From e324b0a929ebd69a84adbfe58bec81b526d67645 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: vishal jambhekar <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 11:32:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] To follow the naming concenvention "brine_varSalinity" is
 moved to "brineversalinity". Moreover, a missing binary coefficient file
 brine_air is added (Reviewed by Johannes).

git-svn-id: svn:// 2fb0f335-1f38-0410-981e-8018bf24f1b0
 .../material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh  | 620 ++++++++++++++++++
 ...ine_varSalinity.hh => brinevarsalinity.hh} |   0
 2 files changed, 620 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
 rename dumux/material/components/{brine_varSalinity.hh => brinevarsalinity.hh} (100%)

diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7028611d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+ *   Copyright (C) 2009 by Andreas Lauser                                    *
+ *   Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems             *
+ *   University of Stuttgart, Germany                                        *
+ *   email: <givenname>.<name>                          *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \ingroup Binarycoefficients
+ * \brief Binary coefficients for Air and brine.
+ */
+#include <dumux/material/components/brine.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/components/h2o.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/components/air.hh>
+#include <dumux/material/idealgas.hh>
+namespace Dumux {
+namespace BinaryCoeff {
+ * \brief Binary coefficients for brine and Air.
+ */
+template<class Scalar, class Air, bool verbose = true>
+class Brine_Air {
+    typedef Dumux::H2O<Scalar> H2O;
+   // typedef Dumux::Air<Scalar> Air;
+    typedef Dumux::Brine<Scalar,H2O> Brine;
+    typedef Dumux::IdealGas<Scalar> IdealGas;
+    static const int lPhaseIdx = 0; // index of the liquid phase
+    static const int gPhaseIdx = 1; // index of the gas phase
+    /*!
+     * \brief Binary diffusion coefficent [m^2/s] of water in the Air phase.
+     *
+     * According to "Diffusion of Water in Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: An NMR Study",Bin Xu et al., 2002
+     * \param temperature the temperature [K]
+     * \param pressure the phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar gasDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure) {
+        //Diffusion coefficient of water in the Air phase
+        const Scalar Theta=1.8;
+	    const Scalar Daw=2.13e-5;  /* reference value */
+	    const Scalar pg0=1.e5;     /* reference pressure */
+	    const Scalar T0=273.15;    /* reference temperature */
+	    Scalar Dgaw;
+	    Dgaw=Daw*(pg0/pressure)*pow((temperature/T0),Theta);
+	    return Dgaw;
+    }
+    ;
+    /*!
+        * Lacking better data on water-air diffusion in liquids, we use at the
+        * moment the diffusion coefficient of the air's main component nitrogen!!
+        * \brief Diffusion coefficent \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ for molecular nitrogen in liquid water.
+        *
+        * The empirical equations for estimating the diffusion coefficient in
+        * infinite solution which are presented in Reid, 1987 all show a
+        * linear dependency on temperature. We thus simply scale the
+        * experimentally obtained diffusion coefficient of Ferrell and
+        * Himmelblau by the temperature.
+        *
+        * See:
+        *
+        * R. Reid et al.: "The properties of Gases and Liquids", 4th edition,
+        * pp. 599, McGraw-Hill, 1987
+        *
+        * R. Ferrell, D. Himmelblau: "Diffusion Coeffients of Nitrogen and
+        * Oxygen in Water", Journal of Chemical Engineering and Data,
+        * Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 111-115, 1967
+        */
+    static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure) {
+        //Diffusion coefficient of Air in the H2O phase
+        const Scalar Texp = 273.15 + 25; // [K]
+        const Scalar Dexp = 2.01e-9; // [m^2/s]
+        return Dexp * temperature/Texp;
+    };
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the _mol_ (!) fraction of Air in the liquid
+     *        phase and the mol_ (!) fraction of H2O in the gas phase
+     *        for a given temperature, pressure, Air density and brine
+     *        XlNaCl.
