diff --git a/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_problem.hh b/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_problem.hh
index 9b4af5f783c79f404116c64fe2db1e8912251cf2..eb8f756b8863fbd4885976126253498ff63df225 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_problem.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_problem.hh
@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@ namespace Dumux
 struct Source
-	Dune::FieldVector<double,2> globalPos;
-	double q;
-	int index;
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,2> globalPos;
+    double q;
+    int index;
 struct BoundarySegment
-	double from, to;
-	bool neumann;
-	double value;
+    double from, to;
+    bool neumann;
+    double value;
 template<class TypeTag>
@@ -140,74 +140,74 @@ public:
 //        this->spatialParameters().setDelta(delta_);
-    	// Write input parameters into private variables
+        // Write input parameters into private variables
         //Dune::FieldVector<int,2> resolution = Params::tree().template get<Dune::FieldVector<int,2> >("Geometry.numberOfCells");
         domainSize_ = Params::tree().template get<GlobalPosition>("Geometry.domainSize");
         geometryDepth_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("Geometry.depth");
         resolution_ = Params::tree().template get<Dune::FieldVector<int,2>>("Geometry.numberOfCells");
         // Read sources
-    	std::vector<double> sources = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("Source.sources");
-		int NumberOfSources = std::trunc(sources.size()/3);
-		for (int sourceCount=0; sourceCount<NumberOfSources ; sourceCount++)
-		{
-			Source tempSource;
-			tempSource.globalPos[0]=sources[sourceCount*3];
-			tempSource.globalPos[1]=sources[sourceCount*3+1];
-			tempSource.q=sources[sourceCount*3+2];
-			tempSource.index = std::floor(tempSource.globalPos[0]
-			   * resolution_[0]/domainSize_[0])
-			   + std::floor(tempSource.globalPos[1]*resolution_[1]/domainSize_[1])
-			   * resolution_[0];
-			sources_.push_back(tempSource);
-		}
-		// Read Boundary Conditions
-    	std::vector<double> BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.left");
-		int NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
-		for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
-		{
-			BoundarySegment tempSegment;
-			tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
-			tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
-			tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
-			tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
-			boundaryConditions_[2].push_back(tempSegment);
-		}
-    	BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.right");
-		NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
-		for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
-		{
-			BoundarySegment tempSegment;
-			tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
-			tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
-			tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
-			tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
-			boundaryConditions_[3].push_back(tempSegment);
-		}
-    	BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.bottom");
-		NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
-		for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
-		{
-			BoundarySegment tempSegment;
-			tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
-			tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
-			tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
-			tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
-			boundaryConditions_[1].push_back(tempSegment);
-		}
-    	BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.top");
-		NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
-		for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
-		{
-			BoundarySegment tempSegment;
-			tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
-			tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
-			tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
-			tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
-			boundaryConditions_[0].push_back(tempSegment);
-		}
+        std::vector<double> sources = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("Source.sources");
+        int NumberOfSources = std::trunc(sources.size()/3);
+        for (int sourceCount=0; sourceCount<NumberOfSources ; sourceCount++)
+        {
+            Source tempSource;
+            tempSource.globalPos[0]=sources[sourceCount*3];
+            tempSource.globalPos[1]=sources[sourceCount*3+1];
+            tempSource.q=sources[sourceCount*3+2];
+            tempSource.index = std::floor(tempSource.globalPos[0]
+               * resolution_[0]/domainSize_[0])
+               + std::floor(tempSource.globalPos[1]*resolution_[1]/domainSize_[1])
+               * resolution_[0];
+            sources_.push_back(tempSource);
+        }
+        // Read Boundary Conditions
+        std::vector<double> BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.left");
+        int NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
+        {
+            BoundarySegment tempSegment;
+            tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
+            tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
+            tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
+            tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
+            boundaryConditions_[2].push_back(tempSegment);
+        }
+        BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.right");
+        NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
+        {
+            BoundarySegment tempSegment;
+            tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
+            tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
+            tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
+            tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
+            boundaryConditions_[3].push_back(tempSegment);
+        }
+        BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.bottom");
+        NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
+        {
+            BoundarySegment tempSegment;
+            tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
+            tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
+            tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
+            tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
+            boundaryConditions_[1].push_back(tempSegment);
+        }
+        BC = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double> >("BoundaryConditions.top");
+        NumberOfSegments = std::trunc(BC.size()/4);
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<NumberOfSegments ; segmentCount++)
+        {
+            BoundarySegment tempSegment;
+            tempSegment.from = BC[segmentCount*4];
+            tempSegment.to = BC[segmentCount*4+1];
+            tempSegment.neumann = (BC[segmentCount*4+2]!=0);
+            tempSegment.value = BC[segmentCount*4+3];
+            boundaryConditions_[0].push_back(tempSegment);
+        }
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ public:
         values = 0;
         Scalar density=Fluid::density(0,0);
-		for (int sourceCount = 0; sourceCount != sources_.size(); sourceCount++)
+        for (int sourceCount = 0; sourceCount != sources_.size(); sourceCount++)
-			if (this->variables().index(element) == sources_[sourceCount].index)
-				values+=sources_[sourceCount].q*density/element.geometry().volume()/geometryDepth_;
+            if (this->variables().index(element) == sources_[sourceCount].index)
+                values+=sources_[sourceCount].q*density/element.geometry().volume()/geometryDepth_;
@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ public:
-    	for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
-    		if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
-    				(coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
-    		{
-    			if (boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].neumann)
+            if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
+                    (coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
+            {
+                if (boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].neumann)
@@ -341,11 +341,11 @@ public:
-    	for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
-    	{
-    		if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
-    				(coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
-    		{
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
+        {
+            if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
+                    (coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
+            {
                 values = boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].value*Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81;
@@ -383,11 +383,11 @@ public:
-    	for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
-    	{
-    		if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
-    				(coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
-    		{
+        for (int segmentCount=0; segmentCount<boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex].size();segmentCount++)
+        {
+            if ((boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].from < coordinate) &&
+                    (coordinate < boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].to))
+            {
                 values = boundaryConditions_[boundaryIndex][segmentCount].value*Fluid::density(0,0)*(-1);
@@ -398,73 +398,73 @@ public:
     void writeOutput()
         Dune::FieldVector<int,2> resolution = Params::tree().template get<Dune::FieldVector<int,2> >("Geometry.numberOfCells");
-	Scalar zmax, zmin;
-	zmax=this->variables().pressure()[0]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
-	zmin=this->variables().pressure()[0]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
-	for (int i=0; i< resolution[0]*resolution[1]; i++)
-	{
-		Scalar currentHead= this->variables().pressure()[i]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
-		zmax = std::max(currentHead,zmax);
-		zmin = std::min(currentHead,zmin);			
-	}
-		std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc");
-		dataFile << "Gridplot" << std::endl;
-		dataFile << "## This is a DuMuX output for the ViPLab Graphics driver. \n";
-		dataFile << "## This output file was generated at " << __TIME__ <<", "<< __DATE__<< "\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-range 0 "<< domainSize_[0] << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# y-range 0 "<< domainSize_[1] << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# x-count " << resolution_[0] << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# y-count " << resolution_[1] << "\n" ;
-		if ((zmax-zmin)/zmax>0.01)
-			dataFile << "# scale 1 1 "<< sqrt(domainSize_[0]*domainSize_[1])/(zmax-zmin) << "\n";
-		else
-			dataFile << "# scale 1 1 1\n";
-		dataFile << "# min-color 255 0 0\n";
-		dataFile << "# max-color 0 0 255\n";
-		dataFile << "# time 0 \n" ;
-		dataFile << "# label piezometric head \n";
-		for (int i=0; i< resolution_[1]; i++)
-		{
-			for (int j=0; j<resolution_[0]; j++)
-			{
-				int currentIdx = i*resolution_[0]+j;
-				dataFile << this->variables().pressure()[currentIdx]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
-				if(j != resolution_[0]-1) // all but last entry
-					dataFile << " ";
-				else // write the last entry
-					dataFile << "\n";
-			}
-		}
-		dataFile.close();
-		//Textoutput:
-		std::cout << "         x          y          h           v_x           v_y"<<std::endl;
-		std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl;
-		ElementIterator eItEnd = this->gridView().template end<0> ();
-		for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-		{
-			int cellIndex = this->variables().index(*eIt);
-				double v_x,v_y,piezo,x,y;
-				v_x= (this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][0][0]+this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][1][0])/2;
-				v_y= (this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][2][1]+this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][3][1])/2;
-				if (std::abs(v_x)<1e-17)
-					v_x=0;
-				if (std::abs(v_y)<1e-17)
-					v_y=0;
-				piezo=this->variables().pressure()[cellIndex]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
-				x = eIt->geometry().center()[0];
-				y = eIt->geometry().center()[1];
-				printf("%10.4g %10.4g %10.4g %13.4g %13.4g\n",x,y,piezo,v_x,v_y);
-		}
+    Scalar zmax, zmin;
+    zmax=this->variables().pressure()[0]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
+    zmin=this->variables().pressure()[0]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
+    for (int i=0; i< resolution[0]*resolution[1]; i++)
+    {
+        Scalar currentHead= this->variables().pressure()[i]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
+        zmax = std::max(currentHead,zmax);
+        zmin = std::min(currentHead,zmin);            
+    }
+        std::ofstream dataFile;
+        dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc");
+        dataFile << "Gridplot" << std::endl;
+        dataFile << "## This is a DuMuX output for the ViPLab Graphics driver. \n";
+        dataFile << "## This output file was generated at " << __TIME__ <<", "<< __DATE__<< "\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-range 0 "<< domainSize_[0] << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# y-range 0 "<< domainSize_[1] << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# x-count " << resolution_[0] << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# y-count " << resolution_[1] << "\n" ;
+        if ((zmax-zmin)/zmax>0.01)
+            dataFile << "# scale 1 1 "<< sqrt(domainSize_[0]*domainSize_[1])/(zmax-zmin) << "\n";
+        else
+            dataFile << "# scale 1 1 1\n";
+        dataFile << "# min-color 255 0 0\n";
+        dataFile << "# max-color 0 0 255\n";
+        dataFile << "# time 0 \n" ;
+        dataFile << "# label piezometric head \n";
+        for (int i=0; i< resolution_[1]; i++)
+        {
+            for (int j=0; j<resolution_[0]; j++)
+            {
+                int currentIdx = i*resolution_[0]+j;
+                dataFile << this->variables().pressure()[currentIdx]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
+                if(j != resolution_[0]-1) // all but last entry
+                    dataFile << " ";
+                else // write the last entry
+                    dataFile << "\n";
+            }
+        }
+        dataFile.close();
+        //Textoutput:
+        std::cout << "         x          y          h           v_x           v_y"<<std::endl;
+        std::cout << "------------------------------------------------------------"<<std::endl;
+        ElementIterator eItEnd = this->gridView().template end<0> ();
+        for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0> (); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+        {
+            int cellIndex = this->variables().index(*eIt);
+                double v_x,v_y,piezo,x,y;
+                v_x= (this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][0][0]+this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][1][0])/2;
+                v_y= (this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][2][1]+this->variables().velocity()[cellIndex][3][1])/2;
+                if (std::abs(v_x)<1e-17)
+                    v_x=0;
+                if (std::abs(v_y)<1e-17)
+                    v_y=0;
+                piezo=this->variables().pressure()[cellIndex]/(Fluid::density(0,0)*9.81);
+                x = eIt->geometry().center()[0];
+                y = eIt->geometry().center()[1];
+                printf("%10.4g %10.4g %10.4g %13.4g %13.4g\n",x,y,piezo,v_x,v_y);
+        }
diff --git a/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_spatialparams.hh b/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_spatialparams.hh
index fb545d42eeacd5cac5df89b209c1b51d1e250f0d..c8fefa30a0567e84fb77d9c575f47872ec3120de 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_spatialparams.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/mhs/groundwater/groundwater_spatialparams.hh
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ namespace Dumux
 struct Lens
-	Dune::FieldMatrix<double,2,2> permeability;
-	//double permeability;
-	Dune::FieldVector<double,2> lowerLeft;
-	Dune::FieldVector<double,2> upperRight;
+    Dune::FieldMatrix<double,2,2> permeability;
+    //double permeability;
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,2> lowerLeft;
+    Dune::FieldVector<double,2> upperRight;
@@ -91,33 +91,33 @@ public:
     GroundwaterSpatialParams(const GridView& gridView)
     : FVSpatialParametersOneP<TypeTag>(gridView), permeability_(0)
-    	delta_=1e-3;
-		porosity_ = 0.2;
-		Scalar permFactor = 0.001/(1000*9.81);
-		permeability_[0][0] = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.permeability")*permFactor;
-		permeability_[1][1] = permeability_[0][0];
-		permeability_[0][1] = 0;
-		permeability_[1][0] = 0;
-		//Lenses:
-		std::vector<double> lenses = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double>>("SpatialParameters.lenses");
-		int NumberOfLenses = std::trunc(lenses.size()/5);
-		for (int lensCount=0; lensCount<NumberOfLenses ; lensCount++)
-		{
-			Lens tempLens;
-			tempLens.lowerLeft[0]=lenses[lensCount*5];
-			tempLens.upperRight[0]=lenses[lensCount*5+1];
-			tempLens.lowerLeft[1]=lenses[lensCount*5+2];
-			tempLens.upperRight[1]=lenses[lensCount*5+3];
-			tempLens.permeability[0][0]=lenses[lensCount*5+4]*permFactor;
-			tempLens.permeability[1][1] = tempLens.permeability[0][0];
-			tempLens.permeability[0][1] = 0;
-			tempLens.permeability[1][0] = 0;
-			lenses_.push_back(tempLens);
-		}
+        delta_=1e-3;
+        porosity_ = 0.2;
+        Scalar permFactor = 0.001/(1000*9.81);
+        permeability_[0][0] = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.permeability")*permFactor;
+        permeability_[1][1] = permeability_[0][0];
+        permeability_[0][1] = 0;
+        permeability_[1][0] = 0;
+        //Lenses:
+        std::vector<double> lenses = Params::tree().template get<std::vector<double>>("SpatialParameters.lenses");
+        int NumberOfLenses = std::trunc(lenses.size()/5);
+        for (int lensCount=0; lensCount<NumberOfLenses ; lensCount++)
+        {
+            Lens tempLens;
+            tempLens.lowerLeft[0]=lenses[lensCount*5];
+            tempLens.upperRight[0]=lenses[lensCount*5+1];
+            tempLens.lowerLeft[1]=lenses[lensCount*5+2];
+            tempLens.upperRight[1]=lenses[lensCount*5+3];
+            tempLens.permeability[0][0]=lenses[lensCount*5+4]*permFactor;
+            tempLens.permeability[1][1] = tempLens.permeability[0][0];
+            tempLens.permeability[0][1] = 0;
+            tempLens.permeability[1][0] = 0;
+            lenses_.push_back(tempLens);
+        }
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem1p2c.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem1p2c.hh
index 958c3d44738701ec68b25a0babced8e40e9ddac5..337a3b2daf0c3cabcd8aebb4a87c80acd71176ee 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem1p2c.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem1p2c.hh
@@ -181,17 +181,17 @@ public:
         // Write header for output file
         std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc");
-//		dataFile << "Gridplot" << std::endl;
-		dataFile << "## This is a DuMuX output for the ViPLab graphics driver. \n";
-		dataFile << "## This output file was generated at " << __TIME__ <<", "<< __DATE__<< "\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-range " << this->bboxMin()[0] << " " << this->bboxMax()[0] << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# y-range " << this->bboxMin()[1] << " " << this->bboxMax()[1] << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# x-count " << resX_+1 << "\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# y-count " << resY_+1 << "\n" ;
-//		dataFile << "# min-color 0 0 0\n";
-//		dataFile << "# max-color 255 255 255\n";
-		dataFile.close();
+        dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc");
+//        dataFile << "Gridplot" << std::endl;
+        dataFile << "## This is a DuMuX output for the ViPLab graphics driver. \n";
+        dataFile << "## This output file was generated at " << __TIME__ <<", "<< __DATE__<< "\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-range " << this->bboxMin()[0] << " " << this->bboxMax()[0] << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# y-range " << this->bboxMin()[1] << " " << this->bboxMax()[1] << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# x-count " << resX_+1 << "\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# y-count " << resY_+1 << "\n" ;
+//        dataFile << "# min-color 0 0 0\n";
+//        dataFile << "# max-color 255 255 255\n";
+        dataFile.close();
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ public:
     void dirichletAtPos(PrimaryVariables &values, const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
-//    	if (onInlet_(globalPos) && this->timeManager().time() <= infiltrationEndTime_)
-//    	{
-//    		values[pressureIdx] = upperPressure_;
-//    		values[x1Idx] =0.8;
-//    	}
-//    	else
-    		if (onUpperBoundary_(globalPos))
+//        if (onInlet_(globalPos) && this->timeManager().time() <= infiltrationEndTime_)
+//        {
+//            values[pressureIdx] = upperPressure_;
+//            values[x1Idx] =0.8;
+//        }
+//        else
+            if (onUpperBoundary_(globalPos))
             values[pressureIdx] = upperPressure_;
             values[x1Idx] = 0.0;
@@ -340,36 +340,36 @@ public:
     void writeOutput()
-    	//todo: Das hier ist noch nicht fertig.
