From f7aa645e2df3fd6a0c0c1d0a72d0bcfdd28eab75 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Fetzer <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 08:31:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [lineendings] Restore line ending type to Unix for all files

 test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c2d.input |  58 +++---
 test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c3d.input |  66 +++----
 test/implicit/2pnc/test_box2pnc.input         | 112 ++++++------
 test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic.input  | 150 ++++++++--------
 .../mpnc/test_boxmpncthermalnonequil.input    | 110 ++++++------
 .../test_2cnistokes2p2cni.input               | 164 ++++++++---------
 .../test_2cnistokes2p2cni_boundarylayer.input | 170 +++++++++---------
 .../test_2cnistokes2p2cni_reference.input     | 164 ++++++++---------
 .../test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.input               | 170 +++++++++---------
 .../2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.input      | 160 ++++++++---------
 .../test_2cstokes2p2c_reference.input         | 160 ++++++++---------
 .../2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.input      | 152 ++++++++--------
 .../test_2czeroeq2p2c_reference.input         | 154 ++++++++--------
 13 files changed, 895 insertions(+), 895 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c2d.input b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c2d.input
index ff93681a2c..dbca627b52 100644
--- a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c2d.input
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c2d.input
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-CFLFactor = 0.8
-ErrorTermLowerBound = 0.2
-ErrorTermUpperBound = 0.9
-ErrorTermFactor = 0.5
-EnableVolumeIntegral = 1
-RestrictFluxInTransport = 1
-MinLevel = 0
-MaxLevel = 1
-EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation = 1
-MaxInteractionVolumes = 2
-SimulationName  = test_adaptive2p2c2d     # name of the output files
-OutputInterval = 5
-TEnd= 3e3
-DtInitial = 200
-NumberOfCellsX = 10# [-] level 0 resolution in x-direction
-NumberOfCellsY = 10# [-] level 0 resolution in y-direction
-UpperRightX = 10# [m] dimension of the grid
-UpperRightY = 10# [m] dimension of the grid # 2D
+CFLFactor = 0.8
+ErrorTermLowerBound = 0.2
+ErrorTermUpperBound = 0.9
+ErrorTermFactor = 0.5
+EnableVolumeIntegral = 1
+RestrictFluxInTransport = 1
+MinLevel = 0
+MaxLevel = 1
+EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation = 1
+MaxInteractionVolumes = 2
+SimulationName  = test_adaptive2p2c2d     # name of the output files
+OutputInterval = 5
+TEnd= 3e3
+DtInitial = 200
+NumberOfCellsX = 10# [-] level 0 resolution in x-direction
+NumberOfCellsY = 10# [-] level 0 resolution in y-direction
+UpperRightX = 10# [m] dimension of the grid
+UpperRightY = 10# [m] dimension of the grid # 2D
diff --git a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c3d.input b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c3d.input
index 5f6522d22d..2accfa271d 100644
--- a/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c3d.input
+++ b/test/decoupled/2p2c/test_adaptive2p2c3d.input
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-CFLFactor = 0.8
-ErrorTermLowerBound = 0.02
-ErrorTermUpperBound = 0.9
-ErrorTermFactor = 0.5
-EnableVolumeIntegral = 1
-RestrictFluxInTransport = 1
-EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation = 1
-MaxInteractionVolumes = 4
-MinLevel = 0
-MaxLevel = 1
-NumberOfCellsX = 10 # [-] resolution in x-direction
-NumberOfCellsY = 10 # [-] resolution in y-direction
-NumberOfCellsZ = 10 # [-] resolution in z-direction
-UpperRightX = 10 # [m] length of the domain
-UpperRightY = 10 # [m] width of the domain
-UpperRightZ = 10 # [m] height of the domain
-Injectionrate = 1e-4	# kg / sec
-Name  = test_adaptive2p2c3d     # name of the output files
-OutputInterval = 5
-TEnd= 3e3 #Simulated time
-DtInitial = 500 #Initial time step 
+CFLFactor = 0.8
+ErrorTermLowerBound = 0.02
+ErrorTermUpperBound = 0.9
+ErrorTermFactor = 0.5
+EnableVolumeIntegral = 1
+RestrictFluxInTransport = 1
+EnableMultiPointFluxApproximation = 1
+MaxInteractionVolumes = 4
+MinLevel = 0
+MaxLevel = 1
+NumberOfCellsX = 10 # [-] resolution in x-direction
+NumberOfCellsY = 10 # [-] resolution in y-direction
+NumberOfCellsZ = 10 # [-] resolution in z-direction
+UpperRightX = 10 # [m] length of the domain
+UpperRightY = 10 # [m] width of the domain
+UpperRightZ = 10 # [m] height of the domain
+Injectionrate = 1e-4	# kg / sec
+Name  = test_adaptive2p2c3d     # name of the output files
+OutputInterval = 5
+TEnd= 3e3 #Simulated time
+DtInitial = 500 #Initial time step 
diff --git a/test/implicit/2pnc/test_box2pnc.input b/test/implicit/2pnc/test_box2pnc.input
index c212c0ed39..2bc445b56c 100644
--- a/test/implicit/2pnc/test_box2pnc.input
+++ b/test/implicit/2pnc/test_box2pnc.input
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# Parameter file for test case 2pncmin.