+     *
+     *        Implemented according to "Spycher and Pruess 2005"
+     *        applying the activity coefficient expression of "Duan and Sun 2003"
+     *        and the correlations for pure water given in "Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King 2003"
+     *
+     * \param temperature the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     * \param XlNaCl the XlNaCl [kg NaCl / kg solution]
+     * \param knownPhaseIdx indicates which phases are present
+     * \param xlAir mole fraction of Air in brine [mol/mol]
+     * \param ygH2O mole fraction of water in the gas phase [mol/mol]
+     */
+    static void calculateMoleFractions(const Scalar temperature,
+                                       const Scalar pg, 
+                                       const Scalar XlNaCl,
+                                       const int knownPhaseIdx,
+                                       Scalar &xlAir, 
+                                       Scalar &ygH2O,
+                                     Scalar &xlNaCl) {
+    	DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Function: " << "calculateMoleFractions" << " is invalid.");
+//        Scalar A = computeA_(temperature, pg);
+//        /* XlNaCl: conversion from mass fraction to mol fraction */
+//        xlNaCl = massTomoleFrac_(XlNaCl);
+//        // if both phases are present the mole fractions in each phase can be calculate
+//        // with the mutual solubility function
+//        if (knownPhaseIdx < 0) {
+//            Scalar molalityNaCl = molFracToMolality_(xlNaCl); // molality of NaCl //CHANGED
+//            Scalar m0_Air = molalityAirinPureWater_(temperature, pg); // molality of Air in pure water
+//            Scalar gammaStar = activityCoefficient_(temperature, pg, molalityNaCl);// activity coefficient of Air in brine
+//            Scalar m_Air = m0_Air / gammaStar; // molality of Air in brine
+//            xlAir = m_Air / (molalityNaCl + 55.508 + m_Air); // mole fraction of Air in brine
+//            ygH2O = A * (1 - xlAir - xlNaCl); // mole fraction of water in the gas phase
+//        }
+//        // if only liquid phase is present the mole fraction of Air in brine is given and
+//        // and the virtual equilibrium mole fraction of water in the non-existing gas phase can be estimated
+//        // with the mutual solubility function
+//        if (knownPhaseIdx == lPhaseIdx) {
+////            ygH2O = A * (1 - xlAir - xlNaCl);
+//        	DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "phase index: " << "lPhaseIdx" << " is invalid.");
+//        }
+//        // if only gas phase is present the mole fraction of water in the gas phase is given and
+//        // and the virtual equilibrium mole fraction of Air in the non-existing liquid phase can be estimated
+//        // with the mutual solubility function
+//        if (knownPhaseIdx == gPhaseIdx) {
+//            //y_H2o = fluidstate.
+////            xlAir = 1 - xlNaCl - ygH2O / A;
+//        	DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "phase index: " << "gPhaseIdx" << " is invalid.");
+//        }
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the fugacity coefficient of the Air component in a water-Air mixture
+     * (given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003))
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar fugacityCoefficientAir(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar V = 1 / (Air::gasDensity(T, pg) / Air::molarMass()) * 1.e6; // molar volume in cm^3/mol
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.e5; // gas phase pressure in bar
+        Scalar a_Air = (7.54e7 - 4.13e4 * T); // mixture parameter of  Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar b_Air = 27.8; // mixture parameter of Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar R = IdealGas::R * 10.; // ideal gas constant with unit bar cm^3 /(K mol)
+        Scalar lnPhiAir, phiAir;
+        lnPhiAir = log(V / (V - b_Air)) + b_Air / (V - b_Air) - 2 * a_Air / (R
+                * pow(T, 1.5) * b_Air) * log((V + b_Air) / V) + a_Air * b_Air
+                / (R * pow(T, 1.5) * b_Air * b_Air) * (log((V + b_Air) / V)
+                - b_Air / (V + b_Air)) - log(pg_bar * V / (R * T));
+        phiAir = exp(lnPhiAir); // fugacity coefficient of Air
+        return phiAir;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the fugacity coefficient of the H2O component in a water-Air mixture
