diff --git a/dumux/discretization/projection/projector.hh b/dumux/discretization/projection/projector.hh
index 1ed7549d1575e2f7df77ebbe4ec8278c2cb82548..fe9160393b0bc205b763590ad6cd5c8c4798f9f9 100644
--- a/dumux/discretization/projection/projector.hh
+++ b/dumux/discretization/projection/projector.hh
@@ -334,14 +334,13 @@ auto createProjectionMatrices(const FEBasisDomain& feBasisDomain,
     unsigned int maxBasisOrder = 0;
     for (const auto& is : intersections(glue))
-        // "outside" element is of target domain
         // since target dim <= domain dim there is maximum one!
-        targetLocalView.bind( is.outside(0) );
+        targetLocalView.bind( is.targetEntity(0) );
         const auto& targetLocalBasis = targetLocalView.tree().finiteElement().localBasis();
-        for (unsigned int nIdx = 0; nIdx < is.neighbor(/*targetSide*/1); ++nIdx)
+        for (unsigned int nIdx = 0; nIdx < is.numDomainNeighbors(); ++nIdx)
-            domainLocalView.bind( is.inside(nIdx) );
+            domainLocalView.bind( is.domainEntity(nIdx) );
             const auto& domainLocalBasis = domainLocalView.tree().finiteElement().localBasis();
             // keep track of maximum basis order (used in integration)
@@ -370,7 +369,7 @@ auto createProjectionMatrices(const FEBasisDomain& feBasisDomain,
     for (const auto& is : intersections(glue))
-        const auto& targetElement = is.outside(0);
+        const auto& targetElement = is.targetEntity(0);
         const auto& targetElementGeometry = targetElement.geometry();
         targetLocalView.bind( targetElement );
@@ -411,10 +410,10 @@ auto createProjectionMatrices(const FEBasisDomain& feBasisDomain,
             // targetElement is aligned with a facet of domainElement. In
             // this case make sure the basis functions are not added
             // multiple times! (division by numNeighbors)
-            const auto numNeighbors = is.neighbor(/*targetSide*/1);
+            const auto numNeighbors = is.numDomainNeighbors();
             for (unsigned int nIdx = 0; nIdx < numNeighbors; ++nIdx)
-                const auto& domainElement = is.inside(nIdx);
+                const auto& domainElement = is.domainEntity(nIdx);
                 domainLocalView.bind( domainElement );
                 const auto& domainLocalBasis = domainLocalView.tree().finiteElement().localBasis();
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
index 37a30c93e4109b25ac8f66e076e11588776c8b25..5fc41635d9b308e7bdef8993d7843226704bfc5a 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/couplingmanagerbase.hh
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <dumux/common/geometry/intersectingentities.hh>
 #include <dumux/discretization/method.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/couplingmanager.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/embedded/mixeddimensionglue.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/glue.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/embedded/pointsourcedata.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/embedded/integrationpointsource.hh>
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class EmbeddedCouplingManagerBase
     using CouplingStencil = std::vector<std::size_t>;
     using GlobalPosition = typename Element<bulkIdx>::Geometry::GlobalCoordinate;
-    using GlueType = MultiDomainGlue<GridView<lowDimIdx>, GridView<bulkIdx>, ElementMapper<lowDimIdx>, ElementMapper<bulkIdx>>;
+    using GlueType = MultiDomainGlue<GridView<bulkIdx>, GridView<lowDimIdx>, ElementMapper<bulkIdx>, ElementMapper<lowDimIdx>>;
     //! export traits
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ protected:
         const auto& lowDimFvGridGeometry = this->problem(lowDimIdx).fvGridGeometry();
         // intersect the bounding box trees
-        glue_->build(lowDimFvGridGeometry.boundingBoxTree(), bulkFvGridGeometry.boundingBoxTree());
+        glue_->build(bulkFvGridGeometry.boundingBoxTree(), lowDimFvGridGeometry.boundingBoxTree());
     template<class Geometry, class GlobalPosition>
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/mixeddimensionglue.hh b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/mixeddimensionglue.hh
index b1f5f07bcace723bb36e6b647b2d7039514b1f16..231a4bd981b6b6fcfe2692be81014b6c74fa3cb3 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/embedded/mixeddimensionglue.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/embedded/mixeddimensionglue.hh
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
+#warning "This header is deprecated and will be removed after release 3.1. Use multidomain/glue.hh"
 #include <dumux/multidomain/glue.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
@@ -34,44 +36,8 @@ namespace Dumux {
 template<class BulkGridView, class LowDimGridView,
          class BulkMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<BulkGridView>,
          class LowDimMapper = Dune::MultipleCodimMultipleGeomTypeMapper<LowDimGridView>>
-class [[deprecated("Use MultiDomainGlue instead. Will be removed after 3.1!")]]
-: public MultiDomainGlue<LowDimGridView, BulkGridView, LowDimMapper, BulkMapper>
-    using ParentType = MultiDomainGlue<LowDimGridView, BulkGridView, LowDimMapper, BulkMapper>;
-    //! Default constructor
-    MixedDimensionGlue() = default;
-    /*!
-     * \brief constructor from bounding box trees
-     * \note The definition of Glue::Intersection::inside() has changed!
-     *       inside() used to return the lower-dimensional entities
-     *       (i.e. from LowDimGridView). Now, inside() returns the entities
-     *       of the template argument DomainGridView, i.e. the Dune::GridView
-     *       given as the first template argument. In order to be backwards
-     *       compatible, we flip the order here (and in the definition of ParentType).