-# Everything behind a '#' is a comment.
-# Type "./test_2pncmin --help" for more information.
-DtInitial = 5e-1                 # initial time step size [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 1000           # maximum time step size
-TEnd= 1e3                        # duration of the simulation [s]
-#Number of cells in X and Y directions
-NumberOfCellsX = 21
-NumberOfCellsY = 6
-#Extend of entire domain
-UpperRightX = 2.0e-3 # x-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the grid [m]
-UpperRightY = 5.5e-4 # y-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the grid [m]
-Name = fuelcell
-EnableGravity = 0
-NTemperature = 3                # [-] number of temperature table entries
-NPressure = 200                 # [-] number of pressure table entries
-PressureLow = 1e5               # [Pa] lower pressure limit for tabularization
-PressureHigh = 3e7              # [Pa] upper pressure limit for tabularization
-TemperatureLow = 312.15         # [K] lower temperature limit for tabularization
-TemperatureHigh = 314.15        # [K] upper temperature limit for tabularization
-InitialTemperature = 310        # [K] initial temperature for tabularization
-SpecificResistance = 0.25               #[Ohm*cm^2]
-ReversibleVoltage = 1.191               #[V]
-CellVoltage = 0.5                       #[V]
-ThermoneutralVoltage = 1.4836           #[V]
-RefCurrentDensity = 1.87e-8             #[A/cm] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
-RefO2PartialPressure = 5.0e5            #[Pa] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
-RefTemperature = 353.25                 #[K] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
-ActivationBarrier = 73.0e3              #[J/mol]
-TransferCoefficient = 0.5               #[-] (alpha)
-NumElectrons = 2                        #[-] number of electrons transferred in reaction
-SurfaceIncreasingFactor = 60
-TransportNumberH20 = 0.2327             #[-] account for osmotic H20 transport term from membrane, value Lena Walter
-pO2Inlet = 0.3e5                        #[Pa] partial pressure of oxygen at gas channel inlet
-MaxIterations = 300                     #[-] Maximum number for iterations for solving electrochemical system
-RelTolerance = 1e-8
-TargetSteps = 10
-MaxSteps = 15
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-ResidualReduction = 1e-8
-Verbosity = 0
+# Parameter file for test case 2pncmin.
+# Everything behind a '#' is a comment.
+# Type "./test_2pncmin --help" for more information.
