#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Script to create a Docker image from a Dune module """ import os import sys import string import shutil import argparse import subprocess from util.moduleinfo import getModuleFile from util.moduleinfo import extractModuleInfos # require python 3 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: sys.exit("\nERROR: Python3 required") def substituteAndWrite(template, target, mapping): """substitute content from template and write to target""" if not os.path.exists(template): sys.exit("Template file '" + template + "' could not be found") with open(target, "w") as targetFile: with open(template) as tmp: raw = string.Template(tmp.read()) targetFile.write(raw.substitute(**mapping)) if __name__ == "__main__": # input argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create a docker image for a given module and install script." ) parser.add_argument("-m", "--modulepath", required=True, help="the path to the your module") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--installScript", required=True, help="Specify the installation script" ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--templateFolder", required=False, help="Specify the folder with the template files" ) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) # get information on the module modulePath = os.path.abspath(args["modulepath"]) modInfo = extractModuleInfos(getModuleFile(modulePath), ["Module", "Maintainer"]) moduleName = modInfo["Module"] moduleMaintainer = modInfo["Maintainer"] dockerTag = moduleName.lower() # docker only supports lower case # get folder with the template files templateFolder = args["templateFolder"] if not templateFolder: templateFolder = os.path.join(__file__, "../dumux/docker") print(f"Folder with template files not given. Defaulting to '{templateFolder}'.") if not os.path.exists(templateFolder): sys.exit(f"Template folder {templateFolder} could not be found") print("*" * 54) print("\n-- Creating a Docker image for module " + moduleName + " --\n") print("*" * 54) if os.path.exists("docker"): print( "\nA docker folder already exists. " "Continue anyway? - will be overwritten - [y/N]\n" ) delete = input() if delete in ("y", "Y"): shutil.rmtree("docker") print("--> Deleted old docker folder.") else: sys.exit("Abort.") os.mkdir("docker") print("--> Created the folder 'docker'.") # copy install script into docker folder and make it executable installScriptPath = args["installScript"] installScriptName = os.path.split(installScriptPath)[1] installScript = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "docker"), installScriptName) shutil.copy(installScriptPath, installScript) os.system(f"chmod +x {installScript}") print( f"--> Using install script: {installScript} " f"to install dependencies for module {moduleName}." ) # write setpermissions helper script substituteAndWrite( template=os.path.join(templateFolder, "setpermissions.sh.template"), target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "docker/setpermissions.sh"), mapping={}, ) print("--> Created permission helper script for easier container setup.") # write welcome message file substituteAndWrite( template=os.path.join(templateFolder, "WELCOME.template"), target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "docker/WELCOME"), mapping={"modName": moduleName, "modFolder": moduleName}, ) print("--> Created welcome message displayed on Docker container startup.") # write readme file substituteAndWrite( template=os.path.join(templateFolder, "README.md.template"), target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "docker/README.md"), mapping={"modName": moduleName, "dockerTag": dockerTag}, ) print("--> Created README.md on how to use the docker image.") # write helper file for container spin-up (make it executable after creation) dockerScript = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"docker/docker_{dockerTag}.sh") substituteAndWrite( template=os.path.join(templateFolder, "docker.sh.template"), target=dockerScript, mapping={"dockerTag": dockerTag}, ) os.system("chmod +x " + dockerScript) print("--> Created helper script to spin up the docker container.") # write the docker file substituteAndWrite( template=os.path.join(templateFolder, "Dockerfile.template"), target=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "docker/Dockerfile"), mapping={ "modName": moduleName, "modMaintainer": moduleMaintainer, "dockerTag": dockerTag, "instScript": installScriptName, }, ) print("--> Created Dockerfile. You can adapt it to your needs.") print() print("Do you want to directly build the Docker image? [y/N]") build = input() if build in ("y", "Y"): print("Building Docker image... this may take several minutes.") try: os.chdir("docker") subprocess.run( ["docker", "build", "-f", "Dockerfile", "-t", dockerTag, "."], check=True ) os.chdir("../") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: os.chdir("../") sys.exit("ERROR: docker image build failed") print( "", f"Successfully built image: {dockerTag}. ", "Have a look at docker/README.md.", "Check the container by running " f"'docker run -it {dockerTag} /bin/bash' in the same " "directory as the Dockerfile, and try using the convenience script " f"docker_{dockerTag}.sh", "See docker/README.md for more information.", ) else: print( "You can build your Docker image later by running " f"'docker build -f Dockerfile -t {dockerTag}' ." "from within the folder 'docker' that was created by this script, " "and in which you should find the 'Dockerfile'." )