From 3d903929f12a2e82239e5f6d53816900e114eb0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bernd Flemisch <>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2018 23:15:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [io] use IOName throughout IOFields and FluidSystems

Add names to `IOName`. Adapt names in some reference solutions.
 dumux/geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh    |  8 +-
 dumux/io/name.hh                              | 56 +++++++++++-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh          |  3 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh       |  3 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh           |  6 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh   |  9 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/3pimmiscible.hh   |  7 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/brine.hh          |  4 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh       |  6 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh       |  6 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh         |  6 +-
 .../material/fluidsystems/h2oairmesitylene.hh |  8 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylene.hh   |  8 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oheavyoil.hh    |  8 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh          |  6 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh        |  6 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh  |  3 +-
 dumux/material/fluidsystems/spe5.hh           |  7 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh       | 26 +++---
 dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh         | 35 +++++---
 dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh            |  8 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh       | 18 ++--
 dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh       | 67 ++++++++-------
 dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh          |  8 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh         | 29 ++++---
 dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh       | 74 ++++++++--------
 dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh | 85 ++++++++++---------
 .../mineralization/iofields.hh                |  7 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh       | 31 +++++--
 .../nonequilibrium/iofields.hh                |  9 +-
 .../nonisothermal/iofields.hh                 |  7 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh   | 49 +++++++----
 dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh      |  2 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh | 48 +++++++----
 dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh    |  2 +-
 dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh     | 12 +--
 .../2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/iofields.hh  | 38 ++++++---
 test/references/3pwateroilbox-reference.vtu   |  6 +-
 .../richardsanalyticalcc-reference.vtu        |  2 +-
 .../richardslensbox-reference-parallel.vtu    |  2 +-
 test/references/richardslensbox-reference.vtu |  2 +-
 .../richardslenscc-reference-parallel.vtu     |  2 +-
 test/references/richardslenscc-reference.vtu  |  2 +-
 .../richardsniconductionbox-reference.vtu     |  2 +-
 .../richardsniconductioncc-reference.vtu      |  2 +-
 .../richardsniconvectionbox-reference.vtu     |  2 +-
 .../richardsniconvectioncc-reference.vtu      |  2 +-
 .../richardswelltracerbox-reference.vtu       |  2 +-
 .../richardswelltracercc-reference.vtu        |  2 +-
 test/references/rosi2c-soil-reference.vtu     |  2 +-
 .../test_boxrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu |  2 +-
 .../test_ccrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu  |  2 +-
 ...dded_1d3d_1p2c_richards2c_3d-reference.vtu |  2 +-
 .../test_embedded_1p_richards_box_3d.vtu      |  2 +-
 .../test_embedded_1p_richards_tpfa_3d.vtu     |  2 +-
 55 files changed, 473 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dumux/geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh b/dumux/geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh
index b6c91ef711..262475c5b6 100644
--- a/dumux/geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/geomechanics/poroelastic/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -36,8 +38,10 @@ public:
     template <class OutputModule>
     static void initOutputModule(OutputModule& out)
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.displacement(); }, "u");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.porosity(); }, "porosity");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.displacement(); },
+                              IOName::displacement());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
     template <class OutputModule>
diff --git a/dumux/io/name.hh b/dumux/io/name.hh
index 756685aa7f..e44c7019ae 100644
--- a/dumux/io/name.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/name.hh
@@ -38,11 +38,15 @@ std::string pressure(int phaseIdx) noexcept
 std::string pressure() noexcept
 { return "p"; }
-//! I/O name of saturation
+//! I/O name of saturation for multiphase systems
 template<class FluidSystem>
 std::string saturation(int phaseIdx) noexcept
 { return (FluidSystem::numPhases == 1) ? "S" : "S_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(phaseIdx); }
+//! I/O name of saturation for singlephase systems
+std::string saturation() noexcept
+{ return "S"; }
 //! I/O name of temperature for equilibrium models
 std::string temperature() noexcept
 { return "T"; }
@@ -65,6 +69,15 @@ std::string density(int phaseIdx) noexcept
 std::string density() noexcept
 { return "rho"; }
+//! I/O name of viscosity for multiphase systems
+template<class FluidSystem>
+std::string viscosity(int phaseIdx) noexcept
+{ return (FluidSystem::numPhases == 1) ? "mu" : "mu_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(phaseIdx); }
+//! I/O name of viscosity for singlephase systems
+std::string viscosity() noexcept
+{ return "mu"; }
 //! I/O name of molar density for multiphase systems
 template<class FluidSystem>
 std::string molarDensity(int phaseIdx) noexcept
@@ -74,6 +87,15 @@ std::string molarDensity(int phaseIdx) noexcept
 std::string molarDensity() noexcept
 { return "rhoMolar"; }
+//! I/O name of relative permeability for multiphase systems
+template<class FluidSystem>
+std::string relativePermeability(int phaseIdx) noexcept
+{ return (FluidSystem::numPhases == 1) ? "kr" : "kr_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(phaseIdx); }
+//! I/O name of relative permeability for singlephase systems
+std::string relativePermeability() noexcept
+{ return "kr"; }
 //! I/O name of mobility for multiphase systems
 template<class FluidSystem>
 std::string mobility(int phaseIdx) noexcept
@@ -93,6 +115,22 @@ template<class FluidSystem>
 std::string massFraction(int phaseIdx, int compIdx) noexcept
 { return "X^" + FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(phaseIdx); }
+//! I/O name of liquid
+std::string liquid() noexcept
+{ return "liq"; }
+//! I/O name of gaseous
+std::string gaseous() noexcept
+{ return "gas"; }
+//! I/O name of aqueous
+std::string aqueous() noexcept
+{ return "aq"; }
+//! I/O name of napl
+std::string napl() noexcept
+{ return "napl"; }
 //! I/O name of capillary pressure
 std::string capillaryPressure() noexcept
 { return "pc"; }
@@ -101,15 +139,31 @@ std::string capillaryPressure() noexcept
 std::string porosity() noexcept
 { return "porosity"; }
+//! I/O name of permeability
+std::string permeability() noexcept
+{ return "permeability"; }
 //! I/O name of phase presence
 std::string phasePresence() noexcept
 { return "phase presence"; }
+//! I/O name of pressure head
+std::string pressureHead() noexcept
+{ return "pressure head"; }
+//! I/O name of water content
+std::string waterContent() noexcept
+{ return "water content"; }
 //! I/O name of solid volume fraction
 template<class SolidSystem>
 std::string solidVolumeFraction(int compIdx = 0) noexcept
 { return "precipitateVolumeFraction^" + SolidSystem::componentName(compIdx); }
+//! I/O name of displacement
+std::string displacement() noexcept
+{ return "u"; }
 } // end namespace IOName
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
index a889a3f2d8..e5fa4dc2a2 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/componenttraits.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx = 0)
-    { return "gas"; }
+    { return IOName::gaseous(); }
      * \brief A human readable name for the component.