+DtInitial = 5e-1                 # initial time step size [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 1000           # maximum time step size
+TEnd= 1e3                        # duration of the simulation [s]
+#Number of cells in X and Y directions
+NumberOfCellsX = 21
+NumberOfCellsY = 6
+#Extend of entire domain
+UpperRightX = 2.0e-3 # x-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the grid [m]
+UpperRightY = 5.5e-4 # y-coordinate of the upper-right corner of the grid [m]
+Name = fuelcell
+EnableGravity = 0
+NTemperature = 3                # [-] number of temperature table entries
+NPressure = 200                 # [-] number of pressure table entries
+PressureLow = 1e5               # [Pa] lower pressure limit for tabularization
+PressureHigh = 3e7              # [Pa] upper pressure limit for tabularization
+TemperatureLow = 312.15         # [K] lower temperature limit for tabularization
+TemperatureHigh = 314.15        # [K] upper temperature limit for tabularization
+InitialTemperature = 310        # [K] initial temperature for tabularization
+SpecificResistance = 0.25               #[Ohm*cm^2]
+ReversibleVoltage = 1.191               #[V]
+CellVoltage = 0.5                       #[V]
+ThermoneutralVoltage = 1.4836           #[V]
+RefCurrentDensity = 1.87e-8             #[A/cm] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
+RefO2PartialPressure = 5.0e5            #[Pa] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
+RefTemperature = 353.25                 #[K] for calculating exchange current density at reference conditions
+ActivationBarrier = 73.0e3              #[J/mol]
+TransferCoefficient = 0.5               #[-] (alpha)
+NumElectrons = 2                        #[-] number of electrons transferred in reaction
+SurfaceIncreasingFactor = 60
+TransportNumberH20 = 0.2327             #[-] account for osmotic H20 transport term from membrane, value Lena Walter
+pO2Inlet = 0.3e5                        #[Pa] partial pressure of oxygen at gas channel inlet
+MaxIterations = 300                     #[-] Maximum number for iterations for solving electrochemical system
+RelTolerance = 1e-8
+TargetSteps = 10
+MaxSteps = 15
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+ResidualReduction = 1e-8
+Verbosity = 0
 MaxIterations = 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic.input b/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic.input
index 4207de86bb..21ee7b1f1d 100644
--- a/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic.input
+++ b/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpnckinetic.input
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-DtInitial = 1.5 # [s]
-TEnd = 10 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 2e20 # maximum allowed timestep size
-NumberOfCellsX = 14 #
-NumberOfCellsY = 30 #
-LowerLeftX = 0.0
-UpperRightX = 1.0
-LowerLeftY = 0.0
-UpperRightY = 0.5
-InterfacePosY = 0.25
-GradingFactorY = 1.13
-RefineTop = false
-SwFFInitial = 1e-5 # - 0.001#
-SwPMInitial = 0.999 # -
-pnInitial = 1e5 # 6.8e6 # 1e5 # 101475 	# Pa
-TInitial = 293
-pnInjection = 100003
-percentOfEquil = .1 # percentage of the equilibrium concentration water in the nPhase influx
-TInject = 293
-massFluxInjectedPhase = 0.75
-permeability = 1e-11 # m^2
-porosity = 0.4 #
-meanPoreSize = 1e-4 # characteristic length of the system
-factorEnergyTransfer = 1 #
-factorMassTransfer = 1 #
-permeability = 1e-6 # m^2
-porosity = 0.99 #
-meanPoreSize = 1e-2 # 4e-5  # characteristic length of the system
-density = 2600. 	# kg/m^3
-thermalConductivity = 3 # W / (m K)
-heatCapacity= 817 # J / (kg K)
-# characteristic length, i.e. mean pore size
-# 40 micrometer i.e. 1e-5 for the micromodel
-VGAlpha = 3.512e-04 #
-VGN = 4.716e+00 #
-Swr = 0 #
-Snr = 0 #
-specificSolidsurface = 4022.994# (1/m)
-aWettingNonWettingA1 = -1.603e-01 #
-aWettingNonWettingA2 = 1.429e-05 #
-aWettingNonWettingA3 = 1.915e-01 #
-BCPd = 2.290e+03 #
-BClambda = 2.740e+00 #
-aNonWettingSolidA1 = 1.369e+03 #
-aNonWettingSolidA2 = -3.782e+00 #
-aNonWettingSolidA3 = 1.063e-09 #
-heatIntoSolid = 0  #
-outputName = evaporationatmosphere
-nRestart = 100 # after so many timesteps a restart file should be written
-nTemperature = 100 # for the tabulation of water: so many interpolation points
-nPressure = 100 # for the tabulation of water: so many interpolation points
-hammer = 1e4
+DtInitial = 1.5 # [s]
+TEnd = 10 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 2e20 # maximum allowed timestep size
+NumberOfCellsX = 14 #
+NumberOfCellsY = 30 #
+LowerLeftX = 0.0
+UpperRightX = 1.0
+LowerLeftY = 0.0
+UpperRightY = 0.5
+InterfacePosY = 0.25
+GradingFactorY = 1.13
+RefineTop = false
+SwFFInitial = 1e-5 # - 0.001#
+SwPMInitial = 0.999 # -
+pnInitial = 1e5 # 6.8e6 # 1e5 # 101475 	# Pa
+TInitial = 293
+pnInjection = 100003
+percentOfEquil = .1 # percentage of the equilibrium concentration water in the nPhase influx
+TInject = 293
+massFluxInjectedPhase = 0.75
+permeability = 1e-11 # m^2
+porosity = 0.4 #
+meanPoreSize = 1e-4 # characteristic length of the system
+factorEnergyTransfer = 1 #
+factorMassTransfer = 1 #
+permeability = 1e-6 # m^2
+porosity = 0.99 #
+meanPoreSize = 1e-2 # 4e-5  # characteristic length of the system
+density = 2600. 	# kg/m^3
+thermalConductivity = 3 # W / (m K)
+heatCapacity= 817 # J / (kg K)
+# characteristic length, i.e. mean pore size
+# 40 micrometer i.e. 1e-5 for the micromodel
+VGAlpha = 3.512e-04 #
+VGN = 4.716e+00 #
+Swr = 0 #
+Snr = 0 #
+specificSolidsurface = 4022.994# (1/m)
+aWettingNonWettingA1 = -1.603e-01 #
+aWettingNonWettingA2 = 1.429e-05 #
+aWettingNonWettingA3 = 1.915e-01 #
+BCPd = 2.290e+03 #
+BClambda = 2.740e+00 #
+aNonWettingSolidA1 = 1.369e+03 #
+aNonWettingSolidA2 = -3.782e+00 #
+aNonWettingSolidA3 = 1.063e-09 #
+heatIntoSolid = 0  #
+outputName = evaporationatmosphere
+nRestart = 100 # after so many timesteps a restart file should be written
