diff --git a/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal b/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal
index 02651e7aa218051633e52ecda511adecf8cbf15f..ce65b36179d863d707d016bcd27185d9795179ef 100644
--- a/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal
+++ b/doc/doxygen/Doxylocal
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ IMAGE_PATH             = @srcdir@/images
 EXTRA_PACKAGES        += amsmath,amssymb,units
+ALIASES += "warning=\xrefitem warning \"Warning List\" \"Warning List\""
 # enable client side searching
diff --git a/dumux/common/start.hh b/dumux/common/start.hh
index 132892ea84ca39757ee5169a2a2a40684a685939..f72729ded09b130eae52507d23799c470139f9e8 100644
--- a/dumux/common/start.hh
+++ b/dumux/common/start.hh
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void dumuxMessage_(bool start)
             std::cout << "" << std::endl;
             std::cout << "For more information visit dumux.org or contact the mailing list." << std::endl;
-        //TODO: If you add a case, you have to increase the modulus at the beginning of the function!
+        // Note: If you add a case, you have to increase the modulus at the beginning of this function!
         default:    // silence to delight Bernd
             return ;
diff --git a/dumux/freeflow/stokes/localresidual.hh b/dumux/freeflow/stokes/localresidual.hh
index cbe9c0825b996447c97584941e2c400a3fb5c122..25d749ab45b5e1d8a42bf3bb4128f4937ff87033 100644
--- a/dumux/freeflow/stokes/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/freeflow/stokes/localresidual.hh
@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ protected:
      * \brief Evaluates the advective fluxes over
      *        a face of a sub-control volume.
+     * \todo dilatation term has to be accounted for in outflow, coupling, neumann
+     *
      * \param flux The advective flux over the sub-control-volume face for each component
      * \param fluxVars The flux variables at the current SCV/boundary face
@@ -234,7 +236,6 @@ protected:
             velGradComp = velGrad[velIdx];
-            // TODO: dilatation term has to be accounted for in outflow, coupling, neumann
             //            velGradComp[velIdx] += 2./3*fluxVars.velocityDiv;
             velGradComp *= fluxVars.dynamicViscosity() + fluxVars.dynamicEddyViscosity();
@@ -477,7 +478,7 @@ protected:
                     const DimVector& elementUnitNormal = isIt->centerUnitOuterNormal();
-                    tangent[0] = elementUnitNormal[1];  //TODO: 3D
+                    tangent[0] = elementUnitNormal[1];
                     tangent[1] = -elementUnitNormal[0];
                     Dune::FieldMatrix<Scalar, dim, dim> velGrad = boundaryVars.velocityGrad();
diff --git a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/basemodel.hh b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/basemodel.hh
index e65c1053b8d9e61918d879645ef19b05984d317a..76b1719632deb813a9df2db08e4d9d2cb0326505 100644
--- a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/basemodel.hh
+++ b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/basemodel.hh
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ protected:
         // iterate through leaf grid and evaluate initial
         // condition at the center of each sub control volume
-        // TODO: the initial condition needs to be unique for
+        // the initial condition needs to be unique for
         // each vertex. we should think about the API...
         for (const auto& element : elements(gridView_())) {
             // deal with the current element
diff --git a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/fluxvariables.hh b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/fluxvariables.hh
index c7ec9f0c3e01cb061a8a3ed29f8513700c15ae9e..34bed3840b69b5cdffe9322160863baddd5280c8 100644
--- a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/fluxvariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/fluxvariables.hh
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ NEW_PROP_TAG(SpatialParams);
                     dU_[coordDir] = 0;
                     // subtract previous displacement value from current displacement value for each coordinate direction
                     // coordDir and for each node i and interpolate values at integration point via the shape function vShape.
-                    // TODO: evaluation of prevVolVars should also be possible--> check
+                    // TODO: Check if evaluation of prevVolVars is possible
                     for (size_t i = 0; i < dispSize; i++){
                         dU_[coordDir] += (elemVolVars[i].primaryVars()[(numEq - dim)+coordDir]
                                           - prevSolutionValues[scalarDispLFS.localIndex(i)])*vShape[i];
diff --git a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localoperator.hh b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localoperator.hh
index 2dffdb42147a65022dba693eaa5c83fa558f0270..15107987ff2bc0ccfe8851a5236d96a95b0873a4 100644
--- a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localoperator.hh
+++ b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localoperator.hh
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ public:
              VolumeVariables volVars;
              // evaluate volume variables for this quadrature point
-             // TODO / NOTE:     this overwrites the entries of the volumevariables of node 0
-             //                 and can cause errors
+             // NOTE: this overwrites the entries of the volumevariables of node 0
+             //       and can cause errors
              volVars.update(primVars, model_.problem(), eg.entity(), fvGeometry, 0, false);
              // calculate the density difference for the gravity term
diff --git a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localresidual.hh b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localresidual.hh
index f72e06adf29cc4c727d72265eab907b8a3999fff..8bab96470b134dbad4216345d6e7d387478c0952 100644
--- a/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/geomechanics/el2p/localresidual.hh
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
-#include <dune/pdelab/gridfunctionspace/localfunctionspace.hh>
 #include <dumux/implicit/box/localresidual.hh>
 #include "properties.hh"
@@ -66,10 +65,6 @@ protected:
         wPhaseIdx = Indices::wPhaseIdx,
         nPhaseIdx = Indices::nPhaseIdx
-    //TODO: delete this if not required
-    // only effective porosity update in element variables doesn't work
-    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridFunctionSpace) GridFunctionSpace;
-    typedef Dune::PDELab::LocalFunctionSpace<GridFunctionSpace> LocalFunctionSpace;
@@ -122,83 +117,8 @@ public:
      * \param onBoundary A boolean variable to specify whether the flux variables
      *        are calculated for interior SCV faces or boundary faces, default=false
-    void computeFlux(PrimaryVariables &flux, int fIdx,
-            const bool onBoundary = false) const {
-        //TODO: delete this if not required
-        //      adapts the effective porosity node-wise for evaluation of derivatives.
-        //      At the moment computeFlux is called before computeStorage so effPorosity in
-        //      computeStorage should also be correct.
-//        if (fIdx == 0)
-//        {
-//           int numScv = this->element_().template count<dim> ();
-//            LocalFunctionSpace localFunctionSpace(this->problem_().model().jacobianAssembler().gridFunctionSpace());
-//            localFunctionSpace.bind(this->element_());
-//            std::vector<Scalar> values;
-//            localFunctionSpace.vread(this->problem_().model().curSol(), values);
-//            typedef typename LocalFunctionSpace::template Child<1>::Type DisplacementLFS;
-//            const DisplacementLFS& displacementLFS = localFunctionSpace.template child<1>();
-//            const unsigned int dispSize = displacementLFS.child(0).size();
-//                    typedef typename DisplacementLFS::template Child<0>::Type ScalarDispLFS;
-//            typedef typename ScalarDispLFS::Traits::FiniteElementType::
-//                            Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::JacobianType JacobianType_V;
-//            typedef typename ScalarDispLFS::Traits::FiniteElementType::
-//                            Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::RangeFieldType RF;
-//            typedef typename ScalarDispLFS::Traits::FiniteElementType::
-//                            Traits::LocalBasisType::Traits::DomainFieldType DF;
-//           // calculate the divergence of the displacement
-//            for (int scvIdx = 0; scvIdx < numScv; scvIdx++)
-//            {
-//                    const DimVector& scvCenter = this->fvGeometry_().subContVol[scvIdx].localCenter;
-//                    // evaluate gradient of displacement shape functions
-//                    std::vector<JacobianType_V> vRefShapeGradient(dispSize);
-//                    displacementLFS.child(0).finiteElement().localBasis().evaluateJacobian(scvCenter, vRefShapeGradient);
-//                    // transform gradient to physical element
-//                    const Dune::FieldMatrix<DF,dim,dim> jacInvT = this->element_().geometry().jacobianInverseTransposed(scvCenter);
-//                    std::vector<Dune::FieldVector<RF,dim> > vShapeGradient(dispSize);
-//                    for (size_t i = 0; i < dispSize; i++)
-//                    {
-//                            vShapeGradient[i] = 0.0;
-//                            jacInvT.umv(vRefShapeGradient[i][0],vShapeGradient[i]);
-//                    }
-//                    // calculate gradient of current displacement
-//                    typedef Dune::FieldMatrix<RF, dim, dim> Tensor;
-//                    Tensor uGradient(0.0);
-//                    for(int comp = 0; comp < dim; ++comp){
-//                            const ScalarDispLFS & scalarDispLFS = displacementLFS.child(comp);
-//                            for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-//                                    uGradient[comp].axpy(this->curVolVars_()[i].displacement(comp), vShapeGradient[i]);
-//                            for (size_t i = 8; i < scalarDispLFS.size(); i++)
-//                                    uGradient[comp].axpy(values[scalarDispLFS.localIndex(i)], vShapeGradient[i]);
-//                    }
-//                    this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].divU = 0.0;
-//                    for (int comp = 0; comp < dim; comp++)
-//                            this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].divU += uGradient[comp][comp];
-//                    if(this->problem_().coupled() == true){
-//                        if (this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].divU < - this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].porosity()){
-//                            this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].effPorosity = this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].porosity();
-//                            std::cout<<"volume change too large"<<std::endl;
-//                            }
-//                        else{
-//                            this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].effPorosity = (this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].porosity()
-//                                            + this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].divU)/(1.0 + this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].divU);}
-//                    }
-//                    else
-//                        this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].effPorosity = this->curVolVars_()[scvIdx].porosity();
-//            }
-//        }
+    void computeFlux(PrimaryVariables &flux, int fIdx, const bool onBoundary = false) const
+    {
         FluxVariables fluxVars(this->problem_(), this->element_(),
                 this->fvGeometry_(), fIdx, this->curVolVars_());
diff --git a/dumux/implicit/box/fvelementgeometry.hh b/dumux/implicit/box/fvelementgeometry.hh
index 82446c27af7aff554436999cba1cce2e017daf10..d4a4095beb9b377054a332d6f559246634e96503 100644
--- a/dumux/implicit/box/fvelementgeometry.hh
+++ b/dumux/implicit/box/fvelementgeometry.hh
@@ -846,10 +846,6 @@ public:
         // fill sub control volume data use specialization for this
-        // \todo maybe it would be a good idea to migrate everything
-        // which is dependend of the grid's dimension to
-        // _BoxFVElemGeomHelper in order to benefit from more aggressive
-        // compiler optimizations...
         BoxFVElemGeomHelper::fillSubContVolData(*this, numScv, edgeCoordinates, faceCoordinates);
         BoxFVElemGeomHelper::template computeGeometries<BoxGeometry>(*this, numScv, edgeCoordinates, faceCoordinates);
diff --git a/dumux/implicit/localresidual.hh b/dumux/implicit/localresidual.hh
index 87170c1d7b602292b5c6d15abbb1715e5ebd404b..f48ca6355b1b4600f224a8bd43b80789c9f5cc70 100644
--- a/dumux/implicit/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/implicit/localresidual.hh
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ protected:
             // \f$\frac{m}{\partial t}\f$ term if using implicit
             // euler as time discretization.
-            // TODO (?): we might need a more explicit way for
+            // We might need a more explicit way for
             // doing the time discretization...
diff --git a/dumux/implicit/model.hh b/dumux/implicit/model.hh
index a7ef850f6c976846414e5cfd0c354b8fce1d49b9..59711a2fc398dc3054220d662882f1809a2f94a6 100644
--- a/dumux/implicit/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/implicit/model.hh
@@ -888,6 +888,9 @@ protected:
      * \brief Applies the initial solution for all vertices of the grid.
+     *
+     * \todo the initial condition needs to be unique for
+     *       each vertex. we should think about the API...
     void applyInitialSolution_()
@@ -899,9 +902,6 @@ protected:
         // iterate through leaf grid and evaluate initial
         // condition at the center of each sub control volume
-        //
-        // TODO: the initial condition needs to be unique for
-        // each vertex. we should think about the API...
         for (const auto& element : elements(gridView_())) {
             // deal with the current element
             fvGeometry.update(gridView_(), element);
diff --git a/dumux/implicit/problem.hh b/dumux/implicit/problem.hh
index f1da19bcdbf725df559eaef6c5bd2a47a5bbe2a2..df75db7b511541ebd5d7ca83a173f168f86a8130 100644
--- a/dumux/implicit/problem.hh
+++ b/dumux/implicit/problem.hh
@@ -1072,7 +1072,6 @@ public:
                 // that can be overloaded in the actual problem class also achieving variable point sources.
                 // The first one is more convenient for simple function like a time dependent source.
                 // The second one might be more convenient for e.g. a solution dependent point source.
-                // TODO: Decide if one concept can / should be dropped in the future or not.
                 // we do an update e.g. used for TimeDependentPointSource
                 pointSource.update(asImp_(), element, fvGeometry, scvIdx, elemVolVars);
diff --git a/dumux/io/artgridcreator.hh b/dumux/io/artgridcreator.hh
index f3a6f6303e366c0153237c76dcfb716df182f1d9..94b2f8b990d106859553f5bf8b64cd0a0f149fa3 100644
--- a/dumux/io/artgridcreator.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/artgridcreator.hh
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <iomanip>
+#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/common/mcmgmapper.hh>
 #include <dune/grid/common/gridfactory.hh>
@@ -38,10 +39,6 @@
 #include <dumux/common/parameters.hh>
 #include <dumux/common/valgrind.hh>
-// plot the vertices, edges, elements
-#define PLOT 0
-// TODO: this is a verbosity level
 namespace Dumux
@@ -77,7 +74,12 @@ public:
         const std::string artFileName = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, std::string, Grid, File);
-        std::cout << "Opening " << artFileName << std::endl;
+        bool verbose = false;
+        try { verbose = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, bool, Grid, Verbosity);}
+        catch (Dumux::ParameterException &e) { }
+        if (verbose)
+            std::cout << "Opening " << artFileName << std::endl;
         std::ifstream inFile(artFileName.c_str());
         std::string jump;
@@ -138,7 +140,8 @@ public:
             //jskip words until "z" from the line "% Vertices: x y z"
             if (jump == "z")
-                std::cout << "Start reading the vertices" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << "Start reading the vertices" << std::endl;
@@ -147,7 +150,8 @@ public:
             if (jump == "$")
-                std::cout << "Finished reading the vertices" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << "Finished reading the vertices" << std::endl;
             double dummy = atof(jump.c_str());
@@ -167,7 +171,8 @@ public:
             //jump over the characters until the ones with the edges
             if (jump == "Points):")
-                std::cout << std::endl << "Start reading the edges" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << std::endl << "Start reading the edges" << std::endl;
@@ -175,7 +180,8 @@ public:
             if (jump == "$")
-                std::cout << "Finished reading the edges" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << "Finished reading the edges" << std::endl;
             double dummy = atof(jump.c_str());
@@ -196,7 +202,8 @@ public:
             //jump over the characters until the ones with the edges
             if (jump == "Edges):")
-                std::cout << std::endl << "Start reading the elements" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << std::endl << "Start reading the elements" << std::endl;
@@ -204,7 +211,8 @@ public:
             if (jump == "$")
-                std::cout << "Finished reading the elements" << std::endl;
+                if (verbose)
+                    std::cout << "Finished reading the elements" << std::endl;
             double dummy = atof(jump.c_str());
@@ -223,20 +231,25 @@ public:
         Dune::FieldVector<double,2> position;
         Dune::GridFactory<Grid> factory;
-#if PLOT
         // Plot the vertices
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "* Vertices" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+        if (verbose)
+        {
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "* Vertices" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+        }
         for (int k = 0; k < vertexNumber_; k++)
-#if PLOT
-            // Printing the vertices vector
-            std::cout << vertices_[k][0] << "\t\t";
-            std::cout << vertices_[k][1] << "\t\t";
-            std::cout << vertices_[k][2] << std::endl;
+            if (verbose)
+            {
+                // Printing the vertices vector
+                std::cout << vertices_[k][0] << "\t\t";
+                std::cout << vertices_[k][1] << "\t\t";
+                std::cout << vertices_[k][2] << std::endl;
+            }
             for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                 position[i] = vertices_[k][i];
@@ -244,29 +257,30 @@ public:
-#if PLOT
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "* Edges" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
-        for (int k = 0; k < edgeNumber_; k++)
+        if (verbose)
-            // Printing the Edge vector
-            std::cout << edges_[k][0] << "\t\t";
-            std::cout << edges_[k][1] << "\t";
-            std::cout << edges_[k][2] << std::endl;
-        }
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "* Edges" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+            for (int k = 0; k < edgeNumber_; k++)
+            {
+                // Printing the Edge vector
+                std::cout << edges_[k][0] << "\t\t";
+                std::cout << edges_[k][1] << "\t";
+                std::cout << edges_[k][2] << std::endl;
+            }
-        // Plot the Elements (Faces)
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "* Faces" << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
-        for (int k = 0; k < faceNumber_; k++)
-        {
-            std::cout << faces_[k][1] << "\t";
-            std::cout << faces_[k][2] << "\t";
-            std::cout << faces_[k][3] << std::endl;
+            // Plot the Elements (Faces)
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "* Faces" << std::endl;
+            std::cout << "*================*" << std::endl;
+            for (int k = 0; k < faceNumber_; k++)
+            {
+                std::cout << faces_[k][1] << "\t";
+                std::cout << faces_[k][2] << "\t";
+                std::cout << faces_[k][3] << std::endl;
+            }
         //Create the Elements in Dune::GridFactory //
@@ -276,11 +290,13 @@ public:
             std::vector<unsigned int> vIdxGlobal(3);
             Dune::FieldVector<double,3> point(0);
-#if PLOT
-            std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "eIdxGlobal " << i << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl;
+            if (verbose)
+            {
+                std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl;
+                std::cout << "eIdxGlobal " << i << std::endl;
+                std::cout << "=====================================" << std::endl;
+            }
             int edgeIdx = 0;
             //first node of the element - from first edge Node 1
             vIdxGlobal[0] = edges_[faces_[i][edgeIdx+1]][1];
@@ -318,21 +334,23 @@ public:
-#if PLOT
-            std::cout << "edges of the element "<< faces_[i] << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "nodes of the element " << vIdxGlobal[0]
-                      << ", " << vIdxGlobal[1] << ", "
-                      << vIdxGlobal[2] << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "1st " << vIdxGlobal[0]
-                      << "\t" << "2nd " << vIdxGlobal[1]
-                      << "\t" << "3rd " << vIdxGlobal[2]
-                      << std::endl;
+            if (verbose)
+            {
+                std::cout << "edges of the element "<< faces_[i] << std::endl;
+                std::cout << "nodes of the element " << vIdxGlobal[0]
+                          << ", " << vIdxGlobal[1] << ", "
+                          << vIdxGlobal[2] << std::endl;
+                std::cout << "1st " << vIdxGlobal[0]
+                          << "\t" << "2nd " << vIdxGlobal[1]
+                          << "\t" << "3rd " << vIdxGlobal[2]
+                          << std::endl;
+            }
             if (vIdxGlobal[0] == vIdxGlobal[1] || vIdxGlobal[1] == vIdxGlobal[2]
                                          || vIdxGlobal[0] == vIdxGlobal[2])
-                std::cout << "Error. The node index is identical in the element"
-                          << std::endl;
+                DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Two vertex indices of this element are identical");
@@ -565,10 +583,6 @@ public:
                       if ((nodeART_from == nodeDune_from && nodeART_to == nodeDune_to)
                           || (nodeART_from == nodeDune_to && nodeART_to == nodeDune_from))
-#if PLOT
-                        std::cout << " ART edge index is "<< j
-                                  << ", Dune edge is " << indexFace << std::endl;
                         /* assigns a value 1 for the edges
                         * which are fractures */
                         if (GridCreator::edges()[j][0] < 0)
@@ -577,32 +591,11 @@ public:
                             fractureEdgesIdx_[indexFace]   = GridCreator::edges()[j][0];
-#if PLOT
-                            std::cout << "isDuneFractureEdge_ "
-                                      << isDuneFractureEdge_[indexFace] << "\t"
-                                      << "vertex1 " << indexVertex1 << "\t"
-                                      << "vertex2 " << indexVertex2 << "" << std::endl;
-         }
-#if PLOT
-        int i=0;
-        for (const auto& vertex : vertices(gridView_))
-        {
-            Dune::GeometryType geomType = vertex.type();
-            std::cout << "visiting " << geomType
-                      << " at " << vertex.geometry().corner(0)
-                      << "\t" << isDuneFractureVertex_[i]
-                      << std::endl;
-            i++;
     bool isDuneFractureVertex(unsigned int i) const
diff --git a/dumux/io/gnuplotinterface.hh b/dumux/io/gnuplotinterface.hh
index 6d8c3884342fd1081efb03db3b1c1f115ef82afa..8a729c3757b525627adeed07571322a3cd8685ab 100644
--- a/dumux/io/gnuplotinterface.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/gnuplotinterface.hh
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
  * The data sets for a specific window have to be passed by the addDataSet function
  * and then plotted by using the plot function.
- *
- * \todo the use of the plottingWindowNumber in each function could be replaced, but
- *       a new GnuplotInterface object has to be created for each plot
diff --git a/dumux/io/gridcreator.hh b/dumux/io/gridcreator.hh
index 923af3ad05a2f79751ff5488eea825d9c846e45f..548d8913a37f24a3daed285e41f69c4352d74ef5 100644
--- a/dumux/io/gridcreator.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/gridcreator.hh
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
  * \file
  * \brief Provides a grid creator for all supported grid managers with
  *        input file interfaces.
+ *
+ * \todo add Petrel grids with dune-cornerpoint
@@ -1284,8 +1286,6 @@ public:
-// TODO Petrel grids with dune-cornerpoint
 } // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/io/plotmateriallaw.hh b/dumux/io/plotmateriallaw.hh
index 60fd38fe0a85c22ba266119ebf3b8797f31b5d5a..7271fe152f3db3d022293acd032a40a831b8e090 100644
--- a/dumux/io/plotmateriallaw.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/plotmateriallaw.hh
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ NEW_PROP_TAG(Scalar);
  *\brief Interface for plotting the two-phase fluid-matrix-interaction laws
- *
- * TODO: add theta head pressure plot (porosity and density is needed)
 template<class TypeTag>
 class PlotMaterialLaw
diff --git a/dumux/io/vtkmultiwriter.hh b/dumux/io/vtkmultiwriter.hh
index 8c576beb03b6312bc37075d31ad0c85db25002ef..b5358b2cdb6776aefb99b67d4409949f2b952cb6 100644
--- a/dumux/io/vtkmultiwriter.hh
+++ b/dumux/io/vtkmultiwriter.hh
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ namespace Dumux {
  * This class automatically keeps the meta file up to date and
  * simplifies writing datasets consisting of multiple files. (i.e.
  * multiple time steps or grid refinements within a time step.)
+ * \todo This class can most likely be replaced by Dune::VTKSequenceWriter
 template<class GridView, Dune::VTK::OutputType OutputValue = Dune::VTK::ascii >
 class VtkMultiWriter
@@ -146,9 +147,6 @@ public:
         return &(vfs->vf);
-    // todo: remove these two functions as soon as we depend on a
-    //       contemporary compilers which support default template
-    //       arguments for function templates
     template <class Scalar>
     Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, 1> > *allocateManagedBuffer(int nEntities)
     { return allocateManagedBuffer<Scalar, 1>(nEntities); }
@@ -443,7 +441,7 @@ private:
-    // HACK: when ever we attach some data we need to copy the
+    // Trick: when ever we attach some data we need to copy the
     //       vector field (that's because Dune::VTKWriter is not
     //       able to write fields one at a time and using
     //       VTKWriter::add*Data doesn't copy the data's
@@ -458,8 +456,6 @@ private:
     //       list and a derived template class which actually
     //       knows the type of the vector field it must delete.
-    /** \todo Please doc me! */
     class ManagedObject_
@@ -467,8 +463,6 @@ private:
-    /** \todo Please doc me! */
     template <class VF>
     class ManagedVectorField_ : public ManagedObject_
diff --git a/dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh b/dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh
index 581b5812ab75557fffc0eb4a9c482de31679eb95..05f0fcc5651e478edbedac079a89a2de221d2f62 100644
--- a/dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh
+++ b/dumux/linear/amgbackend.hh
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public:
         typedef Dune::Amg::CoarsenCriterion<Dune::Amg::SymmetricCriterion<BCRSMat,
                                                                           Dune::Amg::FirstDiagonal> >
-        // \todo Check whether the default accumulation mode atOnceAccu is needed.
+        //! \todo Check whether the default accumulation mode atOnceAccu is needed.
         Dune::Amg::Parameters params(15,2000,1.2,1.6,Dune::Amg::atOnceAccu);
         params.setDefaultValuesIsotropic(GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView)::Traits::Grid::dimension);
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_mesitylene.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_mesitylene.hh
index bf6f2898b6f73e9cbfb4e8bdc2792e7342c23866..16aa8b903a6bd5cfd0e847b25a828c6a3c3d809f 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_mesitylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_mesitylene.hh
@@ -93,16 +93,15 @@ public:
-     * \brief Diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ for molecular mesitylene in liquid water.
+     * \brief Diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ for air and mesitylene in liquid water.
      * \param temperature temperature in \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pressure pressure in \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     *
-     * \todo
     template <class Scalar>
     static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
-    { DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
-                 "Binary liquid diffusion coefficients of air and mesitylene");
+    {
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
+                   "Binary liquid diffusion coefficients of air and mesitylene");
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_xylene.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_xylene.hh
index a59d66d668057735d38feb35535602b66b92d6fd..3fdf2b4ca46f94fa6b22c4174167ff8adbd4da08 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_xylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/air_xylene.hh
@@ -93,16 +93,15 @@ public:
-     * \brief Diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ for molecular xylene in liquid water.
+     * \brief Diffusion coefficient \f$\mathrm{[m^2/s]}\f$ for air and xylene in liquid water.
      * \param temperature temperature in \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pressure pressure in \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     *
-     * \todo
     template <class Scalar>
     static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
-    { DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
-                 "Binary liquid diffusion coefficients of air and xylene");
+    {
+        DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented,
+                   "Binary liquid diffusion coefficients of air and xylene");
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
index 72ab50ecc4354a78f1c98b75aa91a22889813055..53521c7496f21dc8dccc486668dc4ffb2f63a090 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_air.hh
@@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ public:
      * \brief Returns the _mole_ (!) fraction of Air in the liquid
      *        phase at a given temperature, pressure and density of
      *        Air.
+     *
      * \param temperature the temperature \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pg the gas phase pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
      * \param rhoAir density of Air
@@ -529,17 +530,17 @@ private:
      * \brief computation of partial pressure Air
+     * We assume that the partial pressure of brine is its vapor pressure.
+     * \warning: Strictly this is assumption is invalid for air because the
+     *           mole fraction of air in brine can be considerable
+     *
      * \param temperature the temperature [K]
      * \param pg the gas phase pressure [Pa]
     static Scalar partialPressureAir_(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg)
-        // We assume that the partial pressure of brine is its vapor
-        // pressure. TODO: Strictly this is assumption is invalid for
-        // Air because the mole fraction of Air in brine can be
-        // considerable
         return pg - Brine::vaporPressure(temperature);
-    };
+    }
      * \brief The fugacity coefficent of Air for a Air-H2O mixture.
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_co2.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_co2.hh
index a402b55520951225a25bda8d2cfe2a7a1d0eb6d4..ba3abc68815ce4afb26de98adafb85a02ed4cd71 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_co2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/brine_co2.hh
@@ -510,15 +510,15 @@ private:
      * \brief computation of partial pressure CO2
+     * We assume that the partial pressure of brine is its vapor pressure.
