diff --git a/dumux/common/properties.hh b/dumux/common/properties.hh
index bb621833bca72d58f16784e279faae04df419e0b..48f80f8e46b4a71a43f32a9e92024ba80036c7b0 100644
--- a/dumux/common/properties.hh
+++ b/dumux/common/properties.hh
@@ -276,6 +276,8 @@ struct SherwoodFormulation { using type = UndefinedProperty; };
 template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
 struct NormalizePressure { using type = UndefinedProperty; }; //!<  Returns whether to normalize the pressure term in the momentum balance or not
+template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
+struct ViscousFluxType { using type = UndefinedProperty; };              //!< The type for the calculation of the (turbulent) viscous (momentum) fluxes
 // Properties used by multidomain simulations
diff --git a/dumux/flux/CMakeLists.txt b/dumux/flux/CMakeLists.txt
index 76b85c4062d2e079da6bdad8aa441d944dba9d4b..203eb2d8b5c55a2df92e9f820c140d3a9c50e1c2 100644
--- a/dumux/flux/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/dumux/flux/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ maxwellstefandiffusioncoefficients.hh
diff --git a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
index 5c3b8391504fc49665f515ebfa3b94c7c18e6c4c..8cd66120757eb7844dcbb8b99184daa9425a6d0b 100644
--- a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
+++ b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
@@ -38,18 +38,17 @@ namespace ShallowWater {
  * Riemann problem applies the hydrostatic reconstruction, uses the
- * Riemann invariants to transform the two-dimensional problem to an
- * one-dimensional problem and solves this new problem, and rotates
- * the problem back. Further it applies an flux limiter for the water
- * flux handle drying of elements.
+ * Riemann invariants to transform the two-dimensional problem to a
+ * one-dimensional problem, solves this new problem, and rotates
+ * the problem back. Further it applies a flux limiter for the water
+ * flux to handle drying elements.
  * The correction of the bed slope source term leads to a
- * non-symmetric flux term at the interface for the momentum equations
- * since DuMuX computes the fluxes twice from each side this does not
+ * non-symmetric flux term at the interface for the momentum equations.
+ * Since DuMuX computes the fluxes twice from each side this does not
  * matter.
- * So far we have only the exact Riemann solver, and the reconstruction
- * after Audusse but further solvers and reconstructions ca be
- * implemented.
+ * So far this implements the exact Riemann solver (with reconstruction
+ * after Audusse).
  * The computed water flux (localFlux[0]) is given in m^2/s, the
  * momentum fluxes (localFlux[1], localFlux[2]) are given in m^3/s^2.
diff --git a/dumux/flux/shallowwaterviscousflux.hh b/dumux/flux/shallowwaterviscousflux.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e8d84ac5a2b684a564dfc419b5e6fec4dd81aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/flux/shallowwaterviscousflux.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \ingroup Flux
+ * \copydoc Dumux::ShallowWaterViscousMomentumFlux
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <utility>
+#include <dumux/flux/fluxvariablescaching.hh>
+namespace Dumux {
+ * \ingroup Flux
+ * \brief Computes the shallow water viscous momentum flux due to (turbulent) viscosity
+ *        by adding all surrounding shear stresses.
+ *        For now implemented strictly for 2D depth-averaged models (i.e. 3 equations)
+ */
+template<class PrimaryVariables, class NumEqVector, typename std::enable_if_t<NumEqVector::size() == 3, int> = 0>
+class ShallowWaterViscousFlux
+    using Cache = FluxVariablesCaching::EmptyDiffusionCache;
+    using CacheFiller = FluxVariablesCaching::EmptyCacheFiller;
+    /*!
+     * \ingroup Flux
+     * \brief Compute the viscous momentum flux contribution from the interface
+     *        shear stress
+     *
+     *        The viscous momentum flux
+     *        \f[
+     *        \int \int_{V} \mathbf{\nabla} \cdot \nu_t h \mathbf{\nabla} \mathbf{u} dV
+     *        \f]
+     *        is re-written using Gauss' divergence theorem to:
+     *        \f[
+     *        \int_{S_f} \nu_t h \mathbf{\nabla} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n_f} dS
+     *        \f]
+     *
+     * \todo The implementation now is the simplest one involving
+     *       only direct neighbours. This implementation is not complete/
+     *       correct on non-orthogonal meshes. A more complete implementation
+     *       with a more elaborate stencil that also takes into account
+     *       the non-orthogonal contributions can be considered at a later stage.
+     */
+    template<class Problem, class FVElementGeometry, class ElementVolumeVariables>
+    static NumEqVector flux(const Problem& problem,
+                            const typename FVElementGeometry::GridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity& element,
+                            const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                            const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                            const typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolumeFace& scvf)
+    {
+        using Scalar = typename PrimaryVariables::value_type;
+        NumEqVector localFlux(0.0);
+        // Get the inside and outside volume variables
+        const auto& insideVolVars = elemVolVars[scvf.insideScvIdx()];
+        const auto& outsideVolVars = elemVolVars[scvf.outsideScvIdx()];
+        const auto& insideScv = fvGeometry.scv(scvf.insideScvIdx());
+        const auto& outsideScv = fvGeometry.scv(scvf.outsideScvIdx());
+        const auto [gradU, gradV] = [&]()
+        {
+            // The left (inside) and right (outside) states
+            const auto velocityXLeft   = insideVolVars.velocity(0);
+            const auto velocityYLeft   = insideVolVars.velocity(1);
+            const auto velocityXRight  = outsideVolVars.velocity(0);
+            const auto velocityYRight  = outsideVolVars.velocity(1);
+            // Compute the velocity gradients normal to the face
+            // Factor that takes the direction of the unit vector into account
+            const auto& cellCenterToCellCenter = outsideScv.center() - insideScv.center();
+            const auto distance = cellCenterToCellCenter.two_norm();
+            const auto& unitNormal = scvf.unitOuterNormal();
+            const auto direction = (unitNormal*cellCenterToCellCenter)/distance;
+            return std::make_pair(
+                (velocityXRight-velocityXLeft)*direction/distance,
+                (velocityYRight-velocityYLeft)*direction/distance
+            );
+        }();
+        // Use a harmonic average of the depth at the interface.
+        const auto waterDepthLeft  = insideVolVars.waterDepth();
+        const auto waterDepthRight = outsideVolVars.waterDepth();
+        const auto averageDepth = 2.0*(waterDepthLeft*waterDepthRight)/(waterDepthLeft + waterDepthRight);
+        // compute the turbulent viscosity contribution
+        const Scalar turbViscosity = [&,gradU=gradU,gradV=gradV]()
+        {
+            // The (constant) background turbulent viscosity
+            static const auto turbBGViscosity = getParam<Scalar>("ShallowWater.TurbulentViscosity", 1.0e-6);
+            // Check whether the mixing-length turbulence model is used
+            static const auto useMixingLengthTurbulenceModel = getParam<bool>("ShallowWater.UseMixingLengthTurbulenceModel", false);
+            // constant eddy viscosity equal to the prescribed background eddy viscosity
+            if (!useMixingLengthTurbulenceModel)
+                return turbBGViscosity;
+            // turbulence model based on mixing length
+            // Compute the turbulent viscosity using a combined horizonal/vertical mixing length approach
+            // Turbulence coefficients: vertical (Elder like) and horizontal (Smagorinsky like)
+            static const auto turbConstV = getParam<Scalar>("ShallowWater.VerticalCoefficientOfMixingLengthModel", 1.0);
+            static const auto turbConstH = getParam<Scalar>("ShallowWater.HorizontalCoefficientOfMixingLengthModel", 0.1);
+            /** The vertical (Elder-like) contribution to the turbulent viscosity scales with water depth \f[ h \f] and shear velocity \f[ u_{*} \f] :
+            *
+            * \f[
+            * \nu_t^v = c^v \frac{\kappa}{6} u_{*} h
+            * \f]
+            */
+            constexpr Scalar kappa = 0.41;
+            // Compute the average shear velocity on the face
+            const Scalar ustar = [&]()
+            {
+                // Get the bottom shear stress in the two adjacent cells
+                // Note that element is not needed in spatialParams().frictionLaw (should be removed). For now we simply pass the same element twice
+                const auto& bottomShearStressInside = problem.spatialParams().frictionLaw(element, insideScv).shearStress(insideVolVars);
+                const auto& bottomShearStressOutside = problem.spatialParams().frictionLaw(element, outsideScv).shearStress(outsideVolVars);
+                const auto bottomShearStressInsideMag = bottomShearStressInside.two_norm();
+                const auto bottomShearStressOutsideMag = bottomShearStressOutside.two_norm();
+                // Use a harmonic average of the viscosity and the depth at the interface.
+                using std::max;
+                const auto averageBottomShearStress = 2.0*(bottomShearStressInsideMag*bottomShearStressOutsideMag)
+                        / max(1.0e-8,bottomShearStressInsideMag + bottomShearStressOutsideMag);
+                // Shear velocity possibly needed in mixing-length turbulence model in the computation of the diffusion flux
+                using std::sqrt;
+                return sqrt(averageBottomShearStress);
+            }();
+            const auto turbViscosityV = turbConstV * (kappa/6.0) * ustar * averageDepth;
+            /** The horizontal (Smagorinsky-like) contribution to the turbulent viscosity scales with the water depth (squared)
+            * and the magnitude of the stress (rate-of-strain) tensor:
+            *
+            * \f[
+            * nu_t^h = (c^h h)^2 \sqrt{ 2\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}\right)^2 + 2\left(\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}\right)^2 }
+            * \f]
+            *
+            * However, based on the velocity vectors in the direct neighbours of the volume face, it is not possible to compute all components of the stress tensor.
+            * Only the gradients of u and v in the direction of the vector between the cell centres is available.
+            * To avoid the reconstruction of the full velocity gradient tensor based on a larger stencil,
+            * the horizontal contribution to the eddy viscosity (in the mixing-length model) is computed using only the velocity gradients normal to the face:
+            *
+            * \f[
+            * \frac{\partial u}{\partial n} , \frac{\partial v}{\partial n}
+            * \f]
+            *
+            * In other words, the present approximation of the horizontal contribution to the turbulent viscosity reduces to:
+            *
+            * \f[
+            * nu_t^h = (c^h h)^2 \sqrt{ 2\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial n}\right)^2 + 2\left(\frac{\partial v}{\partial n}\right)^2 }
+            * \f]
+            *
+            It should be noted that this simplified approach is formally inconsistent and will result in a turbulent viscosity that is dependent on the grid (orientation).
+            */
+            using std::sqrt;
+            const auto mixingLengthSquared = turbConstH * turbConstH * averageDepth * averageDepth;
+            const auto turbViscosityH = mixingLengthSquared * sqrt(2.0*gradU*gradU + 2.0*gradV*gradV);
+            // Total turbulent viscosity
+            return turbBGViscosity + sqrt(turbViscosityV*turbViscosityV + turbViscosityH*turbViscosityH);
+        }();
+        // Compute the viscous momentum fluxes
+        const auto uViscousFlux = turbViscosity * averageDepth * gradU;
+        const auto vViscousFlux = turbViscosity * averageDepth * gradV;
+        // compute the mobility of the flux with the fluxlimiter
+        static const auto upperWaterDepthFluxLimiting = getParam<double>("FluxLimiterLET.UpperWaterDepth", 1e-3);
+        static const auto lowerWaterDepthFluxLimiting = getParam<double>("FluxLimiterLET.LowerWaterDepth", 1e-5);
+        const auto limitingDepth = (waterDepthLeft + waterDepthRight) * 0.5;
+        const auto mobility = ShallowWater::fluxLimiterLET(limitingDepth,
+                                                           limitingDepth,
+                                                           upperWaterDepthFluxLimiting,
+                                                           lowerWaterDepthFluxLimiting);
+        localFlux[0] = 0.0;
+        localFlux[1] = -uViscousFlux * mobility * scvf.area();
+        localFlux[2] = -vViscousFlux * mobility * scvf.area();
+        return localFlux;
+    }
+} // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/boundaryfluxes.hh b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/boundaryfluxes.hh
index b5b3da9a9a1d480bba193e3913d7493e8a718d23..739a338ed438560371d5ebef8dc79318a1012ca7 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/boundaryfluxes.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/boundaryfluxes.hh
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  *                                                                           *
  *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
  *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
  *                                                                           *
  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <cmath>
+#include <algorithm>
-namespace Dumux {
-namespace ShallowWater {
+namespace Dumux::ShallowWater {
  * \brief Compute the outer cell state for fixed water depth boundary.
- * \param waterDepthBoundary Discharge per meter at the boundary face [m^2/s]
+ * \param waterDepthBoundary Water depth at the boundary face [m^2/s]
  * \param waterDepthInside Water depth in the inner cell [m]
  * \param velocityXInside Velocity in x-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
  * \param velocityYInside Velocity in y-direction in the inner cell [m/s]
@@ -127,7 +127,98 @@ std::array<Scalar, 3> fixedDischargeBoundary(const Scalar dischargeBoundary,
     return cellStateOutside;
-} // end namespace ShallowWater
-} // end namespace Dumux
+ * \brief Compute the viscosity/diffusive flux at a rough wall boundary using no-slip formulation.
+ *
+ * \param alphaWall Roughness parameter: alphaWall=0.0 means full slip, alphaWall=1.0 means no slip, 0.0<alphaWall<1.0 means partial slip [-]
+ * \param turbulentViscosity Turbulent viscosity [m^2/s]
+ * \param state Primary variables (water depth, velocities)
+ * \param cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter Cell-center to boundary distance
+ * \param unitNormal Normal vector of the boundary face
+ */
+template<class PrimaryVariables, class Scalar, class GlobalPosition>
+std::array<Scalar, 3> noslipWallBoundary(const Scalar alphaWall,
+                                         const Scalar turbulentViscosity,
+                                         const PrimaryVariables& state,
+                                         const GlobalPosition& cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter,
+                                         const GlobalPosition& unitNormal)
+    // only impose if abs(alphaWall) > 0
+    using std::abs;
+    if (abs(alphaWall) <= 1.0e-9)
+        return {};
+    const auto waterDepth = state[0];
+    // regularization: Set gradients to zero for drying cell
+    // Use LET-limiter instead for differentiability?
+    if (waterDepth <= 0.001)
+        return {};
+    const auto xVelocity  = state[1];
+    const auto yVelocity  = state[2];
+    const auto distance = cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter.two_norm();
+    // Compute the velocity gradients
+    // Outside - inside cell: therefore the minus-sign
+    // Only when cell contains sufficient water.
+    const auto gradU = -alphaWall * xVelocity/distance;
+    const auto gradV = -alphaWall * yVelocity/distance;
+    // Factor that takes the direction of the unit vector into account
+    const auto direction = (unitNormal*cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter)/distance;
+    // Compute the viscosity/diffusive fluxes at the rough wall
+    return {
+        0.0,
+        -turbulentViscosity*waterDepth*gradU*direction,
+        -turbulentViscosity*waterDepth*gradV*direction
+    };
+ * \brief Compute the viscosity/diffusive flux at a rough wall boundary using Nikuradse formulation.
+ *
+ * \param ksWall Nikuradse roughness height for the wall [m]
+ * \param state the primary variable state (water depth, velocities)
+ * \param cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter Cell-center to boundary distance
+ * \param unitNormal Normal vector of the boundary face
+ */
+template<class PrimaryVariables, class Scalar, class GlobalPosition>
+std::array<Scalar, 3> nikuradseWallBoundary(const Scalar ksWall,
+                                            const PrimaryVariables& state,
+                                            const GlobalPosition& cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter,
+                                            const GlobalPosition& unitNormal)
+    // only impose if abs(ksWall) > 0
+    using std::abs;
+    if (abs(ksWall) <= 1.0e-9)
+        return {};
+    using std::hypot;
+    const Scalar xVelocity = state[1];
+    const Scalar yVelocity = state[2];
+    const Scalar velocityMagnitude = hypot(xVelocity, yVelocity);
+    const Scalar distance = cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter.two_norm();
+    const Scalar y0w = ksWall/30.0;
+    constexpr Scalar kappa2 = 0.41*0.41;
+    // should distance/y0w be limited to not become too small?