+nTemperature = 100 # for the tabulation of water: so many interpolation points
+nPressure = 100 # for the tabulation of water: so many interpolation points
+hammer = 1e4
diff --git a/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpncthermalnonequil.input b/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpncthermalnonequil.input
index 26cd1abe4e..3e049b6d27 100644
--- a/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpncthermalnonequil.input
+++ b/test/implicit/mpnc/test_boxmpncthermalnonequil.input
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-DtInitial			= 5e-1	# [s]
-TEnd 			= 1e3 	# [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize	= 2e20 	# maximum allowed timestep size
-File =   ./grids/combustionOutflowGridLinNX100LogNx100.dgf
-# File =   ./grids/combustionGrid.dgf
-lengthPM = 0.1
-pnInitial		= 1e5 # 6.8e6 # 1e5 # 101475 	# Pa
-TInitial		=  372 # 373.15 #
-TRight 		=  400 # 373.15 #
-TBoundary 			=300 #
-SwBoundary 			= 1e-3 #
-SwOneComponentSys 	= 1	 #
-massFluxInjectedPhase =   0.5 #
-# heatFluxFromRight    =      2e6      # fluid  temperature on boundary: analytical approx 1080 K
-heatFluxFromRight 	=      1.5e6 	# fluid  temperature on boundary: analytical approx 587.3 K
-coldTime = 1
-porosity			= 0.35 	#
-meanPoreSize		= 5e-4 	# characteristic length of the system
-factorEnergyTransfer	= 1		#
-factorMassTransfer	= 1		#
-permeabilityOutFlow			= 1e-6 	# m^2
-porosityOutFlow				= 0.35 	#
-soilThermalConductivityOutFlow	= 0.01#
-density 					= 2600. 	# kg/m^3
-thermalConductivity 		= 30 	# W / (m K) soil:3, metal:30
-heatCapacity				= 466 	# J / (kg K) steel:466 granite:800
-Swr =  0.0 #  5e-3
-Snr = 0 #
-outputName =  combustion #
-interfacialTension = 0.0589 # interfacial tension of water at 100 ° C
-nRestart		= 10000  	 	# after so many timesteps a restart file should be written
+DtInitial			= 5e-1	# [s]
+TEnd 			= 1e3 	# [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize	= 2e20 	# maximum allowed timestep size
+File =   ./grids/combustionOutflowGridLinNX100LogNx100.dgf
+# File =   ./grids/combustionGrid.dgf
+lengthPM = 0.1
+pnInitial		= 1e5 # 6.8e6 # 1e5 # 101475 	# Pa
+TInitial		=  372 # 373.15 #
+TRight 		=  400 # 373.15 #
+TBoundary 			=300 #
+SwBoundary 			= 1e-3 #
+SwOneComponentSys 	= 1	 #
+massFluxInjectedPhase =   0.5 #
+# heatFluxFromRight    =      2e6      # fluid  temperature on boundary: analytical approx 1080 K
+heatFluxFromRight 	=      1.5e6 	# fluid  temperature on boundary: analytical approx 587.3 K
+coldTime = 1
+porosity			= 0.35 	#
+meanPoreSize		= 5e-4 	# characteristic length of the system
+factorEnergyTransfer	= 1		#
+factorMassTransfer	= 1		#
+permeabilityOutFlow			= 1e-6 	# m^2
+porosityOutFlow				= 0.35 	#
+soilThermalConductivityOutFlow	= 0.01#
+density 					= 2600. 	# kg/m^3
+thermalConductivity 		= 30 	# W / (m K) soil:3, metal:30
+heatCapacity				= 466 	# J / (kg K) steel:466 granite:800
+Swr =  0.0 #  5e-3
+Snr = 0 #
+outputName =  combustion #
+interfacialTension = 0.0589 # interfacial tension of water at 100 ° C
+nRestart		= 10000  	 	# after so many timesteps a restart file should be written
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.input b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.input
index 1daa03021d..116f2bc573 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.input
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
-InitTime = 864 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
-TEnd= 0.864e6 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
-# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
-NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
-# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 30
-NumberOfCellsY = 62
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
-GradingFactorY = 1.13
-RefineTopY = false
-NameFF = stokes2cni
-NamePM = 2p2cni
-#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
-FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
-LiveEvaporationRates = true # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
-StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
-UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
-SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
-SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
-SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
-SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-Model = 0
-Model = 0
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 8.0 # [-]
-LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
+DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
+InitTime = 864 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
+TEnd= 0.864e6 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
+# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
+NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
+# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 30
+NumberOfCellsY = 62
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
+GradingFactorY = 1.13
+RefineTopY = false
+NameFF = stokes2cni
+NamePM = 2p2cni
+#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
+FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
+LiveEvaporationRates = true # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
+StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
+UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
+SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
+SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
+SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
+SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+Model = 0
+Model = 0
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 8.0 # [-]
+LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_boundarylayer.input b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_boundarylayer.input