-     */
-    template<class BulkTree, class LowDimTree>
-    MixedDimensionGlue(const BulkTree& bulkTree, const LowDimTree& lowDimTree)
-    : ParentType(lowDimTree, bulkTree)
-    {}
-    /*!
-     * \brief construction from bounding box trees
-     * \note The definition of Glue::Intersection::inside() has changed!
-     *       inside() used to return the lower-dimensional entities
-     *       (i.e. from LowDimGridView). Now, inside() returns the entities
-     *       of the template argument DomainGridView, i.e. the Dune::GridView
-     *       given as the first template argument. In order to be backwards
-     *       compatible, we flip the order here (and in the definition of ParentType).
-     */
-    template<class BulkTree, class LowDimTree>
-    void build(const BulkTree& bulkTree, const LowDimTree& lowDimTree)
-    {
-        ParentType::build(lowDimTree, bulkTree);
-    }
+using MixedDimensionGlue [[deprecated("Use MultiDomainGlue instead. Will be removed after 3.1!")]]
+    = MultiDomainGlue<BulkGridView, LowDimGridView, BulkMapper, LowDimMapper>;
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/glue.hh b/dumux/multidomain/glue.hh
index 47c96a5cbc7d8f4ed080eb747cefd5f85c9dfa1a..5d0d3c089690097bf6c54a46e0a09a7ec6dbc29a 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/glue.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/glue.hh
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
 #include <fstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <utility>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <dune/common/indices.hh>
 #include <dune/common/timer.hh>
 #include <dune/common/iteratorrange.hh>
 #include <dune/common/promotiontraits.hh>
+#include <dune/common/reservedvector.hh>
 #include <dune/geometry/affinegeometry.hh>
 #include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
@@ -91,6 +95,13 @@ class Intersection
     using Geometry = Dune::AffineGeometry<ctype, dimIs, dimWorld>;
     using GlobalPosition = Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dimWorld>;
+    // we can only have multiple neighbors in the mixeddimensional case and then only for the side with the largest dimension
+    using IndexStorage = std::pair<std::conditional_t<dimDomain <= dimTarget, Dune::ReservedVector<std::size_t, 1>, std::vector<std::size_t>>,
+                                   std::conditional_t<dimTarget <= dimDomain, Dune::ReservedVector<std::size_t, 1>, std::vector<std::size_t>>>;
+    static constexpr auto domainIdx = Dune::index_constant<0>{};
+    static constexpr auto targetIdx = Dune::index_constant<1>{};
     Intersection(const DomainTree& domainTree, const TargetTree& targetTree)
     : domainTree_(domainTree)
@@ -107,28 +118,58 @@ public:
     //! add a pair of neighbor elements
     void addNeighbors(std::size_t domain, std::size_t target)
-        neighbors_[0].push_back(domain);
-        neighbors_[1].push_back(target);
+        if (numDomainNeighbors() == 0 && numTargetNeighbors() == 0)
+        {
+            std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_).push_back(domain);
+            std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_).push_back(target);
+        }
+        else if (dimDomain > dimTarget)
+            std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_).push_back(domain);
+        else if (dimTarget > dimDomain)
+            std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_).push_back(target);
+        else
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Cannot add more than one neighbor per side for equidimensional intersection!");
     //! get the intersection geometry
     Geometry geometry() const
     { return Geometry(Dune::GeometryTypes::simplex(dimIs), corners_); }
+    //! get the number of domain neighbors of this intersection
+    std::size_t numDomainNeighbors() const
+    { return std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_).size(); }
+    //! get the number of target neighbors of this intersection
+    std::size_t numTargetNeighbors() const
+    { return std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_).size(); }
+    //! get the nth domain neighbor entity
+    DomainElement domainEntity(unsigned int n = 0) const
+    { return domainTree_.entitySet().entity(std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_)[n]); }
+    //! get the nth target neighbor entity
+    TargetElement targetEntity(unsigned int n = 0) const
+    { return targetTree_.entitySet().entity(std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_)[n]); }
     //! get the number of neigbors
+    [[deprecated("neighbor is deprecated and will be removed after release 3.1. Use numDomainNeighbors() / numTargetNeighbors()")]]
     std::size_t neighbor(unsigned int side) const
-    { return neighbors_[side].size(); }
+    { return std::max(std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_).size(), std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_).size()); }
     //! get the inside (domain) neighbor
-    DomainElement inside(unsigned int n) const
-    { return domainTree_.entitySet().entity(neighbors_[0][n]); }
+    [[deprecated("outside is deprecated and will be removed after release 3.1. Use domainIdx(uint)")]]
+    DomainElement outside(unsigned int n) const
+    { return domainTree_.entitySet().entity(std::get<domainIdx>(neighbors_)[n]); }
     //! get the outside (target) neighbor
-    TargetElement outside(unsigned int n) const
-    { return targetTree_.entitySet().entity(neighbors_[1][n]); }
+    [[deprecated("inside is deprecated and will be removed after release 3.1. Use targetIdx(uint)")]]
+    TargetElement inside(unsigned int n) const
+    { return targetTree_.entitySet().entity(std::get<targetIdx>(neighbors_)[n]); }
-    std::array<std::vector<std::size_t>, 2> neighbors_;
+    IndexStorage neighbors_;
     std::vector<GlobalPosition> corners_;
     const DomainTree& domainTree_;