+    using std::log; using std::max;
+    const auto logYPlus = log(distance/y0w+1.0);
+    const auto fac = kappa2*velocityMagnitude / max(1.0e-3,logYPlus*logYPlus);
+    // Factor that takes the direction of the unit vector into account
+    const auto direction = (unitNormal*cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter)/distance;
+    // wall shear stress vector
+    const auto tauWx = direction*fac*xVelocity;
+    const auto tauWy = direction*fac*yVelocity;
+    // Compute the viscosity/diffusive fluxes at the rough wall
+    const auto waterDepth = state[0];
+    return {0.0, waterDepth*tauWx, waterDepth*tauWy};
+} // end namespace Dumux::ShallowWater
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/fluxvariables.hh b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/fluxvariables.hh
index 57daf7e066ace07e733ed4a1838519d24ca66842..1b70f8f767cf011fc24ca85766c1d70a1990dd02 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/fluxvariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/fluxvariables.hh
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class ShallowWaterFluxVariables
     using ModelTraits = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>;
     using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
     using AdvectionType = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::AdvectionType>;
-    //using DiffusionType = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::DiffusionType>;
+    using ViscousFluxType = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ViscousFluxType>;
     using GridVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
     using GridVolumeVariables = typename GridVariables::GridVolumeVariables;
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ class ShallowWaterFluxVariables
     using SubControlVolumeFace = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolumeFace;
     static constexpr bool enableAdvection = ModelTraits::enableAdvection();
-    static constexpr bool enableDiffusion = ModelTraits::enableDiffusion();
@@ -79,20 +78,17 @@ public:
-     * \brief Returns the diffusive flux (e.g. diffusion of tracer)
+     * \brief Returns the viscous momentum flux
-    NumEqVector diffusiveFlux(const Problem& problem,
-                              const Element& element,
-                              const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
-                              const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
-                              const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    NumEqVector viscousFlux(const Problem& problem,
+                            const Element& element,
+                            const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                            const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                            const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
-        // TODO: add diffusive flux (e.g. tracer and viscosity)
-        if (enableDiffusion)
-            return NumEqVector(0.0);
-        return NumEqVector(0.0);
+        // Add viscous momentum flux
+        return ViscousFluxType::flux(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/localresidual.hh b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/localresidual.hh
index c186b5b06478d5324485e4ae69e57e57193fade5..bfcc6d193e8d9f2ae5324e9fe8264cbdd721652c 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/localresidual.hh
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
-     * \brief Evaluate the mass flux over a face of a sub control volume
+     * \brief Evaluate the mass/momentum flux over a face of a sub control volume
      * \param problem The problem
      * \param element The current element.
@@ -97,7 +97,11 @@ public:
         NumEqVector flux(0.0);
         FluxVariables fluxVars;
         flux += fluxVars.advectiveFlux(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
-        flux += fluxVars.diffusiveFlux(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
+        // Compute viscous momentum flux contribution if required
+        static const bool enableViscousFlux = getParam<bool>("ShallowWater.EnableViscousFlux", false);
+        if (enableViscousFlux)
+            flux += fluxVars.viscousFlux(problem, element, fvGeometry, elemVolVars, scvf);
         return flux;
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh
index 15094351f5c3e88940df38810b157b02add33165..bf2a9d745656ef3d89c75f8237cfa9c6748bc601 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 #include <dumux/common/properties/model.hh>
 #include <dumux/flux/shallowwaterflux.hh>
+#include <dumux/flux/shallowwaterviscousflux.hh>
 #include <dumux/flux/fluxvariablescaching.hh>
 #include "localresidual.hh"
@@ -89,9 +90,6 @@ struct ShallowWaterModelTraits
     //! Enable advection
     static constexpr bool enableAdvection() { return true; }
-    //! Enable diffusion
-    static constexpr bool enableDiffusion() { return false; }
@@ -160,7 +158,9 @@ template<class TypeTag>
 struct AdvectionType<TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater>
 { using type = ShallowWaterFlux< GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector> >; };
-//template<class TypeTag> struct DiffusionType<TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater> {using type = ShallowWaterExactRiemannSolver<TypeTag>;};
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct ViscousFluxType<TypeTag, TTag::ShallowWater>
+{ using type = ShallowWaterViscousFlux< GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>, GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector> >; };
 } // end properties
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/volumevariables.hh
index 7aec82fa097de143a5c9be862c4d05aa55101263..6cf905fa083ecf4b09ee4badf1aeaf04c62c9fea 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/volumevariables.hh
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ public:
     Scalar extrusionFactor() const
     { return 1.0; }
+    //! Return the vector of primary variables
+    const PrimaryVariables& priVars() const
+    { return priVars_; }
      * \brief Return water detph h inside the sub-control volume.
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/CMakeLists.txt b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/CMakeLists.txt
index a2d8ca961e08fead0abf1e2a91fc8b5a7a16bef4..2f2fec8b7675709ea0dcec2a628829e39c12f97d 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/CMakeLists.txt b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8ed563ddab4827c65ceffdaad0c424de17d8ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES "params.input")
+dumux_add_test(NAME test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow
+               SOURCES main.cc
+               LABELS shallowwater
+               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GRIDTYPE=Dune::YaspGrid<2,Dune::EquidistantOffsetCoordinates<double,2>>
+               COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+               CMD_ARGS       --script fuzzy
+                              --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow-reference.vtu
+                                      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/poiseuilleflow-00007.vtu
+                              --zeroThreshold {"velocityY":1e-14}
+                              --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow params.input")
+dumux_add_test(NAME test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_parallel
+               TARGET test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow
+               LABELS shallowwater
+               CMAKE_GUARD MPI_FOUND
+               COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+               CMD_ARGS   --script fuzzy
+                          --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow-reference.vtu
+                                  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/s0002-poiseuilleflow-parallel-00007.pvtu
+                          --zeroThreshold {"velocityY":1e-14,"process rank":100}
+                          --command "${MPIEXEC} -np 2 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow params.input -Problem.Name poiseuilleflow-parallel")
+dumux_add_test(NAME test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured
+               SOURCES main.cc
+               LABELS shallowwater
+               CMAKE_GUARD dune-uggrid_FOUND
+               COMPILE_DEFINITIONS GRIDTYPE=Dune::UGGrid<2>
+               COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+               CMD_ARGS       --script fuzzy
+                              --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured-reference.vtu
+                                      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/poiseuilleflow-unstructured-00007.vtu
+                              --zeroThreshold {"velocityY":1e-14}
+                              --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured params.input -Problem.Name poiseuilleflow-unstructured -Grid.File grids/irregular_grid_10m.dgf")
+dumux_add_test(NAME test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured_parallel
+               TARGET test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured
+               LABELS shallowwater
+               CMAKE_GUARD "( MPI_FOUND AND dune-uggrid_FOUND )"
+               COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/runtest.py
+               CMD_ARGS   --script fuzzy
+                          --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured-reference.vtu
+                                  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/s0002-poiseuilleflow-unstructured-parallel-00007.pvtu
+                          --zeroThreshold {"velocityY":1e-14,"process rank":100}
+                          --command "${MPIEXEC} -np 2 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured params.input -Problem.Name poiseuilleflow-unstructured-parallel -Grid.File grids/irregular_grid_10m.dgf")
+dune_symlink_to_source_files(FILES "grids")
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/grids/irregular_grid_10m.dgf b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/grids/irregular_grid_10m.dgf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1a6fbaf46d2762ae20522f44537dd7866ea8096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/grids/irregular_grid_10m.dgf
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+Vertex             % the vertices of the grid
+0.0 -50.0             % vertex  0 
+400.0 -50.0             % vertex  1 
+400.0 50.0             % vertex  2 
+0.0 50.0             % vertex  3 
+200.0 -50.0             % vertex  4 
+400.0 0.0             % vertex  5 
+200.0 50.0             % vertex  6 
+0.0 0.0             % vertex  7 
+100.0 -50.0             % vertex  8 
+300.0 -50.0             % vertex  9 
+400.0 -25.0             % vertex  10 
+400.0 25.0             % vertex  11 
+300.0 50.0             % vertex  12 
+100.0 50.0             % vertex  13 
+0.0 25.0             % vertex  14 
+0.0 -25.0             % vertex  15 
+50.0 -50.0             % vertex  16 
+150.0 -50.0             % vertex  17 
+250.0 -50.0             % vertex  18 
+350.0 -50.0             % vertex  19 
+400.0 -37.5             % vertex  20 
+400.0 -12.5             % vertex  21 
+400.0 12.5             % vertex  22 
+400.0 37.5             % vertex  23 
+350.0 50.0             % vertex  24 
+250.0 50.0             % vertex  25 
+150.0 50.0             % vertex  26 
+50.0 50.0             % vertex  27 
+0.0 37.5             % vertex  28 
+0.0 12.5             % vertex  29 
+0.0 -12.5             % vertex  30 
+0.0 -37.5             % vertex  31 
+25.0 -50.0             % vertex  32 
+75.0 -50.0             % vertex  33 
+125.0 -50.0             % vertex  34 
+175.0 -50.0             % vertex  35 
+225.0 -50.0             % vertex  36 
+275.0 -50.0             % vertex  37 
+325.0 -50.0             % vertex  38 
+375.0 -50.0             % vertex  39 
+375.0 50.0             % vertex  40 
+325.0 50.0             % vertex  41 
+275.0 50.0             % vertex  42 
+225.0 50.0             % vertex  43 
+175.0 50.0             % vertex  44 
+125.0 50.0             % vertex  45 
+75.0 50.0             % vertex  46 
+25.0 50.0             % vertex  47 
+12.5 -50.0             % vertex  48 
+37.5 -50.0             % vertex  49 
+62.5 -50.0             % vertex  50 
+87.5 -50.0             % vertex  51 
+112.5 -50.0             % vertex  52 
+137.5 -50.0             % vertex  53 
+162.5 -50.0             % vertex  54 
+187.5 -50.0             % vertex  55 
+212.5 -50.0             % vertex  56 
+237.5 -50.0             % vertex  57 
+262.5 -50.0             % vertex  58 
+287.5 -50.0             % vertex  59 
+312.5 -50.0             % vertex  60 
+337.5 -50.0             % vertex  61 
+362.5 -50.0             % vertex  62 
+387.5 -50.0             % vertex  63 
+387.5 50.0             % vertex  64 
+362.5 50.0             % vertex  65 
+337.5 50.0             % vertex  66 
+312.5 50.0             % vertex  67 
+287.5 50.0             % vertex  68 
+262.5 50.0             % vertex  69 
+237.5 50.0             % vertex  70 
+212.5 50.0             % vertex  71 
+187.5 50.0             % vertex  72 
+162.5 50.0             % vertex  73 
+137.5 50.0             % vertex  74 
+112.5 50.0             % vertex  75 
+87.5 50.0             % vertex  76 
+62.5 50.0             % vertex  77 
+37.5 50.0             % vertex  78 
+12.5 50.0             % vertex  79 
+18.3013 39.8584             % vertex  80 
+10.955 19.119500000000002             % vertex  81 
+30.8449 38.956599999999995             % vertex  82 
+68.687 39.1991             % vertex  83 
+68.7694 -39.1695             % vertex  84 
+81.2612 -39.1704             % vertex  85 
+81.2255 39.18429999999999             % vertex  86 
+93.7496 39.1763             % vertex  87 
+118.7499 39.17529999999999             % vertex  88 
+118.7509 -39.1746             % vertex  89 
+131.2504 -39.1748             % vertex  90 
+131.2499 39.1751             % vertex  91 
+143.75 39.175             % vertex  92 
+168.75 39.175             % vertex  93 
+168.75 -39.175             % vertex  94 
+181.25 -39.175             % vertex  95 
+181.25 39.175             % vertex  96 
+193.75 39.175             % vertex  97 
+218.75 39.175             % vertex  98 
+218.75 -39.175             % vertex  99 
+231.25 -39.175             % vertex  100 
+231.25 39.175             % vertex  101 
+243.7499 39.175             % vertex  102 
+268.7496 39.1747             % vertex  103 
+268.75 -39.175             % vertex  104 
+281.25 -39.1751             % vertex  105 
+281.249 39.1743             % vertex  106 
+293.7477 39.1733             % vertex  107 
+318.7382 39.167199999999994             % vertex  108 
+318.7552 -39.178             % vertex  109 
+331.3224 -39.1993             % vertex  110 
+331.2298 39.1639             % vertex  111 
+343.742 39.1806             % vertex  112 
+369.1121 38.889399999999995             % vertex  113 
+389.0289 19.018699999999995             % vertex  114 
+389.2322 6.203000000000003             % vertex  115 
+389.2514 -6.3536             % vertex  116 
+356.3962 -39.1194             % vertex  117 
+369.1934 -38.963             % vertex  118 
+381.7195 -39.8624             % vertex  119 
+389.9164 -31.6719             % vertex  120 
+389.0716 -19.1293             % vertex  121 
+381.6789 39.8125             % vertex  122 
+389.8813 31.616699999999994             % vertex  123 
+356.28 39.0805             % vertex  124 
+343.8535 -39.2066             % vertex  125 
+306.2502 -39.175399999999996             % vertex  126 
+306.2446 39.1712             % vertex  127 
+293.75 -39.175200000000004             % vertex  128 
+256.25 -39.175             % vertex  129 
+256.2498 39.174899999999994             % vertex  130 
+243.75 -39.175             % vertex  131 
+206.25 -39.175             % vertex  132 
+206.25 39.175             % vertex  133 
+193.75 -39.175             % vertex  134 
+156.2501 -39.175             % vertex  135 
+156.25 39.175             % vertex  136 
+143.7502 -39.1749             % vertex  137 
+106.2522 -39.174             % vertex  138 
+106.2497 39.1756             % vertex  139 
+93.7551 -39.1726             % vertex  140 
+56.2586 -39.1839             % vertex  141 
+10.7792 -6.2194999999999965             % vertex  142 
+43.7066 -39.0721             % vertex  143 
+30.8768 -38.903             % vertex  144 
+10.1142 -31.6235             % vertex  145 
+18.315 -39.8192             % vertex  146 
+10.9712 -19.0335             % vertex  147 
+10.7716 6.339199999999998             % vertex  148 
+56.1822 39.2024             % vertex  149 
+43.6513 39.113200000000006             % vertex  150 
+10.1027 31.6674             % vertex  151 
+337.4302 28.307900000000004             % vertex  152 
+350.1703 -28.4805             % vertex  153 
+391.8053 41.8036             % vertex  154 
+378.2853 12.2273             % vertex  155 
+287.4978 28.348399999999998             % vertex  156 
+237.4999 28.349999999999994             % vertex  157 
+187.5 28.349999999999994             % vertex  158 
+137.5 28.350099999999998             % vertex  159 
+87.497 28.3545             % vertex  160 
+62.5665 -28.3266             % vertex  161 
+21.6843 12.494300000000003             % vertex  162 