+     * \warning: Strictly this is assumption is invalid for CO2 because the
+     *           mole fraction of CO2 in brine can be considerable
+     *
      * \param temperature the temperature \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pg the gas phase pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
     static Scalar partialPressureCO2_(Scalar temperature, Scalar pg)
-        // We assume that the partial pressure of brine is its vapor
-        // pressure. TODO: Strictly this is assumption is invalid for
-        // CO2 because the mole fraction of CO2 in brine can be
-        // considerable
         return pg - Brine::vaporPressure(temperature);
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_mesitylene.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_mesitylene.hh
index 54dd75e0101d6d8dcbe07545dbe18207405f7212..ebf042d35afc0579f57fabc812a2540f494d3ae3 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_mesitylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_mesitylene.hh
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ public:
      * \param temperature the temperature \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pressure the pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     * \todo
+     * \todo This is just a rough guess. Needs improvement and proper reference!
     template <class Scalar>
     static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
-        return 1.e-9;  // This is just an order of magnitude. Please improve it!
+        return 1.e-9;
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_xylene.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_xylene.hh
index f02fa606bef80b12d09c82a8852c031117d3b04b..00f4048d26da04a951918374d7ac5548d2282968 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_xylene.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/h2o_xylene.hh
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ public:
      * \param temperature the temperature \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pressure the pressure \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     * \todo
+     * \todo Returns just an order of magnitude. Please improve it!
     template <class Scalar>
     static Scalar liquidDiffCoeff(Scalar temperature, Scalar pressure)
-        return 1.e-9;  // This is just an order of magnitude. Please improve it!
+        return 1.e-9;
diff --git a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/henryiapws.hh b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/henryiapws.hh
index 5f5997f3a0dec94483671621bb18f6ed580fff9d..d59fb1e09a4b92d7898d148ed1e1e7b1cf17f15e 100644
--- a/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/henryiapws.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/binarycoefficients/henryiapws.hh
@@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ inline Scalar henryIAPWS(Scalar E,
          G*pow(tau, 2.0/3) +
         exp((H2O::tripleTemperature() - temperature)/100);
-    // CAUTION: K_D is formulated in mole fractions. We have to
-    // multiply it with the vapor pressure of water in order to get
-    // derivative of the partial pressure.
     return exp(exponent)*H2O::vaporPressure(temperature);
diff --git a/dumux/material/components/h2.hh b/dumux/material/components/h2.hh
index e590da7bc9d18566ae3edff46dd19cc5cb7f1791..e6ea4c9948c349c305a6023dd7e8bf3948475d75 100644
--- a/dumux/material/components/h2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/components/h2.hh
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ public:
      * Taken from:
      * See: R. Reid, et al. (1987, pp 208-209, 669) \cite reid1987
+     *
+     * \todo implement the Gomez-Thodos approach...
     static Scalar vaporPressure(Scalar temperature)
@@ -96,8 +98,6 @@ public:
             return 0; // H2 is solid: We don't take sublimation into
                       // account
-        // TODO: the Gomez-Thodos approach would probably be better...
         // antoine equatuion
         const Scalar A = -7.76451;
         const Scalar B = 1.45838;
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/mp/mplinearmaterial.hh b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/mp/mplinearmaterial.hh
index c4a89e24d2f0d72dc216414cc26b02542ecd3b3a..a71b95f1c76bf690ac2d5ebd6dc39986368d46f3 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/mp/mplinearmaterial.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidmatrixinteractions/mp/mplinearmaterial.hh
@@ -76,34 +76,6 @@ public:
-#if 0
-#warning TODO
-    /*!
-     * \brief The saturation-capillary pressure curve.
-     *
-     * This is the inverse of the capillary pressure-saturation curve:
-     * \f[
-     S_w = 1 - \frac{p_C - p_{C,entry}}{p_{C,max} - p_{C,entry}}
-     \f]
-     *
-     * \param pc Capillary pressure \f$\p_C\f$ in \f$\mathrm{[Pa}\f$
-     * \return The effective saturaion of the wetting phase \f$\overline{S}_w\f$
-     */
-    template <class SatContainerT, class FluidState>
-    static void saturations(SatContainerT &saturations,
-                            const Params &params,
-                            const FluidState &state)
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < numPhases; ++i) {
-            saturations[i] =
-                (pc[i] - params.pcMaxSat(i))
-                /
-                (params.pcMinSat(i) - params.pcMaxSat(i));
-        }
-    }
      * \brief The relative permeability of all phases.
      * \param values Container for the return values
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1p.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1p.hh
index ef7cf21f86439d7c807205ca0e88bf0cffb43afb..a997df1f1329d298c4df9b1a6ee9665c433adf8d 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1p.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/1p.hh
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx  && compIdx < numComponents);
         if (phaseIdx == compIdx)
-            // TODO (?): calculate the real fugacity coefficient of
+            // We could calculate the real fugacity coefficient of
             // the component in the fluid. Probably that's not worth
             // the effort, since the fugacity coefficient of the other
             // component is infinite anyway...
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
index dc0e751e2a3648aab7852cc1c5a9c8d85c130ffc..565c754895470daf1c252fbc5c8cd956f5d19f0f 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/2pimmiscible.hh
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ public:
         assert(0 <= compIdx  && compIdx < numComponents);
         if (phaseIdx == compIdx)
-            // TODO (?): calculate the real fugacity coefficient of
+            // We could calculate the real fugacity coefficient of
             // the component in the fluid. Probably that's not worth
             // the effort, since the fugacity coefficient of the other
             // component is infinite anyway...
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
index 922eba52d3f95396f71f231a03be006afeaaa91f..13bb98be6719081f30be2dfd85fb330fba18a249 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineair.hh
@@ -475,7 +475,6 @@ public:
                                        int phaseIdx,
                                        int compIdx)
-        // TODO!
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Diffusion coefficients");
@@ -698,9 +697,10 @@ private:
      * \brief The density of pure brine at a given pressure and temperature \f$\mathrm{[kg/m^3]}\f$.
+     * \warning The influence of dissolved air in Brine is neglected
+     *
      * \param temperature temperature of component in \f$\mathrm{[K]}\f$
      * \param pressure pressure of component in \f$\mathrm{[Pa]}\f$
-     *
      * Equations given in:
      *                        - Batzle & Wang (1992) \cite batzle1992 <BR>
      *                        - cited by: Adams & Bachu in Geofluids (2002) 2, 257-271 \cite adams2002
@@ -727,8 +727,7 @@ private:
                        "Liquid density for Brine and Air is only "
                        "defined below 100MPa (is " << pl << ")");
-        Scalar rho_brine = Brine::liquidDensity(T, pl, XlNaCl); // WARNING: Here we just neglect the influence of dissolved air in Brine
-        return rho_brine;
+        return Brine::liquidDensity(T, pl, XlNaCl); // The influence of dissolved air in Brine is neglected
     static Scalar liquidEnthalpyBrine_(Scalar T,
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
index 097494961072ef4ec4ddb310cbc4098dcbde41bf..8856e21bbb7221d601453673ce2ec2fb3f2554a3 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/brineco2.hh
@@ -356,8 +356,7 @@ public:
         assert(pressure > 0);
         // calulate the equilibrium composition for the given
-        // temperature and pressure. TODO: calculateMoleFractions()
-        // could use some cleanup.
+        // temperature and pressure.
         Scalar xlH2O, xgH2O;
         Scalar xlCO2, xgCO2;
@@ -457,7 +456,6 @@ public:
                                        int phaseIdx,
                                        int compIdx)
-        // TODO!
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Diffusion coefficients");
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2liquidphase.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2liquidphase.hh
index 7258be6e110d4772e2497b0e0f184caf8e3ef3d0..f8644df6621d6c4a1133f24b7f9d97b3fafa63c4 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2liquidphase.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2on2liquidphase.hh
@@ -474,7 +474,6 @@ public:
                                        int phaseIdx,
                                        int compIdx)
-        // TODO!
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Diffusion coefficients");
diff --git a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/purewatersimple.hh b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/purewatersimple.hh
index 645289e03390f640ca6c6f6c4e23eb1873661ad4..4d128335a082e3ee0145996d3d3c16c8a70d7ada 100644
--- a/dumux/material/fluidsystems/purewatersimple.hh
+++ b/dumux/material/fluidsystems/purewatersimple.hh
@@ -455,7 +455,6 @@ public:
                                        int phaseIdx,
                                        int compIdx)
-        // TODO!
         DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "Diffusion coefficients");
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh b/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh
index 343d17ff06a046bc6675ab1cf09bfd1f1963bd19..5a1a653248d383aba08b40381b991b95ec266941 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ public:
                 // conductive energy flux
                 Scalar conductiveFlux = bfNormal1.two_norm()
-                                        * evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
+                                        * this->globalProblem().evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
                                         * (boundaryVars1.thermalConductivity()
                                            + boundaryVars1.thermalEddyConductivity());
@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ public:
                     if (compIdx != phaseCompIdx1)
                         Scalar diffusiveFlux = bfNormal1.two_norm()
-                                               * ParentType::evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
+                                               * this->globalProblem().evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
                                                * (boundaryVars1.diffusionCoeff(compIdx)
                                                   + boundaryVars1.eddyDiffusivity())
                                                * boundaryVars1.molarDensity()
-                                               * ParentType::evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
+                                               * this->globalProblem().evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
                         sumDiffusiveFluxes += diffusiveFlux;
                         sumDiffusiveEnergyFlux += diffusiveFlux
                                                   * boundaryVars1.componentEnthalpy(compIdx)
@@ -518,20 +518,14 @@ public:
      * \brief Returns the temperature gradient through the boundary layer
-     * \todo This function could be moved to a more model specific place, because
-     *       of its runtime parameters.
-     *
      * \param cParams a parameter container
      * \param scvIdx The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
     template<typename CParams>
+    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient() is deprecated.")
     Scalar evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx) const
-        const Scalar temperatureOut = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefTemperature);
-        Scalar normalTemperatureGrad = cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx].temperature()
-                                       - temperatureOut;
-        return normalTemperatureGrad
-               / ParentType::evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx).thermalBoundaryLayerThickness();
+        this->globalProblem().evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient(cParams, scvIdx);
 } // end namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/problem.hh b/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/problem.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05e2420fc5a0bb18304f67060b06dfbbe48b77ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/problem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \brief The problem class for the coupling of a non-isothermal two-component Stokes
+ *        and a non-isothermal two-phase two-component Darcy model.
+ */
+#include <dumux/freeflow/stokesncni/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/properties.hh>
+#include "properties.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup TwoPTwoCNIStokesTwoCNIModel
+ * \ingroup TwoPTwoCNIZeroEqTwoCNIModel
+ * \brief The problem class for the coupling of a non-isothermal two-component Stokes
+ *        and a non-isothermal two-phase two-component Darcy model.
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem : public TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>
+    typedef TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem) Implementation;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
+    //! The constructor
+    template<class GridView>
+    TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+                                  GridView gridView)
+    : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
+    { }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the temperature gradient through the boundary layer
+     *
+     * \param cParams a parameter container
+     * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
+     */
+    template<typename CParams>
+    Scalar evalBoundaryLayerTemperatureGradient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx) const
+    {
+        const Scalar temperatureOut = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefTemperature);
+        Scalar normalTemperatureGrad = cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx].temperature()
+                                       - temperatureOut;
+        return normalTemperatureGrad
+               / asImp_().evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx).thermalBoundaryLayerThickness();
+    }
+    //! Returns the implementation of the problem (i.e. static polymorphism)
+    Implementation &asImp_()
+    { return *static_cast<Implementation *>(this); }
+    //! \copydoc asImp_()
+    const Implementation &asImp_() const
+    { return *static_cast<const Implementation *>(this); }
+} // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh b/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh
index 3232b9998b412be34eae30509f04637d002bf963..24ff32f4b0356eb5c88bac21cf31f76d0f8f4555 100644
--- a/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 #include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/pattern.hh>
 #include <dune/pdelab/localoperator/idefault.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/properties.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/propertydefaults.hh>
 #include <dumux/freeflow/boundarylayermodel.hh>
 #include <dumux/freeflow/masstransfermodel.hh>
 #include <dumux/freeflow/stokesnc/model.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/properties.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/model.hh>
+#include "propertydefaults.hh"
 namespace Dumux {
@@ -559,13 +559,13 @@ public:
                                        * cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[vertInElem1].massFraction(transportCompIdx1);
                 Scalar diffusiveFlux = bfNormal1.two_norm()
-                                       * evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
+                                       * globalProblem_.evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
                                        * (boundaryVars1.diffusionCoeff(transportCompIdx1)
                                          + boundaryVars1.eddyDiffusivity())
                                        * boundaryVars1.molarDensity()
                                        * FluidSystem::molarMass(transportCompIdx1);
-                const Scalar massTransferCoeff = evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
+                const Scalar massTransferCoeff = globalProblem_.evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
                 if (massTransferModel_ && globalProblem_.sdProblem1().isCornerPoint(globalPos1))
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ public:
                 const Scalar diffusiveFlux =
-                    * evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
+                    * globalProblem_.evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, vertInElem1)
                     * (boundaryVars1.diffusionCoeff(transportCompIdx1)
                        + boundaryVars1.eddyDiffusivity())
                     * boundaryVars1.molarDensity()
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ public:
                 Scalar advectiveFlux = normalMassFlux * cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[vertInElem1].massFraction(transportCompIdx1);
-                const Scalar massTransferCoeff = evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
+                const Scalar massTransferCoeff = globalProblem_.evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, vertInElem1, vertInElem2);
                 if (globalProblem_.sdProblem1().isCornerPoint(globalPos1) && massTransferModel_)
@@ -887,88 +887,41 @@ public:
      * \brief Returns a BoundaryLayerModel object
-     * This function is reused in Child LocalOperators and used for extracting
-     * the respective boundary layer thickness.<br>
-     * \todo This function could be moved to a more model specific place, because
-     *       of its runtime parameters.
-     *
      * \param cParams a parameter container
      * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
     template<typename CParams>
+    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("evalBoundaryLayerModel() is deprecated.")
     BoundaryLayerModel<TypeTag> evalBoundaryLayerModel(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1) const
-        // current position + additional virtual runup distance
-        const Scalar distance = cParams.fvGeometry1.subContVol[scvIdx1].global[0]
-                                + GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, Offset);
-        BoundaryLayerModel<TypeTag> boundaryLayerModel(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefVelocity),
-                                                       distance,
-                                                       cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx1].kinematicViscosity(),
-                                                       blModel_);
-        if (blModel_ == 1)
-            boundaryLayerModel.setConstThickness(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, ConstThickness));
-        if (blModel_ >= 4)
-            boundaryLayerModel.setYPlus(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, YPlus));
-        if (blModel_ >= 5)
-            boundaryLayerModel.setRoughnessLength(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, RoughnessLength));
-        if (blModel_ == 7)
-            boundaryLayerModel.setHydraulicDiameter(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, HydraulicDiameter));
-        return boundaryLayerModel;
+        globalProblem().evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, cParams);
      * \brief Returns the concentration gradient through the boundary layer
-     * \todo This function could be moved to a more model specific place, because
-     *       of its runtime parameters.
-     *
      * \param cParams a parameter container
      * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
     template<typename CParams>
+    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient() is deprecated.")
     Scalar evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1) const
-        static_assert(numComponents1 == 2,
-                      "This coupling condition is only implemented for two components.");
-        Scalar massFractionOut = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefMassfrac);
-        Scalar M1 = FluidSystem::molarMass(transportCompIdx1);
-        Scalar M2 = FluidSystem::molarMass(phaseCompIdx1);
-        Scalar X2 = 1.0 - massFractionOut;
-        Scalar massToMoleDenominator = M2 + X2*(M1 - M2);
-        Scalar moleFractionOut = massFractionOut * M2 /massToMoleDenominator;
-        Scalar normalMoleFracGrad = cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx1].moleFraction(transportCompIdx1)
-                                    - moleFractionOut;
-        return normalMoleFracGrad / evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx1).massBoundaryLayerThickness();
+        globalProblem().evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(cParams, scvIdx1);
      * \brief Returns the mass transfer coefficient
-     * This function is reused in Child LocalOperators.
-     * \todo This function could be moved to a more model specific place, because
-     *       of its runtime parameters.
-     *
      * \param cParams a parameter container
      * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
      * \param scvIdx2 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Darcy domain
     template<typename CParams>
+    DUNE_DEPRECATED_MSG("evalMassTransferCoefficient() is deprecated.")
     Scalar evalMassTransferCoefficient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1, const int scvIdx2) const
-        MassTransferModel<TypeTag> massTransferModel(cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].saturation(wPhaseIdx2),
-                                                     cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].porosity(),
-                                                     evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx1).massBoundaryLayerThickness(),
-                                                     massTransferModel_);
-        if (massTransferModel_ == 1)
-            massTransferModel.setMassTransferCoeff(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, MassTransfer, Coefficient));
-        if (massTransferModel_ == 2 || massTransferModel_ == 4)
-            massTransferModel.setCharPoreRadius(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, MassTransfer, CharPoreRadius));
-        if (massTransferModel_ == 3)
-            massTransferModel.setCapillaryPressure(cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].capillaryPressure());
-        return massTransferModel.massTransferCoefficient();
+        globalProblem().evalMassTransferCoefficient(cParams, scvIdx1, scvIdx2);
diff --git a/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh b/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6739e16df48cc0acfd166b4213e2e395f093c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
+ *   See the file COPYING for full copying permissions.                      *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       *
+ *   (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ *   GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                           *
+ *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ *   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ * \file
+ * \brief The problem class for the coupling of a isothermal two-component Stokes
+ *        and a isothermal two-phase two-component Darcy model.
+ */
+#include <dumux/freeflow/boundarylayermodel.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/masstransfermodel.hh>
+#include <dumux/freeflow/stokesnc/properties.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/problem.hh>
+#include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p2c/implicit/properties.hh>
+#include "properties.hh"
+namespace Dumux
+ * \ingroup TwoPTwoCStokesTwoCModel
+ * \ingroup TwoPTwoCZeroEqTwoCModel
+ * \brief The problem class for the coupling of a isothermal two-component Stokes
+ *        and a isothermal two-phase two-component Darcy model.
+ */
+template <class TypeTag>
+class TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem : public MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag>
+    typedef MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Problem) Implementation;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SubDomain1TypeTag) Stokes2cTypeTag;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, SubDomain2TypeTag) TwoPTwoCTypeTag;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(Stokes2cTypeTag, Indices) Stokes2cIndices;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TwoPTwoCTypeTag, Indices) TwoPTwoCIndices;
+    // Stokes
+    enum { numComponents1 = Stokes2cIndices::numComponents };
+    enum { // component indices
+        transportCompIdx1 = Stokes2cIndices::transportCompIdx, //!< Index of transported component
+        phaseCompIdx1 = Stokes2cIndices::phaseCompIdx    //!< Index of main component of the phase
+    };
+    // Darcy
+    enum { // phase indices
+        wPhaseIdx2 = TwoPTwoCIndices::wPhaseIdx,         //!< Index for the liquid phase
+    };
+    //! The constructor
+    template<class GridView>
+    TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+                              GridView gridView)
+    : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
+    {
+        blModel_ = GET_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, int, BoundaryLayer, Model);
+        massTransferModel_ = GET_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, int, MassTransfer, Model);
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns a BoundaryLayerModel object
+     *
+     * \param cParams a parameter container
+     * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
+     */
+    template<typename CParams>
+    BoundaryLayerModel<TypeTag> evalBoundaryLayerModel(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1) const
+    {
+        // current position + additional virtual runup distance
+        const Scalar distance = cParams.fvGeometry1.subContVol[scvIdx1].global[0]
+                                + GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, Offset);
+        BoundaryLayerModel<TypeTag> boundaryLayerModel(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefVelocity),
+                                                       distance,
+                                                       cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx1].kinematicViscosity(),
+                                                       blModel_);
+        if (blModel_ == 1)
+            boundaryLayerModel.setConstThickness(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, ConstThickness));
+        if (blModel_ >= 4)
+            boundaryLayerModel.setYPlus(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, YPlus));
+        if (blModel_ >= 5)
+            boundaryLayerModel.setRoughnessLength(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, RoughnessLength));
+        if (blModel_ == 7)
+            boundaryLayerModel.setHydraulicDiameter(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, BoundaryLayer, HydraulicDiameter));
+        return boundaryLayerModel;
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the concentration gradient through the boundary layer
+     *
+     * \param cParams a parameter container
+     * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
+     */
+    template<typename CParams>
+    Scalar evalBoundaryLayerConcentrationGradient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1) const
+    {
+        static_assert(numComponents1 == 2,
+                      "This coupling condition is only implemented for two components.");
+        Scalar massFractionOut = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, FreeFlow, RefMassfrac);
+        Scalar M1 = FluidSystem::molarMass(transportCompIdx1);
+        Scalar M2 = FluidSystem::molarMass(phaseCompIdx1);
+        Scalar X2 = 1.0 - massFractionOut;
+        Scalar massToMoleDenominator = M2 + X2*(M1 - M2);
+        Scalar moleFractionOut = massFractionOut * M2 /massToMoleDenominator;
+        Scalar normalMoleFracGrad = cParams.elemVolVarsCur1[scvIdx1].moleFraction(transportCompIdx1)
+                                    - moleFractionOut;
+        return normalMoleFracGrad / asImp_().evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx1).massBoundaryLayerThickness();
+    }
+    /*!
+     * \brief Returns the mass transfer coefficient
+     *
+     * \param cParams a parameter container
+     * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Stokes domain
+     * \param scvIdx1 The local index of the sub-control volume of the Darcy domain
+     */
+    template<typename CParams>
+    Scalar evalMassTransferCoefficient(CParams cParams, const int scvIdx1, const int scvIdx2) const
+    {
+        MassTransferModel<TypeTag> massTransferModel(cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].saturation(wPhaseIdx2),
+                                                     cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].porosity(),
+                                                     asImp_().evalBoundaryLayerModel(cParams, scvIdx1).massBoundaryLayerThickness(),
+                                                     massTransferModel_);
+        if (massTransferModel_ == 1)
+            massTransferModel.setMassTransferCoeff(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, MassTransfer, Coefficient));
+        if (massTransferModel_ == 2 || massTransferModel_ == 4)
+            massTransferModel.setCharPoreRadius(GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, MassTransfer, CharPoreRadius));
+        if (massTransferModel_ == 3)
+            massTransferModel.setCapillaryPressure(cParams.elemVolVarsCur2[scvIdx2].capillaryPressure());
+        return massTransferModel.massTransferCoefficient();
+    }
+    //! Returns the implementation of the problem (i.e. static polymorphism)
+    Implementation &asImp_()
+    { return *static_cast<Implementation *>(this); }
+    //! \copydoc asImp_()
+    const Implementation &asImp_() const
+    { return *static_cast<const Implementation *>(this); }
+    unsigned int blModel_;
+    unsigned int massTransferModel_;
+} // namespace Dumux
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/localresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/localresidual.hh
index 1f4c5d1daa410c5910d76cee45f3f499fc603587..95636d78b02cf8307915448be63bc40b5fa58cb9 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/localresidual.hh
@@ -196,18 +196,13 @@ public:
             //wetting phase
             pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] *= volVars.intrinsicPermeability(nC);
-            pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] /= this->problem_().distNestedContinua[nC+1];
-            pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] *= this->problem_().interfaceArea[nC];
-//            std::cout << "dist: " << this->problem_().distNestedContinua[nC+1] << "\t iA: " << this->problem_().interfaceArea[nC] << std::endl;
-            // TODO introduce appropriate alpha coefficient
-            //pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] *= volVars.transferTerm(nC);
+            pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] /= this->problem_().model().getDistNestedContinua()[nC+1];
+            pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC] *= this->problem_().model().getInterfaceArea()[nC];
             //non-wetting phase
             pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] *= volVars.intrinsicPermeability(nC);
-            pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] /= this->problem_().distNestedContinua[nC+1];
-            pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] *= this->problem_().interfaceArea[nC];
+            pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] /= this->problem_().model().getDistNestedContinua()[nC+1];
+            pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] *= this->problem_().model().getInterfaceArea()[nC];
             Scalar mobilityW = 0;
@@ -233,11 +228,9 @@ public:
                 mobilityN = volVars.mobility(nPhaseIdx,nC+1);
-//            std::cout << "mobility: "<<mobilityW<<"\t"<<mobilityN<< std::endl;
             pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] *= mobilityN;
             pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC] *= volVars.density(nPhaseIdx,nC);
-//                        std::cout << "pgrad: "<<pGrad_[wPhaseIdx][nC]<<"\t"<<pGrad_[nPhaseIdx][nC]<< std::endl;
             //wetting phase
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/model.hh
index 0c0c1c9d5a39794e9be9967b3d66b9629eaa65ff..da078024e87bdda009c4ac7c10e42a9f0d2e8903 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/model.hh
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-#include <cstdio>
+#include <dune/common/exceptions.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/implicit/velocityoutput.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2p/implicit/model.hh>
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
          interactingContinuaType_(GET_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, int, Problem, InteractingContinuaType))
-        assert(dim==2);
+        static_assert(dim==2, "The TwoPMincModel only works for two dimensional grids");
@@ -193,29 +193,18 @@ public:
         for (int nC=0; nC<numContinua; nC++)
-            char buff[100];
-            sprintf(buff, "pW_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*pw[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "pN_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*pn[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "pC_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*pc[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "Sw_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*sw[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "Sn_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*sn[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "rhoW_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*rhoW[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "rhoN_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*rhoN[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "mobW_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*mobW[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "mobM_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*mobN[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "por_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*poro[nC], buff, isBox);
-            sprintf(buff, "K_%d", nC);
-            writer.attachDofData(*perm[nC], buff, isBox);
+            const std::string num = std::to_string(nC);
+            writer.attachDofData(*pw[nC], "pW_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*pn[nC], "pN_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*pc[nC], "pC_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*sw[nC], "Sw_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*sn[nC], "Sn_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*rhoW[nC], "rhoW_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*rhoN[nC], "rhoN_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*mobW[nC], "mobW_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*mobN[nC], "mobM_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*poro[nC], "por_" + num, isBox);
+            writer.attachDofData(*perm[nC], "K_" + num, isBox);
         writer.attachDofData(*Te, "temperature", isBox);
@@ -229,16 +218,15 @@ public:
-     * Geometric implementation of classic MINC (Pruess and Narasimhan 1982, 1985)
-     *
+     * \brief Geometric implementation of classic MINC (Pruess and Narasimhan 1982, 1985)
-    void calculateMincGeometricParameters(GridResolution res,
-            GlobalPosition bboxMin,
-            GlobalPosition bboxMax,
-            std::string filename="empty.csv")//TODO implement the reading of the 1p solution
+    void calculateMincGeometricParameters(const GridResolution& res,
+                                          const GlobalPosition& bboxMin,
+                                          const GlobalPosition& bboxMax,
+                                          const std::string& filename="empty.csv")
-        Scalar length_x = bboxMax[0]- bboxMin[0];
-        Scalar length_y = bboxMax[1]- bboxMin[1];
+        const Scalar length_x = bboxMax[0]- bboxMin[0];
+        const Scalar length_y = bboxMax[1]- bboxMin[1];
         cellSize_[0] = length_x/res[0];
         cellSize_[1] = length_y/res[1];
@@ -248,12 +236,9 @@ public:
         for (int nC = 0; nC<numContinua; nC++)
-//            volContinuum_[nC] = 0;
             volFraction_[nC] = 0;
             interfaceArea_[nC] = 0.0;
-//            transmissibility_[nC] = 0.0;
             distNestedContinua_[nC] =0.0;
-//          volumetricFraction_[nC] =0.0;
@@ -272,7 +257,6 @@ public:
              * adjacent continua faces, i.e., the equidistant
              * case only works for quadratic elements.
