From 8f9bd0d9b08e79fcd329b38f8b47edcce65ddccd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kilian Weishaupt <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 16:31:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [staggeredGrid][vtk] Revise staggered vtk writer

* Now provides void addPointData() to make usage more similar to existing writer
* Will get an interface which allows use with dune sequence writer
 dumux/freeflow/staggered/model.hh             | 110 -------
 dumux/freeflow/staggered/vtkoutputmodule.hh   |   6 +-
 dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh          | 166 +++++-----
 dumux/io/staggeredvtkwriter.hh                | 301 ++++++++++--------
 .../staggered/kovasznaytestproblem.hh         |  42 +--
 5 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/staggered/model.hh b/dumux/freeflow/staggered/model.hh
index 2856c75b03..16dbdaef44 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/staggered/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/staggered/model.hh
@@ -93,116 +93,6 @@ public:
 //         NonIsothermalModel::maybeAddTemperature(vtkOutputModule);
-    /*!
-     * \brief \copybrief Dumux::ImplicitModel::addOutputVtkFields
-     *
-     * Specialization for the NavierStokesModel, adding the pressure and
-     * the process rank to the VTK writer.
-     */
-    template<class MultiWriter>
-    void addOutputVtkFields(const SolutionVector &sol,
-                            MultiWriter &writer)
-    {
-        // TODO: implement vtk output properly, account for 3d
-        using  VectorField = Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double, dimWorld> >;
-        // create the required scalar fields
-        const auto numElements = this->gridView_().size(0);
-        auto *p = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        auto *delP = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        auto *v_x_pos = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        auto *v_x_neg = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        auto *v_y_pos = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        auto *v_y_neg = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        VectorField *velocity = writer.template allocateManagedBuffer<double, dimWorld>(numElements);
-        // initialize velocity field
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
-        {
-            (*velocity)[i] = Scalar(0);
-        }
-       auto *rank = writer.allocateManagedBuffer(numElements);
-        for (const auto& element : elements(this->gridView_(), Dune::Partitions::interior))
-        {
-            auto eIdx = this->elementMapper().index(element);
-            (*rank)[eIdx] = this->gridView_().comm().rank();
-           // get the local fv geometry
-            auto fvGeometry = localView(this->globalFvGeometry());
-            fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
-            auto elemVolVars = localView(this->curGlobalVolVars());
-            elemVolVars.bindElement(element, fvGeometry, this->curSol());
-            for (auto&& scv : scvs(fvGeometry))
-            {
-                const auto& volVars = elemVolVars[scv];
-                auto dofIdxGlobal = scv.dofIndex();
-                (*p)[dofIdxGlobal] = volVars.pressure();
-                (*delP)[dofIdxGlobal] = volVars.pressure() - 1.1e5;
-                GlobalPosition velocityVector(0.0);
-                for (auto&& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
-                {
-                    auto& origFaceVars = this->curGlobalFaceVars().faceVars(scvf.dofIndex());
-                    auto dirIdx = scvf.directionIndex();
-                    velocityVector[dirIdx] += 0.5*origFaceVars.velocity();
-                    if(scvf.unitOuterNormal()[dirIdx] > 0.0)
-                    {
-                        if(dirIdx == 0)
-                            (*v_x_pos)[dofIdxGlobal] = origFaceVars.velocity();
-                        if(dirIdx == 1)
-                            (*v_y_pos)[dofIdxGlobal] = origFaceVars.velocity();
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if(dirIdx == 0)
-                            (*v_x_neg)[dofIdxGlobal] = origFaceVars.velocity();
-                        if(dirIdx == 1)
-                            (*v_y_neg)[dofIdxGlobal] = origFaceVars.velocity();
-                    }
-                }
-                (*velocity)[dofIdxGlobal] = velocityVector;
-            }
-        }
-        writer.attachDofData(*p, "p", isBox);
-        writer.attachDofData(*delP, "delP", isBox);
-        writer.attachDofData(*v_x_pos, "v_x_pos", isBox);
-        writer.attachDofData(*v_x_neg, "v_x_neg", isBox);
-        writer.attachDofData(*v_y_pos, "v_y_pos", isBox);
-        writer.attachDofData(*v_y_neg, "v_y_neg", isBox);
