 x dimension) of vector (of size dimension) of scalars
+    const int codim_;
+    ScalarSolutionType saturation_;
+    PhasePropertyType mobility_; //store lambda for efficiency reasons
+    ScalarSolutionType capillaryPressure_;
+    DimVecElemFaceType velocitySecondPhase_;	//necessary??
+    FluidPropertyType density_;
+    FluidPropertyType viscosity_;
+    ScalarSolutionType volErr_;
+    TransportSolutionType totalConcentration_;
+    PhasePropertyType massfrac_;
+    TransportSolutionType updateEstimate_;
+    Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<int,1> > subdomain_;
+    //! Constructs a VariableClass object
+    /**
+     *  @param gridView a DUNE gridview object corresponding to diffusion and transport equation
+     *  @param initialSat initial value for the saturation (only necessary if only diffusion part is solved)
+     *  @param initialVel initial value for the velocity (only necessary if only transport part is solved)
+     */
+    VariableClass2P2C(const GridView& gridView, Scalar& initialSat = *(new Scalar(1)),
+            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& initialVel = *(new Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>(0))) :
+        VariableClass<TypeTag> (gridView, initialVel), codim_(0)
+    {
+        initialize2p2cVariables(initialVel, initialSat);
+    }
+    //! Constructs a VariableClass object
+    /**
+     *  @param gridView a DUNE gridview object corresponding to diffusion and transport equation
+     *  @param codim codimension of the entity of which data has to be strored
+     *  @param initialSat initial value for the saturation (only necessary if only diffusion part is solved)
+     *  @param initialVel initial value for the velocity (only necessary if only transport part is solved)
+     */
+    VariableClass2P2C(const GridView& gridView, int codim, Scalar& initialSat = *(new Scalar(1)), Dune::FieldVector<
+            Scalar, dim>& initialVel = *(new Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>(0))) :
+        VariableClass<TypeTag> (gridView, codim, initialVel), codim_(codim)
+    {
+    	initialize2p2cVariables(initialVel, initialSat);
+    }
+    //! serialization methods -- same as Dumux::VariableClass2P
+    //@{
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void serialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        res.template serializeEntities<0> (*this, this->gridView());
+    }
+    template<class Restarter>
+    void deserialize(Restarter &res)
+    {
+        res.template deserializeEntities<0> (*this, this->gridView());
+    }
+    void serializeEntity(std::ostream &outstream, const Element &element)
+    {
+    	Dune::dwarn << "here, rather total concentrations should be used!" << std::endl;
+        int globalIdx = this->elementMapper().map(element);
+        outstream << this->pressure()[globalIdx] << "  " << saturation_[globalIdx];
+    }
+    void deserializeEntity(std::istream &instream, const Element &element)
+    {
+        int globalIdx = this->elementMapper().map(element);
+        instream >> this->pressure()[globalIdx] >> saturation_[globalIdx];
+    }
+    //@}
+    //! initializes the miscible 2p variables
+    /*! Internal method that prepares the vectors holding the 2p2c variables for the current
+     *  simulation.
+     *
+     *\param initialVel Vector containing the initial velocity
+     *\param initialSat Initial value for the saturation
+     */
+    void initialize2p2cVariables(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& initialVel, int initialSat)
+    {
+        //resize to grid size
+    	int size_ = this->gridSize();
+    	// a) global variables
+        velocitySecondPhase_.resize(size_);//depends on pressure
+            velocitySecondPhase_ = initialVel;
+        for (int i=0; i<2; i++)	//for both phases
+        {
+        density_[i].resize(size_);//depends on pressure
+        viscosity_[i].resize(size_);//depends on pressure
+        };
+        // b) transport variables
+        saturation_.resize(size_);
+            saturation_ = initialSat;
+        capillaryPressure_.resize(size_);//depends on saturation
+        mobility_[0].resize(size_);//lambda is dependent on saturation! ->choose same size
+        mobility_[1].resize(size_);
+        // c) compositional stuff
+        totalConcentration_.resize(2);  // resize solution vector to 2 primary transport variables
+        updateEstimate_.resize(2);
+        for (int i=0; i<2; i++) //for both phases
+        {
+        totalConcentration_[i].resize(size_);   // resize vector to number of cells
+        updateEstimate_[i].resize(size_);
+        massfrac_[i].resize(size_);
+        }
+        volErr_.resize(size_);
+    }
+    //! Writes output into file
+    /*!
