From d0fcac06d6c4a9094100a2294bc6a99dd1cc6ab5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kilian Weishaupt <>
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2017 11:48:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [mixeddimension] Use SFINAE for cell-center and box model

* TODO: correct box-versions of buildLowDimMatrixBlocks_ and
 dumux/mixeddimension/assembler.hh | 114 ++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dumux/mixeddimension/assembler.hh b/dumux/mixeddimension/assembler.hh
index 8c25ab1cbf..4271bb240b 100644
--- a/dumux/mixeddimension/assembler.hh
+++ b/dumux/mixeddimension/assembler.hh
@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ protected:
-    void buildBulkMatrixBlocksCC_(BulkMatrixBlock& m, BulkCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
+    template <class T = BulkProblemTypeTag, typename std::enable_if<((!GET_PROP_VALUE(T, ImplicitIsBox))), bool>::type = 0>
+    void buildBulkMatrixBlocks_(BulkMatrixBlock& m, BulkCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
         // get occupation pattern of the matrix
         Dune::MatrixIndexSet bulkPattern, bulkCouplingPattern;
@@ -213,7 +214,8 @@ protected:
-    void buildLowDimMatrixBlocksCC_(LowDimMatrixBlock& m, LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
+    template <class T = LowDimProblemTypeTag, typename std::enable_if<((!GET_PROP_VALUE(T, ImplicitIsBox))), bool>::type = 0>
+    void buildLowDimMatrixBlocks_(LowDimMatrixBlock& m, LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
         // get occupation pattern of the matrix
         Dune::MatrixIndexSet lowDimPattern, lowDimCouplingPattern;
@@ -244,63 +246,65 @@ protected:
-    // void buildBulkMatrixBlocksBox_(BulkMatrixBlock& m, BulkCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
-    // {
-    //     // get occupation pattern of the matrix
-    //     Dune::MatrixIndexSet bulkPattern, bulkCouplingPattern;
-    //     bulkPattern.resize(m.N(), m.M());
-    //     bulkCouplingPattern.resize(cm.N(), cm.M());
+    template <class T = BulkProblemTypeTag, typename std::enable_if<((GET_PROP_VALUE(T, ImplicitIsBox))), bool>::type = 0>
+    void buildBulkMatrixBlocks_(BulkMatrixBlock& m, BulkCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
+    {
+        // get occupation pattern of the matrix
+        Dune::MatrixIndexSet bulkPattern, bulkCouplingPattern;
+        bulkPattern.resize(m.N(), m.M());
+        bulkCouplingPattern.resize(cm.N(), cm.M());
-    //     for (const auto& element : elements(problem_().bulkGridView()))
-    //     {
-    //         const auto& stencil = problem_().couplingManager().stencil(element);
-    //         const auto& couplingStencil = problem_().couplingManager().couplingStencil(element);
+        for (const auto& element : elements(problem_().bulkGridView()))
+        {
+            const auto& stencil = problem_().couplingManager().stencil(element);
+            const auto& couplingStencil = problem_().couplingManager().couplingStencil(element);
-    //         for (unsigned int scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < element.subEntities(bulkDim); ++scvIdx)
-    //         {
-    //             auto globalI = problem_().model().bulkVertexMapper().subIndex(element, scvIdx, bulkDim);
+            for (unsigned int scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < element.subEntities(bulkDim); ++scvIdx)
+            {
+                auto globalI = problem_().model().bulkVertexMapper().subIndex(element, scvIdx, bulkDim);
-    //             for (auto&& globalJ : stencil)
-    //                 bulkPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
+                for (auto&& globalJ : stencil)
+                    bulkPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
-    //             for (auto&& globalJ : couplingStencil)
-    //                 bulkCouplingPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
-    //         }
-    //     }
+                for (auto&& globalJ : couplingStencil)