index b881a4069f..1e86612740 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_boundarylayer.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_boundarylayer.input
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
-InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
-TEnd= 3600 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
-# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
-NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
-# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 15
-NumberOfCellsY = 20
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
-GradingFactorY = 1.1
-RefineTopY = false
-NameFF = stokes2cni_boundarylayer
-NamePM = 2p2cni_boundarylayer
-#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
-FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
-LiveEvaporationRates = false # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
-StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
-UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
-SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
-SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
-SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
-SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-Model = 4 # Number/ID of the used model
-Offset = 0.25 # Virtual run-up distance for BL models [m]
-YPlus = 10 # Conversion value (model 4-6) [-]
-Model = 4
-CharPoreRadius = 0.001 # Characteristic pore radius for Schluender model (model 2+4) [m]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 8.0 # [-]
-LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
+DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
+InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
+TEnd= 3600 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
+# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
+NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
+# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 15
+NumberOfCellsY = 20
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
+GradingFactorY = 1.1
+RefineTopY = false
+NameFF = stokes2cni_boundarylayer
+NamePM = 2p2cni_boundarylayer
+#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
+FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
+LiveEvaporationRates = false # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
+StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
+UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
+SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
+SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
+SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
+SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+Model = 4 # Number/ID of the used model
+Offset = 0.25 # Virtual run-up distance for BL models [m]
+YPlus = 10 # Conversion value (model 4-6) [-]
+Model = 4
+CharPoreRadius = 0.001 # Characteristic pore radius for Schluender model (model 2+4) [m]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 8.0 # [-]
+LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_reference.input b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_reference.input
index 81146b1db1..d3f1f80863 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_reference.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnistokes2p2cni/test_2cnistokes2p2cni_reference.input
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 240 # [s]
-InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
-TEnd= 3600 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
-# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
-NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
-# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 15
-NumberOfCellsY = 20
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
-GradingFactorY = 1.1
-RefineTopY = false
-NameFF = stokes2cni
-NamePM = 2p2cni
-#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
-FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
-LiveEvaporationRates = false # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
-StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
-UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
-SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
-SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
-SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
-SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-Model = 0
-Model = 0
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 8.0 # [-]
-LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
+DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 240 # [s]
+InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
+TEnd= 3600 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 43200 # [s]
+# File = grids/test_2cnistokes2p2cni.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
+NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
+# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 15
+NumberOfCellsY = 20
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
+GradingFactorY = 1.1
+RefineTopY = false
+NameFF = stokes2cni
+NamePM = 2p2cni
+#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
+FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
+LiveEvaporationRates = false # plot evaporation rates using gnuplot interface
+StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
+UseDirichletBC = true # dirichlet values are set at the inflow boundary
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
+SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
+SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
+SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
+SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+Model = 0
+Model = 0
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 8.0 # [-]
+LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.input b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.input
index 1bfed64d9e..245e3c3d35 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cnizeroeq2p2cni/test_2cnizeroeq2p2cni.input
