diff --git a/doc/handbook/3_tutorialdecoupled.tex b/doc/handbook/3_tutorialdecoupled.tex
index 9fdd91340be2349dc2ec1af4aaa53a59857c1e58..8b91139787056b1cd7b253604d5274a718ada850 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/3_tutorialdecoupled.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/3_tutorialdecoupled.tex
@@ -531,6 +531,32 @@ no matter if we model coupled or decoupled. Try to formulate a spatial parameter
 file that works with both problems, the coupled and the decoupled. Therein, only
 use functions at the position.
+\section{Further Practice}\label{tutorial-furtherpractice}
+If there is a request for further practice, we refer here to the problems, that are already implemented in \Dumux.
+Several examples for coupled and decoupled models can be found in the test-directory. 
+An overview of the available tests cases can be found ...
+\todo{Sollte es auch eine Liste der vorhandenen Tests geben (und auf die Homepage gestellt werden?)?} 
+If the handling of certain features is of special interest, the according test cases can be found via the FeatureList 
+on the \Dumux-homepage.
+\todo{FeatureList: wie wird diese gehandhabt? Wann und in welcher Form kommt sie auf 
+die Homepage?} 
+Another possibility to gain experience with \Dumux is the \Dumux-lecture module. It contains several test cases 
+designed to illustrate the lecture contents. It contains the numerical problems such as the Buckley-Leverett 
+and the McWorther-problems but also examples of current research subjects. 
+An overview over the different examples is given on the Dumux-homepage.
+\todo{Verweis auf Dumux-lecture auf der homepage}
+The \Dumux-lecture module can be obtained as follows:
+$ # make sure you are in DUMUX-Root
+$ svn checkout --username=anonymous --password='' svn://svn.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/DUMUX/dumux-lecture/trunk dumux-lecture
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diff --git a/doc/handbook/4_developingdumux.tex b/doc/handbook/4_developingdumux.tex
index 8305f9f82a22129f9ea2bed172979c4cc7fc9266..8100b0e3c33758ea45e5cd718251b47f1f4ea099 100644
--- a/doc/handbook/4_developingdumux.tex
+++ b/doc/handbook/4_developingdumux.tex
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ can lead to a speedup of factor up to ten!
 In contrast programs that are compiled with optimization can hardly be debugged.
 You can modify the files and add third-party dependencies or additional compiler flags.
+\todo{Hinweis/Beispiel, wie ein anderer Compiler eingebunden werden kann}
 \paragraph{Dunecontrol for selected modules}
 A complete build using \texttt{dunecontrol} takes some time. In many cases not all modules need to be re-built.
 Pass the flag \texttt{--only=dumux} to \texttt{dunecontrol} for configuring or building only \Dumux. A more