diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/2d/main.cc b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/2d/main.cc
index cb3fba4112329e003af8a86ce0cfdb1c680da8ca..3b7149483729e9ebec59fb5707ba8bcee5fe0972 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/2d/main.cc
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/2d/main.cc
@@ -188,7 +188,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     // In this case, we add half a cell-width to the x-position in order to make sure that
     // the cell faces lie on the surface. This assumes a regular cartesian grid.
     const Scalar planePosMiddleX = xMin + 0.5*(xMax - xMin);
-    const int numCellsX = getParam<std::vector<int>>("Grid.Cells")[0];
+    int numCellsX = getParam<std::vector<int>>("Grid.Cells")[0];
+    const unsigned int refinement = getParam<unsigned int>("Grid.Refinement", 0);
+    numCellsX *= (1<<refinement);
     const Scalar offsetX = (numCellsX % 2 == 0) ? 0.0 : 0.5*((xMax - xMin) / numCellsX);
     const auto p0middle = GlobalPosition{planePosMiddleX + offsetX, yMin};
diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/3d/main.cc b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/3d/main.cc
index fadc9cdd2c6a3cb54c6638c3966fd17fce8c545e..99b5058ebf66790bd53b68cdc9248faf1ab92165 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/3d/main.cc
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/channel/3d/main.cc
@@ -182,7 +182,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) try
     const Scalar planePosMiddleX = xMin + 0.5*(xMax - xMin);
-    const int numCellsX = getParam<std::vector<int>>("Grid.Cells")[0];
+    int numCellsX = getParam<std::vector<int>>("Grid.Cells")[0];
+    const unsigned int refinement = getParam<unsigned int>("Grid.Refinement", 0);
+    numCellsX *= (1<<refinement);
     const Scalar offsetX = (numCellsX % 2 == 0) ? 0.0 : 0.5*((xMax - xMin) / numCellsX);
 #if DIM_3D
diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/closedsystem/problem.hh b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/closedsystem/problem.hh
index ddd3b90891fab557152bc7f494df3cab9e4f2feb..e32f7c8a5603e09b3fd02e59cf04800b6650542e 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/closedsystem/problem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/closedsystem/problem.hh
@@ -83,24 +83,22 @@ class ClosedSystemTestProblem : public NavierStokesProblem<TypeTag>
     using BoundaryTypes = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BoundaryTypes>;
     using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename FVGridGeometry::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolume = typename FVGridGeometry::SubControlVolume;
     using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
     using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
     using PrimaryVariables = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::PrimaryVariables>;
     using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
     static constexpr auto dimWorld = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>::dimensionworld;
-    using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld>;
+    using Element = typename FVGridGeometry::GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity;
+    using GlobalPosition = typename Element::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
     ClosedSystemTestProblem(std::shared_ptr<const FVGridGeometry> fvGridGeometry)
     : ParentType(fvGridGeometry), eps_(1e-6)
         lidVelocity_ = getParam<Scalar>("Problem.LidVelocity");
-        using CellArray = std::array<unsigned int, dimWorld>;
-        const CellArray numCells = getParam<CellArray>("Grid.Cells");
-        cellSizeX_ = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] / numCells[0];
-        cellSizeY_ = this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[1] / numCells[1];
@@ -163,14 +161,16 @@ public:
      * \param fvGeometry The finite-volume geometry
      * \param scv The sub control volume
-    template<class Element, class FVElementGeometry, class SubControlVolume>
     bool isDirichletCell(const Element& element,
                          const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
                          const SubControlVolume& scv,
                          int pvIdx) const
+        auto isLowerLeftCell = [&](const SubControlVolume& scv)
+        { return scv.dofIndex() == 0; };
         // set a fixed pressure in one cell
-        return (isLowerLeftCell_(scv.center()) && pvIdx == Indices::pressureIdx);
+        return (isLowerLeftCell(scv) && pvIdx == Indices::pressureIdx);
@@ -210,15 +210,8 @@ public:
-    bool isLowerLeftCell_(const GlobalPosition& globalPos) const
-    {
-        return globalPos[0] < (0.5*cellSizeX_ + eps_) && globalPos[1] < (0.5*cellSizeY_ + eps_);
-    }
     Scalar eps_;
     Scalar lidVelocity_;
-    Scalar cellSizeX_;
-    Scalar cellSizeY_;
 } //end namespace
diff --git a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/kovasznay/problem.hh b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/kovasznay/problem.hh
index 162747a9d64beb1395dcbdd11631174dccdc93a5..aecf6676206f4b0f4f950ccc29bc996910ac9590 100644
--- a/test/freeflow/navierstokes/kovasznay/problem.hh
+++ b/test/freeflow/navierstokes/kovasznay/problem.hh
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ class KovasznayTestProblem : public NavierStokesProblem<TypeTag>
     using BoundaryTypes = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::BoundaryTypes>;
     using FVGridGeometry = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::FVGridGeometry>;
+    using FVElementGeometry = typename FVGridGeometry::LocalView;
+    using SubControlVolume = typename FVGridGeometry::SubControlVolume;
     using Indices = typename GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>::Indices;
     using ModelTraits = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::ModelTraits>;
     using NumEqVector = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::NumEqVector>;
@@ -106,11 +108,6 @@ public:
         lambda_ = 0.5 * reynoldsNumber
                         - std::sqrt(reynoldsNumber * reynoldsNumber * 0.25 + 4.0 * M_PI * M_PI);
-        using CellArray = std::array<unsigned int, dimWorld>;
-        const auto numCells = getParam<CellArray>("Grid.Cells");
-        cellSizeX_ = (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMax()[0] - this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0]) / numCells[0];
@@ -191,15 +188,23 @@ public:
      * \param fvGeometry The finite-volume geometry
      * \param scv The sub control volume
-    template<class Element, class FVElementGeometry, class SubControlVolume>
     bool isDirichletCell(const Element& element,
                          const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry,
                          const SubControlVolume& scv,
                          int pvIdx) const
         // set fixed pressure in all cells at the left boundary
-        auto isAtLeftBoundary = [&](const auto& globalPos) { return globalPos[0] < (this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + 0.6*cellSizeX_ + eps_); };
-        return (isAtLeftBoundary(scv.center()) && pvIdx == Indices::pressureIdx);
+        auto isAtLeftBoundary = [&](const FVElementGeometry& fvGeometry)
+        {
+            if (fvGeometry.hasBoundaryScvf())
+            {
+                for (const auto& scvf : scvfs(fvGeometry))
+                    if (scvf.boundary() && scvf.center()[0] < this->fvGridGeometry().bBoxMin()[0] + eps_)
+                        return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        };
+        return (isAtLeftBoundary(fvGeometry) && pvIdx == Indices::pressureIdx);
@@ -317,7 +322,6 @@ private:
     Scalar eps_;
-    Scalar cellSizeX_;
     Scalar kinematicViscosity_;
     Scalar lambda_;