From 45873409d594b1d259b7eff2c2259f605334587c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kilian Weishaupt <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:15:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [stokes][test] Make test_donea stationary

 test/freeflow/staggered/CMakeLists.txt        |  2 +-
 test/freeflow/staggered/doneatestproblem.hh   |  2 -
 test/freeflow/staggered/         | 79 ++++---------------
 .../staggered/test_stokes_donea.input         |  4 -
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/freeflow/staggered/CMakeLists.txt b/test/freeflow/staggered/CMakeLists.txt
index e59bd2a8c4..2ebe3a3c9f 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/staggered/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/freeflow/staggered/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ dune_add_test(NAME test_stokes_donea
               COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/testing/
               CMD_ARGS       --script fuzzy
                              --files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/references/stokes-donea-reference.vtu
-                                     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_donea-00002.vtu
+                                     ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_donea-00001.vtu
                              --command "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test_stokes_donea")
 dune_add_test(NAME test_navierstokes_kovasznay
diff --git a/test/freeflow/staggered/doneatestproblem.hh b/test/freeflow/staggered/doneatestproblem.hh
index 55b62eefea..27a9db66ee 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/staggered/doneatestproblem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/staggered/doneatestproblem.hh
@@ -400,9 +400,7 @@ private:
                 analyticalPressure_[ccDofIdx] = analyticalSolutionAtCc[pressureIdx];
                 for(int dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < dim; ++dirIdx)
-                {
                     analyticalVelocity_[ccDofIdx][dirIdx] = analyticalSolutionAtCc[Indices::velocity(dirIdx)];
-                }
diff --git a/test/freeflow/staggered/ b/test/freeflow/staggered/
index 173b09a2c3..4ef7f924d9 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/staggered/
+++ b/test/freeflow/staggered/
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     auto fvGridGeometry = std::make_shared<FVGridGeometry>(leafGridView);
-    // the problem (initial and boundary conditions)
+    // the problem (boundary conditions)
     using Problem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem);
     auto problem = std::make_shared<Problem>(fvGridGeometry);
@@ -134,25 +134,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     SolutionVector x;
-    problem->applyInitialSolution(x);
-    auto xOld = x;
     // the grid variables
     using GridVariables = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridVariables);
     auto gridVariables = std::make_shared<GridVariables>(problem, fvGridGeometry);
-    gridVariables->init(x, xOld);
-    // get some time loop parameters
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    const auto tEnd = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.TEnd");
-    const auto maxDivisions = getParam<int>("TimeLoop.MaxTimeStepDivisions");
-    const auto maxDt = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.MaxTimeStepSize");
-    auto dt = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.DtInitial");
-    // check if we are about to restart a previously interrupted simulation
-    Scalar restartTime = 0;
-    if (Parameters::getTree().hasKey("Restart") || Parameters::getTree().hasKey("TimeLoop.Restart"))
-        restartTime = getParam<Scalar>("TimeLoop.Restart");
+    gridVariables->init(x);
     // intialize the vtk output module
     using VtkOutputFields = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, VtkOutputFields);
@@ -163,13 +149,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     vtkWriter.addFaceField(problem->getAnalyticalVelocitySolutionOnFace(), "faceVelocityExact");
-    // instantiate time loop
-    auto timeLoop = std::make_shared<TimeLoop<Scalar>>(restartTime, dt, tEnd);
-    timeLoop->setMaxTimeStepSize(maxDt);
     // the assembler with time loop for instationary problem
     using Assembler = StaggeredFVAssembler<TypeTag, DiffMethod::numeric>;
-    auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, fvGridGeometry, gridVariables, timeLoop);
+    auto assembler = std::make_shared<Assembler>(problem, fvGridGeometry, gridVariables);
     // the linear solver
     using LinearSolver = Dumux::UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>;
@@ -178,55 +160,22 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     // the non-linear solver
     using NewtonController = StaggeredNewtonController<TypeTag>;
     using NewtonMethod = Dumux::NewtonMethod<NewtonController, Assembler, LinearSolver>;
-    auto newtonController = std::make_shared<NewtonController>(leafGridView.comm(), timeLoop);
+    auto newtonController = std::make_shared<NewtonController>(leafGridView.comm());
     NewtonMethod nonLinearSolver(newtonController, assembler, linearSolver);
-    // time loop
-    timeLoop->start(); do
-    {
-        // set previous solution for storage evaluations
-        assembler->setPreviousSolution(xOld);
-        // try solving the non-linear system
-        for (int i = 0; i < maxDivisions; ++i)
-        {
-            // linearize & solve
-            auto converged = nonLinearSolver.solve(x);
-            if (converged)
-                break;
-            if (!converged && i == maxDivisions-1)
-                DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError,
-                           "Newton solver didn't converge after "
-                           << maxDivisions
-                           << " time-step divisions. dt="
-                           << timeLoop->timeStepSize()
-                           << ".\nThe solutions of the current and the previous time steps "
-                           << "have been saved to restart files.");
-        }
-        // make the new solution the old solution
-        xOld = x;
-        gridVariables->advanceTimeStep();
-        // advance to the time loop to the next step
-        timeLoop->advanceTimeStep();
-        problem->postTimeStep(x);
-        // write vtk output
-        vtkWriter.write(timeLoop->time());
-        // report statistics of this time step
-        timeLoop->reportTimeStep();
+    // linearize & solve
+    Dune::Timer timer;
+    nonLinearSolver.solve(x);
-        // set new dt as suggested by newton controller
-        timeLoop->setTimeStepSize(newtonController->suggestTimeStepSize(timeLoop->timeStepSize()));
+    // write vtk output
+    vtkWriter.write(1.0);
-    } while (!timeLoop->finished());
+    timer.stop();
-    timeLoop->finalize(leafGridView.comm());
+    const auto& comm = Dune::MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication();
+    std::cout << "Simulation took " << timer.elapsed() << " seconds on "
+              << comm.size() << " processes.\n"
+              << "The cumulative CPU time was " << timer.elapsed()*comm.size() << " seconds.\n";
     // finalize, print dumux message to say goodbye
diff --git a/test/freeflow/staggered/test_stokes_donea.input b/test/freeflow/staggered/test_stokes_donea.input
index d58cec3d52..b394c975db 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/staggered/test_stokes_donea.input
+++ b/test/freeflow/staggered/test_stokes_donea.input
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-DtInitial = 1 # [s]
-TEnd = 2 # [s]
 UpperRight = 1 1
 Cells = 40 40