+     * (given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003))
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar fugacityCoefficientH2O(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar V = 1 / (Air::gasDensity(T, pg) / Air::molarMass()) * 1.e6; // molar volume in cm^3/mol
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.e5; // gas phase pressure in bar
+        Scalar a_Air = (7.54e7 - 4.13e4 * T);// mixture parameter of  Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar a_Air_H2O = 7.89e7;// mixture parameter of Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar b_Air = 27.8;// mixture parameter of Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar b_H2O = 18.18;// mixture parameter of Redlich-Kwong equation
+        static const Scalar R = IdealGas::R * 10.; // ideal gas constant with unit bar cm^3 /(K mol)
+        Scalar lnPhiH2O, phiH2O;
+        lnPhiH2O = log(V / (V - b_Air)) + b_H2O / (V - b_Air) - 2 * a_Air_H2O
+                / (R * pow(T, 1.5) * b_Air) * log((V + b_Air) / V) + a_Air
+                * b_H2O / (R * pow(T, 1.5) * b_Air * b_Air) * (log((V + b_Air)
+                / V) - b_Air / (V + b_Air)) - log(pg_bar * V / (R * T));
+        phiH2O = exp(lnPhiH2O); // fugacity coefficient of H2O
+        return phiH2O;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the molality of NaCl (mol NaCl / kg water) for a given mole fraction (mol NaCl / mol solution)
+     *
+     * \param xlNaCl mole fraction of NaCL in brine [mol/mol]
+     */
+    static Scalar molalityNaCl(Scalar XlNaCl) {
+        // conversion from mol fraction to molality
+        const Scalar mol_NaCl = XlNaCl / 58.4428e-3;
+        return mol_NaCl;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the molality of NaCl (mol NaCl / kg water) for a given mole fraction
+     *
+     * \param XlNaCl the XlNaCl [kg NaCl / kg solution]
+     */
+    static Scalar massTomoleFrac_(Scalar XlNaCl) {
+    	DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Function: " << "massTomoleFrac_" << " is invalid.");
+//        const Scalar Mw = H2O::molarMass(); /* molecular weight of water [kg/mol] */
+//        const Scalar Ms = 58.8e-3; /* molecular weight of NaCl  [kg/mol] */
+//        const Scalar X_NaCl = XlNaCl;
+//        /* XlNaCl: conversion from mass fraction to mol fraction */
+//        const Scalar xlNaCl = -Mw * X_NaCl / ((Ms - Mw) * X_NaCl - Ms);
+//        return xlNaCl;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the equilibrium molality of Air (mol Air / kg water) for a
+     * Air-water mixture at a given pressure and temperature
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar molalityAirinPureWater_(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar A = computeA_(temperature, pg); // according to Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+        Scalar B = computeB_(temperature, pg); // according to Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+        Scalar yH2OinGas = (1 - B) / (1. / A - B); // equilibrium mol fraction of H2O in the gas phase
+        Scalar xAirinWater = B * (1 - yH2OinGas); // equilibrium mol fraction of Air in the water phase
+        Scalar molalityAir = (xAirinWater * 55.508) / (1 - xAirinWater); // Air molality
+        return molalityAir;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the activity coefficient of Air in brine for a
+     *           molal description. According to "Duan and Sun 2003"
+     *           given in "Spycher and Pruess 2005"
+     *
+     * \param temperature the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     * \param molalityNaCl molality of NaCl (mol NaCl / kg water)
+     */
+    static Scalar activityCoefficient_(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg,
+            Scalar molalityNaCl) {
+        Scalar lambda = computeLambda_(temperature, pg); // lambda_{Air-Na+}
+        Scalar xi = computeXi_(temperature, pg); // Xi_{Air-Na+-Cl-}
+        Scalar lnGammaStar = 2 * lambda * molalityNaCl + xi * molalityNaCl
+                * molalityNaCl;
+        Scalar gammaStar = exp(lnGammaStar);
+        return gammaStar; // molal activity coefficient of Air in brine
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the paramater A for the calculation of
+     * them mutual solubility in the water-Air system.