-            std::cout << cellSize_[0] << cellSize_[1] << std::endl;
             assert( Dune::FloatCmp::eq(cellSize_[0],cellSize_[1]) );
             distNestedContinua_ = cellSize_[0]/(2.0*numContinua-1.0);
@@ -282,7 +266,6 @@ public:
             delta[1] = cellSize_[1]/(2.0*numContinua-1.0);
             Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> volContinuum;
-            std::cout<<"Using equidistant nested elements\n";
             //LENGTH of the nested volume elements
             for (int nC=0; nC<numContinua; nC++)
@@ -303,7 +286,6 @@ public:
                 volFraction_[nC] = volContinuum[nC] - volContinuum[nC+1];
                 volFraction_[nC] /= volContinuum[0];
-                std::cout<<"volF: "<<volFraction_[nC]<<std::endl;
@@ -312,7 +294,6 @@ public:
          * Constant volume fractions - and the interface area is determined
         case constantVolFraction_:{
-            std::cout<<"Using constant volume fractions\n";
             Scalar x1 = 0;
             Scalar x2 = 0;
@@ -325,12 +306,6 @@ public:
             volFraction_ = 1.0/numContinua;
-            //            for (int nC = 1; nC < numContinua; nC++){
-            //                volFraction_[nC] = (1.0 - volFraction_[0])/(numContinua-1);
-            //            }
-            for (int nC = 0; nC < numContinua; nC++){
-                std::cout<<"volFraction_["<<nC<<"]"<<volFraction_[nC]<<std::endl;
-            }
             //assuming that nC=0 is the outermost frame that surrounds the matrix continua
             for (int nC=1; nC<numContinua; nC++)
@@ -385,10 +360,8 @@ public:
-                    distNestedContinua_[nC] = std::min<Scalar>(x1,x2);
-                    std::cout<<"warning!!! - check the solution of the nested "
-                            "continua geometric parameters" << "\n";
-                    exit(1);
+                    distNestedContinua_[nC] = std::min<Scalar>(x1, x2);
+                    DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "Check the solution of the nested continua geometric parameters");
                 length_[0][nC] = length_[0][nC-1] - 2*distNestedContinua_[nC];
@@ -396,14 +369,11 @@ public:
                 sumDistNestedContinua_ += distNestedContinua_[nC];
-            //            distNestedContinua_[numContinua] = length_[0][0]/2 - sumDistNestedContinua_;
             break; //ConstantVolumeFractions
-            std::cout<<"Please specify how the volumetric fractions should "
-            "be calculated. MINC_DFM problem\n";
-            exit(1);
+            DUNE_THROW(Dune::InvalidStateException, "InteractingContinuaType not set!");
         //INTEFACE AREA
@@ -426,47 +396,32 @@ public:
-        std::cout<<"interfaceArea_: "<<interfaceArea_<<std::endl;
-//        Valgrind::CheckDefined(delta_);
-        // Valgrind::CheckDefined(volContinuum_);
-//        Valgrind::CheckDefined(x1_test_);
-//        Valgrind::CheckDefined(x2_test_);
-//        Valgrind::CheckDefined(transmissibility_);
-//        Valgrind::CheckDefined(volumetricFraction_);
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> getDistNestedContinua(){
-        return (distNestedContinua_);
-    }
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numContinua>& getDistNestedContinua() const
+    { return distNestedContinua_; }
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> getInterfaceArea(){
-        return (interfaceArea_);
-    }
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numContinua>& getInterfaceArea() const
+    { return interfaceArea_; }
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> getVolFraction(){
-        return (volFraction_);
-    }
+    const Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, numContinua>& getVolFraction() const
+    { return volFraction_; }
      Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, dim> cellSize_;
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, dim> delta_; //discretization on x, y, or z directions for the nested blocks
      Dune::FieldMatrix <Scalar, dim, numContinua> length_;//dimensions of the nested elements length width
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> transmissibility_;
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> volumetricFraction_;
      Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> volFraction_;
      Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> interfaceArea_;
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> volContinuum_;
      Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> distNestedContinua_; //distance between two nested continua
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> x1_test_; //distance to the nearest fracture
-//     Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> x2_test_; //distance to the nearest fracture
      int interactingContinuaType_;
 #include "propertydefaults.hh"
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/volumevariables.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/volumevariables.hh
index 15ef7934a5359517f72f7321b6d5e064c064f2ab..a1ce2d202c33d481f4789c08614a0ac2ba46cb4c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/volumevariables.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/volumevariables.hh
@@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ public:
-//            std::cout << "krw: " << krw << "\t krn: " << krn << std::endl;
-            volFraction_[cIdx] = problem.volFraction[cIdx];
+            volFraction_[cIdx] = problem.model().getVolFraction()[cIdx];
             mobility_[wPhaseIdx][cIdx] =
                     krw / fluidState_[cIdx].viscosity(wPhaseIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/model.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/model.hh
index a2b496ce9b3dd9300cbc573997dac4cefd9d65de..27dcb4970c90c5a51d66f0e972c8ff1c661608e6 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/model.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/2pncmin/implicit/model.hh
@@ -481,8 +481,6 @@ protected:
             Scalar sumxl = 0;
             //Calculate sum of mole fractions (water and air) in the hypothetical liquid phase
-            //WARNING: Here numComponents is replaced by numMajorComponents as the solutes
-            //are only present in the liquid phase and cannot condense as the liquid (water).
             for (int compIdx = 0; compIdx < numComponents; compIdx++)
                     sumxl += volVars.moleFraction(wPhaseIdx, compIdx);
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/energy/localresidualkinetic.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/energy/localresidualkinetic.hh
index 2081a0b428b6ab49bef738662b67dbfb7f89d793..437a506612ba28b14f5cdcedffdddf255523291a 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/energy/localresidualkinetic.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/energy/localresidualkinetic.hh
@@ -204,11 +204,10 @@ public:
         const VolumeVariables & up = elemVolVars[upIdx];
         const VolumeVariables & dn = elemVolVars[dnIdx];
-        /* todo
-         * CAUTION: this is not exactly correct: does diffusion carry the upstream phase enthalpy?
-         * To be more precise this should be the components enthalpy.
-         * In the same vein: Counter current diffusion is not accounted for here.
-         */
+        // CAUTION: this is not exactly correct: does diffusion carry the upstream phase enthalpy?
+        // To be more precise this should be the components enthalpy.
+        // In the same vein: Counter current diffusion is not accounted for here.
         const Scalar transportedThingUp =  up.enthalpy(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar transportedThingDn =  dn.enthalpy(phaseIdx) ;
@@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ public:
         const Scalar ilambda        = iVolVar.thermalConductivity(phaseIdx);
         const Scalar klambda        = kVolVar.thermalConductivity(phaseIdx);
-        // todo which average?
         // Using a harmonic average is justified by its properties: if one phase does not conduct energy, there is no transfer
         const Scalar barLambda      = Dumux::harmonicMean(ilambda, klambda) ;
@@ -292,7 +291,6 @@ public:
         const  Scalar lambdaNonWetting  = volVars.thermalConductivity(nPhaseIdx);
         const  Scalar lambdaSolid       = volVars.thermalConductivity(sPhaseIdx);
-        // todo which average?
         // Using a harmonic average is justified by its properties: if one phase does not conduct energy, there is no transfer
         const Scalar lambdaWN      = Dumux::harmonicMean(lambdaWetting, lambdaNonWetting);
         const Scalar lambdaWS      = Dumux::harmonicMean(lambdaWetting, lambdaSolid);
@@ -571,9 +569,9 @@ public:
         const VolumeVariables & up = elemVolVars[upIdx];
         const VolumeVariables & dn = elemVolVars[dnIdx];
-        /* todo
-         * CAUTION: this is not exactly correct: does diffusion carry the upstream phase enthalpy? To be more precise this should be the components enthalpy. In the same vein: Counter current diffusion is not accounted for here.
-         */
+        // CAUTION: this is not exactly correct: does diffusion carry the upstream phase enthalpy?
+        // To be more precise this should be the components enthalpy.
+        // In the same vein: Counter current diffusion is not accounted for here.
         const Scalar transportedThingUp =  up.enthalpy(phaseIdx) ;
         const Scalar transportedThingDn =  dn.enthalpy(phaseIdx) ;
diff --git a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/mass/localresidual.hh b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/mass/localresidual.hh
index 7ad8af1e1b6c8473887a886a6fd90f96e4f320b1..455c5a7dd2347742dc0d72d859b6bd9e78874b7c 100644
--- a/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/mass/localresidual.hh
+++ b/dumux/porousmediumflow/mpnc/implicit/mass/localresidual.hh
@@ -343,8 +343,6 @@ public:
 //        std::cout<< "KPN Mass: flux: " << flux << endl;
-        // \todo
-        //
         // The computeflux() of the Energy module needs a
         // component-wise flux (for the diffusive enthalpy transport)
         // It makes some sense calling energy from here, because energy
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/2cnistokes2p2cniproblem.hh b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/2cnistokes2p2cniproblem.hh
index b05808c40df5549eca6977862c12e0fd4f7fbeee..4fb12df0b4955a9893fa890b1fab4ef6fc510bdf 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/2cnistokes2p2cniproblem.hh
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/2cnistokes2p2cniproblem.hh
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/propertydefaults.hh>
 #include <dumux/linear/seqsolverbackend.hh>
@@ -53,29 +53,29 @@
 namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
-class TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem;
+class TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem;
 namespace Properties
 // Set the grid type
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
 // Set the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, Problem, TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, Problem, TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem<TypeTag>);
 // Set the local coupling operator
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
 // Set the two sub-problems of the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cniSubProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cniSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
 // Set the global problem in the context of the two sub-problems
-SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cniSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cniSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem));
 // Set the other sub-problem for each of the two sub-problems
 SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cniSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cniSubPro
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, SpatialParams, Dumux::TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNISpatialParams<TypeTag>);
 // Set the fluid system to use complex relations (last argument)
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, FluidSystem,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar),
                                    Dumux::H2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, true>);
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, PardisoBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, LinearSolver, PardisoBackend<TypeTag>);
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
 #endif // HAVE_PARDISO
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTa
  * The initial and boundary conditions of the submodels are specified in the two subproblems,
  * 2p2cnisubproblem.hh and stokes2cnisubproblem.hh, which are accessible via the coupled problem.
-template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem) >
-class TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem : public MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag>
+template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem) >
+class TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem : public TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag>
-    typedef TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
-    typedef MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
+    typedef TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public:
      * \param gridView The grid view
     template<class GridView>
-    TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+    TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
                                   GridView gridView)
     : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.cc b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.cc
index 80b9a876721a00633f6376c89fa884db2deedb20..3718717de818bd6f78ee264f01d94ed02c843720 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.cc
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.cc
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void printUsage(const char *progName, const std::string &errorMsg)
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    typedef TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
+    typedef TTAG(TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNITestProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
     return Dumux::start<ProblemTypeTag>(argc, argv, printUsage);
 #warning "You need to have SuperLU or UMFPack installed to run this test."
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/2cnizeroeq2p2cniproblem.hh b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/2cnizeroeq2p2cniproblem.hh
index e30ffb212ee6b53baa0e0b2d6cf4f0279922d5c3..600bfa48745da4efeb4e72c15c1a3fe3720fbe8d 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/2cnizeroeq2p2cniproblem.hh
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/2cnizeroeq2p2cniproblem.hh
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/localoperator.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/propertydefaults.hh>
 #include "2cnizeroeq2p2cnispatialparameters.hh"
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@
 namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
-class TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem;
+class TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem;
 namespace Properties
 // Set the grid type
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
 // Set the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, Problem, TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, Problem, TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem<TypeTag>);
 // Set the local coupling operator
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
 // Set the two sub-problems of the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cniSubProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cniSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
 // Set the global problem in the context of the two sub-problems
-SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cniSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cniSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem));
 // Set the other sub-problem for each of the two sub-problems
 SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cniSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem));
@@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cniSubPro
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCNISubProblem, SpatialParams, Dumux::TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNISpatialParams<TypeTag>);
 // Set the fluid system to use complex relations (last argument)
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, FluidSystem,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar),
                                    Dumux::H2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, true>);
 // If SuperLU is not available, the UMFPack solver is used:
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);
@@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTa
  * The initial and boundary conditions of the submodels are specified in the two subproblems,
  * 2p2csubproblem.hh and zeroeq2csubproblem.hh, which are accessible via the coupled problem.
-template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem) >
-class TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem : public MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag>
+template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem) >
+class TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem : public TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag>
-    typedef MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
+    typedef TwoCNIStokesTwoPTwoCNIProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
@@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ public:
      * \param gridView The grid view
     template<class GridView>
-    TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
-                                  GridView gridView)
+    TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+                                      GridView gridView)
     : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
         dtInit_ = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, TimeManager, DtInitial);
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.cc b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.cc
index a8928e576ec2e05d8a27f0589e79de33629e51aa..d7d4d24f70e5421282dbd9f22c273c3940278b89 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.cc
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.cc
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void printUsage(const char *progName, const std::string &errorMsg)
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    typedef TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNIProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
+    typedef TTAG(TwoCNIZeroEqTwoPTwoCNITestProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
     return Dumux::start<ProblemTypeTag>(argc, argv, printUsage);
 #warning "You need to have SuperLU or UMFPack installed to run this test."
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/2cstokes2p2cproblem.hh b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/2cstokes2p2cproblem.hh
index 391d3a69333ea44a8c0abccfded2fb187daed640..d38dd88f0a7383a5231f936bab3bce6b03444cbc 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/2cstokes2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/2cstokes2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/propertydefaults.hh>
@@ -53,29 +53,29 @@
 namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
-class TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem;
+class TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem;
 namespace Properties
-NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, INHERITS_FROM(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoC));
+NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, INHERITS_FROM(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoC));
 // Set the grid type
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
 // Set the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, Problem, Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, Problem, Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem<TypeTag>);
 // Set the local coupling operator
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
 // Set the two sub-problems of the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cSubProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
 // Set the global problem in the context of the two sub-problems
-SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem));
 // Set the other sub-problem for each of the two sub-problems
 SET_TYPE_PROP(Stokes2cSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(Stokes2cSubProblem
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, SpatialParams, Dumux::TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCSpatialParams<TypeTag>);
 // Set the fluid system to use simple relations (last argument)
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, FluidSystem,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar),
                                    Dumux::H2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, false>);
 // if you do not have PARDISO, the SuperLU solver is used:
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, PardisoBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, LinearSolver, PardisoBackend<TypeTag>);
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
 #endif // HAVE_PARDISO
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
  * The initial and boundary conditions of the submodels are specified in the two subproblems,
  * 2p2csubproblem.hh and stokes2csubproblem.hh, which are accessible via the coupled problem.
-template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem) >
-class TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem : public MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag>
+template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem) >
+class TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem : public TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>
-    typedef TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
-    typedef MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem<TypeTag> ThisType;
+    typedef TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ public:
      * \param gridView The grid view
     template<class GridView>
-    TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
-                              GridView gridView)
+    TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+                                  GridView gridView)
     : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
         interfacePosY_ = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, Scalar, Grid, InterfacePosY);
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.cc b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.cc
index 92207520053ed18b8a741020667a438868a3e680..e9deb26bca2b27a5db4f9d3d7da4ba6a5c6f8144 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.cc
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.cc
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ void printUsage(const char *progName, const std::string &errorMsg)
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    typedef TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
+    typedef TTAG(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCTestProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
     return Dumux::start<ProblemTypeTag>(argc, argv, printUsage);
 #warning "You need to have SuperLU or Pardiso installed to run this test."
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/2czeroeq2p2cproblem.hh b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/2czeroeq2p2cproblem.hh
index d5dea14c09e31eae7ee2249273d2f56ccc91a56c..fa52a6114060b9f90f53f784bfed739a443f4a82 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/2czeroeq2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/2czeroeq2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 #include <dune/grid/io/file/dgfparser.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/fluidsystems/h2oair.hh>
-#include <dumux/multidomain/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/localoperator.hh>
+#include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/propertydefaults.hh>
 #include "2czeroeq2p2cspatialparameters.hh"
@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@
 namespace Dumux
 template <class TypeTag>
-class TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem;
+class TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem;
 namespace Properties
-NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, INHERITS_FROM(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoC));
+NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, INHERITS_FROM(TwoCStokesTwoPTwoC));
 // Set the grid type
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2, Dune::TensorProductCoordinates<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar), 2> >);
 // Set the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, Problem, TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, Problem, TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem<TypeTag>);
 // Set the two sub-problems of the global problem
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cSubProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, SubDomain1TypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cSubProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, SubDomain2TypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
 // Set the local coupling operator
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, MultiDomainCouplingLocalOperator,
 // Set the global problem in the context of the two sub-problems
-SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem));
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem));
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, MultiDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem));
 // Set the other sub-problem for each of the two sub-problems
 SET_TYPE_PROP(ZeroEq2cSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(TwoPTwoCSubProblem));
@@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, OtherSubDomainTypeTag, TTAG(ZeroEq2cSubProblem
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPTwoCSubProblem, SpatialParams, Dumux::TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCSpatialParams<TypeTag>);
 // Set the fluid system to use simple relations (last argument)
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, FluidSystem,
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, FluidSystem,
               FluidSystems::H2OAir<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar),
                                    Dumux::H2O<typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar)>, false>);
 // If SuperLU is not available, the UMFPack solver is used:
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, LinearSolver, SuperLUBackend<TypeTag>);
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);
+SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem, LinearSolver, UMFPackBackend<TypeTag>);
  * The initial and boundary conditions of the submodels are specified in the two subproblems,
  * 2p2csubproblem.hh and zeroeq2csubproblem.hh, which are accessible via the coupled problem.
-template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem) >
-class TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem : public MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag>
+template <class TypeTag = TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem) >
+class TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem : public TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag>
-    typedef MultiDomainProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
+    typedef TwoCStokesTwoPTwoCProblem<TypeTag> ParentType;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public:
      * \param gridView The grid view
     template<class GridView>
-    TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
+    TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
                               GridView gridView)
     : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.cc b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.cc
index a43adecf2ba88b49fcb4cc24a8aae83577f3def1..4f006e2b352026086c02350f2c12fe8c1d7dc4aa 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.cc
+++ b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.cc
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void printUsage(const char *progName, const std::string &errorMsg)
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
-    typedef TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
+    typedef TTAG(TwoCZeroEqTwoPTwoCTestProblem) ProblemTypeTag;
     return Dumux::start<ProblemTypeTag>(argc, argv, printUsage);
 #warning "You need to have SuperLU or UMFPack installed to run this test."
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestproblem.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestproblem.hh
index 762e81d0f497cabe492943a57762f6ff5ad69b43..05a74a303413d11a185bd0b6335b59876e81e376 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestproblem.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestproblem.hh
@@ -26,18 +26,11 @@
-#if HAVE_UG
-#include <dune/grid/uggrid.hh>
-#include <dune/grid/yaspgrid.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/model.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/volumevariables.hh>
 #include <dumux/porousmediumflow/implicit/problem.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/simpleh2o.hh>
 #include <dumux/material/components/dnapl.hh>
-#include <dumux/io/cubegridcreator.hh>
 #include "2pminctestspatialparams.hh"
@@ -56,19 +49,11 @@ NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoPMincTestProblem, INHERITS_FROM(BoxTwoPMinc, TwoPMincSpatialPara
 NEW_TYPE_TAG(TwoPMincTestBoxProblem, INHERITS_FROM(BoxTwoPMinc, TwoPMincTestProblem));
 // Set the grid type
-#if HAVE_UG
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, Grid, Dune::UGGrid<2>);
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, Grid, Dune::YaspGrid<2>);
 // Set the problem property
 SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, Problem, Dumux::TwoPMincTestProblem<TypeTag>);
-#define BUFFERSIZE 700
-#define PROBLEM_OUTPUT_NAME "newMincProblem"
 // Set the wetting phase
 SET_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, WettingPhase)
@@ -87,31 +72,10 @@ public:
     typedef Dumux::LiquidPhase<Scalar, Dumux::DNAPL<Scalar> > type;
-// Set the grid creator
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, GridCreator, Dumux::CubeGridCreator<TypeTag>);
-// Set number of Continua
-SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, NumContinua, 4);//here the number of continua can be set, default is 2
+// Set number of continua
+SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, NumContinua, 4);
 SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, NumEq, GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, NumContinua) * 2);
-// Enable partial reassembly of the jacobian matrix?
-SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, ImplicitEnablePartialReassemble, true);
-// Enable reuse of Jacobian matrices?
-SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, ImplicitEnableJacobianRecycling, true);
-// Write the solutions of individual Newton iterations?
-SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, NewtonWriteConvergence, false);
-// Use forward differences instead of central differences
-SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, ImplicitNumericDifferenceMethod, +1);
-// Linear solver settings
-SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, LinearSolver, Dumux::ILU0BiCGSTABBackend<TypeTag> );
-SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, LinearSolverVerbosity, 0);
-SET_INT_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, LinearSolverPreconditionerIterations, 1);
-SET_SCALAR_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, LinearSolverPreconditionerRelaxation, 1.0);
 // Enable gravity
 SET_BOOL_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, ProblemEnableGravity, true);
@@ -127,7 +91,7 @@ SET_TYPE_PROP(TwoPMincTestProblem, VolumeVariables, TwoPMincVolumeVariables<Type
  * \brief Soil contamination problem where DNAPL infiltrates a fully
  *        water saturated medium.
- *  TODO reformulate the documentation according to the actual tested MINC problem
+ * \todo reformulate the documentation according to the actual tested MINC problem
  * The domain is sized 6m times 4m and features a rectangular lens
  * with low permeability which spans from (1 m , 2 m) to (4 m, 3 m)
@@ -168,6 +132,7 @@ class TwoPMincTestProblem : public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem)
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Indices) Indices;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
+    typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState) FluidState;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, WettingPhase) WettingPhase;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, NonwettingPhase) NonwettingPhase;
@@ -190,7 +155,8 @@ class TwoPMincTestProblem : public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem)
         fractureIdx = 0,
         matrixIdx = 1,
-        // world dimension
+        // grid and world dimension
+        dim = GridView::dimension,
         dimWorld = GridView::dimensionworld
@@ -200,7 +166,7 @@ class TwoPMincTestProblem : public GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, BaseProblem)
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, TimeManager) TimeManager;
     typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
     typedef Dune::FieldVector<Scalar, dimWorld> GlobalPosition;
-    typedef Dune::FieldVector<int, dimWorld> GridResolution;
+    typedef Dune::FieldVector<unsigned int, dim> GridResolution;
@@ -211,29 +177,15 @@ public:
     TwoPMincTestProblem(TimeManager &timeManager,
                 const GridView &gridView)
-    : ParentType(timeManager, gridView),
-      res_(0.0)//
+    : ParentType(timeManager, gridView)
         eps_ = 3e-6;
         temperature_ = 273.15 + 20; // -> 20°C
-        name_ = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag,
-                std::string,
-                Problem,
-                Name);
-        res_[0] = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag,
-                int,
-                Grid,
-                NumberOfCellsX);
-        res_[1] = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag,
-                int,
-                Grid,
-                NumberOfCellsY);
-        assert(res_[0] > 0);
-        assert(res_[1] > 0);
-        this->model().calculateMincGeometricParameters(res_, this->bBoxMin(), this->bBoxMax());
-        this->getMincProblemParameters(gridView, res_);
+        name_ = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, std::string, Problem, Name);
+        auto resolution = GET_RUNTIME_PARAM_FROM_GROUP(TypeTag, GridResolution, Grid, Cells);
+        this->model().calculateMincGeometricParameters(resolution, this->bBoxMin(), this->bBoxMax());
@@ -241,21 +193,14 @@ public:
     // \{
-    void getMincProblemParameters(const GridView &gridView, const GridResolution &res)
-    {
-        distNestedContinua=this->model().getDistNestedContinua();
-        volFraction=this->model().getVolFraction();
-        interfaceArea=this->model().getInterfaceArea();
-    }
      * \brief The problem name.
      * This is used as a prefix for files generated by the simulation.
-    const char *name() const
+    const std::string name() const
-        return name_.c_str();
+        return name_;
@@ -283,7 +228,7 @@ public:
     void sourceAtPos(PrimaryVariables &values,
-                const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+                     const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         values = 0.0;
@@ -303,7 +248,7 @@ public:
      * \param globalPos The position of the center of the finite volume
     void boundaryTypesAtPos(BoundaryTypes &values,
-            const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
+                            const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
         if (onLeftBoundary_(globalPos) || onRightBoundary_(globalPos)) {
@@ -325,18 +270,18 @@ public:
     void dirichletAtPos(PrimaryVariables &values,
                         const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
-        typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState) fluidState;//TODO what is this?
