diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pindices.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pindices.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7541b7229b6088a453bfb7a543daf8c00d19d1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pindices.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Markus Wolff                                      *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief Defines the indices required for the two-phase box model.
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup IMPES
+ */
+// \{
+ * \brief The common indices for the 1-p models.
+ */
+struct DecoupledOnePCommonIndices
+    // Formulations
+    static const int pressEqIdx = 0;
+// \}
+} // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh
index 8bc1411ff5c4414582a0474f46c30eb357744ddd..8a506b8f2dae97a7b37c5da74a4fd780f85f5df2 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh
@@ -33,14 +33,10 @@
-#include <dune/istl/operators.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/solvers.hh>
-#include <dune/istl/preconditioners.hh>
 #include <dumux/decoupled/common/decoupledproperties.hh>
 #include <dumux/linear/seqsolverbackend.hh>
+#include "1pindices.hh"
 namespace Dumux
@@ -52,6 +48,9 @@ namespace Dumux
 template<class TypeTag>
 class VariableClass;
+template<class TypeTag>
+class CellData1P;
 // properties
@@ -90,8 +89,12 @@ SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledOneP, NumPhases, 1)//!< Single phase system
 SET_INT_PROP(DecoupledOneP, NumComponents, 1); //!< Each phase consists of 1 pure component
+SET_TYPE_PROP(DecoupledOneP, Indices, DecoupledOnePCommonIndices);
 SET_TYPE_PROP(DecoupledOneP, Variables, VariableClass<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(DecoupledOneP, CellData, CellData1P<TypeTag>);
 SET_PROP(DecoupledOneP, PressureCoefficientMatrix)
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/cellData1p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/cellData1p.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b02de0f9fcf38641c50e70ccd98ed7be2a40081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/cellData1p.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Markus Wolff                                      *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "1pproperties.hh"
+#include "fluxData1p.hh"
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element
+ * @author Markus Wolff
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup IMPES
+ */
+//! Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations for one element.
+/*! The variables of two-phase flow, which are one pressure and one saturation are stored in this class.
+ * Additionally, a velocity needed in the transport part of the decoupled two-phase flow is stored, as well as discretized data of constitutive relationships like
+ * mobilities, fractional flow functions and capillary pressure. Thus, they have to be callculated just once in every time step or every iteration step.
+ *
+ * @tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ 1*/
+template<class TypeTag>
+class CellData1P
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
+    typedef FluxData1P<TypeTag> FluxData;
+    Scalar pressure_;
+    FluxData fluxData_;
+    //! Constructs a VariableClass object
+    /**
+     *  @param gridView a DUNE gridview object corresponding to diffusion and transport equation
+     */
+    CellData1P() :
+        pressure_(0.0)
+    {
+    }
+    FluxData& fluxData()
+    {
+        return fluxData_;
+    }
+    const FluxData& fluxData() const
+    {
+        return fluxData_;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // functions returning primary variables
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    Scalar pressure()
+    {
+        return pressure_;
+    }
+    Scalar pressure() const
+    {
+        return pressure_;
+    }
+    void setPressure(Scalar press)
+    {
+        pressure_ = press;
+    }
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/diffusionproblem1p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/diffusionproblem1p.hh
index 0c948880e1c3aae378f8b75e9728b9c3547ab915..743915fe53c9404ae8f4f6c876015fe793c23c3f 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/diffusionproblem1p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/diffusionproblem1p.hh
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
-#include <dumux/decoupled/common/onemodelproblem_old.hh>
-#include <dumux/decoupled/common/variableclass_old.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/onemodelproblem.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/variableclass.hh>
 #include <dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh>
+#include <dumux/decoupled/1p/cellData1p.hh>
 namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure1p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure1p.hh
index e43e2928a06b6528ea1b2d5f8c63919715b8cf43..9358efcadd68728db70aa5c32c065a76fad8a5ac 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure1p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure1p.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 // dumux environment
+#include <dumux/decoupled/common/fv/fvpressure.hh>
 #include <dumux/decoupled/1p/1pproperties.hh>
@@ -51,12 +52,15 @@ namespace Dumux
  * @tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
-template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure1P
+template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure1P: public FVPressure<TypeTag>
+    typedef FVPressure<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem) Problem;
-    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Variables) Variables;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Indices) Indices;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SpatialParameters) SpatialParameters;
@@ -65,6 +69,8 @@ template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure1P
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryTypes) BoundaryTypes;
     typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, SolutionTypes) SolutionTypes;
     typedef typename SolutionTypes::PrimaryVariables PrimaryVariables;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, CellData) CellData;
+    typedef typename SolutionTypes::ScalarSolution ScalarSolutionType;
@@ -73,7 +79,12 @@ template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure1P
-        pressEqIdx = 0 // only one equation!