+21.2113 0.1407999999999987             % vertex  163 
+62.319 28.433800000000005             % vertex  164 
+8.1884 41.8103             % vertex  165 
+23.1716 26.715999999999994             % vertex  166 
+75.0301 -28.3361             % vertex  167 
+74.8951 28.374300000000005             % vertex  168 
+112.502 -28.349             % vertex  169 
+112.4997 28.3506             % vertex  170 
+125.0008 -28.3496             % vertex  171 
+124.9999 28.350300000000004             % vertex  172 
+162.5001 -28.35             % vertex  173 
+162.5 28.349999999999994             % vertex  174 
+175.0 -28.35             % vertex  175 
+175.0 28.349999999999994             % vertex  176 
+212.5 -28.35             % vertex  177 
+212.5 28.349999999999994             % vertex  178 
+225.0 -28.35             % vertex  179 
+225.0 28.349999999999994             % vertex  180 
+262.5 -28.35             % vertex  181 
+262.4996 28.3497             % vertex  182 
+275.0 -28.3501             % vertex  183 
+274.9991 28.349400000000003             % vertex  184 
+312.4999 -28.351             % vertex  185 
+312.4868 28.340500000000006             % vertex  186 
+325.0934 -28.3708             % vertex  187 
+324.9682 28.327799999999996             % vertex  188 
+376.7748 26.5655             % vertex  189 
+376.8849 -26.7299             % vertex  190 
+362.66 -28.0665             % vertex  191 
+391.8223 -41.8097             % vertex  192 
+378.3769 -12.520499999999998             % vertex  193 
+362.4387 27.877899999999997             % vertex  194 
+378.8275 -0.1747000000000014             % vertex  195 
+337.7323 -28.4402             % vertex  196 
+349.9237 28.387699999999995             % vertex  197 
+299.9946 28.346100000000007             % vertex  198 
+287.5 -28.3502             % vertex  199 
+300.0 -28.3505             % vertex  200 
+249.9999 28.349900000000005             % vertex  201 
+237.5 -28.35             % vertex  202 
+250.0 -28.35             % vertex  203 
+200.0 28.349999999999994             % vertex  204 
+187.5 -28.35             % vertex  205 
+200.0 -28.35             % vertex  206 
+150.0 28.349999999999994             % vertex  207 
+137.5003 -28.3498             % vertex  208 
+150.0001 -28.3499             % vertex  209 
+99.9992 28.351600000000005             % vertex  210 
+87.5124 -28.344             % vertex  211 
+100.0051 -28.3475             % vertex  212 
+37.4449 28.052000000000007             % vertex  213 
+50.0781 -28.4135             % vertex  214 
+37.5263 -27.9324             % vertex  215 
+8.1858 -41.7943             % vertex  216 
+23.2131 -26.5943             % vertex  217 
+21.721 -12.2637             % vertex  218 
+49.936 28.4683             % vertex  219 
+106.2524 -17.5238             % vertex  220 
+156.2501 -17.525             % vertex  221 
+206.25 -17.525             % vertex  222 
+256.25 -17.525             % vertex  223 
+306.25 -17.525799999999997             % vertex  224 
+44.3158 -18.0269             % vertex  225 
+44.1972 18.194000000000003             % vertex  226 
+93.7562 -17.5218             % vertex  227 
+56.4592 -17.3662             % vertex  228 
+68.3923 17.544300000000007             % vertex  229 
+81.2499 17.529799999999994             % vertex  230 
+68.8038 -17.490699999999997             % vertex  231 
+143.7502 -17.524900000000002             % vertex  232 
+106.2497 17.525800000000004             % vertex  233 
+118.7499 17.5253             % vertex  234 
+131.2499 17.525099999999995             % vertex  235 
+118.7509 -17.524500000000003             % vertex  236 
+193.75 -17.525             % vertex  237 
+156.25 17.525000000000006             % vertex  238 
+168.75 17.525000000000006             % vertex  239 
+181.25 17.525000000000006             % vertex  240 
+168.75 -17.525             % vertex  241 
+243.75 -17.525             % vertex  242 
+206.25 17.525000000000006             % vertex  243 
+218.75 17.525000000000006             % vertex  244 
+231.25 17.525000000000006             % vertex  245 
+218.75 -17.525             % vertex  246 
+293.75 -17.5253             % vertex  247 
+256.2498 17.524900000000002             % vertex  248 
+268.7496 17.524699999999996             % vertex  249 
+281.249 17.524299999999997             % vertex  250 
+268.75 -17.525             % vertex  251 
+306.2435 17.5201             % vertex  252 
+318.7318 17.510800000000003             % vertex  253 
+331.1925 17.476200000000006             % vertex  254 
+318.7499 -17.5283             % vertex  255 
+355.5431 17.828500000000005             % vertex  256 
+356.0584 -18.2105             % vertex  257 
+366.9986 16.515699999999995             % vertex  258 
+368.8495 5.2353999999999985             % vertex  259 
+368.9695 -5.839700000000001             % vertex  260 
+344.3216 -17.8399             % vertex  261 
+331.6322 -17.5439             % vertex  262 
+343.5249 17.311000000000007             % vertex  263 
+281.25 -17.525100000000002             % vertex  264 
+293.7475 17.523200000000003             % vertex  265 
+231.25 -17.525             % vertex  266 
+243.7499 17.525000000000006             % vertex  267 
+181.25 -17.525             % vertex  268 
+193.75 17.525000000000006             % vertex  269 
+131.2504 -17.5248             % vertex  270 
+143.75 17.525000000000006             % vertex  271 
+81.2671 -17.5154             % vertex  272 
+93.7493 17.527             % vertex  273 
+32.8684 16.8639             % vertex  274 
+32.9672 -16.5845             % vertex  275 
+31.184 -5.291499999999999             % vertex  276 
+55.8215 17.814400000000006             % vertex  277 
+31.1277 5.786299999999997             % vertex  278 
+75.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  279 
+112.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  280 
+162.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  281 
+212.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  282 
+262.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  283 
+312.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  284 
+367.2567 -16.8956             % vertex  285 
+351.4402 -7.979799999999997             % vertex  286 
+349.5601 5.1655000000000015             % vertex  287 
+262.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  288 
+212.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  289 
+162.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  290 
+112.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  291 
+62.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  292 
+49.0159 7.832500000000003             % vertex  293 
+40.2337 0.5698000000000008             % vertex  294 
+87.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  295 
+75.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  296 
+100.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  297 
+125.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  298 
+150.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  299 
+175.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  300 
+187.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  301 
+175.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  302 
+200.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  303 
+225.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  304 
+250.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  305 
+275.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  306 
+300.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  307 
+325.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  308 
+312.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  309 
+359.916 -0.6762999999999977             % vertex  310 
+337.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  311 
+325.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  312 
+338.8961 -6.384500000000003             % vertex  313 
+275.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  314 
+287.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  315 
+300.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  316 
+287.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  317 
+225.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  318 
+237.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  319 
+250.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  320 
+237.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  321 
+200.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  322 
+187.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  323 
+125.0 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  324 
+137.5 -6.700000000000003             % vertex  325 
+150.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  326 
+137.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  327 
+100.0 6.700000000000003             % vertex  328 
+87.5 6.700000000000003             % vertex  329 
+61.0683 6.413699999999999             % vertex  330 
+50.4908 -5.2393             % vertex  331 
+39.843 -9.398000000000003             % vertex  332 
+39.5844 9.940800000000003             % vertex  333 
+360.5904 -10.006500000000003             % vertex  334 
+360.1003 9.359900000000003             % vertex  335 
+SIMPLEX             % a simplex grid
+79 80 47             % triangle  0 , vertices  79 ,  80 ,  47 
+79 3 165             % triangle  1 , vertices  79 ,  3 ,  165 
+165 28 151             % triangle  2 , vertices  165 ,  28 ,  151 
+151 14 81             % triangle  3 , vertices  151 ,  14 ,  81 
+86 76 46             % triangle  4 , vertices  86 ,  76 ,  46 
+84 50 33             % triangle  5 , vertices  84 ,  50 ,  33 
+85 84 33             % triangle  6 , vertices  85 ,  84 ,  33 
+76 87 13             % triangle  7 , vertices  76 ,  87 ,  13 
+87 76 86             % triangle  8 , vertices  87 ,  76 ,  86 
+91 74 45             % triangle  9 , vertices  91 ,  74 ,  45 
+138 52 89             % triangle  10 , vertices  138 ,  52 ,  89 
+90 89 34             % triangle  11 , vertices  90 ,  89 ,  34 
+74 92 26             % triangle  12 , vertices  74 ,  92 ,  26 
+92 74 91             % triangle  13 , vertices  92 ,  74 ,  91 
+96 72 44             % triangle  14 , vertices  96 ,  72 ,  44 
+135 54 94             % triangle  15 , vertices  135 ,  54 ,  94 
+95 94 35             % triangle  16 , vertices  95 ,  94 ,  35 
+72 97 6             % triangle  17 , vertices  72 ,  97 ,  6 
+97 72 96             % triangle  18 , vertices  97 ,  72 ,  96 
+101 70 43             % triangle  19 , vertices  101 ,  70 ,  43 
+132 56 99             % triangle  20 , vertices  132 ,  56 ,  99 
+100 99 36             % triangle  21 , vertices  100 ,  99 ,  36 
+70 102 25             % triangle  22 , vertices  70 ,  102 ,  25 
+102 70 101             % triangle  23 , vertices  102 ,  70 ,  101 
+106 68 42             % triangle  24 , vertices  106 ,  68 ,  42 
+129 58 104             % triangle  25 , vertices  129 ,  58 ,  104 
+105 104 37             % triangle  26 , vertices  105 ,  104 ,  37 
+68 107 12             % triangle  27 , vertices  68 ,  107 ,  12 
+107 68 106             % triangle  28 , vertices  107 ,  68 ,  106 
+111 66 41             % triangle  29 , vertices  111 ,  66 ,  41 
+126 60 109             % triangle  30 , vertices  126 ,  60 ,  109 
+110 109 38             % triangle  31 , vertices  110 ,  109 ,  38 
+66 112 24             % triangle  32 , vertices  66 ,  112 ,  24 
+152 112 111             % triangle  33 , vertices  152 ,  112 ,  111 
+122 64 40             % triangle  34 , vertices  122 ,  64 ,  40 
+22 11 114             % triangle  35 , vertices  22 ,  11 ,  114 
+124 24 112             % triangle  36 , vertices  124 ,  24 ,  112 
+115 22 114             % triangle  37 , vertices  115 ,  22 ,  114 
+262 187 196             % triangle  38 , vertices  262 ,  187 ,  196 
+125 61 19             % triangle  39 , vertices  125 ,  61 ,  19 
+62 118 117             % triangle  40 , vertices  62 ,  118 ,  117 
+119 118 39             % triangle  41 , vertices  119 ,  118 ,  39 
+63 1 192             % triangle  42 , vertices  63 ,  1 ,  192 
+119 39 63             % triangle  43 , vertices  119 ,  39 ,  63 
+192 20 120             % triangle  44 , vertices  192 ,  20 ,  120 
+154 23 2             % triangle  45 , vertices  154 ,  23 ,  2 
+123 11 23             % triangle  46 , vertices  123 ,  11 ,  23 
+154 64 122             % triangle  47 , vertices  154 ,  64 ,  122 
+115 114 155             % triangle  48 , vertices  115 ,  114 ,  155 
+61 110 38             % triangle  49 , vertices  61 ,  110 ,  38 
+128 59 9             % triangle  50 , vertices  128 ,  59 ,  9 
+198 127 107             % triangle  51 , vertices  198 ,  127 ,  107 
+59 105 37             % triangle  52 , vertices  59 ,  105 ,  37 
+131 57 18             % triangle  53 , vertices  131 ,  57 ,  18 
+201 130 102             % triangle  54 , vertices  201 ,  130 ,  102 
+57 100 36             % triangle  55 , vertices  57 ,  100 ,  36 
+134 55 4             % triangle  56 , vertices  134 ,  55 ,  4 
+204 133 97             % triangle  57 , vertices  204 ,  133 ,  97 
+55 95 35             % triangle  58 , vertices  55 ,  95 ,  35 
+137 53 17             % triangle  59 , vertices  137 ,  53 ,  17 
+207 136 92             % triangle  60 , vertices  207 ,  136 ,  92 
+53 90 34             % triangle  61 , vertices  53 ,  90 ,  34 
+140 51 8             % triangle  62 , vertices  140 ,  51 ,  8 
+210 139 87             % triangle  63 , vertices  210 ,  139 ,  87 
+51 85 33             % triangle  64 , vertices  51 ,  85 ,  33 
+164 83 149             % triangle  65 , vertices  164 ,  83 ,  149 
+144 49 143             % triangle  66 , vertices  144 ,  49 ,  143 
+166 151 81             % triangle  67 , vertices  166 ,  151 ,  81 
+142 7 30             % triangle  68 , vertices  142 ,  7 ,  30 
+147 15 145             % triangle  69 , vertices  147 ,  15 ,  145 
+216 31 0             % triangle  70 , vertices  216 ,  31 ,  0 
+145 15 31             % triangle  71 , vertices  145 ,  15 ,  31 
+216 145 31             % triangle  72 , vertices  216 ,  145 ,  31 
+142 30 147             % triangle  73 , vertices  142 ,  30 ,  147 
+29 81 14             % triangle  74 , vertices  29 ,  81 ,  14 
+162 148 163             % triangle  75 , vertices  162 ,  148 ,  163 
+168 86 83             % triangle  76 , vertices  168 ,  86 ,  83 
+151 80 165             % triangle  77 , vertices  151 ,  80 ,  165 
+150 27 78             % triangle  78 , vertices  150 ,  27 ,  78 
+82 78 47             % triangle  79 , vertices  82 ,  78 ,  47 
+82 47 80             % triangle  80 , vertices  82 ,  47 ,  80 
+81 29 148             % triangle  81 , vertices  81 ,  29 ,  148 
+166 81 162             % triangle  82 , vertices  166 ,  81 ,  162 
+83 77 149             % triangle  83 , vertices  83 ,  77 ,  149 
+83 46 77             % triangle  84 , vertices  83 ,  46 ,  77 
+49 16 143             % triangle  85 , vertices  49 ,  16 ,  143 
+86 46 83             % triangle  86 , vertices  86 ,  46 ,  83 
+141 16 50             % triangle  87 , vertices  141 ,  16 ,  50 
+161 141 84             % triangle  88 , vertices  161 ,  141 ,  84 
+85 51 140             % triangle  89 , vertices  85 ,  51 ,  140 
+86 168 160             % triangle  90 , vertices  86 ,  168 ,  160 
+139 75 13             % triangle  91 , vertices  139 ,  75 ,  13 
+233 170 210             % triangle  92 , vertices  233 ,  170 ,  210 
+88 45 75             % triangle  93 , vertices  88 ,  45 ,  75 
+172 91 88             % triangle  94 , vertices  172 ,  91 ,  88 
+89 52 34             % triangle  95 , vertices  89 ,  52 ,  34 
+91 45 88             % triangle  96 , vertices  91 ,  45 ,  88 
+138 8 52             % triangle  97 , vertices  138 ,  8 ,  52 
+169 138 89             % triangle  98 , vertices  169 ,  138 ,  89 
+90 53 137             % triangle  99 , vertices  90 ,  53 ,  137 
+91 172 159             % triangle  100 , vertices  91 ,  172 ,  159 
+136 73 26             % triangle  101 , vertices  136 ,  73 ,  26 
+238 174 207             % triangle  102 , vertices  238 ,  174 ,  207 
+93 44 73             % triangle  103 , vertices  93 ,  44 ,  73 
+176 96 93             % triangle  104 , vertices  176 ,  96 ,  93 
+94 54 35             % triangle  105 , vertices  94 ,  54 ,  35 
+96 44 93             % triangle  106 , vertices  96 ,  44 ,  93 
+135 17 54             % triangle  107 , vertices  135 ,  17 ,  54 
+173 135 94             % triangle  108 , vertices  173 ,  135 ,  94 
+95 55 134             % triangle  109 , vertices  95 ,  55 ,  134 
+96 176 158             % triangle  110 , vertices  96 ,  176 ,  158 
+133 71 6             % triangle  111 , vertices  133 ,  71 ,  6 
+243 178 204             % triangle  112 , vertices  243 ,  178 ,  204 
+98 43 71             % triangle  113 , vertices  98 ,  43 ,  71 
+180 101 98             % triangle  114 , vertices  180 ,  101 ,  98 
+99 56 36             % triangle  115 , vertices  99 ,  56 ,  36 
+101 43 98             % triangle  116 , vertices  101 ,  43 ,  98 
+132 4 56             % triangle  117 , vertices  132 ,  4 ,  56 
+177 132 99             % triangle  118 , vertices  177 ,  132 ,  99 
+100 57 131             % triangle  119 , vertices  100 ,  57 ,  131 
+101 180 157             % triangle  120 , vertices  101 ,  180 ,  157 
+130 69 25             % triangle  121 , vertices  130 ,  69 ,  25 
+248 182 201             % triangle  122 , vertices  248 ,  182 ,  201 
