[porousmediumflow][2pncmin][nonisothermal] Use mass fractions for diffusive Neumann flux
In the non-isothermal 2pncmin test the mole fraction is used in the problem for calculating the diffusive Neumann flux of the evaporation rate. However, when using a mass-averaged reference system, the mass fraction should be used for the difference quotient of diffusive fluxes.
Therefore, I propose the following correction:
static const Scalar massFracRefH2O = getParam("FreeFlow.RefMassFracH2O");
const Scalar massFracH2OInside = volVars.massFraction(gasPhaseIdx, H2OIdx);
if (massFracH2OInside - massFracRefH2O > 0)
* (massFracH2OInside - massFracRefH2O)
* (massFracH2OInside - massFracRefH2O)
Moreover, the reference value for the free-flow in the input-file should be converted into the mass fraction.
Edited by Timo Koch