+        pressEqIdx = Indices::pressEqIdx // only one equation!
+    };
+    enum
+    {
+        rhs = ParentType::rhs, matrix = ParentType::matrix,
     typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
@@ -81,35 +92,25 @@ template<class TypeTag> class FVPressure1P
     typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
     typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
     typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::Intersection Intersection;
     typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
     typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dim, dim> FieldMatrix;
-    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PressureCoefficientMatrix) Matrix;
-    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, PressureRHSVector) Vector;
-    //initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
-    void initializeMatrix();
-    //function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
-    void assemble(bool first);
-    //solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
-    void solve();
+    void getSource(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>&, const Element&, const CellData&, const bool);
-    //! Returns reference to the instance of the problem definition
-    Problem& problem()
-    {
-        return problem_;
-    }
-    //! Returns reference to the instance of the problem definition
-    const Problem& problem() const
+    void getStorage(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>& entries, const Element& element, const CellData& cellData, const bool first)
-        return problem_;
+        entries = 0;
+    void getFlux(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>&, const Intersection&, const CellData&, const bool);
+    void getFluxOnBoundary(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>&,
+    const Intersection&, const CellData&, const bool);
     //! Initializes the problem
      *  @param solveTwice repeats the pressure calculation step
@@ -121,45 +122,39 @@ public:
     void initialize(bool solveTwice = true)
-        assemble(true);
-        solve();
+        ParentType::initialize();
+        this->assemble(true);
+        this->solve();
         if (solveTwice)
-            assemble(false);
-            solve();
+            this->assemble(false);
+            this-> solve();
+        storePressureSolution();
-    //! Calculates the pressure.
-    /*!
-     *  @param solveTwice without any function here!
-     *
-     *  Calculates the pressure \f$p\f$ as solution of the boundary value
-     *  \f[  \text{div}\, \boldsymbol{v} = q, \f]
-     *  subject to appropriate boundary conditions.
-     */
-    void pressure(bool solveTwice = true)
+    void update()
-        assemble(false);
-        solve();
-        return;
+        ParentType::update();
+        storePressureSolution();
-    // serialization methods
-    //! Function needed for restart option.
-    template<class Restarter>
-    void serialize(Restarter &res)
+    void storePressureSolution()
-        return;
+        int size = problem_.gridView().size(0);
+        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+        {
+            CellData& cellData = problem_.variables().cellData(i);
+            storePressureSolution(i, cellData);
+        }
-    //! Function needed for restart option.
-    template<class Restarter>
-    void deserialize(Restarter &res)
+    void storePressureSolution(int globalIdx, CellData& cellData)
-        return;
+            Scalar press = this->pressure()[globalIdx];
+            cellData.setPressure(press);
     //! \brief Writes data files
@@ -167,321 +162,171 @@ public:
     template<class MultiWriter>
     void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
-        typename Variables::ScalarSolutionType *pressure = writer.allocateManagedBuffer (
+        ScalarSolutionType *pressure = writer.allocateManagedBuffer (
-        *pressure = problem_.variables().pressure();
+        *pressure = this->pressure();
         writer.attachCellData(*pressure, "pressure");
-    void setPressureHard(Scalar pressure, int globalIdx)
-    {
-        setPressHard_ = true;
-        pressHard_ = pressure;
-        idxPressHard_ = globalIdx;
-    }
-    void unsetPressureHard(int globalIdx)
-    {
-        setPressHard_ = false;
-        pressHard_ = 0.0;
-        idxPressHard_ = 0.0;
-    }
     //! Constructs a FVPressure1P object
      * \param problem a problem class object
     FVPressure1P(Problem& problem) :
-        problem_(problem), A_(problem.variables().gridSize(), problem.variables().gridSize(), (2 * dim + 1)
-                * problem.variables().gridSize(), Matrix::random), f_(problem.variables().gridSize()),
-                pressHard_(0),
-                idxPressHard_(0),
-                setPressHard_(false),
-                gravity(
-                problem.gravity())
+        ParentType(problem), problem_(problem),
+        gravity_(
+        problem.gravity())
-        initializeMatrix();
+        const Element& element = *(problem_.gridView().template begin<0> ());
+        Scalar temperature = problem_.temperature(element);
+        Scalar referencePress = problem_.referencePressure(element);
+        density_ = Fluid::density(temperature, referencePress);
+        viscosity_ = Fluid::viscosity(temperature, referencePress);
     Problem& problem_;
-    Matrix A_;
-    Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > f_;
-    Scalar pressHard_;
-    Scalar idxPressHard_;
-    bool setPressHard_;
-    const GlobalPosition& gravity; //!< vector including the gravity constant
+    const GlobalPosition& gravity_; //!< vector including the gravity constant
+    Scalar density_;
+    Scalar viscosity_;
-//!initializes the matrix to store the system of equations
+//!function which calculates the source entry
 template<class TypeTag>