-        writer.attachCellData(*rank, "process rank");
-        writer.attachDofData(*velocity,  "velocity", isBox, dim);
-    }
-    auto velocity(const Element& element) const
-    {
-        GlobalPosition velocityVector(0.0);
-        // get the local fv geometry
-        auto fvGeometry = localView(this->globalFvGeometry());
-        fvGeometry.bindElement(element);
-        for (auto&& scv : scvs(fvGeometry))
-        {
-            for (auto&& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
-            {
-                auto& origFaceVars = this->curGlobalFaceVars().faceVars(scvf.dofIndex());
-                auto dirIdx = scvf.directionIndex();
-                velocityVector[dirIdx] += 0.5*origFaceVars.velocity();
-            }
-        }
-        return velocityVector;
-    }
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/staggered/vtkoutputmodule.hh b/dumux/freeflow/staggered/vtkoutputmodule.hh
index f3fe5f22d3..3a55f7c828 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/staggered/vtkoutputmodule.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/staggered/vtkoutputmodule.hh
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ private:
      * \param face The face
     template<class Face>
-    void getVectorData_(Data& priVarVectorData, const Face& face)
+    void getPrivarVectorData_(Data& priVarVectorData, const Face& face)
         const int dofIdxGlobal = face.dofIndex();
         const int dirIdx = directionIndex(face.unitOuterNormal());
         const Scalar velocity = this->problem().model().curSol()[faceIdx][dofIdxGlobal][0];
-        for (int i = 0; i < this->faceData().priVarVectorDataInfo.size(); ++i)
-            priVarVectorData[i][dofIdxGlobal * this->faceData().priVarVectorDataInfo[i].pvIdx.size() + dirIdx] = velocity;
+        for (int i = 0; i < this->priVarVectorDataInfo_.size(); ++i)
+            priVarVectorData[i][dofIdxGlobal * this->priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx.size() + dirIdx] = velocity;
diff --git a/dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh b/dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh
index 4a6ab7c82c..acbeb5afe3 100644
--- a/dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ class StaggeredVtkOutputModule : public VtkOutputModuleBase<TypeTag>
     enum { dim = GridView::dimension };
     enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
+    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
     using DofTypeIndices = typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, DofTypeIndices);
     typename DofTypeIndices::CellCenterIdx cellCenterIdx;
     typename DofTypeIndices::FaceIdx faceIdx;
@@ -65,31 +67,14 @@ class StaggeredVtkOutputModule : public VtkOutputModuleBase<TypeTag>
     using Positions = std::vector<Scalar>;
     using Data = std::vector<std::vector<Scalar>>;
-    // a collection of types and variables to be passed to the staggered vtk writer
-    struct WriterData
-    {
-        using Positions = StaggeredVtkOutputModule::Positions;
-        using PriVarScalarDataInfo = StaggeredVtkOutputModule::PriVarScalarDataInfo;
-        using PriVarVectorDataInfo = StaggeredVtkOutputModule::PriVarVectorDataInfo;
-        using Data = StaggeredVtkOutputModule::Data;
-        Data priVarScalarData;
-        Data priVarVectorData;
-        Data secondVarScalarData;
-        Data secondVarVectorData;
-        Positions positions;
-        std::vector<PriVarScalarDataInfo> priVarScalarDataInfo;
-        std::vector<PriVarVectorDataInfo> priVarVectorDataInfo;
-        std::vector<PriVarScalarDataInfo> secondVarScalarDataInfo;
-        std::vector<PriVarVectorDataInfo> secondVarVectorDataInfo;
-    };
     StaggeredVtkOutputModule(const Problem& problem,
-                    Dune::VTK::DataMode dm = Dune::VTK::conforming) : ParentType(problem, dm), faceWriter_(problem)
+                    Dune::VTK::DataMode dm = Dune::VTK::conforming) : ParentType(problem, dm), faceWriter_(coordinates_)
         writeFaceVars_ = GET_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, bool, Vtk, WriteFaceData);
+        coordinatesInitialized_ = false;
@@ -97,12 +82,31 @@ public:
     //! Do not call these methods after initialization
+    //! Output a scalar field
+    //! \param name The name of the vtk field
+    //! \returns A reference to the resized scalar field to be filled with the actual data
+    std::vector<Scalar>& createFaceScalarField(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        faceScalarFields_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::vector<Scalar>(this->problem().model().numFaceDofs()), name));
+        return faceScalarFields_.back().first;
+    }
+    //! Output a vector field
+    //! \param name The name of the vtk field
