From f84066cf3c62b62bdee758cb01d1542d35361d51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bernd Flemisch <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 09:31:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] worked further on Doxygen modules

git-svn-id: svn:// 2fb0f335-1f38-0410-981e-8018bf24f1b0
 doc/doxygen/modules                           | 254 ++++++++++--------
 .../2p/diffusion/diffusionproblem2p.hh        |   2 +-
 .../2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh        |   2 +-
 dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh           |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/doxygen/modules b/doc/doxygen/modules
index 5aea2eb3c3..b40e581fac 100644
--- a/doc/doxygen/modules
+++ b/doc/doxygen/modules
@@ -6,175 +6,195 @@
 /****************** Common ******************/ 
- * \defgroup Properties Property System
- */
- * \defgroup SimControl Simulation Supervision
+ * \defgroup Common Common Infrastucture
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup Common
+	 * \defgroup Properties Property System
+	 */
+	/*! 
+	 * \ingroup Common
+	 * \defgroup SimControl Time Manager
+	 */
+	/*! 
+	 * \ingroup Common
+	 * \defgroup Newton Newton Solver
+	 */
+	/*! 
+	 * \ingroup Common
+	 * \defgroup Linear Linear Solver Backends
+	 */
-/****************** Sequential ******************/ 
+/****************** Material ******************/
- * \defgroup Sequential Sequential Scheme: IMPET (Implicit Pressure Explicit Transport)
+ * \defgroup Material Material Properties and Laws
-	 * \ingroup Sequential
-	 * \defgroup IMPET IMPET Models and Base Problems
-	 */	 
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup IMPET
-		 * \defgroup OnePhase Single Phase Model (Finite-Volume)
-		 */ 
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup IMPET
-		 * \defgroup IMPES Immiscible IMPES
-		 */		 
-			/*!
-			 * \ingroup IMPES
-			 * \defgroup Pressure2p Immiscible pressure equation
-			 */
-			 	/*!
-			 	* \ingroup Pressure2p
-			 	* \defgroup FV2p Finite Volume
-			 	*/	
-				/*!
-				* \ingroup Pressure2p
-			 	* \defgroup Mimetic2p Mimetic Finite Differences
-			 	*/	
-			/*!
-			 * \ingroup IMPES
-			 * \defgroup Saturation2p Immiscible saturation transport
-			 */
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup IMPET
-		 * \defgroup IMPESproblems IMPES Base Problems
-		 */
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup IMPET
-		 * \defgroup IMPEC Miscible IMPEC
-		 */
-			/*!
-			 * \ingroup IMPEC
-			 * \defgroup multiphase Multiphase Compositional Models
-			 */
-			/*!
-			 * \ingroup IMPEC
-			 * \defgroup multiphysics Multiphysics Compositional Models
-			 */
+	 * \ingroup Material
+	 * \defgroup Components Components
+	 */
-		 * \ingroup IMPET
-		 * \defgroup IMPECproblems IMPEC Base Problems
+		 * \ingroup Components
+		 * \defgroup IAPWS IAPWS
-	 * \ingroup Sequential
-	 * \defgroup IMPETtests Test Problems for all IMPET models
+	 * \ingroup Material
+	 * \defgroup Binarycoefficients Binary Coefficients
-	 * \ingroup Sequential
-	 * \defgroup IMPETbc Boundary Conditions for IMPET problems
+	 * \ingroup Material
+	 * \defgroup Fluidsystems Fluid Systems
-./dumux/common/propertysystem.hh: * \defgroup Properties Property System
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup Material
+	 * \defgroup SpatialParameters Spatial Parameters
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup Material
+	 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractions Fluid-Matrix Interactions
+	 */
+		/*!
+		 * \ingroup fluidmatrixinteractions
+		 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractionslaws Laws for Fluid-Matrix Interactions
+		 */
+		 /*!
+		 * \ingroup fluidmatrixinteractions
+		 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractionsparams Parameters for Fluid-Matrix Interactions 
+		 */
 /****************** Fully Implicit ******************/
- * \defgroup BoxModel The core infrastructure of the box scheme
+ * \defgroup BoxModel Fully Implicit Box Scheme
  	 * \ingroup BoxModel
- 	 * \defgroup BoxModels Physical models and problems which use the box scheme
+ 	 * \defgroup BoxModels Models
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup OnePBoxModel One-phase box model
+		 * \defgroup OnePBoxModel One-phase
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup OnePTwoCBoxModel One-phase Two-component box model
+		 * \defgroup OnePTwoCBoxModel One-phase Two-component
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup TwoPBoxModel Two-phase box model
+		 * \defgroup TwoPBoxModel Two-phase 
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup TwoPTwoCModel Two-phase two-component box model
+		 * \defgroup TwoPNIModel Non-isothermal two-phase
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup TwoPTwoCNIModel Non-isothermal two-phase two-component box model
+		 * \defgroup TwoPTwoCModel Two-phase two-component
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup TwoPTwoCNIModel Non-isothermal two-phase two-component box model
+		 * \defgroup TwoPTwoCNIModel Non-isothermal two-phase two-component
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup MPNCModel M-phase N-component box model
+		 * \defgroup MPNCModel M-phase N-component
 		 * \ingroup BoxModels
-		 * \defgroup RichardsModel Richards box model
-		 */
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup BoxProblems
-		 * \defgroup MPNCProblems Two-phase three-component box problems
+		 * \defgroup RichardsModel Richards
-/****************** Material ******************/
- * \defgroup Material Material Properties and Laws
- */
-	 * \ingroup Material
-	 * \defgroup Binarycoefficients Binary Coefficients
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxBaseProblems Base Problems
-	 * \ingroup Material
-	 * \defgroup Components Components
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxVolumeVariables Volume Variables
-		/*!
