diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh b/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh
index 11c85417f2ce2ba1ca59eda1dca2876831686e65..75572cfa64a75140ffd7d0cfc3e11363305366bd 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/problem.hh
@@ -220,6 +220,21 @@ public:
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "When using the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman boundary condition, the alpha value must be returned in the acutal problem");
+    //! helper function to evaluate the slip velocity on the boundary when the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman condition is used
+    const Scalar bjsVelocity(const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
+                             const SubControlVolumeFace& normalFace,
+                             const Scalar& localSubFaceIdx,
+                             const Scalar& velocitySelf) const
+    {
+        // du/dy = alpha/sqrt(K) * u_boundary
+        // du/dy = (u_center - u_boundary) / deltaY
+        // u_boundary = u_center / (alpha/sqrt(K)*deltaY + 1)
+        using std::sqrt;
+        const Scalar K = asImp_().permeability(normalFace);
+        const Scalar alpha = asImp_().alphaBJ(normalFace);
+        return velocitySelf / (alpha / sqrt(K) * scvf.pairData(localSubFaceIdx).parallelDistance + 1.0);
+    }
     //! Returns the implementation of the problem (i.e. static polymorphism)
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/fluxvariables.hh b/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/fluxvariables.hh
index 2396290a5c15e2bbb0886ae536d787f149394c8c..b3161ea85b9312b83022f989bd724f133a9c3754 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/fluxvariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/navierstokes/staggered/fluxvariables.hh
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ private:
             const auto ghostFace = makeParallelGhostFace_(scvf, localSubFaceIdx);
             if (isBJS)
-                return bjsVelocity_(problem, scvf, normalFace, localSubFaceIdx, velocitySelf);
+                return problem.bjsVelocity(scvf, normalFace, localSubFaceIdx, velocitySelf);
             return problem.dirichlet(element, ghostFace)[Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())];
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ private:
             const auto ghostFace = makeParallelGhostFace_(scvf, localSubFaceIdx);
             if (isBJS)
-                return bjsVelocity_(problem, scvf, normalFace, localSubFaceIdx, innerParallelVelocity);
+                return problem.bjsVelocity(scvf, normalFace, localSubFaceIdx, innerParallelVelocity);
             return problem.dirichlet(element, ghostFace)[Indices::velocity(scvf.directionIndex())];
@@ -594,22 +594,6 @@ private:
         const auto& outsideVolVars = elemVolVars[scvf.outsideScvIdx()];
         return harmonicMean(insideVolVars.extrusionFactor(), outsideVolVars.extrusionFactor());
-    //! helper function to evaluate the slip velocity on the boundary when the Beavers-Joseph-Saffman condition is used
-    Scalar bjsVelocity_(const Problem& problem,
-                        const SubControlVolumeFace& scvf,
-                        const SubControlVolumeFace& normalFace,
-                        const Scalar& localSubFaceIdx,
-                        const Scalar& velocitySelf)
-    {
-        // du/dy = alpha/sqrt(K) * u_boundary
-        // du/dy = (u_center - u_boundary) / deltaY
-        // u_boundary = u_center / (alpha/sqrt(K)*deltaY + 1)
-        using std::sqrt;
-        const Scalar K = problem.permeability(normalFace);
-        const Scalar alpha = problem.alphaBJ(normalFace);
-        return velocitySelf / (alpha / sqrt(K) * scvf.pairData(localSubFaceIdx).parallelDistance + 1.0);
-    }
 } // end namespace
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/rans/problem.hh b/dumux/freeflow/rans/problem.hh
index 88289aaa4a556896f5843e6943f8e3c4ed6fb8c6..255a3163ef6169c12c47ae29c4b02240abb4113e 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/rans/problem.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/rans/problem.hh
@@ -291,23 +291,67 @@ public:
             for (auto&& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
-                unsigned int normDim = scvf.directionIndex();
-                if (scvf.boundary() && asImp_().boundaryTypes(element, scvf).isDirichlet(Indices::velocity(normDim)))
+                // adapt calculations for Dirichlet condition
+                unsigned int scvfNormDim = scvf.directionIndex();
+                if (scvf.boundary())
                     for (unsigned int velIdx = 0; velIdx < dim; ++velIdx)
-                        // face Value
+                        if (!asImp_().boundaryTypes(element, scvf).isDirichlet(Indices::velocity(velIdx)))
+                            continue;
                         Scalar dirichletVelocity = asImp_().dirichlet(element, scvf)[Indices::velocity(velIdx)];
-                        unsigned int neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][normDim][0];
-                        if (scvf.center()[normDim] < cellCenter_[elementID][normDim])
-                            neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][normDim][1];
+                        unsigned int neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][scvfNormDim][0];
+                        if (scvf.center()[scvfNormDim] < cellCenter_[elementID][scvfNormDim])
+                            neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][scvfNormDim][1];
-                        velocityGradients_[elementID][velIdx][normDim]
+                        velocityGradients_[elementID][velIdx][scvfNormDim]
                             = (velocity_[neighborID][velIdx] - dirichletVelocity)
-                              / (cellCenter_[neighborID][normDim] - scvf.center()[normDim]);
+                              / (cellCenter_[neighborID][scvfNormDim] - scvf.center()[scvfNormDim]);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Calculate the BJS-velocity by accounting for all sub faces.
+                std::vector<int> bjsNumFaces(dim, 0);
+                std::vector<unsigned int> bjsNeighbor(dim, 0);
+                DimVector bjsVelocityAverage(0.0);
+                DimVector normalNormCoordinate(0.0);
+                unsigned int velIdx = Indices::velocity(scvfNormDim);
+                const int numSubFaces = scvf.pairData().size();
+                for(int localSubFaceIdx = 0; localSubFaceIdx < numSubFaces; ++localSubFaceIdx)
+                {
+                    const auto& normalFace = fvGeometry.scvf(scvf.insideScvIdx(), scvf.pairData()[localSubFaceIdx].localNormalFaceIdx);
+                    // adapt calculations for Beavers-Joseph-Saffman condition
+                    unsigned int normalNormDim = normalFace.directionIndex();
+                    if (normalFace.boundary() && (asImp_().boundaryTypes(element, normalFace).isBJS(Indices::velocity(velIdx))))
+                    {
+                        unsigned int neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][normalNormDim][0];
+                        if (normalFace.center()[normalNormDim] < cellCenter_[elementID][normalNormDim])
+                            neighborID = neighborID_[elementID][normalNormDim][1];
+                        bjsVelocityAverage[normalNormDim] += ParentType::bjsVelocity(scvf, normalFace, localSubFaceIdx, velocity_[elementID][velIdx]);
+                        if (bjsNumFaces[normalNormDim] > 0 && neighborID != bjsNeighbor[normalNormDim])
+                            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Two different neighborID should not occur");
+                        bjsNeighbor[normalNormDim] = neighborID;
+                        normalNormCoordinate[normalNormDim] = normalFace.center()[normalNormDim];
+                        bjsNumFaces[normalNormDim]++;
+                for (unsigned dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < dim; ++dirIdx)
+                {
+                    if (bjsNumFaces[dirIdx] == 0)
+                        continue;
+                    unsigned int neighborID = bjsNeighbor[dirIdx];
+                    bjsVelocityAverage[dirIdx] /= bjsNumFaces[dirIdx];
+                    velocityGradients_[elementID][velIdx][dirIdx]
+                        = (velocity_[neighborID][velIdx] - bjsVelocityAverage[dirIdx])
+                          / (cellCenter_[neighborID][dirIdx] - normalNormCoordinate[dirIdx]);
+                }