+     * Creates output for standard 2p2c models.
+     * \param writer Applied VTK-writer
+     */
+    template<class MultiWriter>
+    void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
+    {
+    	int size_ = this->gridSize();
+        if (codim_ == 0)
+        {
+        	// pressure & saturation
+            ScalarSolutionType *pressure = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *saturation = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *pc = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *pressure = this->pressure();
+            *saturation = saturation_;
+            *pc = capillaryPressure_;
+            writer.addCellData(pressure, "pressure");
+            writer.addCellData(saturation, "water saturation");
+            writer.addCellData(pc, "capillary pressure");
+            //total Concentration
+            ScalarSolutionType *totalConcentration1 = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *totalConcentration2 = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *totalConcentration1 = totalConcentration_[0];
+            *totalConcentration2 = totalConcentration_[1];
+            writer.addCellData(totalConcentration1, "totalConcentration w-Comp");
+            writer.addCellData(totalConcentration2, "totalConcentration n-Comp");
+            // numerical stuff
+            ScalarSolutionType *volErr = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *volErr = volErr_;
+            writer.addCellData(volErr, "volume Error");
+            // composition
+            ScalarSolutionType *massfraction1W = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *massfraction1NW = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *massfraction1W = massfrac_[0];
+            *massfraction1NW = massfrac_[1];
+            writer.addCellData(massfraction1W, "massfraction1 in w-phase");
+            writer.addCellData(massfraction1NW, "massfraction1NW nw-phase");
+            // phase properties
+            ScalarSolutionType *mobilityW = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *mobilityNW = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *densityW = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *densityNW = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *mobilityW = mobility_[0];
+            *mobilityNW = mobility_[1];
+            *densityW = density_[0];
+            *densityNW = density_[1];
+            writer.addCellData(mobilityW, "mobility w-phase");
+            writer.addCellData(mobilityNW, "mobility nw-phase");
+            writer.addCellData(densityW, "density w-phase");
+            writer.addCellData(densityNW, "density nw-phase");
+        }
+        if (codim_ == dim)
+        {
+            ScalarSolutionType *pressure = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            ScalarSolutionType *saturation = writer.template createField<Scalar, 1> (size_);
+            *pressure = this->pressure();
+            *saturation = saturation_;
+            writer.addVertexData(pressure, "pressure");
+            writer.addVertexData(saturation, "saturation");
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    //! \name Access functions
+    //@{
+    //! Return the vector of the transported quantity
+    /*! For an immiscible IMPES scheme, this is the saturation. For Miscible simulations, however,
+     *  the total concentration of all components is transported.
+     */
+    TransportSolutionType& transportedQuantity()
+    {
+        return totalConcentration_;
+    }
+    //! Returs a reference to the total concentration vector
+    const Scalar& totalConcentration() const
+    {
+        return totalConcentration_;
+    }
+    //! Returs a reference to the total concentration
+    /*!\param Idx Element index
+     * \param compIdx Index of the component */
+    Scalar& totalConcentration(int Idx, int compIdx)
+    {
+        return totalConcentration_[compIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::totalConcentration()
+    const Scalar& totalConcentration(int Idx, int compIdx) const
+    {
+        return totalConcentration_[compIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return saturation vector
+    ScalarSolutionType& saturation()
+    {
+        return saturation_;
+    }
+    //! Return saturation vector
+    /*! \param Idx Element index
+     *  \param compIdx Index of the component */
+    const ScalarSolutionType& saturation() const
+    {
+        return saturation_;
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::saturation()
+    Scalar& saturation(int Idx)
+    {
+        return saturation_[Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return vector of wetting phase potential gradients
+    /*! \param Idx Element index
+     *  \param isIdx Intersection index */
+    Scalar& potentialWetting(int Idx1, int isIdx)
+    {
+        return this->potential(Idx1, isIdx)[wPhaseIdx];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::potentialWetting()
+    const Scalar& potentialWetting(int Idx1, int isIdx) const
+    {
+        return this->potential(Idx1, isIdx)[wPhaseIdx];
+    }
+    //! Return vector of nonwetting phase potential gradients
+    /*! \param Idx Element index
+     *  \param isIdx Intersection index */
+    Scalar& potentialNonwetting(int Idx1, int isIdx)
+    {
+        return this->potential(Idx1, isIdx)[nPhaseIdx];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::potentialNonwetting()
+    const Scalar& potentialNonwetting(int Idx1, int isIdx) const
+    {
+        return this->potential(Idx1, isIdx)[nPhaseIdx];
+    }
+    //! Return vector of wetting phase mobilities
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& mobilityWetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return mobility_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::mobilityWetting()
+    const Scalar& mobilityWetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return mobility_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return vector of non-wetting phase mobilities
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& mobilityNonwetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return mobility_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::mobilityNonwetting()
