# set up project project("dumux" C CXX) # general stuff cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) if(NOT (dune-common_DIR OR dune-common_ROOT OR "${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}" MATCHES ".*dune-common.*")) string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} dune-common dune-common_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) endif() #find dune-common and set the module path find_package(dune-common) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${dune-common_MODULE_PATH} "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") #include the dune macros include(DuneMacros) # start a dune project with information from dune.module dune_project() dune_enable_all_packages() # enforce C++-14 dune_require_cxx_standard(MODULE "DuMuX" VERSION 14) add_subdirectory(cmake/modules) add_subdirectory(doc) add_subdirectory(dumux) add_subdirectory(test EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) add_subdirectory(tutorial EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) if(DUNE_COMMON_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.5) # de-activate testing the DUNE way # now ctest (aka make test) does not build the tests set(DUNE_TEST_MAGIC OFF) endif() # finalize the dune project, e.g. generating config.h etc. finalize_dune_project(GENERATE_CONFIG_H_CMAKE)