+103 42 69             % triangle  123 , vertices  103 ,  42 ,  69 
+184 106 103             % triangle  124 , vertices  184 ,  106 ,  103 
+104 58 37             % triangle  125 , vertices  104 ,  58 ,  37 
+106 42 103             % triangle  126 , vertices  106 ,  42 ,  103 
+129 18 58             % triangle  127 , vertices  129 ,  18 ,  58 
+181 129 104             % triangle  128 , vertices  181 ,  129 ,  104 
+105 59 128             % triangle  129 , vertices  105 ,  59 ,  128 
+106 184 156             % triangle  130 , vertices  106 ,  184 ,  156 
+127 67 12             % triangle  131 , vertices  127 ,  67 ,  12 
+252 186 198             % triangle  132 , vertices  252 ,  186 ,  198 
+108 41 67             % triangle  133 , vertices  108 ,  41 ,  67 
+188 111 108             % triangle  134 , vertices  188 ,  111 ,  108 
+109 60 38             % triangle  135 , vertices  109 ,  60 ,  38 
+111 41 108             % triangle  136 , vertices  111 ,  41 ,  108 
+126 9 60             % triangle  137 , vertices  126 ,  9 ,  60 
+185 126 109             % triangle  138 , vertices  185 ,  126 ,  109 
+110 61 125             % triangle  139 , vertices  110 ,  61 ,  125 
+111 188 152             % triangle  140 , vertices  111 ,  188 ,  152 
+124 65 24             % triangle  141 , vertices  124 ,  65 ,  24 
+113 40 65             % triangle  142 , vertices  113 ,  40 ,  65 
+112 66 111             % triangle  143 , vertices  112 ,  66 ,  111 
+124 113 65             % triangle  144 , vertices  124 ,  113 ,  65 
+115 5 22             % triangle  145 , vertices  115 ,  5 ,  22 
+123 189 114             % triangle  146 , vertices  123 ,  189 ,  114 
+116 21 5             % triangle  147 , vertices  116 ,  21 ,  5 
+190 121 193             % triangle  148 , vertices  190 ,  121 ,  193 
+121 10 21             % triangle  149 , vertices  121 ,  10 ,  21 
+116 5 115             % triangle  150 , vertices  116 ,  5 ,  115 
+117 19 62             % triangle  151 , vertices  117 ,  19 ,  62 
+190 119 120             % triangle  152 , vertices  190 ,  119 ,  120 
+125 19 117             % triangle  153 , vertices  125 ,  19 ,  117 
+191 153 117             % triangle  154 , vertices  191 ,  153 ,  117 
+118 62 39             % triangle  155 , vertices  118 ,  62 ,  39 
+119 192 120             % triangle  156 , vertices  119 ,  192 ,  120 
+191 117 118             % triangle  157 , vertices  191 ,  117 ,  118 
+190 118 119             % triangle  158 , vertices  190 ,  118 ,  119 
+120 20 10             % triangle  159 , vertices  120 ,  20 ,  10 
+121 21 116             % triangle  160 , vertices  121 ,  21 ,  116 
+121 120 10             % triangle  161 , vertices  121 ,  120 ,  10 
+154 2 64             % triangle  162 , vertices  154 ,  2 ,  64 
+122 40 113             % triangle  163 , vertices  122 ,  40 ,  113 
+189 155 114             % triangle  164 , vertices  189 ,  155 ,  114 
+123 114 11             % triangle  165 , vertices  123 ,  114 ,  11 
+189 122 113             % triangle  166 , vertices  189 ,  122 ,  113 
+190 285 191             % triangle  167 , vertices  190 ,  285 ,  191 
+185 109 187             % triangle  168 , vertices  185 ,  109 ,  187 
+194 113 124             % triangle  169 , vertices  194 ,  113 ,  124 
+128 9 126             % triangle  170 , vertices  128 ,  9 ,  126 
+188 108 186             % triangle  171 , vertices  188 ,  108 ,  186 
+127 12 107             % triangle  172 , vertices  127 ,  12 ,  107 
+127 108 67             % triangle  173 , vertices  127 ,  108 ,  67 
+183 104 105             % triangle  174 , vertices  183 ,  104 ,  105 
+199 105 128             % triangle  175 , vertices  199 ,  105 ,  128 
+131 18 129             % triangle  176 , vertices  131 ,  18 ,  129 
+184 103 182             % triangle  177 , vertices  184 ,  103 ,  182 
+130 25 102             % triangle  178 , vertices  130 ,  25 ,  102 
+130 103 69             % triangle  179 , vertices  130 ,  103 ,  69 
+179 99 100             % triangle  180 , vertices  179 ,  99 ,  100 
+202 100 131             % triangle  181 , vertices  202 ,  100 ,  131 
+134 4 132             % triangle  182 , vertices  134 ,  4 ,  132 
+180 98 178             % triangle  183 , vertices  180 ,  98 ,  178 
+133 6 97             % triangle  184 , vertices  133 ,  6 ,  97 
+133 98 71             % triangle  185 , vertices  133 ,  98 ,  71 
+175 94 95             % triangle  186 , vertices  175 ,  94 ,  95 
+205 95 134             % triangle  187 , vertices  205 ,  95 ,  134 
+137 17 135             % triangle  188 , vertices  137 ,  17 ,  135 
+176 93 174             % triangle  189 , vertices  176 ,  93 ,  174 
+136 26 92             % triangle  190 , vertices  136 ,  26 ,  92 
+136 93 73             % triangle  191 , vertices  136 ,  93 ,  73 
+171 89 90             % triangle  192 , vertices  171 ,  89 ,  90 
+208 90 137             % triangle  193 , vertices  208 ,  90 ,  137 
+140 8 138             % triangle  194 , vertices  140 ,  8 ,  138 
+172 88 170             % triangle  195 , vertices  172 ,  88 ,  170 
+139 13 87             % triangle  196 , vertices  139 ,  13 ,  87 
+139 88 75             % triangle  197 , vertices  139 ,  88 ,  75 
+167 84 85             % triangle  198 , vertices  167 ,  84 ,  85 
+211 85 140             % triangle  199 , vertices  211 ,  85 ,  140 
+141 50 84             % triangle  200 , vertices  141 ,  50 ,  84 
+214 141 161             % triangle  201 , vertices  214 ,  141 ,  161 
+143 16 141             % triangle  202 , vertices  143 ,  16 ,  141 
+219 149 150             % triangle  203 , vertices  219 ,  149 ,  150 
+217 146 144             % triangle  204 , vertices  217 ,  146 ,  144 
+144 32 49             % triangle  205 , vertices  144 ,  32 ,  49 
+275 217 215             % triangle  206 , vertices  275 ,  217 ,  215 
+216 48 146             % triangle  207 , vertices  216 ,  48 ,  146 
+146 32 144             % triangle  208 , vertices  146 ,  32 ,  144 
+147 30 15             % triangle  209 , vertices  147 ,  30 ,  15 
+217 147 145             % triangle  210 , vertices  217 ,  147 ,  145 
+146 48 32             % triangle  211 , vertices  146 ,  48 ,  32 
+218 163 142             % triangle  212 , vertices  218 ,  163 ,  142 
+145 146 217             % triangle  213 , vertices  145 ,  146 ,  217 
+148 7 142             % triangle  214 , vertices  148 ,  7 ,  142 
+148 29 7             % triangle  215 , vertices  148 ,  29 ,  7 
+219 213 226             % triangle  216 , vertices  219 ,  213 ,  226 
+149 77 27             % triangle  217 , vertices  149 ,  77 ,  27 
+150 78 82             % triangle  218 , vertices  150 ,  78 ,  82 
+150 149 27             % triangle  219 , vertices  150 ,  149 ,  27 
+151 166 80             % triangle  220 , vertices  151 ,  166 ,  80 
+151 28 14             % triangle  221 , vertices  151 ,  28 ,  14 
+187 109 110             % triangle  222 , vertices  187 ,  109 ,  110 
+197 124 112             % triangle  223 , vertices  197 ,  124 ,  112 
+196 110 125             % triangle  224 , vertices  196 ,  110 ,  125 
+153 125 117             % triangle  225 , vertices  153 ,  125 ,  117 
+154 122 123             % triangle  226 , vertices  154 ,  122 ,  123 
+154 123 23             % triangle  227 , vertices  154 ,  123 ,  23 
+195 116 115             % triangle  228 , vertices  195 ,  116 ,  115 
+189 113 194             % triangle  229 , vertices  189 ,  113 ,  194 
+156 107 106             % triangle  230 , vertices  156 ,  107 ,  106 
+181 104 183             % triangle  231 , vertices  181 ,  104 ,  183 
+157 102 101             % triangle  232 , vertices  157 ,  102 ,  101 
+177 99 179             % triangle  233 , vertices  177 ,  99 ,  179 
+158 97 96             % triangle  234 , vertices  158 ,  97 ,  96 
+173 94 175             % triangle  235 , vertices  173 ,  94 ,  175 
+159 92 91             % triangle  236 , vertices  159 ,  92 ,  91 
+169 89 171             % triangle  237 , vertices  169 ,  89 ,  171 
+160 87 86             % triangle  238 , vertices  160 ,  87 ,  86 
+161 84 167             % triangle  239 , vertices  161 ,  84 ,  167 
+231 167 272             % triangle  240 , vertices  231 ,  167 ,  272 
+214 143 141             % triangle  241 , vertices  214 ,  143 ,  141 
+164 149 219             % triangle  242 , vertices  164 ,  149 ,  219 
+162 81 148             % triangle  243 , vertices  162 ,  81 ,  148 
+213 82 166             % triangle  244 , vertices  213 ,  82 ,  166 
+163 148 142             % triangle  245 , vertices  163 ,  148 ,  142 
+225 214 228             % triangle  246 , vertices  225 ,  214 ,  228 
+168 83 164             % triangle  247 , vertices  168 ,  83 ,  164 
+165 80 79             % triangle  248 , vertices  165 ,  80 ,  79 
+165 3 28             % triangle  249 , vertices  165 ,  3 ,  28 
+213 150 82             % triangle  250 , vertices  213 ,  150 ,  82 
+166 82 80             % triangle  251 , vertices  166 ,  82 ,  80 
+279 230 229             % triangle  252 , vertices  279 ,  230 ,  229 
+167 85 211             % triangle  253 , vertices  167 ,  85 ,  211 
+273 210 160             % triangle  254 , vertices  273 ,  210 ,  160 
+228 161 231             % triangle  255 , vertices  228 ,  161 ,  231 
+270 171 208             % triangle  256 , vertices  270 ,  171 ,  208 
+212 140 138             % triangle  257 , vertices  212 ,  140 ,  138 
+234 170 233             % triangle  258 , vertices  234 ,  170 ,  233 
+170 88 139             % triangle  259 , vertices  170 ,  88 ,  139 
+297 227 220             % triangle  260 , vertices  297 ,  227 ,  220 
+171 90 208             % triangle  261 , vertices  171 ,  90 ,  208 
+271 207 159             % triangle  262 , vertices  271 ,  207 ,  159 
+220 169 236             % triangle  263 , vertices  220 ,  169 ,  236 
+241 175 268             % triangle  264 , vertices  241 ,  175 ,  268 
+209 137 135             % triangle  265 , vertices  209 ,  137 ,  135 
+239 174 238             % triangle  266 , vertices  239 ,  174 ,  238 
+174 93 136             % triangle  267 , vertices  174 ,  93 ,  136 
+300 240 239             % triangle  268 , vertices  300 ,  240 ,  239 
+175 95 205             % triangle  269 , vertices  175 ,  95 ,  205 
+269 204 158             % triangle  270 , vertices  269 ,  204 ,  158 
+221 173 241             % triangle  271 , vertices  221 ,  173 ,  241 
+266 179 202             % triangle  272 , vertices  266 ,  179 ,  202 
+206 134 132             % triangle  273 , vertices  206 ,  134 ,  132 
+244 178 243             % triangle  274 , vertices  244 ,  178 ,  243 
+178 98 133             % triangle  275 , vertices  178 ,  98 ,  133 
+304 245 244             % triangle  276 , vertices  304 ,  245 ,  244 
+179 100 202             % triangle  277 , vertices  179 ,  100 ,  202 
+267 201 157             % triangle  278 , vertices  267 ,  201 ,  157 
+222 177 246             % triangle  279 , vertices  222 ,  177 ,  246 
+264 183 199             % triangle  280 , vertices  264 ,  183 ,  199 
+203 131 129             % triangle  281 , vertices  203 ,  131 ,  129 
+249 182 248             % triangle  282 , vertices  249 ,  182 ,  248 
+182 103 130             % triangle  283 , vertices  182 ,  103 ,  130 
+306 250 249             % triangle  284 , vertices  306 ,  250 ,  249 
+183 105 199             % triangle  285 , vertices  183 ,  105 ,  199 
+265 198 156             % triangle  286 , vertices  265 ,  198 ,  156 
+223 181 251             % triangle  287 , vertices  223 ,  181 ,  251 
+196 187 110             % triangle  288 , vertices  196 ,  187 ,  110 
+200 128 126             % triangle  289 , vertices  200 ,  128 ,  126 
+253 186 252             % triangle  290 , vertices  253 ,  186 ,  252 
+186 108 127             % triangle  291 , vertices  186 ,  108 ,  127 
+308 254 253             % triangle  292 , vertices  308 ,  254 ,  253 
+196 125 153             % triangle  293 , vertices  196 ,  125 ,  153 
+263 197 152             % triangle  294 , vertices  263 ,  197 ,  152 
+224 185 255             % triangle  295 , vertices  224 ,  185 ,  255 
+258 189 194             % triangle  296 , vertices  258 ,  189 ,  194 
+189 123 122             % triangle  297 , vertices  189 ,  123 ,  122 
+190 120 121             % triangle  298 , vertices  190 ,  120 ,  121 
+257 153 191             % triangle  299 , vertices  257 ,  153 ,  191 
+191 118 190             % triangle  300 , vertices  191 ,  118 ,  190 
+195 115 155             % triangle  301 , vertices  195 ,  115 ,  155 
+192 119 63             % triangle  302 , vertices  192 ,  119 ,  63 
+192 1 20             % triangle  303 , vertices  192 ,  1 ,  20 
+193 121 116             % triangle  304 , vertices  193 ,  121 ,  116 
+195 193 116             % triangle  305 , vertices  195 ,  193 ,  116 
+258 155 189             % triangle  306 , vertices  258 ,  155 ,  189 
+259 155 258             % triangle  307 , vertices  259 ,  155 ,  258 
+257 285 334             % triangle  308 , vertices  257 ,  285 ,  334 
+287 256 263             % triangle  309 , vertices  287 ,  256 ,  263 
+255 185 187             % triangle  310 , vertices  255 ,  185 ,  187 
+260 259 310             % triangle  311 , vertices  260 ,  259 ,  310 
+197 112 152             % triangle  312 , vertices  197 ,  112 ,  152 
+197 194 124             % triangle  313 , vertices  197 ,  194 ,  124 
+198 107 156             % triangle  314 , vertices  198 ,  107 ,  156 
+198 186 127             % triangle  315 , vertices  198 ,  186 ,  127 
+305 223 288             % triangle  316 , vertices  305 ,  223 ,  288 
+265 156 250             % triangle  317 , vertices  265 ,  156 ,  250 
+200 126 185             % triangle  318 , vertices  200 ,  126 ,  185 
+200 199 128             % triangle  319 , vertices  200 ,  199 ,  128 
+201 102 157             % triangle  320 , vertices  201 ,  102 ,  157 
+201 182 130             % triangle  321 , vertices  201 ,  182 ,  130 
+323 240 300             % triangle  322 , vertices  323 ,  240 ,  300 
+267 157 245             % triangle  323 , vertices  267 ,  157 ,  245 
+203 129 181             % triangle  324 , vertices  203 ,  129 ,  181 
+203 202 131             % triangle  325 , vertices  203 ,  202 ,  131 
+204 97 158             % triangle  326 , vertices  204 ,  97 ,  158 
+204 178 133             % triangle  327 , vertices  204 ,  178 ,  133 
+299 221 290             % triangle  328 , vertices  299 ,  221 ,  290 
+269 158 240             % triangle  329 , vertices  269 ,  158 ,  240 
+206 132 177             % triangle  330 , vertices  206 ,  132 ,  177 
+206 205 134             % triangle  331 , vertices  206 ,  205 ,  134 
+207 92 159             % triangle  332 , vertices  207 ,  92 ,  159 
+207 174 136             % triangle  333 , vertices  207 ,  174 ,  136 
+298 235 234             % triangle  334 , vertices  298 ,  235 ,  234 
+271 159 235             % triangle  335 , vertices  271 ,  159 ,  235 
+209 135 173             % triangle  336 , vertices  209 ,  135 ,  173 
+209 208 137             % triangle  337 , vertices  209 ,  208 ,  137 
+210 87 160             % triangle  338 , vertices  210 ,  87 ,  160 
+210 170 139             % triangle  339 , vertices  210 ,  170 ,  139 
+332 225 331             % triangle  340 , vertices  332 ,  225 ,  331 
+273 160 230             % triangle  341 , vertices  273 ,  160 ,  230 
+212 138 169             % triangle  342 , vertices  212 ,  138 ,  169 
+212 211 140             % triangle  343 , vertices  212 ,  211 ,  140 
+219 150 213             % triangle  344 , vertices  219 ,  150 ,  213 
+213 166 274             % triangle  345 , vertices  213 ,  166 ,  274 
+274 162 278             % triangle  346 , vertices  274 ,  162 ,  278 
+215 144 143             % triangle  347 , vertices  215 ,  144 ,  143 
+215 143 214             % triangle  348 , vertices  215 ,  143 ,  214 
+218 217 275             % triangle  349 , vertices  218 ,  217 ,  275 
+216 0 48             % triangle  350 , vertices  216 ,  0 ,  48 
+216 146 145             % triangle  351 , vertices  216 ,  146 ,  145 
+217 144 215             % triangle  352 , vertices  217 ,  144 ,  215 
+275 276 218             % triangle  353 , vertices  275 ,  276 ,  218 
+218 147 217             % triangle  354 , vertices  218 ,  147 ,  217 
+218 142 147             % triangle  355 , vertices  218 ,  142 ,  147 
+229 168 164             % triangle  356 , vertices  229 ,  168 ,  164 
+229 277 330             % triangle  357 , vertices  229 ,  277 ,  330 
+227 211 212             % triangle  358 , vertices  227 ,  211 ,  212 
+220 212 169             % triangle  359 , vertices  220 ,  212 ,  169 
+232 208 209             % triangle  360 , vertices  232 ,  208 ,  209 
+221 209 173             % triangle  361 , vertices  221 ,  209 ,  173 
+237 205 206             % triangle  362 , vertices  237 ,  205 ,  206 
+222 206 177             % triangle  363 , vertices  222 ,  206 ,  177 
+242 202 203             % triangle  364 , vertices  242 ,  202 ,  203 
+223 203 181             % triangle  365 , vertices  223 ,  203 ,  181 
+247 199 200             % triangle  366 , vertices  247 ,  199 ,  200 
+224 200 185             % triangle  367 , vertices  224 ,  200 ,  185 
+225 215 214             % triangle  368 , vertices  225 ,  215 ,  214 
+277 164 219             % triangle  369 , vertices  277 ,  164 ,  219 