-void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::initializeMatrix()
+void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::getSource(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>& entries, const Element& element
+        , const CellData& cellData, const bool first)
-    // determine matrix row sizes
-    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
-    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-    {
-        // cell index
-        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
-        // initialize row size
-        int rowSize = 1;
-        // run through all intersections with neighbors
-        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
-        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
-            if (isIt->neighbor())
-                rowSize++;
-        A_.setrowsize(globalIdxI, rowSize);
-    }
-    A_.endrowsizes();
+    // cell volume, assume linear map here
+    Scalar volume = element.geometry().volume();
-    // determine position of matrix entries
-    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-    {
-        // cell index
-        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
-        // add diagonal index
-        A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxI);
-        // run through all intersections with neighbors
-        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
-        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt != isItEnd; ++isIt)
-            if (isIt->neighbor())
-            {
-                // access neighbor
-                ElementPointer outside = isIt->outside();
-                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*outside);
-                // add off diagonal index
-                A_.addindex(globalIdxI, globalIdxJ);
-            }
-    }
-    A_.endindices();
+    // get sources from problem
+    PrimaryVariables sourcePhase(0.0);
+    problem_.source(sourcePhase, element);
+        sourcePhase /= density_;
+    entries[rhs] = volume * sourcePhase;
-//!function which assembles the system of equations to be solved
+//!function which calculates internal flux entries
 template<class TypeTag>
-void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
+void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::getFlux(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>& entries, const Intersection& intersection
+        , const CellData& cellDataI, const bool first)
-    // initialization: set matrix A_ to zero
-    A_ = 0;
-    f_ = 0;
+    ElementPointer elementI = intersection.inside();
+    ElementPointer elementJ = intersection.outside();
-    BoundaryTypes bcType;
+    // get global coordinates of cell centers
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosI = elementI->geometry().center();
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosJ = elementJ->geometry().center();
-    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0> ();
-    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-    {
-        // get global coordinate of cell center
-        const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+    //get face normal
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& unitOuterNormal = intersection.centerUnitOuterNormal();
-        // cell index
-        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+    // get face area
+    Scalar faceArea = intersection.geometry().volume();
-        // cell volume, assume linear map here
-        Scalar volume = eIt->geometry().volume();
+    // distance vector between barycenters
+    GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosJ - globalPosI;
-        Scalar temperatureI = problem_.temperature(*eIt);
-        Scalar referencePressI = problem_.referencePressure(*eIt);
+    // compute distance between cell centers
+    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-        Scalar densityI = Fluid::density(temperatureI, referencePressI);
-        Scalar viscosityI = Fluid::viscosity(temperatureI, referencePressI);
+    // compute vectorized permeabilities
+    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-        // set right side to zero
-        PrimaryVariables source(0.0);
-        problem_.source(source, *eIt);
-        source /= densityI;
+    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability, problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*elementI),
+            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*elementJ));
-        f_[globalIdxI] = source *= volume;
+    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-        int isIndex = 0;
-        IntersectionIterator isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
-        for (IntersectionIterator isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt);
-             isIt != isItEnd;
-             ++isIt, ++isIndex)
-        {
-            // get normal vector
-            Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dimWorld > unitOuterNormal = isIt->centerUnitOuterNormal();
+    permeability/=viscosity_;
-            // get face volume
-            Scalar faceArea = isIt->geometry().volume();
+    //calculate current matrix entry
+    entries[matrix] = ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
-            // handle interior face
-            if (isIt->neighbor())
-            {
-                // access neighbor
-                ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
-                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+    //calculate right hand side
+    entries[rhs] = density_ * (permeability * gravity_) * faceArea;
-                // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-                const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-                // distance vector between barycenters