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
index 1d03e04033..d7f4bbf30e 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pliquid.hh
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/componenttraits.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx = 0)
-    { return "liq"; }
+    { return IOName::liquid(); }
      * \brief A human readable name for the component.
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
index 4857dc4b94..4bfe614d72 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2p1c.hh
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 #include "base.hh"
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -68,8 +70,8 @@ public:
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx)
         static std::string name[] = {
-            std::string("liq"),
-            std::string("gas"),
+            std::string(IOName::liquid()),
+            std::string(IOName::gaseous()),
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
index 2429a039a0..f6cc03cf97 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidstates/immiscible.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/base.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 #include "base.hh"
@@ -89,16 +90,16 @@ public:
         if (!Fluid0::isGas() && !Fluid1::isGas())
             if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
-                return Components::IsAqueous<typename Fluid0::Component>::value ? "aq" : "napl";
+                return Components::IsAqueous<typename Fluid0::Component>::value ? IOName::aqueous() : IOName::napl();
-                return Components::IsAqueous<typename Fluid1::Component>::value ? "aq" : "napl";
+                return Components::IsAqueous<typename Fluid1::Component>::value ? IOName::aqueous() : IOName::napl();
             if (phaseIdx == phase0Idx)
-                return Fluid0::isGas() ? "gas" : "liq";
+                return Fluid0::isGas() ? IOName::gaseous() : IOName::liquid();
-                return Fluid1::isGas() ? "gas" : "liq";
+                return Fluid1::isGas() ? IOName::gaseous() : IOName::liquid();
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/3pimmiscible.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/3pimmiscible.hh
index 3d362ffad3..88d9eb94c6 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/3pimmiscible.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/3pimmiscible.hh
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/1pgas.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidstates/immiscible.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/base.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ public:
         switch (phaseIdx)
             case wPhaseIdx: return Components::IsAqueous<typename WettingFluid::Component>::value
-                            ? "aq" : "napl";
+                            ? IOName::aqueous() : IOName::napl();
             case nPhaseIdx: return Components::IsAqueous<typename NonwettingFluid::Component>::value
-                            ? "aq" : "napl";
-            case gPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+                            ? IOName::aqueous() : IOName::napl();
+            case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brine.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brine.hh
index 9bfc0769a4..c1d04a7d5f 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brine.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brine.hh
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 #include <dumux/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ public:
     static const std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx = liquidPhaseIdx)
         assert(phaseIdx == liquidPhaseIdx);
-        return "liq";
+        return IOName::liquid();
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
index bba23499dd..24cda87536 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
 #include <dumux/common/valgrind.hh>
 #include <dumux/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 #include "brine.hh"
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -148,8 +150,8 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case liquidPhaseIdx: return "liq";
-            case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case liquidPhaseIdx: return IOName::liquid();
+            case gasPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
index 55eb96777b..489c384c46 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_co2.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 // include the default tables for CO2
@@ -195,8 +197,8 @@ public:
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case liquidPhaseIdx: return "liq";
-            case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case liquidPhaseIdx: return IOName::liquid();
+            case gasPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
index 0efa87856c..9cc3091bb9 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
 #include <dumux/common/valgrind.hh>
 #include <dumux/common/exceptions.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -104,8 +106,8 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case liquidPhaseIdx: return "liq";
-            case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case liquidPhaseIdx: return IOName::liquid();
+            case gasPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairmesitylene.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairmesitylene.hh
index 3db76865d2..9c8a74049a 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairmesitylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairmesitylene.hh
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -197,9 +199,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case wPhaseIdx: return "aq";
-            case nPhaseIdx: return "napl";
-            case gPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case wPhaseIdx: return IOName::aqueous();
+            case nPhaseIdx: return IOName::napl();
+            case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylene.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylene.hh
index 944304bb1c..f9832c0b18 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oairxylene.hh
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux
 namespace FluidSystems
@@ -198,9 +200,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case wPhaseIdx: return "aq";
-            case nPhaseIdx: return "napl";
-            case gPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case wPhaseIdx: return IOName::aqueous();
+            case nPhaseIdx: return IOName::napl();
+            case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oheavyoil.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oheavyoil.hh
index 575b2c74f7..55f7c00c47 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oheavyoil.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oheavyoil.hh
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -187,9 +189,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case wPhaseIdx: return "aq";
-            case nPhaseIdx: return "napl";
-            case gPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case wPhaseIdx: return IOName::aqueous();
+            case nPhaseIdx: return IOName::napl();
+            case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
index e5c75bc42b..f1cf83305c 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2.hh
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/components/tabulatedcomponent.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_n2.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 #include "base.hh"
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -105,8 +107,8 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case liquidPhaseIdx: return "liq";
-            case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case liquidPhaseIdx: return IOName::liquid();
+            case gasPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
index 868dbe8f85..c30a26d4d7 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2o2.hh
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_o2.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/n2_o2.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -124,8 +126,8 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case liquidPhaseIdx: return "liq";
-            case gasPhaseIdx: return "gas";
+            case liquidPhaseIdx: return IOName::liquid();
+            case gasPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
index 67e5847579..c0e0d9a751 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/liquidphase2c.hh
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/base.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_constant.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
 namespace FluidSystems {
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ public:
      * \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase to consider
     static std::string phaseName(int phaseIdx = 0)
-    { return "liq"; }
+    { return IOName::liquid(); }
      * \brief Returns whether the fluids are miscible
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/spe5.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/spe5.hh
index b7fc35f9c4..eaafbb8769 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/spe5.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/spe5.hh