+    //! \returns A reference to the resized vector field to be filled with the actual data
+    std::vector<GlobalPosition>& createFaceVectorField(const std::string& name)
+    {
+        faceVectorFields_.emplace_back(std::make_pair(std::vector<GlobalPosition>(this->problem().model().numFaceDofs()), name));
+        return faceVectorFields_.back().first;
+    }
     //! Output a scalar primary variable
     //! \param name The name of the vtk field
     //! \param pvIdx The index in the primary variables vector
     void addFacePrimaryVariable(const std::string& name, unsigned int pvIdx)
-        faceData_.priVarScalarDataInfo.push_back(PriVarScalarDataInfo{pvIdx, name});
+        priVarScalarDataInfo_.push_back(PriVarScalarDataInfo{pvIdx, name});
     //! Output a vector primary variable
@@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ public:
     void addFacePrimaryVariable(const std::string& name, std::vector<unsigned int> pvIndices)
         assert(pvIndices.size() < 4 && "Vtk doesn't support vector dimensions greater than 3!");
-        faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo.push_back(PriVarVectorDataInfo{pvIndices, name});
+        priVarVectorDataInfo_.push_back(PriVarVectorDataInfo{pvIndices, name});
     void write(double time, Dune::VTK::OutputType type = Dune::VTK::ascii)
@@ -142,16 +146,25 @@ protected:
         return this->problem().model().curSol()[cellCenterIdx][dofIdxGlobal][pvIdx];
-     /*!
-     * \brief Returns a reference to the face data
-     */
-    const WriterData& faceData() const
-    {
-        return faceData_;
-    }
+    std::vector<PriVarScalarDataInfo> priVarScalarDataInfo_;
+    std::vector<PriVarVectorDataInfo> priVarVectorDataInfo_;
+    std::vector<PriVarScalarDataInfo> secondVarScalarDataInfo_;
+    std::vector<PriVarVectorDataInfo> secondVarVectorDataInfo_;
+    void updateCoordinates_()
+    {
+        std::cout << "updating coordinates" << std::endl;
+        coordinates_.resize(this->problem().model().numFaceDofs());
+        for(auto&& facet : facets(this->problem().gridView()))
+        {
+            const int dofIdxGlobal = this->problem().gridView().indexSet().index(facet);
+            coordinates_[dofIdxGlobal] = facet.geometry().center();
+        }
+        coordinatesInitialized_ = true;
+    }
      * \brief Gathers all face-related data and invokes the face vtk-writer using these data.
@@ -163,13 +176,14 @@ private:
         std::vector<bool> dofVisited(numPoints, false);
         // get fields for all primary coordinates and variables
-        Positions positions(numPoints*3);
+        if(!coordinatesInitialized_)
+            updateCoordinates_();
-        Data priVarScalarData(faceData_.priVarScalarDataInfo.size(), std::vector<Scalar>(numPoints));
+        Data priVarScalarData(priVarScalarDataInfo_.size(), std::vector<Scalar>(numPoints));
-        Data priVarVectorData(faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo.size());
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo.size(); ++i)
-            priVarVectorData[i].resize(numPoints*faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo[i].pvIdx.size());
+        Data priVarVectorData(priVarVectorDataInfo_.size());
+        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < priVarVectorDataInfo_.size(); ++i)
+            priVarVectorData[i].resize(numPoints*priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx.size());
         for(auto&& element : elements(this->problem().gridView()))
@@ -180,54 +194,35 @@ private:
-                asImp_().getPositions_(positions, scvf);
-                asImp_().getScalarData_(priVarScalarData, scvf);
-                asImp_().getVectorData_(priVarVectorData, scvf);
+                asImp_().getPrivarScalarData_(priVarScalarData, scvf);
+                asImp_().getPrivarVectorData_(priVarVectorData, scvf);
                 dofVisited[scvf.dofIndex()] = true;
-        faceData_.priVarScalarData = std::move(priVarScalarData);
-        faceData_.priVarVectorData = std::move(priVarVectorData);
-        faceData_.positions = std::move(positions);
-//         results.secondVarScalarData = xxx; //TODO: implemented secondVarData
-//         results.secondVarScalarData = xxx;
+        // transfer priVar scalar data to writer
+        for(int i = 0; i < priVarScalarDataInfo_.size(); ++i)
+            faceWriter_.addPointData(priVarScalarData[i], priVarScalarDataInfo_[i].name);
-        faceWriter_.write(faceData_);
-    }
+        // transfer priVar vector data to writer
+        for(int i = 0; i < priVarVectorDataInfo_.size(); ++i)
+            faceWriter_.addPointData(priVarVectorData[i], priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].name, priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx.size());
-     /*!