+    const Scalar& mobilityNonwetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return mobility_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return capillary pressure vector
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& capillaryPressure(int Idx)
+    {
+        return capillaryPressure_[Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::capillaryPressure()
+    const Scalar& capillaryPressure(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return capillaryPressure_[Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return wetting phase density
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& densityWetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return density_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::densityWetting()
+    const Scalar& densityWetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return density_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return nonwetting phase density
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& densityNonwetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return density_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::densityNonwetting()
+    const Scalar& densityNonwetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return density_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return viscosity of the wetting phase
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& viscosityWetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return viscosity_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::viscosityWetting()
+    const Scalar& viscosityWetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return viscosity_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return viscosity of the nonwetting phase
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& viscosityNonwetting(int Idx)
+    {
+        return viscosity_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! \copydoc Dumux::VariableClass2P2C::viscosityNonwetting()
+    const Scalar& viscosityNonwetting(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return viscosity_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Returns a reference to the vector holding the volume error
+    ScalarSolutionType& volErr()
+    {
+        return volErr_;
+    }
+    //! Returns a reference to the volume error
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    const Scalar& volErr(int Idx) const
+    {
+        return volErr_[Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Returns a reference to mass fraction of first component in wetting phase
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& wet_X1(int Idx)
+    {
+        return massfrac_[wPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Returns a reference to mass fraction of first component in nonwetting phase
+    /*! \param Idx Element index*/
+    Scalar& nonwet_X1(int Idx)
+    {
+        return massfrac_[nPhaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Returns a reference to mass fractions of first component
+    /*!\param Idx Element index
+     * \param phaseIdx Index of the phase */
+    const Scalar& massFracComp1(int Idx, int phaseIdx) const
+    {
+        return massfrac_[phaseIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return the estimated update vector for pressure calculation
+    TransportSolutionType& updateEstimate()
+    {
+        return updateEstimate_;
+    }
+    //! Return the estimate of the next update
+    /*!\param Idx Element index
+     * \param compIdx Index of the component */
+    Scalar& updateEstimate(int Idx, int compIdx)
+    {
+        return updateEstimate_[compIdx][Idx][0];
+    }
+    //! Return the vector holding subdomain information
+    Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<int,1> >& subdomain()
+    {
+        return subdomain_;
+    }
+    //! Return specific subdomain information
+    /*!\param Idx Element index */
+    int& subdomain(int Idx)
+    {
+        return subdomain_[Idx][0];
+    }
+    //@}
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/Makefile.am b/dumux/decoupled/Makefile.am
index f704a24b393a9bad2c25084ba52a9e72f6bcc512..4c408a528e397312fcbe433a426e76a8b844a2e8 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/Makefile.am
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/Makefile.am
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SUBDIRS = 2p common
+SUBDIRS = 1p 2p 2p2c common
 decoupleddir = $(includedir)/dumux/decoupled
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/Makefile.am b/test/decoupled/2p2c/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b55af671edbf9158febb3c52ccbc89153e8e3e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# tests where program to build and program to run are equal
+NORMALTESTS = test_dec2p2c test_multiphysics2p2c
+# programs just to build when "make check" is used
+test_dec2p2c_SOURCES = test_dec2p2c.cc
+test_multiphysics2p2c_SOURCES = test_multiphysics2p2c.cc
+include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c.cc b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77add08fe4f397e9468213f5428a2a5586117456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// $Id: test_2pinjection.cc 3151 2010-02-15 11:41:23Z mwolff $
+ *   Copyright (C) 20010 by Markus Wolff                                     *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Andreas Lauser                               *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+#include "test_dec2p2cproblem.hh"
+#include <dune/grid/common/gridinfo.hh>
+#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/common/mpihelper.hh>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+// the main function
+void usage(const char *progname)
+    std::cout << boost::format("usage: %s [--restart restartTime] tEnd firstDt\n")%progname;
+    exit(1);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    try {