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include <dumux/common/spline.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/eos/pengrobinsonmixture.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux
@@ -89,9 +90,9 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= phaseIdx && phaseIdx < numPhases);
         switch (phaseIdx)
-            case gPhaseIdx: return "gas";
-            case wPhaseIdx: return "aq";
-            case oPhaseIdx: return "napl";
+            case gPhaseIdx: return IOName::gaseous();
+            case wPhaseIdx: return IOName::aqueous();
+            case oPhaseIdx: return IOName::napl();
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid phase index " << phaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh
index b14f2a7d0a..0b4bf08259 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/1pnc/iofields.hh
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include <string>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -42,18 +44,22 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(0); }, "p");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.density(0); }, "rho");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.viscosity(0); }, "mu");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(0) - 1e5; }, "delp");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(0); },
+                              IOName::pressure());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.density(0); },
+                              IOName::density());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.viscosity(0); },
+                              IOName::viscosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.pressure(0) - 1e5; },
+                              "delp");
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++i)
            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.moleFraction(0, i); },
-                                     "x^" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(i)) + "_" + std::string(FluidSystem::phaseName(0)));
+                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(0, i));
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++i)
            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& volVars){ return volVars.massFraction(0, i); },
-                                     "X^" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(i))+ "_" + std::string(FluidSystem::phaseName(0)));
+                                     IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(0, i));
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -66,12 +72,12 @@ public:
     template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state = 0)
-        const std::string xString = useMoles ? "x" : "X";
         if (pvIdx == 0)
-            return "p";
+            return IOName::pressure();
+        else if (useMoles)
+            return IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(0, pvIdx);
-            return xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(pvIdx)
-                   + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(0);
+            return IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(0, pvIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh
index fe726bd7c2..a12e9f4ba5 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh
@@ -43,20 +43,25 @@ public:
     template <class OutputModule>
     static void initOutputModule(OutputModule& out)
-        using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
+        using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FS = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase0Idx); }, "S_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase1Idx); }, "S_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase0Idx); }, "p_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase1Idx); }, "p_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase0Idx); }, "rho_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase1Idx); }, "rho_"+FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase0Idx); },"mob_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase1Idx); },"mob_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < FS::numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
+        {
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.saturation(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::saturation<FS>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const VolumeVariables& v){ return v.pressure(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::pressure<FS>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.density(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::density<FS>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::mobility<FS>(phaseIdx));
+        }
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); },
+                              IOName::capillaryPressure());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -66,13 +71,15 @@ public:
-    template <class FluidSystem = void, class SolidSystem = void>
+    template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state = 0)
         if (priVarFormulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_w" : "S_n";
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
+                              : IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx);
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_n" : "S_w";
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
+                              : IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
index 42287814fa..311d498643 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/model.hh
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ struct TwoPModelTraits
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state = 0)
         if (priVarFormulation() == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
-                              : "S_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx) ;
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
+                              : IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx) ;
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
-                              : "S_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
+                              : IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh
index 9ca4f77d7d..d2cfe34041 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2p1c/iofields.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -43,7 +44,8 @@ public:
         // output additional to TwoP output:
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); }, "phase presence");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },
+                              IOName::phasePresence());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -53,15 +55,19 @@ public:
-    template <class FluidSystem = void, class SolidSystem = void>
+    template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state)
         if (priVarFormulation == TwoPFormulation::p0s1)
-            return (pvIdx == 0) ? "p_w" :
-                                  (state == Indices::twoPhases) ? "S_n" : "T";
+            return (pvIdx == 0) ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx) :
+                                  (state == Indices::twoPhases)
+                                  ? IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
+                                  : IOName::temperature();
-            return (pvIdx == 0) ? "p_n" :
-                                  (state == Indices::twoPhases) ? "S_w" : "T";
+            return (pvIdx == 0) ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx) :
+                                  (state == Indices::twoPhases)
+                                  ? IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
+                                  : IOName::temperature();
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh
index 1b6ebbd0f2..58ee425377 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/iofields.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/iofields.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux
@@ -46,24 +47,24 @@ public:
         // use default fields from the 2p model
-        //output additional to TwoP output:
-        for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-            for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
-                                    "x^"+ FluidSystem::componentName(j) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-        for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.molarDensity(i); },
-                                    "rhoMolar_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-        if (VolumeVariables::numComponents() < 3){
-            for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-                for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                    out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.massFraction(i,j); },
-                                    "X^"+ FluidSystem::componentName(j) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+        // output additional to TwoP output:
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
+        {
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+            {
+                out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx,compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(phaseIdx,compIdx); },
+                                      IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx, compIdx));
