From 43c45b3bdda7f5b41693e444a6fa8a582c7d3b30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Dennis=20Gl=C3=A4ser?= <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 18:54:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [ci] make test selection part of test pipeline

 .gitlab-ci.yml                   |   4 +-
 .gitlab-ci/default.yml.template  |   6 +-
 .gitlab-ci/ | 137 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 bin/testing/  |   0
 4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 bin/testing/

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 008eea11a8..a6587d0097 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -27,9 +27,7 @@ generate-config:
     - |
       if [ $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" ]; then
-          dunecontrol --opts=$DUNE_OPTS_FILE --current all
-          pushd build-cmake && python3 ../bin/testing/ -f affectedtests.json -t origin/master && popd
-          python3 .gitlab-ci/ -c build-cmake/affectedtests.json -o generated-config.yml
+          python3 .gitlab-ci/ -o generated-config.yml --affectedtestsonly
           python3 .gitlab-ci/ -o generated-config.yml
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/default.yml.template b/.gitlab-ci/default.yml.template
index 29095ff05d..90135ea3f4 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci/default.yml.template
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/default.yml.template
@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ default:
   image: $$IMAGE
-  - build
-  - test
     - if: $$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE=="parent_pipeline"
 build dumux:
   stage: build
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ ${build_script}
       - build-cmake
     expire_in: 3 hours
 test dumux:
   stage: test
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/ b/.gitlab-ci/
index 14e7221a6e..d5ea63bb13 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci/
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 import os
 import sys
-import json
 import string
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
@@ -11,15 +10,22 @@ if sys.version_info.major < 3:
     sys.exit('Python 3 required')
 parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate dumux test pipeline .yml file')
-parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', required=True,
+parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile',
+                    required=True,
                     help='Specify the file to write the pipeline definition')
-parser.add_argument('-c', '--testconfig', required=False,
-                    help='Specify a test configuration file containing the '
-                         'tests that should be run within the test pipeline')
-parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', required=False,
+parser.add_argument('-a', '--affectedtestsonly',
+                    required=False,
+                    action='store_true',
+                    help='Use this flag to create a pipeline that runs only '
+                         'those tests that are affected by changes w.r.t to '
+                         'the origin/master branch')
+parser.add_argument('-t', '--template',
+                    required=False,
                     help='Specify the template .yml file to be used')
-parser.add_argument('-i', '--indentation', required=False, default=4,
+parser.add_argument('-i', '--indentation',
+                    required=False,
+                    default=4,
                     help='Specify the indentation for the script commands')
 args = vars(parser.parse_args())
@@ -37,69 +43,68 @@ def substituteAndWrite(mapping):
 commandIndentation = ' '*args['indentation']
-duneConfigCommand = 'dunecontrol --opts=$DUNE_OPTS_FILE --current all'
 with open(args['outfile'], 'w') as ymlFile:
-    def makeScriptString(commands):
-        commands = [commandIndentation + '- ' + comm for comm in commands]
-        return '\n'.join(commands)
-    def makeMultiLineCommand(commandParts):
+    def wrapDuneControl(command):
+        return 'dunecontrol --opts=$DUNE_OPTS_FILE --current ' + command
-        # add indentation to each part
-        result = [commandIndentation + '  ' + cp for cp in commandParts]
-        # add line break token at the end of each part
-        result = ' \\\n'.join(result)
+    def makeYamlList(commands, indent=commandIndentation):
+        commands = [indent + '- ' + comm for comm in commands]
+        return '\n'.join(commands)
-        # add multiline trigger token at the beginning
-        return '|\n' + result
+    # if no configuration is given, build and run all tests (skip select stage)
+    if not args['affectedtestsonly']:
+        buildCommand = [wrapDuneControl('all'),
+                        wrapDuneControl('bexec make -k -j4 build_tests')]
+        testCommand = [wrapDuneControl('bexec dune-ctest'
+                                       ' -j4 --output-on-failure')]
-    # if no configuration is given, build and run all tests
-    if not args['testconfig']:
-        buildCommand = [duneConfigCommand,
-                        'dunecontrol --opts=$DUNE_OPTS_FILE --current '
-                        'make -k -j4 build_tests']
-        testCommand = ['cd build-cmake', 'dune-ctest -j4 --output-on-failure']
+        substituteAndWrite({'build_script': makeYamlList(buildCommand),
+                            'test_script': makeYamlList(testCommand),
+                            'stages': makeYamlList(['build', 'test'], '  '),
+                            'test_select_job': '',
+                            'build_needs': ''})
-    # otherwise, parse data from the given configuration file
+    # otherwise, add a stage that detects the tests to be run first
-        with open(args['testconfig']) as configFile:
-            config = json.load(configFile)
-            testNames = list(config.keys())
-            targetNames = [tc['target'] for tc in config.values()]
-            if not targetNames:
-                buildCommand = [duneConfigCommand,
-                                'echo "No tests to be built."']
