diff --git a/doc/handbook/0_dumux-handbook.tex b/doc/handbook/0_dumux-handbook.tex
index 4792cc3fc782a21eb5b79ecfccd2cf5a151881c0..8aaa6e605457e78848575020f374c9257daa810c 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/0_dumux-handbook.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/0_dumux-handbook.tex
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@
 % Dune and Dumux logo
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ Universit\"at Stuttgart, Paffenwaldring 61, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany}\\
 \chapter{Quick Start}\label{quick-install}
-In this chapter we provide a quick start guide to
+In this chapter, we provide a quick start guide to
 your first \Dumux experience, including an install script with all necessary instructions
 on how to very quickly install the latest release version of \Dumux.
 You should have a recent working Linux environment.
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ wonderful \Dumux simulation environment, we've prepared a \Dumux course and exte
 This chapter provides an overview of the general structure in \Dumux (\ref{sc_structure})
 and gives help for basic work with \Dumux
-Further it presents useful external tools (\ref{sc_externaltools}) and basic
+Further, it presents useful external tools (\ref{sc_externaltools}) and basic
 concepts (\ref{sc_linearsystem}).
diff --git a/doc/handbook/1_introduction.tex b/doc/handbook/1_introduction.tex
index 0c5c773bb01e02571c551509bd8a142e9f730d1c..38427def59d9bed5c25840883fe8f8f45258b613 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/1_introduction.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/1_introduction.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \Dumux aims to be a generic framework for the simulation of multiphase
 fluid flow and transport processes in porous media using continuum
 mechanical approaches.  At the same time, \Dumux aims to deliver
-top-notch computational performance, high flexibility, a sound
+top-notch computational performance, high flexibility, sound
 software architecture and the ability to run on anything from single
 processor systems to highly parallel supercomputers with specialized
 hardware architectures.
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ language.
 One of the more complex issues when dealing with parallel continuum
 models is managing the grids used for the spatial discretization of
 the physical model. To date, no generic and efficient approach exists
-for all possible cases, so \Dumux is build on top of \Dune, the
+for all possible cases, so \Dumux is built on top of \Dune, the
 \textbf{D}istributed and \textbf{U}nified \textbf{N}umerics
 \textbf{E}nvironment~\cite{DUNE-HP}. \Dune provides a generic interface
 to many existing grid management libraries such as UG~\cite{UG-HP},
-ALUGrid~\cite{ALUGRID-HP,alugrid2016} and a few more.
+ALUGrid~\cite{ALUGRID-HP,alugrid2016}, and a few more.
 DUNE also extensively uses template programming in order to
 achieve minimal overhead when accessing the underlying grid
 libraries\footnote{In fact, the performance penalty resulting from the
@@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ which are the cell's vertices.  The \Dune grid interface generally
 assumes that all entities are convex polytopes, which means that it
 must be possible to express each entity as the convex hull of a set of
 vertices. For the sake of efficiency, all entities are further expressed in terms
-of so-called reference elements which are transformed to the actual
+of so-called reference elements, which are transformed to the actual
 spatial incarnation within the grid by a so-called geometry
 function. Here, a reference element for an
 entity can be thought of as a prototype for the actual grid
-entity. For example, if we used a grid which applied hexahedrons as cells,
-the reference element for each cell would be the unit cube $[0, 1]^3$
+entity. For example, if we used a grid that applied hexahedrons as cells,
+the reference element for each cell would be the unit cube $[0, 1]^3$,
 and the geometry function would scale and translate the cube so that
 it matches the grid's cell. A quick overview of reference elements and the
 related numbering can be obtained from the DUNE cheat sheet
@@ -64,22 +64,22 @@ finite element shape functions, while \texttt{dune-istl} is the
 and provides generic, highly optimized linear algebra routines for
 solving the generated systems.
-\Dumux comes in form of an additional module \texttt{dumux}.
+\Dumux comes in the form of an additional module \texttt{dumux}.
 It depends on the \Dune core modules
 \texttt{dune-common},\texttt{dune-geometry}, \texttt{dune-grid}, \texttt{dune-istl}, and \texttt{dune-localfunctions}.