+                if (VolumeVariables::numComponents() < 3)
+                    out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx,compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.massFraction(phaseIdx,compIdx); },
+                                          IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx, compIdx));
+            }
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.molarDensity(phaseIdx); },
+                                    IOName::molarDensity<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); }, "phase presence");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },
+                              IOName::phasePresence());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -76,33 +77,39 @@ public:
     template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state)
-        const std::string xString = useMoles ? "x" : "X";
-        std::string phaseNameSecComps;
+        int idxSecComps;
         if (state == Indices::firstPhaseOnly
             || (state == Indices::bothPhases && setMoleFractionsForFirstPhase))
-            phaseNameSecComps = FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
+            idxSecComps = FluidSystem::phase0Idx;
-            phaseNameSecComps = FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx);
+            idxSecComps = FluidSystem::phase1Idx;
         if (pvIdx > 1)
-            return xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(pvIdx) + "_" + phaseNameSecComps;
+            return useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(idxSecComps, pvIdx)
+                            : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(idxSecComps, pvIdx);
         const std::vector<std::string> p0s1SwitchedPvNames = {
-            xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp1Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx),
-            xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp0Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx),
-            "S_n"};
+            useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx, FluidSystem::comp1Idx)
+                     : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx, FluidSystem::comp1Idx),
+            useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx, FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
+                     : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx, FluidSystem::comp0Idx),
+            IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)};
         const std::vector<std::string> p1s0SwitchedPvNames = {
-            xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp1Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx),
-            xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp0Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx),
-            "S_w"};
+            useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx, FluidSystem::comp1Idx)
+                     : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx, FluidSystem::comp1Idx),
+            useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx, FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
+                     : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx, FluidSystem::comp0Idx),
+            IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)};
         switch (priVarFormulation)
         case TwoPFormulation::p0s1:
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_w" : p0s1SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx)
+                              : p0s1SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
         case TwoPFormulation::p1s0:
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_n" : p1s0SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)
+                              : p1s0SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
         default: DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid formulation ");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
index d8d79889eb..c5cfa177db 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pnc/model.hh
@@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ struct TwoPNCModelTraits
         const std::vector<std::string> p0s1SwitchedPvNames = {
             xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp1Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx),
             xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp0Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx),
-            "S_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)};
+            IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)};
         const std::vector<std::string> p1s0SwitchedPvNames = {
             xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp1Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx),
             xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp0Idx) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx),
-            "S_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)};
+            IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)};
         switch (priVarFormulation())
         case TwoPFormulation::p0s1:
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx)
                               : p0s1SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
         case TwoPFormulation::p1s0:
-            return pvIdx == 0 ? "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
+            return pvIdx == 0 ? IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase1Idx)
                               : p1s0SwitchedPvNames[state-1];
         default: DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Invalid formulation ");
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh
index a9947e1ad9..a33a68111b 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -36,19 +38,24 @@ public:
     template <class OutputModule>
     static void initOutputModule(OutputModule& out)
-        using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
+        using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
         // register standardized output fields
-        for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(i); }, "S_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(i); }, "p_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.density(i); }, "rho_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.density(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::density<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },"porosity");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },"permeability");
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                               IOName::porosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },
+                               IOName::permeability());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -58,14 +65,14 @@ public:
-    template <class FluidSystem = void, class SolidSystem = void>
+    template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state = 0)
         switch (pvIdx)
-            case 0: return "p_g";
-            case 1: return "S_w";
-            default: return "S_n";
+            case 0: return IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx);
+            case 1: return IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+            default: return IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh
index 16c9fe4c70..25d31deb2f 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -40,25 +42,27 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        // register standardized out output fields
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "S_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"S_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"S_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"p_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"p_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"p_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"rho_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"rho_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"rho_g");
+        // register standardized output fields
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
+        {
+            out.addVolumeVariable( [phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(phaseIdx); },
+                                   IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable( [phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(phaseIdx); },
+                                   IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable( [phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.density(phaseIdx); },
+                                   IOName::density<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
-        for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-            for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
-                                      "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(j) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+                out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx, compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx); },
+                                      IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx, compIdx));
+        }
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },"porosity");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },"phase presence");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },"permeability");