+        FluidState fluidState;
         fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
         fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar height = this->bBoxMax()[1] - this->bBoxMin()[1];
-        Scalar depth = this->bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
-        Scalar alpha = 1 + 1.5/height;
-        Scalar width = this->bBoxMax()[0] - this->bBoxMin()[0];
-        Scalar factor = (width*alpha + (1.0 - alpha)*globalPos[0])/width;
+        const Scalar height = this->bBoxMax()[1] - this->bBoxMin()[1];
+        const Scalar depth = this->bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
+        const Scalar alpha = 1 + 1.5/height;
+        const Scalar width = this->bBoxMax()[0] - this->bBoxMin()[0];
+        const Scalar factor = (width*alpha + (1.0 - alpha)*globalPos[0])/width;
         // hydrostatic pressure scaled by alpha for fracture continua
         values[pwIdx] = 1e5 - factor*densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
@@ -381,14 +326,13 @@ public:
     void initialAtPos(PrimaryVariables &values,
                       const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
-        typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidState) fluidState;
+        FluidState fluidState;
         fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
         fluidState.setPressure(FluidSystem::nPhaseIdx, /*pressure=*/1e5);
-        Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
-        Scalar depth = this->bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
+        const Scalar densityW = FluidSystem::density(fluidState, FluidSystem::wPhaseIdx);
+        const Scalar depth = this->bBoxMax()[1] - globalPos[1];
         // hydrostatic pressure
         values[pwIdx] = 1e5 - densityW*this->gravity()[1]*depth;
@@ -426,21 +370,18 @@ private:
     bool onInlet_(const GlobalPosition &globalPos) const
-        Scalar width = this->bBoxMax()[0] - this->bBoxMin()[0];
-        Scalar lambda = (this->bBoxMax()[0] - globalPos[0])/width;
-        return onUpperBoundary_(globalPos) && 0.5 < lambda && lambda < 2.0/3.0;
+        const Scalar width = this->bBoxMax()[0] - this->bBoxMin()[0];
+        const Scalar lambda = (this->bBoxMax()[0] - globalPos[0])/width;
+        return (onUpperBoundary_(globalPos)
+                && 0.5 < lambda + eps_
+                && lambda < 2.0/3.0 + eps_);
     Scalar temperature_;
     Scalar eps_;
     std::string name_;
-    GridResolution res_;
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> volFraction;
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> interfaceArea;
-    Dune::FieldVector <Scalar, numContinua> distNestedContinua; //distance between two nested continua d[nC+1]=pos[nC+1]-pos[nC]
 } //end namespace
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestspatialparams.hh b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestspatialparams.hh
index e1ff4d1b79b6bada88e220531c800df68a28649f..693ee1157e42810d41a0ea6973f28fe2fa6537e8 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestspatialparams.hh
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/2pminctestspatialparams.hh
@@ -193,4 +193,5 @@ private:
 } // end namespace
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincdist.input b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincdist.input
index 8016cde14edf85685fbee70ccd332ea50760ea8a..96e63972b214949f743879edd12e3dd69da5c9b2 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincdist.input
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincdist.input
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ DtInitial = 30 # [s]
 TEnd = 30000 # [s]
-NumberOfCellsX = 48 # [-] resolution in x-direction
-NumberOfCellsY = 32 # [-] resolution in y-direction
-UpperRightX = 6 # [m] length of the domain
-UpperRightY = 4 # [m] height of the domain
+UpperRight = 6 4 # [m] upper right corner
+Cells = 48 32 # [-] number of cells
 Name = box2pmincdist # name passed to the output routines
 InteractingContinuaType = 1 # how the continua interact
+EnablePartialReassemble = 1
+EnableJacobianRecycling = 1
diff --git a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincvol.input b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincvol.input
index 280baa57bc7c4c3d0c6b19e101875ba37e9b3a5f..447958f1c82fa214bc09578f27c872660945cb8b 100644
--- a/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincvol.input
+++ b/test/porousmediumflow/2pminc/implicit/test_box2pmincvol.input
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ DtInitial = 30 # [s]
 TEnd = 30000 # [s]
-NumberOfCellsX = 48 # [-] resolution in x-direction
-NumberOfCellsY = 32 # [-] resolution in y-direction
-UpperRightX = 6 # [m] length of the domain
-UpperRightY = 4 # [m] height of the domain
+UpperRight = 6 4 # [m] upper right corner
+Cells = 48 32 # [-] number of cells
 Name = box2pmincvol # name passed to the output routines
 InteractingContinuaType = 0 # how the continua interact
+EnablePartialReassemble = 1
+EnableJacobianRecycling = 1
diff --git a/test/references/box2pmincdist-reference.vtu b/test/references/box2pmincdist-reference.vtu
index cd52e3f4ae80d01be00bd5ef28138da53ef33a27..06c4219f86bea48d920a6f75c44b1a0a69446d95 100644
--- a/test/references/box2pmincdist-reference.vtu
+++ b/test/references/box2pmincdist-reference.vtu
@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
           146776 145540 146460 145225 146161 144927 145878 144644 145608 144376 145352 144120
           145107 143873 144863 143630 144624 143390 144388 143154 144154 142920 143922 142688
           143692 142458 143464 142230 143238 142004 143015 141781 142794 141560 142577 141343
-          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140127
-          141174 139943 140993 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
+          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140128
+          141174 139943 140994 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
           140159 138930 140002 138774 139847 138620 139694 138468 139541 138316 139387 138164
           139240 138014 150583 149787 149034 148349 147730 147169 146656 146185 145749 145345
           144968 144616 144285 143972 143677 143397 143131 142877 142630 142388 142149 141913
           141679 141448 141218 140991 140766 140543 140323 140107 139893 139684 139480 139280
-          139086 138896 138712 138533 138359 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
+          139086 138896 138712 138533 138360 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
           137090 136939 136788 148897 148211 147546 146922 146345 145812 145321 144866 144443
           144049 143681 143335 143010 142703 142413 142137 141874 141623 141378 141137 140900
           140665 140432 140202 139973 139747 139523 139301 139082 138866 138654 138446 138243
           138044 137851 137663 137480 137302 137129 136961 136796 136635 136476 136321 136168
           136016 135864 135713 135561 147211 146607 146014 145448 144914 144415 143949 143514
-          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140358 140116 139878
+          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140359 140116 139878
           139642 139409 139178 138949 138722 138497 138274 138054 137836 137622 137411 137205
-          137003 136806 136614 136427 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
+          137003 136806 136614 136428 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
           134942 134790 134638 134486 134335 145525 144986 144454 143939 143449 142984 142546
-          142134 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
+          142135 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
           138610 138377 138146 137918 137691 137465 137242 137021 136802 136586 136373 136165
           135960 135760 135565 135375 135190 135011 134836 134666 134500 134337 134178 134022
           133868 133716 133563 133412 133260 133109 143838 143354 142874 142406 141956 141526
@@ -46,29 +46,29 @@
           131755 131550 131348 131150 130956 130767 130582 130403 130228 130058 129892 129729
           129570 129413 129260 129108 128956 128805 128655 128504 128354 128204 137094 136772
           136451 136133 135821 135517 135222 134936 134659 134392 134135 133887 133649 133419
-          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131732 131522 131312 131103 130896
+          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131733 131522 131312 131103 130896
           130689 130485 130283 130085 129890 129700 129514 129333 129157 128985 128818 128654
           128493 128336 128182 128029 127878 127727 127577 127427 127277 127127 126978 135408
           135119 134830 134544 134263 133987 133718 133457 133203 132957 132718 132488 132265
           132049 131840 131638 131442 131243 131043 130841 130638 130433 130228 130023 129819
           129615 129413 129213 129015 128820 128630 128443 128261 128083 127910 127742 127577
-          127416 127257 127102 126950 126799 126648 126498 126348 126199 126050 125900 125751
+          127416 127257 127102 126950 126798 126648 126498 126348 126199 126049 125900 125751
           133722 133464 133206 132950 132698 132450 132207 131970 131738 131513 131294 131081
           130874 130673 130477 130287 130102 129912 129720 129525 129328 129130 128930 128730
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           126336 126177 126021 125868 125717 125567 125418 125268 125119 124971 124822 124673
           124525 132036 131808 131580 131353 131129 130908 130690 130477 130268 130064 129864
-          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128205 128015 127823 127629
+          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128206 128015 127823 127629
           127435 127241 127047 126854 126663 126474 126287 126105 125926 125752 125582 125416
           125254 125095 124938 124785 124634 124484 124335 124187 124038 123890 123742 123594
           123446 123299 130350 130151 129952 129753 129557 129362 129170 128980 128793 128609
           128429 128251 128077 127905 127737 127571 127408 127238 127062 126882 126699 126514
-          126326 126138 125949 125760 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
+          126326 126138 125949 125761 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
           124169 124010 123853 123700 123549 123399 123251 123103 122956 122808 122661 122514
-          122366 122219 122072 128664 128494 128323 128152 127982 127813 127646 127480 127315
+          122366 122219 122072 128664 128494 128323 128152 127982 127814 127646 127480 127315
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           125202 125021 124839 124656 124473 124290 124109 123929 123752 123578 123409 123243
-          123080 122921 122765 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
+          123080 122922 122766 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
           121285 121139 120992 120846 126978 126836 126693 126550 126407 126264 126121 125978
           125836 125693 125551 125409 125267 125125 124984 124843 124703 124552 124394 124230
           124062 123890 123716 123540 123363 123185 123008 122831 122656 122484 122315 122150
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
           120892 120735 120580 120428 120278 120130 119984 119840 119695 119550 119406 119261
           119117 118972 118827 118683 118538 118394 123605 123520 123434 123346 123257 123166
           123072 122976 122878 122776 122672 122565 122456 122344 122230 122114 121996 121864
-          121723 121576 121423 121266 121105 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
+          121723 121576 121423 121266 121106 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
           119792 119635 119482 119331 119182 119035 118890 118747 118603 118460 118317 118173
           118030 117886 117742 117599 117455 117311 117168 121919 121863 121805 121746 121684
           121620 121551 121479 121402 121321 121236 121147 121053 120956 120855 120751 120644
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
           116459 116310 116162 116016 115873 115731 115590 115450 115312 115174 115035 114896
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           116934 116966 116991 117009 117018 117018 117008 116989 116960 116922 116875 116819
-          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115483
+          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115484
           115337 115191 115046 114903 114762 114622 114484 114346 114209 114073 113936 113799
           113661 113522 113384 113244 113105 112965 112825 112684 112544 112403 112262 115175
           115248 115318 115383 115439 115486 115523 115547 115560 115561 115551 115529 115497
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@
           113073 112938 112801 112664 112528 112393 112260 112127 111994 111862 111730 111597
           111463 111328 111192 111056 110919 110782 110644 110505 110367 110228 110088 109949
           109810 111803 111956 112104 112243 112368 112478 112570 112645 112703 112743 112768
-          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112475 112382 112279 112169 112053
+          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112476 112382 112279 112169 112053
           111930 111802 111671 111538 111405 111274 111143 111013 110883 110753 110623 110492
           110361 110228 110094 109959 109824 109688 109551 109414 109276 109138 109000 108861
           108722 108584 110117 110317 110511 110692 110855 110998 111119 111219 111298 111357
           111398 111421 111428 111421 111400 111366 111321 111257 111180 111093 110996 110891
-          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109895 109768 109641 109513 109385
+          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109896 109768 109641 109513 109385
           109256 109126 108994 108861 108727 108592 108457 108321 108184 108047 107909 107772
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           109990 110045 110081 110100 110102 110089 110063 110023 109966 109894 109812 109720
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
           106544 106407 106269 106131 106744 107066 107371 107650 107896 108108 108286 108433
           108551 108644 108712 108760 108787 108798 108792 108771 108737 108685 108618 108540
           108452 108355 108250 108138 108020 107898 107776 107654 107533 107411 107289 107165
-          107041 106915 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
+          107041 106916 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
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           107081 107215 107321 107400 107457 107493 107509 107509 107494 107464 107415 107352
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@@ -143,18 +143,18 @@
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+          147778 146541 147461 146226 147162 145928 146879 145645 146610 145377 146354 145122
+          146114 144878 145877 144637 145644 144400 145414 144166 145187 143935 144963 143705
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-          143458 142157 143255 141947 143055 141740 142859 141539 142667 141342 142481 141150
+          143458 142157 143255 141947 143055 141741 142859 141539 142667 141342 142481 141150
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-          145969 145617 145286 144973 144678 144398 144132 143879 143636 143396 143160 142926
-          142695 142466 142239 142013 141790 141568 141349 141133 140920 140710 140505 140304
-          140107 139916 139730 139549 139372 139200 139033 138869 138708 138550 138395 138243
+          145969 145617 145286 144973 144678 144398 144132 143880 143636 143396 143160 142926
+          142695 142466 142239 142013 141790 141568 141349 141133 140920 140711 140505 140304
+          140108 139916 139730 139549 139372 139201 139033 138869 138708 138550 138395 138243
           138091 137940 137788 149897 149212 148547 147923 147346 146813 146322 145867 145444
-          145050 144682 144336 144011 143704 143414 143138 142875 142626 142384 142146 141911
+          145050 144682 144336 144011 143704 143414 143138 142875 142627 142384 142146 141911
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@@ -164,17 +164,17 @@
           135943 135791 135639 135487 135335 146525 145987 145455 144940 144450 143985 143547
           143135 142748 142384 142040 141716 141409 141118 140841 140578 140326 140088 139852
           139620 139391 139163 138937 138712 138488 138266 138046 137829 137613 137400 137191
-          136985 136784 136587 136394 136207 136025 135848 135676 135507 135343 135181 135023
+          136985 136784 136587 136395 136208 136026 135848 135676 135507 135343 135181 135023
           134869 134716 134564 134413 134261 134109 144838 144355 143875 143407 142957 142527
           142118 141731 141365 141018 140690 140378 140083 139802 139535 139279 139036 138803
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           135941 135737 135538 135343 135153 134968 134788 134613 134442 134275 134111 133951
-          133795 133642 133490 133338 133186 133035 132882 143152 142716 142282 141856 141444
+          133795 133642 133489 133338 133186 133035 132882 143152 142716 142282 141856 141444
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           134893 134688 134487 134289 134097 133909 133727 133549 133376 133207 133042 132880
           132721 132567 132414 132262 132111 131959 131808 131656 141466 141072 140679 140292
-          139915 139551 139200 138863 138541 138233 137939 137658 137389 137132 136886 136650
+          139915 139551 139200 138863 138541 138233 137939 137658 137390 137133 136886 136650
           136426 136206 135988 135770 135553 135336 135119 134903 134687 134473 134260 134049
           133841 133635 133432 133234 133039 132849 132664 132484 132309 132138 131971 131808
           131648 131491 131338 131186 131034 130883 130732 130582 130430 139780 139424 139068
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
           132783 132577 132374 132174 131979 131787 131600 131418 131241 131068 130900 130735
           130574 130415 130261 130109 129957 129806 129656 129505 129355 129204 138094 137773
           137452 137134 136822 136518 136223 135937 135660 135393 135136 134888 134650 134420
-          134198 133984 133781 133577 133373 133168 132961 132754 132546 132338 132130 131923
-          131717 131513 131310 131111 130914 130722 130534 130350 130171 129997 129827 129661
+          134198 133984 133781 133577 133373 133168 132962 132754 132546 132338 132130 131923
+          131717 131513 131311 131111 130914 130722 130534 130350 130171 129997 129827 129661
           129498 129339 129183 129030 128879 128728 128578 128428 128278 128128 127978 136408
           136120 135831 135545 135264 134988 134719 134458 134204 133958 133719 133489 133266
           133050 132841 132639 132448 132253 132057 131858 131658 131456 131253 131049 130846
@@ -192,19 +192,19 @@
           128422 128262 128104 127951 127799 127649 127499 127349 127200 127050 126901 126751
           134722 134465 134207 133951 133699 133451 133208 132971 132739 132514 132295 132082
           131875 131674 131478 131288 131108 130923 130735 130544 130350 130153 129956 129757
-          129558 129360 129162 128966 128771 128579 128390 128205 128024 127847 127675 127507
+          129559 129360 129163 128966 128771 128579 128390 128205 128024 127848 127675 127507
           127343 127182 127024 126870 126718 126568 126418 126269 126120 125971 125823 125674
           125525 133036 132809 132581 132354 132130 131909 131691 131478 131269 131065 130865
           130669 130479 130292 130110 129932 129764 129589 129409 129225 129037 128847 128655
-          128462 128269 128075 127882 127690 127499 127311 127126 126945 126768 126595 126427
+          128462 128269 128075 127882 127690 127500 127311 127126 126945 126768 126596 126427
           126262 126101 125943 125787 125635 125485 125336 125188 125039 124891 124743 124595
           124447 124299 131350 131152 130953 130754 130558 130363 130170 129981 129794 129610
-          129430 129252 129078 128906 128737 128572 128416 128251 128079 127903 127722 127539
+          129430 129252 129078 128906 128738 128572 128416 128251 128079 127903 127722 127539
           127353 127166 126977 126789 126601 126413 126227 126043 125862 125685 125512 125343
           125178 125017 124859 124703 124550 124400 124252 124104 123957 123809 123662 123515
           123367 123220 123072 129664 129494 129323 129153 128983 128814 128647 128481 128316
           128153 127992 127832 127673 127517 127362 127209 127066 126910 126747 126579 126405
-          126228 126049 125867 125685 125502 125318 125135 124953 124774 124598 124425 124256
+          126228 126049 125867 125685 125502 125318 125135 124954 124774 124598 124425 124256
           124091 123930 123772 123616 123463 123313 123166 123019 122872 122725 122579 122432
           122286 122140 121993 121846 127978 127837 127694 127551 127408 127265 127122 126979
           126837 126694 126552 126410 126268 126126 125985 125844 125713 125568 125414 125253
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@
           121203 121057 120912 120766 120620 126291 126179 126064 125948 125832 125715 125597
           125478 125357 125235 125112 124987 124862 124735 124607 124479 124360 124224 124079
           123927 123768 123605 123439 123270 123099 122926 122753 122580 122407 122237 122070
-          121906 121746 121589 121434 121283 121133 120986 120841 120696 120551 120407 120262
+          121906 121746 121589 121435 121283 121133 120986 120841 120696 120551 120407 120262
           120118 119973 119828 119684 119539 119394 124605 124521 124435 124347 124258 124167
           124073 123977 123879 123777 123673 123566 123457 123345 123231 123115 123008 122882
           122745 122601 122450 122294 122134 121971 121806 121640 121471 121303 121135 120970
-          120807 120648 120492 120339 120188 120039 119892 119748 119604 119461 119318 119174
+          120808 120648 120492 120339 120188 120039 119892 119748 119604 119461 119318 119174
           119031 118887 118743 118600 118456 118312 118168 122919 122864 122806 122747 122685
           122620 122552 122480 122403 122322 122237 122148 122054 121957 121856 121752 121657
           121540 121413 121276 121133 120984 120831 120675 120516 120354 120191 120027 119865
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
           118595 118440 118286 118136 117987 117841 117697 117554 117413 117273 117132 116992
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-          119037 118964 118866 118756 118635 118506 118372 118232 118088 117940 117789 117635
+          119037 118964 118866 118756 118635 118506 118372 118232 118088 117940 117789 117636
           117481 117328 117177 117028 116882 116737 116595 116453 116313 116175 116036 115897
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           117935 117967 117992 118010 118019 118019 118009 117990 117961 117923 117876 117820
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
           116362 116212 116063 115917 115772 115630 115489 115349 115211 115074 114937 114800
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           116249 116319 116384 116440 116487 116524 116548 116561 116562 116552 116530 116498
-          116455 116404 116344 116292 116211 116116 116011 115896 115775 115647 115515 115377
+          116455 116404 116344 116292 116212 116117 116011 115896 115775 115647 115515 115377
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           114489 114601 114708 114809 114899 114976 115040 115090 115125 115146 115153 115148
@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@
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-          112959 112830 112696 112559 112422 112286 112152 112019 111887 111755 111624 111493
+          112960 112830 112696 112559 112422 112286 112152 112019 111887 111755 111624 111493
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           109723 109584 111117 111318 111512 111693 111856 111999 112120 112220 112299 112358
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           111808 111690 111564 111433 111299 111166 111034 110903 110774 110645 110515 110386
           110257 110126 109995 109862 109728 109593 109458 109322 109185 109048 108910 108773
-          108635 108497 108358 109430 109687 109933 110160 110363 110540 110690 110815 110914
+          108635 108497 108358 109430 109687 109933 110160 110363 110540 110691 110815 110914
           110991 111046 111082 111101 111103 111090 111064 111044 110992 110923 110841 110749
           110649 110541 110426 110303 110174 110044 109914 109785 109658 109531 109404 109277
           109151 109022 108893 108762 108630 108496 108362 108227 108092 107956 107819 107682
@@ -278,136 +278,136 @@
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-          1000 1000 1000 1000.75 1000.89 1000.94 1000.95 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96
-          1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1002.52 1005.39 1008.05 1010.73 1013.41
-          1015.99 1018.4 1020.58 1022.48 1024.06 1025.3 1026.16 1026.6 1026.59 1026.1 1025.14 1023.74
-          1021.96 1019.88 1017.6 1015.24 1012.89 1010.59 1008.37 1006.18 1003.98 1001.99 1001.08 1000.97
+          1000 1000.85 1000 1000.72 1001.15 1000.87 1001.32 1000.93 1001.4 1000.95 1001.44 1000.96
+          1001.45 1000.96 1001.45 1000.96 1001.44 1000.96 1001.44 1000.96 1001.44 1000.96 1001.44 1000.96
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+          1007.73 1004.73 1013.34 1007.33 1019.49 1009.96 1026.24 1012.62 1033.5 1015.24 1041.14 1017.75
+          1049.06 1020.07 1057.12 1022.16 1065.2 1023.98 1073.21 1025.49 1081.01 1026.64 1088.5 1027.4
+          1095.55 1027.71 1102.07 1027.55 1107.97 1026.9 1113.18 1025.77 1117.69 1024.19 1121.51 1022.25
+          1124.69 1020.03 1127.3 1017.64 1129.45 1015.19 1131.2 1012.76 1132.64 1010.39 1133.84 1008.06
+          1134.84 1005.74 1135.6 1003.48 1135.96 1001.65 1135.29 1001.05 1131.47 1001 1114.26 1000.99
+          1000 1000 1000 1000.75 1000.89 1000.94 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96
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+          1015.99 1018.4 1020.58 1022.48 1024.06 1025.3 1026.16 1026.6 1026.58 1026.1 1025.14 1023.74
+          1021.96 1019.88 1017.61 1015.25 1012.89 1010.6 1008.39 1006.21 1004.01 1001.99 1001.07 1000.97
           1000.96 1000.96 1000 1000 1000.77 1000.9 1000.94 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96
-          1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.98 1003.34 1006.11 1008.84 1011.61
+          1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.97 1003.37 1006.12 1008.84 1011.61
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-          1023.15 1021.2 1019 1016.65 1014.26 1011.9 1009.63 1007.43 1005.26 1003.09 1001.45 1001
+          1023.14 1021.2 1019 1016.65 1014.26 1011.91 1009.64 1007.45 1005.29 1003.11 1001.44 1000.99
           1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000 1000 1000.79 1000.91 1000.95 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96
-          1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1001.05 1004.07 1006.85 1009.69
-          1012.53 1015.3 1017.88 1020.22 1022.25 1023.95 1025.3 1026.26 1026.8 1026.89 1026.49 1025.61
-          1024.25 1022.49 1020.39 1018.08 1015.67 1013.26 1010.92 1008.68 1006.5 1004.33 1002.28 1001.15
-          1000.97 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96 1000 1000 1000.8 1000.91 1000.95 1000.96 1000.96 1000.96
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-          1025.24 1023.68 1021.74 1019.51 1017.11 1014.66 1012.25 1009.93 1007.72 1005.56 1003.42 1001.64
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-          1008.48 1011.55 1014.53 1017.33 1019.85 1022.04 1023.86 1025.32 1026.38 1027.02 1027.21 1026.9
-          1026.09 1024.78 1023.03 1020.92 1018.56 1016.09 1013.62 1011.22 1008.94 1006.76 1004.61 1002.55
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-          1027.3 1026.57 1025.31 1023.57 1021.44 1019.04 1016.5 1013.95 1011.49 1009.16 1006.96 1004.84
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998052 0.993344 0.987894 0.982553 0.977182
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-          0.998078 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.99843 0.998188 0.99811 0.998088 0.998083 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.997904 0.991914 0.986434 0.980907
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-          0.99806 0.998081 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998402 0.998173 0.998104 0.998086 0.998083 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.997238 0.990568 0.984891
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-          0.997963 0.998076 0.998081 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998378 0.99816 0.9981 0.998085 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998081 0.99574 0.989169
-          0.983244 0.977303 0.971556 0.966223 0.961456 0.957345 0.953928 0.951224 0.949258 0.948073 0.947731 0.948294
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998081 0.994003
-          0.987676 0.981485 0.975346 0.969524 0.964232 0.9596 0.955689 0.952516 0.950084 0.948413 0.947551 0.947565
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-          0.998084 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.99808
-          0.992512 0.986099 0.979613 0.973296 0.967437 0.962229 0.957771 0.954094 0.951189 0.949047 0.947686 0.947163
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-          0.994472 0.997357 0.998032 0.998079 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998315 0.998131
-          0.998091 0.998083 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.99808 0.991214 0.984433 0.97763 0.971164 0.965312 0.960234 0.955992 0.95258 0.949964 0.948125 0.947088