-The main intention of \Dumux is to provide a framework for an easy and efficient
+The main intention of \Dumux is to provide a framework for easy and efficient
 implementation of new physical models for porous media flow problems,
 ranging from problem formulation and the selection of
 spatial and temporal discretization schemes as well as nonlinear solvers,
 to general concepts for model coupling.
-Moreover, \Dumux includes ready to use numerical models and a few example applications.
+Moreover, \Dumux includes ready-to-use numerical models and a few example applications.
-This is the handbook to a new minor version update of \Dumux: version \DumuxVersion.
-The release contains improvements and new features compared to the 3.2 version.
-The update is  backwards compatible with the last release 3.2.
+This document is the handbook to a new minor version update of \Dumux: version \DumuxVersion.
+The release contains improvements and new features compared to version \DumuxOldVersion.
+The update is backwards compatible with the last release \DumuxOldVersion.
 To facilitate the transition for our users, we have created a changelog
-helping to update programs from version 3.2 to version \DumuxVersion, and giving an overview over new capabilities.
-It is available online:
+helping to update programs from version \DumuxOldVersion{} to version \DumuxVersion{} and giving an overview of new capabilities.
+It is available online at
 We highly recommend all our users to transition with us to the most recent version of \Dumux
 and wish everyone an exciting simulation experience.
diff --git a/doc/handbook/2_quickinstall.tex b/doc/handbook/2_quickinstall.tex
index 2c41529a6ee0d52fe1e426369cf0f7b99c8ca098..a941c230617f07fda235a8f7601818a1977c9f2e 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/2_quickinstall.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/2_quickinstall.tex
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ $ python installdumux.py
 This script will download each of the \Dune-modules that \Dumux depends on at their 2.7 release,
-as well as \Dumux's \DumuxVersion release. After these individual modules are downloaded, \Dune and \Dumux
+as well as \Dumux's \DumuxVersion{} release. After these individual modules are downloaded, \Dune and \Dumux
 are automatically configured using the command-line script \texttt{dunecontrol}, located in
 \texttt{dune-common/bin/dunecontrol}, optimized using configure options defined in the \texttt{cmake.opts}
 file located in \texttt{dumux/cmake.opts}. The commands beneath the \texttt{\# run dunecontrol} in
-the \texttt{installdumux.sh} script execute this configuration script, so no further steps are required.
+the \texttt{installdumux.py} script execute this configuration script, so no further steps are required.
 More details about the build-system can be found in section \ref{buildIt}.
 \subsection{A first test run of \Dumux}
-When the \texttt{installdumux.sh} script from the subsection above has run successfully,
+When the \texttt{installdumux.py} script from the subsection above has run successfully,
 you run a simple test to ensure that the installation ran correctly. To do this, you can
 begin by compiling an example problem and running the simulation. You can then visualize
-the results using ParaView. We recommend looking at a basic single phase groundwater flow problem.
+the results using ParaView. We recommend looking at a basic single-phase groundwater flow problem.
 \item Navigate to this test in the build directory using:
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ paraview *pvd
 These commands are compiled into \texttt{test\_dumux.sh}, which you can download and run
-from the same directory from which you ran \texttt{installDumux.sh}.
+from the same directory from which you ran \texttt{installdumux.py}.
 $ wget https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/-/raw/releases/%\DumuxVersion%/bin/util/test_dumux.sh
 $ wget sh test_dumux.sh
-For further information on how to get started with dumux, see Section \ref{chp:tutorial}.
+For further information on how to get started with dumux, see section \ref{chp:tutorial}.
diff --git a/doc/handbook/3_detailedinstall.tex b/doc/handbook/3_detailedinstall.tex
index 1d1c29ff63f02d91c2bc0e0c284e619948c47359..469768e8d16c5aaea264526bafb66a184a850e85 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/3_detailedinstall.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/3_detailedinstall.tex
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Installing \Dumux means that you first unpack \Dune and \Dumux in a root directory,
+Installing \Dumux means that you first unpack \Dune and \Dumux in a root directory
 (section \ref{sc:ObtainingSourceCode}).