-     * \brief Retrives the position (center) of the face.
-     *        ParaView expects three-dimensional coordinates, therefore we fill empty entries with zero for dim < 3.
-     *
-     * \param positions Container to store the positions
-     * \param face The face
-     */
-    template<class Face>
-    void getPositions_(Positions& positions, const Face& face)
-    {
-        const int dofIdxGlobal = face.dofIndex();
-        auto pos =;
-        if(dim == 1)
-        {
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3] = pos[0];
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 1] = 0.0;
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 2] = 0.0;
-        }
-        else if(dim == 2)
-        {
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3] = pos[0];
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 1] = pos[1];
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 2] = 0.0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3] = pos[0];
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 1] = pos[1] ;
-            positions[dofIdxGlobal*3 + 2] = pos[2] ;
-        }
+        // transfer custom scalar data to writer
+        for(auto&& scalarField : faceScalarFields_)
+            faceWriter_.addPointData(scalarField.first, scalarField.second);
+        // transfer custom vector data to writer
+        for(auto&& vectorField : faceVectorFields_)
+            faceWriter_.addPointData(vectorField.first, vectorField.second, 3);
+        faceWriter_.write();
+        faceScalarFields_.clear();
+        faceVectorFields_.clear();
      * \brief Retrives scalar-valued data from the face.
@@ -235,13 +230,11 @@ private:
      * \param face The face
     template<class Face>
-    void getScalarData_(Data& priVarScalarData, const Face& face)
+    void getPrivarScalarData_(Data& priVarScalarData, const Face& face)
         const int dofIdxGlobal = face.dofIndex();
-        for(int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < faceData_.priVarScalarDataInfo.size(); ++pvIdx)
-        {
+        for(int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < priVarScalarDataInfo_.size(); ++pvIdx)
             priVarScalarData[pvIdx][dofIdxGlobal] = this->problem().model().curSol()[faceIdx][dofIdxGlobal][pvIdx];
-        }
@@ -251,19 +244,24 @@ private:
      * \param face The face
     template<class Face>
-    void getVectorData_(Data& priVarVectorData, const Face& face)
+    void getPrivarVectorData_(Data& priVarVectorData, const Face& face)
         const int dofIdxGlobal = face.dofIndex();
-        for (int i = 0; i < faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo.size(); ++i)
-            for (int j = 0; j < faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo[i].pvIdx.size(); ++j)
-                priVarVectorData[i][dofIdxGlobal*faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo[i].pvIdx.size() + j]
-                    = this->problem().model().curSol()[faceIdx][dofIdxGlobal][faceData_.priVarVectorDataInfo[i].pvIdx[j]];
+        for (int i = 0; i < priVarVectorDataInfo_.size(); ++i)
+            for (int j = 0; j < priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx.size(); ++j)
+                priVarVectorData[i][dofIdxGlobal*priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx.size() + j]
+                    = this->problem().model().curSol()[faceIdx][dofIdxGlobal][priVarVectorDataInfo_[i].pvIdx[j]];
-    StaggeredVtkWriter<TypeTag, WriterData> faceWriter_;
-    WriterData faceData_;
+    StaggeredVtkWriter<dimWorld> faceWriter_;
     bool writeFaceVars_;
+    std::vector<GlobalPosition> coordinates_;
+    bool coordinatesInitialized_;
+    std::list<std::pair<std::vector<Scalar>, std::string>> faceScalarFields_;
+    std::list<std::pair<std::vector<GlobalPosition>, std::string>> faceVectorFields_;
     //! Returns the implementation of the problem (i.e. static polymorphism)
     Implementation &asImp_()
     { return *static_cast<Implementation *>(this); }
diff --git a/dumux/io/staggeredvtkwriter.hh b/dumux/io/staggeredvtkwriter.hh
index 8db5bbbc59..f262bcd59a 100644
--- a/dumux/io/staggeredvtkwriter.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/staggeredvtkwriter.hh
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include <dumux/io/vtkoutputmodulebase.hh>
 #include <dumux/io/staggeredvtkoutputmodule.hh>
+#include <dune/grid/io/file/vtk/common.hh>
 namespace Properties
@@ -46,108 +47,174 @@ namespace Dumux
  * initialization and/or be turned on/off using the designated properties. Additionally
  * non-standardized scalar and vector fields can be added to the writer manually.