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-          0.992279 0.996047 0.997841 0.998069 0.998081 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998296
-          0.998124 0.998089 0.998083 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998079 0.989937 0.982653 0.975541 0.968966 0.963173 0.958273 0.954285 0.951165 0.948855 0.947329
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-          0.990059 0.994112 0.997182 0.998015 0.998078 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1
-          0.998278 0.998117 0.998087 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998079 0.988575 0.980746 0.973354 0.966725 0.961045 0.956372 0.952673 0.949866 0.947872
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-          1 0.99826 0.998111 0.998086 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998078 0.98709 0.978716 0.97109 0.964464 0.958955 0.954555 0.951177 0.948699
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-          1 1 0.998242 0.998105 0.998085 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998077 0.985474 0.976574 0.96877 0.962213 0.956933 0.952848 0.949815
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-          0.983358 0.98764 0.991726 0.995544 0.997714 0.99806 0.998081 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 1 1 0.998224 0.9981 0.998084 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998077 0.983731 0.97434 0.966423 0.960003 0.955007 0.951274
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-          0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998205 0.998096 0.998083 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998076 0.981872 0.972036 0.964079 0.957865 0.953205
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998187 0.998092 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998075 0.979913 0.969691 0.961771 0.95583
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998167 0.998088 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998074 0.977876 0.967335 0.959533
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998146 0.998086 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998073 0.975788 0.965001
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998124 0.998083 0.998082 0.998082
-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998072 0.973677
+          1 0.998298 1 0.99856 0.997713 0.99826 0.997375 0.998137 0.997204 0.998095 0.997134 0.998083
+          0.997113 0.998081 0.997112 0.99808 0.997116 0.99808 0.997121 0.99808 0.997125 0.99808 0.997129 0.99808
+          0.997132 0.99808 0.997134 0.99808 0.997136 0.99808 0.997138 0.99808 0.997139 0.99808 0.996339 0.996639
+          0.984709 0.990599 0.973851 0.985499 0.962128 0.980372 0.949518 0.975226 0.936231 0.970199 0.922526 0.965431
+          0.90866 0.961037 0.894858 0.957106 0.881321 0.953707 0.868227 0.950907 0.855738 0.948772 0.844006 0.947378
+          0.833168 0.946797 0.823339 0.947091 0.8146 0.948294 0.806989 0.950392 0.800494 0.953318 0.795053 0.95695
+          0.790564 0.961118 0.786897 0.965628 0.783915 0.970291 0.781488 0.974957 0.779496 0.979549 0.777847 0.98408
+          0.776485 0.988618 0.775442 0.993078 0.774955 0.996711 0.775866 0.9979 0.78111 0.998003 0.805433 0.998029
+          1 1 1 0.998503 0.998229 0.998125 0.998091 0.998083 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998077 0.994933 0.989271 0.984091 0.978872 0.97371
+          0.968768 0.964189 0.960081 0.956519 0.95356 0.951258 0.949669 0.948856 0.948878 0.949773 0.951546 0.954151
+          0.957485 0.961396 0.965697 0.970191 0.974707 0.979131 0.983435 0.987696 0.992028 0.996037 0.997866 0.99807
+          0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998462 0.998205 0.998115 0.998089 0.998082 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998057 0.993291 0.987875 0.982545 0.977179
+          0.971936 0.966991 0.962482 0.958505 0.955122 0.952382 0.950333 0.949032 0.948539 0.948909 0.950172 0.952315
+          0.955269 0.958907 0.963054 0.967509 0.972077 0.976599 0.980989 0.985257 0.989512 0.993799 0.997125 0.998016
+          0.998078 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998429 0.998186 0.998108 0.998086 0.998082 0.998081 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.997922 0.99188 0.986421 0.980902
+          0.975392 0.970089 0.965169 0.960759 0.956939 0.953758 0.951256 0.949476 0.948475 0.948316 0.949048 0.950689
+          0.953205 0.956502 0.960429 0.96479 0.969373 0.973988 0.978495 0.982843 0.987081 0.991337 0.995433 0.997726
+          0.998062 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998402 0.998171 0.998102 0.998085 0.998081 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.997251 0.990547 0.984883
+          0.979155 0.973515 0.96818 0.963319 0.959041 0.955408 0.952454 0.95021 0.948718 0.948038 0.948231 0.949341
+          0.95137 0.954262 0.957895 0.96209 0.966634 0.971311 0.97594 0.980411 0.984707 0.988923 0.993155 0.996744
+          0.997972 0.998076 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998377 0.998158 0.998098 0.998084 0.998081
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.995699 0.989154
+          0.983239 0.977301 0.971555 0.966222 0.961456 0.957345 0.953928 0.951224 0.949258 0.948073 0.947731 0.948294
+          0.949798 0.952224 0.95549 0.959443 0.96388 0.968573 0.973307 0.97792 0.982334 0.98658 0.99078 0.994891
+          0.997554 0.998051 0.998079 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998355 0.998147 0.998094 0.998083
+          0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.993948
+          0.987664 0.981481 0.975345 0.969524 0.964232 0.9596 0.955689 0.952516 0.950084 0.948413 0.947551 0.947565
+          0.948517 0.950427 0.953256 0.956889 0.961142 0.965788 0.970592 0.975346 0.979914 0.98426 0.98846 0.992636
+          0.996373 0.997916 0.998073 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998334 0.998138 0.998091
+          0.998082 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998079
+          0.992479 0.986093 0.979611 0.973295 0.967437 0.962228 0.957771 0.954094 0.951189 0.949047 0.947686 0.947163
+          0.947552 0.948908 0.951237 0.954469 0.958455 0.962981 0.9678 0.972672 0.977409 0.981909 0.986182 0.990346
+          0.994438 0.997371 0.998036 0.998078 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998314 0.998129
+          0.998089 0.998082 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.998079 0.991201 0.984431 0.97763 0.971164 0.965312 0.960234 0.955992 0.95258 0.949964 0.948125 0.947088
+          0.946919 0.947698 0.949475 0.952231 0.955862 0.960182 0.964948 0.969897 0.974796 0.979482 0.983896 0.9881
+          0.99223 0.996039 0.997853 0.998069 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998295
+          0.998122 0.998087 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.998078 0.989933 0.982652 0.97554 0.968966 0.963173 0.958273 0.954285 0.951165 0.948855 0.947329
+          0.946625 0.946825 0.948013 0.950225 0.953413 0.957434 0.962061 0.967026 0.972059 0.976942 0.981548 0.985868
+          0.990013 0.994074 0.997192 0.99802 0.998078 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1
+          0.998277 0.998115 0.998085 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.998078 0.988575 0.980746 0.973354 0.966724 0.961044 0.956371 0.952673 0.949866 0.947872
+          0.946666 0.946305 0.946888 0.948503 0.951164 0.954784 0.959176 0.964078 0.969197 0.974266 0.979093 0.983596
+          0.987823 0.991919 0.995756 0.997787 0.998065 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1
+          1 0.998259 0.998109 0.998084 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998077 0.98709 0.978716 0.97109 0.964464 0.958955 0.954555 0.951177 0.948699
+          0.947023 0.946139 0.94613 0.947114 0.949173 0.952293 0.956341 0.961081 0.966215 0.971438 0.976495 0.981231
+          0.985618 0.989761 0.993789 0.997029 0.998002 0.998077 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081
+          1 1 0.998241 0.998104 0.998083 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998076 0.985474 0.976574 0.96877 0.962213 0.956933 0.952848 0.949815
+          0.947671 0.946312 0.94575 0.946102 0.947506 0.950029 0.953616 0.95808 0.963135 0.968454 0.973727 0.978726
+          0.983341 0.98761 0.991683 0.995524 0.997724 0.998061 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.998081 1 1 0.998223 0.998099 0.998082 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998075 0.983731 0.97434 0.966423 0.960003 0.955007 0.951274
+          0.9486 0.94679 0.945739 0.945497 0.946224 0.94807 0.951075 0.955132 0.959992 0.965322 0.970771 0.97604
+          0.980937 0.985414 0.989572 0.993569 0.996887 0.997985 0.998076 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998204 0.998094 0.998082 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998074 0.981872 0.972036 0.964079 0.957865 0.953205
+          0.949851 0.947542 0.946054 0.945297 0.945376 0.946496 0.948809 0.952314 0.956837 0.962065 0.96762 0.973141
+          0.978352 0.983112 0.987443 0.991506 0.995337 0.997666 0.998057 0.998079 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998185 0.99809 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998074 0.979913 0.969691 0.961771 0.95583
+          0.951549 0.948592 0.946644 0.945458 0.944979 0.945383 0.94692 0.949728 0.953749 0.958727 0.964284 0.970007
+          0.975539 0.98064 0.985238 0.989429 0.9934 0.996765 0.997968 0.998075 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998081 1 1 0.998166 0.998087 0.998081 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
+          0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.998073 0.977876 0.967335 0.959532
+          0.953927 0.950059 0.947506 0.945901 0.944991 0.944775 0.945514 0.947498 0.950834 0.955379 0.960792 0.96663
+          0.972458 0.977937 0.982886 0.987307 0.991373 0.995185 0.997612 0.998054 0.998079 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998101 0.998082 0.998082
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-          0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 0.998082 1 1 0.998083 0.998082
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-          0.998122 0.998122 0.998122 0.998122 0.998122 0.998123 1 1 0.998202 0.998217 0.998222 0.998224
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+          0.971578 0.960525 0.953529 0.949218 0.946675 0.945246 0.944493 0.944214 0.944727 0.946634 0.950228 0.955328
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+          0.94572 0.950084 0.956651 0.964301 0.971934 0.978791 0.984526 0.989187 0.993117 0.996456 0.997914 0.998072
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+          0.943788 0.944024 0.9467 0.953016 0.961436 0.970162 0.97798 0.984355 0.989307 0.99325 0.996492 0.997916
+          0.998072 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808 0.99808
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+          0.943792 0.943771 0.944033 0.947357 0.954938 0.964347 0.973457 0.981131 0.987068 0.991535 0.995103 0.997516
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+          0.997672 0.998065 0.998089 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809 0.99809
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+          0.945058 0.943921 0.94377 0.943748 0.943744 0.943747 0.943927 0.95198 0.96924 0.981767 0.98954 0.994088
+          0.996894 0.99809 0.998223 0.998229 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823 0.99823
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-          0.00191828 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191847 0.00276241 0.0094321 0.0151085
-          0.0208421 0.0264836 0.0318194 0.036681 0.0409588 0.0445919 0.0475458 0.0497901 0.0512818 0.0519623 0.0517695 0.0506596
-          0.0486304 0.0457385 0.0421055 0.03791 0.0333647 0.0286845 0.0240494 0.0195692 0.0152568 0.0110241 0.00679832 0.00326593
-          0.00203697 0.00192435 0.00191859 0.00191831 0.00191763 0 0 0.00162217 0.00184001 0.00190042 0.00191482 0.00191771
-          0.00191821 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019187 0.00426003 0.0108305
-          0.0167556 0.0226969 0.028444 0.0337774 0.0385437 0.0426552 0.0460721 0.0487757 0.0507421 0.0519274 0.0522693 0.051706
-          0.0502027 0.0477762 0.0445105 0.0405569 0.0361193 0.0314248 0.0266868 0.0220667 0.0176407 0.0133784 0.00916611 0.00508261
-          0.00246248 0.00195232 0.00191997 0.00191838 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00164444 0.00185095 0.00190407 0.00191573
-          0.00191789 0.00191824 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191906 0.0059973
-          0.0123244 0.0185154 0.0246537 0.0304756 0.0357678 0.0403998 0.0443107 0.0474841 0.0499161 0.0515872 0.0524492 0.0524347
-          0.0514834 0.0495729 0.0467441 0.0431117 0.0388582 0.0342106 0.0294051 0.0246466 0.0200698 0.0157102 0.0114935 0.00731476
-          0.00362788 0.00209451 0.00192759 0.00191875 0.00191832 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00166517 0.00186049 0.00190702
-          0.00191642 0.00191802 0.00191826 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019195
-          0.00748844 0.0139005 0.020387 0.0267041 0.0325631 0.0377713 0.0422287 0.0459056 0.0488106 0.0509532 0.0523139 0.0528369
-          0.0524486 0.0510924 0.0487635 0.0455314 0.0415454 0.0370189 0.0321987 0.0273235 0.0225808 0.0180709 0.0137823 0.00960405
-          0.00552823 0.00264335 0.00196791 0.00192076 0.00191842 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00168478 0.00186892
-          0.00190944 0.00191694 0.00191812 0.00191828 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.00192002 0.0087864 0.0155669 0.0223696 0.0288361 0.0346877 0.0397656 0.044008 0.0474201 0.0500358 0.0518747 0.0529124
-          0.0530814 0.052302 0.0505251 0.0477691 0.044138 0.0398178 0.0350519 0.0301013 0.0251988 0.0205058 0.0160795 0.0118591
-          0.00772133 0.00395266 0.0021587 0.00193144 0.00191894 0.00191833 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00170362
-          0.00187643 0.00191142 0.00191733 0.00191818 0.00191828 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.00192058 0.0100635 0.0173473 0.0244594 0.0310336 0.036827 0.0417265 0.0457149 0.0488351 0.0511454 0.0526707
-          0.0533748 0.0531752 0.0519872 0.0497749 0.0465869 0.0425668 0.037939 0.0329734 0.027938 0.0230504 0.0184361 0.0141022
-          0.00994127 0.00588816 0.00281819 0.00198531 0.00192166 0.00191846 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0
-          0.00172196 0.00188319 0.00191304 0.00191763 0.00191822 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019212 0.0114247 0.0192539 0.0266456 0.0332754 0.0389554 0.0436283 0.0473268 0.0501335 0.0521284
-          0.053334 0.0536955 0.053112 0.0514975 0.0488367 0.0452161 0.0408238 0.0359222 0.0308023 0.02573 0.0208972 0.0163838
-          0.0121415 0.00803495 0.00422869 0.00222408 0.0019356 0.00191914 0.00191834 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0
-          0 0.00174002 0.00188928 0.00191437 0.00191785 0.00191825 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00192187 0.0129096 0.0212841 0.0289102 0.0355361 0.0410452 0.0454451 0.0488229 0.0513014
-          0.052977 0.0538606 0.0538705 0.0528864 0.0508269 0.0477069 0.0436589 0.0389187 0.0337844 0.0285601 0.0234993 0.0187563
-          0.014357 0.0101977 0.0061715 0.0029766 0.00200324 0.0019226 0.0019185 0.00191831 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763
-          0 0 0.001758 0.00189479 0.00191546 0.00191801 0.00191827 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00192259 0.014526 0.0234257 0.0312299 0.0377869 0.0430673 0.0471518 0.0501851
-          0.0523286 0.0536877 0.0542497 0.0538978 0.052494 0.0499708 0.0463841 0.0419204 0.0368647 0.0315455 0.0262702 0.0212671
-          0.0166423 0.0123596 0.00827363 0.00445556 0.00228634 0.00193978 0.00191934 0.00191835 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.00191763 0 0 0.00177609 0.00189977 0.00191632 0.00191812 0.00191828 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00192337 0.0162692 0.02566 0.0335769 0.039997 0.044993 0.0487259
-          0.0513996 0.0532102 0.0542614 0.0545029 0.053776 0.0519304 0.0489248 0.0448686 0.0400087 0.0346784 0.0292283 0.0239567
-          0.0190535 0.0145653 0.0103919 0.00639164 0.00311452 0.00202064 0.00192351 0.00191855 0.00191831 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00179449 0.00190423 0.001917 0.0019182 0.00191829 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
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-          0.050149 0.0524575 0.0539462 0.0547029 0.0546237 0.0535042 0.0511913 0.0476858 0.0431633 0.0379357 0.0323799 0.0268575
-          0.0216434 0.0168754 0.012531 0.00845442 0.00463948 0.0023433 0.00194379 0.00191954 0.00191836 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183
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-          0.0484507 0.0514075 0.0533562 0.0545424 0.0550206 0.0546168 0.0530805 0.0502717 0.0462515 0.0412737 0.0357165 0.0299922
-          0.0244591 0.0193528 0.0147455 0.0105401 0.00656256 0.00323289 0.002037 0.00192438 0.00191859 0.00191831 0.0019183 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00183304 0.0019116 0.00191788 0.00191827 0.0019183 0.0019183
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-          0.0460728 0.0499404 0.0524943 0.0540989 0.055009 0.055225 0.0544862 0.052502 0.0491661 0.044621 0.0392082 0.0333697
-          0.0275408 0.0220593 0.0171047 0.0126714 0.00859175 0.00478911 0.00239481 0.00194757 0.00191971 0.00191836 0.0019183 0.0019183
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-          0.0426058 0.0478205 0.0512518 0.0534091 0.0546951 0.0553605 0.055328 0.0542347 0.0517633 0.0478686 0.0427951 0.0369786
-          0.0309174 0.0250527 0.019683 0.0149147 0.010655 0.00669579 0.00333504 0.0020523 0.00192518 0.00191862 0.00191831 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00187558 0.00191658 0.00191824 0.0019183
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-          0.0372797 0.044615 0.0493941 0.0523795 0.0541582 0.0551586 0.0556137 0.0553408 0.0538624 0.0508569 0.0463728 0.0407764
-          0.0345999 0.028384 0.0225558 0.0173529 0.0127927 0.00869492 0.00491158 0.00244162 0.00195113 0.00191988 0.00191837 0.0019183
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00189857 0.00191791 0.00191829
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-          0.0284216 0.0394753 0.0464712 0.0507819 0.0533253 0.0547539 0.0555073 0.0557862 0.0552729 0.053366 0.0497726 0.044672
-          0.0385702 0.0320903 0.0257965 0.0200771 0.0150877 0.0107429 0.00679676 0.00342328 0.00206665 0.00192594 0.00191866 0.00191831
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00191666 0.00191829
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-          0.00192991 0.0304745 0.041559 0.0481569 0.0519798 0.0540977 0.0552131 0.0557605 0.0558956 0.0551314 0.0527381 0.0484973
-          0.04276 0.0361841 0.0294713 0.0231831 0.0176424 0.0129009 0.00876432 0.00500764 0.00248351 0.00195446 0.00192003 0.00191838
-          0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0 0.00191757
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-          0.0019183 0.00193085 0.0324471 0.0435094 0.0496614 0.0529908 0.0547113 0.0555558 0.0559377 0.0559578 0.0549196 0.0519666
-          0.0470151 0.0406308 0.0336286 0.0267668 0.0205725 0.0152739 0.0107995 0.00685951 0.00349415 0.00207945 0.00192662 0.00191868
-          0.00191831 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191763 0 0
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-          0.0510341 0.0453069 0.038279 0.0309173 0.0240034 0.0179929 0.0129896 0.00878487 0.00506508 0.00251603 0.00195723 0.00192015
-          0.00191838 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.0019183 0.00191762 0
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-          0.0019187 0.00191831 0.0019183 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191829 0.00191762
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-          0.0559873 0.0538391 0.0485815 0.0411138 0.0328876 0.0250932 0.0184125 0.0130286 0.00871405 0.00504802 0.00252548 0.0019583
-          0.00192018 0.00191837 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828 0.00191828
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-          0.00192686 0.00191861 0.00191823 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821 0.00191821
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-          0.00191803 0.00191801 0.001918 0.00191798 0.00191797 0.00191797 0.00193527 0.0402068 0.0510157 0.05456 0.0557244 0.0560942
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-          0.00195475 0.00191961 0.00191793 0.00191786 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785 0.00191785
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-          0.00191681 0.00191673 0.00191667 0.00191661 0.00191656 0.00191652 0.00191649 0.00193758 0.0412619 0.0521155 0.0550972 0.0559383
-          0.0561706 0.0562334 0.0562389 0.0559643 0.0518387 0.0427185 0.0323136 0.0229934 0.015664 0.0102986 0.00634262 0.00329996
-          0.0020553 0.00192331 0.00191646 0.00191615 0.00191613 0.00191613 0.00191612 0.00191612 0.00191612 0.00191611 0.00191611 0.00191611
-          0.00191611 0.0019161 0.0019161 0.00191543 0 0 0.00191542 0.00191422 0.00191294 0.00191206 0.00191143 0.00191096
-          0.0019106 0.00191031 0.00191008 0.00190989 0.00190973 0.00190959 0.00190948 0.00190939 0.00194263 0.0421675 0.0531211 0.0555219
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-          0.00232462 0.00193428 0.00190971 0.00190854 0.00190848 0.00190847 0.00190846 0.00190845 0.00190844 0.00190844 0.00190843 0.00190842
-          0.00190842 0.00190841 0.00190841 0.0019084 0.00190775 0 0 0.00189842 0.00189111 0.00188724 0.00188502 0.00188358
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-          0.00277197 0.00195151 0.00188151 0.00187804 0.00187787 0.00187784 0.00187783 0.00187781 0.0018778 0.00187778 0.00187777 0.00187776
-          0.00187775 0.00187774 0.00187773 0.00187772 0.00187771 0.00187711 0 0 0.00179767 0.00178268 0.00177809 0.00177576
-          0.00177433 0.00177336 0.00177265 0.00177212 0.00177169 0.00177135 0.00177107 0.00177083 0.00177063 0.00177049 0.00187993 0.0436306
-          0.0549416 0.0560794 0.05623 0.0562523 0.0562559 0.0562531 0.056073 0.0480202 0.0307601 0.0182334 0.01046 0.00590996
-          0.00309761 0.00190817 0.00177596 0.00176931 0.00176901 0.00176898 0.00176897 0.00176895 0.00176894 0.00176893 0.00176891 0.0017689
-          0.00176889 0.00176888 0.00176887 0.00176886 0.00176885 0.00176884 0.00176839 0 0 0.00139468 0.00139481 0.00139479
-          0.00139479 0.00139478 0.00139478 0.00139478 0.00139477 0.00139477 0.00139477 0.00139477 0.00139477 0.00139477 0.00139479 0.0015046
-          0.0442512 0.0558045 0.0562244 0.0562534 0.0562561 0.0562565 0.0562554 0.0561806 0.0459608 0.0216155 0.00993739 0.00454253
-          0.00205224 0.00143284 0.00139607 0.00139481 0.00139477 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476
-          0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139476 0.00139456 0
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+          0.00288678 0.00191925 0.00288797 0.00191971 0.00288368 0.00191978 0.0028788 0.00191979 0.00287456 0.00191979 0.00287105 0.00191979
+          0.00286815 0.00191978 0.0028657 0.00191978 0.00286362 0.00191978 0.00286182 0.00191978 0.00286074 0.00192042 0.00366101 0.00336137
+          0.0152908 0.00940092 0.0261487 0.0145006 0.037872 0.0196284 0.0504816 0.0247741 0.0637693 0.0298013 0.0774737 0.0345694
+          0.0913405 0.0389632 0.105142 0.0428945 0.118679 0.0462927 0.131773 0.0490931 0.144262 0.0512275 0.155994 0.0526221
+          0.166832 0.0532029 0.176661 0.0529085 0.1854 0.0517064 0.193011 0.0496084 0.199506 0.0466818 0.204947 0.0430498
+          0.209436 0.038882 0.213103 0.0343723 0.216085 0.0297094 0.218512 0.0250429 0.220504 0.0204512 0.222153 0.0159201
+          0.223515 0.0113817 0.224558 0.00692181 0.225045 0.00328896 0.224134 0.00209963 0.21889 0.00199698 0.194567 0.00197076
+          0 0 0 0.00149719 0.00177089 0.00187495 0.00190855 0.00191733 0.0019192 0.00191954 0.00191959 0.0019196
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+          0.0312318 0.0358105 0.0399189 0.0434812 0.04644 0.0487424 0.0503312 0.051144 0.0511225 0.050227 0.048454 0.0458493
+          0.0425149 0.0386038 0.0343033 0.0298092 0.025293 0.0208691 0.0165647 0.0123043 0.0079721 0.00396284 0.00213417 0.00192967
+          0.00192004 0.00191896 0 0 0.00153789 0.00179479 0.00188451 0.0019114 0.00191799 0.00191933 0.00191956 0.0019196
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+          0.0280642 0.0330092 0.037518 0.0414955 0.0448781 0.0476178 0.0496667 0.0509684 0.0514614 0.051091 0.0498276 0.0476846
+          0.0447309 0.0410933 0.0369462 0.0324906 0.0279228 0.0234008 0.0190112 0.014743 0.0104876 0.00620066 0.0028752 0.00198399
+          0.0019224 0.00191972 0.00191894 0 0 0.0015705 0.00181357 0.00189187 0.00191353 0.00191848 0.00191942 0.00191958
+          0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191965 0.00207779 0.00811952 0.0135788 0.0190979
+          0.0246079 0.0299112 0.034831 0.0392409 0.0430608 0.0462416 0.0487442 0.0505241 0.0515246 0.051684 0.0509522 0.0493115
+          0.0467952 0.0434975 0.0395708 0.0352104 0.0306267 0.026012 0.0215045 0.0171574 0.0129189 0.00866349 0.0045668 0.00227442
+          0.00193769 0.00192037 0.00191963 0.00191894 0 0 0.00159825 0.00182884 0.00189759 0.00191512 0.00191882 0.00191948
+          0.00191958 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191976 0.00274938 0.00945282 0.0151166
+          0.0208452 0.0264849 0.0318201 0.0366814 0.0409591 0.0445921 0.047546 0.0497903 0.0512819 0.0519623 0.0517694 0.0506594
+          0.0486301 0.0457381 0.0421053 0.0379103 0.0333663 0.028689 0.0240595 0.0195895 0.0152928 0.0110771 0.00684538 0.00325611
+          0.00202787 0.00192448 0.00191981 0.00191961 0.00191893 0 0 0.00162283 0.00184163 0.00190209 0.00191629 0.00191906
+          0.00191952 0.00191959 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191999 0.00430063 0.0108464
+          0.0167611 0.0226989 0.0284448 0.0337778 0.038544 0.0426555 0.0460723 0.0487758 0.0507422 0.0519274 0.0522693 0.0517059
+          0.0502024 0.0477759 0.0445102 0.0405568 0.0361199 0.031427 0.0266926 0.0220796 0.0176655 0.0134202 0.00922036 0.00510881
+          0.00244589 0.00194924 0.00192088 0.00191965 0.0019196 0.00191893 0 0 0.00164519 0.00185258 0.00190568 0.00191717
+          0.00191923 0.00191955 0.00191959 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00192035 0.00605233
+          0.0123364 0.0185188 0.0246549 0.0304761 0.0357681 0.0404001 0.0443109 0.0474842 0.0499162 0.0515873 0.0524492 0.0524346
+          0.0514832 0.0495727 0.0467438 0.0431115 0.0388582 0.0342115 0.0294082 0.0246542 0.0200859 0.0157401 0.0115405 0.00736387
+          0.00362747 0.00208384 0.00192732 0.00191993 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.00191893 0 0 0.001666 0.00186211 0.00190859
+          0.00191783 0.00191935 0.00191957 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019208
+          0.00752092 0.0139069 0.0203887 0.0267047 0.0325634 0.0377715 0.0422289 0.0459058 0.0488108 0.0509533 0.052314 0.0528369
+          0.0524485 0.0510922 0.0487632 0.0455311 0.0415451 0.0370191 0.0322001 0.0273276 0.0225907 0.018091 0.013818 0.0096543
+          0.00556172 0.00262929 0.00196384 0.00192155 0.00191968 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893 0 0 0.00168569 0.00187053
+          0.00191096 0.00191832 0.00191944 0.00191958 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
+          0.00192132 0.0087988 0.0155693 0.0223703 0.0288364 0.0346879 0.0397658 0.0440082 0.0474202 0.0500359 0.0518748 0.0529124
+          0.0530814 0.0523019 0.0505249 0.0477688 0.0441377 0.0398177 0.0350524 0.0301033 0.0252043 0.0205184 0.0161043 0.0119004
+          0.00776984 0.00396085 0.00214736 0.00193078 0.00192008 0.00191962 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893 0 0 0.00170459
+          0.00187802 0.0019129 0.00191869 0.00191949 0.00191959 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
+          0.0019196 0.00192188 0.0100668 0.017348 0.0244597 0.0310337 0.0368272 0.0417267 0.045715 0.0488352 0.0511455 0.0526707
+          0.0533748 0.0531752 0.0519871 0.0497747 0.0465866 0.0425665 0.0379389 0.0329741 0.0279408 0.0230578 0.0184522 0.0141324
+          0.00998696 0.00592562 0.00280789 0.0019805 0.00192233 0.00191972 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893 0 0
+          0.00172299 0.00188475 0.00191449 0.00191897 0.00191953 0.00191959 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
+          0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019225 0.0114254 0.0192541 0.0266458 0.0332755 0.0389556 0.0436285 0.0473269 0.0501336 0.0521284
+          0.053334 0.0536954 0.0531119 0.0514973 0.0488364 0.0452158 0.0408235 0.0359223 0.0308035 0.025734 0.0209069 0.0164041
+          0.0121774 0.00808132 0.00424377 0.00221293 0.00193463 0.00192025 0.00191963 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893 0
+          0 0.0017411 0.00189082 0.00191579 0.00191918 0.00191956 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.052977 0.0538606 0.0538705 0.0528863 0.0508268 0.0477067 0.0436586 0.0389185 0.0337847 0.0285619 0.0235046 0.018769
+          0.0143822 0.0102387 0.00621058 0.00297052 0.00199799 0.00192317 0.00191975 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893
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+          0.0523287 0.0536877 0.0542497 0.0538977 0.0524939 0.0499705 0.0463838 0.0419201 0.0368646 0.0315461 0.0262728 0.0212744