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
-TEnd = 3600 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 14400 # [s] # 14400s = 4h
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.75 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
-# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 15
-NumberOfCellsY = 30
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh
-GradingFactorY = 1.16
-RefineTopY = true
-# Position information
-NoDarcyX1 = 0.25 # [m] # Beginning of PM below
-NoDarcyX2 = 0.5 # [m] # End of PM below
-RunUpDistanceX1 = 0.251 # [m] # Beginning of without Coupling to PM (x-coordinate)
-RunUpDistanceX2 = 0.499 # [m] # End of without Coupling to PM (x-coordinate)
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
-NameFF = zeroeq2cni
-NamePM = 2p2cni
-# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 5              # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-RefVelocity = 1.0 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-Model = 0 # disable boundary layer models
-Model = 0 # disable mass transfer models
-RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
-RefSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 8.0 # [-]
-ThermalConductivitySolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-Verbosity = 0
-# Eddy Viscosity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Prandtl
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
-EddyViscosityModel = 2
-# Eddy Diffusivity and Eddy Conductivity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Reynolds analogy
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Deissler
-# 4 = Meier and Rotta
-EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
-EddyConductivityModel = 3
-BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m]
-BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m]
+DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
+TEnd = 3600 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 14400 # [s] # 14400s = 4h
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.75 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
+# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 15
+NumberOfCellsY = 30
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh
+GradingFactorY = 1.16
+RefineTopY = true
+# Position information
+NoDarcyX1 = 0.25 # [m] # Beginning of PM below
+NoDarcyX2 = 0.5 # [m] # End of PM below
+RunUpDistanceX1 = 0.251 # [m] # Beginning of without Coupling to PM (x-coordinate)
+RunUpDistanceX2 = 0.499 # [m] # End of without Coupling to PM (x-coordinate)
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
+NameFF = zeroeq2cni
+NamePM = 2p2cni
+# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 5              # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+RefVelocity = 1.0 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+Model = 0 # disable boundary layer models
+Model = 0 # disable mass transfer models
+RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
+RefSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 8.0 # [-]
+ThermalConductivitySolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+Verbosity = 0
+# Eddy Viscosity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Prandtl
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
+EddyViscosityModel = 2
+# Eddy Diffusivity and Eddy Conductivity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Reynolds analogy
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Deissler
+# 4 = Meier and Rotta
+EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
+EddyConductivityModel = 3
+BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m]
+BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m]
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.input b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.input
index 4e74e4af9f..45f4e3bd13 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c.input
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
-InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
-TEnd = 7200 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 3600 # [s]
-# File = grids/test_2cstokes2p2c.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
-NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
-# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 30
-NumberOfCellsY = 62
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
-GradingFactorY = 1.13
-RefineTopY = false
-NameFF = stokes2c
-NamePM = 2p2c
-#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out 
-FreqOutput = 50         # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
-FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
-StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
-SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
-SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
-SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
-SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-Model = 0
-Model = 0
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 6.9 # [-]
-LambdaSolid = 5.3 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
+DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 360 # [s]
+InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
+TEnd = 7200 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 3600 # [s]
+# File = grids/test_2cstokes2p2c.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
+NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
+# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 30
+NumberOfCellsY = 62
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
+GradingFactorY = 1.13
+RefineTopY = false
+NameFF = stokes2c
+NamePM = 2p2c
+#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out 
+FreqOutput = 50         # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
+FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
+StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
+SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
+SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
+SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
+SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+Model = 0
+Model = 0
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 6.9 # [-]
+LambdaSolid = 5.3 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c_reference.input b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c_reference.input
index e1f2cdf7ac..8027b94668 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c_reference.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2cstokes2p2c/test_2cstokes2p2c_reference.input
@@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 240 # [s]
-InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
-TEnd = 7200 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 3600 # [s]
-# File = grids/test_2cstokes2p2c.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
-NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
-# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 25
-NumberOfCellsY = 45
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
-GradingFactorY = 1.1
-RefineTopY = false
-NameFF = stokes2c
-NamePM = 2p2c
-#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out 
-FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
-FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
-StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
-SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
-SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
-SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
-SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
-SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
-Model = 0
-Model = 0
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 6.9 # [-]
-LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 8
-MaxSteps = 12
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
+DtInitial = 5e-1 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 240 # [s]
+InitTime = 0 # [s] Initialization time without coupling
+TEnd = 7200 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 3600 # [s]
+# File = grids/test_2cstokes2p2c.dgf # unused, if interface mesh creator is used
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.25 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.5 # [m]
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without coupling to PM
+NoDarcyX = 0.0 # [m] Horizontal position without PM below
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] Vertical position of coupling interface
+# Number of elements in x-, y-, z-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 25
+NumberOfCellsY = 45
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh in y direction
+GradingFactorY = 1.1
+RefineTopY = false
+NameFF = stokes2c
+NamePM = 2p2c
+#Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 1000      # how often restart files are written out 
+FreqOutput = 10         # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 2      # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+FreqFluxOutput = 1000   # frequency of detailed flux output
+FreqVaporFluxOutput = 2 # frequency of summarized flux output
+StabilizationAlpha = -1.0
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+SinusVelAmplitude = 0.0 # [m/s]
+SinusVelPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusPressureAmplitude = 0.0 # [Pa]
+SinusPressurePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusConcentrationAmplitude = 0.0 # [-]
+SinusConcentrationPeriod = 3600 # [s]
+SinusTemperatureAmplitude = 0.0 # [K]
+SinusTemperaturePeriod = 3600 # [s]
+Model = 0
+Model = 0
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+InitialSw = 0.98 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 6.9 # [-]
+LambdaSolid = 5.26 # [W/(m*K)]
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 8
+MaxSteps = 12
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.input b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.input
index 9581139c77..f163485038 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c.input
@@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 900 # [s]
-TEnd = 518400 # [s] # 518400 = 6 days
-EpisodeLength = 8e5 # [s] # 43200
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.5 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
-# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 20
-NumberOfCellsY = 40
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh
-GradingFactorY = 1.16
-RefineTopY = false
-# Position information
-NoDarcyX = 0.25 # [m] # Horizontal position without PM below
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.26 # [m] # Horizontal position without Coupling to PM
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
-NameFF = zeroeq2c
-NamePM = 2p2c
-# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 50            # 500  # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
-RefSw = 0.9 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 6.9 # [-]
-# optional parameters
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 10
-MaxSteps = 15
-WriteConvergence = false
-Verbosity = 0
-# Eddy Viscosity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Prandtl
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
-EddyViscosityModel = 3
-# Eddy Diffusivity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Reynolds analogy
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Deissler
-# 4 = Meier and Rotta
-EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
-BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0.6e-3
-BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0
+DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 900 # [s]
+TEnd = 518400 # [s] # 518400 = 6 days
+EpisodeLength = 8e5 # [s] # 43200