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                               IOName::porosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },
+                               IOName::phasePresence());
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },
+                               IOName::permeability());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -75,44 +79,44 @@ public:
             case Indices::threePhases:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s1 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "S_w",
-                                                     "S_n"};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s1 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
                 return s1[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s2 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::gCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s2 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::gCompIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s2[pvIdx];
             case Indices::gnPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s3 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::wCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
-                                                     "S_n"};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s3 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::wCompIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
                 return s3[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wnPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s4 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::gCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
-                                                     "S_n"};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s4 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::gCompIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
                 return s4[pvIdx];
             case Indices::gPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s5 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::wCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s5 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::wCompIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s5[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wgPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s6 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "S_w",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s6 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s6[pvIdx];
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh
index cdb99db5cb..4d33cae0f7 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/3pwateroil/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/3p3c/iofields.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -41,31 +44,31 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FluidSystem = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        // register standardized out output fields
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); }, "S_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"S_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"S_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"p_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"p_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"p_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"rho_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"rho_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"rho_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"mob_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"mob_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"mob_g");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.viscosity(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx); },"viscos_w");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.viscosity(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx); },"viscos_n");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.viscosity(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx); },"viscos_g");
+        // register standardized output fields
+        for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++phaseIdx)
+        {
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.density(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::density<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::mobility<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx](const auto& v){ return v.viscosity(phaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::viscosity<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx));
-        for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-            for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
-                                      "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(j) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+            for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
+                out.addVolumeVariable([phaseIdx, compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(phaseIdx, compIdx); },
+                                      IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(phaseIdx, compIdx));
+        }
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },"porosity");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },"phase presence");
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },"permeability");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },
+                              IOName::phasePresence());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.permeability(); },
+                              IOName::permeability());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -82,44 +85,44 @@ public:
             case Indices::threePhases:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s1 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "S_w",
-                                                     "S_n"};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s1 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
                 return s1[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s2 = {"p_w",
-                                                     "T",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s2 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::temperature(),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s2[pvIdx];
             case Indices::gnPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s3 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "S_n",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::wCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s3 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::wCompIdx)};
                 return s3[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wnPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s4 = {"p_w",
-                                                     "T",
-                                                     "S_n"};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s4 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::temperature(),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx)};
                 return s4[pvIdx];
             case Indices::gPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s5 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "T",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s5 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::temperature(),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s5[pvIdx];
             case Indices::wgPhaseOnly:
-                const std::vector<std::string> s6 = {"p_g",
-                                                     "S_w",
-                                                     "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::nCompIdx) + "_" +  FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx)};
+                const std::vector<std::string> s6 = {IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx),
+                                                     IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gPhaseIdx, FluidSystem::nCompIdx)};
                 return s6[pvIdx];
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/iofields.hh
index e6e750f331..529e64c8c5 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mineralization/iofields.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -46,7 +48,8 @@ public:
         // additional output
         for (int i = 0; i < SolidSystem::numComponents - SolidSystem::numInertComponents; ++i)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.solidVolumeFraction(i); },"precipitateVolumeFraction^"+ SolidSystem::componentName(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.solidVolumeFraction(i); },
+                                  IOName::solidVolumeFraction<SolidSystem>(i));
@@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ public:
         if (pvIdx < nonMineralizationNumEq)
             return NonMineralizationIOFields::template primaryVariableName<FluidSystem, SolidSystem>(pvIdx, state);
-            return "precipitateVolumeFraction^" + SolidSystem::componentName(pvIdx - nonMineralizationNumEq);
+            return IOName::solidVolumeFraction<SolidSystem>(pvIdx - nonMineralizationNumEq);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh
index 849c7193b9..7a51660f40 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -41,18 +43,29 @@ public:
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(i); }, "S_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(i); }, "p_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.density(i); }, "rho_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
-            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(i); },"mob_"+ FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(i); },
+                                  IOName::saturation<FluidSystem>(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(i); },
+                                  IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.density(i); },
+                                  IOName::density<FluidSystem>(i));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(i); },
+                                  IOName::mobility<FluidSystem>(i));
             for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                vtk.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
-                                      "x^"+ FluidSystem::componentName(j) + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i));
+                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
+                                      IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(i, j));
-        for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-            vtk.addVolumeVariable([j](const auto& v){ return v.fugacity(j); },
-                                  "fugacity^"+ FluidSystem::componentName(j));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
+    }
+    template <class OutputModule>
+    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("use initOutputModule instead")
+    static void init(OutputModule& out)
+    {
+        initOutputModule(out);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh
index 04254269e4..bece5487af 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonequilibrium/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -41,9 +43,10 @@ public:
         for (int i = 0; i < ModelTraits::numEnergyEqFluid(); ++i)
-            out.addVolumeVariable( [i](const auto& v){ return v.temperatureFluid(i); }, "T_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i) );
-        for (int i = 0; i < ModelTraits::numEnergyEqSolid(); ++i)
-            out.addVolumeVariable( [i](const auto& v){ return v.temperatureSolid(); }, "T_s" );
+            out.addVolumeVariable([i](const auto& v){ return v.temperatureFluid(i); },
+                                  IOName::fluidTemperature<FluidSystem>(i));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.temperatureSolid(); },
+                              IOName::solidTemperature());
         for (int i = 0; i < ModelTraits::numPhases(); ++i){
             out.addVolumeVariable( [i](const auto& v){ return v.reynoldsNumber(i); }, "reynoldsNumber_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i) );
             out.addVolumeVariable( [i](const auto& v){ return v.nusseltNumber(i); }, "nusseltNumber_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(i) );
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh
index 21964ab359..3ef98a1259 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/nonisothermal/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -39,7 +41,8 @@ public:
     static void initOutputModule(OutputModule& out)
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.temperature(); }, "T");
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.temperature(); },
+                               IOName::temperature());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@ public:
         if (pvIdx < ModelTraits::numEq() - 1)
             return IsothermalIOFields::template primaryVariableName<FluidSystem, SolidSystem>(pvIdx, state);
-            return "T";
+            return IOName::temperature();
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh
index 071384df5e..cd2b4a05b2 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/iofields.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -39,28 +40,41 @@ public:
     template <class OutputModule>
     static void initOutputModule(OutputModule& out)
-        using VolumeVariables = typename VtkOutputModule::VolumeVariables;
+        using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FS = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "S_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::gasPhaseIdx); }, "S_"+FS::phaseName(FS::gasPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "p_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::gasPhaseIdx); }, "p_"+FS::phaseName(FS::gasPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "rho_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "mob_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::saturation<FS>(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::gasPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::saturation<FS>(FS::gasPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::pressure<FS>(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::gasPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::pressure<FS>(FS::gasPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); },
+                              IOName::capillaryPressure());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::density<FS>(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::mobility<FS>(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::relativePermeability<FS>(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
         static const bool gravity = getParamFromGroup<bool>(out.paramGroup(), "Problem.EnableGravity");
-            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
+            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::pressureHead());
         if (enableWaterDiffusionInAir)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(1, 0); }, "x^"+FS::componentName(FS::gasCompIdx)+"_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },"water content");
+            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(FS::gasPhaseIdx, FS::liquidCompIdx); },
+                                  IOName::moleFraction<FS>(FS::gasPhaseIdx, FS::liquidCompIdx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::waterContent());
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); }, "phase presence");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.priVars().state(); },
+                              IOName::phasePresence());
     template <class OutputModule>
@@ -70,13 +84,14 @@ public:
-    template<class FluidSystem = void, class SolidSystem = void>
+    template<class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state)
         if (state == Indices::gasPhaseOnly)
-            return "x^w_n";
+            return IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,
+                                                     FluidSystem::liquidCompIdx);
-            return "p_w";
+            return IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::liquidPhaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
index 642e032535..f1958f5691 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richards/model.hh
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ struct RichardsModelTraits
             return "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(FluidSystem::comp0Idx)
                    + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase1Idx);
-            return "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
+            return IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(FluidSystem::phase0Idx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh
index 89209368e0..1dd65fbe04 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/iofields.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -42,25 +43,37 @@ public:
         using VolumeVariables = typename OutputModule::VolumeVariables;
         using FS = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "S_"+FS::phaseName(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); }, "S_gas");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "p_"+FS::phaseName(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); }, "p_gas");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); }, "pc");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "rho_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "mob_"+FS::phaseName(FS::liquidPhaseIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "kr");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.temperature(); }, "T");
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::saturation() + "_" + IOName::liquid());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::saturation() + "_" + IOName::gaseous());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::pressure() + "_" + IOName::liquid());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(VolumeVariables::gasPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::pressure() + "_" + IOName::gaseous());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.capillaryPressure(); },
+                              IOName::capillaryPressure());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::density() + "_" + IOName::liquid());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::mobility() + "_" + IOName::liquid());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.relativePermeability(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::relativePermeability() + "_" + IOName::liquid());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.temperature(); },
