[TimeLoop] DtInitial = 1 # [s] TEnd = 2 # [s] [Grid] UpperRight = 10 1 Cells = 100 50 [Problem] Name = test_channel_stokes # name passed to the output routines InletVelocity = 1 EnableGravity = false EnableInertiaTerms = false [ Newton ] MaxSteps = 10 MaxRelativeShift = 1e-8 [Vtk] WriteFaceData = false [Assembly] NumericDifference.BaseEpsilon = 1e-8 # This test does actually not require setting the primary variable magnitues. # This rather serves as a demonstration of how to use the feature. [CellCenter.Assembly] NumericDifference.PriVarMagnitude = 1e5 # pressure is in the order of 1e5 [Face.Assembly] NumericDifference.PriVarMagnitude = 1 # velocity is in the order of 1