# SPDX-FileCopyrightInfo: Copyright © DuMux Project contributors, see AUTHORS.md in root folder # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22) project("dumux" C CXX) if(NOT (dune-common_DIR OR dune-common_ROOT OR "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" MATCHES ".*dune-common.*")) string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} dune-common dune-common_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() # find dune-common and set the module path find_package(dune-common) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${dune-common_MODULE_PATH} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") # include the dune macros include(DuneMacros) # option for enabling Python bindings # The default is OFF, however, note that this does not affect upstream modules # since they are configured already before Dumux is configured. We set this option # to have a default for DUMUX_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS that is consistent # with the Dune configuration. option(DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS "Enable Dune Python bindings" OFF) # this option can be used to turn off Dumux Python bindings independent of Dune option(DUMUX_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS "Enable Dumux Python bindings" ${DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS}) if (DUMUX_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS AND NOT DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Using the Python bindings requires DUNE_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS=ON") endif() # If Python bindings are enabled we need to build shared libraries. # Note that when building Dumux with shared libraries, we should also build all # upstream Dune libraries as shared libraries. In the case of mixing # upstream static and downstream shared libraries which depend on the # upstream libraries (e.g. libdumux), there is a risk of symbols existing # multiple times which can lead to nasty memory leaks # (e.g. for global variables such as Dune's stdstreams). # The option BUILD_SHARED_LIBS should be set (e.g. via the cmake.opts file) # and used when configuring and compiling upstream modules (e.g. with dunecontrol). if (DUMUX_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Using the Python bindings requires BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON") endif() # start a dune project with information from dune.module dune_project() # external dependencies include(FetchContent) if (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/gridformat/CMakeLists.txt) FetchContent_Declare(gridformat SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/deps/gridformat") FetchContent_MakeAvailable(gridformat) set(DUMUX_HAVE_GRIDFORMAT true) message(STATUS "Using gridformat from ${gridformat_SOURCE_DIR}") endif() find_package(TBB QUIET) find_package(Kokkos QUIET) find_package(OpenMP QUIET) # Create the dumux library target exported as Dumux::Dumux include(DumuxAddLibrary) dumux_add_library(dumux NAMESPACE Dumux:: EXPORT_NAME Dumux) # enforce C++-20 target_compile_features(dumux PUBLIC cxx_std_20) # check multithreading features include(DumuxMultithreadingBackend) target_compile_definitions(dumux PUBLIC DUMUX_MULTITHREADING_BACKEND=${DUMUX_MULTITHREADING_BACKEND}) if (DUMUX_HAVE_GRIDFORMAT) target_compile_definitions(dumux PUBLIC DUMUX_HAVE_GRIDFORMAT=1) target_link_libraries(dumux INTERFACE gridformat::gridformat) endif() if (TBB_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(dumux PUBLIC DUMUX_HAVE_TBB=1) target_link_libraries(dumux INTERFACE TBB::tbb) endif() if (Kokkos_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(dumux PUBLIC DUMUX_HAVE_KOKKOS=1) target_link_libraries(dumux INTERFACE Kokkos::kokkos) endif() if (OpenMP_FOUND) target_compile_definitions(dumux PUBLIC DUMUX_HAVE_OPENMP=1) target_link_libraries(dumux INTERFACE OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) endif() if (NOT DUMUX_HAVE_STD_FORMAT) dumux_add_library(dumux_format NAMESPACE Dumux:: EXPORT_NAME Format) target_compile_features(dumux_format PUBLIC cxx_std_20) target_link_libraries(dumux INTERFACE dumux_format) endif() # Enable all dune registered packages on the dumux library. dune_target_enable_all_packages(dumux) add_subdirectory(cmake/modules) add_subdirectory(doc) add_subdirectory(dumux) add_subdirectory(test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(examples EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # only add bindings folder if Python bindings are enabled if(DUMUX_ENABLE_PYTHONBINDINGS) add_subdirectory(python) endif() # finalize the dune project, e.g. generating config.h etc. # this will also generate the dumux-config.cmake file which is # used to make Dumux available to other projects set(DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION "include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro)") # make sure downstream projects can find gridformat too if (DUMUX_HAVE_GRIDFORMAT) string(JOIN "\n" DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION ${DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION} "# Make sure gridformat build in dumux is found" "find_dependency(gridformat PATHS ${gridformat_BINARY_DIR}/cmake)" ) endif() # make sure downstream projects can find TBB too if (TBB_FOUND) string(JOIN "\n" DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION ${DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION} "# Make sure TBB is found" "find_dependency(TBB)" ) endif() # make sure downstream projects can find Kokkos too if (Kokkos_FOUND) string(JOIN "\n" DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION ${DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION} "# Make sure Kokkos is found" "find_dependency(Kokkos)" ) endif() # make sure downstream projects can find OpenMP too if (OpenMP_FOUND) string(JOIN "\n" DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION ${DUNE_CUSTOM_PKG_CONFIG_SECTION} "# Make sure OpenMP is found" "find_dependency(OpenMP)" ) endif() finalize_dune_project()