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.5 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
+# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 20
+NumberOfCellsY = 40
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh
+GradingFactorY = 1.16
+RefineTopY = false
+# Position information
+NoDarcyX = 0.25 # [m] # Horizontal position without PM below
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.26 # [m] # Horizontal position without Coupling to PM
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
+NameFF = zeroeq2c
+NamePM = 2p2c
+# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 50            # 500  # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
+RefSw = 0.9 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 6.9 # [-]
+# optional parameters
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 10
+MaxSteps = 15
+WriteConvergence = false
+Verbosity = 0
+# Eddy Viscosity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Prandtl
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
+EddyViscosityModel = 3
+# Eddy Diffusivity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Reynolds analogy
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Deissler
+# 4 = Meier and Rotta
+EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
+BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0.6e-3
+BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0
diff --git a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c_reference.input b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c_reference.input
index 8500a7f857..c545c0ecc5 100644
--- a/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c_reference.input
+++ b/test/multidomain/2czeroeq2p2c/test_2czeroeq2p2c_reference.input
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
-MaxTimeStepSize = 900 # [s]
-TEnd = 86400 # [s]
-EpisodeLength = 8e5 # [s]
-LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightX = 0.5 # [m]
-LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
-UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
-# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
-NumberOfCellsX = 10
-NumberOfCellsY = 25
-# Grading and refinement of the mesh
-GradingFactorY = 1.1
-RefineTopY = false
-# Position information
-NoDarcyX = 0.25 # [m] # Horizontal position without PM below
-RunUpDistanceX = 0.26 # [m] # Horizontal position without Coupling to PM
-InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
-NameFF = zeroeq2c
-NamePM = 2p2c
-# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
-FreqRestart = 100            # 500  # how often restart files are written out
-FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
-FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
-RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
-RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
-RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
-RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
-RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
-RefSw = 0.9 # [-]
-AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
-Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
-Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
-Swr = 0.005 # [-]
-Snr = 0.01 # [-]
-VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
-VgN = 6.9 # [-]
-# optional parameters
-MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
-TargetSteps = 10
-MaxSteps = 15
-WriteConvergence = false
-MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
-Verbosity = 0
-# Eddy Viscosity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Prandtl
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
-EddyViscosityModel = 3
-# Eddy Diffusivity Models
-# 0 = none
-# 1 = Reynolds analogy
-# 2 = modified Van Driest
-# 3 = Deissler
-# 4 = Meier and Rotta
-EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
-BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0.6e-3
-BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0
+DtInitial = 5e-5 # [s]
+MaxTimeStepSize = 900 # [s]
+TEnd = 86400 # [s]
+EpisodeLength = 8e5 # [s]
+LowerLeftX = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightX = 0.5 # [m]
+LowerLeftY = 0.0 # [m]
+UpperRightY = 0.75 # [m]
+# Number of elements in x-, y-direction
+NumberOfCellsX = 10
+NumberOfCellsY = 25
+# Grading and refinement of the mesh
+GradingFactorY = 1.1
+RefineTopY = false
+# Position information
+NoDarcyX = 0.25 # [m] # Horizontal position without PM below
+RunUpDistanceX = 0.26 # [m] # Horizontal position without Coupling to PM
+InterfacePosY = 0.25 # [m] # Vertical position of coupling interface
+NameFF = zeroeq2c
+NamePM = 2p2c
+# Frequency of restart file, flux and VTK output
+FreqRestart = 100            # 500  # how often restart files are written out
+FreqOutput = 5               #  10  # frequency of VTK output
+FreqMassOutput = 5           #  20  # frequency of mass and evaporation rate output (Darcy)
+RefVelocity = 3.5 # [m/s]
+RefPressure = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefMassfrac = 0.008 # [-]
+RefTemperature = 298.15 # [K]
+RefPressurePM = 1e5 # [Pa]
+RefTemperaturePM = 298.15 # [K]
+RefSw = 0.9 # [-]
+AlphaBJ = 1.0 # [-]
+Permeability = 2.65e-10 # [m^2]
+Porosity = 0.41 # [-]
+Swr = 0.005 # [-]
+Snr = 0.01 # [-]
+VgAlpha = 6.371e-4 # [1/Pa]
+VgN = 6.9 # [-]
+# optional parameters
+MaxRelativeShift = 1e-5
+TargetSteps = 10
+MaxSteps = 15
+WriteConvergence = false
+MaxTimeStepDivisions = 20
+Verbosity = 0
+# Eddy Viscosity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Prandtl
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Baldwin Lomax
+EddyViscosityModel = 3
+# Eddy Diffusivity Models
+# 0 = none
+# 1 = Reynolds analogy
+# 2 = modified Van Driest
+# 3 = Deissler
+# 4 = Meier and Rotta
+EddyDiffusivityModel = 3
+BBoxMinSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0.6e-3
+BBoxMaxSandGrainRoughness = 0.0 # [m] # 0