+        typedef TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem) TypeTag;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))  Scalar;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Grid))    Grid;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+        typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, Grid::dimensionworld> GlobalPosition;
+        static const int dim = Grid::dimension;
+        // initialize MPI, finalize is done automatically on exit
+        Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // parse the command line arguments
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // deal with the restart stuff
+        int argPos = 1;
+        bool restart = false;
+        double restartTime = 0;
+        // deal with start parameters
+        double tEnd= 3e3;
+        double firstDt = 2e3;
+        if (argc != 1)
+        {
+            // deal with the restart stuff
+            if (std::string("--restart") == argv[argPos]) {
+                restart = true;
+                ++argPos;
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> restartTime;
+            }
+            if (argc - argPos == 2)
+            {
+                // read the initial time step and the end time
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> tEnd;
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> firstDt;
+            }
+            else
+                usage(argv[0]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Dune::dwarn << "simulation started with predefs" << std::endl;
+        }
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // create the grid
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        Dune::FieldVector<int,dim> N(10);
+        Dune::FieldVector<double ,dim> L(0);
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> H(10);
+        Grid grid(N,L,H);
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // instantiate and run the concrete problem
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        Problem problem(grid.leafView(), L, H);
+        // load restart file if necessarry
+        if (restart)
+            problem.deserialize(restartTime);
+        // initialize the simulation
+        problem.timeManager().init(problem, 0, firstDt, tEnd, !restart);
+        // run the simulation
+        problem.timeManager().run();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
+        std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
+    }
+    catch (...) {
+        std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!\n";
+        throw;
+    }
+    return 3;
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c_spatialparams.hh b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c_spatialparams.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f08bed0e564a660cee01894ff2433d413b1df373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2c_spatialparams.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// $Id: test_2p_spatialparamsinjection.hh 3456 2010-04-09 12:11:51Z mwolff $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Markus Wolff                                 *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/linearmaterial.hh>
+//#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/regularizedbrookscorey.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/efftoabslaw.hh>
+namespace Dumux
+/** \todo Please doc me! */
+template<class TypeTag>
+class Test2P2CSpatialParams
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Grid))     Grid;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))   Scalar;
+    typedef typename Grid::ctype                            CoordScalar;
+    enum
+        {dim=Grid::dimension, dimWorld=Grid::dimensionworld, numEq=1};
+    typedef    typename Grid::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> FieldMatrix;
+//    typedef RegularizedBrooksCorey<Scalar>                RawMaterialLaw;
+    typedef LinearMaterial<Scalar>                        RawMaterialLaw;
+    typedef EffToAbsLaw<RawMaterialLaw>               MaterialLaw;
+    typedef typename MaterialLaw::Params MaterialLawParams;
+    void update (Scalar saturationW, const Element& element)
+    {
+    }
+    const FieldMatrix& intrinsicPermeability  (const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    {
+    	return constPermeability_;
+    }
+    double porosity(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    {
+        return 0.2;
+    }
+    // return the brooks-corey context depending on the position
+    const MaterialLawParams& materialLawParams(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element &element) const
+    {
+            return materialLawParams_;
+    }
+    Test2P2CSpatialParams(const GridView& gridView)
+    : constPermeability_(0)
+    {
+        // residual saturations
+        materialLawParams_.setSwr(0);
+        materialLawParams_.setSnr(0);
+//        // parameters for the Brooks-Corey Law
+//        // entry pressures
+//        materialLawParams_.setPe(10000);
+//        // Brooks-Corey shape parameters
+//        materialLawParams_.setAlpha(2);
+        // parameters for the linear
+        // entry pressures function
+        materialLawParams_.setEntryPC(0);
+        materialLawParams_.setMaxPC(0);
+        for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
+        {
+            constPermeability_[i][i] = 1e-12;
+        }
+    }
+    MaterialLawParams materialLawParams_;
+    FieldMatrix constPermeability_;
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2cproblem.hh b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2cproblem.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..017e0bc194b63455344593db08964f79e88d45f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_dec2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// $Id: test_2p_injectionproblem.hh 3456 2010-04-09 12:11:51Z mwolff $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Klaus Mosthaf                                *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Andreas Lauser                               *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#if HAVE_UG
+#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/sgrid.hh>
+// fluid properties