-template<class TypeTag, class WriterData>
+template<int dim>
 class StaggeredVtkWriter
-    using Problem = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem);
-    using Scalar = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar);
-    using GridView = typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView);
-    using DofTypeIndices = typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, DofTypeIndices);
-    typename DofTypeIndices::CellCenterIdx cellCenterIdx;
-    typename DofTypeIndices::FaceIdx faceIdx;
-    enum { dim = GridView::dimension };
-    enum { dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld };
-    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
+    using Scalar = double;
+    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dim>;
     static constexpr unsigned int precision = 6;
     static constexpr unsigned int numBeforeLineBreak = 15;
-    using ScalarInfo = std::vector<typename WriterData::PriVarScalarDataInfo>;
-    using VectorInfo = std::vector<typename WriterData::PriVarVectorDataInfo>;
-    using Positions = typename WriterData::Positions;
-    using Data = typename WriterData::Data;
+    template<class ContainerType>
+    class VTKLocalFunction
+    {
+    public:
+        VTKLocalFunction(const ContainerType& data, const std::string& name, const int numComponents) : data_(data), name_(name), numComponents_(numComponents)
+        {}
+        const std::string& name() const
+        {
+            return name_;
+        }
+        int numComponents() const
+        {
+            return numComponents_;
+        }
+        auto& operator() (const int dofIdx) const  { return data_[dofIdx]; }
+        decltype(auto) begin() const
+        {
+            return data_.begin();
+        }
+        decltype(auto) end() const
+        {
+            return data_.end();
+        }
+        int size() const
+        {
+            return data_.size();
+        }
+    private:
+        const ContainerType& data_;
+        const std::string name_;
+        const int numComponents_;
+    };
-    StaggeredVtkWriter(const Problem& problem) : problem_(problem)
+    using ScalarLocalFunction = VTKLocalFunction<std::vector<Scalar>>;
+    using VectorLocalFunction = VTKLocalFunction<std::vector<GlobalPosition>>;
+    StaggeredVtkWriter(const std::vector<GlobalPosition>& coordinates) : coordinates_(coordinates)
-    void write(const WriterData& data)
+    void write(/*const WriterData& data*/)
-        if(data.priVarScalarDataInfo.empty() &&
-           data.priVarVectorDataInfo.empty() &&
-           data.secondVarScalarDataInfo.empty() &&
-           data.secondVarVectorDataInfo.empty())
-            return;
-        write_(data);
+        writeHeader_();
+        writeCoordinates_(coordinates_);
+        writeDataInfo_();
+        for(auto&& data : scalarPointData_)
+        {
+            writeData_(data);
+        }
+        for(auto&& data :vectorPointData_)
+        {
+            writeData_(data);
+        }
+        file_ << "</PointData>\n";
+        file_ << "</Piece>\n";
+        file_ << "</PolyData>\n";
+        file_ << "</VTKFile>";
+        clear();
+    std::string write ( const std::string &name,
+                        Dune::VTK::OutputType type = Dune::VTK::ascii )
+    {
+        return "dummy";
+    }
+    void addPointData(const std::vector<Scalar>& v, const std::string &name, int ncomps = 1)
+    {
+        assert(v.size() == ncomps * coordinates_.size());
+        scalarPointData_.push_back(ScalarLocalFunction(v, name, ncomps));
+    }
+    void addPointData(const std::vector<GlobalPosition>& v, const std::string &name, int ncomps = 1)
+    {
+        assert(v.size() == coordinates_.size());
+        vectorPointData_.push_back(VectorLocalFunction(v, name, ncomps));
+    }
+    void clear()
+    {
+        scalarPointData_.clear();
+        vectorPointData_.clear();
+    }
-    void writeHeader_(const int numPoints)
+    void writeHeader_()
