diff --git a/bin/postprocessing/l2error.py b/bin/postprocessing/l2error.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f27863785e15b718975bac271bd66f2f5aef109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/postprocessing/l2error.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import argparse
+import csv
+import sys
+#Auxiliary function that provides a handy parser
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='python ' + sys.argv[0], description='Calculate the l2 error of csv data files.')
+parser.add_argument('-f1', '--reference', type=str, required=True, help='Reference csv-file')
+parser.add_argument('-f2', '--newSolution', type=str, required=True, help='NewSolution csv-file')
+parser.add_argument('-xMin', '--xMin', type=float, required=False, default=-1e99, help='Restrict data to x>xMin')
+parser.add_argument('-xMax', '--xMax', type=float, required=False, default=1e99, help='Restrict data to x>xMax')
+group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group1.add_argument('-x1', '--xData1', type=int, help='Column index of x data in reference')
+group1.add_argument('-x1Name', '--xDataName1', type=str, help='Name x data in reference')
+group2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group2.add_argument('-x2', '--xData2', type=int, help='Column index of x data in newSolution')
+group2.add_argument('-x2Name', '--xDataName2', type=str, help='Name x data in newSolution')
+group3 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group3.add_argument('-y1', '--yData1', type=int, help='Column index of y data in reference')
+group3.add_argument('-y1Name', '--yDataName1', type=str, help='Name y data in reference')
+group4 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+group4.add_argument('-y2', '--yData2', type=int, help='Column index of y data in newSolution')
+group4.add_argument('-y2Name', '--yDataName2', type=str, help='Name y data in newSolution')
+parser.add_argument('-p', '--percent', action='store_true', help='Print errors in percent')
+parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='Ignore \'not-matching\' errors')
+parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbosity of the script')
+args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+with open(args['reference'], 'rb') as referenceFile:
+  reader = csv.reader(referenceFile)
+  reference = list(reader)
+  if(args['xDataName1'] is not None):
+    indexReferenceX = reference[0].index(args['xDataName1'])
+  else:
+    indexReferenceX = args['xData1']
+  if(args['yDataName1'] is not None):
+    indexReferenceY = reference[0].index(args['yDataName1'])
+  else:
+    indexReferenceY = args['yData1']
+with open(args['newSolution'], 'rb') as newSolutionFile:
+  reader = csv.reader(newSolutionFile)
+  newSolution = list(reader)
+  if(args['xDataName2'] is not None):
+    indexNewSolutionX = reference[0].index(args['xDataName2'])
+  else:
+    indexNewSolutionX = args['xData2']
+  if(args['yDataName2'] is not None):
+    indexNewSolutionY = reference[0].index(args['yDataName2'])
+  else:
+    indexNewSolutionY = args['yData2']
+if (reference[0][indexReferenceX] != reference[0][indexNewSolutionX] and not args['force']):
+    print "X-Identifier not equal: ref=", reference[0][indexReferenceX], ",new=", reference[0][indexNewSolutionX], ". Aborting! (Use -f to continue anyway)"
+    exit (1)
+if (reference[0][indexReferenceY] != newSolution[0][indexNewSolutionY] and not args['force']):
+    print "Y-Identifier not equal. ref=", reference[0][indexReferenceY], ",new=", newSolution[0][indexNewSolutionY], ". Aborting! (Use -f to continue anyway)"
+    exit (2)
+if (len(reference) != len(newSolution)):
+    print "Length of reference and newSolution not equal: ref=", len(reference), ",new=", len(newSolution), ". Aborting!"
+    exit (3)
+distanceOld = 0.0
+sumError = 0.0
+sumReference = 0.0
+sumDistance = 0.0
+numPoints = 0
+for i in range(1,len(reference)):
+    coord_ref = float(reference[i][indexReferenceX])
+    coord_newSolution = float(newSolution[i][indexNewSolutionX])
+    if (coord_ref != coord_newSolution):
+        print "Coordinates not equal: ref=", coord_ref, ",new=", coord_newSolution, ". Aborting!"
+        exit (4)
+    if (coord_ref < float(args['xMin']) or coord_ref > float(args['xMax'])):
+        continue
+    if (i == 1):
+        distance = 0.5*(float(reference[2][indexReferenceX]) - float(reference[1][indexReferenceX]))
+    elif (i == len(reference)-1):
+        distance = 0.5*(float(reference[len(reference)-1][indexReferenceX]) - float(reference[len(reference)-2][indexReferenceX]))
+    else:
+        distance = 0.5*(float(reference[i+1][indexReferenceX]) - float(reference[i-1][indexReferenceX]))
+    sumError += ((float(reference[i][indexReferenceY])-float(newSolution[i][indexNewSolutionY]))**2)*distance
+    sumReference += ((float(reference[i][indexReferenceY]))**2)*distance
+    sumDistance += distance
+    numPoints += 1
+if (numPoints < 999 and not args['force']):
+    print "Warning: numPoints=", numPoints, " is low, could result in bad the error approximation. (Use -f to suppress this warning)"
+l2normAbs = (sumError/sumDistance)**0.5 # numPoints is needed, resulting from the equidistant integration
+l2normRel = (sumError/sumReference)**0.5 # numPoints cancels out for equidistant integration
+if (args['percent']):
+    print "L2_Error_in_%: ", "{0:.5f}%".format(l2normAbs*100), "Rel_L2_Error_in_%: ", "{0:.5f}%".format(l2normRel*100)
+    print "L2_Error: ", "{0:.5e}".format(l2normAbs), " Rel_L2_Error: ", "{0:.5e}".format(l2normRel)