+        //todo: Das hier ist noch nicht fertig.
-    	Scalar time = this->timeManager().time();
-    	if (time<0)
-    		return;
-    	SolutionVector &sol = this->model().curSol();
+        Scalar time = this->timeManager().time();
+        if (time<0)
+            return;
+        SolutionVector &sol = this->model().curSol();
         std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc", std::fstream::app);
-		dataFile << "# time "<< time <<"\n" ;
-		dataFile << "# label Concentration \n";
-		dataFile << "# min-color 0 0 0\n";
-		dataFile << "# max-color 255 255 255\n";
-		for (int j=0; j < resY_+1; j++)
-		{
-			for (int i=0; i < resX_+1; i++)
-			{
-				int currentIdx = i*(resY_+1)+j;
-				dataFile << sol[currentIdx][x1Idx];
-				if(i != resX_) // all but last entry
-					dataFile << " ";
-				else // write the last entry
-				{
-					dataFile << "\n";
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		dataFile.close();
+        dataFile.open("dumux-out.vgfc", std::fstream::app);
+        dataFile << "# time "<< time <<"\n" ;
+        dataFile << "# label Concentration \n";
+        dataFile << "# min-color 0 0 0\n";
+        dataFile << "# max-color 255 255 255\n";
+        for (int j=0; j < resY_+1; j++)
+        {
+            for (int i=0; i < resX_+1; i++)
+            {
+                int currentIdx = i*(resY_+1)+j;
+                dataFile << sol[currentIdx][x1Idx];
+                if(i != resX_) // all but last entry
+                    dataFile << " ";
+                else // write the last entry
+                {
+                    dataFile << "\n";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        dataFile.close();
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem2p.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem2p.hh
index 16a381d9e4e458729f7f40f8a54cd59d38e1ebc1..a5df406e877b848b53452bd717a8aa30aa186931 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem2p.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/1p2cvs2p/lensproblem2p.hh
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public:
         if (onInlet_(globalPos))
-        	values.setAllNeumann();
+            values.setAllNeumann();
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_analytic.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_analytic.hh
index 0c4131168b852f33c831df81eaf4bbc9e805fde7..f5cea99cf8a1c78ee2256edb00746fcf4b234dc7 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_analytic.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_analytic.hh
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ public:
     BlockVector AnalyticSolution() const
-    	return analyticSolution_;
+        return analyticSolution_;
     //Write saturation and pressure into file
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ public:
         problem_(problem), analyticSolution_(0), error_(0), elementVolume_(0), size_(problem.gridView().size(0)), vTot_(totalVelocity), dummyElement_(
                 *(problem_.gridView().template begin<0> ())), dummyGlobal_(GlobalPosition(1))
-    	initializeAnalytic();
-    	prepareAnalytic();
+        initializeAnalytic();
+        prepareAnalytic();
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_spatialparams.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_spatialparams.hh
index 2196716478edef836305fc16dfddd9804fa2c7c1..6e7dc14147832d032d73f6b8487d10eba4f45f1e 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_spatialparams.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverett_spatialparams.hh
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ public:
     BuckleyLeverettSpatialParams(const GridView& gridView)
-    	Scalar permFactor = 0.001/(1000*9.81);
+        Scalar permFactor = 0.001/(1000*9.81);
-    	constPermeability_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.permeability")*permFactor;
-		//Lenses:
-    	materialLawParams_.setSwr(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.swr"));
-    	materialLawParams_.setSnr(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.snr"));
-    	materialLawParams_.setPe(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.pe"));
-    	materialLawParams_.setLambda(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.lambda"));
+        constPermeability_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.permeability")*permFactor;
+        //Lenses:
+        materialLawParams_.setSwr(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.swr"));
+        materialLawParams_.setSnr(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.snr"));
+        materialLawParams_.setPe(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.pe"));
+        materialLawParams_.setLambda(Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.lambda"));
-    	porosity_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.porosity");
+        porosity_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("SpatialParameters.porosity");
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverettproblem.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverettproblem.hh
index cd5a69edaeb51d15451880b6dacb1f3edbe87ac5..b3bd2504d523d098bf058d7076a0c9659c051b26 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverettproblem.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/buckleyleverett/buckleyleverettproblem.hh
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ public:
         densityNonWetting_ = Params::tree().template get<double>("Fluid.densityNW");
         //Write header for ViPLab-Outputfile
-    	std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf");
-		dataFile.close();
+        std::ofstream dataFile;
+        dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf");
+        dataFile.close();
@@ -275,85 +275,85 @@ public:
     //Override outputfunction for ViPLab-Output
     void writeOutput()
-    	double time = this->timeManager().time();
-    	if (time < 0)
-    		return;
+        double time = this->timeManager().time();
+        if (time < 0)
+            return;
         double discretizationLength = Params::tree().template get<double>("Geometry.discretizationLength");
-		int cellNumberX = static_cast<int>(300/discretizationLength);
-		discretizationLength = 300/cellNumberX; //Might be slightly different from the input parameter
-    	std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf", std::fstream::app);
-    	std::cout<<"Writing output for time step.\n";
-    	if (time  > 0)
-    		dataFile << "# newframe\n";
-		dataFile << "# title Buckley-Leverett-Problem\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-label x\n";
-		dataFile << "# y-label Saturation\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-range -10 310\n";
-		dataFile << "# y-range 0 1\n";
-		dataFile << "# color 0 0 255\n";
-		Scalar curSat = this->variables().saturation()[0];
-		// Draw first piece separately, as no vertical line is needed
-		dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
-		         << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
-		for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
-		{
-			// Vertical Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
-					 << curSat << " ";
-			curSat = this->variables().saturation()[i];
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-			//Horizontal Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
-					 << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-		}
-		dataFile << "# color 255 0 0\n";
-		curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[0];
-		dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
-				 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
-		for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
-		{
-			// Vertical Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
-					 << curSat << " ";
-			curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[i];
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-			//Horizontal Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
-					 << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-		}
-//		ElementIterator eItEnd = this->gridView().template end<0>();
-//	    for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0>(); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-//	    {
-//	    	int currentIdx = this->variables().index(*eIt);
-//	    	Scalar sat = this->variables().saturation()[currentIdx];
-//	    	Scalar leftPos = eIt->geometry().corner(0)[0];
-//	    	Scalar rightPos = eIt->geometry().corner(1)[0];
-//	    	dataFile << leftPos <<" "<<sat<<" "<<rightPos<<" "<<sat<<"\n";
-//	    }
-//		for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0>(); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
-//	    {
-//	    	int currentIdx = this->variables().index(*eIt);
-//	    	Scalar sat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[currentIdx];
-//	    	Scalar leftPos = eIt->geometry().corner(0)[0];
-//	    	Scalar rightPos = eIt->geometry().corner(1)[0];
-//	    	dataFile << leftPos <<" "<<sat<<" "<<rightPos<<" "<<sat<<"\n";
-//	    }
-		dataFile << "# legend Numerical Solution,Analytic Solution\n";
-		dataFile.close();
+        int cellNumberX = static_cast<int>(300/discretizationLength);
+        discretizationLength = 300/cellNumberX; //Might be slightly different from the input parameter
+        std::ofstream dataFile;
+        dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf", std::fstream::app);
+        std::cout<<"Writing output for time step.\n";
+        if (time  > 0)
+            dataFile << "# newframe\n";
+        dataFile << "# title Buckley-Leverett-Problem\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-label x\n";
+        dataFile << "# y-label Saturation\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-range -10 310\n";
+        dataFile << "# y-range 0 1\n";
+        dataFile << "# color 0 0 255\n";
+        Scalar curSat = this->variables().saturation()[0];
+        // Draw first piece separately, as no vertical line is needed
+        dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
+                 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
+        for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
+        {
+            // Vertical Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
+                     << curSat << " ";
+            curSat = this->variables().saturation()[i];
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+            //Horizontal Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
+                     << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+        }
+        dataFile << "# color 255 0 0\n";
+        curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[0];
+        dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
+                 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
+        for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
+        {
+            // Vertical Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
+                     << curSat << " ";
+            curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[i];
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+            //Horizontal Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
+                     << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+        }
+//        ElementIterator eItEnd = this->gridView().template end<0>();
+//        for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0>(); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+//        {
+//            int currentIdx = this->variables().index(*eIt);
+//            Scalar sat = this->variables().saturation()[currentIdx];
+//            Scalar leftPos = eIt->geometry().corner(0)[0];
+//            Scalar rightPos = eIt->geometry().corner(1)[0];
+//            dataFile << leftPos <<" "<<sat<<" "<<rightPos<<" "<<sat<<"\n";
+//        }
+//        for (ElementIterator eIt = this->gridView().template begin<0>(); eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
+//        {
+//            int currentIdx = this->variables().index(*eIt);
+//            Scalar sat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[currentIdx];
+//            Scalar leftPos = eIt->geometry().corner(0)[0];
+//            Scalar rightPos = eIt->geometry().corner(1)[0];
+//            dataFile << leftPos <<" "<<sat<<" "<<rightPos<<" "<<sat<<"\n";
+//        }
+        dataFile << "# legend Numerical Solution,Analytic Solution\n";
+        dataFile.close();
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorter_analytic.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorter_analytic.hh
index 9a264c8b1ba21e339740334d3dd5b800a107d075..5dd6d6d148a47a486d656481600b01094226aae4 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorter_analytic.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorter_analytic.hh
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ public:
     BlockVector AnalyticSolution() const
-    	return analyticSolution_;
+        return analyticSolution_;
     //Write saturation and pressure into file
diff --git a/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorterproblem.hh b/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorterproblem.hh
index de6af96249e9b5addc62a75b99e3dbed2691ffd0..81f1925a2a3d31ffb703505e1dcf601ad7587ec1 100644
--- a/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorterproblem.hh
+++ b/appl/lecture/msm/mcwhorter/mcwhorterproblem.hh
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ public:
         //Write header for ViPLab-Outputfile
-    	std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf");
-		dataFile.close();
+        std::ofstream dataFile;
+        dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf");
+        dataFile.close();
@@ -249,64 +249,64 @@ public:
     //Override outputfunction for ViPLab-Output
     void writeOutput()
-    	double time = this->timeManager().time();
-    	if (time < 0)
-    		return;
+        double time = this->timeManager().time();
+        if (time < 0)
+            return;
         double discretizationLength = Params::tree().template get<double>("problem.DiscretizationLength");
-		int cellNumberX = static_cast<int>(2/discretizationLength);
-		discretizationLength = 2.0/cellNumberX; //Might be slightly different from the input parameter
-    	std::ofstream dataFile;
-		dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf", std::fstream::app);
-    	std::cout<<"Writing output for time step.\n";
-    	if (time  > 0)
-    		dataFile << "# newframe\n";
-		dataFile << "# title Mc Whorther Problem\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-label x\n";
-		dataFile << "# y-label Saturation\n";
-		dataFile << "# x-range -0.1 2.1\n";
-		dataFile << "# y-range 0 1\n";
-		dataFile << "# color 0 0 255\n";
-		Scalar curSat = this->variables().saturation()[0];
-		// Draw first piece separately, as no vertical line is needed
-		dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
-		         << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
-		for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
-		{
-			// Vertical Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
-					 << curSat << " ";
-			curSat = this->variables().saturation()[i];
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-			//Horizontal Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
-					 << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-		}
-		dataFile << "# color 255 0 0\n";
-		curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[0];
-		dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
-				 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
-		for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
-		{
-			// Vertical Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
-					 << curSat << " ";
-			curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[i];
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-			//Horizontal Line
-			dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
-					 << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
-		}
-		dataFile << "# legend Numerical Solution,Analytic Solution\n";
-		dataFile.close();
+        int cellNumberX = static_cast<int>(2/discretizationLength);
+        discretizationLength = 2.0/cellNumberX; //Might be slightly different from the input parameter
+        std::ofstream dataFile;
+        dataFile.open("vipplot.vgf", std::fstream::app);
+        std::cout<<"Writing output for time step.\n";
+        if (time  > 0)
+            dataFile << "# newframe\n";
+        dataFile << "# title Mc Whorther Problem\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-label x\n";
+        dataFile << "# y-label Saturation\n";
+        dataFile << "# x-range -0.1 2.1\n";
+        dataFile << "# y-range 0 1\n";
+        dataFile << "# color 0 0 255\n";
+        Scalar curSat = this->variables().saturation()[0];
+        // Draw first piece separately, as no vertical line is needed
+        dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
+                 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
+        for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
+        {
+            // Vertical Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
+                     << curSat << " ";
+            curSat = this->variables().saturation()[i];
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+            //Horizontal Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
+                     << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+        }
+        dataFile << "# color 255 0 0\n";
+        curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[0];
+        dataFile << 0 << " " << curSat << " "
+                 << discretizationLength << " " << curSat <<std::endl;
+        for (int i=1; i < cellNumberX; i++)
+        {
+            // Vertical Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " "
+                     << curSat << " ";
+            curSat = analyticSolution_.AnalyticSolution()[i];
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+            //Horizontal Line
+            dataFile << i*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << " "
+                     << (i+1)*discretizationLength << " " << curSat << std::endl;
+        }
+        dataFile << "# legend Numerical Solution,Analytic Solution\n";
+        dataFile.close();
diff --git a/dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pmodel.hh b/dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pmodel.hh
index 79ed8bce58346b6926bbcf6c4794c1af3601924d..fb2676b09cd4794b11b7a9686a58163f32e0a10d 100644
--- a/dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pmodel.hh
+++ b/dumux/boxmodels/2p/2pmodel.hh
@@ -155,9 +155,9 @@ public:
             // initialize velocity fields
             for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
-            	(*velocityN)[i] = Scalar(0);
-            	(*velocityW)[i] = Scalar(0);
-            	(*cellNum)[i] = Scalar(0.0);
+                (*velocityN)[i] = Scalar(0);
+                (*velocityW)[i] = Scalar(0);
+                (*cellNum)[i] = Scalar(0.0);
         unsigned numElements = this->gridView_().size(0);
@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ public:
         for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt)
 #warning "currently, velocity output only works for cubes and is set to false for simplices"
-        	if(elemIt->geometry().type().isCube() == false){
-        		velocityOutput = false;
-        	}
+            if(elemIt->geometry().type().isCube() == false){
+                velocityOutput = false;
+            }
             int idx = this->elementMapper().map(*elemIt);
             (*rank)[idx] = this->gridView_().comm().rank();
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ public:
                 scvVelocityW = 0;
                 scvVelocityN = 0;
-        		ElementVolumeVariables elemVolVars;
-        		elemVolVars.update(this->problem_(),
-                	              *elemIt,
-                    	          fvElemGeom,
-                        	      false /* oldSol? */);
+                ElementVolumeVariables elemVolVars;
+                elemVolVars.update(this->problem_(),
+                                  *elemIt,
+                                  fvElemGeom,
+                                  false /* oldSol? */);
                 for (int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx< fvElemGeom.numEdges; faceIdx++)
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ public:
                     for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
-     					// data attached to upstream and the downstream vertices
+                         // data attached to upstream and the downstream vertices
                         // of the current phase
                         const VolumeVariables up =
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public:
                       GlobalPosition localNormal(0);
                       jacobianT1.mv(globalNormal, localNormal);
-                  	  // note only works for cubes
+                        // note only works for cubes
                       const Scalar localArea = pow(2,-(dim-1));
                       localNormal /= localNormal.two_norm();
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ public:
                       const Scalar massUpwindWeight = GET_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, MassUpwindWeight);
                       PhasesVector q;
                       q[phaseIdx] = normalFlux
-                                		   * (massUpwindWeight
-                                		   * up.mobility(phaseIdx)
-                                		   + (1- massUpwindWeight)
-                                		   * dn.mobility(phaseIdx)) / localArea;
+                                           * (massUpwindWeight
+                                           * up.mobility(phaseIdx)
+                                           + (1- massUpwindWeight)