+                              IOName::temperature());
         static const bool gravity = getParamFromGroup<bool>(out.paramGroup(), "Problem.EnableGravity");
-        if(gravity)
-            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); }, "pressure head");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },"water content");
+        if (gravity)
+            out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressureHead(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                                  IOName::pressureHead());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.waterContent(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx); },
+                              IOName::waterContent());
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
             out.addVolumeVariable([compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx, compIdx); },
-                                  "x^" + FS::componentName(compIdx) + "_" + FS::phaseName(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx));
+                                  IOName::moleFraction<FS>(VolumeVariables::liquidPhaseIdx, compIdx));
@@ -74,12 +87,11 @@ public:
     template <class FluidSystem, class SolidSystem = void>
     static std::string primaryVariableName(int pvIdx, int state = 0)
-        const std::string xString = useMoles ? "x" : "X";
         if (pvIdx == 0)
-            return "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(0);
+            return IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(0);
-            return xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(pvIdx)
-                   + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(0);
+            return useMoles ? IOName::moleFraction<FluidSystem>(0, pvIdx)
+                            : IOName::massFraction<FluidSystem>(0, pvIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
index 6499f65f7e..3e2a11e980 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/richardsnc/model.hh
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct RichardsNCModelTraits
         const std::string xString = useMoles() ? "x" : "X";
         if (pvIdx == 0)
-            return "p_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(0);
+            return IOName::pressure<FluidSystem>(0);
             return xString + "^" + FluidSystem::componentName(pvIdx)
                    + "_" + FluidSystem::phaseName(0);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh
index e89cca86c3..bebeae2307 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/tracer/iofields.hh
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include <string>
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -45,12 +47,12 @@ public:
         // register standardized out output fields
         for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++compIdx)
-            out.addVolumeVariable( [compIdx](const auto& v){  return v.moleFraction(0, compIdx); },
-                                   "x^" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx)));
-            out.addVolumeVariable( [compIdx](const auto& v){  return v.massFraction(0, compIdx); },
-                                   "X^" + std::string(FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx)));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(0, compIdx); },
+                                  "x^" + FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx));
+            out.addVolumeVariable([compIdx](const auto& v){ return v.massFraction(0, compIdx); },
+                                  "X^" + FluidSystem::componentName(compIdx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(); }, "rho");
+        out.addVolumeVariable( [](const auto& v){ return v.density(); }, IOName::density());
     template <class OutputModule>
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/iofields.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/iofields.hh
index 5db6b4d1d1..8f42a26678 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/iofields.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/mpnccomparison/iofields.hh
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+#include <dumux/io/name.hh>
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -40,24 +42,38 @@ public:
         using FS = typename VolumeVariables::FluidSystem;
         // register standardized output fields
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); }, "porosity");
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase0Idx); }, "S_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase1Idx); }, "S_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase0Idx); }, "p_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase1Idx); }, "p_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.porosity(); },
+                              IOName::porosity());
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase0Idx); },
+                              IOName::saturation<FS>(FS::phase0Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.saturation(FS::phase1Idx); },
+                              IOName::saturation<FS>(FS::phase1Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase0Idx); },
+                              IOName::pressure<FS>(FS::phase0Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.pressure(FS::phase1Idx); },
+                              IOName::pressure<FS>(FS::phase1Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase0Idx); },
+                              IOName::density<FS>(FS::phase0Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase1Idx); },
+                              IOName::density<FS>(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase0Idx); }, "rho_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.density(FS::phase1Idx); }, "rho_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase0Idx); }, "mob_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase0Idx));
-        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase1Idx); }, "mob_"+ FS::phaseName(FS::phase1Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase0Idx); },
+                              IOName::mobility<FS>(FS::phase0Idx));
+        out.addVolumeVariable([](const auto& v){ return v.mobility(FS::phase1Idx); },
+                              IOName::mobility<FS>(FS::phase1Idx));
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
             for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.massFraction(i,j); },"X^"+ FS::componentName(j) + "_" + FS::phaseName(i));
+                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.massFraction(i,j); },
+                                      IOName::massFraction<FS>(i, j));
         for (int i = 0; i < VolumeVariables::numPhases(); ++i)
             for (int j = 0; j < VolumeVariables::numComponents(); ++j)
-                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },"x^"+ FS::componentName(j) + "_" + FS::phaseName(i));
+                out.addVolumeVariable([i,j](const auto& v){ return v.moleFraction(i,j); },
+                                      IOName::moleFraction<FS>(i, j));
     template <class OutputModule>
diff --git a/test/references/3pwateroilbox-reference.vtu b/test/references/3pwateroilbox-reference.vtu
index 8bb9a595ab..2416e05561 100644
--- a/test/references/3pwateroilbox-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/3pwateroilbox-reference.vtu
@@ -2535,7 +2535,7 @@
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="viscos_aq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="mu_aq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           0.000954057 0.000954014 0.000954032 0.000953987 0.000953936 0.000953917 0.000953862 0.000953846 0.000953803 0.000953789 0.00095376 0.000953749
           0.000953733 0.000953725 0.00095372 0.000953715 0.000953718 0.000953715 0.000953725 0.000953724 0.000953739 0.000953738 0.000953757 0.000953757
           0.000953778 0.000953779 0.000953802 0.000953803 0.000953827 0.000953829 0.000953854 0.000953856 0.000953881 0.000953883 0.000953909 0.00095391
@@ -2746,7 +2746,7 @@
           0.000954929 0.000954929 0.00095493 0.00095493 0.000954931 0.000954932 0.000954932 0.000954933 0.000954933 0.000954934 0.000954934 0.000954935
           0.000954935 0.000954936 0.000954936 0.000954936 0.000954937
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="viscos_napl" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="mu_napl" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1739.16 1738.7 1738.82 1738.36 1737.91 1737.68 1737.17 1736.98 1736.57 1736.4 1736.14 1736
           1735.87 1735.77 1735.74 1735.66 1735.72 1735.66 1735.79 1735.75 1735.92 1735.89 1736.11 1736.09
           1736.33 1736.31 1736.57 1736.56 1736.83 1736.82 1737.1 1737.09 1737.38 1737.37 1737.66 1737.65
@@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@
           1747.21 1747.22 1747.22 1747.23 1747.24 1747.24 1747.25 1747.25 1747.26 1747.26 1747.27 1747.27
           1747.28 1747.28 1747.29 1747.29 1747.29
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="viscos_gas" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="mu_gas" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           5.91112e-09 5.89577e-09 5.94453e-09 5.92224e-09 5.85837e-09 5.87276e-09 5.81658e-09 5.82477e-09 5.78228e-09 5.78942e-09 5.75858e-09 5.7663e-09