-                Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dimWorld > distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
-                // compute distance between cell centers
-                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-                // compute vectorized permeabilities
-                FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-                problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-                        problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
-                        problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
-                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
-                meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-                permeability/=viscosityI;
-                Scalar temperatureJ = problem_.temperature(*neighborPointer);
-                Scalar referencePressJ = problem_.referencePressure(*neighborPointer);
-                Scalar densityJ = Fluid::density(temperatureJ, referencePressJ);
-                Scalar rhoMean = 0.5 * (densityI + densityJ);
-                // update diagonal entry
-                Scalar entry;
-                //calculate potential gradients
-                Scalar potential = 0;
-                Scalar density = 0;
-                //if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
-                if (!first)
-                {
-                    potential = problem_.variables().potential(globalIdxI, isIndex);
-                    density = (potential > 0.) ? densityI : densityJ;
-                    density = (potential == 0.) ? rhoMean : density;
-                    potential = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI]
-                            - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]) / dist;
-                    potential += density * (unitOuterNormal * gravity);
-                    //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-                    problem_.variables().potential(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potential;
-                }
-                //do the upwinding depending on the potentials
-                density = (potential > 0.) ? densityI : densityJ;
-                density = (potential == 0) ? rhoMean : density;
-                //calculate current matrix entry
-                entry = ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
-                //calculate right hand side
-                Scalar rightEntry = density * (permeability * gravity) * faceArea;
-                //set right hand side
-                f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
-                // set diagonal entry
-                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
-                // set off-diagonal entry
-                A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] = -entry;
-            }
-            // boundary face
+    return;
-            else if (isIt->boundary())
-            {
-                // center of face in global coordinates
-                const GlobalPosition& globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().center();
+//!function which calculates internal flux entries
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::getFluxOnBoundary(Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2>& entries,
+const Intersection& intersection, const CellData& cellData, const bool first)
+    ElementPointer element = intersection.inside();
-                //get boundary condition for boundary face center
-                problem_.boundaryTypes(bcType, *isIt);
-                PrimaryVariables boundValues(0.0);
+    // get global coordinates of cell centers
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosI = element->geometry().center();
-                if (bcType.isDirichlet(pressEqIdx))
-                {
-                    problem_.dirichlet(boundValues, *isIt);
+    // center of face in global coordinates
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosJ = intersection.geometry().center();
-                    Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dimWorld > distVec(globalPosFace - globalPos);
-                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+    //get face normal
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& unitOuterNormal = intersection.centerUnitOuterNormal();
-                    //permeability vector at boundary
-                    // compute vectorized permeabilities
-                    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+    // get face area
+    Scalar faceArea = intersection.geometry().volume();
-                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
+    // distance vector between barycenters
+    GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosJ - globalPosI;
-                    //permeability vector at boundary
-                    Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dim > permeability(0);
-                    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
+    // compute distance between cell centers
+    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-                    permeability/= viscosityI;
+    BoundaryTypes bcType;
+    problem_.boundaryTypes(bcType, intersection);
+    PrimaryVariables boundValues(0.0);
-                    //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
-                    Scalar pressBound = boundValues;
+    if (bcType.isDirichlet(pressEqIdx))
+    {
+        problem_.dirichlet(boundValues, intersection);
-                    //calculate current matrix entry
-                    Scalar entry = ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
+        //permeability vector at boundary
+        // compute vectorized permeabilities