+                                           * dn.mobility(phaseIdx)) / localArea;
                       // transform the normal Darcy velocity into a vector
                       tmpVelocity[phaseIdx] = localNormal;
@@ -299,21 +299,21 @@ public:
                 const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> &localPos 
                     = ReferenceElements::general(elemIt->geometry().type()).position(0, 0);
-     			// get the transposed Jacobian of the element mapping
+                 // get the transposed Jacobian of the element mapping
                 const Dune::FieldMatrix<CoordScalar, dim, dim> &jacobianT2
                     = elemIt->geometry().jacobianTransposed(localPos);
                 // transform vertex velocities from local to global coordinates
-    			for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
+                for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
-                	int globalIdx = this->vertexMapper().map(*elemIt, i, dim);
+                    int globalIdx = this->vertexMapper().map(*elemIt, i, dim);
                     // calculate the subcontrolvolume velocity by the Piola transformation
                     Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dim> scvVelocity(0);
                     jacobianT2.mtv(scvVelocityW[i], scvVelocity);
                     scvVelocity /= elemIt->geometry().integrationElement(localPos);
                     // add up the wetting phase subcontrolvolume velocities for each vertex
-                	(*velocityW)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
+                    (*velocityW)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
                     jacobianT2.mtv(scvVelocityN[i], scvVelocity);
                     scvVelocity /= elemIt->geometry().integrationElement(localPos);
@@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ public:
-            	// divide the vertex velocities by the number of adjacent scvs i.e. cells
-    	        for(int globalIdx = 0; globalIdx<numVertices; ++globalIdx){
-    	        (*velocityW)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
-    	        (*velocityN)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
-    	        }
+                // divide the vertex velocities by the number of adjacent scvs i.e. cells
+                for(int globalIdx = 0; globalIdx<numVertices; ++globalIdx){
+                (*velocityW)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
+                (*velocityN)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
+                }
         writer.attachVertexData(*Sn, "Sn");
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ public:
         writer.attachVertexData(*Te, "temperature");
         if(velocityOutput) // check if velocity output is demanded
-        	writer.attachVertexData(*velocityW,  "velocityW", dim);
-        	writer.attachVertexData(*velocityN,  "velocityN", dim);
+            writer.attachVertexData(*velocityW,  "velocityW", dim);
+            writer.attachVertexData(*velocityN,  "velocityN", dim);
         writer.attachCellData(*rank, "process rank");
diff --git a/dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cmodel.hh b/dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cmodel.hh
index 61da2b84f24d024abd2e7d6605d04527c5ec8366..55d2e600780872351eb70ba0f13f0ceeb8870278 100644
--- a/dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cmodel.hh
+++ b/dumux/boxmodels/2p2c/2p2cmodel.hh
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ public:
             // initialize velocity fields
             for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
-            	(*velocityG)[i] = Scalar(0);
-            	(*velocityL)[i] = Scalar(0);
-            	(*cellNum)[i] = Scalar(0.0);
+                (*velocityG)[i] = Scalar(0);
+                (*velocityL)[i] = Scalar(0);
+                (*cellNum)[i] = Scalar(0.0);
@@ -400,13 +400,13 @@ public:
                 scvVelocityL = 0;
                 scvVelocityG = 0;
-        		ElementVolumeVariables elemVolVars;
-        		elemVolVars.update(this->problem_(),
-                	              *elemIt,
-                    	          fvElemGeom,
-                        	      false /* oldSol? */);
+                ElementVolumeVariables elemVolVars;
+                elemVolVars.update(this->problem_(),
+                                  *elemIt,
+                                  fvElemGeom,
+                                  false /* oldSol? */);
                 for (int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx< fvElemGeom.numEdges; faceIdx++)
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public:
                     for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx)
-     					// data attached to upstream and the downstream vertices
+                         // data attached to upstream and the downstream vertices
                         // of the current phase
                         const VolumeVariables up =
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public:
                       GlobalPosition localNormal(0);
                       jacobianT1.mv(globalNormal, localNormal);
-                  	  // note only works for cubes
+                        // note only works for cubes
                       const Scalar localArea = pow(2,-(dim-1));
                       localNormal /= localNormal.two_norm();
@@ -445,10 +445,10 @@ public:
                       massUpwindWeight_ = GET_PARAM(TypeTag, Scalar, MassUpwindWeight);
                       PhasesVector q;
                       q[phaseIdx] = fluxDat.KmvpNormal(phaseIdx)
-                                		   * (massUpwindWeight_
-                                		   * up.mobility(phaseIdx)
-                                		   + (1- massUpwindWeight_)
-                                		   * dn.mobility(phaseIdx)) / localArea;
+                                           * (massUpwindWeight_
+                                           * up.mobility(phaseIdx)
+                                           + (1- massUpwindWeight_)
+                                           * dn.mobility(phaseIdx)) / localArea;
                       // transform the normal Darcy velocity into a vector
                       tmpVelocity[phaseIdx] = localNormal;
@@ -469,35 +469,35 @@ public:
                 const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>& localPos = 
                     ReferenceElements::general(elemIt->geometry().type()).position(0, 0);
-     			// get the transposed Jacobian of the element mapping
+                 // get the transposed Jacobian of the element mapping
                 const Dune::FieldMatrix<CoordScalar, dim, dim> jacobianT2 = elemIt->geometry().jacobianTransposed(localPos);
                 // transform vertex velocities from local to global coordinates
-    			for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
+                for (int i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i)
-                	int globalIdx = this->vertexMapper().map(*elemIt, i, dim);
+                    int globalIdx = this->vertexMapper().map(*elemIt, i, dim);
                     // calculate the subcontrolvolume velocity by the Piola transformation
                     Dune::FieldVector<CoordScalar, dim> scvVelocity(0);
                     jacobianT2.mtv(scvVelocityL[i], scvVelocity);
                     scvVelocity /= elemIt->geometry().integrationElement(localPos);
-                	// add up the wetting phase subcontrolvolume velocities for each vertex
-                	(*velocityL)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
+                    // add up the wetting phase subcontrolvolume velocities for each vertex
+                    (*velocityL)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
                     jacobianT2.mtv(scvVelocityG[i], scvVelocity);
                     scvVelocity /= elemIt->geometry().integrationElement(localPos);
-                	// add up the nonwetting phase subcontrolvolume velocities for each vertex
-                	(*velocityG)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
+                    // add up the nonwetting phase subcontrolvolume velocities for each vertex
+                    (*velocityG)[globalIdx] += scvVelocity;
                 // divide the vertex velocities by the number of adjacent scvs i.e. cells
-    	        for(int globalIdx = 0; globalIdx<numVertices; ++globalIdx){
-    	        (*velocityL)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
-    	        (*velocityG)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
-    	        }
+                for(int globalIdx = 0; globalIdx<numVertices; ++globalIdx){
+                (*velocityL)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
+                (*velocityG)[globalIdx] /= (*cellNum)[globalIdx];
+                }
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ public:
         if(velocityOutput_) // check if velocity output is demanded
-        	writer.attachVertexData(*velocityL,  "velocityL", dim);
-        	writer.attachVertexData(*velocityG,  "velocityG", dim);
+            writer.attachVertexData(*velocityL,  "velocityL", dim);
+            writer.attachVertexData(*velocityG,  "velocityG", dim);
         writer.attachCellData(*rank, "process rank");
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure2padaptive.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure2padaptive.hh
index 70ef1bbb48a10f4f55accd8f0453220290370f88..8f667d3e3fa4858824c54f7c63698b2539303ea7 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure2padaptive.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvpressure2padaptive.hh
@@ -342,12 +342,12 @@ void FVPressure2Padaptive<TypeTag>::initializeMatrix()
 template<class TypeTag>
 void FVPressure2Padaptive<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
-	updateMaterialLaws();
-	// Adapt size of matrix A_ and Vector f_
-	{int size = problem_.variables().gridSize();
-	A_.setSize(size,size);
-	f_.resize(size);}
-	initializeMatrix(); // define non-zero entries in matrix
+    updateMaterialLaws();
+    // Adapt size of matrix A_ and Vector f_
+    {int size = problem_.variables().gridSize();
+    A_.setSize(size,size);
+    f_.resize(size);}
+    initializeMatrix(); // define non-zero entries in matrix
     // initialization: set matrix A_ to zero
     A_ = 0;
@@ -414,408 +414,408 @@ void FVPressure2Padaptive<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                 // "normal" case: neighbor has same level
                 if (neighborPointer->level()==eIt.level())
-					// neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-					// distance vector between barycenters
-					GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
-					// compute distance between cell centers
-//					Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-					Scalar dist = distVec*unitOuterNormal;
-					// compute vectorized permeabilities
-					FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-					problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-							problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
-							problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
-					meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-					// get mobilities and fractional flow factors
-					Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalNWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ);
-					Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ);
-					Scalar fMeanW = 0.5 * (fractionalWI + fractionalWJ);
-					Scalar fMeanNW = 0.5 * (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWJ);
-					// update diagonal entry
-					Scalar entry;
-					//calculate potential gradients
-					Scalar potentialW = 0;
-					Scalar potentialNW = 0;
-					Scalar densityW = 0;
-					Scalar densityNW = 0;
-					//if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
-					if (!first)
-					{
-						// After grid adaption, the potentials from the previous time step
-						// can not be used for upwinding. The mean values is assumed instead.
-						densityW = rhoMeanW;
-						densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
-						switch (pressureType)
-						{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]);
-							potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + pcI
-									- pcJ);
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							potentialW
-									= (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - pcI + pcJ);
-							potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]);
-							break;
-						}
-						case pglobal:
-						{
-							potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - fMeanNW
-									* (pcI - pcJ));
-							potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + fMeanW
-									* (pcI - pcJ));
-							break;
-						}
-						}
-						potentialW += densityW * (distVec * gravity);
-						potentialNW += densityNW * (distVec * gravity);
-						//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-						problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
-						problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
-					}
-					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
-					Scalar lambdaW = (potentialW > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
-					lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaW;
-					Scalar lambdaNW = (potentialNW > 0) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
-					lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNW;
-					densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					densityW = (potentialW == 0) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
-					densityNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
-					//calculate current matrix entry
-					entry = (lambdaW + lambdaNW) * ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
-					//calculate right hand side
-					Scalar rightEntry = (lambdaW * densityW + lambdaNW * densityNW) * (permeability * gravity) * faceArea;
-					switch (pressureType)
-					{
-					case pw:
-					{
-						// calculate capillary pressure gradient
-						Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitOuterNormal;
-						pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-						//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
-						rightEntry += 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
-						break;
-					}
-					case pn:
-					{
-						// calculate capillary pressure gradient
-						Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitOuterNormal;
-						pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-						//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
-						rightEntry -= 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
-						break;
-					}
-					}
-					//set right hand side
-					f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
-					// set diagonal entry
-					A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
-					// set off-diagonal entry
-					A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] -= entry;
+                    // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                    // distance vector between barycenters
+                    GlobalPosition distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                    // compute distance between cell centers
+//                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                    Scalar dist = distVec*unitOuterNormal;
+                    // compute vectorized permeabilities
+                    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
+                    // get mobilities and fractional flow factors
+                    Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar rhoMeanW = 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ);
+                    Scalar rhoMeanNW = 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ);
+                    Scalar fMeanW = 0.5 * (fractionalWI + fractionalWJ);
+                    Scalar fMeanNW = 0.5 * (fractionalNWI + fractionalNWJ);
+                    // update diagonal entry
+                    Scalar entry;
+                    //calculate potential gradients
+                    Scalar potentialW = 0;
+                    Scalar potentialNW = 0;
+                    Scalar densityW = 0;
+                    Scalar densityNW = 0;
+                    //if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
+                    if (!first)
+                    {
+                        // After grid adaption, the potentials from the previous time step
+                        // can not be used for upwinding. The mean values is assumed instead.
+                        densityW = rhoMeanW;
+                        densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
+                        switch (pressureType)
+                        {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]);
+                            potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + pcI
+                                    - pcJ);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            potentialW
+                                    = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - pcI + pcJ);
+                            potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ]);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pglobal:
+                        {
+                            potentialW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] - fMeanNW
+                                    * (pcI - pcJ));
+                            potentialNW = (problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI] - problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ] + fMeanW
+                                    * (pcI - pcJ));
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        }
+                        potentialW += densityW * (distVec * gravity);
+                        potentialNW += densityNW * (distVec * gravity);
+                        //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+                        problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+                        problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+                    }
+                    //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                    Scalar lambdaW = (potentialW > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
+                    lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaW;
+                    Scalar lambdaNW = (potentialNW > 0) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
+                    lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNW;
+                    densityW = (potentialW > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    densityNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    densityW = (potentialW == 0) ? rhoMeanW : densityW;
+                    densityNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? rhoMeanNW : densityNW;
+                    //calculate current matrix entry
+                    entry = (lambdaW + lambdaNW) * ((permeability * unitOuterNormal) / dist) * faceArea;
+                    //calculate right hand side
+                    Scalar rightEntry = (lambdaW * densityW + lambdaNW * densityNW) * (permeability * gravity) * faceArea;
+                    switch (pressureType)
+                    {
+                    case pw:
+                    {
+                        // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitOuterNormal;
+                        pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                        //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+                        rightEntry += 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    case pn:
+                    {
+                        // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+                        Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitOuterNormal;
+                        pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                        //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+                        rightEntry -= 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    }
+                    //set right hand side
+                    f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
+                    // set diagonal entry
+                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                    // set off-diagonal entry
+                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] -= entry;
                 } // end of case "neighbor has same level"
                 // hanging node situation: neighbor has higher level
                 if (neighborPointer->level()==eIt.level()+1)
-                	// Count number of hanging nodes
-					// nodecount counts each hanging node twice, we have to divide by 2 in the end
-					// not really necessary
-					nodecount++;
-					int globalIdxK = 0;
-					ElementPointer thirdCellPointer = isIt->outside();
-					bool foundK=false;
-					bool foundIJ=false;
-					// We are looking for two things:
-					// IsIndexJ, the index of the interface from the neighbor-cell point of view
-					// GlobalIdxK, the index of the third cell
-					// for efficienty this is done in one IntersectionIterator-Loop
-					// Intersectioniterator around cell J
-					int isIndexJ = -1;
-					IntersectionIterator isItEndJ = this->problem().gridView().iend(*neighborPointer);
-					for (IntersectionIterator isItJ = this->problem().gridView().ibegin(*neighborPointer); isItJ != isItEndJ; ++isItJ)
-					{
-						// increase isIndexJ, if it is not found yet
-						if (!foundIJ)
-							isIndexJ++;
-						if (isItJ->neighbor())
-						{
-							ElementPointer neighborPointer2 = isItJ->outside();
-							// Neighbor of neighbor is Cell I?