         std::string header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
                     header += "<VTKFile type=\"PolyData\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n";
                     header += "<PolyData>\n";
-                    header += "<Piece NumberOfLines=\"0\" NumberOfPoints=\"" + std::to_string(numPoints) + "\">\n";
+                    header += "<Piece NumberOfLines=\"0\" NumberOfPoints=\"" + std::to_string(coordinates_.size()) + "\">\n";
         file_ << header;
-     * \brief Writes the coordinates and the simulation data to the file
-     *
-     * \param priVarScalarData Container to store the scalar-valued data
-     * \param priVarVectorData Container to store the vector-valued data
-     * \param scalarInfo Information concerning the data (e.g. names)
-     * \param vectorInfo Information concerning the data (e.g. names)
-     * \param positions Container to store the positions
+     * \brief Writes information about the data to the file
-    void write_(const WriterData& data)
+    void writeDataInfo_()
-        const int numPoints = problem_.model().numFaceDofs();
-        writeHeader_(numPoints);
-        writeCoordinates_(data.positions);
         std::string scalarName;
         std::string vectorName;
+        bool foundScalar = false;
+        bool foundVector = false;
-        bool scalarValuesPresent = false;
-        bool vectorValuesPresent = false;
-        if(!(data.priVarScalarDataInfo.empty() && data.secondVarScalarDataInfo.empty()))
+        for(auto&& data : scalarPointData_)
-            scalarValuesPresent = true;
-            scalarName = data.priVarScalarDataInfo.empty() ? data.secondVarScalarDataInfo[0].name :
-                                                                                  data.priVarScalarDataInfo[0].name;
+            if(data.numComponents() == 1 && !foundScalar)
+            {
+                scalarName =;
+                foundScalar = true;
+                continue;
+            }
+            if(data.numComponents() > 1 && !foundVector)
+            {
+                vectorName =;
+                foundVector = true;
+            }
-        if(!(data.priVarVectorDataInfo.empty() && data.secondVarVectorDataInfo.empty()))
+        for(auto&& data : vectorPointData_)
-            vectorValuesPresent = true;
-            vectorName = data.priVarVectorDataInfo.empty() ? data.secondVarVectorDataInfo[0].name :
-                                                                                  data.priVarVectorDataInfo[0].name;
+            if(data.numComponents() > 1 && !foundVector)
+            {
+                vectorName =;
+                foundVector = true;
+            }
-        if(scalarValuesPresent)
-            if(vectorValuesPresent)
-                file_ << "<PointData Scalars=\"" << scalarName << "\" Vectors=\"" << vectorName <<"\">";
+        if(foundScalar)
+            if(foundVector)
+                file_ << "<PointData Scalars=\"" << scalarName << "\" Vectors=\"" << vectorName <<"\">\n";
-                file_ << "<PointData Scalars=\"" << scalarName << "\">";
-        else if(vectorValuesPresent)
-            file_ << "<PointData Vectors=\"" << vectorName << "\">";
+                file_ << "<PointData Scalars=\"" << scalarName << "\">\n";
+        else if(foundVector)
+            file_ << "<PointData Vectors=\"" << vectorName << "\">\n";
-        file_ << std::endl;
-        writeAllData_(data);
-        file_ << "</PointData>\n";
-        file_ << "</Piece>\n";
-        file_ << "</PolyData>\n";
-        file_ << "</VTKFile>";
@@ -155,7 +222,7 @@ private:
      * \param positions Container to store the positions
-    void writeCoordinates_(const Positions& positions)
+    void writeCoordinates_(const std::vector<GlobalPosition>& positions)
         // write the positions to the file
         file_ << "<Points>\n";
@@ -163,7 +230,13 @@ private:
         int counter = 0;
         for(auto&& x : positions)
-            file_ << x << " ";