+        FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-                    //calculate right hand side
-                    Scalar rightEntry = densityI * (permeability * gravity) * faceArea;
+        problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
+                problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*element));
-                    // set diagonal entry and right hand side entry
-                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
-                    f_[globalIdxI] += entry * pressBound;
-                    f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
-                }
-                //set neumann boundary condition
+        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+        meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-                else if (bcType.isNeumann(pressEqIdx))
-                {
-                    problem_.neumann(boundValues, *isIt);
-                    Scalar J = boundValues /= densityI;
+        permeability/= viscosity_;
-                    f_[globalIdxI] -= J * faceArea;
-                }
-            }
-        } // end all intersections
-    } // end grid traversal
-    return;
+        //get dirichlet pressure boundary condition
+        Scalar pressBound = boundValues;
-//!solves the system of equations to get the spatial distribution of the pressure
-template<class TypeTag>
-void FVPressure1P<TypeTag>::solve()
-    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, LinearSolver) Solver;
+        //calculate current matrix entry
+        entries[matrix] = ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
+        entries[rhs] = entries[matrix] * pressBound;
-    int verboseLevelSolver = GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, LinearSolver, Verbosity);
+        //calculate right hand side
+        entries[rhs] -= density_ * (permeability * gravity_) * faceArea;
-    if (verboseLevelSolver)
-        std::cout << "FVPressure1P: solve for pressure" << std::endl;
+    }
+    //set neumann boundary condition
+    else if (bcType.isNeumann(pressEqIdx))
+    {
+        problem_.neumann(boundValues, intersection);
+        Scalar J = boundValues /= density_;
-    if (setPressHard_)
+        entries[rhs] = -(J * faceArea);
+    }
+    else
-        A_[idxPressHard_] = 0;
-        A_[idxPressHard_][idxPressHard_] = 1;
-        f_[idxPressHard_] = pressHard_;
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "No valid boundary condition type defined for pressure equation!");
-    Solver solver(problem_);
-    solver.solve(A_, problem_.variables().pressure(), f_);
-    //                printmatrix(std::cout, A_, "global stiffness matrix", "row", 11, 3);
-    //                printvector(std::cout, f_, "right hand side", "row", 200, 1, 3);
-    //                printvector(std::cout, (problem_.variables().pressure()), "pressure", "row", 200, 1, 3);
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity1p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity1p.hh
index d0103bda52bb0f6710fe3bedb0b337e63ca81b61..3f89aaa9be268a72476bade22984def71355f48e 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity1p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity1p.hh
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
  * @author Markus Wolff
-#include <dumux/decoupled/1p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure1p.hh>
 namespace Dumux
@@ -46,27 +45,27 @@ namespace Dumux
 template<class TypeTag>
-class FVVelocity1P: public FVPressure1P<TypeTag>
+class FVVelocity1P
-    typedef FVVelocity1P<TypeTag> ThisType;
-    typedef FVPressure1P<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
      typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
      typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem) Problem;
-     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Variables) Variables;
+     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Indices) Indices;
      typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SpatialParameters) SpatialParameters;
      typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Fluid) Fluid;
      typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BoundaryTypes) BoundaryTypes;
      typedef typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, SolutionTypes) SolutionTypes;
     typedef typename SolutionTypes::PrimaryVariables PrimaryVariables;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, CellData) CellData;
-typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
-    typedef typename GridView::Grid Grid;
-    typedef typename GridView::IndexSet IndexSet;
     typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Iterator ElementIterator;
-    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
-    typedef typename Grid::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
+typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::Intersection Intersection;
+    typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::EntityPointer ElementPointer;
@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
-        pressEqIdx = 0 // only one equation!
+        pressEqIdx = Indices::pressEqIdx // only one equation!
     typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
@@ -87,8 +86,15 @@ public:
      * \param problem a problem class object
     FVVelocity1P(Problem& problem)
-    : FVPressure1P<TypeTag>(problem), problem_(problem)
-      {   }
+    : problem_(problem), gravity_(problem.gravity())
+      {
+        const Element& element = *(problem_.gridView().template begin<0> ());
+        Scalar temperature = problem_.temperature(element);
+        Scalar referencePress = problem_.referencePressure(element);
+        density_ = Fluid::density(temperature, referencePress);
+        viscosity_ = Fluid::viscosity(temperature, referencePress);
+      }
     //! Calculate the velocity.