+          0.0166586 0.0123904 0.00831693 0.00447569 0.00227606 0.00193859 0.00192043 0.00191964 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.0513996 0.0532102 0.0542614 0.0545028 0.0537759 0.0519303 0.0489246 0.0448683 0.0400084 0.0346784 0.0292293 0.0239603
+          0.0190632 0.0145861 0.0104281 0.00643069 0.00311263 0.00201526 0.00192401 0.00191979 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.0501491 0.0524576 0.0539463 0.0547029 0.0546237 0.0535041 0.0511911 0.0476855 0.043163 0.0379355 0.0323801 0.026859
+          0.0216484 0.0168881 0.0125569 0.00849407 0.00466306 0.00233438 0.00194249 0.0019206 0.00191964 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.0484509 0.0514076 0.0533562 0.0545424 0.0550205 0.0546167 0.0530804 0.0502715 0.0462513 0.0412734 0.0357163 0.0299926
+          0.0244614 0.0193598 0.0147621 0.0105714 0.00660041 0.00323489 0.00203176 0.00192483 0.00191982 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.0460729 0.0499405 0.0524944 0.054099 0.055009 0.055225 0.0544862 0.0525018 0.0491659 0.0446208 0.039208 0.0333697
+          0.0275416 0.0220626 0.0171142 0.0126926 0.0086273 0.00481485 0.00238758 0.00194624 0.00192077 0.00191965 0.0019196 0.0019196
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+          0.0309174 0.025054 0.0196877 0.0149273 0.0106813 0.00673153 0.00334054 0.00204745 0.00192563 0.00191986 0.00191961 0.0019196
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+          0.0345997 0.0283842 0.0225577 0.0173595 0.0128094 0.00872598 0.00493837 0.00243632 0.00194987 0.00192093 0.00191966 0.0019196
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+          0.0385699 0.0320902 0.025797 0.0200799 0.0150968 0.0107643 0.00682956 0.00343183 0.00206239 0.0019264 0.00191989 0.00191961
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+          0.0427598 0.0361838 0.0294712 0.0231839 0.0176465 0.0129132 0.00879049 0.00503447 0.0024803 0.00195336 0.00192109 0.00191966
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+          0.047015 0.0406306 0.0336284 0.0267669 0.0205739 0.0152798 0.010816 0.00688857 0.00350521 0.002076 0.00192712 0.00191992
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+          0.051034 0.0453067 0.0382788 0.0309171 0.0240036 0.017995 0.012998 0.00880583 0.00509083 0.00251497 0.00195638 0.00192123
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+          0.0542801 0.0499164 0.0433491 0.0356994 0.0280658 0.0212094 0.0154738 0.0108128 0.00688269 0.00354416 0.00208551 0.00192767
+          0.00191994 0.00191961 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.0019196 0.00191893
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+          0.0559873 0.0538391 0.0485814 0.0411136 0.0328874 0.0250931 0.0184133 0.0130335 0.00872966 0.0050715 0.00252642 0.00195783
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+          0.0562116 0.0559762 0.0533002 0.0469843 0.0385642 0.0298376 0.0220197 0.0156446 0.010693 0.00675036 0.00350797 0.00208372
+          0.0019276 0.00191987 0.00191954 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953 0.00191953
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+          0.00191937 0.00191935 0.00191934 0.00191933 0.00191932 0.00191931 0.00193656 0.040207 0.0510158 0.05456 0.0557244 0.0560942
+          0.0562077 0.0562287 0.0559665 0.0526431 0.0450616 0.035653 0.026543 0.0188687 0.012932 0.00846479 0.00489722 0.00248378
+          0.00195484 0.00192081 0.00191928 0.00191921 0.00191921 0.00191921 0.00191921 0.00191921 0.00191921 0.0019192 0.0019192 0.0019192
+          0.0019192 0.0019192 0.00191853 0 0 0.0019188 0.00191916 0.00191892 0.00191872 0.00191856 0.00191843 0.00191832
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+          0.0561706 0.0562334 0.0562389 0.0559643 0.0518387 0.0427184 0.0323134 0.0229932 0.0156642 0.0103022 0.00635676 0.00331192
+          0.00205534 0.00192439 0.00191789 0.00191761 0.00191759 0.00191759 0.00191759 0.00191758 0.00191758 0.00191758 0.00191758 0.00191757
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+          0.0560844 0.0562162 0.056247 0.0562452 0.055976 0.0508454 0.0398011 0.0284449 0.01917 0.0124306 0.00777707 0.00439617
+          0.00232773 0.0019353 0.0019113 0.00191021 0.00191016 0.00191015 0.00191014 0.00191013 0.00191012 0.00191012 0.00191011 0.0019101
+          0.0019101 0.00191009 0.00191009 0.00191008 0.00190943 0 0 0.00190013 0.00189289 0.00188904 0.00188684 0.00188541
+          0.00188442 0.00188368 0.00188311 0.00188266 0.0018823 0.00188199 0.00188174 0.00188152 0.00188137 0.00194581 0.0429473 0.0540553
+          0.0558465 0.0561773 0.0562409 0.0562534 0.0562497 0.056009 0.0496028 0.0360278 0.0238754 0.0150329 0.00918637 0.00537007
+          0.00278014 0.00195287 0.00188323 0.00187989 0.00187974 0.00187971 0.0018797 0.00187968 0.00187967 0.00187965 0.00187964 0.00187963
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+          0.00177579 0.00177481 0.00177411 0.00177357 0.00177314 0.0017728 0.00177251 0.00177228 0.00177208 0.00177194 0.00188159 0.0436306
+          0.0549416 0.0560795 0.05623 0.0562523 0.0562559 0.0562531 0.0560729 0.0480201 0.03076 0.0182333 0.0104599 0.00591181
+          0.00310649 0.00190987 0.00177725 0.00177073 0.00177045 0.00177042 0.00177041 0.00177039 0.00177038 0.00177036 0.00177035 0.00177034
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-          681.755 853.025 641.263 839.151 603.328 827.297 568.261 817.622 536.263 810.306 507.453 805.552
-          481.885 803.578 459.543 804.577 440.34 808.67 424.112 815.849 410.623 825.945 399.572 838.606
-          390.622 853.315 383.425 869.453 377.646 886.386 372.989 903.594 369.199 920.791 366.082 938.019
-          363.526 955.492 361.587 972.782 360.697 986.843 362.396 991.587 372.286 992.037 420.861 992.146
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-          840.481 854.3 869.694 886.007 902.642 919.18 935.511 951.899 968.712 984.241 991.43 992.3
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-          892.387 874.361 858.166 844.068 832.215 822.707 815.651 811.191 809.506 810.771 815.097 822.475
-          832.726 845.484 860.208 876.245 892.924 909.681 926.193 942.483 958.932 975.587 988.477 992.06
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-          825.552 837.036 850.867 866.428 883.019 899.971 916.779 933.232 949.504 966.016 981.916 990.865
-          992.264 992.345 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.625 992.711 992.438 992.368 992.352 992.349
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-          919.202 898.2 878.669 861.154 845.958 833.212 822.956 815.226 810.119 807.797 808.455 812.246
-          819.214 829.22 841.92 856.767 873.073 890.105 907.217 923.991 940.355 956.628 973.083 987
-          991.877 992.325 992.348 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.527 992.66 992.42 992.363 992.351
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-          934.643 912.257 890.987 871.583 854.512 839.989 828.061 818.713 811.964 807.916 806.752 808.671
-          813.811 822.16 833.496 847.377 863.164 880.103 897.451 914.612 931.282 947.551 963.837 979.824
-          990.186 992.214 992.342 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.438 992.617 992.405 992.359
-          992.35 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.346 976.226
-          951.606 927.97 904.972 883.558 864.423 847.932 834.194 823.169 814.794 809.077 806.139 806.188
-          809.431 815.972 825.73 838.388 853.394 870.021 887.467 904.999 922.105 938.625 954.813 971.06
-          985.567 991.648 992.312 992.347 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.356 992.579 992.394
-          992.356 992.35 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.344
-          970.381 945.547 920.912 897.387 875.973 857.261 841.487 828.639 818.593 811.242 806.6 804.821
-          806.141 810.766 818.755 829.94 843.891 859.946 877.293 895.104 912.69 929.652 946 962.134
-          978.07 989.468 992.152 992.339 992.348 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.278 992.545
-          992.384 992.354 992.35 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349
-          992.342 965.315 939.171 913.479 889.549 868.303 850.176 835.251 823.39 814.384 808.096 804.564
-          803.99 806.64 812.707 822.184 834.797 849.991 866.993 884.923 902.951 920.465 937.217 953.401
-          969.471 984.283 991.393 992.297 992.346 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000 1000 993.203
-          992.515 992.376 992.353 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349
-          992.349 992.34 960.35 932.396 905.694 881.526 860.631 843.253 829.302 818.509 810.585 805.386
-          802.994 803.671 807.712 815.278 826.275 840.299 856.664 874.488 892.845 910.938 928.27 944.773
-          960.824 976.655 988.775 992.082 992.336 992.348 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000 1000
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-          992.349 992.349 992.337 955.078 925.18 897.602 873.396 853.049 836.579 823.713 814.048 807.231
-          803.132 801.906 803.886 809.383 818.503 831.037 846.435 863.87 882.368 900.984 918.995 936.058
-          952.311 968.245 983.192 991.133 992.28 992.346 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.352 1000
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-          804.345 801.347 801.313 804.652 811.674 822.399 836.472 853.18 871.558 890.561 909.265 927.059
-          943.797 959.829 975.542 988.147 992.011 992.332 992.348 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.352
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-          806.55 801.933 800.029 801.221 805.987 814.607 826.978 842.571 860.497 879.664 898.988 917.607
-          935.074 951.471 967.314 982.297 990.886 992.263 992.345 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349
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-          809.717 803.553 799.99 799.173 801.633 807.906 818.2 832.247 849.316 868.337 888.114 907.562
-          925.937 942.999 959.076 974.677 987.6 991.942 992.328 992.348 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349
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-          813.995 806.111 801.057 798.497 798.765 802.555 810.428 822.472 838.207 856.676 876.636 896.821
-          916.197 934.188 950.81 966.609 981.571 990.66 992.247 992.344 992.349 992.349 992.349 992.349
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-          819.832 809.69 803.057 799.04 797.424 798.788 803.993 813.575 827.438 844.848 864.607 885.321
-          905.695 924.807 942.31 958.501 974.007 987.131 991.877 992.325 992.348 992.349 992.349 992.349
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-          828.058 814.711 805.986 800.54 797.463 796.734 799.229 805.96 817.37 833.111 852.152 873.055
-          894.305 914.64 933.317 950.27 966.073 980.981 990.455 992.232 992.343 992.349 992.349 992.349
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-          840.162 822.007 810.221 802.877 798.523 796.277 796.387 800.08 808.476 821.84 839.498 860.09
-          881.949 903.492 923.562 941.663 958.056 973.485 986.726 991.816 992.321 992.348 992.349 992.349
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-          859.015 833.132 816.586 806.376 800.339 796.958 795.424 796.344 801.341 811.572 827.017 846.602
-          868.619 891.207 912.784 932.374 949.803 965.671 980.498 990.269 992.218 992.343 992.349 992.349
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-          891.069 851.205 826.676 811.828 803.162 798.325 795.783 794.843 796.573 803.024 815.287 832.933
-          854.418 877.686 900.739 922.078 941.001 957.716 973.089 986.377 991.759 992.318 992.347 992.349
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-          839.621 862.932 887.225 910.443 931.276 949.387 965.401 980.119 990.103 992.205 992.342 992.349
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-          824.791 847.116 872.12 897.155 920.215 940.29 957.497 972.843 986.096 991.708 992.316 992.347
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-          810.966 830.721 855.454 881.949 907.388 929.948 949.045 965.321 979.893 989.974 992.194 992.341
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-          799.926 814.792 837.556 864.668 892.375 917.825 939.539 957.49 972.848 985.949 991.674 992.314
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-          794.166 801.419 819.382 845.412 874.798 903.342 928.359 948.895 965.597 979.96 989.936 992.19
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-          793.411 794.203 803.247 824.898 854.439 885.885 914.788 938.88 957.937 973.347 986.094 991.686
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-          793.425 793.354 794.236 805.479 831.575 864.835 897.98 926.635 949.275 966.609 980.633 990.112
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-          793.549 793.338 793.32 794.243 808.219 839.767 876.877 911.15 938.801 959.438 974.87 986.865
-          991.804 992.329 992.356 992.357 992.357 992.357 992.357 992.358 992.358 992.358 992.358 992.358
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-          793.84 793.396 793.293 793.298 794.204 811.611 850.05 890.983 925.496 951.199 969.276 982.592
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-          794.64 793.527 793.313 793.271 793.283 794.093 815.869 863.491 907.864 941.21 963.761 978.727
-          988.958 992.217 992.495 992.509 992.51 992.51 992.51 992.51 992.51 992.51 992.51 992.51
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-          992.922 992.925 992.928 992.93 992.932 992.933 992.935 992.935 992.936 992.937 992.501 836.571
-          797.691 793.856 793.35 793.275 793.263 793.272 793.878 821.317 882.521 929.037 958.812 976.569
-          987.667 992.389 992.915 992.942 992.943 992.943 992.943 992.943 992.943 992.943 992.943 992.943
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+          940.225 962.923 899.437 943.247 856.902 923.768 812.856 904.526 768.301 886.018 724.294 868.729
+          681.718 853.022 641.234 839.149 603.305 827.295 568.241 817.621 536.245 810.305 507.438 805.551
+          481.871 803.577 459.531 804.577 440.329 808.67 424.102 815.85 410.613 825.946 399.563 838.605
+          390.613 853.31 383.417 869.439 377.639 886.354 372.982 903.529 369.195 920.671 366.08 937.824
+          363.523 955.245 361.575 972.599 360.666 986.909 362.365 991.628 372.261 992.036 420.84 992.14
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+          840.481 854.299 869.687 885.99 902.602 919.101 935.37 951.684 968.491 984.243 991.491 992.304
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+          892.381 874.358 858.164 844.067 832.214 822.707 815.65 811.19 809.506 810.771 815.098 822.476
+          832.727 845.484 860.205 876.235 892.901 909.632 926.097 942.319 958.705 975.427 988.549 992.088
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+          825.553 837.036 850.866 866.424 883.007 899.942 916.717 933.116 949.317 965.794 981.858 990.933
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+          819.214 829.221 841.92 856.766 873.067 890.089 907.18 923.915 940.218 956.423 972.898 987.039
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+          813.812 822.161 833.497 847.378 863.162 880.095 897.429 914.564 931.188 947.39 963.626 979.721
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+          809.431 815.973 825.731 838.389 853.394 870.018 887.455 904.971 922.045 938.51 954.631 970.868
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+          806.142 810.767 818.756 829.941 843.892 859.945 877.288 895.089 912.654 929.576 945.863 961.938
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+          803.99 806.641 812.708 822.185 834.798 849.992 866.992 884.916 902.931 920.418 937.122 953.241
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+          802.994 803.671 807.713 815.279 826.276 840.3 856.664 874.485 892.834 910.91 928.209 944.658
+          960.647 976.507 988.816 992.102 992.333 992.343 992.344 992.344 992.344 992.346 1000 1000
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+          803.132 801.907 803.886 809.383 818.504 831.038 846.436 863.869 882.363 900.97 918.959 935.981
+          952.173 968.064 983.133 991.178 992.284 992.341 992.344 992.344 992.344 992.344 992.346 1000
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+          804.344 801.347 801.313 804.653 811.675 822.4 836.473 853.18 871.557 890.554 909.245 927.011
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-          0.464222 0.514551 0.545358 0.552604 0.530987 0.478625 0.400854 0.309834 0.220213 0.143792 0.0863317 0.0476651
-          0.0240395 0.0107632 0.00391727 0.000913275 0.000105841 2.89191e-05 2.49472e-05 2.47546e-05 2.47454e-05 2.47449e-05 2.47449e-05 2.47449e-05
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-          0.431433 0.493214 0.535998 0.558652 0.556254 0.523048 0.458651 0.3714 0.276073 0.187924 0.117191 0.0670624
-          0.0351887 0.01672 0.00686099 0.00211138 0.000349586 4.50953e-05 2.57445e-05 2.47929e-05 2.47472e-05 2.4745e-05 2.47449e-05 2.47449e-05
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-          0.389409 0.464436 0.518759 0.553795 0.568349 0.556044 0.510833 0.434579 0.339134 0.241612 0.157013 0.0932435
-          0.0507146 0.0251863 0.0111666 0.00408694 0.000988433 0.000118366 2.96268e-05 2.49808e-05 2.47561e-05 2.47454e-05 2.47449e-05 2.47449e-05
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-          0.335249 0.426118 0.494244 0.540521 0.567996 0.574649 0.552103 0.494457 0.406765 0.304772 0.207342 0.128205
-          0.0722875 0.0372488 0.017409 0.00709358 0.0022158 0.000384485 4.81333e-05 2.58947e-05 2.47998e-05 2.47475e-05 2.4745e-05 2.47449e-05
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-          0.265589 0.37453 0.460267 0.520291 0.558415 0.578849 0.57784 0.544563 0.474058 0.375653 0.269119 0.174142
-          0.102093 0.0544812 0.0264931 0.0115543 0.00422175 0.00104979 0.000129938 3.02993e-05 2.50122e-05 2.47575e-05 2.47455e-05 2.47449e-05
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-          0.178402 0.304649 0.4124 0.491037 0.542282 0.572598 0.586749 0.578236 0.533527 0.449798 0.341787 0.233043
-          0.142824 0.0790984 0.0398109 0.0181754 0.00729891 0.00229647 0.000414716 5.10106e-05 2.60369e-05 2.48062e-05 2.47478e-05 2.47451e-05
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-          0.197448 0.114091 0.0594564 0.0281111 0.0119601 0.00432694 0.00109795 0.00014052 3.0939e-05 2.50416e-05 2.47588e-05 2.47456e-05
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-          0.268461 0.163222 0.088492 0.0432122 0.0190976 0.00748516 0.00235181 0.000439508 5.368e-05 2.61705e-05 2.4812e-05 2.4748e-05
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-          0.356072 0.230572 0.131195 0.0663889 0.0302362 0.0124073 0.00439562 0.00112861 0.000149424 3.15172e-05 2.50682e-05 2.47599e-05
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-          0.454475 0.31893 0.193038 0.102092 0.0479437 0.020255 0.00764034 0.00236837 0.000454791 5.58157e-05 2.62818e-05 2.48168e-05
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-          0.545919 0.425512 0.27963 0.156791 0.0764815 0.0331196 0.0128913 0.00439766 0.00112793 0.000154253 3.19057e-05 2.50862e-05
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-          0.598541 0.532842 0.392545 0.238834 0.122758 0.0547443 0.0217009 0.00770924 0.00231163 0.000450216 5.64469e-05 2.6325e-05
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-          0.605693 0.598189 0.517146 0.355378 0.197359 0.0918175 0.0370499 0.0133269 0.00425837 0.00106637 0.000149503 3.17705e-05
-          2.50778e-05 2.47569e-05 2.47423e-05 2.47416e-05 2.47416e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05 2.47415e-05
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-          0.605568 0.606241 0.597881 0.498421 0.313819 0.156184 0.0647455 0.0233485 0.00753553 0.00211132 0.000406074 5.35391e-05
-          2.61821e-05 2.47956e-05 2.47308e-05 2.47279e-05 2.47277e-05 2.47276e-05 2.47276e-05 2.47276e-05 2.47275e-05 2.47275e-05 2.47275e-05 2.47274e-05
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-          0.60438 0.606391 0.606566 0.597811 0.476115 0.267687 0.116476 0.0421641 0.0133797 0.0038128 0.000892444 0.000125882
-          3.04325e-05 2.49395e-05 2.46741e-05 2.46618e-05 2.46612e-05 2.4661e-05 2.46609e-05 2.46608e-05 2.46606e-05 2.46605e-05 2.46604e-05 2.46603e-05
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-          0.601628 0.605838 0.606826 0.60677 0.598181 0.449497 0.216827 0.0796074 0.024482 0.00669698 0.00164034 0.000294309
-          4.40256e-05 2.53682e-05 2.44142e-05 2.43694e-05 2.43671e-05 2.43666e-05 2.43663e-05 2.4366e-05 2.43657e-05 2.43654e-05 2.43652e-05 2.43649e-05
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-          0.594077 0.604596 0.606629 0.607032 0.606913 0.59923 0.417606 0.16113 0.0471845 0.011831 0.0027068 0.000539207
-          7.46307e-05 2.6052e-05 2.3349e-05 2.32199e-05 2.32136e-05 2.32127e-05 2.32121e-05 2.32116e-05 2.3211e-05 2.32105e-05 2.321e-05 2.32096e-05
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-          0.565929 0.601471 0.606281 0.606996 0.607111 0.607022 0.601264 0.379203 0.100551 0.0210755 0.00399462 0.000722145
-          0.000104127 2.43553e-05 1.96368e-05 1.94169e-05 1.94071e-05 1.94063e-05 1.94057e-05 1.94053e-05 1.94048e-05 1.94044e-05 1.9404e-05 1.94036e-05
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-          0.297313 0.592753 0.606101 0.607032 0.607119 0.607129 0.607096 0.604699 0.33283 0.0350536 0.00342617 0.000328142
-          3.02968e-05 1.03141e-05 9.54055e-06 9.51469e-06 9.51385e-06 9.51383e-06 9.51382e-06 9.51382e-06 9.51382e-06 9.51382e-06 9.51382e-06 9.51382e-06
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+          0.0124485 0.00290148 0.0619143 0.0106206 0.186986 0.0262739 0.44 0.0526911 0.880881 0.0914833 1.56841 0.142448
+          2.55178 0.203505 3.86395 0.270984 5.51708 0.340034 7.49956 0.40497 9.77454 0.459617 12.2803 0.497829
+          14.9336 0.514342 17.6366 0.505928 20.2879 0.472511 22.7943 0.417747 25.0832 0.348611 27.1097 0.273918
+          28.8584 0.202244 30.3386 0.14004 31.577 0.0906432 32.6089 0.0544175 33.4711 0.0297061 34.1962 0.014045
+          34.8024 0.00514391 35.2708 0.0011596 35.4913 0.000124629 35.08 3.24437e-05 32.7714 2.79152e-05 23.33 2.68304e-05
+          0 0 0 1.17668e-05 1.94692e-05 2.31057e-05 2.43699e-05 2.47075e-05 2.478e-05 2.4793e-05 2.47951e-05 2.47953e-05
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+          0.105223 0.158249 0.218744 0.282172 0.343264 0.396426 0.436111 0.457393 0.45682 0.433433 0.389486 0.330432
+          0.263905 0.197961 0.139203 0.0915555 0.056057 0.031558 0.0158158 0.00649601 0.00177068 0.000217928 3.40703e-05 2.51876e-05
+          2.48123e-05 2.47706e-05 0 0 1.27526e-05 2.02677e-05 2.34607e-05 2.4479e-05 2.47332e-05 2.47849e-05 2.47938e-05 2.47952e-05
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+          0.0764673 0.124117 0.181824 0.2455 0.310029 0.369827 0.419207 0.452737 0.465884 0.455983 0.42326 0.371373
+          0.307012 0.238479 0.173687 0.11839 0.0753225 0.0444359 0.0238799 0.011161 0.00402627 0.000833913 8.32785e-05 2.73741e-05
+          2.49041e-05 2.47999e-05 2.47697e-05 0 0 1.35809e-05 2.09104e-05 2.37367e-05 2.45611e-05 2.47519e-05 2.47884e-05 2.47944e-05
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+          0.0516421 0.0924939 0.145688 0.207857 0.274126 0.338918 0.396469 0.441102 0.467589 0.471904 0.452309 0.410352
+          0.351138 0.282487 0.213109 0.150471 0.0992555 0.0609524 0.0345182 0.0175699 0.0075165 0.00227169 0.000333425 4.12355e-05
+          2.55027e-05 2.48252e-05 2.47966e-05 2.47696e-05 0 0 1.43135e-05 2.14431e-05 2.39524e-05 2.46221e-05 2.47652e-05 2.47908e-05
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+          0.0314502 0.0643223 0.111248 0.170001 0.236168 0.304184 0.368168 0.422318 0.461069 0.479498 0.474225 0.444625
+          0.393714 0.328053 0.256405 0.187549 0.128166 0.0816634 0.0482793 0.0261186 0.0124532 0.00474259 0.00112166 0.000120933
+          2.92302e-05 2.49849e-05 2.48034e-05 2.47957e-05 2.47696e-05 0 0 1.49837e-05 2.18959e-05 2.41231e-05 2.46674e-05 2.47746e-05
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+          0.0163834 0.0405708 0.0796055 0.132939 0.197048 0.266512 0.335239 0.397233 0.446789 0.478543 0.48797 0.472497
+          0.432802 0.373492 0.302523 0.229324 0.16236 0.107198 0.0658405 0.0373513 0.0191726 0.00842375 0.00273774 0.000466664
+          5.12784e-05 2.59613e-05 2.48451e-05 2.47975e-05 2.47955e-05 2.47696e-05 0 0 1.56116e-05 2.22886e-05 2.42602e-05 2.47013e-05
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+          0.00654679 0.0220778 0.0519372 0.0978057 0.157691 0.226694 0.298509 0.366748 0.425504 0.469282 0.492981 0.492575
+          0.466473 0.416852 0.349991 0.275086 0.201875 0.138095 0.087928 0.0519326 0.0281481 0.0135753 0.00536183 0.00139596
+          0.000167177 3.17172e-05 2.50955e-05 2.48081e-05 2.47959e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05 0 0 1.62112e-05 2.26344e-05 2.43714e-05
+          2.47267e-05 2.47858e-05 2.47942e-05 2.47952e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.4842e-05
+          0.00148707 0.00937169 0.0294357 0.0659295 0.119184 0.18551 0.258653 0.331645 0.398081 0.452339 0.489212 0.503893
+          0.492961 0.456017 0.396928 0.323652 0.246377 0.17471 0.11526 0.0706296 0.0399953 0.020587 0.00919344 0.00314207
+          0.000601968 6.3694e-05 2.65489e-05 2.4871e-05 2.47986e-05 2.47955e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05 0 0 1.67926e-05 2.29424e-05
+          2.44622e-05 2.47459e-05 2.4789e-05 2.47947e-05 2.47953e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
+          2.4862e-05 0.00237963 0.0131393 0.0388403 0.0829221 0.143911 0.216253 0.292478 0.365279 0.428545 0.477101 0.506039
+          0.510858 0.488876 0.441123 0.373327 0.295048 0.217095 0.148466 0.0942783 0.055472 0.0299992 0.0145369 0.00587827
+          0.00163946 0.0002176 3.47059e-05 2.5231e-05 2.48141e-05 2.47962e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05 0 0 1.73639e-05
+          2.32193e-05 2.45368e-05 2.47603e-05 2.47912e-05 2.47949e-05 2.47953e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
+          2.47954e-05 2.4884e-05 0.00356159 0.0181601 0.0507181 0.103244 0.172024 0.249598 0.32756 0.398674 0.457433 0.499197
+          0.519298 0.513545 0.480179 0.421925 0.346498 0.264859 0.187972 0.123724 0.075468 0.0425179 0.0218412 0.00983375
+          0.00347761 0.000727893 7.75682e-05 2.72303e-05 2.49013e-05 2.47999e-05 2.47956e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05 0 0
+          1.79321e-05 2.34698e-05 2.45981e-05 2.4771e-05 2.47928e-05 2.47951e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.518118 0.528625 0.511731 0.466852 0.398704 0.317026 0.233846 0.159726 0.100975 0.0590269 0.0317292 0.0153615
+          0.00629747 0.00184435 0.0002676 3.79817e-05 2.53821e-05 2.48207e-05 2.47964e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05 0
+          0 1.85033e-05 2.36972e-05 2.46482e-05 2.4779e-05 2.47938e-05 2.47952e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.507877 0.533475 0.533763 0.505297 0.449007 0.371884 0.285614 0.20281 0.13302 0.0805882 0.0450278 0.0229818
+          0.0103634 0.00374677 0.000837916 9.1835e-05 2.79577e-05 2.49338e-05 2.48013e-05 2.47956e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47695e-05
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+          0.489621 0.5284 0.54501 0.534566 0.494231 0.426883 0.342029 0.253059 0.172546 0.108414 0.0627961 0.0334257
+          0.0160856 0.00663303 0.00201018 0.000313878 4.13247e-05 2.55385e-05 2.48275e-05 2.47967e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.464225 0.514552 0.545358 0.552603 0.530985 0.478621 0.400848 0.309828 0.220209 0.143793 0.0863406 0.0476869
+          0.0240758 0.0108092 0.00395818 0.0009301 0.000105648 2.86885e-05 2.49667e-05 2.48027e-05 2.47957e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.431435 0.493215 0.535999 0.558652 0.556253 0.523046 0.458647 0.371394 0.276067 0.187921 0.117193 0.067074
+          0.0352135 0.0167577 0.00690354 0.00214119 0.000354939 4.45824e-05 2.56927e-05 2.48343e-05 2.4797e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.389412 0.464438 0.51876 0.553795 0.568348 0.556042 0.51083 0.434575 0.339129 0.241607 0.157011 0.0932475
+          0.0507288 0.0252135 0.0112042 0.00412336 0.00100562 0.000118585 2.93989e-05 2.49987e-05 2.48041e-05 2.47957e-05 2.47954e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.335252 0.42612 0.494245 0.540522 0.567996 0.574648 0.552101 0.494454 0.40676 0.304767 0.207338 0.128204
+          0.0722935 0.0372655 0.0174378 0.00712921 0.00224338 0.000390712 4.7699e-05 2.58419e-05 2.48408e-05 2.47973e-05 2.47955e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.265591 0.374533 0.460269 0.520292 0.558415 0.578849 0.577839 0.544561 0.474055 0.375649 0.269114 0.174138
+          0.102094 0.0544892 0.026512 0.0115838 0.00425312 0.00106668 0.000130581 3.00849e-05 2.50296e-05 2.48054e-05 2.47958e-05 2.47954e-05
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+          0.178405 0.304652 0.412403 0.491039 0.542283 0.572598 0.586748 0.578235 0.533524 0.449795 0.341783 0.233039
+          0.142821 0.0791003 0.0398209 0.0181961 0.00732747 0.00232113 0.000421535 5.06793e-05 2.59867e-05 2.48471e-05 2.47975e-05 2.47955e-05
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+          0.0794135 0.211582 0.343954 0.447832 0.517867 0.560202 0.58342 0.592174 0.57613 0.51904 0.421868 0.305805
+          0.197444 0.11409 0.0594598 0.0281229 0.0119816 0.00435281 0.00111391 0.000141575 3.07484e-05 2.50596e-05 2.48066e-05 2.47958e-05
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+          0.268457 0.163218 0.0884913 0.0432169 0.0191108 0.00750665 0.00237291 0.000446602 5.34722e-05 2.61262e-05 2.48531e-05 2.47978e-05