-		 * \ingroup Components
-		 * \defgroup IAPWS IAPWS
-		 */
-	 * \ingroup Material
-	 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractions Fluid-Matrix--Interactions
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxFluxVariables Flux Variables
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxLocalResidual Local Residual
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxLocalJacobian Local Jacobian
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxBoundaryTypes Boundary Types
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxIndices Indices
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxProperties Properties
+	 */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup BoxModel
+	 * \defgroup BoxTestProblems Test Problems
+	 */
+/****************** Sequential ******************/ 
+ * \defgroup Sequential Sequential Scheme: IMPET (Implicit Pressure Explicit Transport)
+ */
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup Sequential
+	 * \defgroup IMPET Models
+	 */	 
-		 * \ingroup fluidmatrixinteractions
-		 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractionslaws Laws for Fluid-Matrix--Interactions
-		 */
-		 /*!
-		 * \ingroup fluidmatrixinteractions
-		 *  \defgroup fluidmatrixinteractionsparams Parameters for Fluid-Matrix--Interactions 
+		 * \ingroup IMPET
+		 * \defgroup OnePhase Single Phase (FV)
+		 */ 
+		/*!
+		 * \ingroup IMPET
+		 * \defgroup IMPES Immiscible IMPES
+		 */		 
+			/*!
+			 * \ingroup IMPES
+			 * \defgroup Pressure2p Immiscible Pressure Equation
+			 */
+			 	/*!
+			 	* \ingroup Pressure2p
+			 	* \defgroup FV2p Finite Volume
+			 	*/	
+				/*!
+				* \ingroup Pressure2p
+			 	* \defgroup Mimetic2p Mimetic Finite Differences
+			 	*/	
+			/*!
+			 * \ingroup IMPES
+			 * \defgroup Saturation2p Immiscible Saturation Transport
+			 */
+		/*!
+		 * \ingroup IMPET
+		 * \defgroup IMPEC Miscible IMPEC
+			/*!
+			 * \ingroup IMPEC
+			 * \defgroup multiphase Multiphase Compositional Models
+			 */
+			/*!
+			 * \ingroup IMPEC
+			 * \defgroup multiphysics Multiphysics Compositional Models
+			 */
-	 * \ingroup Material
-	 * \defgroup Fluidsystems Fluidsystems
+	 * \ingroup Sequential
+	 * \defgroup IMPETproblems Base Problems
-	 * \ingroup Material
-	 * \defgroup SpatialParameters Spatial parameters
+	 * \ingroup Sequential
+	 * \defgroup IMPETbc Boundary Conditions
+	/*!
+	 * \ingroup Sequential
+	 * \defgroup IMPETtests Test Problems
+	 */
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/diffusionproblem2p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/diffusionproblem2p.hh
index 0f2d0a9a17..5690896437 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/diffusionproblem2p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/diffusion/diffusionproblem2p.hh
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 namespace Dumux
- * \ingroup IMPESproblems
+ * \ingroup IMPETproblems
  * \ingroup Pressure2p
  * \brief  Base class for stationary sequential 2-phase problems
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh
index 573cceb0a5..4a8d92637b 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p/transport/transportproblem2p.hh
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace Dumux
  * \ingroup Saturation2p
- * \ingroup IMPESproblems
+ * \ingroup IMPETproblems
  * \brief  Base class for a decoupled 2-phase transport problem
  * @tparam TypeTag The Type Tag
diff --git a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh
index 5ab3a9203a..5e010bedb7 100644
--- a/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh
+++ b/dumux/decoupled/2p2c/2p2cproblem.hh
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace Dumux
  * \ingroup IMPEC
- * \ingroup IMPECproblems
+ * \ingroup IMPETproblems
  * \brief  Base class for all compositional 2-phase problems which use an impet algorithm
  * Differs from .../2p/impes/impesproblem2p.hh in the includes