diff --git a/examples/generate_example_docs.py b/examples/generate_example_docs.py
index dc97ba7da5b7a13abcfbe48e7087a3f8a0cafc76..fa9f1704aed73df8cb692f12486813f98e4189f8 100755
--- a/examples/generate_example_docs.py
+++ b/examples/generate_example_docs.py
@@ -6,7 +6,76 @@ import argparse
 from convert_code_to_doc import *
-def convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config):
+class Navigation:
+    """Add nagivation bars to examples with subpages"""
+    def __init__(self, config, dir):
+        # read and check the configuration
+        if "mainpage" not in config:
+            raise IOError("The .doc_config navigation section has to contain a mainpage entry!")
+        mainpage = config["mainpage"]
+        if "subpages" not in config:
+            raise IOError("The .doc_config navigation section has to contain a subpages entry!")
+        if len(config["subpages"]) < 1:
+            raise IOError("The .doc_config navigation:subpages array has to have at least one entry!")
+        subpages = config["subpages"]
+        if "subtitles" not in config:
+            subtitles = ["Part {} of the documentation".format(i+1) for i in range(len(subpages))]
+        else:
+            if len(config["subtitles"]) != len(subpages):
+                raise IOError("In the .doc_config navigation section the subpages array has to have the same length as the subtitles array!")
+            subtitles = ["Part {}: {}".format(i+1, t) for i, t in enumerate(config["subtitles"])]
+        self.dir = dir # the working directory
+        # create the snippets to insert into the docs
+        self.snippets = {}
+        # first the navigation snippet for the main page
+        self.snippets[mainpage] = { "header" : "", "footer" : "" }
+        makeHead = lambda t: "\n## {}\n\n".format(t)
+        makeEntry = lambda i,l: "| [:arrow_right: Click to continue with part {} of the documentation]({}) |\n|---:|\n\n".format(i,l)
+        self.snippets[mainpage]["footer"] = " ".join(
+            [ makeHead(title) + makeEntry(index+1, self.getRelPath(mainpage, subpage)) for index, (subpage, title) in enumerate(zip(subpages, subtitles))]
+        ).rstrip("\n")
+        # then the navigation snippets for the subpages
+        pagetypes = ["mid" for i in range(len(subpages))]
+        pagetypes[0] = "first"
+        pagetypes[-1] = "last"
+        for index, (subpage, pagetype) in enumerate(zip(subpages, pagetypes)):
+            self.snippets[subpage] = { "header" : "", "footer" : "" }
+            if pagetype == "mid":
+                self.snippets[subpage]["header"] = " ".join(["\n|",
+                    "[:arrow_left: Back to the main documentation](" + self.getRelPath(subpage, mainpage) +  ") |",
+                    "[:arrow_left: Go back to part {}]".format(index) + "(" + self.getRelPath(subpage, subpages[index-1]) +  ") |",
+                    "[:arrow_right: Continue with part {}]".format(index+2) + "(" + self.getRelPath(subpage, subpages[index+1]) +  ") |"
+                ]) + "\n|---|---|---:|\n\n"
+            elif pagetype == "last":
+                self.snippets[subpage]["header"] = " ".join(["\n|",
+                    "[:arrow_left: Back to the main documentation](" + self.getRelPath(subpage, mainpage) +  ") |",
+                    "[:arrow_left: Go back to part {}]".format(index) + "(" + self.getRelPath(subpage, subpages[index-1]) +  ") |"
+                ]) + "\n|---|---:|\n\n"
+            else: # first subpage
+                self.snippets[subpage]["header"] = " ".join(["\n|",
+                    "[:arrow_left: Back to the main documentation](" + self.getRelPath(subpage, mainpage) +  ") |",
+                    "[:arrow_right: Continue with part {}]".format(index+2) + "(" + self.getRelPath(subpage, subpages[index+1]) +  ") |"
+                ]) + "\n|---|---:|\n\n"
+            # for subpages header and footer are the same
+            self.snippets[subpage]["footer"] = self.snippets[subpage]["header"]
+    def getRelPath(self, page, target):
+        absPageBasePath = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, page)))[0]
+        absTargetPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dir, target))
+        return os.path.relpath(absTargetPath, absPageBasePath)
+    def header(self, page):
+        return self.snippets[page]["header"]
+    def footer(self, page):
+        return self.snippets[page]["footer"]
+def convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config, navigation=None):
     for target, sources in config.items():
@@ -20,6 +89,8 @@ def convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config):
         with open(targetPath, "w") as targetFile:
             thisScript = os.path.basename(__file__)
             targetFile.write("<!-- Important: This file has been automatically generated by {}. Do not edit this file directly! -->\n\n".format(thisScript))
+            if navigation:
+                targetFile.write(navigation.header(target))
             for source in sources:
                 fileExtension = os.path.splitext(source)[1]
                 if fileExtension == ".md":
@@ -31,6 +102,8 @@ def convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config):
                         targetFile.write("\n\n" + transformCode(cppCode.read(), cppRules(), sourceRelPath) + "\n")
                     raise IOError("Unsupported or unknown file extension *{}".format(fileExtension))
+            if navigation:
+                targetFile.write(navigation.footer(target))
 def generateReadme(dir):
     config = None
@@ -42,7 +115,10 @@ def generateReadme(dir):
     except FileNotFoundError:
     if config is not None:
-        convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config)
+        navigation = None
+        if "navigation" in config:
+            navigation = Navigation(config.pop("navigation"), dir)
+        convertToMarkdownAndMerge(dir, config, navigation)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()