\section{Parameters in \Dumux} \label{sc_parameterfiles} Simulation parameters can be parsed to the program via a parameter file or the command line. A list of all available parameters is provided in the Doxygen documentation of the file \texttt{parameterfile}, which is accessible via \texttt{Modules -> Parameters}. After having run the example application from section \ref{quick-start-guide} you will get the following output at the end of the simulation run \footnote{If you did not get the output, restart the application the following way: \texttt{./test{\_}box2p -PrintParameters true}, this will print the parameters once your simulation is finished}: \begin{lstlisting}[style=Bash] # Run-time specified parameters: [ Grid ] File = "./grids/test_2p.dgf" [ Implicit ] EnableJacobianRecycling = "1" EnablePartialReassemble = "1" [ Problem ] Name = "lensbox" [ SpatialParams ] LensLowerLeftX = "1.0" LensLowerLeftY = "2.0" LensUpperRightX = "4.0" LensUpperRightY = "3.0" [ TimeManager ] DtInitial = "250" TEnd = "3000" # DEPRECATED run-time specified parameters: PrintParameters = "1" # Replace by: [ TimeManager ] PrintParameters = "1" # Compile-time specified parameters: [ Implicit ] EnableHints = "0" MassUpwindWeight = "1" MaxTimeStepDivisions = "10" MobilityUpwindWeight = "1" NumericDifferenceMethod = "1" UseTwoPointFlux = "0" [ LinearSolver ] MaxIterations = "250" PreconditionerRelaxation = "1" ResidualReduction = "1e-06" Verbosity = "0" [ Newton ] WriteConvergence = "0" [ Problem ] EnableGravity = "1" [ TimeManager ] MaxTimeStepSize = "1.79769e+308" [ Vtk ] AddVelocity = "0" # UNUSED parameters: ImportantVariable = "1" \end{lstlisting} A number of things can be learned: \begin{itemize} \item \emph{run-time} parameters can be changed without re-compiling \item \emph{deprecated run-time} parameters will be removed in the next release \item \emph{compile-time} parameters cannot be overwritten by the input file \item \emph{unused} are not used by the simulation (maybe typo or wrong group) \end{itemize} All applications have a help message which you can read by giving \texttt{--help} as a command line argument to the application. For further details, please have a look for \texttt{Dune::ParameterTree} in the \Dune documentation.