+            file_ << x ;
+            if(x.size() == 1)
+                file_ << " 0 0 ";
+            if(x.size() == 2)
+                file_ << " 0 ";
             // introduce a line break after a certain time
             if((++counter)  > numBeforeLineBreak)
@@ -175,92 +248,72 @@ private:
         file_ << "</Points>\n";
-    void writeAllData_(const WriterData& data)
-    {
-        // write scalar-valued primary variable data
-        if(!data.priVarScalarDataInfo.empty())
-            writeScalarData_(data.priVarScalarData, data.priVarScalarDataInfo);
-        // write vector-valued primary variable data
-        if(!data.priVarVectorDataInfo.empty())
-            writeVectorData_(data.priVarVectorData, data.priVarVectorDataInfo);
-        // write scalar-valued secondary variable data
-        if(!data.secondVarScalarDataInfo.empty())
-            writeScalarData_(data.secondVarScalarData, data.secondVarScalarDataInfo);
-        // write vector-valued primary variable data
-        if(!data.secondVarVectorDataInfo.empty())
-            writeVectorData_(data.secondVarVectorData, data.secondVarVectorDataInfo);
-    }
-     * \brief Writes scalar-valued data to the file
+     * \brief Writes data to the file
-     * \param priVarScalarData Container to store the data
-     * \param info Information concerning the data (e.g. names)
+     * \param data The data container which hold the data itself, as well as the name of the data set and the number of its components
-    void writeScalarData_(const Data& priVarScalarData, const ScalarInfo& info)
+    template<class T>
+    void writeData_(const T& data)
-        // write the priVars to the file
-        for(int pvIdx = 0; pvIdx < info.size(); ++pvIdx)
+        file_ << "<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"" << << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"" << data.numComponents() << "\" format=\"ascii\">\n";
+        int counter = 0;
+        for(auto&& value : data)
-            file_ << "<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"" << info[pvIdx].name << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"1\" format=\"ascii\">\n";
-            int counter = 0;
-            for(auto&& x : priVarScalarData[pvIdx])
+            // forward to specialized function
+            writeToFile_(value);
+            // introduce a line break after a certain time
+            if((++counter)  > numBeforeLineBreak)
-                file_ << x << " " ;
-                // introduce a line break after a certain time
-                if((++counter)  > numBeforeLineBreak)
-                {
-                    file_ << std::endl;
-                    counter = 0;
-                }
+                file_ << std::endl;
+                counter = 0;
-            file_ << "\n</DataArray>\n";
+        file_ << "\n</DataArray>\n";
-     * \brief Writes vector-valued data to the file
+     * \brief Writes a scalar to the file
-     * \param priVarVectorData Container to store the data
-     * \param info Information concerning the data (e.g. names)
+     * \param s The scalar
-    void writeVectorData_(const Data& priVarVectorData, const VectorInfo& info)
+    void writeToFile_(const Scalar& s)
-        // write the priVars to the file
-        for(int i = 0; i < info.size(); ++i)
-        {
-            file_ << "<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"" << info[i].name << "\" NumberOfComponents=\"" << info[i].pvIdx.size() << "\" format=\"ascii\">\n";
-            int counter = 0;
-            for(auto&& x : priVarVectorData[i])
-            {
-                file_ << x << " " ;
-                // introduce a line break after a certain time
-                if((++counter)  > numBeforeLineBreak)
-                {
-                    file_ << std::endl;
-                    counter = 0;
-                }
-            }
-            file_ << "\n</DataArray>\n";
-        }
+        file_ << s << " ";
+    }
+     /*!