@@ -97,25 +103,15 @@ public:
      *  Given the piecewise constant pressure \f$p\f$,
      *  this method calculates the velocity field
-    void calculateVelocity();
-    void initialize()
-    {
-        ParentType::initialize();
+    void calculateVelocity(const Intersection&, CellData&);
-        calculateVelocity();
-        return;
-    }
+    void calculateVelocityOnBoundary(const Intersection&, CellData&);
     //! \brief Write data files
     /*  \param name file name */
     template<class MultiWriter>
     void addOutputVtkFields(MultiWriter &writer)
-        ParentType::addOutputVtkFields(writer);
         Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> > &velocity = *(writer.template allocateManagedBuffer<Scalar, dim> (
@@ -126,6 +122,7 @@ public:
             // cell index
             int globalIdx = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
+            CellData& cellData = problem_.variables().cellData(globalIdx);
             Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 2*dim> flux(0);
             // run through all intersections with neighbors and boundary
@@ -137,7 +134,8 @@ public:
                 int isIndex = isIt->indexInInside();
-                flux[isIndex] = isIt->geometry().volume() * (isIt->centerUnitOuterNormal() * problem_.variables().velocityElementFace(*eIt, isIndex));
+                flux[isIndex] = isIt->geometry().volume()
+                        * (isIt->centerUnitOuterNormal() * cellData.fluxData().velocity(isIndex));
             Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> refVelocity(0);
@@ -167,173 +165,157 @@ public:
     Problem &problem_;
+    const GlobalPosition& gravity_; //!< vector including the gravity constant
+    Scalar density_;
+    Scalar viscosity_;
 template<class TypeTag>
-void FVVelocity1P<TypeTag>::calculateVelocity()
+void FVVelocity1P<TypeTag>::calculateVelocity(const Intersection& intersection, CellData& cellDataI)
-    BoundaryTypes bcType;
-    // compute update vector
-    ElementIterator eItEnd = problem_.gridView().template end<0>();
-    for (ElementIterator eIt = problem_.gridView().template begin<0>(); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-    {
-        // cell index
-        int globalIdxI = problem_.variables().index(*eIt);
-        Scalar pressI = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI];
-        Scalar temperatureI = problem_.temperature(*eIt);
-        Scalar referencePressI = problem_.referencePressure(*eIt);
-        Scalar densityI = Fluid::density(temperatureI, referencePressI);
-        Scalar viscosityI = Fluid::viscosity(temperatureI, referencePressI);
+    ElementPointer elementI = intersection.inside();
+    ElementPointer elementJ = intersection.outside();
-        // run through all intersections with neighbors and boundary
-        IntersectionIterator
-        isItEnd = problem_.gridView().iend(*eIt);
-        for (IntersectionIterator
-                isIt = problem_.gridView().ibegin(*eIt); isIt
-                !=isItEnd; ++isIt)
-        {
-            // local number of facet
-            int isIndex = isIt->indexInInside();
-            const GlobalPosition& unitOuterNormal = isIt->centerUnitOuterNormal();
+    int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*elementJ);
-            // handle interior face
-            if (isIt->neighbor())
-            {
-                // access neighbor
-                ElementPointer neighborPointer = isIt->outside();
-                int globalIdxJ = problem_.variables().index(*neighborPointer);
+    CellData& cellDataJ = problem_.variables().cellData(globalIdxJ);
+    // get global coordinates of cell centers
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosI = elementI->geometry().center();
+    const GlobalPosition& globalPosJ = elementJ->geometry().center();
-                // cell center in global coordinates
-                const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+    //get face index
+    int isIndexI = intersection.indexInInside();
+    int isIndexJ = intersection.indexInOutside();
-                // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-                const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+    //get face normal
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& unitOuterNormal = intersection.centerUnitOuterNormal();
-                // distance vector between barycenters
-                GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+    // distance vector between barycenters
+    GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosJ - globalPosI;
-                // compute distance between cell centers
-                Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+    // compute distance between cell centers
+    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-                // compute vectorized permeabilities
-                FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+    // compute vectorized permeabilities
+    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-                problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-                        problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
-                        problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
+    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability, problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*elementI),
+            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*elementJ));
-                Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
-                meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
+    Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dim > permeability(0);
+    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-                permeability/=viscosityI;
+    permeability /= viscosity_;
-//                std::cout<<"Mean Permeability / Viscosity: "<<meanPermeability<<std::endl;
