From 9981b76d2dc76aa0bf345cc631c6372bcb399013 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Dennis=20Gl=C3=A4ser?= <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 17:15:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [geometryintersection] add 1d-1d in 3d point intersections

 dumux/geometry/geometryintersection.hh | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dumux/geometry/geometryintersection.hh b/dumux/geometry/geometryintersection.hh
index 5522ff36e4..a768b79dd9 100644
--- a/dumux/geometry/geometryintersection.hh
+++ b/dumux/geometry/geometryintersection.hh
@@ -1316,15 +1316,80 @@ public:
      * \brief Colliding two segments
      * \param geo1/geo2 The geometries to intersect
-     * \param intersection Container to store corners of intersection segment
-     * \note this overload is used when point-like intersections are seeked
-     * \todo implement this query
+     * \param intersection The intersection point
+     * \note This overload is used when point-like intersections are seeked
     template<class P = Policy, std::enable_if_t<P::dimIntersection == 0, int> = 0>
     static bool intersection(const Geometry1& geo1, const Geometry2& geo2, Intersection& intersection)
         static_assert(int(dimworld) == int(Geometry2::coorddimension), "Can only collide geometries of same coordinate dimension");
-        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "segment-segment intersection detection for point-like intersections");
+        const auto v1 = geo1.corner(1) - geo1.corner(0);
+        const auto v2 = geo2.corner(1) - geo2.corner(0);
+        const auto ac = geo2.corner(0) - geo1.corner(0);
+        const auto v1Norm = v1.two_norm();
+        const auto eps = eps_*v1Norm;
+        const auto eps2 = eps*eps;
+        const auto eps3 = eps2*eps;
+        const auto n = crossProduct(v1, v2);
+        // first check if segments are parallel
+        using std::abs;
+        if ( n.two_norm2() < eps3*v1Norm )
+        {
+            // check if they lie on the same line
+            const auto acNorm = ac.two_norm();
+            if (abs(ac*v1) < acNorm*v1Norm)
+                return false;
+            // they lie on the same line,
+            // if so, point intersection can only be one of the corners
+            const auto sp = v1*v2;
+            if ( sp < 0.0 )
+            {
+                if ( acNorm < eps )
+                { intersection = geo2.corner(0); return true; }
+                if ( (geo2.corner(1) - geo1.corner(1)).two_norm2() < eps2 )
+                { intersection = geo2.corner(1); return true; }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if ( (geo2.corner(1) - geo1.corner(0)).two_norm2() < eps2 )
+                { intersection = geo2.corner(1); return true; }
+                if ( (geo2.corner(0) - geo1.corner(1)).two_norm2() < eps2 )
+                { intersection = geo2.corner(0); return true; }
+            }
+            // no intersection
+            return false;
+        }
+        // in-plane normal vector on v1
+        auto v1Normal = crossProduct(v1, n);
+        v1Normal /= v1Normal.two_norm();
+        // intersection point on v2 in local coords
+        const auto t2 = - 1.0*(ac*v1Normal) / (v2*v1Normal);
+        // check if the local coords are valid
+        if (t2 < -1.0*eps_ || t2 > 1.0 + eps_)
+            return false;
+        // compute global coordinates
+        auto isPoint =;
+        // check if point lies on v1
+        if (intersectsPointGeometry(isPoint, geo1))
+        {
+            intersection = std::move(isPoint);
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;