+     * Given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeA_(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar deltaP = pg / 1e5 - 1; // pressure range [bar] from p0 = 1bar to pg[bar]
+        const Scalar v_av_H2O = 18.1; // average partial molar volume of H2O [cm^3/mol]
+        const Scalar R = IdealGas::R * 10;
+        Scalar k0_H2O = equilibriumConstantH2O_(T); // equilibrium constant for H2O at 1 bar
+        Scalar phi_H2O = fugacityCoefficientH2O(T, pg); // fugacity coefficient of H2O for the water-Air system
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.e5;
+        Scalar A = k0_H2O / (phi_H2O * pg_bar) * exp(deltaP * v_av_H2O / (R * T));
+        return A;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the paramater B for the calculation of
+     * the mutual solubility in the water-Air system.
+     * Given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeB_(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar deltaP = pg / 1e5 - 1; // pressure range [bar] from p0 = 1bar to pg[bar]
+        const Scalar v_av_Air = 32.6; // average partial molar volume of Air [cm^3/mol]
+        const Scalar R = IdealGas::R * 10;
+        Scalar k0_Air = equilibriumConstantAir_(T); // equilibrium constant for Air at 1 bar
+        Scalar phi_Air = fugacityCoefficientAir(T, pg); // fugacity coefficient of Air for the water-Air system
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.e5;
+        Scalar B = phi_Air * pg_bar / (55.508 * k0_Air) * exp(-(deltaP
+                * v_av_Air) / (R * T));
+        return B;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the parameter lambda, which is needed for the
+     * calculation of the Air activity coefficient in the brine-Air system.
+     * Given in Spycher and Pruess (2005)
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeLambda_(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar lambda;
+        static const Scalar c[6] = { -0.411370585, 6.07632013E-4, 97.5347708,
+                -0.0237622469, 0.0170656236, 1.41335834E-5 };
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.0E5; /* conversion from Pa to bar */
+        lambda = c[0] + c[1] * T + c[2] / T + c[3] * pg_bar / T + c[4] * pg_bar
+                / (630.0 - T) + c[5] * T * std::log(pg_bar);
+        return lambda;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the parameter xi, which is needed for the
+     * calculation of the Air activity coefficient in the brine-Air system.
+     * Given in Spycher and Pruess (2005)
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeXi_(Scalar T, Scalar pg) {
+        Scalar xi;
+        static const Scalar c[4] = { 3.36389723E-4, -1.98298980E-5,
+                2.12220830E-3, -5.24873303E-3 };
+        Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.0E5; /* conversion from Pa to bar */
+        xi = c[0] + c[1] * T + c[2] * pg_bar / T + c[3] * pg_bar / (630.0 - T);
+        return xi;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the equilibrium constant for Air, which is needed for the
+     * calculation of the mutual solubility in the water-Air system
+     * Given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     */
+    static Scalar equilibriumConstantAir_(Scalar T) {
+        Scalar TinC = T - 273.15; //temperature in °C
+        static const Scalar c[3] = { 1.189, 1.304e-2, -5.446e-5 };
+        Scalar logk0_Air = c[0] + c[1] * TinC + c[2] * TinC * TinC;
+        Scalar k0_Air = pow(10, logk0_Air);
+        return k0_Air;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the equilibrium constant for H2O, which is needed for the
+     * calculation of the mutual solubility in the water-Air system
+     * Given in Spycher, Pruess and Ennis-King (2003)
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     */
+    static Scalar equilibriumConstantH2O_(Scalar T) {
+        Scalar TinC = T - 273.15; //temperature in °C
+        static const Scalar c[4] = { -2.209, 3.097e-2, -1.098e-4, 2.048e-7 };
+        Scalar logk0_H2O = c[0] + c[1] * TinC + c[2] * TinC * TinC + c[3]
+                * TinC * TinC * TinC;
+        Scalar k0_H2O = pow(10, logk0_H2O);
+        return k0_H2O;
+    }
+ * \brief Old version of binary coefficients for Air and brine.