+276 275 332             % triangle  370 , vertices  276 ,  275 ,  332 
+229 164 277             % triangle  371 , vertices  229 ,  164 ,  277 
+227 212 220             % triangle  372 , vertices  227 ,  212 ,  220 
+273 233 210             % triangle  373 , vertices  273 ,  233 ,  210 
+278 294 333             % triangle  374 , vertices  278 ,  294 ,  333 
+228 214 161             % triangle  375 , vertices  228 ,  214 ,  161 
+277 219 226             % triangle  376 , vertices  277 ,  219 ,  226 
+230 160 168             % triangle  377 , vertices  230 ,  160 ,  168 
+230 168 229             % triangle  378 , vertices  230 ,  168 ,  229 
+272 296 231             % triangle  379 , vertices  272 ,  296 ,  231 
+296 279 292             % triangle  380 , vertices  296 ,  279 ,  292 
+231 161 167             % triangle  381 , vertices  231 ,  161 ,  167 
+232 209 221             % triangle  382 , vertices  232 ,  209 ,  221 
+271 238 207             % triangle  383 , vertices  271 ,  238 ,  207 
+297 280 291             % triangle  384 , vertices  297 ,  280 ,  291 
+234 172 170             % triangle  385 , vertices  234 ,  172 ,  170 
+327 271 235             % triangle  386 , vertices  327 ,  271 ,  235 
+235 159 172             % triangle  387 , vertices  235 ,  159 ,  172 
+235 172 234             % triangle  388 , vertices  235 ,  172 ,  234 
+270 208 232             % triangle  389 , vertices  270 ,  208 ,  232 
+270 236 171             % triangle  390 , vertices  270 ,  236 ,  171 
+236 169 171             % triangle  391 , vertices  236 ,  169 ,  171 
+237 206 222             % triangle  392 , vertices  237 ,  206 ,  222 
+269 243 204             % triangle  393 , vertices  269 ,  243 ,  204 
+299 290 281             % triangle  394 , vertices  299 ,  290 ,  281 
+239 176 174             % triangle  395 , vertices  239 ,  176 ,  174 
+300 239 281             % triangle  396 , vertices  300 ,  239 ,  281 
+240 158 176             % triangle  397 , vertices  240 ,  158 ,  176 
+240 176 239             % triangle  398 , vertices  240 ,  176 ,  239 
+268 302 241             % triangle  399 , vertices  268 ,  302 ,  241 
+302 281 290             % triangle  400 , vertices  302 ,  281 ,  290 
+241 173 175             % triangle  401 , vertices  241 ,  173 ,  175 
+242 203 223             % triangle  402 , vertices  242 ,  203 ,  223 
+267 248 201             % triangle  403 , vertices  267 ,  248 ,  201 
+303 289 282             % triangle  404 , vertices  303 ,  289 ,  282 
+244 180 178             % triangle  405 , vertices  244 ,  180 ,  178 
+304 282 289             % triangle  406 , vertices  304 ,  282 ,  289 
+245 157 180             % triangle  407 , vertices  245 ,  157 ,  180 
+245 180 244             % triangle  408 , vertices  245 ,  180 ,  244 
+266 202 242             % triangle  409 , vertices  266 ,  202 ,  242 
+266 246 179             % triangle  410 , vertices  266 ,  246 ,  179 
+246 177 179             % triangle  411 , vertices  246 ,  177 ,  179 
+247 200 224             % triangle  412 , vertices  247 ,  200 ,  224 
+265 252 198             % triangle  413 , vertices  265 ,  252 ,  198 
+305 288 283             % triangle  414 , vertices  305 ,  288 ,  283 
+249 184 182             % triangle  415 , vertices  249 ,  184 ,  182 
+316 265 317             % triangle  416 , vertices  316 ,  265 ,  317 
+250 156 184             % triangle  417 , vertices  250 ,  156 ,  184 
+250 184 249             % triangle  418 , vertices  250 ,  184 ,  249 
+264 199 247             % triangle  419 , vertices  264 ,  199 ,  247 
+264 251 183             % triangle  420 , vertices  264 ,  251 ,  183 
+251 181 183             % triangle  421 , vertices  251 ,  181 ,  183 
+312 308 284             % triangle  422 , vertices  312 ,  308 ,  284 
+253 188 186             % triangle  423 , vertices  253 ,  188 ,  186 
+311 263 254             % triangle  424 , vertices  311 ,  263 ,  254 
+254 152 188             % triangle  425 , vertices  254 ,  152 ,  188 
+254 188 253             % triangle  426 , vertices  254 ,  188 ,  253 
+255 187 262             % triangle  427 , vertices  255 ,  187 ,  262 
+261 153 257             % triangle  428 , vertices  261 ,  153 ,  257 
+307 247 224             % triangle  429 , vertices  307 ,  247 ,  224 
+260 195 259             % triangle  430 , vertices  260 ,  195 ,  259 
+256 194 197             % triangle  431 , vertices  256 ,  194 ,  197 
+259 258 335             % triangle  432 , vertices  259 ,  258 ,  335 
+261 196 153             % triangle  433 , vertices  261 ,  196 ,  153 
+258 194 256             % triangle  434 , vertices  258 ,  194 ,  256 
+259 195 155             % triangle  435 , vertices  259 ,  195 ,  155 
+334 285 260             % triangle  436 , vertices  334 ,  285 ,  260 
+260 193 195             % triangle  437 , vertices  260 ,  193 ,  195 
+310 286 334             % triangle  438 , vertices  310 ,  286 ,  334 
+285 190 193             % triangle  439 , vertices  285 ,  190 ,  193 
+262 196 261             % triangle  440 , vertices  262 ,  196 ,  261 
+263 311 287             % triangle  441 , vertices  263 ,  311 ,  287 
+312 255 262             % triangle  442 , vertices  312 ,  255 ,  262 
+313 287 311             % triangle  443 , vertices  313 ,  287 ,  311 
+263 152 254             % triangle  444 , vertices  263 ,  152 ,  254 
+263 256 197             % triangle  445 , vertices  263 ,  256 ,  197 
+314 288 251             % triangle  446 , vertices  314 ,  288 ,  251 
+315 306 314             % triangle  447 , vertices  315 ,  306 ,  314 
+316 284 252             % triangle  448 , vertices  316 ,  284 ,  252 
+317 306 315             % triangle  449 , vertices  317 ,  306 ,  315 
+318 289 246             % triangle  450 , vertices  318 ,  289 ,  246 
+319 304 318             % triangle  451 , vertices  319 ,  304 ,  318 
+320 283 248             % triangle  452 , vertices  320 ,  283 ,  248 
+321 304 319             % triangle  453 , vertices  321 ,  304 ,  319 
+268 205 237             % triangle  454 , vertices  268 ,  205 ,  237 
+268 175 205             % triangle  455 , vertices  268 ,  175 ,  205 
+322 282 243             % triangle  456 , vertices  322 ,  282 ,  243 
+301 268 237             % triangle  457 , vertices  301 ,  268 ,  237 
+324 280 236             % triangle  458 , vertices  324 ,  280 ,  236 
+325 298 324             % triangle  459 , vertices  325 ,  298 ,  324 
+326 281 238             % triangle  460 , vertices  326 ,  281 ,  238 
+327 298 325             % triangle  461 , vertices  327 ,  298 ,  325 
+272 211 227             % triangle  462 , vertices  272 ,  211 ,  227 
+272 167 211             % triangle  463 , vertices  272 ,  167 ,  211 
+328 291 233             % triangle  464 , vertices  328 ,  291 ,  233 
+295 272 227             % triangle  465 , vertices  295 ,  272 ,  227 
+274 226 213             % triangle  466 , vertices  274 ,  226 ,  213 
+274 166 162             % triangle  467 , vertices  274 ,  166 ,  162 
+275 215 225             % triangle  468 , vertices  275 ,  215 ,  225 
+276 163 218             % triangle  469 , vertices  276 ,  163 ,  218 
+333 274 278             % triangle  470 , vertices  333 ,  274 ,  278 
+278 162 163             % triangle  471 , vertices  278 ,  162 ,  163 
+330 279 229             % triangle  472 , vertices  330 ,  279 ,  229 
+331 330 293             % triangle  473 , vertices  331 ,  330 ,  293 
+333 226 274             % triangle  474 , vertices  333 ,  226 ,  274 
+278 163 276             % triangle  475 , vertices  278 ,  163 ,  276 
+292 228 231             % triangle  476 , vertices  292 ,  228 ,  231 
+329 273 230             % triangle  477 , vertices  329 ,  273 ,  230 
+280 220 236             % triangle  478 , vertices  280 ,  220 ,  236 
+324 298 291             % triangle  479 , vertices  324 ,  298 ,  291 
+281 239 238             % triangle  480 , vertices  281 ,  239 ,  238 
+290 221 241             % triangle  481 , vertices  290 ,  221 ,  241 
+282 244 243             % triangle  482 , vertices  282 ,  244 ,  243 
+289 222 246             % triangle  483 , vertices  289 ,  222 ,  246 
+283 249 248             % triangle  484 , vertices  283 ,  249 ,  248 
+288 223 251             % triangle  485 , vertices  288 ,  223 ,  251 
+284 253 252             % triangle  486 , vertices  284 ,  253 ,  252 
+307 224 309             % triangle  487 , vertices  307 ,  224 ,  309 
+285 193 260             % triangle  488 , vertices  285 ,  193 ,  260 
+285 257 191             % triangle  489 , vertices  285 ,  257 ,  191 
+312 262 313             % triangle  490 , vertices  312 ,  262 ,  313 
+286 261 257             % triangle  491 , vertices  286 ,  261 ,  257 
+311 254 308             % triangle  492 , vertices  311 ,  254 ,  308 
+335 258 256             % triangle  493 , vertices  335 ,  258 ,  256 
+306 249 283             % triangle  494 , vertices  306 ,  249 ,  283 
+305 242 223             % triangle  495 , vertices  305 ,  242 ,  223 
+318 246 266             % triangle  496 , vertices  318 ,  246 ,  266 
+303 237 222             % triangle  497 , vertices  303 ,  237 ,  222 
+302 300 281             % triangle  498 , vertices  302 ,  300 ,  281 
+299 232 221             % triangle  499 , vertices  299 ,  232 ,  221 
+291 234 233             % triangle  500 , vertices  291 ,  234 ,  233 
+329 279 295             % triangle  501 , vertices  329 ,  279 ,  295 
+296 295 279             % triangle  502 , vertices  296 ,  295 ,  279 
+330 277 293             % triangle  503 , vertices  330 ,  277 ,  293 
+331 228 292             % triangle  504 , vertices  331 ,  228 ,  292 
+293 277 226             % triangle  505 , vertices  293 ,  277 ,  226 
+294 278 276             % triangle  506 , vertices  294 ,  278 ,  276 
+332 275 225             % triangle  507 , vertices  332 ,  275 ,  225 
+328 233 273             % triangle  508 , vertices  328 ,  233 ,  273 
+329 297 328             % triangle  509 , vertices  329 ,  297 ,  328 
+296 272 295             % triangle  510 , vertices  296 ,  272 ,  295 
+296 292 231             % triangle  511 , vertices  296 ,  292 ,  231 
+297 220 280             % triangle  512 , vertices  297 ,  220 ,  280 
+297 295 227             % triangle  513 , vertices  297 ,  295 ,  227 
+298 234 291             % triangle  514 , vertices  298 ,  234 ,  291 
+324 236 270             % triangle  515 , vertices  324 ,  236 ,  270 
+326 238 271             % triangle  516 , vertices  326 ,  238 ,  271 
+324 270 325             % triangle  517 , vertices  324 ,  270 ,  325 
+302 301 300             % triangle  518 , vertices  302 ,  301 ,  300 
+322 269 323             % triangle  519 , vertices  322 ,  269 ,  323 
+322 243 269             % triangle  520 , vertices  322 ,  243 ,  269 
+323 269 240             % triangle  521 , vertices  323 ,  269 ,  240 
+302 268 301             % triangle  522 , vertices  302 ,  268 ,  301 
+302 290 241             % triangle  523 , vertices  302 ,  290 ,  241 
+303 222 289             % triangle  524 , vertices  303 ,  222 ,  289 
+303 301 237             % triangle  525 , vertices  303 ,  301 ,  237 
+320 267 321             % triangle  526 , vertices  320 ,  267 ,  321 
+304 244 282             % triangle  527 , vertices  304 ,  244 ,  282 
+320 248 267             % triangle  528 , vertices  320 ,  248 ,  267 
+318 266 319             % triangle  529 , vertices  318 ,  266 ,  319 
+306 283 288             % triangle  530 , vertices  306 ,  283 ,  288 
+314 251 264             % triangle  531 , vertices  314 ,  251 ,  264 
+316 252 265             % triangle  532 , vertices  316 ,  252 ,  265 
+314 264 315             % triangle  533 , vertices  314 ,  264 ,  315 
+308 253 284             % triangle  534 , vertices  308 ,  253 ,  284 
+309 255 312             % triangle  535 , vertices  309 ,  255 ,  312 
+309 284 307             % triangle  536 , vertices  309 ,  284 ,  307 
+309 224 255             % triangle  537 , vertices  309 ,  224 ,  255 
+335 256 287             % triangle  538 , vertices  335 ,  256 ,  287 
+310 287 286             % triangle  539 , vertices  310 ,  287 ,  286 
+313 286 287             % triangle  540 , vertices  313 ,  286 ,  287 
+313 311 312             % triangle  541 , vertices  313 ,  311 ,  312 
+312 311 308             % triangle  542 , vertices  312 ,  311 ,  308 
+312 284 309             % triangle  543 , vertices  312 ,  284 ,  309 
+313 261 286             % triangle  544 , vertices  313 ,  261 ,  286 
+313 262 261             % triangle  545 , vertices  313 ,  262 ,  261 
+317 307 316             % triangle  546 , vertices  317 ,  307 ,  316 
+314 306 288             % triangle  547 , vertices  314 ,  306 ,  288 
+315 247 307             % triangle  548 , vertices  315 ,  247 ,  307 
+315 264 247             % triangle  549 , vertices  315 ,  264 ,  247 
+317 315 307             % triangle  550 , vertices  317 ,  315 ,  307 
+316 307 284             % triangle  551 , vertices  316 ,  307 ,  284 
+317 250 306             % triangle  552 , vertices  317 ,  250 ,  306 
+317 265 250             % triangle  553 , vertices  317 ,  265 ,  250 
+321 305 320             % triangle  554 , vertices  321 ,  305 ,  320 
+318 304 289             % triangle  555 , vertices  318 ,  304 ,  289 
+319 242 305             % triangle  556 , vertices  319 ,  242 ,  305 
+319 266 242             % triangle  557 , vertices  319 ,  266 ,  242 
+321 319 305             % triangle  558 , vertices  321 ,  319 ,  305 
+320 305 283             % triangle  559 , vertices  320 ,  305 ,  283 
+321 245 304             % triangle  560 , vertices  321 ,  245 ,  304 
+321 267 245             % triangle  561 , vertices  321 ,  267 ,  245 
+323 301 303             % triangle  562 , vertices  323 ,  301 ,  303 
+322 303 282             % triangle  563 , vertices  322 ,  303 ,  282 
+323 303 322             % triangle  564 , vertices  323 ,  303 ,  322 
+323 300 301             % triangle  565 , vertices  323 ,  300 ,  301 
+327 299 326             % triangle  566 , vertices  327 ,  299 ,  326 
+324 291 280             % triangle  567 , vertices  324 ,  291 ,  280 
+325 232 299             % triangle  568 , vertices  325 ,  232 ,  299 
+325 270 232             % triangle  569 , vertices  325 ,  270 ,  232 
+327 325 299             % triangle  570 , vertices  327 ,  325 ,  299 
+326 299 281             % triangle  571 , vertices  326 ,  299 ,  281 
+327 235 298             % triangle  572 , vertices  327 ,  235 ,  298 
+327 326 271             % triangle  573 , vertices  327 ,  326 ,  271 
+329 295 297             % triangle  574 , vertices  329 ,  295 ,  297 
+328 297 291             % triangle  575 , vertices  328 ,  297 ,  291 
+329 230 279             % triangle  576 , vertices  329 ,  230 ,  279 
+329 328 273             % triangle  577 , vertices  329 ,  328 ,  273 
+330 331 292             % triangle  578 , vertices  330 ,  331 ,  292 
+330 292 279             % triangle  579 , vertices  330 ,  292 ,  279 
+331 293 294             % triangle  580 , vertices  331 ,  293 ,  294 
+331 225 228             % triangle  581 , vertices  331 ,  225 ,  228 
+332 331 294             % triangle  582 , vertices  332 ,  331 ,  294 
+332 294 276             % triangle  583 , vertices  332 ,  294 ,  276 
+333 294 293             % triangle  584 , vertices  333 ,  294 ,  293 
+333 293 226             % triangle  585 , vertices  333 ,  293 ,  226 
+334 260 310             % triangle  586 , vertices  334 ,  260 ,  310 
+334 286 257             % triangle  587 , vertices  334 ,  286 ,  257 
+335 287 310             % triangle  588 , vertices  335 ,  287 ,  310 
+335 310 259             % triangle  589 , vertices  335 ,  310 ,  259 
+#  dgf/irregular_grid_10m.dgf 
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/main.cc b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/main.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..932bb3d1fb4e3f76a74eb9f8e6f0cb4e59e02c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/main.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <config.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <dune/common/parallel/mpihelper.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/dumuxmessage.hh>
+#include <dumux/linear/linearsolvertraits.hh>
+#include <dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh>
+#include <dumux/nonlinear/newtonsolver.hh>
+#include <dumux/assembly/fvassembler.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/vtkoutputmodule.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/grid/gridmanager_yasp.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/grid/gridmanager_ug.hh>
+#include "properties.hh"
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    using namespace Dumux;
+    const auto& mpiHelper = Dune::MPIHelper::instance(argc, argv);
+    // parse command line arguments and input file
+    Parameters::init(argc, argv);
+    // the property tag
+    using TypeTag = Properties::TTag::PoiseuilleFlow;
+    // create grid
+    GridManager<GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>> gridManager;
+    gridManager.init();
+    const auto& leafGridView = gridManager.grid().leafGridView();
+    using GridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>;
+    auto gridGeometry = std::make_shared<GridGeometry>(leafGridView);
+    gridGeometry->update();
+    // problem, in which we define the boundary and initial conditions.
