Outdated Documentation for MultiDomainNewtonConvergenceWriter
Bug report
What happened / Problem description:
The documentation of MultiDomainNewtonConvergenceWriter
in /home/lars/Git/DUMUX/dumux/dumux/multidomain/newtonconvergencewriter.hh
is outdated
* \ingroup MultiDomain
* \ingroup Nonlinear
* \brief Writes the intermediate solutions for every Newton iteration
* \note To use this create a shared_ptr to an instance of this class in the main file
* and pass it to newton.solve(x, convergencewriter). You can use the reset method
* to write out multiple Newton solves with a unique id, if you don't call use all
* Newton iterations just come after each other in the pvd file.
template <class MDTraits>
class MultiDomainNewtonConvergenceWriter
and should be updated according to the changelog
- The convergence writer is no longer passed to `NewtonSolver`'s `solve()` method.
For outputting convergence data, please use `newtonSolver.attachConvergenceWriter(convWriter)` in `main.cc` (directly after instantiating the writer).
To stop the output, the writer can also be detached again using `newtonSolver.detachConvergenceWriter()`.
- `NewtonConvergenceWriter`'s first template argument has changed from `GridView` to `FVGridGeometry`. This allows to call the `resize()` method after a grid change without any arguments.
Here is an example how to instantiate the convergence writer:
using NewtonConvergenceWriter = Dumux::NewtonConvergenceWriter<FVGridGeometry, SolutionVector>;
auto convergenceWriter = std::make_shared<NewtonConvergenceWriter>(*fvGridGeometry);
What you expected to happen: I expected the note on how to use the class in the documentation to work
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
- Check the documentation of the current master branch
Anything else we need to know?:
The documentation of the NewtonConvergenceWriter also seems to be incorrect:
//! Reset the convergence writer for a possible next Newton step
//! You may set a different id in case you don't want the output to be overwritten by the next step
void reset(std::size_t newId = 0UL)
{ id_ = newId; iteration_ = 0UL; }
this contradicts the note of the MultiDomainConvergenceWriter / unclear.
When reset is not called, the iteration number just increases
- Dune version: 2.9
- DuMux version: master
- Others:
Edited by Lars Kaiser