Implement better tests for freeflow
This isssue has been split into #839 #838 (closed) #837 (closed) and will be closed.
There is a myriad of benchmarks, numerical and analytical solutions for free-flow problems. We should incorporate more of them in our free-flow tests. Thomas and Christoph had some of them for their staggered grid implementation.
Currently, there are two test which come with an analytical solution:
and test_kovasznay
Here a some ideas what could be added:
Analytical solution for simple stationary 2d channel test (test already exists) -
Ghia 1982 -
Transient flow field test with analytical solution -
Transient flow field test: lid driven cavity -
Analytical solution for diffusion (mass/energy) tests -
Ensure same results for mass and mole formulation (see !950 (closed))
More suggestions welcome!
Improve the description of the tests and the help-message
Could be a job for a HiWi.
Edited by Kilian Weishaupt