+    using Problem = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Problem>;
+    auto problem = std::make_shared<Problem>(gridGeometry);
+    using SolutionVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::SolutionVector>;
+    SolutionVector x;
+    problem->applyInitialSolution(x);
+    auto xOld = x;
+    using GridVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
+    auto gridVariables = std::make_shared<GridVariables>(problem, gridGeometry);
+    gridVariables->init(x);
+    // We then initialize the predefined model-specific output vtk output.
+    using IOFields = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::IOFields>;
+    VtkOutputModule<GridVariables, SolutionVector> vtkWriter(*gridVariables,x, problem->name());
+    vtkWriter.addField(problem->getExactWaterDepth(), "exactWaterDepth");
+    vtkWriter.addField(problem->getExactVelocityX(), "exactVelocityX");
+    vtkWriter.addField(problem->getExactVelocityY(), "exactVelocityY");
+    problem->updateAnalyticalSolution();
+    IOFields::initOutputModule(vtkWriter);
+    vtkWriter.write(0.0);
+    // instantiate time loop
+    // get some time loop parameters
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    const auto tEnd = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.TEnd");
+    const auto maxDt = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.MaxTimeStepSize");
+    const auto dt = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.DtInitial");
+    auto timeLoop = std::make_shared<CheckPointTimeLoop<Scalar>>(0, dt, tEnd);
+    timeLoop->setMaxTimeStepSize(maxDt);
+    if (hasParam("TimeLoop.PrintoutTimes"))
+    {
+        const auto timeLoopPrintoutTimes = getParam<std::vector<double>>("TimeLoop.PrintoutTimes");
+        timeLoop->setCheckPoint(timeLoopPrintoutTimes);
+    }
+    timeLoop->setCheckPoint(tEnd);
+    // assembler & solver
+    using Assembler = FVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
+    auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, gridGeometry, gridVariables, timeLoop, xOld);
+    using LinearSolver = AMGBiCGSTABBackend<LinearSolverTraits<GridGeometry>>;
+    auto linearSolver = std::make_shared<LinearSolver>(leafGridView, gridGeometry->dofMapper());
+    using NewtonSolver = Dumux::NewtonSolver<Assembler, LinearSolver>;
+    NewtonSolver nonLinearSolver(assembler, linearSolver);
+    // time loop
+    timeLoop->start(); do
+    {
+        nonLinearSolver.solve(x, *timeLoop);
+        // update the analytical solution
+        problem->updateAnalyticalSolution();
+        // make the new solution the old solution
+        xOld = x;
+        gridVariables->advanceTimeStep();
+        // advance to the time loop to the next step
+        timeLoop->advanceTimeStep();
+        // write vtk output
+        if (timeLoop->isCheckPoint())
+            vtkWriter.write(timeLoop->time());
+        // report statistics of this time step
+        timeLoop->reportTimeStep();
+        // set new dt as suggested by newton controller
+        timeLoop->setTimeStepSize(nonLinearSolver.suggestTimeStepSize(timeLoop->timeStepSize()));
+    } while (!timeLoop->finished());
+    timeLoop->finalize(leafGridView.comm());
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // finalize, print dumux message to say goodbye
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // print dumux end message
+    if (mpiHelper.rank() == 0)
+    {
+        Parameters::print();
+        DumuxMessage::print(/*firstCall=*/false);
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/params.input b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/params.input
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d513f42c9a96b0aaa8cab00401c7200b3f674770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/params.input
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Name = poiseuilleflow
+BedSlope = 0.00005 # [-] slope of the bed in m/m (positive downwards)
+Gravity = 9.81 # [m/s^2] gravitational acceleration
+Discharge = -4.0875 # [m^2/s] discharge per meter at the inflow boundary
+HBoundary = 10.0 # [m] water depth at the ouflow boundary
+EnableViscousFlux = true
+TurbulentViscosity = 0.1 # [m^2/s] turbulent viscosity
+WallFrictionLaw = noslip # Type of wall friction law: "noslip" or "nikuradse"
+AlphaWall = 1.0 # [-] wall roughness parameter; alphaWall=0 : full slip, 0<alphaWall<1 : partial slip, alphaWall=1 : no slip
+KsWall = 50.0 # [m] wall roughness height (Nikuradse equivalent)
+TEnd = 2880.0 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 120.0 # [s]
+DtInitial = 1.0 # [s]
+PrintoutTimes = 180 360 720 980 1440 2160 2880
+LowerLeft = 0.0 -50.0
+UpperRight = 400.0 50.0
+Cells = 20 20
+EnablePartialReassembly = true
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/problem.hh b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/problem.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eba86644aa90f25c76c2fb976b0159f358784283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/problem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/problem.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/boundaryfluxes.hh>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype>
+namespace Dumux {
+ * \ingroup ShallowWaterTests
+ * \brief A simple test for the 2D flow in a channel with rough side walls (Poiseuille flow).
+ *
+ * The domain has a length L =  400 meters long and a width W = 100 meters.
+ * The domain extent is from (x,y) = (0.0, -50.0) to (400.0, 50.0), i.e. the channel centreline is at y = 0.
+ * The bed level is sloped from z = -9.98 (x = 0) to z = -10.0 meters (x = L).
+ * The initital water depth corresponds to the analytical solution:
+ * having a slope equal to \f$ ib = d \Theta / L \f$ , where \f$ d \Theta \f$ is the water level difference between upstream and downstream: \f$ d \Theta \f$ = 0.02 m (positive downwards).
+ * With L = 400 m, the slope is ib = 0.00005 m/m, resulting in a constant water depth along the channel of H = 10.0 m.
+ * At the west/left  (inflow)  boundary a discharge is prescribed of \f$ Q_{in} = -408.75 m^3/s \f$ or \f$ q_{in} = 4.0875 m^2/s \f$ per meter.
+ * At the east/right (outflow) boundary a fixed water level is prescribed of \f$ \Theta \f$ = 0.0 m.
+ * The south and north boundaries are set to roughwall type boundaries,
+ * with a coefficient alphaWall = 1.0, where:
+ *      alphaWall = 0.0: full    slip (smooth wall)
+ * 0.0 <alphaWall < 1.0: partial slip (partially-rough wall)
+ *      alphaWall = 1.0: no      slip (fully-rough wall)
+ * Additionally these (south and north) boundaries are (automatically) set to no-flow boundaries.
+ * The flow in the channel experiences two forces:
+ * 1) the pressure gradient, driving the flow downstream
+ * 2) the wall roughness,
+ * It can be verified that this force balance reduces the momentum equation in X-direction to:
+ *
+  \f[
+  \frac{\partial p}{\partial x} = \nu_T \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial y^2}
+  \f]
+ * where \f$ \nu_T \f$ is the turbulent viscosity.
+ *
+ * This ordinary differential equation can be solved (applying the boundary conditions to obtain the integration constants),
+ * resulting in a parabolic velocity profile in lateral direction (over the width of the channel):
+ *
+  \f[
+  u(y) = \frac{g d \Theta}{8 \nu_T L} \left(4y^2 - W^2\right)
+  \f]
+ *
+ * where y the coordinate in lateral direction.
+ * The velocity has a maximum value at y = 0:
+  \f[
+  u_{max} = \frac{g d \Theta W^2}{8 \nu_T L}
+  \f]
+ *
+ * Therefore \f$ u_{max} \f$ can be calculated to be:
+ *
+  \f[
+  u_{max} = \frac{9.81*0.02*100^2}{8*0.1*400} = 6.13125 m/s
+  \f]
+ *
+  The formula for \f$ u(y) \f$ is also used to calculate the analytic solution.
+ * It should be noted that u = f(x) and that v = 0 in the whole domain (in the final steady state).
+ * Therefore the momentum advection/convection terms should be zero for this test, as:
+ * \f$ u \partial u / \partial x = v \partial u / \partial y = u \partial v / \partial x = v \partial v / \partial y = 0 \f$
+ *
+ * This problem uses the \ref ShallowWaterModel
+ */
+template<class TypeTag>
+class PoiseuilleFlowProblem
+: public ShallowWaterProblem<TypeTag>
+    using ParentType = ShallowWaterProblem<TypeTag>;
+    using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
+    using BoundaryTypes = Dumux::BoundaryTypes<GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::numEq()>;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
+    using GridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>;
+    using NeumannFluxes = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
+    using ElementVolumeVariables = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVolumeVariables>::LocalView;
+    using GridVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVariables>;
+    using ElementFluxVariablesCache = typename GridVariables::GridFluxVariablesCache::LocalView;
+    using VolumeVariables = typename ElementVolumeVariables::VolumeVariables;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolumeFace = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolumeFace;
+    using GridView = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>::GridView;
+    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
+    using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
+    using SubControlVolume = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolume;
+    PoiseuilleFlowProblem(std::shared_ptr<const GridGeometry> gridGeometry)
+    : ParentType(gridGeometry)
+    {
+        name_ = getParam<std::string>("Problem.Name");
+        exactWaterDepth_.resize(gridGeometry->numDofs(), 0.0);
+        exactVelocityX_.resize(gridGeometry->numDofs(), 0.0);
+        exactVelocityY_.resize(gridGeometry->numDofs(), 0.0);
+        bedSlope_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.BedSlope");
+        discharge_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.Discharge");
+        hBoundary_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.HBoundary");
+        enableViscousFlux_ = getParam<bool>("Problem.EnableViscousFlux", false);
+        turbViscosity_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.TurbulentViscosity");
+        alphaWall_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.AlphaWall");
+        ksWall_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.KsWall");
+        wallFrictionLawType_ = getParam<std::string>("Problem.WallFrictionLaw");
+        // Make the wallFrictionLawType_ lower case
+        std::transform(wallFrictionLawType_.begin(), wallFrictionLawType_.end(), wallFrictionLawType_.begin(), [](unsigned char c){ return std::tolower(c); });
+    }
+    //! Get the analytical water depth
+    const std::vector<Scalar>& getExactWaterDepth() const
+    { return exactWaterDepth_; }
+    //! Get the analytical U-velocity
+    const std::vector<Scalar>& getExactVelocityX() const
+    { return exactVelocityX_; }
+    //! Get the analytical V-velocity
+    const std::vector<Scalar>& getExactVelocityY() const
+    { return exactVelocityY_; }
+    //! Update the analytical solution
+    void updateAnalyticalSolution()
+    {
+        for (const auto& element : elements(this->gridGeometry().gridView()))
+        {
+            const auto eIdx = this->gridGeometry().elementMapper().index(element);
+            const auto& globalPos = element.geometry().center();
+            const auto gravity = this->spatialParams().gravity(globalPos);
+            const Scalar y = globalPos[1];
+            const Scalar width = this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1];
+            const Scalar h = hBoundary_;
+            const Scalar u = -(gravity*bedSlope_/(8.0*turbViscosity_)) * (4.0*y*y - width*width);
+            exactWaterDepth_[eIdx] = h;
+            exactVelocityX_[eIdx]  = u;
+            exactVelocityY_[eIdx]  = 0.0;
+        }
+    }
+    const std::string& name() const
+    { return name_; }
+    /*!
+     * \name Boundary conditions
+     */
+    // \{
+    /*!
+     * \brief Specifies which kind of boundary condition should be
+     *        used for which equation on a given boundary segment.
+     *
+     * \param globalPos The position for which the boundary type is set
+     */
+    BoundaryTypes boundaryTypesAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    {
+        BoundaryTypes bcTypes;
+        bcTypes.setAllNeumann();
+        return bcTypes;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Specifies the neumann boundary
+     *
+     *  We need the Riemann invariants to compute the values depending of the boundary type.
+     *  Since we use a weak imposition we do not have a dirichlet value. We impose fluxes
+     *  based on q, h, etc. computed with the Riemann invariants
+     */
+    NeumannFluxes neumann(const Element& element,
+                          const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
+                          const ElementVolumeVariables& elemVolVars,
+                          const ElementFluxVariablesCache& elemFluxVarsCache,
+                          const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf) const
+    {
+        NeumannFluxes values(0.0);
+        const auto& insideScv = fvGeometry.scv(scvf.insideScvIdx());
+        const auto& insideVolVars = elemVolVars[insideScv];
+        const auto& unitNormal = scvf.unitOuterNormal();
+        const auto gravity = this->spatialParams().gravity(scvf.center());
+        std::array<Scalar, 3> boundaryStateVariables;
+        // impose discharge at the left side
+        if (scvf.center()[0] < this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + eps_)
+        {
+            // Prescribe the exact q-distribution long the inflow boundaryStateVariables
+            // based on the parabolic u-profile:
+            // q(y) = (g*H*ib/(8*nu_T)) * (4*y^2^-W^2)
+            // Note the opposite sign to the velocity u, due to the fact that it is an inflow discharge
+            const auto y     = scvf.center()[1];
+            const auto width = this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1];
+            const auto h     = hBoundary_;
+            // Now compute a weighted average between the constant q (from input) and the parabolic q from the analytical solution
+            // based on the prescribed alphaWall
+            const auto q_in0 = (gravity*h*bedSlope_/(8.0*turbViscosity_)) * (4.0*y*y - width*width);
+            const auto q_in1 = discharge_;
+            const auto q_in  = (1.0-alphaWall_)*q_in1 + alphaWall_*q_in0;
+            boundaryStateVariables = ShallowWater::fixedDischargeBoundary(q_in,
+                                                                          insideVolVars.waterDepth(),
+                                                                          insideVolVars.velocity(0),
+                                                                          insideVolVars.velocity(1),
+                                                                          gravity,
+                                                                          unitNormal);
+        }
+        // impose water depth at the right side
+        else if (scvf.center()[0] > this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - eps_)
+        {
+            boundaryStateVariables =  ShallowWater::fixedWaterDepthBoundary(hBoundary_,
+                                                                            insideVolVars.waterDepth(),
+                                                                            insideVolVars.velocity(0),
+                                                                            insideVolVars.velocity(1),
+                                                                            gravity,
+                                                                            unitNormal);
+        }
+        // no flow boundary
+        else
+        {
+            // For the rough side walls of type no-slip we prescribe a slip condition based on alphaWall
+            // for smooth closed walls we prescribed a full-slip condition (zero-roughness)
+            // Get inside velocity components in cell face coordinates (t,n) using normal vector unitNormal
+            // Note that the first component is the normal component
+            // since we are rotating to the normal vector coordinate system
+            const Scalar insideVelocityNWall =  insideVolVars.velocity(0)*unitNormal[0] + insideVolVars.velocity(1)*unitNormal[1];
+            const Scalar insideVelocityTWall = -insideVolVars.velocity(0)*unitNormal[1] + insideVolVars.velocity(1)*unitNormal[0];
+            // Initialisation of outside velocities
+            auto outsideVelocityNWall = insideVelocityNWall;
+            auto outsideVelocityTWall = insideVelocityTWall;
+            // Now set the outside (ghost cell) velocities based on the chosen slip condition
+            if ((scvf.center()[1] < this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1] + eps_ || scvf.center()[1] > this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - eps_) && (wallFrictionLawType_ == "noslip" || wallFrictionLawType_ == "nikuradse"))
+            {
+                // Set the outside state using the no-slip wall roughness conditions based on alphaWall
+                // alphaWall = 0.0: full slip (wall tangential velocity equals inside tangential velocity)
+                // alphaWall = 1.0: no slip (wall tangential velocity=0.0: point mirroring of the velocity)
+                // 0.0 < alphaWall < 1.0: 'partial' slip.