-							if (this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2)==globalIdxI)
-							{
-								foundIJ=true;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								if (neighborPointer2->level()==eIt.level()+1)
-								{
-									// To verify, we found the correct Cell K, we check
-									// - is level(K)=level(J)?
-									// - is distance(IJ)=distance(IK)?
-									// - K is neighbor of J.
-									const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-									const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = neighborPointer2->geometry().center();
-									Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIJ = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
-									Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIK = globalPosThirdCell - globalPos;
-									if (((distVecIK.two_norm()-distVecIJ.two_norm()))/distVecIJ.two_norm() < 0.001)
-									{
-										globalIdxK= this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2);
-										thirdCellPointer = neighborPointer2;
-										foundK=true;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						if (foundIJ && foundK) break;
-					}
-					// neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-//					const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = thirdCellPointer->geometry().center();
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosInterface = isIt->geometry().center();
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosInterface - globalPos;
-					Scalar lI= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
-					distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPosInterface;
-					Scalar lJ= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
-					Scalar l=lI+lJ;
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityI(0);
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityJ(0);
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityK(0);
-					problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityI,
-							problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
-					problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityJ,
-							problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
-					problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityK,
-							problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*thirdCellPointer));
-					// Calculate permeablity component normal to interface
-					Scalar kI, kJ, kK, kMean, ng;
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permI(0);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permJ(0);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permK(0);
-					permeabilityI.mv(unitOuterNormal, permI);
-					permeabilityJ.mv(unitOuterNormal, permJ);
-					permeabilityK.mv(unitOuterNormal, permK);
-					// kI,kJ,kK=(n^T)Kn
-					kI=unitOuterNormal*permI;
-					kJ=unitOuterNormal*permJ;
-					kK=unitOuterNormal*permK;
-					// See Diplomarbeit Michael Sinsbeck
-					kMean=kI*kJ*kK*l/(kJ*kK*lI+kI*(kJ+kK)/2*lJ);
-					ng=this->gravity*unitOuterNormal;
-					// get mobilities
-					// fractional flow function is not evaluated, since we do not use p_global
-					Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalNWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-//					Scalar lambdaWK = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxK);
-//					Scalar lambdaNWK = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar densityWK = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar densityNWK = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar fractionalWK = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar fractionalNWK = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar pcK = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
-					// Potentials from previous time step are not available.
-					// Instead, calculate mean density, then find potentials,
-					// then upwind density.
-					// pressure from previous time step might also be incorrect.
-					Scalar rhoMeanWIJ = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWJ)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanNWIJ = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWJ)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanWIK = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWK)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanNWIK = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWK)/l;
-					Scalar densityWIJ = 0;
-					Scalar densityNWIJ = 0;
-					Scalar densityWIK = 0;
-					Scalar densityNWIK = 0;
-					Scalar fMeanWIJ = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWJ)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanNWIJ = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWJ)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanWIK = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWK)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanNWIK = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWK)/l;
-					Scalar potentialWIJ = 0;
-					Scalar potentialNWIJ = 0;
-					Scalar potentialWIK = 0;
-					Scalar potentialNWIK = 0;
-					//if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
-					if (!first)
-					{
-						// potentials from previous time step no available.
-						densityWIJ = rhoMeanWIJ;
-						densityNWIJ = rhoMeanNWIJ;
-						densityWIK = rhoMeanWIK;
-						densityNWIK = rhoMeanNWIK;
-						// Old pressure field
-						Scalar pressI=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI];
-						Scalar pressJ=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
-						Scalar pressK=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxK];
-						Scalar pressJK=(pressJ+pressK)/2;
-						Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
-						switch (pressureType)
-						{
-							case pw:
-							{
-								potentialWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-										(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIJ = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
-										(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-										(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIK = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
-										(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-								break;
-							}
-							case pn:
-							{
-								potentialWIJ = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
-										(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-										(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialWIK = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
-										(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-										(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-								break;
-							}
-							case pglobal:
-							{
-								potentialWIJ = (pressI-fMeanNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fMeanNWIJ*pcJK))/l+
-										(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIJ = (pressI+fMeanWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fMeanWIJ*pcJK))/l+
-										(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-								potentialWIK = (pressI-fMeanNWIK*pcI-(pressJK-fMeanNWIK*pcJK))/l+
-										(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-								potentialNWIK = (pressI+fMeanWIK*pcI-(pressJK+fMeanWIK*pcJK))/l+
-										(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-						problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialWIJ;
-						problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNWIJ;
-						problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialWIJ;
-						problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialNWIJ;
-					}
-					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
-					Scalar lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
-					lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaWIJ;
-					Scalar lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
-					lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNWIJ;
-					densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
-					densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
-					densityWIK = (potentialWIK > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
-					densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
-					densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
-					densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
-					// update diagonal entry and right hand side
-					Scalar entry;
-					Scalar rightEntry;
-					entry = (lambdaWIJ + lambdaNWIJ)*kMean/l*faceArea;
-					rightEntry  = faceArea*lambdaWIJ*kMean*ng*((densityWIJ)-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2);
-					rightEntry += faceArea*lambdaNWIJ*kMean*ng*((densityNWIJ)-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2);
-					switch (pressureType)
-					{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							rightEntry += faceArea*lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pcJK-pcI)/l;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							rightEntry -= faceArea*lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pcJK-pcI)/l;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
-					f_[globalIdxJ] += rightEntry;
-					// set diagonal entry
-					A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
-					A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] -= 0.5*entry;
-					A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxK] -= 0.5*entry;
-					// set off-diagonal entry
-					A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxI] -= entry;
-					A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxJ] += 0.5*entry;
-					A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxK] += 0.5*entry;
+                    // Count number of hanging nodes
+                    // nodecount counts each hanging node twice, we have to divide by 2 in the end
+                    // not really necessary
+                    nodecount++;
+                    int globalIdxK = 0;
+                    ElementPointer thirdCellPointer = isIt->outside();
+                    bool foundK=false;
+                    bool foundIJ=false;
+                    // We are looking for two things:
+                    // IsIndexJ, the index of the interface from the neighbor-cell point of view
+                    // GlobalIdxK, the index of the third cell
+                    // for efficienty this is done in one IntersectionIterator-Loop
+                    // Intersectioniterator around cell J
+                    int isIndexJ = -1;
+                    IntersectionIterator isItEndJ = this->problem().gridView().iend(*neighborPointer);
+                    for (IntersectionIterator isItJ = this->problem().gridView().ibegin(*neighborPointer); isItJ != isItEndJ; ++isItJ)
+                    {
+                        // increase isIndexJ, if it is not found yet
+                        if (!foundIJ)
+                            isIndexJ++;
+                        if (isItJ->neighbor())
+                        {
+                            ElementPointer neighborPointer2 = isItJ->outside();
+                            // Neighbor of neighbor is Cell I?
+                            if (this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2)==globalIdxI)
+                            {
+                                foundIJ=true;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                if (neighborPointer2->level()==eIt.level()+1)
+                                {
+                                    // To verify, we found the correct Cell K, we check
+                                    // - is level(K)=level(J)?
+                                    // - is distance(IJ)=distance(IK)?
+                                    // - K is neighbor of J.
+                                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = neighborPointer2->geometry().center();
+                                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIJ = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIK = globalPosThirdCell - globalPos;
+                                    if (((distVecIK.two_norm()-distVecIJ.two_norm()))/distVecIJ.two_norm() < 0.001)
+                                    {
+                                        globalIdxK= this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2);
+                                        thirdCellPointer = neighborPointer2;
+                                        foundK=true;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (foundIJ && foundK) break;
+                    }
+                    // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+//                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = thirdCellPointer->geometry().center();
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosInterface = isIt->geometry().center();
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosInterface - globalPos;
+                    Scalar lI= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
+                    distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPosInterface;
+                    Scalar lJ= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
+                    Scalar l=lI+lJ;
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityI(0);
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityJ(0);
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityK(0);
+                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityI,
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
+                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityJ,
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
+                    problem_.spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityK,
+                            problem_.spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*thirdCellPointer));
+                    // Calculate permeablity component normal to interface
+                    Scalar kI, kJ, kK, kMean, ng;
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permI(0);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permJ(0);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permK(0);
+                    permeabilityI.mv(unitOuterNormal, permI);
+                    permeabilityJ.mv(unitOuterNormal, permJ);
+                    permeabilityK.mv(unitOuterNormal, permK);
+                    // kI,kJ,kK=(n^T)Kn
+                    kI=unitOuterNormal*permI;
+                    kJ=unitOuterNormal*permJ;
+                    kK=unitOuterNormal*permK;
+                    // See Diplomarbeit Michael Sinsbeck
+                    kMean=kI*kJ*kK*l/(kJ*kK*lI+kI*(kJ+kK)/2*lJ);
+                    ng=this->gravity*unitOuterNormal;
+                    // get mobilities
+                    // fractional flow function is not evaluated, since we do not use p_global
+                    Scalar lambdaWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaNWJ = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityWJ = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityNWJ = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+//                    Scalar lambdaWK = problem_.variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxK);
+//                    Scalar lambdaNWK = problem_.variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar densityWK = problem_.variables().densityWetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar densityNWK = problem_.variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar fractionalWK = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWK = problem_.variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar pcJ = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar pcK = problem_.variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
+                    // Potentials from previous time step are not available.
+                    // Instead, calculate mean density, then find potentials,
+                    // then upwind density.
+                    // pressure from previous time step might also be incorrect.
+                    Scalar rhoMeanWIJ = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanNWIJ = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanWIK = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWK)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanNWIK = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWK)/l;
+                    Scalar densityWIJ = 0;
+                    Scalar densityNWIJ = 0;
+                    Scalar densityWIK = 0;
+                    Scalar densityNWIK = 0;
+                    Scalar fMeanWIJ = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanNWIJ = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanWIK = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWK)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanNWIK = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWK)/l;
+                    Scalar potentialWIJ = 0;
+                    Scalar potentialNWIJ = 0;
+                    Scalar potentialWIK = 0;
+                    Scalar potentialNWIK = 0;
+                    //if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
+                    if (!first)
+                    {
+                        // potentials from previous time step no available.
+                        densityWIJ = rhoMeanWIJ;
+                        densityNWIJ = rhoMeanNWIJ;
+                        densityWIK = rhoMeanWIK;
+                        densityNWIK = rhoMeanNWIK;
+                        // Old pressure field
+                        Scalar pressI=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxI];
+                        Scalar pressJ=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+                        Scalar pressK=problem_.variables().pressure()[globalIdxK];
+                        Scalar pressJK=(pressJ+pressK)/2;
+                        Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
+                        switch (pressureType)
+                        {
+                            case pw:
+                            {
+                                potentialWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                        (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIJ = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                        (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIK = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case pn:
+                            {
+                                potentialWIJ = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                        (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialWIK = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                        (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case pglobal:
+                            {
+                                potentialWIJ = (pressI-fMeanNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fMeanNWIJ*pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIJ = (pressI+fMeanWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fMeanWIJ*pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialWIK = (pressI-fMeanNWIK*pcI-(pressJK-fMeanNWIK*pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                potentialNWIK = (pressI+fMeanWIK*pcI-(pressJK+fMeanWIK*pcJK))/l+
+                                        (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+                        problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialWIJ;
+                        problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNWIJ;
+                        problem_.variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialWIJ;
+                        problem_.variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialNWIJ;
+                    }
+                    //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                    Scalar lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
+                    lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaWIJ;
+                    Scalar lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
+                    lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNWIJ;
+                    densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
+                    densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
+                    densityWIK = (potentialWIK > 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
+                    densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK > 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
+                    densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
+                    densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
+                    // update diagonal entry and right hand side
+                    Scalar entry;
+                    Scalar rightEntry;
+                    entry = (lambdaWIJ + lambdaNWIJ)*kMean/l*faceArea;
+                    rightEntry  = faceArea*lambdaWIJ*kMean*ng*((densityWIJ)-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2);
+                    rightEntry += faceArea*lambdaNWIJ*kMean*ng*((densityNWIJ)-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2);
+                    switch (pressureType)
+                    {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            rightEntry += faceArea*lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pcJK-pcI)/l;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            rightEntry -= faceArea*lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pcJK-pcI)/l;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry;
+                    f_[globalIdxJ] += rightEntry;
+                    // set diagonal entry
+                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
+                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxJ] -= 0.5*entry;
+                    A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxK] -= 0.5*entry;
+                    // set off-diagonal entry
+                    A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxI] -= entry;
+                    A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxJ] += 0.5*entry;
+                    A_[globalIdxJ][globalIdxK] += 0.5*entry;
@@ -954,11 +954,11 @@ void FVPressure2Padaptive<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                     if (!first)
-                    	// Comment: In the non-adaptive case, one can upwind the density using the
-                    	// old potential. Here, we use the mean density instead.
-                    	// For the incompressible case, it does not make a difference, anyway.
-						densityW = rhoMeanW;
-						densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
+                        // Comment: In the non-adaptive case, one can upwind the density using the
+                        // old potential. Here, we use the mean density instead.
+                        // For the incompressible case, it does not make a difference, anyway.