+    //calculate potential gradients
+    Scalar potential = (cellDataI.pressure() - cellDataJ.pressure()) / dist;
-                Scalar pressJ = problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+    potential += density_ * (unitOuterNormal * gravity_);
-                Scalar temperatureJ = problem_.temperature(*eIt);
-                Scalar referencePressJ = problem_.referencePressure(*eIt);
+    //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+    cellDataI.fluxData().setPotential(isIndexI, potential);
+    cellDataJ.fluxData().setPotential(isIndexJ, -potential);
-                Scalar densityJ = Fluid::density(temperatureJ, referencePressJ);
+    //calculate the gravity term
+    GlobalPosition velocity(permeability);
+    velocity *= (cellDataI.pressure() - cellDataJ.pressure()) / dist;
-                //calculate potential gradients
-                Scalar potential = problem_.variables().potential(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+    GlobalPosition gravityTerm(unitOuterNormal);
+    gravityTerm *= (gravity_ * permeability) * density_;
-                Scalar density = (potential> 0.) ? densityI : densityJ;
+    velocity += gravityTerm;
-                density= (potential == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityI + densityJ) : density;
+    //store velocities
+    cellDataI.fluxData().setVelocity(isIndexI, velocity);
+    cellDataI.fluxData().setVelocityMarker(isIndexI);
-                potential = (pressI - pressJ) / dist;
+    cellDataJ.fluxData().setVelocity(isIndexJ, velocity);
+    cellDataJ.fluxData().setVelocityMarker(isIndexJ);
+    return;
-                potential += density * (unitOuterNormal * this->gravity);
+template<class TypeTag>
+void FVVelocity1P<TypeTag>::calculateVelocityOnBoundary(const Intersection& intersection, CellData& cellData)
+    ElementPointer element = intersection.inside();
-                //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-                problem_.variables().potential(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potential;
+    //get face index
+    int isIndex = intersection.indexInInside();
-                //do the upwinding depending on the potentials
-                density = (potential> 0.) ? densityI : densityJ;
-                density = (potential == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityI + densityJ) : density;
+    //get face normal
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& unitOuterNormal = intersection.centerUnitOuterNormal();
-                //calculate the gravity term
-                GlobalPosition velocity(permeability);
-                velocity *= (pressI - pressJ)/dist;
+    BoundaryTypes bcType;
+    //get boundary type
+    problem_.boundaryTypes(bcType, intersection);
+    PrimaryVariables boundValues(0.0);
-                GlobalPosition gravityTerm(unitOuterNormal);
-                gravityTerm *= (this->gravity*permeability)*density;
+    if (bcType.isDirichlet(pressEqIdx))
+    {
+        problem_.dirichlet(boundValues, intersection);
-                //store velocities
-                problem_.variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = (velocity + gravityTerm);
+        // get global coordinates of cell centers
+        const GlobalPosition& globalPosI = element->geometry().center();
-            }//end intersection with neighbor
+        // center of face in global coordinates
+        const GlobalPosition& globalPosJ = intersection.geometry().center();
-            // handle boundary face
-            else if (isIt->boundary())
-            {
-                // center of face in global coordinates
-                const GlobalPosition& globalPosFace = isIt->geometry().center();
+        // distance vector between barycenters
+        GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosJ - globalPosI;
-                //get boundary type
-                problem_.boundaryTypes(bcType, *isIt);
-                PrimaryVariables boundValues(0.0);
+        // compute distance between cell centers
+        Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-                if (bcType.isDirichlet(pressEqIdx))
-                {
-                    problem_.dirichlet(boundValues, *isIt);
+        //permeability vector at boundary
+        // compute vectorized permeabilities
+        FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-                    // cell center in global coordinates
-                    const GlobalPosition& globalPos = eIt->geometry().center();
+        problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability, problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*element));
-                    // distance vector between barycenters
-                    GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosFace - globalPos;
+        //multiply with normal vector at the boundary
+        Dune::FieldVector < Scalar, dim > permeability(0);
+        meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
+        permeability /= viscosity_;
-                    // compute distance between cell centers
-                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+        Scalar pressBound = boundValues;
-                    //permeability vector at boundary
-                    // compute vectorized permeabilities
-                    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+        //calculate potential gradients
+        Scalar potential = (cellData.pressure() - pressBound) / dist;
-                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
+        potential += density_ * (unitOuterNormal * gravity_);
-                    //multiply with normal vector at the boundary
-                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> permeability(0);
-                    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-                    permeability/=viscosityI;