           5.74447e-09 5.75313e-09 5.73802e-09 5.74757e-09 5.73737e-09 5.74768e-09 5.74101e-09 5.75193e-09 5.74777e-09 5.75918e-09 5.75676e-09 5.76855e-09
           5.76732e-09 5.77942e-09 5.77898e-09 5.79133e-09 5.79138e-09 5.80392e-09 5.80426e-09 5.81697e-09 5.81743e-09 5.83028e-09 5.83077e-09 5.84373e-09
diff --git a/test/references/richardsanalyticalcc-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardsanalyticalcc-reference.vtu
index ed9cce9d69..9bcbeef80d 100644
--- a/test/references/richardsanalyticalcc-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardsanalyticalcc-reference.vtu
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
           1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
           1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardslensbox-reference-parallel.vtu b/test/references/richardslensbox-reference-parallel.vtu
index 3c824a4e3a..901ca580ca 100644
--- a/test/references/richardslensbox-reference-parallel.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardslensbox-reference-parallel.vtu
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
           146.749 164.984 146.749 3.92159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0196823
           249.082 733.751 753.199 733.751 249.082
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/test/references/richardslensbox-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardslensbox-reference.vtu
index 076c15811e..32ce87a8dc 100644
--- a/test/references/richardslensbox-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardslensbox-reference.vtu
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
           249.082 733.751 753.199 733.751 249.082 0.0196823 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/test/references/richardslenscc-reference-parallel.vtu b/test/references/richardslenscc-reference-parallel.vtu
index 64b199f8c9..7a8a5e3c2a 100644
--- a/test/references/richardslenscc-reference-parallel.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardslenscc-reference-parallel.vtu
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.7357 17.6661 17.6661 10.7357
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0154609 407.511 473.279 473.279 407.511
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/test/references/richardslenscc-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardslenscc-reference.vtu
index 6a54878150..fa6c1e1b7f 100644
--- a/test/references/richardslenscc-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardslenscc-reference.vtu
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0154609 407.511 473.279 473.279 407.511
           0.0154609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
           0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
diff --git a/test/references/richardsniconductionbox-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardsniconductionbox-reference.vtu
index 1986fbf328..8ee8e4fcd8 100644
--- a/test/references/richardsniconductionbox-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardsniconductionbox-reference.vtu
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
           921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392
           921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardsniconductioncc-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardsniconductioncc-reference.vtu
index 36a22a712d..5187408907 100644
--- a/test/references/richardsniconductioncc-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardsniconductioncc-reference.vtu
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
           921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392
           921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392 921.392
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardsniconvectionbox-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardsniconvectionbox-reference.vtu
index 72cfb75c55..b751ca7007 100644
--- a/test/references/richardsniconvectionbox-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardsniconvectionbox-reference.vtu
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
           921.42 921.42 921.42 921.42 921.42 921.42 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.419
           921.419 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.392 921.392
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardsniconvectioncc-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardsniconvectioncc-reference.vtu
index e644b0e21a..fdf46b11a0 100644
--- a/test/references/richardsniconvectioncc-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardsniconvectioncc-reference.vtu
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
           921.422 921.422 921.421 921.421 921.421 921.421 921.421 921.421 921.42 921.42 921.42 921.42
           921.42 921.42 921.42 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.419 921.418
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardswelltracerbox-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardswelltracerbox-reference.vtu
index 5a0d6b2161..2f22e0c796 100644
--- a/test/references/richardswelltracerbox-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardswelltracerbox-reference.vtu
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
           0.00249281 0.0025516 0.00264837 0.00282718 0.00320399 0.00394512 0.00523999 0.0074141 0.0116811 0.0259377 0.0944501 0.432193
           2.08172 9.29282 31.8186
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/richardswelltracercc-reference.vtu b/test/references/richardswelltracercc-reference.vtu
index df51063e77..9537ef0e72 100644
--- a/test/references/richardswelltracercc-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/richardswelltracercc-reference.vtu
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@
           0.00614061 0.0062582 0.00646096 0.00684863 0.00773605 0.00951366 0.0130612 0.0244501 0.0786285 0.344282 1.70825 8.96678
           45.2552 188.888 535.009 890.348
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
           1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
diff --git a/test/references/rosi2c-soil-reference.vtu b/test/references/rosi2c-soil-reference.vtu
index 99012737ac..176d3bdb6a 100644
--- a/test/references/rosi2c-soil-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/rosi2c-soil-reference.vtu
@@ -4686,7 +4686,7 @@
           0.000634247 0.000632533 0.000629226 0.000624564 0.0006189 0.000612694 0.000606494 0.000600903 0.000596525 0.000593887 0.00059335 0.000595015
           0.000598672 0.000603847 0.000609902 0.000616155 0.00062197 0.000626811 0.000630269 0.000632067
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           6.59414e-07 6.5816e-07 6.55784e-07 6.52554e-07 6.4887e-07 6.45244e-07 6.42229e-07 6.40294e-07 6.3969e-07 6.4044e-07 6.42415e-07 6.45407e-07
           6.49154e-07 6.53349e-07 6.57664e-07 6.6178e-07 6.65414e-07 6.68339e-07 6.70382e-07 6.71431e-07 6.58388e-07 6.57017e-07 6.54406e-07 6.5083e-07
           6.46713e-07 6.42635e-07 6.39255e-07 6.37145e-07 6.3656e-07 6.37457e-07 6.39653e-07 6.42918e-07 6.4698e-07 6.51511e-07 6.56152e-07 6.60561e-07
diff --git a/test/references/test_boxrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu b/test/references/test_boxrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
index 45135a7768..ad98f26f49 100644
--- a/test/references/test_boxrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/test_boxrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
           0.000207045 0.000207045 0.000207045 0.000207045 0.000207045 0.000207045 0.000206541 0.000206541 0.000206541 0.000206541 0.000206541 0.000206541
           0 0 0 0 0 0
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
diff --git a/test/references/test_ccrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu b/test/references/test_ccrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
index 14e279ed93..85fe61c8e8 100644
--- a/test/references/test_ccrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/test_ccrichardsevaporation-reference.vtu
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
           0.000207047 0.000207046 0.000207046 0.000207046 0.000207046 0.000207046 0.000206733 0.000206733 0.000206733 0.000206733 0.000206733 0
           0 0 0 0
-        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
+        <DataArray type="Float32" Name="kr_liq" NumberOfComponents="1" format="ascii">
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
           2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07 2.18844e-07
diff --git a/test/references/test_embedded_1d3d_1p2c_richards2c_3d-reference.vtu b/test/references/test_embedded_1d3d_1p2c_richards2c_3d-reference.vtu
index 606678d167..ac4cc1591f 100644
--- a/test/references/test_embedded_1d3d_1p2c_richards2c_3d-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/test_embedded_1d3d_1p2c_richards2c_3d-reference.vtu
@@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@
           0.0127774 0.0126583 0.0122684 0.0123525 0.0125632 0.0125142 0.0122497 0.0123338 0.0125387 0.0124892 0.0124988 0.0126437
           0.0127594 0.0126619 0.0124716 0.0126137 0.0127273 0.0126335
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@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@
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index 35ff8633f6..7e0602b4c9 100644
--- a/test/references/test_embedded_1p_richards_tpfa_3d.vtu
+++ b/test/references/test_embedded_1p_richards_tpfa_3d.vtu
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
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