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+          0.356068 0.230569 0.131193 0.0663891 0.0302423 0.0124216 0.00441568 0.00114299 0.000150847 3.13605e-05 2.50878e-05 2.48078e-05
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+          0.454472 0.318927 0.193035 0.10209 0.0479448 0.0202622 0.00765505 0.00238534 0.000461757 5.57453e-05 2.62476e-05 2.48584e-05
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+          0.545918 0.42551 0.279627 0.156789 0.0764801 0.0331216 0.0128994 0.00441184 0.00114007 0.000155929 3.17934e-05 2.51091e-05
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+          0.59854 0.53284 0.392542 0.238831 0.122756 0.0547435 0.0217037 0.00771789 0.00232406 0.000456523 5.65099e-05 2.63058e-05
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+          0.605693 0.598188 0.517144 0.355376 0.197356 0.0918158 0.0370496 0.0133302 0.00426701 0.00107564 0.000151203 3.17118e-05
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+          0.605568 0.60624 0.59788 0.49842 0.313817 0.156182 0.0647442 0.0233486 0.00753936 0.00211915 0.000411093 5.36974e-05
+          2.61855e-05 2.48421e-05 2.47829e-05 2.47803e-05 2.47802e-05 2.47802e-05 2.47801e-05 2.47801e-05 2.47801e-05 2.478e-05 2.478e-05 2.478e-05
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+          0.60438 0.60639 0.606565 0.59781 0.476114 0.267685 0.116475 0.0421632 0.0133802 0.00381679 0.000898422 0.000127255
+          3.04341e-05 2.49814e-05 2.47293e-05 2.47183e-05 2.47177e-05 2.47176e-05 2.47175e-05 2.47174e-05 2.47173e-05 2.47172e-05 2.47171e-05 2.4717e-05
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+          0.601628 0.605838 0.606826 0.60677 0.598181 0.449496 0.216825 0.0796063 0.0244814 0.0066977 0.00164404 0.000297456
+          4.42024e-05 2.54085e-05 2.44753e-05 2.44335e-05 2.44314e-05 2.4431e-05 2.44307e-05 2.44304e-05 2.44301e-05 2.44298e-05 2.44296e-05 2.44293e-05
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+          0.594077 0.604596 0.606629 0.607031 0.606913 0.59923 0.417605 0.161128 0.0471838 0.0118307 0.00270762 0.000541909
+          7.52925e-05 2.61065e-05 2.34131e-05 2.32887e-05 2.32829e-05 2.32821e-05 2.32814e-05 2.32809e-05 2.32803e-05 2.32798e-05 2.32794e-05 2.32789e-05
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+          0.56593 0.601471 0.606281 0.606996 0.60711 0.607021 0.601264 0.379202 0.10055 0.0210751 0.00399452 0.000722822
+          0.000105024 2.44202e-05 1.96796e-05 1.94637e-05 1.94545e-05 1.94536e-05 1.94531e-05 1.94526e-05 1.94522e-05 1.94517e-05 1.94513e-05 1.94509e-05
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           146776 145540 146460 145225 146161 144927 145878 144644 145608 144376 145352 144120
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-          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140127
-          141174 139943 140993 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
+          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140128
+          141174 139943 140994 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
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           144968 144616 144285 143972 143677 143397 143131 142877 142630 142388 142149 141913
           141679 141448 141218 140991 140766 140543 140323 140107 139893 139684 139480 139280
-          139086 138896 138712 138533 138359 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
+          139086 138896 138712 138533 138360 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
           137090 136939 0 0 148211 147546 146922 146345 145812 145321 144866 144443
           144049 143681 143335 143010 142703 142413 142137 141874 141623 141378 141137 140900
           140665 140432 140202 139973 139747 139523 139301 139082 138866 138654 138446 138243
           138044 137851 137663 137480 137302 137129 136961 136796 136635 136476 136321 136168
           136016 135864 135713 0 0 146607 146014 145448 144914 144415 143949 143514
-          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140358 140116 139878
+          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140359 140116 139878
           139642 139409 139178 138949 138722 138497 138274 138054 137836 137622 137411 137205
-          137003 136806 136614 136427 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
+          137003 136806 136614 136428 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
           134942 134790 134638 134486 0 0 144986 144454 143939 143449 142984 142546
-          142134 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
+          142135 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
           138610 138377 138146 137918 137691 137465 137242 137021 136802 136586 136373 136165
           135960 135760 135565 135375 135190 135011 134836 134666 134500 134337 134178 134022
           133868 133716 133563 133412 133260 0 0 143354 142874 142406 141956 141526
@@ -1553,29 +1553,29 @@
           131755 131550 131348 131150 130956 130767 130582 130403 130228 130058 129892 129729
           129570 129413 129260 129108 128956 128805 128655 128504 128354 0 0 136772
           136451 136133 135821 135517 135222 134936 134659 134392 134135 133887 133649 133419
-          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131732 131522 131312 131103 130896
+          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131733 131522 131312 131103 130896
           130689 130485 130283 130085 129890 129700 129514 129333 129157 128985 128818 128654
           128493 128336 128182 128029 127878 127727 127577 127427 127277 127127 0 0
           135119 134830 134544 134263 133987 133718 133457 133203 132957 132718 132488 132265
           132049 131840 131638 131442 131243 131043 130841 130638 130433 130228 130023 129819
           129615 129413 129213 129015 128820 128630 128443 128261 128083 127910 127742 127577
-          127416 127257 127102 126950 126799 126648 126498 126348 126199 126050 125900 0
+          127416 127257 127102 126950 126798 126648 126498 126348 126199 126049 125900 0
           0 133464 133206 132950 132698 132450 132207 131970 131738 131513 131294 131081
           130874 130673 130477 130287 130102 129912 129720 129525 129328 129130 128930 128730
           128531 128332 128134 127938 127745 127554 127368 127185 127007 126833 126663 126498
           126336 126177 126021 125868 125717 125567 125418 125268 125119 124971 124822 124673
           0 0 131808 131580 131353 131129 130908 130690 130477 130268 130064 129864
-          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128205 128015 127823 127629
+          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128206 128015 127823 127629
           127435 127241 127047 126854 126663 126474 126287 126105 125926 125752 125582 125416
           125254 125095 124938 124785 124634 124484 124335 124187 124038 123890 123742 123594
           123446 0 0 130151 129952 129753 129557 129362 129170 128980 128793 128609
           128429 128251 128077 127905 127737 127571 127408 127238 127062 126882 126699 126514
-          126326 126138 125949 125760 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
+          126326 126138 125949 125761 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
           124169 124010 123853 123700 123549 123399 123251 123103 122956 122808 122661 122514
-          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127813 127646 127480 127315
+          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127814 127646 127480 127315
           127152 126991 126831 126673 126516 126361 126208 126057 125896 125729 125557 125381
           125202 125021 124839 124656 124473 124290 124109 123929 123752 123578 123409 123243
-          123080 122921 122765 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
+          123080 122922 122766 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
           121285 121139 120992 0 0 126836 126693 126550 126407 126264 126121 125978
           125836 125693 125551 125409 125267 125125 124984 124843 124703 124552 124394 124230
           124062 123890 123716 123540 123363 123185 123008 122831 122656 122484 122315 122150
@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@
           120892 120735 120580 120428 120278 120130 119984 119840 119695 119550 119406 119261
           119117 118972 118827 118683 118538 0 0 123520 123434 123346 123257 123166
           123072 122976 122878 122776 122672 122565 122456 122344 122230 122114 121996 121864
-          121723 121576 121423 121266 121105 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
+          121723 121576 121423 121266 121106 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
           119792 119635 119482 119331 119182 119035 118890 118747 118603 118460 118317 118173
           118030 117886 117742 117599 117455 117311 0 0 121863 121805 121746 121684
           121620 121551 121479 121402 121321 121236 121147 121053 120956 120855 120751 120644
@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@
           116459 116310 116162 116016 115873 115731 115590 115450 115312 115174 115035 114896
           114756 114616 114476 114336 114195 114054 113913 113771 113630 0 0 116899
           116934 116966 116991 117009 117018 117018 117008 116989 116960 116922 116875 116819
-          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115483
+          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115484
           115337 115191 115046 114903 114762 114622 114484 114346 114209 114073 113936 113799
           113661 113522 113384 113244 113105 112965 112825 112684 112544 112403 0 0
           115248 115318 115383 115439 115486 115523 115547 115560 115561 115551 115529 115497
@@ -1614,12 +1614,12 @@
           113073 112938 112801 112664 112528 112393 112260 112127 111994 111862 111730 111597
           111463 111328 111192 111056 110919 110782 110644 110505 110367 110228 110088 109949
           0 0 111956 112104 112243 112368 112478 112570 112645 112703 112743 112768
-          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112475 112382 112279 112169 112053
+          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112476 112382 112279 112169 112053
           111930 111802 111671 111538 111405 111274 111143 111013 110883 110753 110623 110492
           110361 110228 110094 109959 109824 109688 109551 109414 109276 109138 109000 108861
           108722 0 0 110317 110511 110692 110855 110998 111119 111219 111298 111357
           111398 111421 111428 111421 111400 111366 111321 111257 111180 111093 110996 110891
-          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109895 109768 109641 109513 109385
+          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109896 109768 109641 109513 109385
           109256 109126 108994 108861 108727 108592 108457 108321 108184 108047 107909 107772
           107634 107496 0 0 108686 108932 109159 109362 109539 109690 109814 109913
           109990 110045 110081 110100 110102 110089 110063 110023 109966 109894 109812 109720
@@ -1628,7 +1628,7 @@
           106544 106407 106269 0 0 107066 107371 107650 107896 108108 108286 108433
           108551 108644 108712 108760 108787 108798 108792 108771 108737 108685 108618 108540
           108452 108355 108250 108138 108020 107898 107776 107654 107533 107411 107289 107165
-          107041 106915 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
+          107041 106916 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
           105454 105317 105180 105042 0 0 105462 105840 106176 106466 106710 106914
           107081 107215 107321 107400 107457 107493 107509 107509 107494 107464 107415 107352
           107278 107193 107099 106997 106887 106771 106651 106531 106412 106293 106174 106053
@@ -1655,23 +1655,23 @@
           145693 144459 145465 144231 145240 144005 145016 143782 144796 143561 144578 143344
           144364 143130 144154 142920 143948 142715 143747 142514 143551 142319 143360 142129
           143175 141944 142995 141764 142820 141590 142649 141420 142483 141254 142320 141091
-          142160 140932 142003 140775 141849 140622 141695 140469 141543 140317 141388 140165
+          142160 140932 142003 140775 141849 140621 141695 140469 141543 140317 141388 140165
           2000 2000 2000 151788 151035 150350 149731 149170 148657 148186 147751 147347
           146970 146617 146286 145974 145679 145399 145132 144878 144632 144389 144150 143914
           143681 143449 143220 142992 142767 142545 142325 142108 141895 141686 141481 141281
           141087 140898 140714 140535 140361 140191 140026 139864 139705 139549 139396 139243
           139092 138940 2000 2000 150212 149548 148924 148346 147814 147322 146867 146444
-          146050 145682 145337 145011 144705 144414 144138 143875 143624 143380 143139 142901
+          146050 145682 145337 145011 144705 144414 144138 143875 143625 143380 143139 142901
           142666 142434 142203 141975 141748 141524 141302 141083 140868 140656 140448 140244
           140046 139852 139664 139481 139304 139131 138962 138797 138636 138478 138323 138170
-          138018 137866 137714 2000 2000 148608 148016 147449 146916 146416 145950 145516
+          138017 137866 137714 2000 2000 148608 148016 147449 146916 146416 145950 145516
           145109 144729 144372 144036 143719 143419 143135 142864 142606 142360 142118 141879
-          141644 141411 141180 140951 140724 140498 140275 140055 139837 139623 139412 139206
-          139004 138807 138615 138429 138248 138071 137899 137732 137568 137408 137251 137096
+          141644 141411 141180 140951 140724 140498 140275 140055 139837 139623 139413 139206
+          139004 138807 138615 138429 138248 138071 137899 137732 137568 137408 137250 137096
           136943 136791 136639 136488 2000 2000 146987 146455 145941 145450 144985 144548
           144136 143749 143384 143040 142716 142409 142118 141841 141578 141326 141085 140846
           140611 140378 140148 139919 139692 139467 139243 139022 138803 138587 138375 138166
-          137961 137761 137566 137376 137192 137012 136837 136667 136501 136338 136179 136023
+          137961 137761 137566 137376 137192 137012 136838 136667 136501 136338 136179 136023
           135869 135717 135565 135413 135262 2000 2000 145356 144875 144408 143958 143527
           143119 142732 142365 142018 141690 141379 141083 140803 140535 140280 140036 139799
           139565 139334 139105 138878 138652 138427 138204 137983 137764 137547 137333 137123
@@ -1681,7 +1681,7 @@
           138504 138276 138050 137825 137601 137378 137156 136936 136718 136501 136287 136076
           135868 135664 135464 135268 135078 134893 134713 134538 134367 134200 134037 133877
           133721 133567 133414 133263 133111 132960 132809 2000 2000 142073 141679 141292
-          140915 140551 140200 139864 139541 139234 138939 138658 138390 138133 137887 137651
+          140915 140551 140200 139864 139541 139234 138939 138659 138390 138133 137887 137651
           137424 137200 136979 136758 136537 136318 136099 135880 135663 135448 135234 135023
           134815 134610 134408 134211 134019 133832 133649 133472 133299 133130 132966 132804
           132646 132491 132338 132186 132035 131884 131733 131582 2000 2000 140425 140068
@@ -1700,10 +1700,10 @@
           2000 135466 135208 134952 134699 134451 134208 133971 133740 133515 133296 133083
           132876 132674 132479 132288 132103 131914 131722 131527 131330 131131 130932 130732
           130532 130333 130136 129940 129746 129556 129369 129186 129008 128834 128665 128499
-          128337 128178 128023 127869 127719 127568 127419 127270 127121 126972 126823 126675
+          128337 128179 128023 127869 127719 127568 127419 127270 127121 126972 126823 126675
           2000 2000 133810 133581 133355 133130 132909 132692 132478 132269 132065 131865
           131670 131479 131293 131110 130932 130758 130578 130394 130207 130017 129824 129631
-          129437 129242 129048 128855 128664 128475 128289 128106 127928 127753 127583 127417
+          129437 129242 129048 128855 128664 128475 128289 128106 127928 127753 127584 127418
           127255 127096 126940 126786 126635 126486 126337 126188 126040 125891 125743 125596
           125448 2000 2000 132153 131953 131755 131558 131363 131171 130981 130794 130611
           130430 130252 130078 129906 129738 129572 129410 129239 129064 128884 128701 128515
@@ -1715,12 +1715,12 @@
           125082 124923 124767 124613 124462 124314 124166 124019 123872 123726 123579 123433
           123286 123140 122994 2000 2000 128837 128694 128551 128408 128265 128122 127980
           127837 127695 127552 127410 127268 127127 126985 126845 126705 126553 126395 126231
-          126063 125891 125717 125541 125364 125187 125009 124832 124658 124486 124317 124151
+          126063 125891 125717 125541 125364 125187 125009 124832 124658 124486 124317 124152
           123990 123831 123676 123523 123372 123224 123077 122931 122786 122640 122494 122349
           122203 122058 121912 121767 2000 2000 127179 127064 126949 126833 126716 126597
           126478 126357 126235 126112 125988 125862 125735 125608 125480 125351 125209 125060
           124904 124743 124579 124412 124242 124071 123899 123727 123555 123386 123218 123054
-          122894 122736 122582 122429 122280 122132 121986 121841 121696 121552 121407 121263
+          122894 122736 122582 122430 122280 122132 121986 121841 121696 121552 121407 121263
           121118 120973 120829 120684 120540 2000 2000 125521 125435 125347 125258 125167
           125074 124978 124879 124778 124673 124567 124457 124345 124231 124115 123997 123865
           123725 123577 123424 123267 123107 122944 122779 122613 122446 122279 122115 121952
@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@
           115662 115524 115385 115246 115106 114966 114826 114686 114545 114404 2000 2000
           117249 117319 117384 117441 117488 117524 117549 117562 117563 117552 117530 117498
           117456 117404 117344 117276 117189 117091 116984 116869 116747 116620 116487 116350
-          116210 116068 115927 115787 115648 115511 115375 115239 115104 114970 114836 114700
+          116210 116069 115927 115787 115648 115511 115375 115239 115104 114970 114836 114700
           114564 114428 114290 114152 114014 113875 113736 113597 113457 113317 113178 2000
           2000 115601 115709 115809 115899 115977 116041 116090 116126 116147 116154 116148
           116130 116100 116059 116009 115949 115871 115780 115680 115572 115456 115334 115207
@@ -1756,13 +1756,13 @@
           112362 112229 112095 111961 111825 111689 111552 111415 111277 111139 111001 110862
           110724 2000 2000 112319 112513 112693 112856 112999 113120 113220 113299 113359
           113399 113423 113430 113422 113401 113368 113323 113259 113182 113094 112997 112892
-          112780 112662 112538 112410 112281 112152 112024 111897 111770 111642 111515 111387
+          112780 112662 112538 112410 112281 112152 112024 111897 111770 111643 111515 111387
           111257 111127 110995 110862 110728 110594 110458 110322 110185 110048 109911 109773
           109635 109497 2000 2000 110688 110933 111160 111364 111541 111691 111815 111915
           111991 112047 112083 112101 112103 112090 112064 112025 111967 111896 111813 111721
-          111621 111513 111398 111277 111152 111027 110901 110777 110653 110528 110403 110278
+          111621 111513 111398 111277 111152 111027 110902 110777 110653 110528 110403 110278
           110151 110023 109893 109762 109630 109497 109363 109228 109092 108956 108820 108683
-          108546 108408 108270 2000 2000 109067 109373 109652 109898 110109 110288 110434
+          108545 108408 108270 2000 2000 109067 109373 109652 109898 110109 110288 110434
           110553 110645 110714 110761 110789 110799 110793 110773 110739 110686 110619 110541
           110453 110357 110252 110140 110022 109900 109777 109655 109534 109412 109290 109167
           109043 108917 108789 108661 108530 108399 108266 108133 107998 107863 107728 107592
@@ -1773,8 +1773,8 @@
           106364 106228 106091 105954 105817 2000 2000 105888 106354 106751 107082 107355
           107580 107763 107910 108025 108113 108176 108218 108240 108244 108231 108204 108159
           108099 108027 107944 107852 107752 107644 107529 107410 107293 107176 107060 106942
-          106822 106701 106579 106454 106328 106200 106070 105939 105808 105675 105541 105407
-          105272 105136 105000 104864 104727 104591 2000 2000 104371 104942 105392 105754
+          106822 106701 106579 106454 106328 106200 106070 105940 105808 105675 105541 105407
+          105272 105136 105000 104864 104727 104591 2000 2000 104370 104942 105392 105754
           106047 106286 106479 106634 106756 106849 106916 106961 106986 106993 106983 106957
           106914 106855 106785 106704 106613 106514 106406 106292 106174 106059 105944 105828
           105711 105593 105472 105350 105225 105099 104971 104842 104712 104580 104447 104314
@@ -1785,415 +1785,415 @@
           103087 102953 102818 102683 102547 102411 102275 102138 2000
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           128493 128336 128182 128029 127878 127727 127577 127427 127277 127127 0 0
           135119 134830 134544 134263 133987 133718 133457 133203 132957 132718 132488 132265
           132049 131840 131638 131442 131243 131043 130841 130638 130433 130228 130023 129819
           129615 129413 129213 129015 128820 128630 128443 128261 128083 127910 127742 127577
-          127416 127257 127102 126950 126799 126648 126498 126348 126199 126050 125900 0
+          127416 127257 127102 126950 126798 126648 126498 126348 126199 126049 125900 0
           0 133464 133206 132950 132698 132450 132207 131970 131738 131513 131294 131081
           130874 130673 130477 130287 130102 129912 129720 129525 129328 129130 128930 128730
           128531 128332 128134 127938 127745 127554 127368 127185 127007 126833 126663 126498
           126336 126177 126021 125868 125717 125567 125418 125268 125119 124971 124822 124673
           0 0 131808 131580 131353 131129 130908 130690 130477 130268 130064 129864
-          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128205 128015 127823 127629
+          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128206 128015 127823 127629
           127435 127241 127047 126854 126663 126474 126287 126105 125926 125752 125582 125416
           125254 125095 124938 124785 124634 124484 124335 124187 124038 123890 123742 123594
           123446 0 0 130151 129952 129753 129557 129362 129170 128980 128793 128609
           128429 128251 128077 127905 127737 127571 127408 127238 127062 126882 126699 126514
-          126326 126138 125949 125760 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
+          126326 126138 125949 125761 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
           124169 124010 123853 123700 123549 123399 123251 123103 122956 122808 122661 122514
-          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127813 127646 127480 127315
+          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127814 127646 127480 127315
           127152 126991 126831 126673 126516 126361 126208 126057 125896 125729 125557 125381
           125202 125021 124839 124656 124473 124290 124109 123929 123752 123578 123409 123243
-          123080 122921 122765 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
+          123080 122922 122766 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
           121285 121139 120992 0 0 126836 126693 126550 126407 126264 126121 125978
           125836 125693 125551 125409 125267 125125 124984 124843 124703 124552 124394 124230
           124062 123890 123716 123540 123363 123185 123008 122831 122656 122484 122315 122150
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@
           120892 120735 120580 120428 120278 120130 119984 119840 119695 119550 119406 119261
           119117 118972 118827 118683 118538 0 0 123520 123434 123346 123257 123166
           123072 122976 122878 122776 122672 122565 122456 122344 122230 122114 121996 121864
-          121723 121576 121423 121266 121105 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
+          121723 121576 121423 121266 121106 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
           119792 119635 119482 119331 119182 119035 118890 118747 118603 118460 118317 118173
           118030 117886 117742 117599 117455 117311 0 0 121863 121805 121746 121684
           121620 121551 121479 121402 121321 121236 121147 121053 120956 120855 120751 120644
@@ -3109,7 +3109,7 @@
           116459 116310 116162 116016 115873 115731 115590 115450 115312 115174 115035 114896
           114756 114616 114476 114336 114195 114054 113913 113771 113630 0 0 116899
           116934 116966 116991 117009 117018 117018 117008 116989 116960 116922 116875 116819
-          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115483
+          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115484
           115337 115191 115046 114903 114762 114622 114484 114346 114209 114073 113936 113799
           113661 113522 113384 113244 113105 112965 112825 112684 112544 112403 0 0
           115248 115318 115383 115439 115486 115523 115547 115560 115561 115551 115529 115497
@@ -3121,12 +3121,12 @@
           113073 112938 112801 112664 112528 112393 112260 112127 111994 111862 111730 111597
           111463 111328 111192 111056 110919 110782 110644 110505 110367 110228 110088 109949
           0 0 111956 112104 112243 112368 112478 112570 112645 112703 112743 112768
-          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112475 112382 112279 112169 112053
+          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112476 112382 112279 112169 112053
           111930 111802 111671 111538 111405 111274 111143 111013 110883 110753 110623 110492
           110361 110228 110094 109959 109824 109688 109551 109414 109276 109138 109000 108861
           108722 0 0 110317 110511 110692 110855 110998 111119 111219 111298 111357
           111398 111421 111428 111421 111400 111366 111321 111257 111180 111093 110996 110891
-          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109895 109768 109641 109513 109385
+          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109896 109768 109641 109513 109385
           109256 109126 108994 108861 108727 108592 108457 108321 108184 108047 107909 107772
           107634 107496 0 0 108686 108932 109159 109362 109539 109690 109814 109913
           109990 110045 110081 110100 110102 110089 110063 110023 109966 109894 109812 109720
@@ -3135,7 +3135,7 @@
           106544 106407 106269 0 0 107066 107371 107650 107896 108108 108286 108433
           108551 108644 108712 108760 108787 108798 108792 108771 108737 108685 108618 108540
           108452 108355 108250 108138 108020 107898 107776 107654 107533 107411 107289 107165
-          107041 106915 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
+          107041 106916 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
           105454 105317 105180 105042 0 0 105462 105840 106176 106466 106710 106914
           107081 107215 107321 107400 107457 107493 107509 107509 107494 107464 107415 107352
           107278 107193 107099 106997 106887 106771 106651 106531 106412 106293 106174 106053
@@ -3161,7 +3161,7 @@
           147117 145883 146874 145640 146634 145400 146398 145164 146164 144930 145932 144698
           145702 144468 145474 144240 145248 144014 145025 143791 144804 143570 144587 143353
           144373 143139 144163 142929 143957 142724 143756 142523 143560 142328 143369 142138
-          143184 141953 143004 141773 142828 141598 142658 141428 142491 141262 142328 141100
+          143184 141953 143004 141773 142828 141599 142658 141428 142491 141262 142328 141100
           142169 140941 142012 140784 141857 140630 141704 140478 141551 140326 141397 140174
           2000 2000 2000 151797 151044 150359 149740 149179 148666 148195 147759 147355
           146979 146626 146295 145983 145687 145407 145141 144887 144641 144398 144159 143923
@@ -3169,28 +3169,28 @@
           141096 140906 140722 140544 140370 140200 140034 139872 139714 139558 139404 139252
           139100 138949 2000 2000 150221 149556 148932 148355 147822 147331 146876 146453
           146059 145691 145345 145020 144713 144423 144147 143884 143633 143388 143147 142910
-          142675 142442 142212 141983 141757 141533 141311 141092 140876 140664 140456 140253
-          140054 139861 139673 139490 139312 139139 138971 138806 138645 138487 138331 138178
+          142675 142443 142212 141983 141757 141533 141311 141092 140876 140664 140456 140253
+          140054 139861 139673 139490 139312 139139 138971 138806 138645 138486 138331 138178
           138026 137874 137723 2000 2000 148617 148024 147458 146924 146425 145959 145524
-          145118 144738 144380 144044 143728 143428 143143 142873 142615 142369 142126 141888
-          141652 141419 141189 140959 140732 140507 140284 140064 139846 139632 139421 139215
+          145118 144738 144381 144045 143728 143428 143143 142873 142615 142369 142126 141888
+          141652 141420 141189 140959 140732 140507 140284 140064 139846 139632 139421 139215
           139013 138816 138624 138438 138256 138080 137908 137741 137577 137416 137259 137105
           136952 136800 136648 136497 2000 2000 146996 146464 145949 145459 144994 144556
           144145 143757 143393 143049 142725 142418 142127 141850 141587 141335 141093 140855
           140620 140387 140157 139928 139701 139475 139252 139031 138812 138596 138384 138175
           137970 137770 137575 137385 137200 137021 136846 136676 136510 136347 136188 136032
           135878 135726 135574 135422 135270 2000 2000 145364 144884 144416 143966 143536
-          143127 142740 142374 142027 141699 141387 141092 140811 140544 140288 140044 139808