-            else:
-                # The MakeFile generated by cmake contains .NOTPARALLEL,
-                # as it only allows a single call to `CMakeFiles/Makefile2`.
-                # Parallelism is taken care of within that latter Makefile.
-                # We let the script create a small custom makeFile here on top
-                # of `Makefile2`, defining a new target to be built in parallel
-                buildCommand = [
-                    duneConfigCommand,
-                    'cd build-cmake',
-                    'rm -f TestMakefile && touch TestMakefile',
-                    'echo "include CMakeFiles/Makefile2" >> TestMakefile',
-                    'echo "" >> TestMakefile',
-                    makeMultiLineCommand(['echo "build_selected_tests:"']
-                                         + targetNames
-                                         + ['>> TestMakefile']),
-                    'make -f TestMakefile -j4 build_selected_tests']
-            if not testNames:
-                testCommand = ['echo "No tests to be run, make empty report."',
-                               'cd build-cmake',
-                               'dune-ctest -R NOOP']
-            else:
-                testCommand = ['cd build-cmake',
-                               makeMultiLineCommand(['dune-ctest -j4 '
-                                                     '--output-on-failure '
-                                                     '-R']
-                                                    + testNames)]
-    substituteAndWrite({'build_script': makeScriptString(buildCommand),
-                        'test_script': makeScriptString(testCommand)})
+        selectStageName = 'configure'
+        selectJobName = 'select tests'
+        stages = makeYamlList([selectStageName, 'build', 'test'], '  ')
+        buildNeeds = '\n'.join(['  needs:',
+                                '    - job: {}'.format(selectJobName),
+                                '      artifacts: true'])
+        selectJob = '\n'.join([selectJobName + ':',
+                               '  stage: {}'.format(selectStageName),
+                               '  script:'])
+        selectJob += '\n'
+        selectJob += makeYamlList([wrapDuneControl('all'),
+                                   'pushd build-cmake',
+                                   'python3 ../bin/testing/'
+                                   ' -f ../affectedtests.json'
+                                   ' -t origin/master',
+                                   'popd'])
+        selectJob += '\n'
+        selectJob += '\n'.join(['  artifacts:',
+                                '    paths:',
+                                '      - affectedtests.json',
+                                '    expire_in: 3 hours'])
+        buildCommand = [wrapDuneControl('all'),
+                        'cp affectedtests.json build-cmake',
+                        'pushd build-cmake',
+                        'python3 ../bin/testing/ '
+                        ' -c affectedtests.json -b',
+                        'popd']
+        testCommand = [wrapDuneControl('all'),
+                       'pushd build-cmake',
+                       'python3 ../bin/testing/ '
+                       ' -c affectedtests.json -t',
+                       'popd']
+        substituteAndWrite({'build_script': makeYamlList(buildCommand),
+                            'test_script': makeYamlList(testCommand),
+                            'stages': stages,
+                            'test_select_job': selectJob,
+                            'build_needs': buildNeeds})
diff --git a/bin/testing/ b/bin/testing/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755