+ * Calculates molfraction of Air in brine according to Duan and Sun 2003
+ * molfraction of H2O has been assumed to be a constant value
+ * For use with the actual brine_co2_system this class still needs to be adapted
+ */
+template<class Scalar, class Air, bool verbose = true>
+class Brine_Air_Old
+    typedef Dumux::H2O<Scalar> H2O;
+    typedef Dumux::Brine<Scalar,H2O> Brine;
+   // typedef Dumux::Air<Scalar> Air;
+    typedef Dumux::IdealGas<Scalar> IdealGas;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the _mole_ (!) fraction of Air in the liquid
+     *        phase at a given temperature, pressure and density of
+     *        Air.
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     * \param rhoAir density of Air
+     */
+    static Scalar moleFracAirInBrine(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg, Scalar rhoAir)
+    {
+        // regularisations:
+        if (pg > 2.5e8) {
+            pg = 2.5e8;
+        }
+        if (pg < 2.e5) {
+            pg = 2.e5;
+        }
+        if (temperature < 275.) {
+            temperature = 275;
+        }
+        if (temperature > 600.) {
+            temperature = 600;
+        }
+        const Scalar Mw = H2O::molarMass(); /* molecular weight of water [kg/mol] */
+        const Scalar Ms = 58.8e-3; /* molecular weight of NaCl  [kg/mol] */
+        const Scalar X_NaCl = Brine::XlNaCl;
+        /* XlNaCl: conversion from mass fraction to mole fraction */
+        const Scalar xlNaCl = -Mw * X_NaCl / ((Ms - Mw) * X_NaCl - Ms);
+        // XlNaCl: conversion from mole fraction to molality
+        const Scalar mol_NaCl = -55.56 * xlNaCl / (xlNaCl - 1);
+        const Scalar A = computeA_(temperature, pg); /* mu_{Air}^{l(0)}/RT */
+        const Scalar B = computeB_(temperature, pg); /* lambda_{Air-Na+} */
+        const Scalar C = computeC_(temperature, pg); /* Xi_{Air-Na+-Cl-} */
+        const Scalar pgAir = partialPressureAir_(temperature, pg);
+        const Scalar phiAir = fugacityCoeffAir_(temperature, pgAir, rhoAir);
+        const Scalar exponent = A - log(phiAir) + 2*B*mol_NaCl + C*pow(mol_NaCl,2);
+        const Scalar mol_Airw = pgAir / (1e5 * exp(exponent)); /* paper: equation (6) */
+        const Scalar x_Airw = mol_Airw / (mol_Airw + 55.56); /* conversion: molality to mole fraction */
+        //Scalar X_Airw = x_Airw*MAir/(x_Airw*MAir + (1-x_Airw)*Mw);   /* conversion: mole fraction to mass fraction */
+        return x_Airw;
+    }
+    /*!
+    * \brief computation of mu_{Air}^{l(0)}/RT
+    * \param T the temperature [K]
+    * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+    */
+    static Scalar computeA_(Scalar T, Scalar pg)
+    {
+        static const Scalar c[10] = {
+            28.9447706,
+            -0.0354581768,
+            -4770.67077,
+            1.02782768E-5,
+            33.8126098,
+            9.04037140E-3,
+            -1.14934031E-3,
+            -0.307405726,
+            -0.0907301486,
+            9.32713393E-4,
+        };
+        const Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.0E5; /* conversion from Pa to bar */
+        const Scalar Tr = 630.0 - T;
+        return
+            c[0] +
+            c[1]*T +
+            c[2]/T +
+            c[3]*T*T +
+            c[4]/Tr +
+            c[5]*pg_bar +
+            c[6]*pg_bar*log(T) +
+            c[7]*pg_bar/T +
+            c[8]*pg_bar/Tr +
+            c[9]*pg_bar*pg_bar/(Tr*Tr);
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief computation of B
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeB_(Scalar T, Scalar pg)
+    {
+        const Scalar c1 = -0.411370585;
+        const Scalar c2 = 6.07632013E-4;
+        const Scalar c3 = 97.5347708;
+        const Scalar c8 = -0.0237622469;
+        const Scalar c9 = 0.0170656236;
+        const Scalar c11 = 1.41335834E-5;
+        const Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.0E5; /* conversion from Pa to bar */
+        return
+            c1 +
+            c2*T +
+            c3/T +
+            c8*pg_bar/T +
+            c9*pg_bar/(630.0-T) +
+            c11*T*std::log(pg_bar);
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief computation of C
+     *
+     * \param T the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar computeC_(Scalar T, Scalar pg)
+    {
+        const Scalar c1 = 3.36389723E-4;
+        const Scalar c2 = -1.98298980E-5;
+        const Scalar c8 = 2.12220830E-3;
+        const Scalar c9 = -5.24873303E-3;
+        const Scalar pg_bar = pg / 1.0E5; /* conversion from Pa to bar */
+        return
+            c1 +
+            c2*T +
+            c8*pg_bar/T +
+            c9*pg_bar/(630.0-T);
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief computation of partial pressure Air
+     *
+     * \param temperature the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     */
+    static Scalar partialPressureAir_(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg)
+    {
+        // We assume that the partial pressure of brine is its vapor
+        // pressure. TODO: Strictly this is assumption is invalid for
+        // Air because the mole fraction of Air in brine can be
+        // considerable
+        return pg - Brine::vaporPressure(temperature);
+    };
+    /*!