 In a second step of the installation, all modules are configured with CMake
 (section \ref{buildIt}).
-After successful installation of \Dumux, we guide you to start a test application,
+After the successful installation of \Dumux, we guide you to start a test application,
 described in section \ref{quick-start-guide}.
 In section \ref{sec:build-doc}, we explain how to build the \Dumux documentation.
 Lastly, section \ref{sec:external-modules-libraries} provides details on optional libraries and modules.
-In a technical sense \Dumux is a module of \Dune.
+In a technical sense, \Dumux is a module of \Dune.
 Thus, the installation procedure of \Dumux is the same as that of \Dune.
 Details regarding the installation of \Dune are provided on the \Dune website \cite{DUNE-HP}.
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ The \Dumux release and trunk (developer tree) are based on the most recent
 \texttt{dune-grid}, \texttt{dune-istl} and \texttt{dune-localfunctions}.
 For working with \Dumux, these modules are required.
 All \Dune modules, including the \Dumux module, get extracted into a common root directory, as it
-is done in an ordinary \Dune installation.
-We usually name our root directory \texttt{DUMUX} but an arbitrary name can be chosen.
+is done in a typical \Dune installation.
+We usually name our root directory \texttt{DUMUX}, but an arbitrary name can be chosen.
 Source code files for each \Dune module are contained in their own sub-directory within the root directory.
 The sub-directories for the modules are named after the module names (depending on how
 the modules were obtained, a version number is added to the module name).
@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ The newest and maybe unstable developments of \Dune and \Dumux are also provided
 Please check the \Dune website \cite{DUNE-HP} for further information on the \Dune development. We always try to keep up with the latest developments of \Dune.
 However, the current \Dumux release is based on the stable 2.7 release and it might not compile without further adaptations using the newest versions of \Dune.
-Furthermore, if you wish to install the optional \Dune Grid-Howto, which provides a tutorial
-on the Dune grid interface, act similar.
 %TODO:currently, no DUNE patches necessary! Uncomment this section in case this changes again in the future.
 % \paragraph{Patching \Dune or external libraries}
@@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ on the Dune grid interface, act similar.
 \section{Building \Dune and \Dumux}
-Configuring \Dune and \Dumux is done by the shell-command \texttt{dunecontrol} which is part of the \Dune build system.
+Configuring \Dune and \Dumux is done by the shell-command \texttt{dunecontrol}, which is part of the \Dune build system.
 If you are interested in more details about the build system that is used,
 they can be found in the \Dune build system documentation\footnote{\url{https://www.dune-project.org/buildsystem/}} and
 CMake's documentation\footnote{\url{https://cmake.org/documentation/}}.
@@ -126,19 +123,19 @@ $ ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=my-cmake.opts all
 Sometimes, it is necessary to have additional options which
 are specific to a package set of an operating system or
 sometimes you have your own preferences.
-Feel free to work with your own set of options, which may evolve over time.
-The option file that comes with the distribution is to be understood more as a starting point
-for setting up an own customization than as something which is fixed.
+Feel free to work with your own set of options, which may change over time.
+The option file, that comes with the distribution, is to be understood more as a starting point
+for setting up own customization than as something which is fixed.
 The use of external libraries can make it necessary to add quite many options in an option file.
-It can be helpful to give your customized option file its own name, as done above,
+It can be helpful to give your customized option file a unique name, as done above,
 to avoid confusing it with the option files which came out of the distribution.
 \section{The First Run of a Test Application}
 The previous section showed how to install and compile \Dumux. This section
-shall give a very brief introduction how to run a first test application and how
+shall give a very brief introduction on how to run a first test application and how
 to visualize the first output files.\par
-All executables are compiled in the \texttt{build} sub-directories of \Dumux.
+All executable files are compiled in the \texttt{build} sub-directories of \Dumux.
 If not specified differently in the options file, this is \texttt{build-cmake} as default.
