From f92a1d42668f8c16ac4be4614643e0e34c4bc661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kilian Weishaupt <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 17:16:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [handbook] Update structure and folder setup

 doc/handbook/4_newfoldersetup.tex | 21 ++++++++------
 doc/handbook/4_structure.tex      | 47 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/handbook/4_newfoldersetup.tex b/doc/handbook/4_newfoldersetup.tex
index c1700cd9a0..eff2a3c3c0 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/4_newfoldersetup.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/4_newfoldersetup.tex
@@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ the build system there is a new one.
 \paragraph{Adding new Test Programs}
-\noindent To add a test use the \texttt{add\_dumux\_test} macro.
-The command has four arguments:
-  \item name of test (has to be unique)
-  \item name of executable
-  \item source file (*.cc)
-  \item command to be executed as test - either the executable or a
-        some helper script with arguments
+\noindent To add a test use the \texttt{add\_dune\_test} macro within the \texttt{CMakeList.txt} file.
+The macro can be used with a variable amount of arguments. A simple call could look like this:
+dune_add_test(NAME my_test
+               SOURCES
+               CMD_ARGS my_test params.input)
+Here, we create an exectuable called \texttt{my\_test} from a source file \texttt{}.
+The name of the test will also be \texttt{my\_test} (has to be unique). The last argument specifies a command - here, we just run the executbable \texttt{my\_test} with an input file \texttt{params.input}. For more advanced uses of
+the \texttt{add\_dune\_test} macro, have a look at the \texttt{test} directory. A complete documentation is given \href{}{here}
diff --git a/doc/handbook/4_structure.tex b/doc/handbook/4_structure.tex
index 649eb2f79a..0c1dfbf496 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/4_structure.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/4_structure.tex
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
       \texttt{*.cc}, the problem definition \texttt{*problem.hh}, and an input file \texttt{*.input}.
       If necessary, spatially dependent parameters are defined in \texttt{*spatialparameters.hh}.
       For more detailed descriptions of the tests, please have a look at the Doxygen documentation.
-\item \texttt{tutorial}: contains the tutorials.
@@ -71,20 +70,16 @@
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {properties};
       \node[ThirdLevel] {Base properties for all models.};
+    [.\node[SecondLevel] {typetraits};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Helper classes to query type information on compile-time. };
+    ]
   [.\node[FirstLevel] {discretization};
-%     [.\node[SecondLevel] {\emph{models}};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Common methods for all discretizations: variable caching, advective and diffusive fluxes, upwinding...};
-%     ]
-    [.\node[SecondLevel] {box};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Specific files for the box finite volume method:
-                         specifications for advective and diffusive fluxes...};
-    ]
-    [.\node[SecondLevel] {cellcentered};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Specific files for cell centered finite volume methods.};
-    ]
-    [.\node[SecondLevel] {staggered};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Specific files for staggered finite volume method.};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Common methods for all discretizations (box, cell-centered TPFA/MPFA, staggered grid): variable caching, advective and diffusive fluxes, ...};
+  ]
+  [.\node[FirstLevel] {flux};
+    [\node[ThirdLevel] {
+            Collection of classes used to calculate advective and diffusive fluxes.};
   [.\node[FirstLevel] {freeflow};
@@ -93,6 +88,11 @@
                          and eddy-viscosity based Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes turbulence models.};
+  [.\node[FirstLevel] {geomechanics};
+    [.\node[SecondLevel] {\emph{models}};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Elastic and poro-elastic geomechanics models.};
+    ]
+  ]
   [.\node[FirstLevel] {io};
     \node[ThirdLevel] {Additional in-/output possibilities like restart files, gnuplot-interface,
                        VTKWriter extensions and files for grid generation.};
@@ -126,28 +126,35 @@
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {fluidstates};
       \node[ThirdLevel] {Fluid states are responsible for caching the thermodynamic
-                         configuration of a system at a given spatial and temporal position.};
+                         configuration of a fluid system at a given spatial and temporal position.};
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {fluidsystems};
       \node[ThirdLevel] {Fluid systems express the thermodynamic relations between quantities.};
+    [.\node[SecondLevel] {solidstates};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Solid states are responsible for caching the thermodynamic
+                         configuration of a solid system at a given spatial and temporal position.};
+    ]
+    [.\node[SecondLevel] {solidsystems};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Solid systems express the thermodynamic properties of a solid.};
+    ]
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {spatialparams};
       \node[ThirdLevel] {Base class for all spatially dependent variables, like permeability and
                          porosity. Includes spatial averaging routines. All other properties are
                          specified in the specific files of the respective models.};
-  [.\node[FirstLevel] {mixeddimension};
+  [.\node[FirstLevel] {multidomain};
     \node[ThirdLevel] {
-          Coupled model with different dimensions.};
+          Common infrastructure to couple multiple domains, models or physics.};
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {embedded};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Embedded mixed dimension method.};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Embedding of a lower-dimensional model into a higher-dimensional one};
     [.\node[SecondLevel] {facet};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Facet mixed dimension method.};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Mixed-dimensional coupling at facets.};
-    [.\node[SecondLevel] {glue};
-      \node[ThirdLevel] {Grid glue backend.};
+    [.\node[SecondLevel] {boundary};
+      \node[ThirdLevel] {Coupling at the domain boundaries.};
   [.\node[FirstLevel] {nonlinear};