+//#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/simple_h2o_n2_system.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2o_n2_system.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh>
+#include "test_dec2p2c_spatialparams.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+template<class TypeTag>
+class TestTwoPTwoCProblem;
+// Specify the properties for the lens problem
+namespace Properties
+NEW_TYPE_TAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, INHERITS_FROM(DecoupledTwoPTwoC/*, Transport*/));
+// Set the grid type
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Grid)
+    //    typedef Dune::YaspGrid<2> type;
+    typedef Dune::SGrid<3, 3> type;
+// Set the problem property
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Problem)
+    typedef Dumux::TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+// Set the model properties
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, TransportModel)
+    typedef Dumux::FVTransport2P2C<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, PressureModel)
+    typedef Dumux::FVPressure2P2C<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+SET_INT_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, VelocityFormulation,
+        GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices))::velocityW);
+SET_INT_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, PressureFormulation,
+        GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices))::pressureW);
+// Select fluid system
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, FluidSystem)
+    typedef Dumux::H2O_N2_System<TypeTag> type;
+// Select water formulation
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Components) : public GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(DefaultComponents))
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+//    typedef Dumux::TabulatedComponent<Scalar, typename Dumux::H2O<Scalar> > H20;
+        typedef Dumux::SimpleH2O<Scalar> H2O;
+// Set the soil properties
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, SpatialParameters)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Grid)) Grid;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef Dumux::Test2P2CSpatialParams<TypeTag> type;
+// Enable gravity
+SET_BOOL_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, EnableGravity, true);
+        BoundaryMobility,
+        TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::satDependent);
+SET_SCALAR_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, CFLFactor, 0.8);
+ * \ingroup DecoupledProblems
+ */
+template<class TypeTag = TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)>
+class TestTwoPTwoCProblem: public IMPETProblem2P2C<TypeTag, TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> >
+typedef TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
+typedef IMPETProblem2P2C<TypeTag, ThisType> ParentType;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+typedef typename GridView::Intersection Intersection;
+typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+TestTwoPTwoCProblem(const GridView &gridView, const GlobalPosition lowerLeft = 0, const GlobalPosition upperRight = 0) :
+ParentType(gridView), lowerLeft_(lowerLeft), upperRight_(upperRight)
+    // initialize the tables of the fluid system
+//    WaterFormulation::init(273.15, 623.15, 100,
+//                            -10,   20e6, 200);
+    FluidSystem::init();
+ * \name Problem parameters
+ */
+// \{
+ * \brief The problem name.
+ *
+ * This is used as a prefix for files generated by the simulation.
+ */
+const char *name() const
+    return "test_dec2p2c";
+bool shouldWriteRestartFile() const
+    return false;
+ * \brief Returns the temperature within the domain.
+ *
+ * This problem assumes a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
+ */
+Scalar temperature(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 273.15 + 10; // -> 10°C
+// \}
+Scalar referencePressure(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1e6; // TODO: proper description!!
+typename BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypePress(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    if (globalPos[0] > 10-1E-6 || globalPos[0] < 1e-6)
+        return BoundaryConditions::dirichlet;
+    // all other boundaries
+    return BoundaryConditions::neumann;
+typename BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypeTransport(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    return bcTypePress(globalPos, intersection);
+BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bcFormulation(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+	return BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration;
+Scalar dirichletPress(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    const Element& element = *(intersection.inside());
+    Scalar pRef = referencePressure(globalPos, element);
+    Scalar temp = temperature(globalPos, element);
+    // all other boundaries
+    return (globalPos[0] < 1e-6) ? (2.5e5 - FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temp, pRef) * this->gravity()[dim-1])
+            : (2e5 - FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temp, pRef) * this->gravity()[dim-1]);
+Scalar dirichletTransport(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    return 1.;
+Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> neumann(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+	Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> neumannFlux(0.0);
+//    if (globalPos[1] < 15 && globalPos[1]> 5)
+//    {
+//        neumannFlux[nPhaseIdx] = -0.015;
+//    }
+    return neumannFlux;
+Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> source(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element)
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> q_(0);
+        if (fabs(globalPos[0] - 4.5) < 1 && fabs(globalPos[1] - 4.5) < 1) q_[1] = 0.0001;
+    return q_;
+const BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags initFormulation (const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration;
+Scalar initSat(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1;