@@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ If not specified differently in the options file, this is \texttt{build-cmake} a
       type \texttt{./test{\_}2p{\_}incompressible{\_}tpfa params.input}
       into the console.
       The added \texttt{params.input} specifies that all
-      important run-time parameters (like first time step size, end of simulation and location
+      important run-time parameters (such as first time step size, end of simulation and location
       of the grid file) can be found in a text file in the same directory  with the
       name \texttt{params.input}.
 \item The simulation starts and produces some VTU output files and also a PVD
@@ -155,7 +152,7 @@ If not specified differently in the options file, this is \texttt{build-cmake} a
       files. It is possible to stop a running application by pressing $<$Ctrl$><$c$>$.
 \item You can display the results using the visualization tool ParaView (or
       alternatively VisIt). Just type \texttt{paraview} in the console and open the
-      PVD file. On the upper left hand side, you can choose the desired parameter to be displayed.
+      PVD file. On the upper left-hand side, you can choose the desired parameter to be displayed.
 \section{Building Documentation}
@@ -167,29 +164,30 @@ in the \texttt{CONFIGURE\_FLAGS} of the building options, see section \ref{build
-Doxygen documentation is done by specifically formatted comments integrated in the source code,
-which can get extracted by the program \texttt{doxygen}. Beside extracting these comments,
+Doxygen documentation is done by specifically formatted comments included in the source code,
+which can get extracted by the program \texttt{doxygen}. Besides extracting these comments,
 \texttt{doxygen} builds up a web-browsable code-structure documentation
-like class hierarchy of code displayed as graphs, see \url{http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/}.
+like class hierarchy of code displayed as graphs, see \url{https://www.doxygen.nl/index.html}.
-The Doxygen documentation of a module can be built if \texttt{doxygen} is installed,
-by running \texttt{dunecontrol}, entering the \texttt{build-*}directory, and executing
+The Doxygen documentation of a module can be built by running \texttt{dunecontrol} (if \texttt{doxygen} is installed), entering the \texttt{build-*}directory, and executing
 \texttt{make doc}. Then point your web browser to the file
 \texttt{MODULE\_BUILD\_DIRECTORY/doc/doxygen/html/index.html} to read the generated documentation.
 This should also work for other \Dune modules.
-To build the \Dumux handbook go into the \texttt{build-}directory and
+To build the \Dumux handbook, navigate to the \texttt{build-}directory and
 run \texttt{make doc} or \texttt{make doc\_handbook\_0\_\\dumux-handbook\_pdf}. The pdf can then be found
 in \texttt{MODULE\_BUILD\_DIRECTORY/doc/handbook/0\_dumux\\-handbook.pdf}.
 \section{External Libraries and Modules} \label{sec:external-modules-libraries}
 The libraries described below provide additional functionality but are not generally required to run \Dumux.
 If you are going to use an external library, check the information provided on the \Dune website%
-\footnote{DUNE: External libraries, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/doc/external-libraries/}}.
-If you are going to use an external \Dune module, the website on external modules%
-\footnote{DUNE: External modules, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/groups/external/}}
-can be helpful.
+\footnote{DUNE: External libraries, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/doc/external-libraries/}}. You can consult the \Dune website for higher-level \Dune modules, such as Grid Modules
+\footnote{DUNE: Grid modules, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/groups/grid/}},
+Discretization Modules
+\footnote{DUNE: Discretization modules, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/groups/disc/}},
+ and Extension Modules
+\footnote{DUNE: Extension modules, \url{https://www.dune-project.org/groups/extension/}}.
 Installing an external library can require additional libraries which are also used by \Dune.
 For some libraries, such as BLAS or MPI, multiple versions can be installed on the system.
@@ -199,10 +197,7 @@ Some of the libraries are then compiled within that directory and are not instal
 a different place, but \Dune may need to know their location. Thus, one may have to refer to
 them as options for \texttt{dunecontrol}, for example via the options file \texttt{my-cmake.opts}.
 Make sure you compile the required external libraries before you run \texttt{dunecontrol}.
