diff --git a/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.tex b/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.tex
index 51fd5be9d7a72c87e4d3c655d79bdb70046b1ea5..f69b69443508f37fab1a32488b14f909283c6cff 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/dumux-handbook.tex
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
diff --git a/doc/handbook/tutorial-coupled.tex b/doc/handbook/tutorial-coupled.tex
index f7d8115fe4d65a08ceeca62d21016d90fe716409..a0936421aec9c1cb1903e6df6ef5f7f7b0f88b44 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/tutorial-coupled.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/tutorial-coupled.tex
@@ -351,9 +351,9 @@ to make only some small changes in the tutorial files.
 \item \textbf{Changing the Model Domain and the Boundary Conditions} \\
   Change the size of the model domain so that you get a rectangle with
-  edge lengths of $\text{x} = 400 m$ and $\text{y} = 500 m$ and with
-  discretization lengths of $\Delta \text{x} = 20$ m and $\Delta
-  \text{y} = 20$ m.
+  edge lengths of $\text{x} = \unit[400]{m}$ and $\text{y} = \unit[500]{m}$ and with
+  discretization lengths of $\Delta \text{x} = \unit[20]{m}$ and $\Delta
+  \text{y} = \unit[20]{m}$.
   Change the boundary conditions in the file
   \texttt{tutorialproblem\_coupled.hh} so that water enters from the
@@ -363,6 +363,9 @@ to make only some small changes in the tutorial files.
   Compile the main file by typing \texttt{make tutorial\_coupled} and
   run the model as explained above.
+  \item \textbf{Changing  the shape of the discrete elements} \\
+  Change the types of elements used for discretizing the domain. In line \ref{tutorial-coupled:set-gridcreator} of the problem file  the type of gridcreator is chosen. By choosing a different grid creator you can discretize the domain with different elements. Hint: You can find gridcreators in \texttt{dumux/common/}. The shape of the employed elements can be visualized in paraview by choosing \texttt{Surface with Edges}. 
 \item \textbf{Changing Fluids} \\
 Now you can change the fluids. Use DNAPL instead of Oil and Brine instead of Water. To do that, you have to select different components via the property system in the problem file:
diff --git a/tutorial/tutorialproblem_coupled.hh b/tutorial/tutorialproblem_coupled.hh
index 330c6a728a1d235f6e7dac7c132e7e10b7d87581..105cf8348ffc631c3c268261aec6248c17762ab8 100644
--- a/tutorial/tutorialproblem_coupled.hh
+++ b/tutorial/tutorialproblem_coupled.hh
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ SET_PROP(TutorialProblemCoupled, Problem) /*@\label{tutorial-coupled:set-problem
 // Set grid and the grid creator to be used
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TutorialProblemCoupled, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid</*dim=*/2>); /*@\label{tutorial-coupled:set-grid}@*/
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TutorialProblemCoupled, GridCreator, Dumux::CubeGridCreator<TypeTag>); /*@\label{tutorial-coupled:set-grid}@*/
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TutorialProblemCoupled, GridCreator, Dumux::CubeGridCreator<TypeTag>); /*@\label{tutorial-coupled:set-gridcreator}@*/
 // Set the wetting phase
 SET_PROP(TutorialProblemCoupled, WettingPhase) /*@\label{tutorial-coupled:2p-system-start}@*/