+Scalar initConcentration(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1;
+GlobalPosition lowerLeft_;
+GlobalPosition upperRight_;
+static const Scalar eps_ = 1e-6;
+static const Scalar depthBOR_ = 1000;
+} //end namespace
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2c.cc b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2c.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44e5950e42ac4029a8772a7870c489f8303027f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2c.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// $Id:
+ *   Copyright (C) 20010 by Benjamin Faigle                                  *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Andreas Lauser                               *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "config.h"
+#include "test_multiphysics2p2cproblem.hh"
+#include <dune/grid/common/gridinfo.hh>
+#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dune/common/mpihelper.hh>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+// the main function
+void usage(const char *progname)
+    std::cout << boost::format("usage: %s [--restart restartTime] tEnd firstDt\n")%progname;
+    exit(1);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    try {
+        typedef TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem) TypeTag;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar))  Scalar;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Grid))    Grid;
+        typedef GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Problem)) Problem;
+        typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, Grid::dimensionworld> GlobalPosition;
+        static const int dim = Grid::dimension;
+        // initialize MPI, finalize is done automatically on exit
+        Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // parse the command line arguments
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // deal with the restart stuff
+        int argPos = 1;
+        bool restart = false;
+        double restartTime = 0;
+        // deal with start parameters
+        double tEnd= 3e3;
+        double firstDt = 2e3;
+        if (argc != 1)
+        {
+            // deal with the restart stuff
+            if (std::string("--restart") == argv[argPos]) {
+                restart = true;
+                ++argPos;
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> restartTime;
+            }
+            if (argc - argPos == 2)
+            {
+                // read the initial time step and the end time
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> tEnd;
+                std::istringstream(argv[argPos++]) >> firstDt;
+            }
+            else
+                usage(argv[0]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Dune::dwarn << "simulation started with predefs" << std::endl;
+        }
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // create the grid
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        Dune::FieldVector<int,dim> N(10);
+        Dune::FieldVector<double ,dim> L(0);
+        Dune::FieldVector<double,dim> H(10);
+        Grid grid(N,L,H);
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        // instantiate and run the concrete problem
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        Problem problem(grid.leafView(), L, H);
+        // load restart file if necessarry
+        if (restart)
+            problem.deserialize(restartTime);
+        // initialize the simulation
+        problem.timeManager().init(problem, 0, firstDt, tEnd, !restart);
+        // run the simulation
+        problem.timeManager().run();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    catch (Dune::Exception &e) {
+        std::cerr << "Dune reported error: " << e << std::endl;
+    }
+    catch (...) {
+        std::cerr << "Unknown exception thrown!\n";
+        throw;
+    }
+    return 3;
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2cproblem.hh b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2cproblem.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74dabd4284ecf0b0e211e8f4e328f11e0b5c27ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_multiphysics2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// $Id: test_2p_injectionproblem.hh 3456 2010-04-09 12:11:51Z mwolff $
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Klaus Mosthaf                                *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Bernd Flemisch                               *
+ *   Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Andreas Lauser                               *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version, as long as this copyright notice    *
+ *   is included in its original form.                                       *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.                       *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#if HAVE_UG
+#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/sgrid.hh>
+// fluid properties
+//#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/simple_h2o_n2_system.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2o_n2_system.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2cmultiphysics.hh>
+#include "test_dec2p2c_spatialparams.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+template<class TypeTag>
+class TestTwoPTwoCProblem;
+// Specify the properties for the lens problem
+namespace Properties
+NEW_TYPE_TAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, INHERITS_FROM(DecoupledTwoPTwoC/*, Transport*/));
+// Set the grid type
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Grid)
+    //    typedef Dune::YaspGrid<2> type;
+    typedef Dune::SGrid<3, 3> type;
+// Set the problem property
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Problem)
+    typedef Dumux::TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+// Set the model properties
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, TransportModel)
+    typedef Dumux::FVTransport2P2CMultiPhysics<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, PressureModel)
+    typedef Dumux::FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)> type;