-An easy way to install some of the libraries and modules given below is the
-\texttt{installexternal.sh} script located in \texttt{bin}. The script
-has to be called from your common root directory.
+An easy way to install some of the libraries and modules, given below, is the \texttt{installexternal.py} script located in \texttt{bin}. The script has to be called from your common root directory.
 \subsection{List of External Libraries and Modules}
@@ -270,9 +265,9 @@ depending on which modules of \Dune and which external libraries you use.
 \section{Backwards Compatibility}
-Dumux Releases are split into major (e.g. 2.0, 3.0) and minor (e.g. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) releases.
-Major releases are not required to maintain backwards compatibility, 
-but would provide a detailed guide on how to update dependent modules.
+Dumux Releases are split into major (e.g. 2.0, 3.0) and minor (e.g. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) releases.
+Major releases are not required to maintain backwards compatibility 
+but would provide a detailed guide on updating dependent modules.
 For each minor release, maintaining backwards compatibility is strongly encouraged and recommended.
 Maintaining backwards compatibility means for all changes made to the dumux master, each tests and all dumux dependent modules should still compile. In addition, the user should be warned at compile time of any relevant interface changes. This can be done by deprecating the old method with a deprecation message and forwarding it to the new method. Examples of this are shown in the \href{https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md}{contribution guide}. Each of these deprecation messages should also include the release in which the interface will be removed, and all changes should be documented thoroughly in the \href{https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/-/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md}{changelog.md}.
diff --git a/doc/handbook/4_course.tex b/doc/handbook/4_course.tex
index b59617dca4ae68e659837ea99e4b131ea68ec1df..0962d8570aca2703483b7526a88b85e487b69ebd 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/4_course.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/4_course.tex
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ $ wget https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux-course/raw/rele
 This script will install \texttt{dumux}, it's Dune dependencies, and the \texttt{dumux-course}
 repository. Within the directory \texttt{dumux-course} there are a series of exercises
 and slides describing the previously described examples. The course can also be added to your existing 
-dumux installation using the \texttt{installExternal.sh} script and the argument \texttt{course}.\par
+dumux installation using the \texttt{installExternal.py} script and the argument \texttt{course}.\par
 The \Dumux course will be updated with each \Dumux release.
 The above script will download the correct version (\textbf{releases/\DumuxVersion}) of both
diff --git a/doc/handbook/4_furtherpractice.tex b/doc/handbook/4_furtherpractice.tex
index 6fd423eff81efc7de29e26abb8fcdd8effdf6c1a..7a6e2b3082f3b8d1d731bbe6980a004a1d766ead 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/4_furtherpractice.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/4_furtherpractice.tex
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ can be found in the \texttt{test}-directory. %An overview over the available tes
 Another possibility to gain more experience with \Dumux is the \texttt{dumux-lecture} module
 that contains different application examples that are used in the lectures at the
 Department of Hydromechanics and Modelling of Hydrosystems in Stuttgart.
-The \texttt{dumux-lecture} module can be obtained with the \texttt{installExternal.sh} 
+The \texttt{dumux-lecture} module can be obtained with the \texttt{installExternal.py} 
 script and the argument \texttt{lecture}. 
 The module is structured based on the different lectures:
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ The module is structured based on the different lectures:
 \item efm: Environmental Fluid Mechanics,
 \item mhs: Modelling of Hydrosystems.
-The majority of applications is covered in the course Multiphase Modelling (mm),
+The majority of applications are covered in the course Multiphase Modelling (mm),
 while there are also some basic examples in the
 courses Environmental Fluid Mechanics (efm) and Modelling of Hydrosystems (mhs).
 These applications are primarily designed to enhance the understanding of conceptualizing the
 governing physical processes and their implementation in a numerical simulator.
 Different aspects of modeling multi-phase multi-component flow and transport processes are shown.