+                // e.g. for alphaWall = 0.5 the wall tangential velocity is half the inside tangential velocity.
+                outsideVelocityNWall = -insideVelocityNWall;
+                outsideVelocityTWall =  (1.0 - 2.0*alphaWall_)*insideVelocityTWall;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Set the outside state using the full-slip wall roughness conditions (line mirroring in the boundary face)
+                // Only mirror the normal component
+                outsideVelocityNWall = -insideVelocityNWall;
+                outsideVelocityTWall =  insideVelocityTWall;
+            }
+            // Rotate back to cartesian coordinate system
+            const Scalar outsideVelocityXWall = outsideVelocityNWall*unitNormal[0] - outsideVelocityTWall*unitNormal[1];
+            const Scalar outsideVelocityYWall = outsideVelocityNWall*unitNormal[1] + outsideVelocityTWall*unitNormal[0];
+            boundaryStateVariables[0] = insideVolVars.waterDepth();
+            boundaryStateVariables[1] = outsideVelocityXWall;
+            boundaryStateVariables[2] = outsideVelocityYWall;
+        }
+        auto riemannFlux = ShallowWater::riemannProblem(insideVolVars.waterDepth(),
+                                                        boundaryStateVariables[0],
+                                                        insideVolVars.velocity(0),
+                                                        boundaryStateVariables[1],
+                                                        insideVolVars.velocity(1),
+                                                        boundaryStateVariables[2],
+                                                        insideVolVars.bedSurface(),
+                                                        insideVolVars.bedSurface(),
+                                                        gravity,
+                                                        unitNormal);
+        values[Indices::massBalanceIdx] = riemannFlux[0];
+        values[Indices::velocityXIdx] = riemannFlux[1];
+        values[Indices::velocityYIdx] = riemannFlux[2];
+        // Addition of viscosity/diffusive flux rough wall boundaries
+        // No-slip wall (with coefficient alphaWall):
+        // Compute wall shear stress using turbulent viscosity and local velocity gradient
+        // Assume velocity gradient (in cell adjacent to wall) equal to alphaWall*(0 - u_c)
+        std::array<Scalar, 3> roughWallFlux{};
+        if (scvf.center()[1] < this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1] + eps_ || scvf.center()[1] > this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - eps_)
+        {
+            // Distance vector between the inside cell center and the boundary face center
+            const auto& cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter = scvf.center() - insideScv.center();
+            // The left (inside) state vector
+            const auto& leftState  = insideVolVars.priVars();
+            if (wallFrictionLawType_ == "noslip")
+            {
+                roughWallFlux = ShallowWater::noslipWallBoundary(alphaWall_,
+                                                                 turbViscosity_,
+                                                                 leftState,
+                                                                 cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter,
+                                                                 unitNormal);
+            }
+            else if (wallFrictionLawType_ == "nikuradse")
+            {
+                roughWallFlux = ShallowWater::nikuradseWallBoundary(ksWall_,
+                                                                    leftState,
+                                                                    cellCenterToBoundaryFaceCenter,
+                                                                    unitNormal);
+            }
+        }
+        values[Indices::massBalanceIdx] += roughWallFlux[0];
+        values[Indices::velocityXIdx] += roughWallFlux[1];
+        values[Indices::velocityYIdx] += roughWallFlux[2];
+        return values;
+    }
+    // \}
+    /*!
+     * \brief Evaluate the initial values for a control volume.
+     * \param globalPos The position for which the boundary type is set
+     */
+    PrimaryVariables initialAtPos(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+    {
+        PrimaryVariables values(0.0);
+        // Set the initial values to the analytical solution
+        const auto gravity = this->spatialParams().gravity(globalPos);
+        const auto width = this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] - this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[1];
+        values[0] = hBoundary_;
+        values[1] = -(gravity*bedSlope_/(8.0*turbViscosity_)) * (4.0*globalPos[1]*globalPos[1] - width*width);
+        values[2] = 0.0;
+        return values;
+    };
+    std::vector<Scalar> exactWaterDepth_;
+    std::vector<Scalar> exactVelocityX_;
+    std::vector<Scalar> exactVelocityY_;
+    Scalar hBoundary_; // water level at the outflow boundary
+    Scalar bedSlope_; // bed slope (positive downwards)
+    Scalar discharge_; // discharge at the inflow boundary
+    Scalar alphaWall_; // wall roughness coefficient for no-slip type wall roughness
+    Scalar ksWall_; // Nikuradse wall roughness height for Nikuradse type wall roughness
+    bool enableViscousFlux_; // switch for enabling viscous (turbulent) momentum flux computation
+    Scalar turbViscosity_; // turbulent viscosity
+    std::string wallFrictionLawType_; // wall friction law type
+    static constexpr Scalar eps_ = 1.0e-6;
+    std::string name_;
+} //end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/properties.hh b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/properties.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a1312806db3f73387c050b11cdf0a10f45eb37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/properties.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include <dumux/common/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/shallowwater/model.hh>
+#include <dumux/discretization/cctpfa.hh>
+#if HAVE_UG
+#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
+#include "problem.hh"
+#include "spatialparams.hh"
+namespace Dumux::Properties {
+namespace TTag {
+struct PoiseuilleFlow { using InheritsFrom = std::tuple<ShallowWater, CCTpfaModel>; };
+} // namespace TTag
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Grid<TypeTag, TTag::PoiseuilleFlow> { using type = GRIDTYPE; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct Problem<TypeTag, TTag::PoiseuilleFlow> { using type = Dumux::PoiseuilleFlowProblem<TypeTag> ; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct SpatialParams<TypeTag, TTag::PoiseuilleFlow>
+    using GridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridGeometry>;
+    using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
+    using ElementVolumeVariables = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridVolumeVariables>::LocalView;
+    using VolumeVariables = typename ElementVolumeVariables::VolumeVariables;
+    using type = PoiseuilleFlowSpatialParams<GridGeometry, Scalar, VolumeVariables>;
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct EnableGridVolumeVariablesCache<TypeTag, TTag::PoiseuilleFlow> { static constexpr bool value = false; };
+template<class TypeTag>
+struct EnableGridGeometryCache<TypeTag, TTag::PoiseuilleFlow> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
+} // end namespace Dumux::Properties
diff --git a/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/spatialparams.hh b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/spatialparams.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb35e02a1f3dfef7566f3b49250d379054430ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/freeflow/shallowwater/poiseuilleflow/spatialparams.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \ingroup ShallowWaterTests
+ * \brief The spatial parameters for the Poiseuille flow problem.
+ */
+#include <dumux/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/spatialparams/fv.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/frictionlaws/frictionlaw.hh>
+namespace Dumux {
+ * \ingroup ShallowWaterTests
+ * \brief The spatial parameters class for the Poiseuille flow test.
+ *
+ */
+template<class GridGeometry, class Scalar, class VolumeVariables>
+class PoiseuilleFlowSpatialParams
+: public FVSpatialParams<GridGeometry, Scalar,
+                         PoiseuilleFlowSpatialParams<GridGeometry, Scalar, VolumeVariables>>
+    using ThisType = PoiseuilleFlowSpatialParams<GridGeometry, Scalar, VolumeVariables>;
+    using ParentType = FVSpatialParams<GridGeometry, Scalar, ThisType>;
+    using GridView = typename GridGeometry::GridView;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename GridGeometry::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolume = typename FVElementGeometry::SubControlVolume;
+    using Element = typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
+    PoiseuilleFlowSpatialParams(std::shared_ptr<const GridGeometry> gridGeometry)
+    : ParentType(gridGeometry)
+    {
+        gravity_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.Gravity");
+        bedSlope_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.BedSlope");
+        hBoundary_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.HBoundary");
+    }
+    Scalar gravity(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
+    { return gravity_; }
+    Scalar gravity() const
+    { return gravity_; }
+    const FrictionLaw<VolumeVariables>&
+    frictionLaw(const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv) const
+    {
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "No friction law is implemented for this test!");
+    }
+    //! Define the bed surface
+    Scalar bedSurface(const Element& element, const SubControlVolume& scv) const
+    {
+        const Scalar length = this->gridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - this->gridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0];
+        // The bed level sloped downwards from the left boundary to the right boundary
+        // The water level boundary condition hBoundary_ is specified at the right boundary
+        const Scalar leftBedLevel = - hBoundary_ + length*bedSlope_;
+        // todo depends on index e.g. eIdx = scv.elementIndex();
+        return leftBedLevel - element.geometry().center()[0] * bedSlope_;
+    }
+    Scalar gravity_;
+    Scalar bedSlope_;
+    Scalar hBoundary_;
+} // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow-reference.vtu b/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow-reference.vtu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1daf0b2a45b62437a91440f281dab5cfa06f7b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow-reference.vtu
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">
+  <UnstructuredGrid>
+    <Piece NumberOfCells="400" NumberOfPoints="441">
+      <CellData Scalars="waterDepth">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="waterDepth" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+          10.0438 10.0389 10.0346 10.0307 10.0269 10.0235 10.0203 10.0173 10.0146 10.0122 10.0099 10.0079
+          10.0061 10.0046 10.0032 10.0021 10.0012 10.0006 10.0002 10.0001 10.0384 10.034 10.0301 10.0264
+          10.023 10.0198 10.0169 10.0142 10.0117 10.0095 10.0074 10.0056 10.004 10.0027 10.0015 10.0006
+          9.99996 9.9996 9.99956 9.99989 10.0382 10.0337 10.0298 10.0261 10.0227 10.0195 10.0165 10.0139
+          10.0114 10.0092 10.0072 10.0054 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99986 9.99954 9.99954 9.99991
+          10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053
+          10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99986 9.99955 9.99956 9.99994 10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026
+          10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0113 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005
+          9.99987 9.99957 9.99959 9.99997 10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138
+          10.0113 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99989 9.9996 9.99962 10
+          10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053
+          10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99991 9.99962 9.99965 10 10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026
+          10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005
+          9.99993 9.99964 9.99968 10.0001 10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138
+          10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005 9.99994 9.99965 9.99969 10.0001
+          10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053
+          10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005 9.99994 9.99966 9.9997 10.0001 10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026
+          10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005
+          9.99994 9.99966 9.9997 10.0001 10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138
+          10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005 9.99994 9.99965 9.99969 10.0001
+          10.038 10.0335 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053
+          10.0038 10.0025 10.0014 10.0005 9.99993 9.99964 9.99968 10.0001 10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026
+          10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005
+          9.99991 9.99962 9.99965 10 10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138
+          10.0113 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99989 9.9996 9.99962 10
+          10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026 10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0113 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053
+          10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99987 9.99957 9.99959 9.99997 10.0381 10.0336 10.0297 10.026
+          10.0226 10.0194 10.0165 10.0138 10.0114 10.0091 10.0071 10.0053 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005
+          9.99986 9.99955 9.99956 9.99994 10.0382 10.0337 10.0298 10.0261 10.0227 10.0195 10.0165 10.0139
+          10.0114 10.0092 10.0072 10.0054 10.0038 10.0024 10.0013 10.0005 9.99986 9.99954 9.99954 9.99991
+          10.0384 10.034 10.0301 10.0264 10.023 10.0198 10.0169 10.0142 10.0117 10.0095 10.0074 10.0056
+          10.004 10.0027 10.0015 10.0006 9.99996 9.9996 9.99956 9.99989 10.0438 10.0389 10.0346 10.0307
+          10.0269 10.0235 10.0203 10.0173 10.0146 10.0122 10.0099 10.0079 10.0061 10.0046 10.0032 10.0021
+          10.0012 10.0006 10.0002 10.0001
+        </DataArray>
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="velocityX" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+          0.570598 0.532182 0.495822 0.461666 0.429639 0.399645 0.371588 0.345378 0.320932 0.298179 0.27706 0.257532
+          0.239574 0.223194 0.208433 0.195379 0.18418 0.175056 0.168326 0.164422 1.69356 1.69586 1.69738 1.69846
+          1.6992 1.69964 1.69984 1.69985 1.6997 1.69944 1.6991 1.69871 1.69831 1.69793 1.69761 1.69736
+          1.6972 1.69713 1.69709 1.69697 2.67225 2.67727 2.6817 2.68582 2.68967 2.69325 2.69657 2.69964
+          2.70248 2.70508 2.70746 2.70963 2.71158 2.71331 2.71484 2.71614 2.71719 2.71797 2.71844 2.71852
