diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/brookscorey.hh b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/brookscorey.hh
index e9c1b0a4e432a2e782d93e5f1ab46a250bf852d8..35ef237461161dfd0b1580abac1d8af113e58f1e 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/brookscorey.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/brookscorey.hh
@@ -66,10 +66,17 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen,
                         and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Capillary pressure calculated by Brooks & Corey constitutive relation.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar pc(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
         return params.pe()*pow(swe, -1.0/params.lambda());
@@ -86,13 +93,18 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Effective wetting phase saturation calculated as inverse of BrooksCorey constitutive relation.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar sw(const Params &params, Scalar pc)
-        assert(pc >= 0);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::max;
-        Scalar tmp = pow(pc/params.pe(), -params.lambda());
-        return std::min(std::max(tmp, Scalar(0.0)), Scalar(1.0));
+        pc = max(pc, 0.0); // the equation below is undefined for negative pcs
+        return pow(pc/params.pe(), -params.lambda());
@@ -110,10 +122,17 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Partial derivative of \f$\mathrm{[p_c]}\f$ w.r.t. effective saturation according to Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dpc_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
         return - params.pe()/params.lambda() * pow(swe, -1/params.lambda() - 1);
@@ -127,10 +146,16 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Partial derivative of effective saturation w.r.t. \f$\mathrm{[p_c]}\f$ according to Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dswe_dpc(const Params &params, Scalar pc)
-        assert(pc >= 0);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::max;
+        pc = max(pc, 0.0); // the equation below is undefined for negative pcs
         return -params.lambda()/params.pe() * pow(pc/params.pe(), - params.lambda() - 1);
@@ -145,10 +170,17 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen,
      *                  and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Relative permeability of the wetting phase calculated as implied by Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar krw(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
         return pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda() + 3);
@@ -164,10 +196,17 @@ public:
      *                  and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Derivative of the relative permeability of the wetting phase w.r.t. effective wetting phase
      *                  saturation calculated as implied by Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dkrw_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
         return (2.0/params.lambda() + 3)*pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda() + 2);
@@ -182,14 +221,21 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Relative permeability of the non-wetting phase calculated as implied by Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar krn(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
-        Scalar exponent = 2.0/params.lambda() + 1;
-        Scalar tmp = 1. - swe;
-        return tmp*tmp*(1. - pow(swe, exponent));
+        const Scalar exponent = 2.0/params.lambda() + 1;
+        const Scalar tmp = 1.0 - swe;
+        return tmp*tmp*(1.0 - pow(swe, exponent));
@@ -204,22 +250,26 @@ public:
      *                  and then the params container is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return Derivative of the relative permeability of the non-wetting phase w.r.t. effective wetting phase
      *                  saturation calculated as implied by Brooks & Corey.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dkrn_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
-        return
-            2.0*(swe - 1)*(
-                1 +
-                pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda())*(
-                    1.0/params.lambda() + 1.0/2 -
-                    swe*(1.0/params.lambda() + 1.0/2)
-                    )
-                );
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        return 2.0*(swe - 1)*(1 + pow(swe, 2.0/params.lambda())*(1.0/params.lambda() + 1.0/2
+                                                                 - swe*(1.0/params.lambda() + 1.0/2)
+                                                                )
+                             );
+} // end namespace Dumux
 #endif // BROOKS_COREY_HH
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/vangenuchten.hh b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/vangenuchten.hh
index 388e9aca0bce7225d7113dadb3cd730a28c67004..75f1c768db023c923efd6dcf088475a34c2aa224 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/vangenuchten.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/2p/vangenuchten.hh
@@ -64,11 +64,19 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if swe is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input. Note that for pc(swe = 0.0) = inf, have a look at RegularizedVanGenuchten if this is a problem.
     static Scalar pc(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
-        return pow(pow(swe, -1.0/params.vgm()) - 1, 1.0/params.vgn())/params.vgAlpha();
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        const Scalar pc = pow(pow(swe, -1.0/params.vgm()) - 1, 1.0/params.vgn())/params.vgAlpha();
+        return pc;
@@ -84,12 +92,18 @@ public:
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
      * \return          The effective saturation of the wetting phase \f$\mathrm{\overline{S}_w}\f$
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       i.e. sw(pc < 0.0) = 0.0, by clamping the input to the physical bounds.