+                    bulkCouplingPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
+            }
+        }
-    //     // export occupation patterns to matrices
-    //     bulkPattern.exportIdx(m);
-    //     bulkCouplingPattern.exportIdx(cm);
-    // }
+        // export occupation patterns to matrices
+        bulkPattern.exportIdx(m);
+        bulkCouplingPattern.exportIdx(cm);
+    }
-    // void buildLowDimMatrixBlocksBox_(LowDimMatrixBlock& m, LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
-    // {
-    //     // get occupation pattern of the matrix
-    //     Dune::MatrixIndexSet lowDimPattern, lowDimCouplingPattern;
-    //     lowDimPattern.resize(m.N(), m.M());
-    //     lowDimCouplingPattern.resize(cm.N(), cm.M());
+    template <class T = LowDimProblemTypeTag, typename std::enable_if<((GET_PROP_VALUE(T, ImplicitIsBox))), bool>::type = 0>
+    void buildLowDimMatrixBlocks_(LowDimMatrixBlock& m, LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock& cm)
+    {
+        // get occupation pattern of the matrix
+        Dune::MatrixIndexSet lowDimPattern, lowDimCouplingPattern;
+        lowDimPattern.resize(m.N(), m.M());
+        lowDimCouplingPattern.resize(cm.N(), cm.M());
-    //     for (const auto& element : elements(problem_().lowDimGridView()))
-    //     {
-    //         const auto& stencil = problem_().couplingManager().stencil(element);
-    //         const auto& couplingStencil = problem_().couplingManager().couplingStencil(element);
+        for (const auto& element : elements(problem_().lowDimGridView()))
+        {
+            const auto& stencil = problem_().couplingManager().stencil(element);
+            const auto& couplingStencil = problem_().couplingManager().couplingStencil(element);
-    //         for (unsigned int scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < element.subEntities(lowDimDim); ++scvIdx)
-    //         {
-    //             auto globalI = problem_().model().lowDimVertexMapper().subIndex(element, scvIdx, lowDimDim);
+            for (unsigned int scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < element.subEntities(lowDimDim); ++scvIdx)
+            {
+                auto globalI = problem_().model().lowDimVertexMapper().subIndex(element, scvIdx, lowDimDim);
-    //             for (auto&& globalJ : stencil)
-    //                 lowDimPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
+                for (auto&& globalJ : stencil)
+                    lowDimPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
-    //             for (auto&& globalJ : couplingStencil)
-    //                 lowDimCouplingPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
-    //         }
-    //     }
+                for (auto&& globalJ : couplingStencil)
+                    lowDimCouplingPattern.add(globalI, globalJ);
+            }
+        }
-    //     // export occupation patterns to matrices
-    //     lowDimPattern.exportIdx(m);
-    //     lowDimCouplingPattern.exportIdx(cm);
-    // }
+        // export occupation patterns to matrices
+        lowDimPattern.exportIdx(m);
+        lowDimCouplingPattern.exportIdx(cm);
+    }
     // Construct the multitype matrix for the global jacobian
     void createMatrix_()
@@ -318,18 +322,8 @@ protected:
         auto A22 = LowDimMatrixBlock(lowDimSize, lowDimSize, LowDimMatrixBlock::random);
         auto A21 = LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock(lowDimSize, bulkSize, LowDimCouplingMatrixBlock::random);
-        // cell-centered
-        if (!bulkIsBox)
-            buildBulkMatrixBlocksCC_(A11, A12);
-        else{
-            // buildBulkMatrixBlocksBox_(A11, A12);
-        }
-        if (!lowDimIsBox)
-            buildLowDimMatrixBlocksCC_(A22, A21);
-        else{
-            // buildLowDimMatrixBlocksBox_(A22, A21);
-        }
+        buildBulkMatrixBlocks_(A11, A12);
+        buildLowDimMatrixBlocks_(A22, A21);
         (*matrix_)[bulkIdx][bulkIdx] = A11;
         (*matrix_)[bulkIdx][lowDimIdx] = A12;