+          3.52806 3.53408 3.53948 3.54456 3.54932 3.55379 3.55796 3.56185 3.56546 3.5688 3.57187 3.57468
+          3.57722 3.5795 3.58151 3.58321 3.58461 3.58565 3.5863 3.58648 4.26156 4.26827 4.27432 4.28004
+          4.28542 4.29047 4.2952 4.29961 4.30372 4.30753 4.31104 4.31426 4.31719 4.31981 4.32212 4.32411
+          4.32573 4.32697 4.32776 4.32805 4.87278 4.88 4.88654 4.89273 4.89856 4.90405 4.90919 4.914
+          4.91848 4.92264 4.92649 4.93002 4.93323 4.93613 4.93868 4.94088 4.9427 4.94409 4.945 4.94539
+          5.36176 5.36937 5.37625 5.3828 5.38898 5.3948 5.40026 5.40537 5.41013 5.41457 5.41867 5.42244
+          5.42588 5.42898 5.43173 5.4341 5.43606 5.43758 5.43861 5.43909 5.72851 5.73641 5.74356 5.75038
+          5.75682 5.76289 5.76859 5.77393 5.77891 5.78355 5.78785 5.7918 5.79542 5.79868 5.80157 5.80408
+          5.80617 5.80779 5.8089 5.80945 5.97303 5.98115 5.98851 5.99553 6.00217 6.00842 6.0143 6.01981
+          6.02496 6.02975 6.03419 6.03829 6.04203 6.04541 6.04842 6.05103 6.0532 6.0549 6.05608 6.05668
+          6.09533 6.10362 6.11112 6.11828 6.12507 6.13146 6.13746 6.14309 6.14835 6.15326 6.1578 6.16199
+          6.16583 6.16929 6.17238 6.17505 6.17729 6.17904 6.18026 6.18089 6.09533 6.10362 6.11112 6.11828
+          6.12507 6.13146 6.13746 6.14309 6.14835 6.15326 6.1578 6.16199 6.16583 6.16929 6.17238 6.17505
+          6.17729 6.17904 6.18026 6.18089 5.97303 5.98115 5.98851 5.99553 6.00217 6.00842 6.0143 6.01981
+          6.02496 6.02975 6.03419 6.03829 6.04203 6.04541 6.04842 6.05103 6.0532 6.0549 6.05608 6.05668
+          5.72851 5.73641 5.74356 5.75038 5.75682 5.76289 5.76859 5.77393 5.77891 5.78355 5.78785 5.7918
+          5.79542 5.79868 5.80157 5.80408 5.80617 5.80779 5.8089 5.80945 5.36176 5.36937 5.37625 5.3828
+          5.38898 5.3948 5.40026 5.40537 5.41013 5.41457 5.41867 5.42244 5.42588 5.42898 5.43173 5.4341
+          5.43606 5.43758 5.43861 5.43909 4.87278 4.88 4.88654 4.89273 4.89856 4.90405 4.90919 4.914
+          4.91848 4.92264 4.92649 4.93002 4.93323 4.93613 4.93868 4.94088 4.9427 4.94409 4.945 4.94539
+          4.26156 4.26827 4.27432 4.28004 4.28542 4.29047 4.2952 4.29961 4.30372 4.30753 4.31104 4.31426
+          4.31719 4.31981 4.32212 4.32411 4.32573 4.32697 4.32776 4.32805 3.52806 3.53408 3.53948 3.54456
+          3.54932 3.55379 3.55796 3.56185 3.56546 3.5688 3.57187 3.57468 3.57722 3.5795 3.58151 3.58321
+          3.58461 3.58565 3.5863 3.58648 2.67225 2.67727 2.6817 2.68582 2.68967 2.69325 2.69657 2.69964
+          2.70248 2.70508 2.70746 2.70963 2.71158 2.71331 2.71484 2.71614 2.71719 2.71797 2.71844 2.71852
+          1.69356 1.69586 1.69738 1.69846 1.6992 1.69964 1.69984 1.69985 1.6997 1.69944 1.6991 1.69871
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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+          9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c3c0a8373e062785628f9b3a1edc9b15468f5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/references/test_ff_shallowwater_poiseuilleflow_unstructured-reference.vtu
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+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+          10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
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+          3.02887 1.64216 3.62643 0.853012 4.62995 0.853012 3.02887 0.853012 1.64216 0.853012 3.02887 1.64216
+          3.62643 0.85302 4.62997 0.853035 3.02896 0.853012 1.64223 0.853012 3.02887 1.64214 3.62658 0.8533
+          4.63069 0.853604 3.03126 0.852784 1.64348 0.852982 3.02861 1.63825 3.63036 0.860177 0.874653 1.64255
+          1.66871 6.03593 4.50716 6.03439 5.20252 5.25738 6.13124 0.857228 3.50003 1.64384 3.63731 0.86908
+          2.63048 3.06083 3.09508 3.71463 5.73811 4.56551 0.651749 1.61751 5.22051 4.57236 3.11162 4.73067
+          3.62513 3.07823 1.64212 3.62849 1.64255 1.64297 3.02886 3.02884 1.64216 3.62649 1.64217 1.64219
+          3.02887 3.02887 1.64216 3.62643 1.64216 1.64216 3.02887 3.02887 1.64217 3.62643 1.64216 1.64216
+          3.02893 3.0289 1.6424 3.62636 1.64203 1.6421 3.03026 3.02962 1.64192 3.62386 1.64873 3.02399
+          3.1088 0.873623 4.75327 1.41097 1.61609 5.26033 4.50503 0.804036 6.03957 3.51218 6.13125 6.03454
+          4.61009 0.850934 1.66174 1.64457 3.50123 3.71486 3.02607 3.03184 3.02037 3.02267 2.63735 2.7786
+          6.13122 3.7575 3.0291 3.62642 3.02887 3.62643 3.02887 3.62643 3.02886 3.62652 3.02799 3.62866
+          5.03792 3.03064 3.61442 5.73873 3.73753 6.13123 5.02183 3.61951 1.40701 1.57474 3.0624 3.09647
+          5.65572 3.62771 4.62962 5.04339 4.62998 3.02921 5.03586 3.02878 5.65637 3.62647 4.62995 5.03601
+          5.03592 3.02888 5.03592 3.02887 5.65627 3.62643 4.62995 5.03592 4.62995 3.02887 5.03592 3.02887
+          5.65627 3.62643 4.62996 5.03592 4.62994 3.02887 5.03594 3.02891 5.65629 3.6264 4.63025 5.03592
+          3.61935 3.0288 5.03691 3.03009 5.6577 3.61323 4.63877 5.03574 4.75916 3.51444 4.49323 4.60833
+          3.73575 6.04043 1.40677 1.57478 5.73769 6.03237 5.29766 5.81664 5.57667 5.68858 4.62894 6.1308
+          3.62636 3.65399 3.6268 3.62732 5.87064 5.03606 3.62633 3.62638 3.62643 3.62645 5.87064 5.03592
+          3.62643 3.62643 3.62643 3.62643 5.87064 5.03592 3.62643 3.62643 3.62642 3.62643 5.65626 5.03591
+          3.62643 3.62645 3.62604 3.62628 5.84051 5.03553 3.62666 3.627 3.63903 4.73302 5.79468 3.07478
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+          6.11902 4.6299 5.65626 4.62993 5.0359 5.03594 5.03596 4.63003 5.03592 5.03592 6.11902 4.62995
+          5.87064 4.62995 5.03592 5.65627 6.11902 4.62995 5.03592 5.03593 6.11902 4.62995 6.11902 4.62995
+          5.03592 5.03592 5.03592 4.62995 5.03586 5.03629 6.11902 4.63 5.87067 4.63007 5.03597 5.0359
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+          5.65627 5.87065 6.11902 5.87064 5.65627 5.65627 5.87064 5.87064 5.87064 5.87064 5.87064 5.87064
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+          6.11902 6.11902 6.11902 6.11902 5.87064 5.65627 6.11902 6.11902 5.87064 5.87064 6.11902 6.11902
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+          125 50 0 106.252 -39.174 0 112.5 -50 0 118.751 -39.1746 0
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+          231.25 -39.175 0 225 -50 0 243.75 39.175 0 250 50 0
+          281.249 39.1743 0 287.5 50 0 275 50 0 256.25 -39.175 0
+          262.5 -50 0 268.75 -39.175 0 281.25 -39.1751 0 275 -50 0
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+          325 50 0 306.25 -39.1754 0 312.5 -50 0 318.755 -39.178 0
+          331.322 -39.1993 0 325 -50 0 343.742 39.1806 0 350 50 0
+          337.43 28.3079 0 381.679 39.8125 0 387.5 50 0 375 50 0
+          400 12.5 0 400 25 0 389.029 19.0187 0 356.28 39.0805 0
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+          343.853 -39.2066 0 337.5 -50 0 350 -50 0 362.5 -50 0
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+          387.5 -50 0 400 -50 0 391.822 -41.8097 0 400 -37.5 0
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+          300 -50 0 299.995 28.3461 0 306.245 39.1712 0 243.75 -39.175 0
+          237.5 -50 0 250 -50 0 250 28.3499 0 256.25 39.1749 0
+          193.75 -39.175 0 187.5 -50 0 200 -50 0 200 28.35 0
+          206.25 39.175 0 143.75 -39.1749 0 137.5 -50 0 150 -50 0
+          150 28.35 0 156.25 39.175 0 93.7551 -39.1726 0 87.5 -50 0
+          100 -50 0 99.9992 28.3516 0 106.25 39.1756 0 62.319 28.4338 0
+          68.687 39.1991 0 56.1822 39.2024 0 30.8768 -38.903 0 37.5 -50 0
+          43.7066 -39.0721 0 23.1716 26.716 0 10.7792 -6.2195 0 0 0 0
+          0 -12.5 0 10.9712 -19.0335 0 0 -25 0 10.1142 -31.6235 0
+          8.1858 -41.7943 0 0 -37.5 0 0 -50 0 0 12.5 0
+          21.6843 12.4943 0 10.7716 6.3392 0 21.2113 0.1408 0 74.8951 28.3743 0
+          43.6513 39.1132 0 50 50 0 37.5 50 0 30.8449 38.9566 0
+          62.5 50 0 50 -50 0 56.2586 -39.1839 0 62.5665 -28.3266 0
+          87.497 28.3545 0 112.5 50 0 106.25 17.5258 0 112.5 28.3506 0
+          118.75 39.1753 0 125 28.3503 0 112.502 -28.349 0 137.5 28.3501 0
+          162.5 50 0 156.25 17.525 0 162.5 28.35 0 168.75 39.175 0
+          175 28.35 0 162.5 -28.35 0 187.5 28.35 0 212.5 50 0
+          206.25 17.525 0 212.5 28.35 0 218.75 39.175 0 225 28.35 0
+          212.5 -28.35 0 237.5 28.35 0 262.5 50 0 256.25 17.5249 0
+          262.5 28.3497 0 268.75 39.1747 0 274.999 28.3494 0 262.5 -28.35 0
+          287.498 28.3484 0 312.5 50 0 306.243 17.5201 0 312.487 28.3405 0
+          318.738 39.1672 0 324.968 28.3278 0 312.5 -28.351 0 362.5 50 0
+          369.112 38.8894 0 400 0 0 376.775 26.5655 0 389.251 -6.3536 0
+          400 -12.5 0 376.885 -26.7299 0 389.072 -19.1293 0 378.377 -12.5205 0
+          400 -25 0 362.66 -28.0665 0 350.17 -28.4805 0 367.257 -16.8956 0
+          362.439 27.8779 0 275 -28.3501 0 287.5 -28.3502 0 225 -28.35 0
+          237.5 -28.35 0 175 -28.35 0 187.5 -28.35 0 125.001 -28.3496 0
+          137.5 -28.3498 0 75.0301 -28.3361 0 87.5124 -28.344 0 50.0781 -28.4135 0
+          49.936 28.4683 0 23.2131 -26.5943 0 18.315 -39.8192 0 25 -50 0
+          32.9672 -16.5845 0 37.5263 -27.9324 0 12.5 -50 0 21.721 -12.2637 0
+          37.4449 28.052 0 44.1972 18.194 0 349.924 28.3877 0 378.828 -0.1747 0
+          68.8038 -17.4907 0 81.2671 -17.5154 0 44.3158 -18.0269 0 56.4592 -17.3662 0
+          75 6.7 0 81.2499 17.5298 0 68.3923 17.5443 0 93.7493 17.527 0
+          131.25 -17.5248 0 100.005 -28.3475 0 118.75 17.5253 0 100 -6.7 0
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+          168.75 -17.525 0 181.25 -17.525 0 150 -28.3499 0 168.75 17.525 0
+          175 6.7 0 181.25 17.525 0 193.75 17.525 0 156.25 -17.525 0
+          231.25 -17.525 0 200 -28.35 0 218.75 17.525 0 225 6.7 0
+          231.25 17.525 0 243.75 17.525 0 206.25 -17.525 0 218.75 -17.525 0
+          281.25 -17.5251 0 250 -28.35 0 268.75 17.5247 0 275 6.7 0
+          281.249 17.5243 0 293.747 17.5232 0 256.25 -17.525 0 268.75 -17.525 0
+          300 -28.3505 0 318.732 17.5108 0 325 6.7 0 331.193 17.4762 0
+          343.525 17.311 0 306.25 -17.5258 0 318.75 -17.5283 0 366.999 16.5157 0
+          356.058 -18.2105 0 368.849 5.2354 0 360.59 -10.0065 0 349.56 5.1655 0
+          355.543 17.8285 0 368.97 -5.8397 0 359.916 -0.6763 0 250 -6.7 0
+          262.5 -6.7 0 187.5 6.7 0 150 -6.7 0 162.5 -6.7 0
+          125 6.7 0 131.25 17.5251 0 39.843 -9.398 0 50.4908 -5.2393 0
+          32.8684 16.8639 0 31.1277 5.7863 0 31.184 -5.2915 0 55.8215 17.8144 0
+          61.0683 6.4137 0 143.75 -17.5249 0 193.75 -17.525 0 243.75 -17.525 0
+          293.75 -17.5253 0 40.2337 0.5698 0 39.5844 9.9408 0 75 -6.7 0
+          62.5 -6.7 0 112.5 -6.7 0 112.5 6.7 0 137.5 6.7 0
+          162.5 6.7 0 175 -6.7 0 200 -6.7 0 212.5 -6.7 0
+          212.5 6.7 0 262.5 6.7 0 300 6.7 0 287.5 6.7 0
+          325 -6.7 0 312.5 6.7 0 337.5 6.7 0 344.322 -17.8399 0
+          300 -6.7 0 360.1 9.3599 0 351.44 -7.9798 0 338.896 -6.3845 0
+          275 -6.7 0 287.5 -6.7 0 225 -6.7 0 237.5 -6.7 0
+          250 6.7 0 237.5 6.7 0 200 6.7 0 187.5 -6.7 0
+          125 -6.7 0 137.5 -6.7 0 150 6.7 0 100 6.7 0
+          87.5 -6.7 0 49.0159 7.8325 0 87.5 6.7 0 312.5 -6.7 0
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+          18 157 159 117 160 27 161 162 116 163 30 160
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+          165 31 33 34 109 108 28 164 166 112 167 37
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+          38 40 170 41 110 42 172 41 43 44 104 103
+          38 171 173 107 174 47 175 176 106 177 50 174
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+          179 51 53 54 99 98 48 178 180 102 181 57
+          182 183 101 184 60 181 185 58 184 63 62 65
+          58 60 184 61 100 62 186 61 63 64 81 80
+          58 185 68 75 187 67 188 71 187 66 59 58
+          75 188 187 76 189 72 96 190 74 191 192 189
+          193 194 195 194 196 192 191 189 76 85 82 83
+          193 86 92 80 82 85 197 198 85 84 83 87
+          86 90 92 197 85 84 193 84 86 92 91 196
+          194 192 191 194 92 196 93 95 70 69 71 188
+          190 97 74 96 74 73 190 69 188 193 199 197
+          186 63 78 200 188 75 98 100 61 185 184 183
+          102 57 56 102 184 181 201 53 54 202 54 98
+          103 105 51 178 177 176 107 47 46 107 177 174
+          203 43 44 204 44 103 108 110 41 171 170 169
+          112 37 36 112 170 167 205 33 34 206 34 108
+          113 115 31 164 163 162 117 27 26 117 163 160
+          207 23 24 208 24 113 118 120 21 157 156 155
+          122 17 16 122 156 153 209 12 15 210 15 118
+          150 13 12 211 150 151 128 149 150 212 125 144
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+          6 129 1 6 5 7 78 63 64 222 75 66
+          79 64 80 198 80 85 93 69 96 93 96 94
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+          220 147 129 142 141 130 226 211 227 143 124 123
+          4 1 0 4 3 5 220 144 147 129 147 1
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+          232 207 208 233 118 21 234 155 154 155 156 122
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+          248 203 204 249 108 41 250 169 168 169 170 112
+          251 252 250 203 44 204 253 106 173 254 172 255
+          256 201 202 257 103 51 258 176 175 176 177 107
+          259 260 258 201 54 202 261 101 180 262 179 263
+          79 78 64 264 98 61 265 183 182 183 184 102
+          266 267 265 79 80 198 268 222 68 269 186 270
+          271 190 200 190 96 69 193 92 194 272 198 197
+          197 84 193 223 76 97 90 86 88 90 89 91
+          195 194 191 223 195 191 271 97 190 273 97 271
+          272 199 274 275 276 268 270 186 78 277 273 278
+          222 66 68 222 200 75 101 56 180 101 183 102
+          279 262 280 261 180 260 264 61 186 264 202 98
+          106 46 173 106 176 107 281 245 244 253 173 252
+          257 51 179 257 204 103 111 36 166 111 169 112
+          282 247 283 246 166 245 249 41 172 249 206 108
+          116 26 159 116 162 117 284 285 234 238 159 285
+          242 31 165 242 208 113 121 16 152 121 155 122
+          286 226 287 231 152 229 233 21 158 233 210 118
+          212 144 220 220 129 288 288 140 289 217 126 128
+          217 128 211 219 213 216 136 138 218 136 214 135
+          213 126 217 216 290 219 219 133 213 219 130 133
+          230 143 123 230 291 292 236 210 233 237 233 158
+          293 208 242 247 242 165 294 206 249 254 249 172
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+          291 212 221 229 152 143 229 143 230 225 299 224
+          299 228 300 224 151 209 293 242 247 238 161 116
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+          285 157 234 232 208 293 232 239 207 239 158 207
+          294 249 254 246 168 111 282 283 304 243 164 162
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+          305 304 283 240 165 205 295 257 262 253 175 106
+          306 307 308 250 171 169 251 308 307 252 173 171
+          252 171 250 248 204 295 248 255 203 255 172 203
+          296 264 269 261 182 101 279 280 309 258 178 176
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+          256 263 201 263 179 201 312 266 313 265 185 183
+          314 268 267 267 68 185 267 185 265 270 78 77
+          315 198 272 316 296 269 277 223 273 276 200 222
+          273 271 317 315 79 198 271 200 276 273 223 97
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