+                        densityW = rhoMeanW;
+                        densityNW = rhoMeanNW;
                         //calculate potential gradient
                         switch (pressureType)
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity2padaptive.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity2padaptive.hh
index 5a5e5daf63e2c814cfb8678896715d0c56fdf9ef..a6a007e515ab059cfb06725c2b3b0b8f0754fb57 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity2padaptive.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/fv/fvvelocity2padaptive.hh
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
     FVVelocity2Padaptive(Problem& problem)
     : FVPressure2Padaptive<TypeTag>(problem)
-    	// todo: kompatibilität prüfen
+        // todo: kompatibilität prüfen
         if (GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCompressibility)) && velocityType_ == vt)
             DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Total velocity - global pressure - model cannot be used with compressible fluids!");
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ void FVVelocity2Padaptive<TypeTag>::calculateVelocity()
                 !=isItEnd; ++isIt)
             // local number of facet
-//        	isIndex++;
+//            isIndex++;
             int isIndex = isIt->indexInInside();
@@ -297,507 +297,507 @@ void FVVelocity2Padaptive<TypeTag>::calculateVelocity()
                 if (neighborPointer->level()==eIt.level())
-					// neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-					// distance vector between barycenters
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
-					// compute distance between cell centers
-					Scalar dist = distVec * unitOuterNormal;
-//					Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
-					// compute vectorized permeabilities
-					FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
-					this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
-							this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
-							this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
-					meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
-					Scalar pressJ = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
-					Scalar pcJ = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaNWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalNWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityWJ = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityNWJ = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					//calculate potential gradients
-					Scalar potentialW = 0;
-					Scalar potentialNW = 0;
-					potentialW = this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
-					potentialNW = this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
-					Scalar densityW = (potentialW> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					Scalar densityNW = (potentialNW> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ) : densityW;
-					densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ) : densityNW;
-					switch (this->pressureType)
-					{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							potentialW = (pressI - pressJ);
-							potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ+ pcI - pcJ);
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							potentialW = (pressI - pressJ - pcI + pcJ);
-							potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ);
-							break;
-						}
-						case pglobal:
-						{
-							potentialW = (pressI - pressJ - 0.5 * (fractionalNWI+fractionalNWJ)*(pcI - pcJ));
-							potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ + 0.5 * (fractionalWI+fractionalWJ)*(pcI - pcJ));
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					potentialW += densityW * (distVec * this->gravity);//delta z/delta x in unitOuterNormal[z]
-					potentialNW += densityNW * (distVec * this->gravity);
-					//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-					this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
-					this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
-					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
-					Scalar lambdaW = (potentialW > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
-					lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaW;
-					Scalar lambdaNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
-					lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNW;
-					densityW = (potentialW> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ) : densityW;
-					densityNW = (potentialNW> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ) : densityNW;
-					//calculate the gravity term
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityW(permeability);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityNW(permeability);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermW(unitOuterNormal);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermNW(unitOuterNormal);
-					gravityTermW *= (this->gravity*permeability)*(lambdaW * densityW);
-					gravityTermNW *= (this->gravity*permeability)*(lambdaNW * densityNW);
-					//calculate velocity depending on the pressure used -> use pc = pn - pw
-					switch (this->pressureType)
-					{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							velocityW *= lambdaW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist;
-							velocityNW *= lambdaNW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist + 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-							velocityW += gravityTermW;
-							velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							velocityW *= lambdaW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist - 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-							velocityNW *= lambdaNW * (pressI - pressJ) / dist;
-							velocityW += gravityTermW;
-							velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pglobal:
-						{
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = permeability;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex]*= (lambdaW + lambdaNW)* (pressI - pressJ )/ dist;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += gravityTermW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					//store velocities
-					switch (velocityType_)
-					{
-						case vw:
-						{
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case vn:
-						{
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case vt:
-						{
-							switch (this->pressureType)
-							{
-								case pw:
-								{
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW + velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
-									break;
-								}
-								case pn:
-								{
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW + velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
-									break;
-								}
-							}
-							break;
-						}
-					} //end of switch (velocityType_)
+                    // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                    // distance vector between barycenters
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                    // compute distance between cell centers
+                    Scalar dist = distVec * unitOuterNormal;
+//                    Scalar dist = distVec.two_norm();
+                    // compute vectorized permeabilities
+                    FieldMatrix meanPermeability(0);
+                    this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(meanPermeability,
+                            this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt),
+                            this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
+                    meanPermeability.mv(unitOuterNormal, permeability);
+                    Scalar pressJ = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+                    Scalar pcJ = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaNWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityWJ = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityNWJ = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    //calculate potential gradients
+                    Scalar potentialW = 0;
+                    Scalar potentialNW = 0;
+                    potentialW = this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+                    potentialNW = this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+                    Scalar densityW = (potentialW> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    Scalar densityNW = (potentialNW> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ) : densityW;
+                    densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ) : densityNW;
+                    switch (this->pressureType)
+                    {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            potentialW = (pressI - pressJ);
+                            potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ+ pcI - pcJ);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            potentialW = (pressI - pressJ - pcI + pcJ);
+                            potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pglobal:
+                        {
+                            potentialW = (pressI - pressJ - 0.5 * (fractionalNWI+fractionalNWJ)*(pcI - pcJ));
+                            potentialNW = (pressI - pressJ + 0.5 * (fractionalWI+fractionalWJ)*(pcI - pcJ));
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    potentialW += densityW * (distVec * this->gravity);//delta z/delta x in unitOuterNormal[z]
+                    potentialNW += densityNW * (distVec * this->gravity);
+                    //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialW;
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNW;
+                    //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                    Scalar lambdaW = (potentialW > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
+                    lambdaW = (potentialW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaW;
+                    Scalar lambdaNW = (potentialNW > 0.) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
+                    lambdaNW = (potentialNW == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNW;
+                    densityW = (potentialW> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    densityW = (potentialW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityWI + densityWJ) : densityW;
+                    densityNW = (potentialNW> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    densityNW = (potentialNW == 0.) ? 0.5 * (densityNWI + densityNWJ) : densityNW;
+                    //calculate the gravity term
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityW(permeability);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityNW(permeability);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermNW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    gravityTermW *= (this->gravity*permeability)*(lambdaW * densityW);
+                    gravityTermNW *= (this->gravity*permeability)*(lambdaNW * densityNW);
+                    //calculate velocity depending on the pressure used -> use pc = pn - pw
+                    switch (this->pressureType)
+                    {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            velocityW *= lambdaW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist;
+                            velocityNW *= lambdaNW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist + 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                            velocityW += gravityTermW;
+                            velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            velocityW *= lambdaW * (pressI - pressJ)/dist - 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                            velocityNW *= lambdaNW * (pressI - pressJ) / dist;
+                            velocityW += gravityTermW;
+                            velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pglobal:
+                        {
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = permeability;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex]*= (lambdaW + lambdaNW)* (pressI - pressJ )/ dist;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += gravityTermW;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //store velocities
+                    switch (velocityType_)
+                    {
+                        case vw:
+                        {
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case vn:
+                        {
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case vt:
+                        {
+                            switch (this->pressureType)
+                            {
+                                case pw:
+                                {
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW + velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                case pn:
+                                {
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW + velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    } //end of switch (velocityType_)
                 } //End of case "same level"
                 if (neighborPointer->level()==eIt.level()+1)
-                	int globalIdxK = 0;
-					ElementPointer thirdCellPointer = isIt->outside();
-					bool foundK=false;
-					bool foundIJ=false;
-					// We are looking for two things:
-					// IsIndexJ, the index of the interface from the neighbor-cell point of view
-					// GlobalIdxK, the index of the third cell
-					// for efficienty this is done in one IntersectionIterator-Loop
-					Scalar areaWeight = 0;
-					// Intersectioniterator around cell J
-//					int isIndexJ = -1;
-					IntersectionIterator isItEndJ = this->problem().gridView().iend(*neighborPointer);
-					for (IntersectionIterator isItJ = this->problem().gridView().ibegin(*neighborPointer); isItJ != isItEndJ; ++isItJ)
-					{
-						// increase isIndexJJ, if it is not found yet
-						if (!foundIJ)
-//							isIndexJ++;
-						if (isItJ->neighbor())
-						{
-							ElementPointer neighborPointer2 = isItJ->outside();
-							// Neighbor of neighbor is Cell I?
-							if (this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2)==globalIdxI)
-							{
-								foundIJ=true;
-								areaWeight = isItJ->geometry().volume();
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								if (neighborPointer2->level()==eIt.level()+1)
-								{
-									// To verify, we found the correct Cell K, we check
-									// - is level(K)=level(J)?
-									// - is distance(IJ)=distance(IK)?
-									// - K is neighbor of J.
-									const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-									const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = neighborPointer2->geometry().center();
-									Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIJ = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
-									Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIK = globalPosThirdCell - globalPos;
-									if (((distVecIK.two_norm()-distVecIJ.two_norm()))/distVecIJ.two_norm() < 0.001)
-									{
-										globalIdxK= this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2);
-										thirdCellPointer = neighborPointer2;
-										foundK=true;
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						if (foundIJ && foundK) break;
-					}
-					int isIndexJ = isIt->indexInOutside();
-					areaWeight /= isIt->geometry().volume();
-//					areaWeight = 1.0;
-					// neighbor cell center in global coordinates
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
-					const GlobalPosition& globalPosInterface = isIt->geometry().center();
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosInterface - globalPos;
-					Scalar lI= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
-					distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPosInterface;
-					Scalar lJ= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
-					Scalar l=lI+lJ;
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityI(0);
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityJ(0);
-					FieldMatrix permeabilityK(0);
-					this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityI,
-							this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
-					this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityJ,
-							this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
-					this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityK,
-							this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*thirdCellPointer));
-					// Calculate permeablity component normal to interface
-					Scalar kI, kJ, kK, ng, kMean;//, gI, gJ, gK;
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permI(0);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permJ(0);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permK(0);
-					permeabilityI.mv(unitOuterNormal, permI);
-					permeabilityJ.mv(unitOuterNormal, permJ);
-					permeabilityK.mv(unitOuterNormal, permK);
-					// kI,kJ,kK = (n^T)Kn
-					kI=unitOuterNormal*permI;
-					kJ=unitOuterNormal*permJ;
-					kK=unitOuterNormal*permK;
-					kMean=kI*kJ*kK*l/(kJ*kK*lI+kI*(kJ+kK)/2*lJ);
-					ng=this->gravity*unitOuterNormal;
-					// find secondary variables in cell J and K
-					Scalar pressJ = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
-					Scalar pcJ = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar lambdaNWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityWJ = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar densityNWJ = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar fractionalNWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-					Scalar pressK = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxK];
-					Scalar pcK = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar densityWK = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar densityNWK = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar fractionalWK = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar fractionalNWK = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxK);
-					Scalar pressJK=(pressJ+pressK)/2;
-					Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
-					// calculate potential gradients
-					// reuse potentials from fvpressure2padaptive
-					Scalar potentialWIJ = this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
-					Scalar potentialNWIJ = this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
-					// We dont know the insideIndex of interface IK
-					Scalar potentialWIK = potentialWIJ;
-					Scalar potentialNWIK = potentialNWIJ;
-					// preliminary potential. The "real" ones are found below
-					// Comment: reversed weighting is plausible, too (swap lJ and lI)
-					Scalar rhoMeanWIJ = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWJ)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanNWIJ = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWJ)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanWIK = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWK)/l;
-					Scalar rhoMeanNWIK = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWK)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanWIJ = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWJ)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanNWIJ = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWJ)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanWIK = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWK)/l;
-					Scalar fMeanNWIK = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWK)/l;
-					// Upwinding for finding the upwinding direction
-					Scalar densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					Scalar densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					Scalar densityWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
-					Scalar densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
-					densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
-					densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
-					densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
-					densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
-					Scalar fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWJ;
-					Scalar fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWJ;
-					Scalar fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWK;
-					Scalar fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWK;
-					fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanWIJ : fractionalWIJ;
-					fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanNWIJ : fractionalNWIJ;
-					fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? fMeanWIK : fractionalWIK;
-					fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? fMeanNWIK : fractionalNWIK;
-					switch (this->pressureType)
-					{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							potentialWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-									(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIJ = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
-									(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-									(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIK = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
-									(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							potentialWIJ = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
-									(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-									(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialWIK = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
-									(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
-									(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pglobal:
-						{
-							potentialWIJ = (pressI-fractionalNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIJ*pcJK))/l+
-									(densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIJ = (pressI+fractionalWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIJ*pcJK))/l+
-									(densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
-							potentialWIK = (pressI-fractionalNWIK*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIK*pcJK))/l+
-									(densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
-							potentialNWIK = (pressI+fractionalWIK*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIK*pcJK))/l+
-									(densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					//store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
-					// these quantities only have correct sign (needed for upwinding)
-					// potentials are defined slightly different for adaptive scheme
-					this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialWIJ;
-					this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNWIJ;
-					this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialWIJ;
-					this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialNWIJ;
-					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
-					Scalar lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
-					lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaWIJ;
-					Scalar lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
-					lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNWIJ;
-					densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
-					densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
-					densityWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
-					densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
-					densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
-					densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
-					densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
-					densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
-					fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWJ;
-					fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWJ;
-					fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWK;
-					fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWK;
-					fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanWIJ : fractionalWIJ;
-					fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanNWIJ : fractionalNWIJ;
-					fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? fMeanWIK : fractionalWIK;
-					fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? fMeanNWIK : fractionalNWIK;
-					//calculate velocities and the gravity term
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityW(unitOuterNormal);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityNW(unitOuterNormal);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermW(unitOuterNormal);
-					Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermNW(unitOuterNormal);
-					gravityTermW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*ng;
-					gravityTermW *= densityWIJ-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2;
-					gravityTermNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*ng;
-					gravityTermNW *= densityNWIJ-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2;
-					switch (this->pressureType)
-					{
-						case pw:
-						{
-							velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pressJK)/l;
-							velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l;
-							velocityW += gravityTermW;
-							velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pn:
-						{
-							velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pressJK)/l;
-							velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l;
-							velocityW += gravityTermW;
-							velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case pglobal:
-						{
-							velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-fractionalNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIJ*pcJK))/l;
-							velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI+fractionalWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIJ*pcJK))/l;
-							velocityW += gravityTermW;
-							velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-					switch (velocityType_)
-					{
-						case vw:
-						{
-						    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityW);
-						    vel*=areaWeight;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += vel;
-						    vel = velocityNW;
-						    vel*=areaWeight;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += vel;
+                    int globalIdxK = 0;
+                    ElementPointer thirdCellPointer = isIt->outside();
+                    bool foundK=false;
+                    bool foundIJ=false;
+                    // We are looking for two things:
+                    // IsIndexJ, the index of the interface from the neighbor-cell point of view
+                    // GlobalIdxK, the index of the third cell
+                    // for efficienty this is done in one IntersectionIterator-Loop
+                    Scalar areaWeight = 0;
+                    // Intersectioniterator around cell J
+//                    int isIndexJ = -1;
+                    IntersectionIterator isItEndJ = this->problem().gridView().iend(*neighborPointer);
+                    for (IntersectionIterator isItJ = this->problem().gridView().ibegin(*neighborPointer); isItJ != isItEndJ; ++isItJ)
+                    {
+                        // increase isIndexJJ, if it is not found yet
+                        if (!foundIJ)
+//                            isIndexJ++;
+                        if (isItJ->neighbor())
+                        {
+                            ElementPointer neighborPointer2 = isItJ->outside();
+                            // Neighbor of neighbor is Cell I?
+                            if (this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2)==globalIdxI)
+                            {
+                                foundIJ=true;
+                                areaWeight = isItJ->geometry().volume();
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                if (neighborPointer2->level()==eIt.level()+1)
+                                {
+                                    // To verify, we found the correct Cell K, we check
+                                    // - is level(K)=level(J)?
+                                    // - is distance(IJ)=distance(IK)?
+                                    // - K is neighbor of J.