-          139574 139343 139114 138886 138660 138436 138213 137991 137772 137556 137342 137132
+          143128 142740 142374 142027 141699 141387 141092 140811 140544 140288 140044 139808
+          139574 139343 139114 138887 138660 138436 138213 137992 137772 137556 137342 137132
           136925 136722 136525 136332 136144 135962 135784 135611 135443 135278 135117 134959
           134804 134651 134499 134347 134195 134044 2000 2000 143726 143291 142865 142453
           142057 141677 141315 140970 140643 140331 140034 139752 139482 139225 138979 138743
-          138513 138285 138059 137834 137610 137387 137165 136945 136726 136510 136296 136084
-          135876 135672 135472 135277 135087 134902 134722 134546 134376 134209 134046 133886
+          138513 138285 138059 137834 137610 137387 137165 136945 136726 136510 136296 136085
+          135877 135672 135472 135277 135087 134902 134722 134546 134376 134209 134046 133886
           133730 133576 133423 133271 133120 132968 132817 2000 2000 142081 141688 141301
           140924 140560 140209 139872 139550 139242 138948 138667 138399 138142 137895 137659
           137433 137209 136987 136766 136546 136326 136107 135889 135672 135457 135243 135032
-          134824 134618 134417 134220 134028 133840 133658 133480 133308 133139 132974 132813
+          134824 134618 134417 134220 134028 133840 133658 133481 133308 133139 132974 132813
           132655 132500 132347 132195 132044 131892 131741 131591 2000 2000 140433 140077
           139726 139383 139049 138726 138415 138116 137828 137552 137288 137034 136790 136556
           136330 136113 135898 135682 135467 135252 135037 134822 134608 134395 134183 133973
@@ -3206,24 +3206,24 @@
           129426 129268 129112 128960 128809 128658 128508 128358 128209 128060 127910 2000
           2000 135474 135216 134960 134708 134460 134217 133980 133749 133523 133304 133091
           132884 132683 132487 132297 132112 131922 131730 131535 131338 131140 130940 130741
-          130541 130342 130144 129949 129755 129564 129378 129195 129017 128843 128673 128508
+          130541 130342 130145 129949 129755 129564 129378 129195 129017 128843 128674 128508
           128346 128187 128031 127878 127727 127577 127428 127278 127129 126981 126832 126684
           2000 2000 133818 133590 133363 133139 132918 132700 132487 132278 132074 131874
           131678 131488 131301 131119 130941 130767 130587 130403 130216 130025 129833 129639
           129445 129251 129057 128864 128673 128484 128297 128115 127936 127762 127592 127426
-          127264 127105 126948 126795 126644 126494 126345 126197 126048 125900 125752 125604
+          127264 127105 126949 126795 126644 126494 126345 126197 126048 125900 125752 125604
           125457 2000 2000 132161 131962 131763 131567 131372 131180 130990 130803 130619
           130439 130261 130087 129915 129747 129581 129418 129248 129072 128892 128709 128524
-          128336 128148 127959 127771 127583 127396 127211 127030 126852 126677 126507 126341
+          128336 128148 127959 127771 127583 127396 127211 127030 126852 126678 126507 126341
           126179 126020 125863 125710 125559 125410 125261 125113 124966 124818 124671 124524
           124377 124230 2000 2000 130504 130333 130162 129992 129824 129656 129490 129325
           129162 129001 128841 128683 128526 128371 128218 128067 127906 127739 127567 127391
           127212 127031 126849 126666 126483 126300 126119 125939 125762 125588 125419 125253
-          125090 124932 124776 124622 124471 124322 124175 124028 123881 123734 123588 123441
+          125091 124932 124776 124622 124471 124322 124175 124028 123881 123734 123588 123441
           123295 123149 123003 2000 2000 128846 128703 128560 128417 128274 128131 127988
           127846 127703 127561 127419 127277 127135 126994 126853 126713 126562 126404 126240
           126072 125900 125726 125550 125373 125195 125018 124841 124666 124494 124325 124160
-          123998 123840 123685 123532 123381 123233 123086 122940 122794 122648 122503 122357
+          123999 123840 123685 123532 123381 123233 123086 122940 122794 122648 122503 122357
           122212 122066 121921 121775 2000 2000 127188 127073 126958 126841 126724 126606
           126487 126366 126244 126121 125996 125871 125744 125617 125488 125359 125218 125068
           124913 124752 124588 124420 124251 124080 123908 123736 123564 123394 123227 123063
@@ -3232,26 +3232,26 @@
           125082 124986 124888 124786 124682 124575 124466 124354 124240 124124 124006 123874
           123733 123586 123433 123276 123116 122953 122788 122621 122454 122288 122123 121961
           121802 121645 121492 121341 121192 121046 120900 120757 120614 120470 120327 120183
-          120040 119896 119752 119609 119465 119321 2000 2000 123873 123815 123756 123694
+          120040 119896 119752 119609 119465 119321 2000 2000 123873 123816 123756 123694
           123630 123561 123489 123412 123331 123246 123157 123063 122966 122865 122761 122654
           122531 122400 122260 122115 121966 121812 121656 121497 121336 121174 121013 120854
           120696 120542 120390 120240 120093 119947 119803 119661 119519 119377 119235 119093
           118951 118808 118666 118523 118380 118237 118094 2000 2000 122217 122189 122159
           122125 122087 122044 121995 121941 121881 121814 121742 121665 121582 121494 121401
           121304 121191 121068 120937 120800 120658 120511 120361 120208 120053 119896 119740
-          119586 119433 119283 119135 118990 118846 118703 118562 118422 118282 118142 118001
+          119586 119433 119283 119136 118990 118846 118703 118562 118422 118282 118142 118001
           117860 117718 117577 117435 117293 117151 117009 116867 2000 2000 120562 120565
           120565 120560 120549 120532 120508 120476 120436 120388 120333 120271 120202 120127
           120046 119959 119855 119741 119618 119488 119353 119213 119069 118922 118772 118620
           118469 118320 118172 118026 117883 117741 117600 117461 117322 117184 117045 116906
           116766 116627 116486 116346 116205 116064 115923 115781 115640 2000 2000 118909
           118944 118976 119001 119019 119028 119028 119018 118999 118970 118932 118885 118829
-          118766 118696 118618 118524 118418 118303 118180 118052 117919 117780 117638 117494
+          118766 118696 118618 118524 118418 118303 118180 118052 117919 117780 117639 117494
           117347 117201 117056 116913 116772 116632 116494 116356 116219 116083 115946 115809
           115671 115533 115394 115254 115115 114975 114835 114694 114554 114413 2000 2000
           117258 117328 117393 117449 117496 117533 117557 117570 117571 117561 117539 117507
           117464 117413 117353 117284 117198 117100 116993 116877 116756 116628 116496 116359
-          116219 116077 115936 115796 115657 115520 115383 115248 115113 114979 114844 114709
+          116219 116077 115936 115796 115657 115520 115384 115248 115113 114979 114844 114709
           114573 114436 114299 114161 114023 113884 113745 113605 113466 113326 113186 2000
           2000 115610 115718 115818 115908 115985 116049 116099 116134 116155 116163 116157
           116139 116109 116068 116018 115958 115880 115789 115689 115580 115465 115343 115216
@@ -3263,14 +3263,14 @@
           112371 112238 112104 111969 111834 111698 111561 111424 111286 111148 111010 110871
           110733 2000 2000 112328 112521 112702 112865 113008 113129 113229 113308 113367
           113408 113431 113439 113431 113410 113376 113331 113267 113190 113103 113006 112901
-          112789 112670 112546 112418 112289 112161 112033 111906 111778 111651 111523 111395
+          112789 112671 112546 112419 112289 112161 112033 111906 111779 111651 111524 111395
           111266 111136 111004 110871 110737 110602 110467 110331 110194 110057 109920 109782
           109644 109506 2000 2000 110696 110942 111169 111372 111549 111700 111824 111923
           112000 112055 112092 112110 112112 112099 112073 112034 111976 111904 111822 111730
           111629 111521 111406 111286 111161 111035 110910 110786 110662 110537 110412 110286
-          110160 110031 109902 109771 109639 109505 109371 109237 109101 108965 108828 108691
+          110160 110031 109902 109771 109639 109506 109371 109237 109101 108965 108828 108691
           108554 108417 108279 2000 2000 109076 109382 109661 109907 110118 110296 110443
-          110561 110654 110722 110770 110797 110808 110802 110781 110747 110695 110628 110550
+          110561 110654 110722 110770 110798 110808 110802 110781 110747 110695 110628 110550
           110462 110365 110260 110149 110030 109908 109786 109664 109543 109421 109299 109176
           109051 108926 108798 108669 108539 108407 108275 108141 108007 107872 107736 107600
           107464 107327 107190 107052 2000 2000 107472 107850 108186 108476 108721 108924
@@ -4530,23 +4530,23 @@
           146776 145540 146460 145225 146161 144927 145878 144644 145608 144376 145352 144120
           145107 143873 144863 143630 144624 143390 144388 143154 144154 142920 143922 142688
           143692 142458 143464 142230 143238 142004 143015 141781 142794 141560 142577 141343
-          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140127
-          141174 139943 140993 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
+          142363 141129 142153 140919 141947 140714 141746 140513 141550 140318 141359 140128
+          141174 139943 140994 139763 140818 139588 140648 139418 140481 139252 140318 139090
           140159 138930 140002 138774 139847 138620 139694 138468 139541 138316 139387 138164
           0 0 0 149787 149034 148349 147730 147169 146656 146185 145749 145345
           144968 144616 144285 143972 143677 143397 143131 142877 142630 142388 142149 141913
           141679 141448 141218 140991 140766 140543 140323 140107 139893 139684 139480 139280
-          139086 138896 138712 138533 138359 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
+          139086 138896 138712 138533 138360 138190 138024 137862 137704 137548 137394 137242
           137090 136939 0 0 148211 147546 146922 146345 145812 145321 144866 144443
           144049 143681 143335 143010 142703 142413 142137 141874 141623 141378 141137 140900
           140665 140432 140202 139973 139747 139523 139301 139082 138866 138654 138446 138243
           138044 137851 137663 137480 137302 137129 136961 136796 136635 136476 136321 136168
           136016 135864 135713 0 0 146607 146014 145448 144914 144415 143949 143514
-          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140358 140116 139878
+          143108 142728 142370 142034 141717 141418 141133 140863 140605 140359 140116 139878
           139642 139409 139178 138949 138722 138497 138274 138054 137836 137622 137411 137205
-          137003 136806 136614 136427 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
+          137003 136806 136614 136428 136246 136070 135898 135731 135567 135406 135249 135095
           134942 134790 134638 134486 0 0 144986 144454 143939 143449 142984 142546
-          142134 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
+          142135 141747 141383 141039 140715 140408 140117 139840 139577 139325 139083 138845
           138610 138377 138146 137918 137691 137465 137242 137021 136802 136586 136373 136165
           135960 135760 135565 135375 135190 135011 134836 134666 134500 134337 134178 134022
           133868 133716 133563 133412 133260 0 0 143354 142874 142406 141956 141526
@@ -4567,29 +4567,29 @@
           131755 131550 131348 131150 130956 130767 130582 130403 130228 130058 129892 129729
           129570 129413 129260 129108 128956 128805 128655 128504 128354 0 0 136772
           136451 136133 135821 135517 135222 134936 134659 134392 134135 133887 133649 133419
-          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131732 131522 131312 131103 130896
+          133197 132983 132776 132569 132361 132152 131943 131733 131522 131312 131103 130896
           130689 130485 130283 130085 129890 129700 129514 129333 129157 128985 128818 128654
           128493 128336 128182 128029 127878 127727 127577 127427 127277 127127 0 0
           135119 134830 134544 134263 133987 133718 133457 133203 132957 132718 132488 132265
           132049 131840 131638 131442 131243 131043 130841 130638 130433 130228 130023 129819
           129615 129413 129213 129015 128820 128630 128443 128261 128083 127910 127742 127577
-          127416 127257 127102 126950 126799 126648 126498 126348 126199 126050 125900 0
+          127416 127257 127102 126950 126798 126648 126498 126348 126199 126049 125900 0
           0 133464 133206 132950 132698 132450 132207 131970 131738 131513 131294 131081
           130874 130673 130477 130287 130102 129912 129720 129525 129328 129130 128930 128730
           128531 128332 128134 127938 127745 127554 127368 127185 127007 126833 126663 126498
           126336 126177 126021 125868 125717 125567 125418 125268 125119 124971 124822 124673
           0 0 131808 131580 131353 131129 130908 130690 130477 130268 130064 129864
-          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128205 128015 127823 127629
+          129668 129478 129291 129109 128931 128757 128577 128393 128206 128015 127823 127629
           127435 127241 127047 126854 126663 126474 126287 126105 125926 125752 125582 125416
           125254 125095 124938 124785 124634 124484 124335 124187 124038 123890 123742 123594
           123446 0 0 130151 129952 129753 129557 129362 129170 128980 128793 128609
           128429 128251 128077 127905 127737 127571 127408 127238 127062 126882 126699 126514
-          126326 126138 125949 125760 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
+          126326 126138 125949 125761 125573 125386 125201 125020 124842 124667 124497 124331
           124169 124010 123853 123700 123549 123399 123251 123103 122956 122808 122661 122514
-          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127813 127646 127480 127315
+          122366 122219 0 0 128494 128323 128152 127982 127814 127646 127480 127315
           127152 126991 126831 126673 126516 126361 126208 126057 125896 125729 125557 125381
           125202 125021 124839 124656 124473 124290 124109 123929 123752 123578 123409 123243
-          123080 122921 122765 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
+          123080 122922 122766 122612 122461 122312 122165 122018 121871 121724 121578 121431
           121285 121139 120992 0 0 126836 126693 126550 126407 126264 126121 125978
           125836 125693 125551 125409 125267 125125 124984 124843 124703 124552 124394 124230
           124062 123890 123716 123540 123363 123185 123008 122831 122656 122484 122315 122150
@@ -4600,7 +4600,7 @@
           120892 120735 120580 120428 120278 120130 119984 119840 119695 119550 119406 119261
           119117 118972 118827 118683 118538 0 0 123520 123434 123346 123257 123166
           123072 122976 122878 122776 122672 122565 122456 122344 122230 122114 121996 121864
-          121723 121576 121423 121266 121105 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
+          121723 121576 121423 121266 121106 120943 120778 120611 120444 120278 120113 119951
           119792 119635 119482 119331 119182 119035 118890 118747 118603 118460 118317 118173
           118030 117886 117742 117599 117455 117311 0 0 121863 121805 121746 121684
           121620 121551 121479 121402 121321 121236 121147 121053 120956 120855 120751 120644
@@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@
           116459 116310 116162 116016 115873 115731 115590 115450 115312 115174 115035 114896
           114756 114616 114476 114336 114195 114054 113913 113771 113630 0 0 116899
           116934 116966 116991 117009 117018 117018 117008 116989 116960 116922 116875 116819
-          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115483
+          116756 116686 116608 116514 116408 116293 116170 116042 115908 115770 115628 115484
           115337 115191 115046 114903 114762 114622 114484 114346 114209 114073 113936 113799
           113661 113522 113384 113244 113105 112965 112825 112684 112544 112403 0 0
           115248 115318 115383 115439 115486 115523 115547 115560 115561 115551 115529 115497
@@ -4628,12 +4628,12 @@
           113073 112938 112801 112664 112528 112393 112260 112127 111994 111862 111730 111597
           111463 111328 111192 111056 110919 110782 110644 110505 110367 110228 110088 109949
           0 0 111956 112104 112243 112368 112478 112570 112645 112703 112743 112768
-          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112475 112382 112279 112169 112053
+          112777 112772 112754 112723 112682 112630 112559 112476 112382 112279 112169 112053
           111930 111802 111671 111538 111405 111274 111143 111013 110883 110753 110623 110492
           110361 110228 110094 109959 109824 109688 109551 109414 109276 109138 109000 108861
           108722 0 0 110317 110511 110692 110855 110998 111119 111219 111298 111357
           111398 111421 111428 111421 111400 111366 111321 111257 111180 111093 110996 110891
-          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109895 109768 109641 109513 109385
+          110779 110660 110536 110408 110279 110151 110023 109896 109768 109641 109513 109385
           109256 109126 108994 108861 108727 108592 108457 108321 108184 108047 107909 107772
           107634 107496 0 0 108686 108932 109159 109362 109539 109690 109814 109913
           109990 110045 110081 110100 110102 110089 110063 110023 109966 109894 109812 109720
@@ -4642,7 +4642,7 @@
           106544 106407 106269 0 0 107066 107371 107650 107896 108108 108286 108433
           108551 108644 108712 108760 108787 108798 108792 108771 108737 108685 108618 108540
           108452 108355 108250 108138 108020 107898 107776 107654 107533 107411 107289 107165
-          107041 106915 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
+          107041 106916 106788 106659 106529 106397 106265 106131 105997 105862 105726 105590
           105454 105317 105180 105042 0 0 105462 105840 106176 106466 106710 106914
           107081 107215 107321 107400 107457 107493 107509 107509 107494 107464 107415 107352
           107278 107193 107099 106997 106887 106771 106651 106531 106412 106293 106174 106053
@@ -4668,7 +4668,7 @@
           147117 145883 146874 145640 146634 145400 146398 145164 146164 144930 145932 144698
           145702 144468 145474 144240 145248 144014 145025 143791 144804 143570 144587 143353
           144373 143139 144163 142929 143957 142724 143756 142523 143560 142328 143369 142138
-          143184 141953 143004 141773 142828 141598 142658 141428 142491 141262 142328 141100
+          143184 141953 143004 141773 142828 141599 142658 141428 142491 141262 142328 141100
           142169 140941 142012 140784 141857 140630 141704 140478 141551 140326 141397 140174
           2000 2000 2000 151797 151044 150359 149740 149179 148666 148195 147759 147355
           146979 146626 146295 145983 145687 145407 145141 144887 144641 144398 144159 143923
@@ -4676,28 +4676,28 @@
           141096 140906 140722 140544 140370 140200 140034 139872 139714 139558 139404 139252
           139100 138949 2000 2000 150221 149556 148932 148355 147822 147331 146876 146453
           146059 145691 145345 145020 144713 144423 144147 143884 143633 143388 143147 142910
-          142675 142442 142212 141983 141757 141533 141311 141092 140876 140664 140456 140253
-          140054 139861 139673 139490 139312 139139 138971 138806 138645 138487 138331 138178
+          142675 142443 142212 141983 141757 141533 141311 141092 140876 140664 140456 140253
+          140054 139861 139673 139490 139312 139139 138971 138806 138645 138486 138331 138178
           138026 137874 137723 2000 2000 148617 148024 147458 146924 146425 145959 145524
-          145118 144738 144381 144044 143728 143428 143143 142873 142615 142369 142126 141888
-          141652 141419 141189 140959 140732 140507 140284 140064 139846 139632 139421 139215
+          145118 144738 144381 144045 143728 143428 143143 142873 142615 142369 142126 141888
+          141652 141420 141189 140959 140732 140507 140284 140064 139846 139632 139421 139215
           139013 138816 138624 138438 138256 138080 137908 137741 137577 137416 137259 137105
           136952 136800 136648 136497 2000 2000 146996 146464 145949 145459 144994 144556
           144145 143757 143393 143049 142725 142418 142127 141850 141587 141335 141093 140855
           140620 140387 140157 139928 139701 139475 139252 139031 138812 138596 138384 138175
           137970 137770 137575 137385 137200 137021 136846 136676 136510 136347 136188 136032
           135878 135726 135574 135422 135270 2000 2000 145364 144884 144416 143966 143536
-          143127 142740 142374 142027 141699 141387 141092 140811 140544 140288 140044 139808
-          139574 139343 139114 138886 138660 138436 138213 137991 137772 137556 137342 137132
+          143128 142740 142374 142027 141699 141387 141092 140811 140544 140288 140044 139808
+          139574 139343 139114 138887 138660 138436 138213 137992 137772 137556 137342 137132
           136925 136722 136525 136332 136144 135962 135784 135611 135443 135278 135117 134959
           134804 134651 134499 134347 134195 134044 2000 2000 143726 143291 142865 142453
           142057 141677 141315 140970 140643 140331 140034 139752 139482 139225 138979 138743
-          138513 138285 138059 137834 137610 137387 137165 136945 136726 136510 136296 136084
-          135876 135672 135472 135277 135087 134902 134722 134546 134376 134209 134046 133886
+          138513 138285 138059 137834 137610 137387 137165 136945 136726 136510 136296 136085
+          135877 135672 135472 135277 135087 134902 134722 134546 134376 134209 134046 133886
           133730 133576 133423 133271 133120 132968 132817 2000 2000 142081 141688 141301
           140924 140560 140209 139872 139550 139242 138948 138667 138399 138142 137895 137659
           137433 137209 136987 136766 136546 136326 136107 135889 135672 135457 135243 135032
-          134824 134618 134417 134220 134028 133840 133658 133480 133308 133139 132974 132813
+          134824 134618 134417 134220 134028 133840 133658 133481 133308 133139 132974 132813
           132655 132500 132347 132195 132044 131892 131741 131591 2000 2000 140433 140077
           139726 139383 139049 138726 138415 138116 137828 137552 137288 137034 136790 136556
           136330 136113 135898 135682 135467 135252 135037 134822 134608 134395 134183 133973
@@ -4713,24 +4713,24 @@
           129426 129268 129112 128960 128809 128658 128508 128358 128209 128060 127910 2000
           2000 135474 135216 134960 134708 134460 134217 133980 133749 133523 133304 133091
           132884 132683 132487 132297 132112 131922 131730 131535 131338 131140 130940 130741
-          130541 130342 130144 129949 129755 129564 129378 129195 129017 128843 128673 128508
+          130541 130342 130145 129949 129755 129564 129378 129195 129017 128843 128674 128508
           128346 128187 128031 127878 127727 127577 127428 127278 127129 126981 126832 126684
           2000 2000 133818 133590 133363 133139 132918 132700 132487 132278 132074 131874
           131678 131488 131301 131119 130941 130767 130587 130403 130216 130025 129833 129639
           129445 129251 129057 128864 128673 128484 128297 128115 127936 127762 127592 127426
-          127264 127105 126948 126795 126644 126494 126345 126197 126048 125900 125752 125604
+          127264 127105 126949 126795 126644 126494 126345 126197 126048 125900 125752 125604
           125457 2000 2000 132161 131962 131763 131567 131372 131180 130990 130803 130619
           130439 130261 130087 129915 129747 129581 129418 129248 129072 128892 128709 128524
-          128336 128148 127959 127771 127583 127396 127211 127030 126852 126677 126507 126341
+          128336 128148 127959 127771 127583 127396 127211 127030 126852 126678 126507 126341
           126179 126020 125863 125710 125559 125410 125261 125113 124966 124818 124671 124524
           124377 124230 2000 2000 130504 130333 130162 129992 129824 129656 129490 129325
           129162 129001 128841 128683 128526 128371 128218 128067 127906 127739 127567 127391
           127212 127031 126849 126666 126483 126300 126119 125939 125762 125588 125419 125253
-          125090 124932 124776 124622 124471 124322 124175 124028 123881 123734 123588 123441
+          125091 124932 124776 124622 124471 124322 124175 124028 123881 123734 123588 123441
           123295 123149 123003 2000 2000 128846 128703 128560 128417 128274 128131 127988
           127846 127703 127561 127419 127277 127135 126994 126853 126713 126562 126404 126240
           126072 125900 125726 125550 125373 125195 125018 124841 124666 124494 124325 124160
-          123998 123840 123685 123532 123381 123233 123086 122940 122794 122648 122503 122357
+          123999 123840 123685 123532 123381 123233 123086 122940 122794 122648 122503 122357
           122212 122066 121921 121775 2000 2000 127188 127073 126958 126841 126724 126606
           126487 126366 126244 126121 125996 125871 125744 125617 125488 125359 125218 125068
           124913 124752 124588 124420 124251 124080 123908 123736 123564 123394 123227 123063
@@ -4738,27 +4738,27 @@
           121127 120982 120838 120693 120548 2000 2000 125530 125444 125356 125267 125176
           125082 124986 124888 124786 124682 124575 124466 124354 124240 124124 124006 123874
           123733 123586 123433 123276 123116 122953 122788 122621 122454 122288 122123 121961
-          121802 121645 121492 121341 121192 121046 120900 120757 120614 120470 120327 120183
-          120040 119896 119752 119609 119465 119321 2000 2000 123873 123815 123756 123694
+          121802 121646 121492 121341 121192 121046 120900 120757 120614 120470 120327 120183
+          120040 119896 119752 119609 119465 119321 2000 2000 123873 123816 123756 123694
           123630 123561 123489 123412 123331 123246 123157 123063 122966 122865 122761 122654
           122531 122400 122260 122115 121966 121812 121656 121497 121336 121174 121013 120854
           120696 120542 120390 120240 120093 119947 119803 119661 119519 119377 119235 119093
           118951 118808 118666 118523 118380 118237 118094 2000 2000 122217 122189 122159
           122125 122087 122044 121995 121941 121881 121814 121742 121665 121582 121494 121401
           121304 121191 121068 120937 120800 120658 120511 120361 120208 120053 119896 119740
-          119586 119433 119283 119135 118990 118846 118703 118562 118422 118282 118142 118001
+          119586 119433 119283 119136 118990 118846 118703 118562 118422 118282 118142 118001
           117860 117718 117577 117435 117293 117151 117009 116867 2000 2000 120562 120565
           120565 120560 120549 120532 120508 120476 120436 120388 120333 120271 120202 120127
           120046 119959 119855 119741 119618 119488 119353 119213 119069 118922 118772 118620
           118469 118320 118172 118026 117883 117741 117600 117461 117322 117184 117045 116906
           116766 116627 116486 116346 116205 116064 115923 115781 115640 2000 2000 118909
           118944 118976 119001 119019 119028 119028 119018 118999 118970 118932 118885 118829
-          118766 118696 118618 118524 118418 118303 118180 118052 117919 117780 117638 117494
+          118766 118696 118618 118524 118418 118303 118180 118052 117919 117780 117639 117494
           117347 117201 117056 116913 116772 116632 116494 116356 116219 116083 115946 115809
           115671 115533 115394 115254 115115 114975 114835 114694 114554 114413 2000 2000
           117258 117328 117393 117449 117496 117533 117557 117570 117571 117561 117539 117507
           117464 117413 117353 117284 117198 117100 116993 116877 116756 116628 116496 116359
-          116219 116077 115936 115796 115657 115520 115383 115248 115113 114979 114844 114709
+          116219 116077 115936 115796 115657 115520 115384 115248 115113 114979 114844 114709
           114573 114436 114299 114161 114023 113884 113745 113605 113466 113326 113186 2000
           2000 115610 115718 115818 115908 115985 116049 116099 116134 116155 116163 116157
           116139 116109 116068 116018 115958 115880 115789 115689 115580 115465 115343 115216
@@ -4770,14 +4770,14 @@
           112371 112238 112104 111969 111834 111698 111561 111424 111286 111148 111010 110871
           110733 2000 2000 112328 112521 112702 112865 113008 113129 113229 113308 113367
           113408 113431 113439 113431 113410 113376 113331 113267 113190 113103 113006 112901
-          112789 112670 112546 112418 112289 112161 112033 111906 111778 111651 111523 111395
+          112789 112671 112546 112419 112289 112161 112033 111906 111779 111651 111524 111395
           111266 111136 111004 110871 110737 110602 110467 110331 110194 110057 109920 109782
           109644 109506 2000 2000 110696 110942 111169 111372 111549 111700 111824 111923
           112000 112055 112092 112110 112112 112099 112073 112034 111976 111904 111822 111730
           111629 111521 111406 111286 111161 111035 110910 110786 110662 110537 110412 110286
-          110160 110031 109902 109771 109639 109505 109371 109237 109101 108965 108828 108691
+          110160 110031 109902 109771 109639 109506 109371 109237 109101 108965 108828 108691
           108554 108417 108279 2000 2000 109076 109382 109661 109907 110118 110296 110443
-          110561 110654 110722 110770 110797 110808 110802 110781 110747 110695 110628 110550
+          110561 110654 110722 110770 110798 110808 110802 110781 110747 110695 110628 110550
           110462 110365 110260 110149 110030 109908 109786 109664 109543 109421 109299 109176
           109051 108926 108798 108669 108539 108407 108275 108141 108007 107872 107736 107600
           107464 107327 107190 107052 2000 2000 107472 107850 108186 108476 108721 108924