+SET_INT_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, VelocityFormulation,
+        GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices))::velocityW);
+SET_INT_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, PressureFormulation,
+        GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices))::pressureW);
+// Select fluid system
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, FluidSystem)
+    typedef Dumux::H2O_N2_System<TypeTag> type;
+// Select water formulation
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, Components) : public GET_PROP(TypeTag, PTAG(DefaultComponents))
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+//    typedef Dumux::TabulatedComponent<Scalar, typename Dumux::H2O<Scalar> > type;
+        typedef Dumux::H2O<Scalar> H2O;
+//        static void init(){};
+// Set the soil properties
+SET_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, SpatialParameters)
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Grid)) Grid;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+    typedef Dumux::Test2P2CSpatialParams<TypeTag> type;
+// Enable gravity
+SET_BOOL_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, EnableGravity, true);
+        BoundaryMobility,
+        TwoPCommonIndices<TypeTag>::satDependent);
+SET_SCALAR_PROP(TestTwoPTwoCProblem, CFLFactor, 0.8);
+ * \ingroup DecoupledProblems
+ */
+template<class TypeTag = TTAG(TestTwoPTwoCProblem)>
+class TestTwoPTwoCProblem: public IMPETProblem2P2C<TypeTag, TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> >
+typedef TestTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
+typedef IMPETProblem2P2C<TypeTag, ThisType> ParentType;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(GridView)) GridView;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(TwoPIndices)) Indices;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidSystem)) FluidSystem;
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(FluidState)) FluidState;
+    dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx, nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
+typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PTAG(Scalar)) Scalar;
+typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+typedef typename GridView::Intersection Intersection;
+typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
+typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> LocalPosition;
+TestTwoPTwoCProblem(const GridView &gridView, const GlobalPosition lowerLeft = 0, const GlobalPosition upperRight = 0) :
+ParentType(gridView), lowerLeft_(lowerLeft), upperRight_(upperRight)
+    // initialize the tables of the fluid system
+//    WaterFormulation::init(273.15, 623.15, 100,
+//                            -10,   20e6, 200);
+    FluidSystem::init();
+ * \name Problem parameters
+ */
+// \{
+ * \brief The problem name.
+ *
+ * This is used as a prefix for files generated by the simulation.
+ */
+const char *name() const
+    return "test_multiphysics2p2c";
+bool shouldWriteRestartFile() const
+    return false;
+ * \brief Returns the temperature within the domain.
+ *
+ * This problem assumes a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.
+ */
+Scalar temperature(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 273.15 + 10; // -> 10°C
+// \}
+Scalar referencePressure(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1e6; // TODO: proper description!!
+typename BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypePress(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    if (globalPos[0] > 10-1E-6 || globalPos[0] < 1e-6)
+        return BoundaryConditions::dirichlet;
+    // all other boundaries
+    return BoundaryConditions::neumann;
+typename BoundaryConditions::Flags bcTypeTransport(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    return bcTypePress(globalPos, intersection);
+BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags bcFormulation(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+	return BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration;
+Scalar dirichletPress(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    const Element& element = *(intersection.inside());
+    Scalar pRef = referencePressure(globalPos, element);
+    Scalar temp = temperature(globalPos, element);
+    // all other boundaries
+    return (globalPos[0] < 1e-6) ? (2.5e5 - FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temp, pRef) * this->gravity()[dim-1])
+            : (2e5 - FluidSystem::H2O::liquidDensity(temp, pRef) * this->gravity()[dim-1]);
+Scalar dirichletTransport(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+    return 1.;
+Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> neumann(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Intersection& intersection) const
+	Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> neumannFlux(0.0);
+//    if (globalPos[1] < 15 && globalPos[1]> 5)
+//    {
+//        neumannFlux[nPhaseIdx] = -0.015;
+//    }
+    return neumannFlux;
+Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> source(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element)
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,2> q_(0);
+        if (fabs(globalPos[0] - 4.5) < 1 && fabs(globalPos[1] - 4.5) < 1) q_[1] = 0.0001;
+    return q_;
+const BoundaryConditions2p2c::Flags initFormulation (const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return BoundaryConditions2p2c::concentration;
+Scalar initSat(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1;
+Scalar initConcentration(const GlobalPosition& globalPos, const Element& element) const
+    return 1;
+GlobalPosition lowerLeft_;
+GlobalPosition upperRight_;
+static const Scalar eps_ = 1e-6;
+static const Scalar depthBOR_ = 1000;
+} //end namespace
diff --git a/test/decoupled/Makefile.am b/test/decoupled/Makefile.am
index 09685656b90442673ad795c4f28deb09d09ae023..97a27f90a80a7ea1f105f37976ab7e94e0c1fe57 100644
--- a/test/decoupled/Makefile.am
+++ b/test/decoupled/Makefile.am
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 SUBDIRS = 1p \
-	  2p  
+	  2p  \
+	  2p2c
 include $(top_srcdir)/am/global-rules