Installation Instructions ========================= This file describes how to compile and install DuMuX using DUNE's standard autotools based build system. If you would like to use the alternative CMake based build system, please read the file INSTALL.cmake. DuMuX is a implemented as an ordinary DUNE module. For a full explanation of the DUNE installation process, please read the installation notes on the internet [0]. The following introduction is meant for the impatient. Getting started --------------- In order to compile DuMuX, you first have to download and extract the following DUNE modules into your source directory: - dune-common from [1] - dune-geometry from [1] - dune-grid from [1] - dune-istl from [1] - dune-localfuctions from [1] Use either the 2.2 release or the 2.3-svn trunk. With option files you can enable options, set compiler flags and define paths to external libraries. Exemplary option files are located in $DUMUX_ROOT/optim.opts and $DUMUX_ROOT/debug.opts respectively. ($DUMUX_ROOT is the directory where the unpacked files of the DuMuX distribution are located.) A mandatory option to be included in CONFIGURE_FLAGS is: --enable-fieldvector-size-is-method Now compile everything with ./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=$(DUMUX_ROOT)/optim.opts --module=dumux all A more comprehensive introduction to the DUNE build system can be found in [2]. Links ----- 0. 1. 2.