-The lectures focus on questions like the assignment of boundary conditions, the choice of the
+The lectures focus on questions such as the assignment of boundary conditions, the choice of the
 appropriate physics for a given problem (which phases, which components), discretization issues,
 time stepping. You can find, e. g., a comparison of different two-phase flow problems: The
 simpler approach considers two immiscible fluids while components in both phases with inter-phase
diff --git a/doc/handbook/5_developingdumux.tex b/doc/handbook/5_developingdumux.tex
index 7feaa8f83809966cfabd6e5ecc5746f8d4a05275..2d0b97bc18f36d024efcf28a4b90ec2122caff85 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/5_developingdumux.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/5_developingdumux.tex
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Feel free to register (if you don't have an account at out \emph{Git} yet) and t
 at \url{https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux/issues}.
 \paragraph{Commits, Merges, etc.}
-To be up-to-date with the latest changes made to any git-repository you can use RSS Feeds.
+To be up-to-date with the latest changes made to any git-repository, you can use RSS Feeds.
 Simply click on \emph{Issues} or \emph{Activity} and then select a tab you are interested in
 and use your favorite RSS-application for receiving the news.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ std::cout << "# This was written from "<< __FILE__ << ", line " << __LINE__ << s
 \paragraph{Using \Dune Debug Streams}
-\Dune provides a helpful feature, for keeping your debug-output organized.
+\Dune provides a helpful feature for keeping your debug-output organized.
 It uses simple streams like \texttt{std::cout}, but they can be switched on and off
 for the whole project. You can choose five different levels of severity:
diff --git a/doc/handbook/5_externaltools.tex b/doc/handbook/5_externaltools.tex
index 7cc542c46495cd50bda574a8fb99fe185fdfeaa6..e3717aa4754ee56faced0b70172d70b5d762fb5d 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/5_externaltools.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/5_externaltools.tex
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ of \texttt{Dumux::GnuplotInterface}, or the header file itself (\texttt{dumux/io
 Gstat is an open source software tool which generates geostatistical random fields (see \url{www.gstat.org}).
 In order to use gstat, execute the \texttt{bin/installexternal.sh} from your \Dumux root
 directory or donwload, unpack and install the tarball from the gstat-website.
-Then rerun cmake (in the second case set \texttt{GSTAT\_ROOT} in your input file to the
+Then, rerun cmake (in the second case set \texttt{GSTAT\_ROOT} in your input file to the
 path where gstat is installed).
diff --git a/doc/handbook/5_restartsimulations.tex b/doc/handbook/5_restartsimulations.tex
index ff4fc2f66550ef128d0a86f59d8ff0fdc1bbf210..e214a999efaf8bf1cbb0382c935db38e4483d2d9 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/5_restartsimulations.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/5_restartsimulations.tex
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ the \texttt{Dumux::VTKReader} or you can simply recreate the grid as you did in
 Writing double-precision floating point numbers to VTK files is available with the newest \Dune release 2.7. If you are using that version, it is now possible to specify output precision in the input file using \texttt{Vtk.Precision} followed by either \texttt{Float32}, \texttt{Float64}, \texttt{UInt32}, \texttt{UInt8} or \texttt{Int32}. \texttt{Float32} is set as the default. We especially advice the use of \texttt{Float64} when working with restart files.
 The restart capabilities will hopefully be improved in future versions of \Dumux-3.
-We are happy about any contributions (especially HDF5 / XDMF support, improvement of VTK support).
+We are looking forward to any contributions (especially HDF5 / XDMF support, improvement of VTK support).
diff --git a/doc/handbook/6_basics.tex b/doc/handbook/6_basics.tex
index d5a36c5b3c4c73d33cd19a477d331d4a5b8d0c21..067649de5c192cfc2ea808ae66d4f5adeb319857 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/6_basics.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/6_basics.tex
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ For compositional multi-phase models, fluid phases may be composed of several co
 The term \emph{component} stands for constituents of the phases which
-can be associated with a unique chemical species, or, more generally, with
+can be associated with a unique chemical species or, more generally, with
 a group of species exploiting similar physical behavior. For example, Fig. \ref{fig:phaseMassEnergyTransfer} shows a water-gas-NAPL system composed of the phases water (subscript
 $\text{w}$), gas ($\text{g}$), and NAPL ($\text{n}$). These phases are
 composed of the components water (superscript $\text{w}$), the pseudo-component
diff --git a/doc/handbook/6_parallel.tex b/doc/handbook/6_parallel.tex
index 671716dac09b563b6b49f540a44074b467bc810f..5e5b0951a702a1be4aa70d23f6e963f641a978ed 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/6_parallel.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/6_parallel.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \section{Parallel Computation}
 This section explains how \Dumux can be used
-on multicore / multinode systems.