+        //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+        cellData.fluxData().setPotential(isIndex, potential);
-                    Scalar pressBound = boundValues;
+        //calculate the gravity term
+        GlobalPosition velocity(permeability);
+        velocity *= (cellData.pressure() - pressBound) / dist;
-                    //calculate the gravity term
-                    GlobalPosition velocity(permeability);
-                    velocity *= (pressI - pressBound)/dist;
+        GlobalPosition gravityTerm(unitOuterNormal);
+        gravityTerm *= (gravity_ * permeability) * density_;
-                    GlobalPosition gravityTerm(unitOuterNormal);
-                    gravityTerm *= (this->gravity*permeability)*densityI;
+        velocity += gravityTerm;
-                    problem_.variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = (velocity + gravityTerm);
+        //store velocities
+        cellData.fluxData().setVelocity(isIndex, velocity);
+        cellData.fluxData().setVelocityMarker(isIndex);
-                  }//end dirichlet boundary
+    } //end dirichlet boundary
-                else
-                {
-                    problem_.neumann(boundValues, *isIt);
-                    GlobalPosition velocity(unitOuterNormal);
+    else
+    {
+        problem_.neumann(boundValues, intersection);
+        GlobalPosition velocity(unitOuterNormal);
-                    velocity *= boundValues[pressEqIdx]/densityI;
+        velocity *= boundValues[pressEqIdx] / density_;
-                        problem_.variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocity;
+        //store potential gradients for further calculations
+        cellData.fluxData().setPotential(isIndex, boundValues[pressEqIdx]);
-                }//end neumann boundary
-            }//end boundary
-        }// end all intersections
-    }// end grid traversal
-//                        printvector(std::cout, problem_.variables().velocity(), "velocity", "row", 4, 1, 3);
+        //store velocity
+        cellData.fluxData().setVelocity(isIndex, velocity);
+        cellData.fluxData().setVelocityMarker(isIndex);
+    } //end neumann boundary
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/1p/fluxData1p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/1p/fluxData1p.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14d77a07c1a28bd618409a6319b29aa5b383c9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/1p/fluxData1p.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ *   Copyright (C) 2011 by Markus Wolff                                      *
+ *   Institute of Hydraulic Engineering                                      *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>@iws.uni-stuttgart.de                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "1pproperties.hh"
+ * @file
+ * @brief  Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations
+ * @author Markus Wolff
+ */
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup IMPES
+ */
+//! Class including the variables and data of discretized data of the constitutive relations.
+/*! The variables of two-phase flow, which are one pressure and one saturation are stored in this class.
+ * Additionally, a velocity needed in the transport part of the decoupled two-phase flow is stored, as well as discretized data of constitutive relationships like
+ * mobilities, fractional flow functions and capillary pressure. Thus, they have to be callculated just once in every time step or every iteration step.
+ *
+ * @tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
+ 1*/
+template<class TypeTag>
+class FluxData1P
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
+    typedef typename GridView::IntersectionIterator IntersectionIterator;
+    typedef typename GridView::Traits::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
+    enum
+    {
+        dim = GridView::dimension, dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
+    };
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> FieldVector;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<FieldVector, 2 * dim> VelocityVector;
+    VelocityVector velocity_;
+    Scalar potential_[2 * dim];
+    bool velocityMarker_[2 * dim];
+    //! Constructs a FluxData object
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    FluxData1P()
+    {
+        for (int face = 0;  face < 2*dim; face++)
+        {
+            velocity_[face] = FieldVector(0.0);
+            potential_[face] = 0.0;
+            velocityMarker_[face] = false;
+        }
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // functions returning the vectors of the primary variables
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //! Return the velocity
+    const FieldVector& velocity(int indexInInside)
+    {
+        return velocity_[indexInInside];
+    }
+    const FieldVector& velocity(int indexInInside) const
+    {
+        return velocity_[indexInInside];
+    }
+    void setVelocity(int indexInInside, FieldVector& velocity)
+    {
+        velocity_[indexInInside] = velocity;
+    }
+    void setVelocityMarker(int indexInInside)
+    {
+        velocityMarker_[indexInInside] = true;
+    }
+    bool haveVelocity(int indexInInside)
+    {
+        return velocityMarker_[indexInInside];
+    }
+    void resetVelocityMarker()
+    {
+        for (int i = 0; i < 2*dim; i++)
+            velocityMarker_[i] = false;
+    }
+    bool isUpwindCell(int indexInInside)
+    {
+        return (potential_[indexInInside] >= 0.);
+    }
+    bool isUpwindCell(int indexInInside) const
+    {
+        return (potential_[indexInInside] >= 0.);
+    }
+    Scalar potential(int indexInInside)
+    {
+        return potential_[indexInInside];
+    }
+    Scalar potential(int indexInInside) const
+    {
+        return potential_[indexInInside];
+    }
+    void setPotential(int indexInInside, Scalar pot)
+    {
+        potential_[indexInInside] = pot;
+    }