/* begin dumux put the definitions for config.h specific to your project here. Everything above will be overwritten */ /* begin private */ /* Name of package */ #define PACKAGE "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@" /* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "@DUNE_MAINTAINER@" /* Define to the full name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_NAME "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@" /* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_STRING "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@ @DUNE_MOD_VERSION@" /* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "@DUNE_MOD_NAME@" /* Define to the home page for this package. */ #define PACKAGE_URL "@DUNE_MOD_URL@" /* Define to the version of this package. */ #define PACKAGE_VERSION "@DUNE_MOD_VERSION@" /* end private */ /* Define to the version of dumux */ #define DUMUX_VERSION "${DUMUX_VERSION}" /* Define to the major version of dumux */ #define DUMUX_VERSION_MAJOR ${DUMUX_VERSION_MAJOR} /* Define to the minor version of dumux */ #define DUMUX_VERSION_MINOR ${DUMUX_VERSION_MINOR} /* Define to the revision of dumux */ #define DUMUX_VERSION_REVISION ${DUMUX_VERSION_REVISION} /* Define the path to dumux */ #define DUMUX_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" /* Define to 1 if Valgrind was found */ #cmakedefine HAVE_VALGRIND 1 /* Define to 1 if gnuplot was found */ #cmakedefine HAVE_GNUPLOT 1 /* Define path to gnuplot executable */ #cmakedefine GNUPLOT_EXECUTABLE "@GNUPLOT_EXECUTABLE@" /* Define to 1 if gstat was found */ #cmakedefine HAVE_GSTAT 1 /* Define path to gstat executable */ #cmakedefine GSTAT_EXECUTABLE "@GSTAT_EXECUTABLE@" /* Defines whether pvpython has been found */ #cmakedefine HAVE_PVPYTHON 1 /* Define the path to pvpython */ #define PVPYTHON_EXECUTABLE "${PVPYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" /* end dumux Everything below here will be overwritten */