+                                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosThirdCell = neighborPointer2->geometry().center();
+                                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIJ = globalPosNeighbor - globalPos;
+                                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> distVecIK = globalPosThirdCell - globalPos;
+                                    if (((distVecIK.two_norm()-distVecIJ.two_norm()))/distVecIJ.two_norm() < 0.001)
+                                    {
+                                        globalIdxK= this->problem().variables().index(*neighborPointer2);
+                                        thirdCellPointer = neighborPointer2;
+                                        foundK=true;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (foundIJ && foundK) break;
+                    }
+                    int isIndexJ = isIt->indexInOutside();
+                    areaWeight /= isIt->geometry().volume();
+//                    areaWeight = 1.0;
+                    // neighbor cell center in global coordinates
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosNeighbor = neighborPointer->geometry().center();
+                    const GlobalPosition& globalPosInterface = isIt->geometry().center();
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> distVec = globalPosInterface - globalPos;
+                    Scalar lI= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
+                    distVec = globalPosNeighbor - globalPosInterface;
+                    Scalar lJ= distVec*unitOuterNormal;
+                    Scalar l=lI+lJ;
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityI(0);
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityJ(0);
+                    FieldMatrix permeabilityK(0);
+                    this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityI,
+                            this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*eIt));
+                    this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityJ,
+                            this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*neighborPointer));
+                    this->problem().spatialParameters().meanK(permeabilityK,
+                            this->problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(*thirdCellPointer));
+                    // Calculate permeablity component normal to interface
+                    Scalar kI, kJ, kK, ng, kMean;//, gI, gJ, gK;
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permI(0);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permJ(0);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permK(0);
+                    permeabilityI.mv(unitOuterNormal, permI);
+                    permeabilityJ.mv(unitOuterNormal, permJ);
+                    permeabilityK.mv(unitOuterNormal, permK);
+                    // kI,kJ,kK = (n^T)Kn
+                    kI=unitOuterNormal*permI;
+                    kJ=unitOuterNormal*permJ;
+                    kK=unitOuterNormal*permK;
+                    kMean=kI*kJ*kK*l/(kJ*kK*lI+kI*(kJ+kK)/2*lJ);
+                    ng=this->gravity*unitOuterNormal;
+                    // find secondary variables in cell J and K
+                    Scalar pressJ = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxJ];
+                    Scalar pcJ = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar lambdaNWJ = this->problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityWJ = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar densityNWJ = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWJ = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                    Scalar pressK = this->problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdxK];
+                    Scalar pcK = this->problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar densityWK = this->problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar densityNWK = this->problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar fractionalWK = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncWetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar fractionalNWK = this->problem().variables().fracFlowFuncNonwetting(globalIdxK);
+                    Scalar pressJK=(pressJ+pressK)/2;
+                    Scalar pcJK=(pcJ+pcK)/2;
+                    // calculate potential gradients
+                    // reuse potentials from fvpressure2padaptive
+                    Scalar potentialWIJ = this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+                    Scalar potentialNWIJ = this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
+                    // We dont know the insideIndex of interface IK
+                    Scalar potentialWIK = potentialWIJ;
+                    Scalar potentialNWIK = potentialNWIJ;
+                    // preliminary potential. The "real" ones are found below
+                    // Comment: reversed weighting is plausible, too (swap lJ and lI)
+                    Scalar rhoMeanWIJ = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanNWIJ = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanWIK = (lJ*densityWI + lI*densityWK)/l;
+                    Scalar rhoMeanNWIK = (lJ*densityNWI + lI*densityNWK)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanWIJ = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanNWIJ = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWJ)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanWIK = (lJ*fractionalWI+lI*fractionalWK)/l;
+                    Scalar fMeanNWIK = (lJ*fractionalNWI+lI*fractionalNWK)/l;
+                    // Upwinding for finding the upwinding direction
+                    Scalar densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    Scalar densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    Scalar densityWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
+                    Scalar densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
+                    densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
+                    densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
+                    densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
+                    densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
+                    Scalar fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWJ;
+                    Scalar fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWJ;
+                    Scalar fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWK;
+                    Scalar fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWK;
+                    fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanWIJ : fractionalWIJ;
+                    fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanNWIJ : fractionalNWIJ;
+                    fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? fMeanWIK : fractionalWIK;
+                    fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? fMeanNWIK : fractionalNWIK;
+                    switch (this->pressureType)
+                    {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            potentialWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                    (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIJ = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                    (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIK = (pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            potentialWIJ = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIJ = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                    (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialWIK = (pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIK = (pressI-pressJK)/l+
+                                    (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pglobal:
+                        {
+                            potentialWIJ = (pressI-fractionalNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIJ*pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIJ = (pressI+fractionalWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIJ*pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityNWIJ-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialWIK = (pressI-fractionalNWIK*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIK*pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIJ-densityWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            potentialNWIK = (pressI+fractionalWIK*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIK*pcJK))/l+
+                                    (densityNWIK-lJ/l*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIJ-densityNWIK)/2)*ng;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //store potentials for further calculations (velocity, saturation, ...)
+                    // these quantities only have correct sign (needed for upwinding)
+                    // potentials are defined slightly different for adaptive scheme
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialWIJ;
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxI, isIndex) = potentialNWIJ;
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialWIJ;
+                    this->problem().variables().potentialNonwetting(globalIdxJ, isIndexJ) = -potentialNWIJ;
+                    //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                    Scalar lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaWI : lambdaWJ;
+                    lambdaWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) : lambdaWIJ;
+                    Scalar lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ > 0.) ? lambdaNWI : lambdaNWJ;
+                    lambdaNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0) ? 0.5 * (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) : lambdaNWIJ;
+                    densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWJ;
+                    densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWJ;
+                    densityWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? densityWI : densityWK;
+                    densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? densityNWI : densityNWK;
+                    densityWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIJ : densityWIJ;
+                    densityNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIJ : densityNWIJ;
+                    densityWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanWIK : densityWIK;
+                    densityNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? rhoMeanNWIK : densityNWIK;
+                    fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWJ;
+                    fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWJ;
+                    fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK> 0.) ? fractionalWI : fractionalWK;
+                    fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK> 0.) ? fractionalNWI : fractionalNWK;
+                    fractionalWIJ = (potentialWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanWIJ : fractionalWIJ;
+                    fractionalNWIJ = (potentialNWIJ == 0.) ? fMeanNWIJ : fractionalNWIJ;
+                    fractionalWIK = (potentialWIK == 0.) ? fMeanWIK : fractionalWIK;
+                    fractionalNWIK = (potentialNWIK == 0.) ? fMeanNWIK : fractionalNWIK;
+                    //calculate velocities and the gravity term
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> velocityNW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> gravityTermNW(unitOuterNormal);
+                    gravityTermW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*ng;
+                    gravityTermW *= densityWIJ-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityWIK-densityWIJ)/2;
+                    gravityTermNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*ng;
+                    gravityTermNW *= densityNWIJ-(lJ/l)*(kI+kK)/kI*(densityNWIK-densityNWIJ)/2;
+                    switch (this->pressureType)
+                    {
+                        case pw:
+                        {
+                            velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pressJK)/l;
+                            velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI+pcI-(pressJK+pcJK))/l;
+                            velocityW += gravityTermW;
+                            velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pn:
+                        {
+                            velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pressJK)/l;
+                            velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-pcI-(pressJK-pcJK))/l;
+                            velocityW += gravityTermW;
+                            velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case pglobal:
+                        {
+                            velocityW *= lambdaWIJ*kMean*(pressI-fractionalNWIJ*pcI-(pressJK-fractionalNWIJ*pcJK))/l;
+                            velocityNW *= lambdaNWIJ*kMean*(pressI+fractionalWIJ*pcI-(pressJK+fractionalWIJ*pcJK))/l;
+                            velocityW += gravityTermW;
+                            velocityNW += gravityTermNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    switch (velocityType_)
+                    {
+                        case vw:
+                        {
+                            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityW);
+                            vel*=areaWeight;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += vel;
+                            vel = velocityNW;
+                            vel*=areaWeight;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += vel;
 //                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
 //                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case vn:
-						{
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case vn:
+                        {
                             Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityNW);
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel);
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel);
                             vel = velocityW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel);
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel);
 //                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
 //                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
-							this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
-							break;
-						}
-						case vt:
-						{
-							switch (this->pressureType)
-							{
-								case pw:
-								{
-								    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityW);
-								    vel+=velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel *=areaWeight);
-									vel = velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel*=areaWeight);
+                            this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
+                            this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        case vt:
+                        {
+                            switch (this->pressureType)
+                            {
+                                case pw:
+                                {
+                                    Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityW);
+                                    vel+=velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel *=areaWeight);
+                                    vel = velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel*=areaWeight);
 //                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = (velocityW+velocityNW);
 //                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW + velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW + velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityNW;
-									break;
-								}
-								case pn:
-								{
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                case pn:
+                                {
                                     Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dimWorld> vel(velocityW);
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel *=areaWeight);
-									vel = velocityW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel*=areaWeight);
-//								                                      this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = (velocityW+velocityNW);
-//								                                      this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW + velocityNW;
-									this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
-									break;
-								}
-							}
-							break;
-						}
-					}
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel *=areaWeight);
+                                    vel = velocityW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] += (vel*=areaWeight);
+//                                                                      this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = (velocityW+velocityNW);
+//                                                                      this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxI][isIndex] = velocityW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocity()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW + velocityNW;
+                                    this->problem().variables().velocitySecondPhase()[globalIdxJ][isIndexJ] = velocityW;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
             }//end intersection with neighbor
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p.hh
index d17669bc66ddb2217111c3a7f58a89e0d36a8adc..4d3f37c78d2e82825f018d1a4ca9d558712f0c9f 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p.hh
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ public:
     void adaptVariableSize(int size)
          //resize to grid size
-   	     this->setGridSize(size);
+            this->setGridSize(size);
          for (int i=0; i<2; i++) //for both phases
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p_gridadapt.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p_gridadapt.hh
index 207f66863bcb5f4ca2e54695a40e7738a6af52d7..f019f86db57d78fb46c73438f6a1a516881c32b6 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p_gridadapt.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/variableclass2p_gridadapt.hh
@@ -90,17 +90,17 @@ private:
     // TODO: Doc me! Besseren Namen finden!
     struct RestrictedValue
-    	Scalar saturation;
-    	Scalar press;
-    	Scalar volCorr;
-    	int count;
-    	RestrictedValue()
-    	{
-    	    saturation = 0.;
-    		press = 0.;
-    		count = 0;
+        Scalar saturation;
+        Scalar press;
+        Scalar volCorr;
+        int count;
+        RestrictedValue()
+        {
+            saturation = 0.;
+            press = 0.;
+            count = 0;
             volCorr = 0;
-    	}
+        }
     const Grid& grid_;
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
     VariableClass2PGridAdapt(const GridView& gridView) :
-            	VariableClass2P<TypeTag> (gridView), grid_(gridView.grid()), restrictionmap_(grid_,0) //codim 0 map
+                VariableClass2P<TypeTag> (gridView), grid_(gridView.grid()), restrictionmap_(grid_,0) //codim 0 map
@@ -128,40 +128,40 @@ public:
     void storePrimVars(const Problem& problem)
-		// loop over all levels of the grid
-		for (int level=grid_.maxLevel(); level>=0; level--)
-		{
-			//get grid view on level grid
-			LevelGridView levelView = grid_.levelView(level);
-			for (LevelIterator it = levelView.template begin<0>();
-					it!=levelView.template end<0>(); ++it)
-			{
-			    //get your map entry
-			    RestrictedValue &rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
-				// put your value in the map
-				if (it->isLeaf())
-				{
-	                // get index
-	                int indexI = this->index(*it);
-					rv.saturation = this->saturation()[indexI][0];
-					rv.press = this->pressure()[indexI][0];
-					rv.volCorr = this->volumecorrection(indexI);
-					rv.count = 1;
-				}
-				//Average in father
-				if (it.level()>0)
-				{
-					ElementPointer epFather = it->father();
-					RestrictedValue& rvf = restrictionmap_[*epFather];
-					rvf.saturation += rv.saturation/rv.count;
-					rvf.press += rv.press/rv.count;
-					rvf.volCorr += rv.volCorr/rv.count;
-					rvf.count += 1;
-				}
-			}
-		}
+        // loop over all levels of the grid
+        for (int level=grid_.maxLevel(); level>=0; level--)
+        {
+            //get grid view on level grid
+            LevelGridView levelView = grid_.levelView(level);
+            for (LevelIterator it = levelView.template begin<0>();
+                    it!=levelView.template end<0>(); ++it)
+            {
+                //get your map entry
+                RestrictedValue &rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
+                // put your value in the map
+                if (it->isLeaf())
+                {
+                    // get index
+                    int indexI = this->index(*it);
+                    rv.saturation = this->saturation()[indexI][0];
+                    rv.press = this->pressure()[indexI][0];
+                    rv.volCorr = this->volumecorrection(indexI);
+                    rv.count = 1;
+                }
+                //Average in father
+                if (it.level()>0)
+                {
+                    ElementPointer epFather = it->father();
+                    RestrictedValue& rvf = restrictionmap_[*epFather];
+                    rvf.saturation += rv.saturation/rv.count;
+                    rvf.press += rv.press/rv.count;
+                    rvf.volCorr += rv.volCorr/rv.count;
+                    rvf.count += 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
@@ -176,53 +176,53 @@ public:
-		for (int level=0; level<=grid_.maxLevel(); level++)
-		{
-			LevelGridView levelView = grid_.levelView(level);
-			for (LevelIterator it = levelView.template begin <0>();
-					it!=levelView.template end <0>(); ++it)
-			{
-		        if (!it->isNew())
-		        {
-					//entry is in map, write in leaf
-					if (it->isLeaf())
-					{
-					    RestrictedValue &rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
-						int newIdxI = this->index(*it);
-						this->saturation()[newIdxI][0] = rv.saturation/rv.count;
-						this->pressure()[newIdxI][0] = rv.press/rv.count;
-						this->volumecorrection(newIdxI) = rv.volCorr/rv.count;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// value is not in map, interpolate from father element
-					if (it.level()>0)
-					{
-						ElementPointer ep = it->father();
-						RestrictedValue& rvf = restrictionmap_[*ep];
-						if (it->isLeaf())
-						{
-							int newIdxI = this->index(*it);
-							this->saturation()[newIdxI][0] = rvf.saturation/rvf.count;
-							this->pressure()[newIdxI][0] = rvf.press/rvf.count;
-							this->volumecorrection(newIdxI) = rvf.volCorr/rvf.count;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							//create new entry
-							RestrictedValue& rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
-							rv.saturation =rvf.saturation/rvf.count;
-							rv.press =rvf.press/rvf.count;
-							rv.volCorr =rvf.volCorr/rvf.count;
-							rv.count = 1;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-    	// reset entries in restrictionmap
-    	restrictionmap_.clear();
+        for (int level=0; level<=grid_.maxLevel(); level++)
+        {
+            LevelGridView levelView = grid_.levelView(level);
+            for (LevelIterator it = levelView.template begin <0>();
+                    it!=levelView.template end <0>(); ++it)
+            {
+                if (!it->isNew())
+                {
+                    //entry is in map, write in leaf
+                    if (it->isLeaf())
+                    {
+                        RestrictedValue &rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
+                        int newIdxI = this->index(*it);
+                        this->saturation()[newIdxI][0] = rv.saturation/rv.count;
+                        this->pressure()[newIdxI][0] = rv.press/rv.count;
+                        this->volumecorrection(newIdxI) = rv.volCorr/rv.count;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // value is not in map, interpolate from father element
+                    if (it.level()>0)
+                    {
+                        ElementPointer ep = it->father();
+                        RestrictedValue& rvf = restrictionmap_[*ep];
+                        if (it->isLeaf())
+                        {
+                            int newIdxI = this->index(*it);
+                            this->saturation()[newIdxI][0] = rvf.saturation/rvf.count;
+                            this->pressure()[newIdxI][0] = rvf.press/rvf.count;
+                            this->volumecorrection(newIdxI) = rvf.volCorr/rvf.count;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            //create new entry
+                            RestrictedValue& rv = restrictionmap_[*it];
+                            rv.saturation =rvf.saturation/rvf.count;
+                            rv.press =rvf.press/rvf.count;
+                            rv.volCorr =rvf.volCorr/rvf.count;
+                            rv.count = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // reset entries in restrictionmap
+        restrictionmap_.clear();
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh
index 748d6cd526df659a15643eca5f1b405a39bc2610..a5d031eb1fd67b49edac26707eef8cfcfd42380a 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2c.hh
@@ -148,16 +148,16 @@ public:
     //pressure solution routine: update estimate for secants, assemble, solve.
