From 9826e61bc5131850f1343bcb223e752d02ec1788 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Melanie Lipp <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2021 17:19:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [doc] Remove \b in front of Grid and Newton, as Angular0/1/2
 and EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion won't be the first entries of their
 category any more in the next step.

 doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt b/doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt
index 9f712e5f58..ea893ce874 100644
--- a/doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt
+++ b/doc/doxygen/extradoc/parameterlist.txt
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
  * | Forchheimer              | NewtonTolerance                          | Scalar                            | 1e-12                              | The error tolerance in the Newton method for solving the Forchheimer equation |
  * | \b FreeFlow              | EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradient      | bool                              | false                              | For enabling unsymmetrized velocity gradient. If false consider the shear stress caused by the gradient of the velocities normal to our face of interest. |
  * | Freeflow                 | EnableUnsymmetrizedVelocityGradientForBeaversJoseph | bool                   | false                              | For enabling unsymmetrized velocity gradient for the Beavers Joseph coupling condition. If true and if the current scvf is on a boundary and if a Dirichlet BC for the pressure or a BJ condition for the slip velocity is set there, assume a tangential velocity gradient of zero along the lateral face. |
- * | \b Grid                  | Angular0/1/2                             | std::vector<Scalar>               | -                                  | min/max value for angular coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
+ * | Grid                     | Angular0/1/2                             | std::vector<Scalar>               | -                                  | min/max value for angular coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
  * | Grid                     | Axial0/1/2                               | std::vector<Scalar>               | -                                  | min/max value for axial coordinate. Cake grids can be created by either specifying Radial,Angular or Axial in all coordinate directions. |
  * | Grid                     | BoundarySegments                         | bool                              | false                              | For the dune gmsh reader: Whether to insert boundary segments into the grid |
  * | Grid                     | Cells                                    | std::array<int, dim>              | -                                  | The number of elements in a structured uniform grid in x, y and z direction |
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
  * | MPFA                     | Q                                        | CoordScalar                       | -                                  | The quadrature point parameterizaion to be used on scvfs |
  * | MPFA                     | TransmissibilityCriterion                | int                               | 0                                  |  |
  * | MPFA                     | TransmissibilityCriterionThreshold       | Scalar                            | 1e-8                               |  |
- * | \b Newton                | EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion          | bool                              | -                                  | For Newton iterations to stop the absolute residual is demanded to be below a threshold value. At least two iterations. |
+ * | Newton                   | EnableAbsoluteResidualCriterion          | bool                              | -                                  | For Newton iterations to stop the absolute residual is demanded to be below a threshold value. At least two iterations. |
  * | Newton                   | EnableChop                               | bool                              | -                                  | chop the Newton update at the beginning of the non-linear solver |
  * | Newton                   | EnableDynamicOutput                      | bool                              | true                               | Prints current information about assembly and solution process in the coarse of the simulation. |
  * | Newton                   | EnablePartialReassembly                  | bool                              | -                                  | Every entity where the primary variables exhibit a relative shift summed up since the last linearization above 'eps' will be reassembled. |