+     * \brief Writes a vector to the file
+     *
+     * \param g The vector
+     */
+    void writeToFile_(const GlobalPosition& g)
+    {
+        assert(g.size() > 1 && g.size() < 4);
+        if(g.size() < 3)
+            file_ << g << " 0 ";
+        else
+            file_ << g;
      * \brief Returns the file name for each timestep
     std::string fileName_() const
         std::ostringstream oss;
-        oss << << "-face-" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << curWriterNum_ << ".vtp";
+        oss << /* <<*/ "face-" << std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << curWriterNum_ << ".vtp";
         return oss.str();
-    const Problem& problem_;
+    const std::vector<GlobalPosition>& coordinates_;
     std::ofstream file_;
     int curWriterNum_{0};
+    std::list<ScalarLocalFunction> scalarPointData_;
+    std::list<VectorLocalFunction> vectorPointData_;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/test/freeflow/staggered/kovasznaytestproblem.hh b/test/freeflow/staggered/kovasznaytestproblem.hh
index c274b3a1c2..75c07c4961 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/staggered/kovasznaytestproblem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/staggered/kovasznaytestproblem.hh
@@ -299,52 +299,44 @@ public:
         return values;
-     * \brief Append all quantities of interest which can be derived
-     *        from the solution of the current time step to the VTK
-     *        writer.
+     * \brief Adds additional VTK output data to the VTKWriter. Function is called by the output module on every write.
-    void addOutputVtkFields()
+    template<class VtkOutputModule>
+    void addVtkOutputFields(VtkOutputModule& outputModule) const
-        //Here we calculate the analytical solution
-        const auto numElements = this->gridView().size(0);
-        auto& pExact = *(this->resultWriter().allocateManagedBuffer(numElements));
-        auto& velocityExact = *(this->resultWriter()).template allocateManagedBuffer<double, dimWorld>(numElements);
-        using DofTypeIndices = typename GET_PROP(TypeTag, DofTypeIndices);
-        typename DofTypeIndices::FaceIdx faceIdx;
-        const auto someElement = *(elements(this->gridView()).begin());
-        auto someFvGeometry = localView(this->model().globalFvGeometry());
-        someFvGeometry.bindElement(someElement);
-        const auto someScv = *(scvs(someFvGeometry).begin());
+        auto& pressureExact = outputModule.createScalarField("pressureExact", 0);
+        auto& velocityExact = outputModule.createVectorField("velocityExact", dim);
-        Scalar time = std::max(this->timeManager().time() + this->timeManager().timeStepSize(), 1e-10);
+        auto& scalarFaceVelocityExact = outputModule.createFaceScalarField("scalarFaceVelocityExact");
+        auto& vectorFaceVelocityExact = outputModule.createFaceVectorField("vectorFaceVelocityExact");
         for (const auto& element : elements(this->gridView()))
             auto fvGeometry = localView(this->model().globalFvGeometry());
             for (auto&& scv : scvs(fvGeometry))
                 auto dofIdxGlobal = scv.dofIndex();
-                const auto& globalPos = scv.dofPosition();
-                pExact[dofIdxGlobal] = dirichletAtPos(globalPos)[pressureIdx];
+                auto dofPosition = scv.dofPosition();
+                pressureExact[dofIdxGlobal] = dirichletAtPos(dofPosition)[pressureIdx];
                 GlobalPosition velocityVector(0.0);
                 for (auto&& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
                     auto dirIdx = scvf.directionIndex();
-                    velocityVector[dirIdx] += 0.5*dirichletAtPos(globalPos)[faceIdx][dirIdx];
+                    auto analyticalSolution = dirichletAtPos(dofPosition)[faceIdx][dirIdx];
+                    velocityVector[dirIdx] += 0.5*analyticalSolution;
+                    scalarFaceVelocityExact[dofIdxGlobal] = analyticalSolution;
+                    GlobalPosition tmp(0.0);
+                    tmp[dirIdx] = analyticalSolution;
+                    vectorFaceVelocityExact[dofIdxGlobal] = std::move(tmp);
                 velocityExact[dofIdxGlobal] = velocityVector;
-        this->resultWriter().attachDofData(pExact, "p_exact", false);
-        this->resultWriter().attachDofData(velocityExact,  "velocity_exact", false, dim);