     void pressure(bool solveTwice = true)
-    	//pre-transport to estimate update vector
-    	Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
-    	Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
-    	problem().transportModel().update(-1, dt_estimate, problem().variables().updateEstimate(), false);
-    	//last argument false in update() makes shure that this is estimate and no "real" transport step
+        //pre-transport to estimate update vector
+        Scalar dt_estimate = 0.;
+        Dune::dinfo << "secant guess"<< std::endl;
+        problem().transportModel().update(-1, dt_estimate, problem().variables().updateEstimate(), false);
+        //last argument false in update() makes shure that this is estimate and no "real" transport step
         problem().variables().updateEstimate() *= problem().timeManager().timeStepSize();
-    	assemble(false);           Dune::dinfo << "pressure calculation"<< std::endl;
+        assemble(false);           Dune::dinfo << "pressure calculation"<< std::endl;
@@ -508,20 +508,20 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
-		        // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
-				if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wCompIdx) == 0)
-					volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt,
-							problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx),
-							problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx),
-							problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxI));
-				source[contiWEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx);		// note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
-				source[contiNEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx);
+                // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
+                if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wCompIdx) == 0)
+                    volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt,
+                            problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx),
+                            problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx),
+                            problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxI));
+                source[contiWEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx);        // note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+                source[contiNEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx);
-		f_[globalIdxI] = volume * (source[contiWEqIdx] + source[contiNEqIdx]);
+        f_[globalIdxI] = volume * (source[contiWEqIdx] + source[contiNEqIdx]);
-		// get absolute permeability
+        // get absolute permeability
         FieldMatrix permeabilityI(problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPos, *eIt));
         // get mobilities and fractional flow factors
@@ -601,11 +601,11 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                 if (first)     // if we are at the very first iteration we can't calculate phase potentials
-                	// get fractional flow factors in neigbor
+                    // get fractional flow factors in neigbor
                     Scalar fractionalWJ = lambdaWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
                     Scalar fractionalNWJ = lambdaNWJ / (lambdaWJ+ lambdaNWJ);
-                	// perform central weighting
+                    // perform central weighting
                     Scalar lambda = (lambdaWI + lambdaWJ) * 0.5 + (lambdaNWI + lambdaNWJ) * 0.5;
                     entry = fabs(lambda*faceArea*(permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist));
@@ -615,21 +615,21 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
-                	// determine volume derivatives
+                    // determine volume derivatives
                     if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wCompIdx) == 0)
-                    	volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer,
-                    			problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx),
-                    			problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx),
-                    			problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxJ));
+                        volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer,
+                                problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx),
+                                problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx),
+                                problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxJ));
                     dv_dC1 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx)
-                    			+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / 2; // dV/dm1= dv/dC^1
+                                + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / 2; // dV/dm1= dv/dC^1
                     dv_dC2 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx)
-                    			+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / 2;
+                                + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / 2;
                     Scalar graddv_dC1 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx)
-                    						- problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / dist;
+                                            - problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / dist;
                     Scalar graddv_dC2 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx)
-                    						- problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / dist;
+                                            - problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / dist;
 //                    potentialW = problem().variables().potentialWetting(globalIdxI, isIndex);
@@ -666,78 +666,78 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                     potentialW += densityW * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
                     potentialNW += densityNW * (unitDistVec * gravity_);
-					// initialize convenience shortcuts
-					Scalar lambdaW, lambdaN;
-					Scalar dV_w(0.), dV_n(0.);		// dV_a = \sum_k \rho_a * dv/dC^k * X^k_a
-					Scalar gV_w(0.), gV_n(0.);		// multipaper eq(3.3) line 3 analogon dV_w
-					//do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
-					if (potentialW >= 0.)
-					{
-						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
-						lambdaW = problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
-						gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
-						dV_w *= densityWI; gV_w *= densityWI;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
-						lambdaW = problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
-						gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
-						dV_w *= densityWJ; gV_w *= densityWJ;
-					}
-					if (potentialNW >= 0.)
-					{
-						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
-						lambdaN = problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
-						gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
-						dV_n *= densityNWI; gV_n *= densityNWI;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
-						lambdaN = problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
-						gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
-						dV_n *= densityNWJ; gV_n *= densityNWJ;
-					}
-	                //calculate current matrix entry
+                    // initialize convenience shortcuts
+                    Scalar lambdaW, lambdaN;
+                    Scalar dV_w(0.), dV_n(0.);        // dV_a = \sum_k \rho_a * dv/dC^k * X^k_a
+                    Scalar gV_w(0.), gV_n(0.);        // multipaper eq(3.3) line 3 analogon dV_w
+                    //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
+                    if (potentialW >= 0.)
+                    {
+                        dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                        lambdaW = problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxI);
+                        gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                        dV_w *= densityWI; gV_w *= densityWI;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        dV_w = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+                        lambdaW = problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdxJ);
+                        gV_w = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+                        dV_w *= densityWJ; gV_w *= densityWJ;
+                    }
+                    if (potentialNW >= 0.)
+                    {
+                        dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                        lambdaN = problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxI);
+                        gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxI)));
+                        dV_n *= densityNWI; gV_n *= densityNWI;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        dV_n = (dv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + dv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+                        lambdaN = problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdxJ);
+                        gV_n = (graddv_dC1 * problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ) + graddv_dC2 * (1. - problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdxJ)));
+                        dV_n *= densityNWJ; gV_n *= densityNWJ;
+                    }
+                    //calculate current matrix entry
                     entry = faceArea * (lambdaW * dV_w + lambdaN * dV_n)
-                            - volume * faceArea / perimeter * (lambdaW * gV_w + lambdaN * gV_n); 	// = boundary integral - area integral
+                            - volume * faceArea / perimeter * (lambdaW * gV_w + lambdaN * gV_n);     // = boundary integral - area integral
                     entry *= fabs((permeability*unitOuterNormal)/(dist));
                     //calculate right hand side
                     rightEntry = faceArea  * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec) * (densityW * lambdaW * dV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * dV_n);
-                	rightEntry -= volume * faceArea / perimeter * (densityW * lambdaW * gV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * gV_n);
-                    rightEntry *= (permeability * gravity_); 		// = multipaper eq(3.3) line 2+3
+                    rightEntry -= volume * faceArea / perimeter * (densityW * lambdaW * gV_w + densityNW * lambdaN * gV_n);
+                    rightEntry *= (permeability * gravity_);         // = multipaper eq(3.3) line 2+3
                     // include capillary pressure fluxes
-	                switch (pressureType)
-	                {
-	                case pw:
-						{
-							// calculate capillary pressure gradient
-							Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
-							pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-							//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
-							rightEntry += lambdaN * dV_n * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea
+                    switch (pressureType)
+                    {
+                    case pw:
+                        {
+                            // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+                            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+                            pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                            //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+                            rightEntry += lambdaN * dV_n * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea
                                          - lambdaN * gV_n * (permeability * pCGradient) * volume * faceArea / perimeter;
-							break;
-						}
-	                case pn:
-						{
-							// calculate capillary pressure gradient
-							Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
-							pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
-							//add capillary pressure term to right hand side
-							rightEntry -= lambdaW * dV_w * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    case pn:
+                        {
+                            // calculate capillary pressure gradient
+                            Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> pCGradient = unitDistVec;
+                            pCGradient *= (pcI - pcJ) / dist;
+                            //add capillary pressure term to right hand side
+                            rightEntry -= lambdaW * dV_w * (permeability * pCGradient) * faceArea
                                             - lambdaW * gV_w * (permeability * pCGradient) * volume * faceArea / perimeter;
-							break;
-						}
-	                }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
                 }   // end !first
                 //set right hand side
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
             /************* boundary face ************************/
-            	// get volume derivatives inside the cell
+                // get volume derivatives inside the cell
                 dv_dC1 = problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wCompIdx);
                 dv_dC2 = problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nCompIdx);
@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                     Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim> permeability(0);
                     permeabilityI.mv(unitDistVec, permeability);
-                	// create a fluid state for the boundary
-                	FluidState BCfluidState;
+                    // create a fluid state for the boundary
+                    FluidState BCfluidState;
                     Scalar temperatureBC = problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPosFace);
                     //read boundary values
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                     if (first)
-                    	Scalar lambda = lambdaWI+lambdaNWI;
+                        Scalar lambda = lambdaWI+lambdaNWI;
                         A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
                         Scalar pressBC = primaryVariablesOnBoundary[Indices::pressureEqIdx];
                         f_[globalIdxI] += lambda * faceArea * pressBC * (permeability * unitOuterNormal) / (dist);
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                         //do the upwinding of the mobility depending on the phase potentials
                         Scalar lambdaW, lambdaNW;
-                        Scalar dV_w, dV_n; 	// gV_a weglassen, da dV/dc am Rand ortsunabhängig angenommen -> am rand nicht bestimmbar -> nur Randintegral ohne Gebietsintegral
+                        Scalar dV_w, dV_n;     // gV_a weglassen, da dV/dc am Rand ortsunabhängig angenommen -> am rand nicht bestimmbar -> nur Randintegral ohne Gebietsintegral
                         if (potentialW >= 0.)
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                             densityW = densityWBound;
                             dV_w = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)
-                            		 + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                                     + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
                             dV_w *= densityW;
                             lambdaW = lambdaWBound;
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                             densityNW = densityNWBound;
                             dV_n = (dv_dC1 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx)
-                            		+ dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
+                                    + dv_dC2 * BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, nCompIdx));
                             dV_n *= densityNW;
                             lambdaNW = lambdaNWBound;
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                         A_[globalIdxI][globalIdxI] += entry;
                         f_[globalIdxI] += entry * primaryVariablesOnBoundary[Indices::pressureEqIdx];
                         f_[globalIdxI] -= rightEntry * (unitOuterNormal * unitDistVec);
-                    }	//end of if(first) ... else{...
+                    }    //end of if(first) ... else{...
                 }   // end dirichlet
@@ -971,18 +971,18 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                 else if(bcType.isNeumann(Indices::pressureEqIdx))
-                	PrimaryVariables J(NAN);
-                	problem().neumann(J, *isIt);
-					if (first)
-					{
-						J[contiWEqIdx] /= densityWI;
-						J[contiNEqIdx] /= densityNWI;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						J[contiWEqIdx] *= dv_dC1;
-						J[contiNEqIdx] *= dv_dC2;
-					}
+                    PrimaryVariables J(NAN);
+                    problem().neumann(J, *isIt);
+                    if (first)
+                    {
+                        J[contiWEqIdx] /= densityWI;
+                        J[contiNEqIdx] /= densityNWI;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        J[contiWEqIdx] *= dv_dC1;
+                        J[contiNEqIdx] *= dv_dC2;
+                    }
                     f_[globalIdxI] -= (J[contiWEqIdx] + J[contiNEqIdx]) * faceArea;
@@ -1023,13 +1023,13 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
             if (erri <= x_mi * maxErr)
                 f_[globalIdxI] +=
-                		problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
-                				fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
+                        problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
+                                fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
                                     * problem().variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
                 f_[globalIdxI] +=
-                		problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
-                				fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
+                        problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
+                                fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
                                     * problem().variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
 //        printmatrix(std::cout, A_, "global stiffness matrix", "row", 11, 3);
@@ -1073,10 +1073,10 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional)
-	// initialize the fluid system
+    // initialize the fluid system
     FluidState fluidState;
-	// iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
+    // iterate through leaf grid an evaluate c0 at cell center
     ElementIterator eItEnd = problem().gridView().template end<0>();
     ElementIterator eIt = problem().gridView().template begin<0>();
     for (; eIt != eItEnd; ++eIt)
@@ -1091,45 +1091,45 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional)
         Scalar temperature_ = problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPos);
         // initial conditions
-		PhaseVector pressure(0.);
-		Scalar sat_0=0.;
+        PhaseVector pressure(0.);
+        Scalar sat_0=0.;
-		typename Indices::BoundaryFormulation icFormulation;
-		problem().initialFormulation(icFormulation, *eIt);            // get type of initial condition
+        typename Indices::BoundaryFormulation icFormulation;
+        problem().initialFormulation(icFormulation, *eIt);            // get type of initial condition
         if(!compositional) //means that we do the first approximate guess without compositions
-			// phase pressures are unknown, so start with an exemplary
-        	Scalar exemplaryPressure = problem().referencePressure(*eIt);
-			pressure[wPhaseIdx] = pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] = exemplaryPressure;
-			problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
-			if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
-			{
-				sat_0 = problem().initSat(*eIt);
-				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
-			}
-			else if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::concentration) // concentration initial condition
-			{
-				Scalar Z1_0 = problem().initConcentration(*eIt);
-				fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
-			}
+            // phase pressures are unknown, so start with an exemplary
+            Scalar exemplaryPressure = problem().referencePressure(*eIt);
+            pressure[wPhaseIdx] = pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] = exemplaryPressure;
+            problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
+            if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+            {
+                sat_0 = problem().initSat(*eIt);
+                fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+            }
+            else if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+            {
+                Scalar Z1_0 = problem().initConcentration(*eIt);
+                fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+            }
-        else if(compositional)	//means we regard compositional effects since we know an estimate pressure field
+        else if(compositional)    //means we regard compositional effects since we know an estimate pressure field
-			if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
-			{
-			    //get saturation, determine pc
-				sat_0 = problem().initSat(*eIt);
-		        if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
-		        {
+            if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::saturation)  // saturation initial condition
+            {
+                //get saturation, determine pc
+                sat_0 = problem().initSat(*eIt);
+                if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
+                {
                             = MaterialLaw::pC(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt),
-		        }
-		        else
-		            problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
+                }
+                else
+                    problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
-		        //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+                //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
                 switch (pressureType)
                     case pw:
@@ -1146,66 +1146,66 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::initialMaterialLaws(bool compositional)
-				fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
-			}
-			else if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::concentration) // concentration initial condition
-			{
-				Scalar Z1_0 = problem().initConcentration(*eIt);
-				// If total concentrations are given at the boundary, saturation is unknown.
-				// This may affect pc and hence p_alpha and hence again saturation -> iteration.
-		        // iterations in case of enabled capillary pressure
-		        if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
-		        {
-		            //start with pc from last TS
-		            Scalar pc(problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx));
-		            int maxiter = 3;
-		            //start iteration loop
-		            for(int iter=0; iter < maxiter; iter++)
-		            {
-		                //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
-		                switch (pressureType)
-		                {
-		                    case pw:
-		                    {
-		                        pressure[wPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
-		                        pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] + pc;
-		                        break;
-		                    }
-		                    case pn:
-		                    {
-		                        pressure[wPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - pc;
-		                        pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
-		                        break;
-		                    }
-		                }
-		                //store old pc
-		                Scalar oldPc = pc;
-		                //update with better pressures
-		                fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
-		                                    problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPos));
-		                pc = MaterialLaw::pC(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt),
-		                                    fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
-		                // TODO: get right criterion, do output for evaluation
-		                //converge criterion
-		                if (abs(oldPc-pc)<10)
-		                    iter = maxiter;
+                fluidState.satFlash(sat_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+            }
+            else if (icFormulation == Indices::BoundaryFormulation::concentration) // concentration initial condition
+            {
+                Scalar Z1_0 = problem().initConcentration(*eIt);
+                // If total concentrations are given at the boundary, saturation is unknown.