+on multicore/multinode systems.
 There are different concepts and methods for parallel programming, which are
 often grouped in \textit{shared-memory} and \textit{distributed-memory}
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Most MPI implementations use the \textbf{mpirun} command
 mpirun -np <n_cores> <executable_name>
 where \textit{-np} sets the number of cores (\texttt{n\_cores}) that should be used for the
 computation. On a cluster you usually have to use a queuing system (e.g. slurm) to
 submit a job. Check with your cluster administrator how to run parallel applications on the cluster.
diff --git a/doc/handbook/6_propertysystem.tex b/doc/handbook/6_propertysystem.tex
index 63a8f78c586fa4851f949b92726859051595132f..d5ef10e03be468aaa688092a9669a26a1fe41213 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/6_propertysystem.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/6_propertysystem.tex
@@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ are given, then follows a reference and a self-contained example.
 \subsection{Motivation and features}
 The \Dumux property system is a traits system
 which allows easy inheritance.
 In the context of the \Dumux property system, a property is an arbitrary
 class body which may contain type definitions, values and methods.
 Just like normal classes, properties can be arranged in hierarchies. In
 the context of the \Dumux property system, nodes of the inheritance
 hierarchy are called \emph{type tags}.
diff --git a/doc/handbook/6_spatialdiscretizations.tex b/doc/handbook/6_spatialdiscretizations.tex
index 48237edcc2aec9472c31df41fe68524d47c29446..a81069bdf9ae88c77571ae1ae5532f7642f07572 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/6_spatialdiscretizations.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/6_spatialdiscretizations.tex
@@ -222,8 +222,7 @@ model domain and $F(u) = F(\mathbf v, p) = F(\mathbf v(x,t), p(x,t))$.
 Like the FE method, the box method follows the principle of weighted residuals.
 In the function $f(u)$ the unknown $u$ is approximated by discrete values at the
 nodes of the FE mesh $\hat u_i$ and linear basis functions $N_i$ yielding an
-approximate function $f(\tilde u)$. For $u\in \lbrace \mathbf v, p, x^\kappa \rbrace$
-this means:
+approximate function $f(\tilde u)$. For $u\in \lbrace \mathbf v, p, x^\kappa \rbrace$, this means:
@@ -255,8 +254,7 @@ this means:
-Due to the approximation with node values and basis functions the differential
-equations are not exactly fulfilled anymore but a residual $\varepsilon$ is produced.
+Due to the approximation with node values and basis functions, the differential equations are not exactly fulfilled anymore but a residual $\varepsilon$ is produced.
   f(u) = 0  \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad f(\tilde u) = \varepsilon
diff --git a/doc/handbook/6_temporaldiscretizations.tex b/doc/handbook/6_temporaldiscretizations.tex
index f3fdb36492e3e90adfcd9a487026b6e7a136fbfb..130df007b9d5fbf4cd82b2389956f8733b33fdaa 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/6_temporaldiscretizations.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/6_temporaldiscretizations.tex
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ with possibly vector-valued quantities $u$, $m$, $q$ and a tensor-valued flux $\
 For the sake of simplicity, we assume scalar quantities $u$, $m$, $q$ and a vector-valued
 flux $\mathbf{f}$ in the notation below.
-For discretizing \eqref{eq:generalbalance} we need to choose an
+For discretizing \eqref{eq:generalbalance}, we need to choose an
 approximation for the temporal derivative $\partial m(u)/\partial t$.
 While many elaborate methods for this approximation exist,
 we focus on the simplest one of a first order difference quotient