diff --git a/dumux/implicit/mpnc/mass/mpncvolumevariablesmasskinetic.hh b/dumux/implicit/mpnc/mass/mpncvolumevariablesmasskinetic.hh
index 036e0207496d75884b0b2e617308a9f6a7494fe1..4e96c264764e70f435b3676894fcc1e3e1441d0b 100644
--- a/dumux/implicit/mpnc/mass/mpncvolumevariablesmasskinetic.hh
+++ b/dumux/implicit/mpnc/mass/mpncvolumevariablesmasskinetic.hh
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ namespace Dumux
  * \brief The compositional part of the volume variables if chemical
  *        equilibrium is _not_ assumed
+ *
+ *        The interface for basing mass transfer on chemical potentials was present in revision 12743
 template <class TypeTag>
 class MPNCVolumeVariablesMass<TypeTag, /*bool enableKinetic=*/true>
@@ -130,24 +132,6 @@ public:
-            // Setting the equilibrium chemical potential (in a kinetic model not necessarily the same as the actual chemical potential)
-            for(int smallLoopPhaseIdx=0; smallLoopPhaseIdx<numPhases; ++smallLoopPhaseIdx){
-                for (int compIdx=0; compIdx< numComponents; ++ compIdx){
-                    chemicalPotentialEquil_[smallLoopPhaseIdx][compIdx] = FluidSystem::chemicalPotential(equilFluidState,
-                                                                                                         smallLoopPhaseIdx,
-                                                                                                         compIdx);
-                }
-            }
-            // Setting the actual chemical potential (in a kinetic model not necessarily the same as the equilibrium chemical potential)
-            for(int smallLoopPhaseIdx=0; smallLoopPhaseIdx<numPhases; ++smallLoopPhaseIdx){
-                for (int compIdx=0; compIdx< numComponents; ++ compIdx){
-                    chemicalPotential_[smallLoopPhaseIdx][compIdx] = FluidSystem::chemicalPotential(actualFluidState,
-                                                                                                    smallLoopPhaseIdx,
-                                                                                                    compIdx);
-                }
-            }
             // compute densities of all phases
             for(int smallLoopPhaseIdx=0; smallLoopPhaseIdx<numPhases; ++smallLoopPhaseIdx){
                 const Scalar rho = FluidSystem::density(actualFluidState, paramCache, smallLoopPhaseIdx);
@@ -170,28 +154,6 @@ public:
         return xEquil_[phaseIdx][compIdx] ;
-    /*!
-     * \brief The chemical potential we would have in the case of chemical equilibrium / on the interface
-     *
-     *     \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-     *     \param compIdx The local index of the component
-     */
-    const Scalar chemicalPotential(const unsigned int phaseIdx, const unsigned int compIdx) const
-    {
-        return chemicalPotential_[phaseIdx][compIdx] ;
-    }
-    /*!
-     * \brief The actual chemical potential we currently have. In the case of non-equilibrium this is not
-     *        necessarily equilibrium.
-     *
-     *     \param phaseIdx The index of the fluid phase
-     *     \param compIdx The local index of the component
-     */
-    const Scalar chemicalPotentialEquil(const unsigned int phaseIdx, const unsigned int compIdx) const
-    {
-        return chemicalPotentialEquil_[phaseIdx][compIdx] ;
-    }
      * \brief If running in valgrind this makes sure that all
@@ -201,15 +163,11 @@ public:
 #if HAVE_VALGRIND && !defined NDEBUG
-        Valgrind::CheckDefined(chemicalPotentialEquil_);
-        Valgrind::CheckDefined(chemicalPotential_);
     Scalar xEquil_[numPhases][numComponents];
-    Scalar chemicalPotentialEquil_[numPhases][numComponents];
-    Scalar chemicalPotential_[numPhases][numComponents];
 } // end namespace