diff --git a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/exactriemann.hh b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/exactriemann.hh
index c2c4fd8237953500ec96b85c3a0ebb77a9c0ae1a..501cbfbcef9c4924d1f05168578da293d589172d 100644
--- a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/exactriemann.hh
+++ b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/exactriemann.hh
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ struct RiemannSolution {
  * \ingroup ShallowWaterFlux
  * \brief Exact Riemann solver for Shallow water equations.
+ * The computed water flux is given in m^2/s, the momentum
+ * fluxes are given in m^3/s^2.
+ *
  * This Riemann solver is described in the book
  * "Shock-capturing methods for free-surface shallow flows"
  * from Toro, 2001. We keep the notation for the variables
diff --git a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
index 2d7b514ef3d654d7f926a3fecd072dba95e57607..96ff91d1b109a0004e6798e8d0fda53ad23f53e8 100644
--- a/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
+++ b/dumux/flux/shallowwater/riemannproblem.hh
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ namespace ShallowWater {
  * after Audusse but further solvers and reconstructions ca be
  * implemented.
+ * The computed water flux (localFlux[0]) is given in m^2/s, the
+ * momentum fluxes (localFlux[1], localFlux[2]) are given in m^3/s^2.
+ *
  * \param waterDepthLeft water depth on the left side
  * \param waterDepthRight water depth on the right side
  * \param velocityXLeft veloctiyX on the left side
diff --git a/dumux/flux/shallowwaterflux.hh b/dumux/flux/shallowwaterflux.hh
index 179b9709aa736b1722ed5cbf2bec43ee0e3ae7d1..af23f08c553cdaf8497656e6a7faa86e774e13f6 100644
--- a/dumux/flux/shallowwaterflux.hh
+++ b/dumux/flux/shallowwaterflux.hh
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ public:
      *        Riemann solver after Torro and the reconstruction after
      *        Audusse and a flux limiter for small water depths.
+     *        The computed water flux of the Riemann solver is given
+     *        in m^2/s, the momentum fluxes are given in m^3/s^2. The
+     *        Riemann flux is mltiplied by scv.area() to get the flux
+     *        over the face.
+     *
      * \todo The choice of the Riemann solver should be more flexible
     template<class Problem, class FVElementGeometry, class ElementVolumeVariables>