diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
index 2fe4e66c55799f8cb0f5e5732e06c6d46e47246f..b1cd9c4b723764465e17ee62bc85f5f405623203 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
@@ -419,7 +419,26 @@ public:
     const CouplingStencil<i>& emptyStencil(Dune::index_constant<i> dom) const
     { return std::get<i>(emptyStencil_); }
+    /*!
+     * \brief the solution vector of the subproblem
+     * \param domainIdx The domain index
+     * \note in case of numeric differentiation the solution vector always carries the deflected solution
+     */
+    template<std::size_t i>
+    auto& curSol(Dune::index_constant<i> domainIdx)
+    { return ParentType::curSol(domainIdx); }
+    /*!
+     * \brief the solution vector of the subproblem
+     * \param domainIdx The domain index
+     * \note in case of numeric differentiation the solution vector always carries the deflected solution
+     */
+    template<std::size_t i>
+    const auto& curSol(Dune::index_constant<i> domainIdx) const
+    { return ParentType::curSol(domainIdx); }
+    using ParentType::curSol;
     //! computes the vertex indices per element for the box method
     template<std::size_t id>
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/extendedsourcestencil.hh b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/extendedsourcestencil.hh
index bfdc88d867ca5d4a05ddd62fc3ab470bec870743..6a80947f99f4af397a876f36be46cdfef73536e6 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/extendedsourcestencil.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/extendedsourcestencil.hh
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ public:
      *       term depends on a non-local average of a quantity of the same domain
      * \note This is the same for box and cc
-    template<std::size_t i, class LocalAssemblerI, class SolutionVector, class JacobianMatrixDiagBlock, class GridVariables>
+    template<std::size_t i, class LocalAssemblerI, class JacobianMatrixDiagBlock, class GridVariables>
     void evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(CouplingManager& couplingManager,
                                          Dune::index_constant<i> domainI,
                                          const LocalAssemblerI& localAssemblerI,
-                                         const SolutionVector& curSol,
                                          JacobianMatrixDiagBlock& A,
                                          GridVariables& gridVariables) const
-        constexpr auto numEq = std::decay_t<decltype(curSol[domainI][0])>::size();
+        const auto& curSolI = couplingManager.curSol(domainI);
+        constexpr auto numEq = std::decay_t<decltype(curSolI[0])>::size();
         const auto& elementI = localAssemblerI.element();
         // only do something if we have an extended stencil
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
         for (const auto dofIndex : extendedSourceStencil_(couplingManager, domainI, elementI))
             auto partialDerivs = origResidual;
-            const auto origPriVars = curSol[domainI][dofIndex];
+            const auto origPriVars = curSolI[dofIndex];
             // calculate derivatives w.r.t to the privars at the dof at hand
             for (int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < numEq; pvIdx++)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public:
                 // derive the residuals numerically
                 static const int numDiffMethod = getParam<int>("Assembly.NumericDifferenceMethod");
-                NumericDifferentiation::partialDerivative(evalResiduals, curSol[domainI][dofIndex][pvIdx],
+                NumericDifferentiation::partialDerivative(evalResiduals, curSolI[dofIndex][pvIdx],
                                                           partialDerivs, origResidual, numDiffMethod);
                 // update the global stiffness matrix with the current partial derivatives
@@ -157,6 +157,21 @@ public:
+    /*!
+     * \brief Deprecated overload
+     */
+    template<std::size_t i, class LocalAssemblerI, class SolutionVector, class JacobianMatrixDiagBlock, class GridVariables>
+    [[deprecated("Use signature without curSol. Will be removed after release 3.5")]]
+    void evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(CouplingManager& couplingManager,
+                                         Dune::index_constant<i> domainI,
+                                         const LocalAssemblerI& localAssemblerI,
+                                         const SolutionVector& curSol,
+                                         JacobianMatrixDiagBlock& A,
+                                         GridVariables& gridVariables) const
+    {
+        evalAdditionalDomainDerivatives(couplingManager, domainI, localAssemblerI, A, gridVariables);
+    }
     //! clear the internal data
     void clear() { sourceStencils_.clear(); }
@@ -175,7 +190,7 @@ private:
             if (auto stencil = sourceStencils_.find(bulkElementIdx); stencil != sourceStencils_.end())
                 return stencil->second;
         return couplingManager.emptyStencil(domainId);