+                // This may affect pc and hence p_alpha and hence again saturation -> iteration.
+                // iterations in case of enabled capillary pressure
+                if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
+                {
+                    //start with pc from last TS
+                    Scalar pc(problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx));
+                    int maxiter = 3;
+                    //start iteration loop
+                    for(int iter=0; iter < maxiter; iter++)
+                    {
+                        //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+                        switch (pressureType)
+                        {
+                            case pw:
+                            {
+                                pressure[wPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                                pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] + pc;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            case pn:
+                            {
+                                pressure[wPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx] - pc;
+                                pressure[nPhaseIdx] = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        //store old pc
+                        Scalar oldPc = pc;
+                        //update with better pressures
+                        fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                            problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPos));
+                        pc = MaterialLaw::pC(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt),
+                                            fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx));
+                        // TODO: get right criterion, do output for evaluation
+                        //converge criterion
+                        if (abs(oldPc-pc)<10)
+                            iter = maxiter;
                         pc = MaterialLaw::pC(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt),
-		            }
-		            problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = pc; //complete iteration procedure
-		        }
-		        else  // capillary pressure neglected
-		        {
-		            problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
-		            pressure[wPhaseIdx] = pressure[nPhaseIdx]
-		                = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
-		            fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
-		        }
-			} //end conc initial condition
+                    }
+                    problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = pc; //complete iteration procedure
+                }
+                else  // capillary pressure neglected
+                {
+                    problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = 0.;
+                    pressure[wPhaseIdx] = pressure[nPhaseIdx]
+                        = problem().variables().pressure()[globalIdx];
+                    fluidState.update(Z1_0, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt), temperature_);
+                }
+            } //end conc initial condition
         } //end compositional
         // initialize densities
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
-	// instantiate a brandnew fluid state object
+    // instantiate a brandnew fluid state object
     FluidState fluidState;
     //get timestep for error term
@@ -1368,32 +1368,32 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
         /******** update variables in variableclass **********/
         // initialize saturation, capillary pressure
-		problem().variables().saturation(globalIdx) = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
-		problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = pc; // pc=0 if EnableCapillarity=false
+        problem().variables().saturation(globalIdx) = fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+        problem().variables().capillaryPressure(globalIdx) = pc; // pc=0 if EnableCapillarity=false
         // initialize viscosities
-		problem().variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx)
-        		= FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[wPhaseIdx], fluidState);
-		problem().variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx)
-        		= FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[nPhaseIdx], fluidState);
+        problem().variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx)
+                = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[wPhaseIdx], fluidState);
+        problem().variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx)
+                = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[nPhaseIdx], fluidState);
         // initialize mobilities
-		problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) =
+        problem().variables().mobilityWetting(globalIdx) =
                 MaterialLaw::krw(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
                     / problem().variables().viscosityWetting(globalIdx);
-		problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) =
+        problem().variables().mobilityNonwetting(globalIdx) =
                 MaterialLaw::krn(problem().spatialParameters().materialLawParams(globalPos, *eIt), fluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx))
                     / problem().variables().viscosityNonwetting(globalIdx);
         // initialize mass fractions
-		problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
-		problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        problem().variables().wet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
+        problem().variables().nonwet_X1(globalIdx) = fluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
         // initialize densities
-        		= FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[wPhaseIdx], fluidState);
+                = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(wPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[wPhaseIdx], fluidState);
-        		= FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[nPhaseIdx], fluidState);
+                = FluidSystem::phaseDensity(nPhaseIdx, temperature_, pressure[nPhaseIdx], fluidState);
         // determine volume mismatch between actual fluid volume and pore volume
         Scalar sumConc = (problem().variables().totalConcentration(globalIdx, wCompIdx)
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
         Scalar massn = problem().variables().numericalDensity(globalIdx, nPhaseIdx) = sumConc * fluidState.phaseMassFraction(nPhaseIdx);
         if ((problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdx)*problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx)) == 0)
-        	DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Decoupled2p2c::postProcessUpdate: try to divide by 0 density");
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::MathError, "Decoupled2p2c::postProcessUpdate: try to divide by 0 density");
         Scalar vol = massw / problem().variables().densityWetting(globalIdx) + massn / problem().variables().densityNonwetting(globalIdx);
         if (dt != 0)
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::updateMaterialLaws()
 template<class TypeTag>
 void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, ElementPointer ep, Scalar& dv_dC1, Scalar& dv_dC2, Scalar& dv_dp)
-	// cell index
+    // cell index
     int globalIdx = problem().variables().index(*ep);
     // get cell temperature
@@ -1450,10 +1450,10 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, Elemen
     // initialize an Fluid state for the update
     FluidState updFluidState;
-	/**********************************
-	 * a) get necessary variables
-	 **********************************/
-	//determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
+    /**********************************
+     * a) get necessary variables
+     **********************************/
+    //determine phase pressures from primary pressure variable
     PhaseVector pressure(0.);
     switch (pressureType)
@@ -1482,18 +1482,18 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, Elemen
     // actual fluid volume
     Scalar volalt = (m1+m2) * (nuw1 * v_w + (1-nuw1) * v_g);
-	/**********************************
-	 * b) define increments
-	 **********************************/
+    /**********************************
+     * b) define increments
+     **********************************/
     // increments for numerical derivatives
     Scalar inc1 = (fabs(problem().variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, wCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_w) ?  problem().variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,wCompIdx) : 1e-8/v_w;
     Scalar inc2 =(fabs(problem().variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx, nCompIdx)) > 1e-8 / v_g) ?  problem().variables().updateEstimate(globalIdx,nCompIdx) : 1e-8 / v_g;
     Scalar incp = 1e-2;
-	/**********************************
-	 * c) Secant method for derivatives
-	 **********************************/
+    /**********************************
+     * c) Secant method for derivatives
+     **********************************/
     // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to pressure
     PhaseVector p_(incp);
@@ -1525,17 +1525,17 @@ void FVPressure2P2C<TypeTag>::volumeDerivatives(GlobalPosition globalPos, Elemen
     // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 1
     m1 +=  inc1;
     Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
-	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
-	Scalar satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
-	Scalar nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
+    updFluidState.update(Z1, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+    Scalar satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    Scalar nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
     dv_dC1 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt) /inc1;
     m1 -= inc1;
     // numerical derivative of fluid volume with respect to mass of component 2
     m2 += inc2;
     Z1 = m1 / (m1 + m2);
-	updFluidState.update(Z1, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
-	satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
+    updFluidState.update(Z1, pressure, problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *ep), temperature_);
+    satt = updFluidState.saturation(wPhaseIdx);
     nuw = satt / v_w / (satt/v_w + (1-satt)/v_g);
     dv_dC2 = ((m1+m2) * (nuw * v_w + (1-nuw) * v_g) - volalt)/ inc2;
     m2 -= inc2;
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh
index cc4efa21e632187c4d0ce263e9434b5ce370d95d..45c48cef9121c34552fad26554fc01b28c26330d 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvpressure2p2cmultiphysics.hh
@@ -256,15 +256,15 @@ void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
-		        // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
-				if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx) == 0)
-					this->volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt,
-							problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx),
-							problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx),
-							problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxI));
-				source[Indices::contiWEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx);		// note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
-				source[Indices::contiNEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx);
+                // derivatives of the fluid volume with respect to concentration of components, or pressure
+                if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx) == 0)
+                    this->volumeDerivatives(globalPos, *eIt,
+                            problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx),
+                            problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx),
+                            problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxI));
+                source[Indices::contiWEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx);        // note: dV_[i][1] = dv_dC1 = dV/dm1
+                source[Indices::contiNEqIdx] *= problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx);
         this->f_[globalIdxI] = volume * (source[Indices::contiWEqIdx] + source[Indices::contiNEqIdx]);
@@ -408,19 +408,19 @@ void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
                         // determine volume derivatives
                         if (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx) == 0)
-                    	this->volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer,
-                    			problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx),
-                    			problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx),
-                    			problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxJ));
+                        this->volumeDerivatives(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer,
+                                problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx),
+                                problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx),
+                                problem().variables().dv_dp(globalIdxJ));
                     dv_dC1 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx)
-                    			+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / 2; // dV/dm1= dV/dC^1
+                                + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / 2; // dV/dm1= dV/dC^1
                     dv_dC2 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx)
-                    			+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / 2;
+                                + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / 2;
                     graddv_dC1 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, wPhaseIdx)
-                    						+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / dist;
+                                            + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wPhaseIdx)) / dist;
                     graddv_dC2 = (problem().variables().dv(globalIdxJ, nPhaseIdx)
-                    						+ problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / dist;
+                                            + problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nPhaseIdx)) / dist;
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
             /************* boundary face ************************/
-            	// get volume derivatives inside the cell
+                // get volume derivatives inside the cell
                 dv_dC1 = problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, wCompIdx);
                 dv_dC2 = problem().variables().dv(globalIdxI, nCompIdx);
@@ -927,13 +927,13 @@ void FVPressure2P2CMultiPhysics<TypeTag>::assemble(bool first)
             if (erri <= x_mi * maxErr)
                 this->f_[globalIdxI] +=
-                		problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
-                				fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
+                        problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
+                                fac* (1-x_mi*(lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi) + (lofac-1)/(x_lo-x_mi)*erri/maxErr)
                                     * problem().variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
                 this->f_[globalIdxI] +=
-                		problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
-                				fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
+                        problem().variables().errorCorrection(globalIdxI) =
+                                fac * (1 + x_mi - hifac*x_mi/(1-x_mi) + (hifac/(1-x_mi)-1)*erri/maxErr)
                                     * problem().variables().volErr()[globalIdxI] * volume;
     } // end grid traversal
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh
index fcfd85be8f16bce2d6622299ae3a2e54dedafbf3..2ecf3a62d781516601898b11eee5fac1bffe9b4c 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/fvtransport2p2c.hh
@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
                 // compute mean permeability
                 Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar,dim,dim> meanK_(0.);
-                		K_I,
-						problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer));
+                        K_I,
+                        problem().spatialParameters().intrinsicPermeability(globalPosNeighbor, *neighborPointer));
                 Dune::FieldVector<Scalar,dim> K(0);
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
-             * 	Boundary Face
+             *     Boundary Face
             if (isIt->boundary())
@@ -398,15 +398,15 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
                     Scalar Xw1Bound = BCfluidState.massFrac(wPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
                     Scalar Xn1Bound = BCfluidState.massFrac(nPhaseIdx, wCompIdx);
                     Scalar densityWBound = BCfluidState.density(wPhaseIdx);
-					Scalar densityNWBound = BCfluidState.density(nPhaseIdx);
-					Scalar viscosityWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx,
-																		problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPosFace),
-																		pressBound[wPhaseIdx], BCfluidState);
-					Scalar viscosityNWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx,
-																		problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPosFace),
-																		pressBound[wPhaseIdx], BCfluidState);
-			        if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
-			            pcBound = BCfluidState.capillaryPressure();
+                    Scalar densityNWBound = BCfluidState.density(nPhaseIdx);
+                    Scalar viscosityWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(wPhaseIdx,
+                                                                        problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPosFace),
+                                                                        pressBound[wPhaseIdx], BCfluidState);
+                    Scalar viscosityNWBound = FluidSystem::phaseViscosity(nPhaseIdx,
+                                                                        problem().temperatureAtPos(globalPosFace),
+                                                                        pressBound[wPhaseIdx], BCfluidState);
+                    if(GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, PTAG(EnableCapillarity)))
+                        pcBound = BCfluidState.capillaryPressure();
                     // average
                     double densityW_mean = (densityWI + densityWBound) / 2;
                     double densityNW_mean = (densityNWI + densityNWBound) / 2;
@@ -499,23 +499,23 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
                     updFactor[nCompIdx] = - J[Indices::contiNEqIdx] * faceArea / volume;
                     // for timestep control
-					#define cflIgnoresNeumann
-					#ifdef cflIgnoresNeumann
+                    #define cflIgnoresNeumann
+                    #ifdef cflIgnoresNeumann
                     factor[0] = 0;
                     factor[1] = 0;
-					#else
+                    #else
                     double inflow = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;
                     if (inflow>0)
-						{
-                    	factor[0] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;	// =factor in
-                    	factor[1] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI);	// =factor out
-						}
+                        {
+                        factor[0] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW;    // =factor in
+                        factor[1] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI);    // =factor out
+                        }
-                    	factor[0] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW);	// =factor in
-                    	factor[1] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI;	// =factor out
+                        factor[0] = -(updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW);    // =factor in
+                        factor[1] = updFactor[wCompIdx] / densityW /SwmobI + updFactor[nCompIdx] / densityNW / SnmobI;    // =factor out
-					#endif
+                    #endif
                 }//end neumann boundary
             }//end boundary
             // correct update Factor by volume error
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
         }// end all intersections
-        /*********** 	Handle source term     ***************/
+        /***********     Handle source term     ***************/
         PrimaryVariables q(NAN);
         problem().source(q, *eIt);
         updateVec[wCompIdx][globalIdxI] += q[Indices::contiWEqIdx];
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ void FVTransport2P2C<TypeTag>::update(const Scalar t, Scalar& dt, TransportSolut
         // account for porosity
         sumfactorin = std::max(sumfactorin,sumfactorout)
-						/ problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt);
+                        / problem().spatialParameters().porosity(globalPos, *eIt);
         if ( 1./sumfactorin < dt)
diff --git a/dumux/material/MpNcfluidsystems/h2on2fluidsystem.hh b/dumux/material/MpNcfluidsystems/h2on2fluidsystem.hh
index 328662b0a782017466f540231d6e790f7d2a94d1..a29638048487099c45f533a9840b246eea2f7164 100644
--- a/dumux/material/MpNcfluidsystems/h2on2fluidsystem.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/MpNcfluidsystems/h2on2fluidsystem.hh
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ public:
                                       const ParameterCache &paramCache,
                                       int phaseIdx)
-//    	TODO thermal conductivity is a function of:
+//        TODO thermal conductivity is a function of:
 //        Scalar p = fluidState.pressure(phaseIdx);
 //        Scalar T = fluidState.temperature(phaseIdx);
 //        Scalar x = fluidState.moleFrac(phaseIdx,compIdx);
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2padaptive/test_impes_adaptive_problem.hh b/test/decoupled/2padaptive/test_impes_adaptive_problem.hh
index dfc5fb508b7d0bd2edc3628b2d91926c6ecf49e7..354ec108c75dbd98bb9332495b3702f87c6332c4 100644
--- a/test/decoupled/2padaptive/test_impes_adaptive_problem.hh
+++ b/test/decoupled/2padaptive/test_impes_adaptive_problem.hh
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ NEW_TYPE_TAG(TestIMPESAdaptiveProblem, INHERITS_FROM(DecoupledTwoP, Transport, T
 // Set the grid type
 SET_PROP(TestIMPESAdaptiveProblem, Grid)
-	typedef Dune::UGGrid<2> type;
+    typedef Dune::UGGrid<2> type;
 // Set the problem property