+     * \brief The fugacity coefficent of Air for a Air-H2O mixture.
+     *
+     * \param temperature the temperature [K]
+     * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
+     * \param rhoAir the density of Air for the critical volume [kg/m^3]
+     */
+    static Scalar fugacityCoeffAir_(Scalar temperature,
+                                    Scalar pg,
+                                    Scalar rhoAir)
+    {
+        static const Scalar a[15] = {
+            8.99288497E-2,
+            -4.94783127E-1,
+            4.77922245E-2,
+            1.03808883E-2,
+            -2.82516861E-2,
+            9.49887563E-2,
+            5.20600880E-4,
+            -2.93540971E-4,
+            -1.77265112E-3,
+            -2.51101973E-5,
+            8.93353441E-5,
+            7.88998563E-5,
+            -1.66727022E-2,
+            1.3980,
+            2.96000000E-2
+        };
+        // reduced temperature
+        const Scalar Tr = temperature / Air::criticalTemperature();
+        // reduced pressure
+        const Scalar pr = pg / Air::criticalPressure();
+        // reduced molar volume. ATTENTION: Vc is _NOT_ the critical
+        // molar volume of Air. See the reference!
+        const Scalar Vc = IdealGas::R*Air::criticalTemperature()/Air::criticalPressure();
+        const Scalar Vr =
+        // molar volume of Air at (temperature, pg)
+            Air::molarMass() / rhoAir
+            *
+                // "pseudo-critical" molar volume
+                        1.0 / Vc;
+        // the Z coefficient
+        const Scalar Z = pr * Vr / Tr;
+        const Scalar A = a[0] + a[1] / (Tr * Tr) + a[2] / (Tr * Tr * Tr);
+        const Scalar B = a[3] + a[4] / (Tr * Tr) + a[5] / (Tr * Tr * Tr);
+        const Scalar C = a[6] + a[7] / (Tr * Tr) + a[8] / (Tr * Tr * Tr);
+        const Scalar D = a[9] + a[10] / (Tr * Tr) + a[11] / (Tr * Tr * Tr);
+        const Scalar lnphiAir =
+            Z - 1 -
+            log(Z) +
+            A/Vr +
+            B/(2*Vr*Vr) +
+            C/(4*Vr*Vr*Vr*Vr) +
+            D/(5*Vr*Vr*Vr*Vr*Vr)
+            +
+            a[12]/(2*Tr*Tr*Tr*a[14])*
+            (
+                a[13] + 1 -
+                (  a[13] + 1 +
+                   a[14]/(Vr*Vr)
+                    )*std::exp(-a[14]/(Vr*Vr)));
+        return std::exp(lnphiAir);
+    }
+} // end namespace
diff --git a/dumux/material/components/brine_varSalinity.hh b/dumux/material/components/brinevarsalinity.hh
similarity index 100%
rename from dumux/material/components/brine_varSalinity.hh
rename to dumux/material/components/brinevarsalinity.hh