     static Scalar sw(const Params &params, Scalar pc)
-        assert(pc >= 0);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::max;
+        pc = max(pc, 0.0); // the equation below is undefined for negative pcs
-        return pow(pow(params.vgAlpha()*pc, params.vgn()) + 1, -params.vgm());
+        const Scalar sw = pow(pow(params.vgAlpha()*pc, params.vgn()) + 1, -params.vgm());
+        return sw;
@@ -107,14 +121,21 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
-    */
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if swe is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
+     */
     static Scalar dpc_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
-        Scalar powSwe = pow(swe, -1/params.vgm());
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        const Scalar powSwe = pow(swe, -1/params.vgm());
         return - 1.0/params.vgAlpha() * pow(powSwe - 1, 1.0/params.vgn() - 1)/params.vgn()
-            * powSwe/swe/params.vgm();
+                                      * powSwe/swe/params.vgm();
@@ -125,14 +146,19 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dswe_dpc(const Params &params, Scalar pc)
-        assert(pc >= 0);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::max;
+        pc = max(pc, 0.0); // the equation below is undefined for negative pcs
-        Scalar powAlphaPc = pow(params.vgAlpha()*pc, params.vgn());
-        return -pow(powAlphaPc + 1, -params.vgm()-1)*
-            params.vgm()*powAlphaPc/pc*params.vgn();
+        const Scalar powAlphaPc = pow(params.vgAlpha()*pc, params.vgn());
+        return -pow(powAlphaPc + 1, -params.vgm()-1)*params.vgm()*powAlphaPc/pc*params.vgn();
@@ -143,12 +169,21 @@ public:
      * \param swe The mobile saturation of the wetting phase.
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
-     *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.     */
+     *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
+     */
     static Scalar krw(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::sqrt;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
-        Scalar r = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm()), params.vgm());
+        const Scalar r = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm()), params.vgm());
         return sqrt(swe)*r*r;
@@ -161,14 +196,22 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dkrw_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::sqrt;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
-        const Scalar x = 1.0 - std::pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm());
-        const Scalar xToM = std::pow(x, params.vgm());
-        return (1.0 - xToM)/std::sqrt(swe) * ( (1.0 - xToM)/2 + 2*xToM*(1.0-x)/x );
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        const Scalar x = 1.0 - pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm());
+        const Scalar xToM = pow(x, params.vgm());
+        return (1.0 - xToM)/sqrt(swe) * ( (1.0 - xToM)/2 + 2*xToM*(1.0-x)/x );
@@ -180,14 +223,19 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar krn(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
-        return
-            pow(1 - swe, 1.0/3) *
-            pow(1 - pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm()), 2*params.vgm());
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        return pow(1 - swe, 1.0/3) * pow(1 - pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm()), 2*params.vgm());
@@ -200,19 +248,24 @@ public:
      * \param params A container object that is populated with the appropriate coefficients for the respective law.
      *                  Therefore, in the (problem specific) spatialParameters  first, the material law is chosen, and then the params container
      *                  is constructed accordingly. Afterwards the values are set there, too.
+     *
+     * \note Instead of undefined behaviour if pc is not in the valid range, we return a valid number,
+     *       by clamping the input.
     static Scalar dkrn_dswe(const Params &params, Scalar swe)
-        assert(0 <= swe && swe <= 1);
+        using std::pow;
+        using std::min;
+        using std::max;
-        const Scalar x = std::pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm());
-        return
-            -std::pow(1.0 - x, 2*params.vgm())
-            *std::pow(1.0 - swe, -2.0/3)
-            *(1.0/3 + 2*x/swe);
+        swe = min(max(swe, 0.0), 1.0); // the equation below is only defined for 0.0 <= sw <= 1.0
+        const Scalar x = pow(swe, 1.0/params.vgm());
+        return -pow(1.0 - x, 2*params.vgm()) * pow(1.0 - swe, -2.0/3) * (1.0/3 + 2*x/swe);
+} // end namespace Dumux